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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 28 min ago

Amelia Averyonna


Location: Her new apartment
Interacting With: No one.


Amelia sighed to herself as she looked over Beverly Hills from one of the many windows in her hotel room. The city spread up before her, filled with lights and sounds as people went about their business, going to parties, throwing parties, or probably doing something serious instead of getting wasted. Whatever they were doing, she really didn't care at the moment. All she knew was they she hated her situation. She had been getting ready to spend the school year with her friends when her father said she was being transferred to another school and that she would be living on her own for a her high school years, with her family sending money to her for food and other necessities, as well as a little splurging. About three-hundred dollars a week apparently. She doubt she would ever use all the money. She hoped she never did.

Pushing such thoughts away, she turned to her room and looked around. Her father's rise in position had been fast and sudden, giving him the ability to reserve a luxury hotel room just for her, which made her wonder if he was doing something illegal. Before her was the kitchen/living room combo, which had been filled with boxes just a few hours ago. Now, it was empty, save for the furniture that came with the room, which included a glass table and chairs, wide screen tv, a sofa, and a black marble island surrounded by matching countertops and all the fancy modern appliances. She didn't much care for any of it, but she knew she would enjoy having it all the same, as it made the room feel more like a home.

Moving over to the kitchen, she rummaged through the fridge and pulled out several items before turning on the TV and getting to work, making herself a salad consisting of tomatoes, iceberg and romaine lettuce, red cabbage, shredded carrots, onions, cucumber, and feta cheese. Sitting on the sofa, she flicked through the channels until settling on NatGeo. She took her time and put her dishes in the sink before heading to the bathroom, complete with double sink, a shower and a separate bath. Drawing up the later, she got ready before settling down for a nice soak, the warm water helping her think. She knew she should see this as an opportunity, but she couldn't help but hate being separated from everyone she knew on her parents' whim. But she knew she couldn't disappoint them, so she would deal with this and make it through as best she could, hopefully to her parents approval.

When she finished, Amelia climbed out and dried herself off, wrapping the towel around herself before brushing her teeth and washing her face. When she was done with that, she headed to the apartment's bedroom. It had a walk in closet but it was barely even a tenth of the way full with Amelia's cloths. Picking out a plain white shirt and black pajama bottoms, she got dressed for the night before getting into the bed that was obviously meant for two people. She had a long day ahead of her, and she wanted to get as much rest as she could. She lay awake for almost an hour, before finally falling into a restless sleep, toss and turning through the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Location: Sophie's house then the party
Interacting with: NPC (nobody yet ;) *winking intensifies*)

How could one properly describe Sophie's first week of school? Well if one were to really think about it, no description could truly do justice for what drama had already occurred, but it was to be expected, this is Beverly Hills after all.

Overall, the whole week was one big blur to Sophie. She remembered the little club-fair on the first day of school that was supposed to "encourage" students of all social class to intermingle and go outside their comfort zone. Of course, Sophie knew that was not going to happen. She knew that something like a Jock becoming friends with someone of a lower social class was almost as bad, if not worse, than a guy getting his girlfriend pregnant. In short, it the chances of the fair actually working how the teachers panned out, is practically nonexistent. Aside from that, it was just another school year for Sophie; avoiding just about everyone except the teachers and focusing on her school work.

That is, until she suddenly received a text message about some sort of party going on at some private beach. Sophie had looked over the text and figured it was some sort of mistake (though she was curious as to how someone got her phone number without her knowing). She was about to delete the text and go about her merry way, when her mother had snuck up behind her and saw the text message. Her mother practically dragged her to the party by her ankles, telling Sophie how this was her senior year and how she should have some fun and make some friends before the year was over. Of course, Sophie knew better. She knew this wasn't going to be some sort of little get together or tea party. This was going to be a bunch of horny, drunk teenagers grinding on each other or trying to get it on. The thought of it made Sophie cringe with disgust.

Now Sophie found herself at the outer most edge of the party. The music was blaring, kids were drunk and grinding, and she was pretty sure she saw a couple swim suits and underwear littered on the sand or hanging on a rock or tree. It was everything Sophie knew it would be and it disgusted her. She was leaning her back against a tree and was covered in the darkness of night; nobody would even notice her and if they did... well no guy would try to hit on a girl wearing a lose, long, plain grey T-shirt, black jeggings, and black converse sneakers, whether they were drunk or sober; not at a beach party, at least. Aside from her lack of sexy appearance, she wore an expression of true disgust and unamusement with her hands covering her ears. It was clear that she was not having fun or enjoying the party in the slightest. "god I wish I had deleted that text sooner."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: My Beach Bitches!
Interaction With: N/A

Kicking her legs just enough to keep her above the water, Tis floated over a wave in the ocean. In the distance beyond the sound of crashing waves she could hear the party going on. Music was blaring, people were shouting and laughing, all of the ingredients for a perfect party. Tis was taking a break from it all for a moment. She had been working on this party all day, getting the final preparations together. And after a quick dip into the ocean she'd be perfectly ready to get drunk off her ass. Tis had learned the hard way not to get drunk before going into the ocean. Subconsciously she rubbed a part of her body when she had cut herself.

Deciding that she had been floating around out in the water long enough, Tis flipped over and began swimming to shore. She was fairly far out at this point, partially because of the current, but also she wanted to be far enough that no drunk people would disturb her small escape. After five minutes of coasting with the waves, Tis strode out of the water onto the sandy beach. Reaching her hands up to the mess of hair about her face, she pulled it back over her shoulders, squeezing most of the water out. Interestingly enough, her hair had used to be dark brown when she was a kid, but all the salt water and sunlight had sunbleached her hair.

Not caring about the water dripping off of her small bathing suit, she beelined straight towards her personal stash of alcohol and broke out a bottle of rum. It wasn't really that she liked the taste of rum, but it really did make her seem more like a pirate. Sighing happily as she took a deep sip, Tis began to walk back to the party looking for someone to get drunk with. "Duuudes, let's get shipwrecked!"

Location: Atlantis Strang's Private Beach
Interaction With: Sophie Blackthorn - @Ace of flames01

Will silently cursed Tis's name as he climbed through the forest towards the party. Only a numbskull like her would throw a party out in the middle of nowhere. Here he was, forced to go to his ex's party by his sports buddies, and they were (just like this party's location) nowhere to be found. It might have been his fault since he did manage to get himself lost, but he never had been that great at directions. Tripping over a root, Will stumbled through a bush into an opening. Standing somewhere to the side of the party, he looked over the glowing beach and let out an impressed whistle. For Tis, this was something special. Whoever, or whatever got her focused enough to set up this party was really something special.

Picking up one of the glowing sticks popping out of the sand he casually threw it down the beach while looking for one of his friends. This party wouldn't be much fun if he got drunk by himself. Picking up another he tossed it without looking and was rewarded by a small squeak as he nailed someone in the head. "Oh, shit!" Ducking his head before the girl he hit saw him, Will started walking fast down the edge of the beach. Glancing back over his shoulder to see if the person he hit saw him, Will couldn't see the person he ran right into and knocked over. "Fuck, I'm sorry, wasn't looking where I was going." Reaching out a hand he helped the girl he knocked over to her feet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bee
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Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 9 days ago

Charlotte Lee

Charlotte's G37 -> The Party
Charlotte's Outfit

The soft purr of the six cylinder engine inside Charlotte's Japanese-made coupe complimented the rap that was playing at a moderate volume as she made her way to the party that was ongoing. It was Atlantis's idea, a beach of sorts which she had never been to before, but a few of her friends had sent her the address so that issue was taken care of rather quickly. She barely knew Atlantis, but because everyone was so intertwined, practically everyone who mattered was invited and was probably there already. Someone had told her that if she could feel the bass rumbling her car, she was getting warmer. And if she could see lights and whatnot in the distance, then she had arrived. Just based on the descriptions sent to her about the party, it sounded like it was going to be a good time. In fact, it sounded lit.

As Charlotte drove closer to the location, she could actually feel the bass rattle the cabin of her car. This was it, she had finally showed up at the party, and was ready to join everyone else there, this time not wearing something simple like shorts and a tank-top, but an outfit she actually put some time to put together. However, there was one minor thing as she pulled into the parking lot nearby. She needed to go through the trail nearby in order to actually get to the party. It was super shady, especially at this time, but she figured that she could hold herself together and not topple over and embarrass herself on the way there. She fell plenty enough on the softball field or on the basketball court, she didn't need to fall more outside the athletic world.

Charlotte pulled into a parking spot, shutting off her car and putting it into a position where it would stay where she parked it. The tall half-Asian girl then exited her car, walking towards the trail. There didn't seem to be anyone else nearby, so she was probably late, but it was appropriate anyway, it was good to be fashionably late. This wasn't the first Queen Bee party she'd necessarily been to, but this was the first one at the beach she'd ever been to. She looked forward to having a bit of fun as she traversed the trail, taking slow and steady steps just to make sure she maintained her composure and didn't topple over.

Her feet sank into the pale sand as she finally conquered the little trail, now only a few yards away from the deafeningly loud music. She saw faces she recognized, she saw faces she didn't recognize. If she bumped into someone, then that would be great, but she would be fine just hanging out and having a few drinks if she didn't bump into anyone she recognized, mainly Hana since Charlotte liked to hang out with her. And so, Charlotte made a bee-line to the drinks table, trying to get herself something fun to drink to get her party started.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

LOCATION — Singh Residence
TIME — 8:10-8:30PM


You’re really not going?


Why? Don’t tell me it’s because of what happened with with your crush and the king-to-be?


Really? You’re not even going to say anything, Jason? Whatever, you do what you want. See if I care. Just know that you’re going to miss out on your only chance of possibly getting to know her. Maybe I might just tell her you’re staying home because you’re being a little bitch.

Jason didn’t say anything. He wanted to, but Kareena was right on all points. Ever since he came home and he had been moping in his room. He played Assassin’s Creed II ever since then. Even with texts coming in every now and then, Jay didn’t respond to them. Hell, he hasn’t checked his phone since the moment he walked into the door with Kareena. When he went upstairs, he could hear her tell her parents about what happened to Jay earlier in the day.

Jay heard all of it and he had been sulking in his room since then. His sister’s words were sinking into his gut, and he was feeling even worse than he did before. She was right, after all. Every single thing she said about him not going to the party that obviously everyone was invited to. Though he hadn’t checked it, he was sure his phone had directions to that party. It sucked because Jay, even if minimal, kind of wanted to go, but the fears that he’d stick out like a sore thumb began to set in almost immediately. Added to that, after how things were left off with Sierra, about how he lied to her face, and how he pretty much was verbally absent, he couldn’t face her.

So, as he made Ezio jump from a building into a stack of hay, Jay got a phone call. Instead of a text, there was a phone call. Unlike the previous times before, he decided to check it. He saw it was Jade. Hesitating, Jay answered it after the third ring.


Hey there cousin!

Hey Jade.” Jay said with a reserved tone.

What’s wrong?” she inquired.

Nothing, “ he brushed her worry away, “what’s up?

Oh, well just getting ready for Rhett’s Beach Party. You’re coming, right?” It sounded more like a reassuring statement of facts rather than an actual question.

Jay hesitated his response for a few seconds. This alerted Jade.

Jasooonn!” Jade elevated her voice.


Don’t be.

I think I’m going to stay home tonight. I wouldn’t fit in.

Fit in? Do you know who is going to be there? Ely, Davy that skater dude, Tis the ever-strange, and don’t even get me started on the host.” Jade said, trying to give Jay some reason to go.

I don’t know…

Listen, if things get too socially-awkward for you, I’ll leave too, and we’ll go somewhere else. Deal?

Though he really wanted to decline her offer, Jason had to admit that Jade was good with her words because he was finding it hard to not say anything that didn’t include the words ‘okay, you win’. “Alright, I’ll go.” Look at that, he said different words than he thought he was going to.

Wonderful. I’ll have Uncle Leo pick you up, in — oh, how does twenty minutes sound? — I mean, that’s how long it’ll take him to get there, and by the time you get here, we’ll be ready.


Okay cool. See ya then, cuz.” Jade said.

The call ended.

As he set his phone on his dresser that had his television on it, Jay didn’t know what he agreed to. At first, he thought he wasn’t going to leave the house, but now it seemed he was going to the party. How did this even happen? He had a plan, but somehow Jade was able to convince him otherwise. She was the only one that was able to do that to him. His mother had tried to get him to change his decision regarding the party. His sister, though a bit blunt, tried, but gave up not too long ago. Yet, someone who didn’t even live with him, was able to convince him otherwise.

Oh well. Jason would simply have to roll with it for the time being. He first would have to choose an outfit. “It was a beach party, right?” Yeah, it was. That meant Jay would be wise to wear something beachy, maybe a pair of swim trunks or something of the like? Jay didn’t know. And the fact that seven minutes had already passed wasn’t easing his anxiety. “Oh whatever,” Jay decided to throw caution into the wind. He just grabbed something from his dresser, and made a beeline for the bathroom that he and Kari both shared.

Once in, he got dressed as quickly as he could. He got his trunks on, his shirt, and a single hair tie to ball up his hair into a single bun. It wasn’t glamorous. Jay had some strands of hair that were falling to the side of his head, but it really didn’t matter. He was dressed. It was just as well because he heard a honk from outside his window. Jason’s window faced the front of the house. When he pulled away the dark green curtain from his window, he saw his Uncle Leo. He was standing beside his car. He had the most ridiculous smile on his face.

JASON!” Jay heard his sister call out.

Coming!” Jay hollered out to Kari. He got his towel, grabbed his phone, and took to a light sprint to the stairs, he went down the stairs, zoomed through the house. “See ya!” he quickly waved to his parents, and Jay closed the door behind him.

When he got to his Uncle Leo’s car, he gave him a smile, to which his uncle responded with a brofist. JAy didn’t quite understand what was happening, but he went with it. He always liked his uncle. It sucked that he never got to see him as much as he wanted to. Jason remember the old days when he was little that he would spend nights and weekends over at his uncle’s house and with Jade and his Aunt Riley and Jackson. But as the years went on, the times he would spend over there gradually faded into the realm of nonexistent. So, he would savor this time for as long as he could, even if it was just for about ten or fifteen minutes.

LOCATION — Drake Residence → Open Road → Aspen Residence → Beach Party
INTERACTIONS — Each other, Jay, Uncle Leo and Aunt Riley, Summer @lovely complex, and Tis @Wintergrey
TIME — 8:30-9:10PM

As Jade set her phone on her bed, she laid there in the nude. She stared at the ceiling for a few moments. She wasn’t thinking about anything in particular. Although, her mind did kind of wander into the realm of the party. A lot of people were going to be there. On the top of her head, Jar was going to be there. What fun that will be - to see her ex at a party where he’ll be whoring around to the sluts at the party. Well, not like Jade was one who could talk since she had a reputation around Beverly Hills High for being the school slut.

Once she mentally decided that she had spent enough time letting her mind drift off, Jade perked her upper body up, and swung her lower body around to where her bare feet were on the floor. As she stood up, the blonde teen went through her dresser to dig for something to wear. It took her a few moments, but she found something suitable. It was a little bright, but she wasn’t feeling red or black.It was whatever. She threw it on. It was a tye-dye shirt with a 70s-inspired design on it, and a pair of bright yellow shorts.

Once dressed, Jade grabbed a backpack that had some goods that Jade picked up from Hana earlier in the day. It was a B.Y.O.B. type of party. Some brought food, some brought drinks. Jade was bringing the party favors. Someone had to, right?

As Jade left her room, Jackson bumped into her. “Watch where you’re going!” Jackson said.

Oh shove it.” Jade retorted. She noticed Jackson was a bit on edge, more so than he usually was. “Hey, you all good, Jackie?” Jade was actually concerned. Jackson seemed to be seething rather than his energetic rage.

I’m fine. Let’s just go.

But you’r--

I said let’s go.


Jade knew earlier was intense. He was shot down by Eve worse than even Jade thought he could. In all honesty, as much as she mocked him for it, Jade actually admired that Jackson was able to hold onto that glimmer of hope of possibly having a shot with Eve. For a moment, it seemed that he did, but Eve turned him down so hard that it completely wrecked him. Even after the topic of Summer came up, Jade noticed something very off about Jackson. It was unsettling.

When the two entered the kitchen, they saw that Leo and Jay were sitting at the kitchen table just talking. Riley was also at the table, talking with them. It had been so long since Jason had been at the house, so it was nice. Jade wondered how long exactly Jay had been here. Did they arrive when Jade was lost in thought? It didn’t matter. Jade simply smiled at them, but Jackson had other ideas.

We’re leaving.” Jackson said rather rudely, snatching up the car keys. Apparently he was driving.

Jade tugged Jay along with her arm, waving bye to her uncle and aunt. Jay looked at Jade briefly, as if wondering if Jackson was okay. Jade didn’t know what to say to him, so she simply gave him a reassuring nod and a smile to accompany it. Whether that was to assure him or her, Jade didn’t know. All she knew was that Jackson wasn’t in a good state right now.

As soon as they got into Leo’s car, which was a 2009 Ford F150 of maroon color, it took off with the engine revving as only the engine of a truck that size could. Jade was in the driver’s seat while Jay took the back seat.

There was mostly silence aside the occasional coughing and idle chit-chat - well, that was until they arrived at the Aspen House. They were giving Summer a ride to the party with them. Jade literally took a backseat to Summer as she would take Jade’s spot in the frontseat. It was with her arrival that the silence would be killed quickly as she and Jackson(mainly Summer) talked. Jade had to admit that she never knew someone could talk so much. She kept going and going and going.

As Summer talked up a storm to Jackson, Jade noticed her other cousin was feeling anxious. Jade, knowing that this was probably a bad idea, reached into her bag. “Hey, Jay..” she tugged on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll have fun. In case you’re worried, try one of these. You might enjoy the sensation.” Jade whispered. She secretly handed him one of her party favors. “Take it now, and in 30 minutes you’ll feel better. Here’s another one for good measure.

The path only took five minutes of walking. Jay and Jade let Summer and Jackson go on ahead as they were probably mostly interested in talking to each other. Or rather, Summer gawking at Jackson. “She’s so obvious.


Summer, Jay. Look at her - trying to get Jackson to notice her. And he’s not even noticing any of it. The idiot.


I mean, look at how she’s hitting his shoulder. If ever you find a girl doing that, notice it. Push her back gently. She’ll dig it.


Jade kind of laughed. Jackson being clueless and Jay was confused. How could both of her cousins be such idiots but in different ways? Jade sighed. At least she had her party favors to give out...for a price. She snickered as the group of four finally arrived at the party.

Well now, this is rather impressive.” Jade let out a loud whistle.

She was indeed impressed. She wasn’t expecting it to be so elaborately decorated. From the bonfire to the floating lights, Jade had to admit that Rhett and Tis outdid herself.

Speaking of the surfer chick, there she was. And Jade, just for a brief moment, was..breathless. Tis had always been an odd one, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t good looking. On the contrary, Jade would go out of her way to say that Atlantis was one of the hottest girls at Beverly Hills High School. The problem with most of the so-called girls was that they were fake. Either they wanted to get at you for some reason or they wanted something. Tis, however, wasn’t like that. What you saw was what you got. She was a unique brand of female, and Jade found that to be quite hot. Plus, the way her nipples were showing through her bathing suit - well, one could say that Jade was moments away from getting wet herself.

Hey Jay, I’ll be over there with Tis if you need me. Try socializing. You might like it.” Jade gave Jason a long hug, squeezing him tightly.

Jade would then run over to Tis. She definitely wanted to make herself known to the hottie.

When Jade left to go greet the person who was really responsible for the party, Jay was surrounded by people passing him by. He stuck to quick movements to move out of their way until he found himself in the shadows simply watching. The teen watched as he saw people he knew, people he saw as peers, and people he had only seen a handful of times during his three, going on four years, of high school. He watched as the hollored at the top of their lungs to teh sounds of the songs that played over the course of the next ten minutes. He observed them in stealthy silence. His brown eyes examined all of them as the feeling of loneliness increased.

She promised..

Jason Singh wondered about the little pill that Jade gave him. Over the seconds that passed, he kept on thinking about it. He didn’t know what it was, but Jade’s judgement was impeccable. Still, he was wary. Jay wasn’t one to give into peer pressure. He tried to follow the rules as much as he could, but time was escaping him, and he couldn’t help but feel that maybe Jade was right. Perhaps it could help him socialize better. Still..
She promised…

Jay stepped out of the shadows only to look around more. He saw Jade still talking to Tis. Jay wasn’t angry, but he wasn’t necessarily feeling positive at the moment. He was left alone by Jade when she promised that she wouldn’t leave his side. He began to think how could she do this to him? He shouldn't think like that, but when he felt like that, it was hard for Jason to come back from it. All the time he was feeling unhappy and pity for himself, Jay’s sight came to the pill.

His eyes fell up, they fell right, and there Jay saw her. She was not only here, but she was as beautiful as ever. So close, but yet there were leagues between them. Sierra was there, looking like she always does: absolute perfection. There were two things stopping him from walking over there. One, of course, being his own mind working against him. No matter what he would tell himself, he couldn’t go over there. He lied about checking her out earlier, so going over htere would catch him in a lie. The second thing, of course was..it was..

Rhett, and..uhh, Jar?

Jay felt this odd sensation of...calamity pass through his body. It was, at first, a pulsating feeling. He gripped his heart briefly, but then that pulse stopped. Before he knew it, Jason was smiling. Not only was he smiling, but he found himself uncontrollably giggling. It wa out of place for this introvert, but it was happening. Before he knew it, Jay was walking around the beach, his eyes widened slightly, a smile on his face, and eyes looking at all of the colorful light. “Pretty,” he said, as he spun around.

Whatever that pill was, Jay had no cares anymore. He was in complete bliss. And more importantly, all anxious thoughts he had about Sierra being over there with Rhett and the raven haired-male was nonexistent. He had his eyes set on the lights. For now, that held his interest. Who knew how long that would last, though.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Filthy Mudblood
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Filthy Mudblood love the dress. hate her.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: her house --- beach partyyyy
Interacting with: litterally no one bc she's a fkn loser a few NPC's.

I've always thought that first impressions were important - wayyy too important to miss. So why does my body decide to go to absolute crap on the first day of school? I don't get it. I had to miss the day in which everyone would hug and ask about each other's summer, there would be no drama and there would most likely be chocolate. I repeat: I had to miss chocolate all because of some stupid flu. Yeah, it's most likely best that I didn't turn up and puke all over everyone but still, the first bloody day without me. I guess this party is my saving grace...


It had taken twelve phonecalls, sixteen different facebook messages and at least a hundred texts for Hayden to end up staring at herself in the mirror and regretting the chocolate-dipped strawberries she had just eaten. It wasn't obvious that she had eaten so much, and her stomach looked as flat as it usually did, but part of her was expecting her to swell up to look as full as she felt underneath the denim shorts. She was feeling miles better than she had this morning, when she had wanted to curl up and die. She had seriously been contemplating giving up on school altogether and moving to Africa. Of course, that didn't happen after she received the text about the party. She had no idea who it was from, but it had seemed to have miraculously restored her health and, before she knew it, she was singing along to her favourite playlist and burning her fingers on her straighteners. The distant honk of a horn pulled her out of her reverie and sent her flying down the stairs in a flurry of excitement, past regrets forgotten.

"TINYYYY!" A series of oh-so-familiar squeals seemed to bounce off of the houses in Hayden's street as her friends greeted her from the car parked outside. She grinned at the sight of them hanging out of the windows and offered the girls an enthusiastic wave. Time to go back to being normal happy Hayden - no more illness.

Hayden's mother had been reluctant to let her go after the state she had been in that morning, but finally relented after at least an hour of persuading. The blonde spared a glance back to where her mother was peeking out of the window and blew an affectionate kiss towards the woman before sliding into the car. There was seven people squeezed into a five-seater, so she was forced to sit on someone's knee. She suspected her ass was a little bony, so she attempted (and failed) to lift the majority of her weight in an awkward squatting position. The real question was: would this be worth the cramp?

The journey to the party itself consisted of a series of gushing compliments and pouting about Hayden not being there for the first day back. She was also updated on the gossip, which was primarily about Dominique, the Queen Bee, and the possible future Queen, Alyssa Green. Sure, a lot had happened, but Hayden found herself sagging in relief as nothing that concerned her directly had taken place. The small group had continued their chatting along the hike, and she let herself relax, easing into the conversation and laughing along every time someone would make a joke - usually at someone else's expense.

"You managed to get laid yet, Hay?" The question caused Hayden to flush darkly and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Nah." She concealed her embarrassment with a short laugh. "Im saving myself."

"You're sixteen now...you need to get some action!"

"I'm pretty sure my ovaries won't wither and die because I've not had sex since my sixteenth birthday." Hayden's sarcasm quickly put aside the subject and they moved on to chat about Justin Bieber...again. The recently released nudes of the guy was passed around, resulting in a round of giggles. It was moments like this that Hayden realised how bored she was with her usual way of life. She wanted to break the rules, be reckless, and have fun.

Their laughter was soon distinguished, however, as they finally arrived at the beach and took in the sight before them. Clearly a lot of effort had been put into the set up, but it was worth it. It was amazingly bright, and already bustling with teenagers laughing and drinking and dancing. She had promised herself that she wouldn't be drinking tonight, mainly due to her still unstable stomach but also down to the fact that she was worried that after a summer of partying, she might get a little too carried away on a school night. She had never been much of a drinker, but one night she had managed to perhaps cross the line just a little and she woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. There was also the fact that she was in a bush, but goodness knows how that managed to happen.


Her eyes grazed the crowd, focusing on anyone she recognised for a moment before pulling her eyes away. She would never admit it, but her glance was maybe searching for someone in particular. Someone with the name of-

"Ohhh, there's that guy you like, Tiny."

A voice, one that was way way too loud, belonged to a girl standing next to her - one of her best friends, Gemma. Following the girl's gaze, her eyes landed on a familiar blonde head of hair. Before anyone could notice the blood rushing to her face, Hayden grabbed Gemma's hand and wiggled her eyebrows. "More importantly, there's glow sticks over there." Not without affection, she rolled her eyes at Gemma's puzzled expression. "I need someone to glow me the fuck up."

Six tubes of glow-in-the-dark paint later, the pair's arms were decorated with spirals of pink and yellow and green. Before long, however, Hayden was left alone after Gemma went off with some other guy. Her eyes drifted over to Jackson for a second once more, but she quickly dragged her gaze away in a fluster as she recognised the blonde girl speaking to him to be Summer. He was a senior, anyway, and they were polar opposites.

Instead of approaching him, Hayden manoeuvred her way through the crowd towards the sea. She had slipped her shoes off earlier, so she strided purposefully onwards with her usual grace until she was knee-deep in the water. It was cold, and the ends of her kimono were getting drenched, but she stood and just watched the waves, mesmerised by their rhythm. It was times like this when she yearned to just dance; she didn't even need music, just her heartbeat and the soft sighing of the waves.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Location: Sophie's house then the party
Interacting with: Will @Wintergrey

Not long after arriving at the party, a sudden glow stick hit her in the back of the head. "Ow...!" She quietly said aloud, then looked around to see what had hit her. After a few moments of looking, she found it. It was a lit glow stick, now in the sand by her feet.

Sophie kneeled down and picked it up, only to be knocked back down by some idiot that wasn't looking where they were going. He had immediately apologized and offered to help, and Sophie was about to graciously accept his offer until she realized who had knocked her down, that is. It may be dark outside, but Sophie could make this guy's features easily. It was a jock, and no ordinary one at that, it was Will. Will was the kind of guy she despised more than anything, the kind of guy she tries to constantly avoid and right now. No good things come from associating with people like him.

Sophie sighed then got to her feet and walked away without saying a word to him, acting as if nothing had even happened, like she couldn't hear or see Will, like she bumped into an invisible force or tripped and fell. Ignoring him and avoiding him is the only thing she could do to avoid any further trouble and not become his next potential victim. She bee lined it straight to the one place she did not want to go to; the dance floor, hoping that if Will decided to follow her, would end up getting lost in the crowd. She eventually made her way through the crowd of sweaty, drunk teenagers and emerged through the other side alone. "I think I lost him... thank God..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Why are we here? ← Alyssa’s Black 2017 mercedes benz s-class
Featuring: Her Majesty Alyssa, Dancing Queen Audrey, Lead Vocalist Eve
Time: to drink
Credit goes to Altered Tundra for the name: The Unholy Trinity
Collab with: @Dirty Pretty Lies & @Universorum

Surprise feature of Niles!

The Trinity would be fashionably late. They wouldn’t be them if they didn’t take their time to arrive at a party that wasn’t thrown by one of their own. Oh, and there is this unspoken rule that if the Queen Bee is not directly throwing the event, she can arrive whenever she deems fit since it is her right. By the snacks table, Niles McMillan, the head geek, regretting having said yes to Alba to come to this shitshow, stuffed his face with gummy bears before someone with a camera approached him. Both he and this stranger glanced over at the entrance by the woods only for them to freeze in silence at the arrival of the infamous “Unholy Trinity”. It was one thing to see them by themselves walking down the hall, but when they were together… the intensity of their superiority was at it’s all time peak. The mysterious, camera guy brought his attention back to the geek before asking about the icons of Beverly Hills High, “What is this for?” Niles grabbed his cup of rum and coke to clear his candy filled mouth as he waited for a reply.

Nodding his head as he listened to the kid-he-did-not-know announce he was working on a ‘documentary’ for his film class, Niles shrugged and glanced back over to the ruling women, “Ever since Eve transferred last year those three have been inseparable. Some dope called them the ‘Unholy Trinity’ because if you get on their bad side… well. Might as well start planning your funeral now.” He took another sip, a bit confused that out of all the people he was the one being asked questions. Where was Alba when he needed her?! “Eh-hem. Off the record.” The camera guy directed the sound and lenses toward the hustle and bustle of the party before Niles continued what he was saying, “I’d like to think of those three like… succubi! They’re so goddamn gorgeous that it intimidates the hell out of me and 10/10 they could and would kill you. Granted… girls scare me.” He paused and shuddered at his many encounters with the opposite sex, “Oh-oh-oh. Don’t get me started with their REPS. That makes it all the more worse. You know that movie… Mean Girls? They’re ALL Regina Georges. Maybe one day they’ll find their Gretchen and Karen but jesus. That’s too much ‘woman’ for me, or anyone for that matter, to handle.

Directing the camera’s perspective back to the socially awk kid, the stranger asked for him to elaborate about the girls’ reputations but for the camera. Niles started sweating from all the attention he was getting from this one guy, “I guess I’ll start with Evelyn Harding… lead vocalist of East of Eden. God, she got a set of pipes to die for, but for someone who has such a… bewitching performance on stage. Yes. Yes, I’ve been to one of her concerts. She’s unsettlingly quiet. To think she’s the most ‘approachable’ of the three and that’s saying something... Baffles me to no end. If you want to get to Audrey or more importantly, Her Majesty Alyssa.” His tone subconsciously shifted to that of a bad English accent when he said the Queen Bee’s name before grabbing some chips and crunching on ‘em. With his mouth full of doritos, he continued, “You have to go through her first… but yeah. Her rep. I guess…” He paused and contemplated what Eve was known for, “She made her face known hella fast on school grounds. Within the first week she became the head of her clique. I don’t know much of her ‘scary’ deeds since I try to stay in the dark about that but hey! She liked my manga. And I’d like to think I’m cool in her book.

His void brown orbs trailed from one sovereign of their own to the next, “Now. The Dancing Queen, Audrey Huntsberg. You see, Eve is hard to pin because of how… mysterious she is, but Audrey. Nope. Nope. Nope. She is what you see. If it wasn’t for my girl, I mean not mine..., if it weren’t for Alba, my friend, yeah. Friend. I would be dead right now! Like people can’t help but be drawn to her, like a magnet, but one wrong word, one wrong move, and to the guillotines you go! I mean, she’s worth the admiration. She knows what she wants and she’ll get what she wants at any cost. Daughter of the best plastic surgeon in the nation and that sexy dancer Elisabetta, heard of her?” He did a little groove like the dork he was before chuckling, “Audrey is Alba’s idol, so she can’t be ALL that scary… right?” He laughed nervously before adding, “It takes a smart girl to be where she is today… even if I want to die when I’m near her....” Noticing his drink was basically gone, having taken large gulps as he talked about these girls, he went to go fetch some more. It was time for the grand finale!

As he poured more coke than rum into his plastic cup, his gaze searched for the rightful Matriarch of the school, “Alyssa Green. Filthy-fucking-rich. And should have been dubbed the ‘Queen Bee’ rather than Dom from the get-go… the old Queen fucked up because guess who’s gonna run the school now? Alyssa gets what she wants, that’s for sure.” Holding his finger up to have one moment to himself, Niles took a long gulp of his drink. Man, this camera guy was such a buzz kill. “A Queen needs to assert her dominance. Dom just kinda… faded in the crowd. I’m sorry but if there was anyone that had that royal aura going for her and that ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude... it would be Alyssa. She got it all! Beauty. Brains. Influence. Power. Like FUCK she got a butler that’s always near her and I’m PRETTY SURE he could fucking break your damn skull if you upset her. Either way.” He noticed Alba beckoning him to dance floor, so he tried to wrap things up, “One day she’s gonna own her dad’s massive media and technology empire. She knows she’s the best and she doesn’t really need to change people’s mind because… it’s true. If you deny what you see, you’re just lying to yourself Now if you’ll excuse me..” The geek handed his drink to the stranger with the camera before meeting up with his ‘friend’.

Sitting on the right side of Alyssa, who was this year’s Sovereign, Evelyn stared out the car window while holding a glass of whiskey sour, one of the many drinks she prefers. Hours prior to this, Eve spent her time consoling and comforting her other best friend, Audrey. Getting the title, best friend, was not an easy feat but somehow in the course of a year, the Dancing Queen slipped into the spiteful singer’s soul. Alyssa, on the other hand, knew Eve ever since they were toddlers. Perks of their fathers knowing each other. Fortunately for Alyssa, the bodacious blonde didn’t have to deal with the songstress’ spiked barriers. Something that the Raven has yet to realize was how attached she was already to both these girls, especially her childhood friend.

Rewinding to Monday morning, when Audrey was going to tell her about the grand Hard Rock Cafe exploit, the man she was going to speak about appeared before them and gave her a naughty wink. At first, the songstress brushed off that flirtatious gesture because who wouldn’t tease Audrey? She was divine. Once Eve’s dear dancing companion pulled her to the side and spilled her heart out, she couldn’t help but tilt her head at the thought that Audrey, her Audrey, allowed herself to slip. The girl who knew what she wanted out of life and would burn the world to achieve her goals made, what the dancer believed to be, a mistake. The main thought that coursed through Eve’s mind was: That guy. Was he the guy? The one who said: ‘Give daddy a call’.

Of course, this could have been her overanalyzing the scene. For the most part, Eve kept silent as her friend told her all the details of how phenomenal this guy was at sex and how conflicted she was with her feelings because not only was the guy himself a lower tier student on the ladder, but she was impressed by his ‘talent’. A smirk did grace the Raven’s face with how passionate Audrey was with her ravenous desire to drop her panties and her craving as she reminisced about the deed and how they did it everywhere in and on his car. And most definitely continued where they left off at the motel.

Within time, Audrey finally pointed out the boy and confirmed Eve’s assumptions. Oh, Troy Blake, you dog. The ebony haired woman let her hazel orbs gently lock with her friend’s gaze, a softer side that only a select few people bore witnessed to, and with her effortless, silvery, voice, she stated: Let’s look at this more like you did what you wanted and turned his world upside down. He obviously needs another taste, so that shows someone like Troy can’t resist you, hun. I see this more as a wild adventure, don’t you think? You’re still the Audrey I know and love, you’re just dancing on the edge. Nothing wrong with that. Oh and if this blows over, you know I’ll protect you but until then, have fun. You know you want to.

Coming back to present time, Eve glanced down at her glass and realized she had drank it all in less than two minutes. One thing that the singer saved for last was her cherries. Bringing the glass to her luscious lips, she let her tongue curl around the cherry until in her mouth it went. The car had come to a halt in front of Audrey’s house.

After hearing from security that her best friends were already outside waiting for her, a pouting Audrey walked out of the Huntsberg Villa and stepped inside the luxurious vehicle, thanking Alyssa’s butler Logan for holding the door open for her even if it was his job. Audrey had spent the better part of that past week between classes, dance team practices and her own private dancing practices. But yet, even after being and keeping so occupied, her thoughts wandered back to that July night and to the man she’d spent that night with. Troy and Audrey had crossed each other’s paths down the halls of Beverly Hills High; an inevitable thing considering they were in the same grade. Most times Audrey was able to successfully avoid him by turning back and walking to wherever she was going down some other path, but the few times she was forced to confront him he would always do some sort of gesture at her: winking at her, biting his lower lip, or even going as far as to licking his lips. Though on the outside Audrey scoffed, rolled her eyes and pretended he was just a speck of dirt on her shoes, the truth of the matter was that she had been waiting for that text of his in which he told her just how much he wanted a repeat of that night. She wasn’t gonna go around texting him to smash like some desperate woman. But the days kept passing by, his gestures kept happening but no text arrived on her cel, and Audrey grew frustrated about the fact that it seemed she was waaaaaaaay more into him than he was into her. She’d seemingly lost all control of the situation, and that made her furious. Though this party Eve and Alyssa had practically forced her to go to could provide a distraction, it could also provide another chance for Audrey and Troy to encounter each other. And in all honestly, Audrey was afraid of how that might go.

“Ugh, I still don’t understand why I have to go to this stupid lower-class party,” she said in her usual snobbish tone, placing her small shoulder bag in her lap and looking at Alyssa, who was sitting right across from her. “Like. honestly. Couldn’t you two manage without me? I mean, don’t get me wrong: I love you, Lyssy. But I’ve had a long day and just week in general with practice and the sort, and all I wanted was to stay home and sleep, because God only knows how unusually tired I’ve been these days.

Alyssa looked Audrey up and down as Butler opened the door for her, clicking her tongue absently. ”Necessary evil, unfortunately. Do you think I want to go to this? I’ve much better things to do, you know. I could be sitting at home, eating strawberries and watching silly cat videos on YouTube, for example. But alas, the position I’m in sometimes requires me to interact with the, ah… Butler, how did I describe them? I said something rather good before tea this morning.” Alyssa asked the man was he sat down in the driver’s seat, adjusting the rear view mirror slightly as Alyssa sipped at the drink in her hand--dry whiskey, no chaser, of course. What? Alyssa was an alcoholic, not a Barbie doll.

”A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots, ma’am.” The man responded in his dry, monotonous voice, while Audrey couldn’t help but snort with a smirk on her face.

”There you go, poetry. Make an appearance, smile, wave, leave. That’s all, darling.” Alyssa waved her hand as she reached into the cooler built into the center console, withdrawing a plate of strawberries. ”I thought ahead and packed snacks for you two. Yes, I know, I’m amazing. Don’t flatter me--I do it enough myself.” She explained, popping one of the large fruits into her mouth.

”Alcohol too, if you’re in the mood. And who isn’t in the mood? Alcohol is delicious. Burns so good.”

At the mention of alcohol, Audrey wrinkled her nose as if she’d smelled something unpleasant. “I’ll pass. The smell of alcohol simply nauseates me these days.” the brown-haired woman said, tucking a strand of her wavy locks behind her ear. Just the other day she’d ventured into the kitchen when their chef was making some kind of wine sauce for dinner that night, and when the crimson liquid hit the pan and its alcoholic vapors filled the whole kitchen, Audrey had rushed away to the nearest bathroom to puke her guts out. “As for the snacks, I’ll most certainly be indulging. I’m starving.” Having said this, Audrey reached out to pick a strawberry out of her blonde friend’s plate, but making sure to pick just one. Heaven forbid anyone take Alyssa’s strawberries. She’d rip your head off.

The silent one of the trio simply observed her friends with more alcohol in her glass, but this time without lemon juice and sugar vigorously with ice. Like Alyssa, Evelyn too was an alcoholic but her reasons differed. Moving the liquid around in her hand, the singer decided to chime in, “How darling of you, but Lyssa-love, you know better than most I’m fine with just--”” The only time Eve sounded prim and proper was in front of Alyssa, more as a form of teasing than anything. She lifted her glass up to show that all she needed was alcohol, especially because they each had to deal with this… party. “But the main reason we have to go is to see if the Aspen boy is worth our time.” This caused her to remember another Monday event when Jade and Jackson approached her and told her about the very event she and her girls were heading towards. Resting her drink on her leg, while still holding it, Eve sighed, “I ‘fear’” No, she doesn’t fear, “His friends will be the ruin of him. He has so much potential and yet surrounded by such… nuisances.” When the scene kid and punk approached Eve it turned into Jackson blurting out, in an untasteful manner, that he loved her and then someone she deemed as ‘eh, alright’ (Jade) had the audacity to ask her to perform at this party. The annoyance was quite visible on the serpent woman’s face. Since Rhett is being considered as King, although let’s be honest, Connor suits the position more, Alyssa and her best friends had to make an appearance. Even if it was going to annoy the hell out of...what did Jade call her again? ‘The resident metalhead’.

”Correct! Good job, Eve, as observant as always. We’re going to pick Rhett right out of that friend group and we’re going to put him in ours. We’ll tweak him moderately at most, more likely just tiny ones--for example, he needs to stop saying the word money. Honestly. Could probably do to ‘dress for success,’ as the unsuccessful say. Not like he just googled ‘how to look like a hoodrat’ and followed the first Google image result to a t.” Alyssa drummed her fingers on the rim of her glass, shaking her head as she took a gander out the window. Parties. How far I’ve fallen. Beach parties, no less I might as well turn in my jewelry and become a veritable beach bum at this rate.”.

Audrey had watched her friends’ exchange in silence, staring at the world outside roll past the tinted windows as if she was the star of one of those depressing music videos of the early 2000’s. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't forget him. Troy had implanted herself in her brain like a parasite, and was slowly consuming her every thought and emotion. Why, just why hadn’t this freaking rebel texted her yet?! What could possibly be more important to him than the chance of screwing with one of the top three main bitches of Beverly Hills High? Audrey didn’t know, and she let out an audible sigh of frustration.

Alyssa stared at Audrey as she seemed to be absent and didn’t seem to ‘have her head in the game,’ as the saying went. Lyssa popped another one of the succulent strawberries into her mouth and thought for a moment before she spoke. ”Audrey, where is your mind? And don’t break my heart and say Troy Blake. Differences in class aside, the boy is devilishly attractive, and I’m sure he fucks like a tiger, but stay with us here. In reality. Where you aren’t obsessing over a young man you’re going to bump into for your high school years, then never see again. Ever.”

Lost in thought as she was, Audrey gave a small, startled jump when Alyssa addressed her. At the question of where her mind was at, Audrey raised a perfectly plucked dark brown arch at her as if saying ‘where do you think?’, and when her friend mentioned the name of the man who was causing her such distraction Audrey gave her a cross between a smile and a grimace.

Audrey let out another sigh, making puppy dog eyes at Alyssa. She knew her friend was absolutely right. That didn’t mean that the mind of stubborn Audrey was willing to come to terms with that truth so easily. “Lyssy, I know. Trust me, I know. But there’s just something about that Troy Blake that just gets me, you know? When I was with him that night, I had no inhibitions, and felt so damn free and careless and just amazing... He makes me feel things no guy ever has before. I mean, I have it clear in my mind that he’s obviously just gonna be this guy I hooked up with a few times, because you guys know I wouldn’t be caught dead dating someone like him. But he’s just SO SEXY!!! And knowing how damn stubborn I am I know I won’t rest until I see if what happened between us that night was because of the alcohol or because he really does make me feel all these things.” Having said this, Audrey gave yet another sigh (she seemed to be doing a lot of those lately) and stuffed her face with another one of Alyssa’s strawberries. “Sorry Lyss, but I really need some food right now. Couldn’t we have made a quick stop at like In N’ Out or something? I’m dyiiiiiiingggggggggggg!” she dramatically whined.

Out of the blue, the young woman was suddenly overcome with an incredible thirst. She desperately looked around at the unattractive selection of juices until her eyes set on one that she now had a craving for: the half-gallon of pineapple juice. Without wasting any time, Audrey grabbed the plastic container by the handle, opened it and proceeded to drink from it straight out of the container. She chugged the juice as if she’d never had a drink in her life -a small portion of it dripping from the sides of her mouth and onto her chest- and draining it in record time. When not even a drop of juice was left, Audrey took the container away from her lips, placed it on the nearby trash can and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Oh my God, I really needed that!” was the only thing she said, a triumphant smile on her face.

Wow. That’s me after a concert but with booze.” Eve lost count with how many glasses of random concoctions she’s made for herself while her companions discussed Audrey’s infatuation with the rebel. Opening the fridge, Eve grabbed a container of blueberries and snacked on some in silence, still observing Audrey in amazement. Laying the container on her lap and her glass in it’s holder, Eve searched for her spare towel (they were going to a beach - It was always good to make precautions) and gently tossed it to her, “Someone needs to keep hydrated.

”One, that’s disgusting, don’t drink like that you look like a slob. Two, no we can’t go to an In N’ Out, I make too much money for that. Three, no more strawberries. Butler has some chocolates in my bag, just eat those. Four, Troy is not that attractive. Attractive? Yes. Attractive to the point of obsession? ...no. Just have sex with one of the football team players, they’re generally good for it.” Alyssa shook her head as she looked at her friend.

Audrey gave Eve a kiss on the cheek as a thank you for the towel, and as she wiped her chin and chest with the daintiness she had been lacking just moments before she half-listened to Alyssa chastise her about the way she’d drank the juice, the food she’d wanted to eat, how there would be no more strawberries for her and how Troy wasn’t that hot. Audrey completely ignored all of the previous comments before the Troy mention (except the chocolate comment, of course, because it was a given that Audrey would NOT be passing out on some cocoa goodness). “Lyssy, please. I’ve already been with Connor, and everyone knows he’s top quality and as high as you can get when it comes to the football boys.” she replied, taking a glance at the towel to see if any damage was done and grunting when she saw the unmistakeable stain of foundation on it. “Shit. I’ve wiped my make-up off of half my face! Now I need to retouch before we get there!” Now that was a good question. How much longer did they have before they reached their destination? Audrey reached out to the driver’s seat and gently tapped Butler’s shoulder in search of an answer. “Hey, Butler. Sorry to bother you, but can you please tell us if we still have a long way to the party or not?’

”We’re nearly there, madams.”

”Thank you, Butler.”

Refer to the beginning of the collab for their arrival.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Let there be music...

Where: The Party
Who: Entire crowd, though Sophie Blackthorn is somewhat called out. @Ace of flames01

Jack hated the sand. Gritty, rough and coarse it got into every part of the equipment and really ruined it. He was just glad it wasn't his equipment, just his laptop, that was down on the beachfront. If he had been asked to bring his own gear as well he would have simply turned down the job. He valued his tools far more than he valued this pay cheque. Short of Jack's complaints, however, he was happy. The party was big, he would get some notice, make a pretty penny and his gear was safely locked away at his home. All in all there was nothing to complain about. Well, except the bonfire. UV and neon affairs worked just fine, these were the people who danced, but the bonfire cast such a huge glaring light that the dancers were a strange mix of blue and orange that didn't fit right. One minute you'd be dancing in relative darkness, to make the glows work, the next you turned and were blinded by the flames. Before turning away and now being able to see next to nothing. However, it wasn't Jack's job to organise the whole party. He was just the entertainment for something other than endless replays of 'Africa' and 'Wonderwall'.

Standing to one side for a moment, Jack checked his attire. Whilst he worked to always be an assault on the commonplace, the mention of water and the outdoors -as well as the fact he was working- meant Jack had gone more casual in his choices. His reliable black converses made walking in the sand a little difficult when it shifted, however they were comfy and had seen more mud and rain than many had in the trenches of the First World War, he liked the reliability. From there, his socks were invisible and the dark light meant his somewhat pale legs were mostly unnoticeable. Which suited Jack. His shorts were a slim fitting denim affair and topped with one of Jack's own tees, this being fitted to match everything else. His hair, normally styled somewhat forward, was mostly slicked back. Again, working sometimes brought about a sweat which he preferred to keep out of his hair, but also he was in no mood to see something well styled go to nothing with the first introduction of water. Thus the casual look had been born for Jack. He doubted anyone would care though, this didn't seem the affair to come suited and booted to.

With the last note of a song coming to an end, heralding the beginning of another, Jack realised this was his time to prep before he started. The party had started at nine, though many would certainly file in late and Jack was contracted from ten until one. A three hour set was huge, and Jack wouldn't normally take it, but this was his first big event for his peers. He wouldn't fall in the face of this adversity. Everything on the decks was in order, and Jack was pleased to see a sealed bag of sunflower seeds tucked neatly into a crevice on the set. A tug on the corner spilled out the bountiful gold and brown harvest, which Jack cheekily took in his stride. Tucking one of the seeds into his mouth to gently chew whilst he worked. Making sure the speakers were still directing the recorded tracks out, he lifted up a pair of headphones, testing some of the knobs and dials and running some of his own checks on melodies he had pre recorded. Everything seemed to be in order, even the microphone which was hooked up next to the laptop was of the quality he had asked for. All in all, despite the sand, the decks were looking just as he wanted them. He still preferred his own. The set felt new, and he liked the pits and pores on his own. They reminded him of the good times. Before the song ended, Jack moved and swiftly put out any of the lanterns near the decks that might illuminate him,as well as kicking the glowsticks on the floor away so he was cast into as much shadow as possible.

Now was not the time to reminisce though, he heard the final note of the track die away and knew he was up. The pulsing crowd had been dancing around him and up on the patio, but nothing too wild had begun. People were still somewhat sober and the music had been about as exciting as a first day at school. A few moments of genuine pace and energy, followed by some uncomfortable looks around to see if you were the only one doing anything. In fact, with no new track having started yet, Jack himself was receiving some of these looks. Attention was what he needed. Putting the headphones over his ears, Jack hunched over his set, turning the first switch he could just hear his own voice as he leaned into the mic. His voice was nothing special, but it passed as half decent, and he couldn't even begin to explain the pain of trying to sing whilst lining up the next changes.

"She said, Brother, are you satisfied, with the way you've been living your life?" He moved his lips away for the pause, as he did so, a low single drum beat started up in time with the words as he sang them. "I know it's predictable and, somewhat cliche. But if you wanna get your point across these days, you gotta be real real real straight." Again, Jack moved away from the mic to layer over a somewhat soothing guitar melody. Finally, he leaned into the mic again. "Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied? Brother, are you satisfied?" This final set of words repeats again and again, as with each rendition the guitar fades away and the drum becomes louder, faster and more beats are added. By the time Jack stops singing the guitar is gone, replaced with a drum and bass track. Around him, the crowd, who seemed to be swaying only moments before, were bouncing more excitedly. Jack could do better. Testing sounds in his ears, Jack then lifts one of the headphones off so he can hear the pace of the track. During a split second of the song that is silent, Jack cuts it completely. But, before there can be complaints of turning off the music, a new song is dropped. Whilst the core beat of bass is the same, thus the dancers being able to keep their moves, Jack picks an EDM track. One with a much faster tempo on the layers.

As the new song plays, Jack is already preparing himself for a switch, head bouncing as he listens to both what he has prepared and the current track at the same time, making sure to match the speeds perfectly. Unbeknownst to Jack, who is not used to a plinth without sides, -and which is not a plinth at all- a small crowd had gathered to the sides of the decks. Causing him much shock as, with his next change where he suddenly reverses the beat and then brings it back again only with a new song (This time with stronger reggae vibes, but just as much pace, try chilling to that Bob Marley), he gets a few whoops and cheers. Looking to one side, Jack manages to miss his queue to enter in another layer. And grumbles a little to himself as he waits for the song to come around for him to do so again. It wasn't that he minded cheering. He just hadn't expected it on his flanks and so close. Letting the song run down, the pace reduce, Jack looks up and gives a huge grin as he lets go of his set, not before flicking a switch and dropping all the layers he had just made, except for the lone beat of a drum.

Looking into the crowd, Jack begins to clap in time with the beat, some of whom follow his lead, others whom dance to it. And some who stand still, clearly not impressed by a DJ who actually wanted some interaction with his audience. Those people should go back to their primary school discos, Jack thought. Pushing those thoughts down he stopped a moment to begin the opening words to Foals 'Mountain At My Gates'. However, on the original where the other instruments enter, Jack puts in a different drop. Returning the music with layers of electronic horns and a new melody very unlike that of the original. Not quite as ear splitting as the earlier music, far more a dance number, and still layered with the lyrics. Having made an entrance Jack was happier to play his lighter dance tracks now, as well as some remixes, only because he had a long set to do. And he wanted a chance to take drinks, talk to anyone who came up close enough, and enjoy the crowd around him. However, from what he could someone clearly wasn't enjoying him, as a girl pushed her way all the way through the crowd just to get to the other side. Chuckling he took a step to the mic and sang out a few more lyrics to the current song.

"Little black bird, caught in a storm. She looks so out of place, and is knocked from space to space. Where will the wind carry her next?" With that Jack made a few alterations and let the song mold into one of his older tracks. Something carrying an 80s feel to it, that allowed people to dance, but again lessened the impact of the song on the ears.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Rex-Money's Party (Top of the table ----> Near the bushes, under the lights)
Interacting With: Random Party Guests, Rex-Money @lovely complex, 'Coffee Guy' @Altered Tundra

It wasn't even halfway though the party, and already Sierra Jameson was feeling hella lit. In two hours, she'd managed to take a few long Mary Jane hits from the glass, skull-shaped bong she carried in her back, had a few cups of different drinks and even dragged Rhett away from the crowd long enough for them to 'dance' -AKA grind their bodies together as close as they could- to the beat of whichever song was playing. In just those two hours, Sierra had managed to take her best friend'd words to heart and was enjoying the party to the fullest. By now, not even Jar's presence bothered her. Jason's rejection, the fight with her mother... It was all forgotten. Tonight, all Sierra wanted was to have fun.

And she was certainly having a blast. She had taken up guard in one of the tables near the dance floor, and was using the paint-filled super soakers to drench everyone in neon paint. Her fellow schoolmates were either shrieking in delight, surprise and some even anger as the cold paint touched their skin, clothes, hair and anywhere it fell on. Meanwhile, Sierra simply laughed out loud at their expressions, high and tipsy and simply having the time of her life.

As she turned around, paint gun in her hands, looking around in search of a new target, Sierra's blue eyes fell on four people just arriving. They were making their way from the trail and into the party in a beeline: Jackson, Rhett's younger sister Summer, Jade... And Jason.

"SHIT!" Sierra shouted out loud, eyes as big as saucers with disbelief. It took a few minutes for the shock to wear off, and while it did she just stood on the table, dumbfounded, staring at the spot where she'd first seen Jason. Whatever high she had left from the weed and the alcohol's effects evaporated on the spot, and once again anger took old of her. Was she really that unlucky to have the one guy she wanted so desperately to forget show up at this party? It was totally fate's way of saying 'fuck you' to her, that's for sure. From what she knew, Jason was a complete introvert, and parties weren't his scene. So what in the world had convinced him to change his mind and attend? Right now, Sierra didn't care. She forgot about all the fun she'd been having, and decided there was only one person she needed to see right now.

"Rex! Honey! You wouldn't believe who had the balls to show up to this party! Sierra shouted at Rhett, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the crowd for a second. It took her a while to find him between the mass of bodies, but once she'd heard his rambunctious, booming voice the rest was a piece of cake. "It's fucking-"

But before she could mention the person's name, Rhett was yanked away from her and swallowed by the crowd in the blink of an eye. "SHIT! Sierra shrieked again, stomping the ground furiously. Now what was she supposed to do? The solution was easy: just go confront the guy.

Taking a deep breath to make sure she wouldn't flip out instantly, Sierra began to search for Jason in the crowd. In less than five minutes, she had located him: there he was, looking incredibly handsome (which Sierra wouldn't admit for the death of her), standing near the bushes and staring at the lights above with a mesmerized expression on his face. Sierra raised her eyebrows at him, watching him for a minute as he simply stared and even giggled while watching the lights. Yup, he was definitely under something. No wonder he was at the party...

Well, it was time for him to snap back into reality.

"Well, well, well... Look who it is..." Sierra said in a voice that could chill any person in their right mind right down to the bone as she slowly made her way towards Jason, stopping right in front of him. It didn't help that her blue eyes were sending him daggers, and that with the way she had her arms crossed against her chest and the deep scowl in her face she looked ready to beat the living shit out of the poor guy. "The one and only Jason 'Coffee Guy' Singh. Can you have the common decency to tell me what the fuck are you doing here? Coming to reject me a little more? Because that seems to be something you're good at."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

LOCATION — Rhett’s and Tis’ Beach Party
@Wintergrey @Altered Tundra
TIME — Night time

Tis was spinning in circles laughing with mirth. In one hand was her bottle, the other a large glowing stick. The faster she spun, the cooler the glowing stick looked to the drunk girl. Throwing her head back to the blaring music, Tis had no way of seeing Jade approaching her. With a sudden drunken, spin induced stumble, Tis ran right into Jade’s brilliant arms. ”Jaaaaaade, you saved me! My hero.” Giggling she took another deep swig out of her bottle. Interestingly enough, everything she was saying came out in quite clear English. It was certainly an interesting side effect of being drunk off her ass.

Jade wasn’t expecting to get two armfulls of a blonde bombshell, but she wasn’t complaining - not really, anyways. She welcomed the embrace with open arms, reaching around Tis’ backside, locking her fingers. She was caught off-guard by Tis and what she said. That meaning she understood Tis completely. “Whoa!” Jade had to voice her surprise. It was too much to not do so. “Since when did you learn English? Did you fall on your head or something?” Jade asked, breaking the embrace, and looking at her fellow blonde.

Tis crinkled her nose in thought at the question. ”Well I’m not a bloody idiot. I did go to school!” Ever since Tis was able to walk she had been talking in a language of her own creation. It was somewhat inspired by the surfers lingo that she hung out with on a daily basis, but for the most part it was completely different. To her words that meant something completely different could mean whatever the hell she wanted in the right context. It was a fun game to play with other people, at first. After a while it just became second nature, but that never meant she forgot how to speak it.

”Iiiii may have fallen on my head a few times though. Once or twice or thrice.” She held up four wavering fingers. Studying them closely she dropped one, then smiled up at her accomplishment. With the sudden aching need to clear her head in some fresh water she pulled at Jade’s hand, “Do you wanna come swimming with me? I know the perfect place for skinny dipping.” Winking, Tis giggled and turned bouncing towards the waves of the ocean.

That was quite the tempting offer. If it had been any other moment, Jade would have gone with Tis without a moment’s hesitation, but she caught a glimpse behind her. She saw Jay, who was no doubt under the effects of the E she gave him a while ago, being approached by Sierra. In the pit of her stomach, she knew that this wouldn’t be good. Not for him and surely not for her and the promise she made to him to be there if things got tough.

I..I’m not sure, Jay might..” Jade looked back at Jay then to Tis. She was still being tugged by the blonde and by her honor. It would only take one more look at Tis and how her form showed quite obviously in her wet bathing suit. She bit her lip. “Ah fuck it, let’s do it!” Jade said, willing going where Tis would lead her. With that, Jade chose the selfish route. Jay would be fine without her. Who knows? Maybe with the aid of the foreign substance, he might actually be okay with Sierra’s confrontation. Well, that’s what Jade hoped for, at least.

Tis’s smile only grew bigger when Jade agreed to come along with her. Leading her by hand away from the party, the two walked towards the cliff face to the right of the beach. Stumbling hand in hand, Tis paused leaning against the cliff. For a moment she was disoriented, trying to remember what, no where she was going. Something about the beach, and naked people. Ah, skinny dipping! A small smile appeared across her thinking face at the thought of a naked Jade.

Look at her, all hot and shit. Jade couldn’t place it, whether it was the lighting from the moon or if it was the glowstick that Tis still had in her hand, but there was something about the limited lighting that further enhanced how hot Tis was looking. Well, of course there was also how minimal amount of body her attire covered. It was safe to say that she approved.

As she took in the features of Tis’ face and body, eyes scanning up and down, Jade gave something of a smirk. She took her free hand, ran it through Tis’ hair, brushing it behind her ear, and pressed her body agaisnt Tis’. Before either of them would know what was happening, Jade’s lips were locked intensely with Tis’, furiously sucking with raw, sexual passion.

Tis responded to the kiss by grabbing onto Jade’s neck and pulling her in harder. Slowly her hands trickled down her body, till they were on her lower back just above her ass. Tis moved from heatedly frenching her to kissing(sucking) on Jade’s neck. Pulling at her shirt, she tugged it over the top of her head, before leaning back slightly. Giggling mischiefly Tis edged back towards the skinny dipping spot. ”Come and get me.” She took off screaming and laughing as Jade chased her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Location: the party
Interacting with: Jack @gowia

As Sophie made it to the other side, something caught her attention and caused her to freeze in her tracks. Though it was discreet, the DJ was calling her out. At first, she wasn't sure what his lyrics meant, but then she saw him looking at her with somewhat of a smirk painted across his lips and understood completely what he was trying to do. He was calling her out and the very thought of it made her snort then laugh a bit. He was baiting her, and she was going to let him and play his little game, for now at least.

While she wasn't much for trying to take center stage, just this once she was going to allow it seeing as how most of the guests were either drunk or trying to get it on; nobody would remember this in the morning. Sophie took a deep breath. "Bad little boy, trying to be a man. This little song bird has got to fly away, but for now, come stay and play a while." She sang back to him, just loud enough for him to hear her without going over the song. Rather than trying to sincronise with the music playing, she sang to her own tune in an act of retaliation while playing by his rules at the same time. Her voice was surprisingly eerie and ghostly, yet beautiful and sent chills up the spine, and her notes were much slower than the ones the DJ played. Her words were obviously a taunt, but the smile on her face made it more teasing and playful or a lame attempt of being seductive rather than it being hostile. The look in her eyes said: "Your move, piano man"; as she backed away into cover the dark night once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 9 mos ago

A verbal raposte

Where: The Party
Who: Entire crowd, Sophie Blackthorn is the main subject though @Ace of flames01

Jack almost laughed with delight as she replied, her voice hanging in the air and rolling into his ears softly. As she sang, Jack let his mind wander from the music he was playing, and instead he imagined her own tune, something seemingly only the pair of them was sharing now, despite being surrounded by the crowd. Jack had thrown down the gauntlet, and she had stepped up to meet him, and then exceed him. He would be damned before he ever let himself be outdone in a competition that he had started. But, before he could begin a response, she started to back away. He wanted to follow, wanted to chase after her into the night to continue their fun. But he was stuck. He was working and couldn't leave his station unless he wanted to risk the wrath of his employers and the cancellation of the large sum of money into his bank account. Thinking on his feet, he smirked, putting his headphones on he started lining up tracks and changes.

This was not part of his set, it had never been part of his plan, and so he needed to work on what he already knew and play the sampling by ear. Letting the track playing run down, he had another song in one ear, and a third in his other. His brain was working automatically to line up the next two sounds and decide how best to transition them. Settling on his beginning, he started, turning the current track down as he spoke.

"We're going to have some fun tonight." He said, leaning into the mic. "Are you ready?" By way of response, the crowd cheered and whooped as a mob, many jumping up and down and still dancing despite the fact the music was non-existent. Jack smiled and started to clap, hands above his head, and in doing so nodded when people started to join him. The calp was taken up by the crowd on the beach, and then the one on the patio, and even by some of the people at drink tents and near the bonfire. "One." Jack nudged his deck, checking settings and once again wishing he had lights. "Two." Jack laughed as he stopped clapping, but the others continued. Bless, they were like inebriated little lemmings. "One, two, three, go!" With that, Jack dropped the bass. A cacophony of noise erupted from the speakers, drowning out the sound of clapping, which ceased just as quickly as people alternated back to wild dancing. An electronic symphony of EDM and bass pulsed over the people and Jack swore he could feel the sand shaking, however he could not keep this up forever. Firstly, he was certain the girl from earlier would not return if she had to do so fighting to keep her ear drums intact, but also, he wanted to quip back.

Lining up transitions, Jack alternated the beat, cutting out every other beat, halving the speed immediately, yet still keeping people in time. Notes made way again now, as Jack's fingers danced over the deck. This time some were dragged out and others were shortened more. Turning the track from harder EDM into lighter house. People's dancing was less erratic and he saw grins at the chance for some respite from wild swinging. Jack chose this moment to make his reply.

"Let me say it now, whilst I've got your attention. Every storm has an eye, and this is no different. So fly little birdie, do not delay. I'd hate to think that I was forcing you to stay." The lyrics were flowing from him, and Jack closed his eyes, listening to the beat of the track to start again. "Yet, do not believe that my being a gentleman, is really a sign I cannot chase after you hun'. I'm just trapped and inviting you up to me, the view from this cage is really quite something to see." As Jack finished singing, he gave an enormous grin, at the very least she had to have gotten the message. There wasn't a place on the beach that anybody could hide from his voice over the speakers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Location: Somewhere... at the party. Surrounded by a bunch of drunks.
Featuring: Her-Majesty-Fucking-Annoyed Alyssa, The-Very-Drunk-Emotional-Wreck-Head-Jock Connor, The Confused-Bro-King-To-Be Rhett, & Mystery Man at the end
Time: Drink your sorrows away time.

Collab with: @lovely complex & @Universorum

This was not part of her plan. And Alyssa hated it.

After she’d slipped away from her friends, she’d planned to simple tug the host away from whatever he was doing and have a talk with him. Simple, easy. What she didn’t expect was fucking Connor. That little bastard, ruining everything. Again. As he tended to do…

The person that had pulled Rhett away from the girl he was speaking to was none other than the cream of the crop, the queen of the school: Alyssa Green. She pulled him off to the side, ducking away from the crowd and clasping her hands together. ”Hello, Rhett. Wonderful party, We need to talk. Don’t speak until I say to speak. We have to have a wonderful conversation about your future. I see potential in you. Untapped potential, boundless potential--by the way, you don’t have nearly enough liquor here, I keep having to drink out my bag of tricks and it’s terrible. This party in general is almost in poor taste, we’ll have to work on that. Get you a few upgrades to a classier location and less… ‘I do drugs!’ coloration.” Alyssa clicked her tongue disapprovingly as she looked around the beach, with the neon colored… well, everything, scattered around them. ”No, no, this just won’t do. If you’re going to be a man of the caliber that I’m looking for you’ll have to upscale your parties. Just a little bit. Less blacklights. More… maybe strobe lights. I like strobe lights. Do you like strobe lights? Whatever, that isn’t my point. My point is that, I think you can raise up from the position in life that you currently hold, simply from harnessing the untapped potential that you hold inside of you, and rallying the people besides. Politics. Put yourself in a position of authority, and use that power to… oh, I don’t know, save the poor, or whatever. Good politicians start early, in high school. This is your official opportunity to start. Become a king, test the waters, see how it works. You’ll take some work, but luckily I have an expert PR team in the form of me, Butler, and my girls. We’ll straighten you out and you’ll learn more about how to be the man everyone wants to be friends with in twenty minutes than you have your entire life.”

Alyssa paused for a second, looking him up and down. ”So. Rhett. What do you s-”

Alyssa’s words were cut off as Rhett was suddenly pushed slightly away from her and wrapped up in a bearhug by a boy wearing a football jersey. Connor that little shit. ”RHETT. Rhett. Good party, bro. GOOD. PARTY.” He pulled away from Rhett, and Alyssa felt her face immediately contort into a scowl.

...always. Always ruining things. ”Connor. Hi. Can’t you go bother literally anyone else!?

Rhett’s mind was running a million miles per hour. How did he get this popular? Sure, he was good with people but damn… all eyes were on him and he was getting complimented. When did people start noticing him? Throwing a party at this level was already overwhelming and he didn’t have the girls that helped him (Ely and Tis) around to control the party. Things would surely run rampant. All he could think about was Sierra being reminded of the dipshit that chickened out. Fucking pussy. Okay, Rhett doesn’t curse often but when someone annoys him because they don’t have the balls to say what is on their mind…. Fucking shit balls. It was annoying. If he saw Coffee Guy, oh man, he would confront him, himself, and show him the kind of guy Sierra needs. Wait- what? What was he saying… why did he care this much? Si could take care of herself. This wasn’t his problem. One minute he was there keeping her mind off of her troubles and the next he was with… woah. His ocean blue orbs scanned the intimidating blonde before him… this was the closest he’s ever gotten to her and he’d be lying if he said she wasn’t his type. Blondes were hot. And she knew she was hot, which made her beauty worse. Alyssa talked about many things… mostly becoming classy if he was going to take the role ‘King’ beside her. He was being rude staring at her like she was some sexy piece of meat! Respect the royalty that stands before you. Her hair was so nicely done and that pink shirt made her pop, it didn’t help that he could faintly see her bra… and she had soft-looking legs. STOP IT, RHETT.

Clearing his throat, while she talked, Rhett nodded like he heard everything she was saying but really… he was highly distracted by her beauty. Something about strobe lights? Uh… and like… politics? Yeah. Politics. Respect my authoritah! Opening his mouth to bullshit a response that he’s been listening to her this entire time, the punk was saved by… Connor! Head jock and most definitely more fitting for the role of King… but eh, that was just Rhett’s opinion. Thank you party gods! The distracted male was saved by one of the coolest boyz out there. Patting the jock’s back, Rhett grinned like a goofball. Connor sounded drunk AF. Glancing over at Alyssa, Rhett gave her a shrug before bringing his attention back to a guy he never really had a chance to get tight with yet… but they’d most definitely be tight, given time, “Thanks man! Dude. You ready for the homecoming game? You’re going to be money. I just know!

”I’m always money when I get on that field. But you know what man. You know who’s really money?!” Connor bent down to grab one of the glow stick off of the sand, waving the neon blue thing around. ”Ty. Ty is money and he’d lOVE THIS GLOW STICK. Swig of beer for the glow stick man!” Connor tipped the glass in his hands back, taking a swig from it as he shook his head, tossing the glow stick away. ”But he’s gone now…”

”Oh for Christ’s sake…”

Aw man. I’m sorry to hear that. These glow sticks are dope, thank the blonde rebels for that. Hey, why don’t we check out the bonfire? Get your mind off ya boy. Drink and get stupid, what do you say!?” Rhett felt sorry for Connor, he didn’t really know what happened to Ty but it obviously was getting the jock down.

Unfortunately for Rhett, Connor’s mind was elsewhere as he reached over and picked up one of the paint guns, waving it around. ”And you know what else!? You know who would have loved these guys? Sentinel. Wolfe. My boy. But he’s gone too! Swig of beer for the workin’ man!” Connor tipped the glass up to his lips, swishing back what was left in it before he shook it around. ”Need more beer. More tributes.”


Rhett glanced over at a group of kids just talking and drinking and decided to back away and ‘borrow’ one, okay two, okay maybe three of their beers and told them to get more. Connor needed it more than them. With the three cups in his hands, Rex went up to the emotional boy and offered him one, “Go wild. Just let it out, man. Let it out.

”Rhett, do not encourage this.”

”Smell that sea breeze? Ender loved the sea! He liked to come here and sit in the sand alone and I don’t really know what he did but I can only imagine it was amazing, just like him!” Connor snatched one of the beers from Rhett, cracking it open and holding it up to the sky as he tossed the paint gun to the side. ”Swig o’ beer for the man of the hour!” Another swig of the liquid. Usually Connor didn’t drink much, but dammit, he was sad He flicked away at his cheek, either pretending to brush away tear, or quickly getting rid of one before anyone could see. Was up in the air.

Connor you moron…

Deciding to join along, Rhett opened his own can and offered the last one to Alyssa (but she didn’t seem like a beer drinker). Taking a chug, chug, chug, of his drink, he carefully watched the Football captain. What the hell happened to all of his friends? The Matriarch found the jock to be insufferable and Rex was just… confused. Maybe he should rant too? About his own stresses? But nah, this was Connor’s moment. If only there was a football somewhere… “There. There. Who else do you miss, bro? Who else?” Lifting up his can, Rhett joined in with the jock, even though he wasn’t familiar with the boyz, “Pourin’ out for the homies. Ty, Wolfe, and Ender!” He poured some of his drink onto the sand before encouraging Connor to continue his battle cry, “You good? Do you miss someone else?

Connor held up one finger as he raised the glass into air. One last guy. ”And then there’s Leon! Leon would have appreciated this music. Swig o’ beer for the motorcycle ridin’ man!” Connor killed the beer in his hand and then cracked the second one, holding it high into the air. ”Long live the kings.” He tipped it back and slammed the whole thing as Alyssa stomped her foot into the sand.

”BRYAN. They are NOT DEAD.

...so what happened to them?” Rhett was completely intrigued now. Worried about Connor, but intrigued nevertheless.

”Your boy Ty is off in Brooklyn goin’ hard doin’ cocaine off the asses of twenty thousand dollar strippers, Wolfe’s in fucking Alaska with his uncle being the manliest man I’ve ever heard of in my life, surviving in the wild, KILLING MOOSE WITH HIS BARE HANDS AND BEING HIS HOMESTEAD’S SENTINEL! Fighting off REAL WOLVES AND SHIT! A real man’s man! Ender’s off in fuckin’ Frisco, being a whatever it is you wanna call him. Honestly, he’s probably punching kids. Takin’ heads and cashin’ names or some shit. Endin’ shit.” Connor paused, looking off into the distance as he thought about the last one. Leon. ”And… Leon… Well, Leon’s probably off suckin’ a cock somewhere.”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

LOCATION — Beverly Hills Beach Bash
@Dirty Pretty Lies
TIME — Confession time


As Jason Singh’s head was raised to look above him, admiring the floating lights, he was smiling widely at them. The multi-colored lights drew him instantly. There were colors of the rainbow: blue, red, yellow, green, purple, orange, and indigo. It was amazing how they changed their color so flawlessly and no one was noticing. How could no one notice them? They were a sight to behold. Jay couldn’t believe that they were more interested in talking to other people, drinking their drinks, and dancing. Oh and yelling. There were a lot of people yelling.

Impossible to comprehend.

And suddenly, Jay felt like spinning around until he tumbled on the ground. His body was back-first on the sand. As he lay there on the sand, he felt the many, many grains of sand being dug deep into his scalp. Without a care in the world, Jason Singh began to make a sand angel as one would do when it was winter with snow. His legs and arms worked in unison, going up and down, making a perfect sand angel in the shape and length of his body.

Through it all, he was smiling and laughing. It didn’t even dawn on him that he might have stood out. It didn’t even occur to him that someone was standing over him. The only reason it came to him was he saw a pair of white legs spread the equal length that his shoulders were left shoulder to right shoulder. “Hey, I know those legs!” Jay said rather loudly.

Jay’s eyes went up, trailing the owner to those legs to someone with rather admirable-sized breasts. “I recognize those breasts too.” Jay said, failing to keep a straight face.

And, as he reached the face, a smile wider than he could ever muster came to his caramel face. “Oh hey, I know that face!” Jay said happily.

He was so happy, he propped up to a vertical base to be at similar height with the woman who was now in front of him. Opposite to him, she did not seem too happy. Jay couldn’t understand that. Then again, this was the person he was purposely avoiding all week. It makes sense why she wouldn’t be particularly happy seeing him.

Oh boy, this is awkward,” Jay knew he was in for it. He tried to get as much sand as he could off his body. “I guess you’re pretty seething, huh?” Jay rubbed the back of his neck. This was not fun at all. A downer of sorts, if you will. “I wasn’t going to come. I had planned to play some Dragon Age: Inquisition but, you see, my cousin Jade really wanted me here, and she talked me into it, so I came. My uncle Leo(her uncle too).” Jay said, now thinking about his Uncle Leo, “did you know that our Uncle Leo was Jackson’s father. He’s also my mother’s brother, and Jade’s father’s brother. It’s weird. That makes Jade and I cousins, and Jackson and Jade cousins, but not Jackson and I. I guess it’s better that way since he was hella mad today for whatever reason. I think Jackson got his heart broken. Jade was kind of telling me that some chick he was really hard on was harsh on him. Now he’s off somewhere with Rhett’s kid sister, Summer.” Jay covered his mouth as he realized what he had just said. “Oopsie, I wasn’t supposed to say that. Don’t tell Rhett. He’s not supposed to know. Better yet, forget it.” Jay waved his hands, as if trying to Jedi Mindtrick Sierra.

There was a moment of silence as Jay tried to get his thought process back.

Where was i?” Jay was trying to remember. “Oh yeah, about why I’m here.” Jay nodded as if confirming it with himself. “So yeah, after we got here, Jade went off to hang out with Tis, which apparently they went off somewhere because I don’t see her anywhere in sight.” Jay said, thinking if that was it. “And I was here just admiring the lights above. Look at them!” Jay pointed upwards.

He waited for her to look up. She didn’t look up. Why wasn’t she looking up?

So, confession time!” Jay fiddled his thumbs together, “I kind of lied last week.” Jay said. “Okay, kind of is a bit of an understatement.” he continued, “I lied a lot. When you approached me about if Rhett was telling you the truth, I gave you the impression that I wasn’t, but in truth, I really was. But that wasn’t the only time. I’ve been checking you out for a long time.” Jay could feel his stomach turning knots. He could hear the voice inside his head telling him to abort mission, but he had to do it. “It’s been four years counting this one. Ever since I saw you in freshman year, I’ve kind of had this mega crush on you. Like, imagine that one person you think is your soulmate, and you know they are, but you have no idea how to introduce yourself to that person, so you just sta--I mean observe in a totally non-creepy way--from afar.” Yup, Jay just said that, “well that’s what I’ve been doing since I started at B.H.H.S. - well, aside from going to the school to learn, but yeah, you know what I mean.

Okay, so far so good. Jay was able to say his peace. He told her that he’s been totally not stalking her ever since he came to the school and saw her, but he never knew what to say. Right about now, Jay was for sure thinking she didn’t know how to handle this. Or if she did, and she was trying to process it all. He didn’t know if he would get a positive reaction or if he would get a totally opposite one to that. Oh god, what did he do? Maybe Jay said too much. Maybe he didn’t say enough. Yes, that had to be it. He didn’t say enough.

Sierra, there’s more,” Jay said.

Here goes nothing, Jason Ravindra Singh.

Truth is, my crush is more than a crush. I’m sort of, kind of, but totally, madly in love with you Sierra Jameson.

There, that wasn’t so bad, now was it?

Jay was back to smiling now, looking at Sierra. All he could do now was wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Location: the party
Interacting with: Jack @gowia

Sophie laughed softly as the DJ retaliated in a programmatic melody. She noticed how he had changed up the music and to tried to match it with her tune while keeping it fast paced enough for the others to dance to. However, Sophie was going to have to refuse the DJ's proposal and she was going to it with style, by throwing him for another loop. She backed away, further into the darkness, yet had a method for her "madness". The cliff's natural acoustics; she was going to use them to elevate her voice.

She took another deep breath. "Naughty little prince, sitting on the throne. This choas, this calamity, this garden, once so perfect! Give your immortality to me; I'll hang you up among the stars!" Sophie sang back then paused. However, when she sang, the natural acoustics of the cliff created an echo effect that made her voice echo and become much louder than before. Not only that, but her singing had changed from playful, to slightly aggressive and pleading, yet still held a ghostly tone, and her tune had changed completely. "Who shot that arrow in your throat, who missed the crimson apple? And there's discord in the garden tonight! A songbird like me up on your regal perch, would certainly be a sin! Come fly with me!"

Sophie then finally fell silent and awaited what the "little prince" had to say next in their little game of music.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 1 day ago

| Location | Surfer Girl’s Beach
| Interaction With | Ari @foxygen, Rhett, and Evelyn @lovely complex
| Time | Who gives a fuck?!

Adrenalize by In This Moment

Jar cringed at Rhett calling Davy’s mom a milf. Well, she was, but that was beside the point, talking like that was a surefire way to get Davy all squirrelly. Sure enough, it did just that; Davy was out of here, but not before passing off his backpack stash of that good shit to Rhett. Jareth watched as his skater friend beat feet as fast and as far as he could from the party action “Hey, forget the donuts, then!” he called out teasingly and then shrugged before looking back at Rhett.

That’s some strong green bro, be a hero and share it with the people,” the emo said as he pointed to the paper bag in Rhett’s hand. Giving that some thought, he said: “Better yet, throw it on the bonfire, then we’ll all be lit!” Jareth chuckled and slapped Rhett on the shoulder with his free hand. He inspected the supersoaker in his other hand before smirking at Ari. The kid looked like he was only semi-conscious, yet miraculously still standing upright. Jar didn’t really know him to smoke much pot, and he had taken a huge hit off of Davy’s offering earlier - Ari was mostly like floating somewhere above cloud nine… or nineteen.

While Ari was staring off at who-knows-what, Jar lifted the paint-filled supersoaker and squinted one eye as if he were a sniper, “Adassi!” he called, spooking his unsuspecting bandmate to look his way. Jar pulled the plastic trigger and nailed his best friend right in the neck - he was aiming for the cheek, but whatever - before he burst into a fit a high-pitched laughter, the kind that only came out when he was genuinely caught off guard by something that was really funny.

Ari was knocked off-balance (or, more than he already was, anyway), and quickly stumbled away to avoid any more bullets. His brain didn’t know exactly what hit him, but whatever it was, the pain was numbed by his BAC. He whirled around after a few moments of wobbling to face Jar, blinking wide eyes at the perpetrator. And to think he once had true friends. “You shot me,” he accused, lifting a finger to point daringly at Jar, and finally falling on his ass. “Dickhead…” But he chose to forgive Jar, because he’s just that nice, and the singer looked, like, ten times better when Ari was this drunk.

Hey, hey..” Jar was still stifling his laughter. “First one to get covered in all the colors has to help Jessie carry his drumset to the next gig. Deal?” When Ari reluctantly agreed and gradually got to his feet, Jareth dropped his current green-filled gun and tore off through the sand in search of another, stumbling a hardy amount along the way. The first he came across was a small pistol full of neon orange and, once in hand, he began to scan the crowd for his target. Ari was nowhere to be found, where the hell did he go? The answer came in the form of an assaulting stream of hot pink paint across his right arm and torso. “Ahh, sheeiitt, fuckin’ pink, mate?!” he called out and then laughed again. Jar raised the pistol and rapid-fired the orange paint at Ari. It came out in pathetic little squirts compared to the soakers, but it still counted! Not wanting Ari to get his hands on the orange gun, Jareth quickly took off with it, losing himself in the crowd of people on the dancefloor.

Rhett and the party planning crew got a real deal DJ for the party and everything, and the tunes he was bumping tempted Jareth to dance with the others, but he had a mission. A self appointed, silly mission, but a mission nonetheless! Jar ditched the pistol by the DJ booth where he found a new weapon with fluorescent blue ammunition. Jareth caught sight of Ari running nearby and chased after him. When Jar had thought he finally had a clear shot, he fired, but the shorter emo dodged out of the way and the friendly fire struck an innocent bystander. Ari didn’t seem to mind, or even register that their game had reached some poor onlooker; he just fell back down again, cackling triumphant that he’d managed to dodge a shot while so drunk.

Oh damn, sorry!” Jar apologized quickly to the girl before realizing who it was. ’Oh damn’ was right… that was Evelyn Harding whose shirt he just coated with blue paint. Evelyn Harding, who earns more in a week than he has in his entire career as a musician. She was dripping with beauty and talent… and now glow-in-the-dark paint as well. Jareth fought the urge to both cringe, and kill his best friend for dodging that shot, of all the shots he could have dodged.

Bored. Tremendously bored. There wasn’t enough vodka in her cup for this party. The raven haired woman leaned against the standing pole that held the tent for drinks. The female musician was listening to her moody friend almost moments ago until the dancing queen dismissed herself to ‘get some air’ by the water. Eve’s hazel orbs observed her friend walk away, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and simply responding with short one liners. Alyssa had disappeared the moment they entered the glow-in-the-dark shindig searching for the ‘king-to-be’. That kid had no idea what he was involuntarily getting himself involved in. If there was one thing that the Unholy Trinity was good at it was… changing circumstances to their liking. Sure, Rhett had potential but he wasn’t king material… not yet, at least.

Alone now, the songstress brought her cup to her succulent lips, letting the burning scent fill her nostrils, before drinking her ‘juice’ with ease. While she drank in solitary bliss, she felt a sudden blast of blue on her white adidas shirt, some even got on her black coat. Phenomenal. Bringing her cup down, Eve glanced at the perpetrator: Jareth Wells. Her expression was unreadable as they stared at each other for a brief, unnerving second. She wasn’t opposed of the boy. If anything, she did acknowledge his talents in music but that’s really all she’s cared to know about him. That was more than she knew about most people, so for Eve to know even an inkling about him was an immense compliment. Bringing up her pointer finger for him to wait but also to not move, she brought her cup back to her lips and within seconds, she swallowed the rest of her drink - which was an unhealthy amount of vodka, straight. She didn’t flinch or show any signs of the burning or the twisting and turning in her stomach. When she was done, the raven gave her cup to some random geek before making her way to the emo kid. The fact that she stood completely silent didn’t make their first meeting any better, but the music and roaring of party goers helped ease the tension. With poise and subtle sensuality, she approached Jareth, inches away from him. Her hazel orbs scanned from his chest up until she locked his gaze with her’s. “Jareth, right?

He swallowed hard, oh boy. She knew his name… was that a good sign? A bad sign? The look on her face made it seem like a bad sign, but he did just ruin her most likely expensive outfit. “Uhh, yeah. Sorry again... Ari is a quick bastard.” he smiled halfway and struggled to maintain eye contact, glancing at Ari to break it. He had imagined countless scenes of his first time officially meeting the Evelyn Harding, and this one was most certainly not in the top five list. Jar had crushed on this girl pretty much instantly when she had arrived at BHHS, but who hadn’t? She’s an actual celebrity. His frazzled mind tried to come up with ways to repair her first impression of him. “Can I.. get you something else to drink to make up for it?” he asked, knowing that she had just drained her cup. Lord knows he wasn’t quite drunk enough for this party, especially after seeing she-who-shall-not-be-named from the corner of his eye. Nope, definitely not drunk enough to be dealing with that woman, or the one in front of him now.

If you’re offering, I won’t refuse. Why don’t you walk with me? Check out the shoreline.” This was the songstress’ invitation for him to spend a moment to make a better impression. She was in a good mood - as far as Eve was willing to be happy for the night - so he was lucky. The main thing that annoyed her about this event was… the beach was a sacred place to her and now imbeciles were defiling it. Oh well. She was here to inspect and mingle. Might as well start with this kid first. Glancing over at the drink table and then back at Jareth, she cooed, “Surprise me. I like my drinks strong. I’ll be waiting over there.” Eve gestured at an area near the bonfire, by the water, away from most of the crazy drunks and horny teens. Without waiting for a reply, she sauntered off into the crowd of people. He did have a choice. He could choose to ditch this opportunity, or he could go after it, full throttle. The consequences for either decision were unknown.

As soon as Evelyn’s back was to him, Jareth exhaled long and relaxed for the first time since their encounter had begun. The next thing he did was shoot Ari the biggest ’what the fuck?!’ glare he could muster. Ari didn’t look exactly happy with that invitation - after all, that was his friend, and they were totally in the middle of a game, but the only protest he made was in the helpless expression he wore. Jareth’s relaxation was short-lived, as he had to figure out what the hell kind of drink to make Eve. Jareth walked over to the refreshment table and stared at the plethora of booze. He stared at the bottles and thought to himself. What do girls drink? Well, Eve wasn’t just some girl… she was a rockstar, and from the looks of how she downed whatever was in that neon solo cup, she went hard. Whiskey. Rockstars definitely liked whiskey - that was almost universal, at least he thought so. Of all the whiskeys he has had, Jack is his favorite, so Jar went with that and poured nearly a triple into both cups, finishing them off with hardly a splash of cola. She said she liked a strong drink, here’s hoping she did! With a deep preparatory breath, Jar took the drinks to the beautiful siren waiting fireside for him.

Surprise!” he said with a wide smile as he somewhat flamboyantly presented her with the cup. It was all in fun, and he shocked even himself with the sudden burst of confidence. Hell, it would be best to be himself around her anyway, right? She was famous, she would choose to love him or hate him regardless of what he did, so he might as well just do his thing. Or maybe that was just false confidence this buzz and Davy’s weed was giving him, he normally only felt this alive on stage. Whatever it was, he was going with it. “Do you surf?” he asked as they started walking toward the shoreline. She probably didn’t, he imagined she was quite a busy person, but it wasn’t an uncommon hobby for Southern Californians to have.

Walking beside Jareth, not fazed by his exuberance, Evelyn had taken off her shoes and placed them in her purse, wanting to feel the sand against her feet. The beach at night could be one of the most calming experiences, add a party to the equation and there was no such thing. Looking ahead, her dark hair gently moving with the breeze, she responded with her tantalizing, velvety voice, “The crowd and the web.” Her gaze never wavered from what was in front of her as they walked aimlessly.

Same. Tried the real thing once and just... embarrassed myself.” Jar chimed in with a chuckle. Eve appreciated the drink he gave her and nodded, which symbolized her ‘thank you’. She would not confirm or deny if she liked the drink, she simply just drank. Jareth wondered if he should say something else, or ask another question. Although, she did pull them away from the rowdy party, so maybe she just wanted a few quiet moments. Jar kept silent and sipped at his own drink.

I know how to make wine.” Eve said, assuming he wanted to know something she did outside of music, Eve gave him a random fact, before continuing, “Tell me a bit about yourself, you do… screamo, if I remember correctly?” After taking a sip of her drink, she added, “I’m not completely in the dark when it comes to our local music scene.

Jar was once again stunned. Not only did she know his name, but she also knew about CrimSon. He nearly cringed at the thought that it might have been Jade that told her about him. Gods, who knows what kind of poison she was spitting about him. “Yeah, screamo… at least that’s what we attempt.” he followed her gaze out towards the waves as they walked in stride. “Like you said, we’re pretty much only a local band… but a guy can dream of more.” he said with a shrug. Of course, it meant a whole lot more to him than a simple shrug. Making it wasn’t just a dream, it was a goal. He couldn’t imagine spending his life doing anything other than making music with his boys. What would be the point? He glanced back at her now, she wanted to know more about him, but he couldn’t come up with any facts as fun as wine making. “I play piano too. Classical stuff, so I’m not all screams and guitars.” he laughed lightly. “I picked it up when I was young… how old were you when you started making music?” Jar asked, hoping the question wouldn’t offend her. Most people liked to talk about themselves, that probably counted double for semi-famous people, right? Maybe not…

Before she answered, Eve took another silent sip of her drink. He at least knew how to keep up a conversation and she appreciated that. “Piano as well. Started around the age of 3. My band got together when I was 12… yeah, music is all I’ve ever known.” Her voice was distant and indifferent but she indulged him with some facts about her.

Jareth raised his brows, though you couldn’t really tell from behind his fringe. “Wow, really?! You started East of Eden when you were twelve? Damn… I was fifteen when I started CrimSon… but it was kind of just Ari and I making a lot of noise in my garage.” he looked down at his feet kicking up sand and laughed. “We were kinda shit, really... But I get what you mean, music has a way of becoming all that you know.” Jareth wanted to ask her more but didn’t want to come off as just another fanboy, or worse - a wannabe rockstar - so instead he quietly bit his lip ring and moved it back and forth with his tongue - a nervous habit of his.

We all have to start somewhere. If you’re passionate enough, I’m sure you’ll get where you want to go.” Eve encouraged her fellow musician colleague, which isn’t something many people get to experience with her. Another large swig of her drink went down her throat. This conversation could get personal, though, Eve wasn’t one to shed light on the inside scoop of her life. That being said, she didn’t mind this conversation. It wasn’t like he’d use any information she gave him against her - if he did, well, she’d ruin him. Jar seemed far too.. Spirited. Youthful. Hopeful. Driven. She was, at least, driven (and only spirited when she was in her element: singing), but her drive didn’t matter because she knew she would get what she wanted. She always did. Perhaps, ruthless was a better term that suited the songstress.

Evelyn Harding was raised to be a money making machine - what more could you ask for? “Y’know, I don’t consider you to be a screaming, annoying fan. I wouldn’t have known your name if I did, so feel free to… express yourself in your usual way. Celebrity or not, I’m just Eve.” Down her drink went again. Her actions were methodical, as if she was very aware of her every move, like a meticulous chess player. Yet, even the way she drank seemed to have… a routine to it. “My situation was more a bunch of fortunate kids with famous parents were forced together to make something great. I love them all, but my story isn’t as… sentimental as your’s.

Jareth stopped toying with his lip ring and thought on her words. “Oh…” he remarked. This whole conversation was surprising him. From the way people at school talked about Eve, it gave the impression that she was some horrid bitch. The vapid students of BHHS certainly talked a lot of shit, though, he should have known better than to believe any of it. Because here he was, walking along the beach with Evelyn, being encouraged to be himself, and having what seemed like genuine conversation about a shared passion. How high was he right now? Surely he would snap out of this weird ass daydream anytime now. Jar pressed his lips in a straight line before asking a somewhat personal question that her last statement inspired.“Do you still... enjoy it, even now that East of Eden has made it big?” he asked. It wasn’t meant to be a prying question, it was just from one aspiring musician to a fairly successful one. Was the climb to the top a worthy one?

The symphonic metal singer stopped in her tracks. He had so much genuine curiosity and care, admirable really. They had reached large rocks in their passing. Turning her body to look directly at her companion, her chest inches away from him, her bewitching gaze claiming his stare, her lips pulling into a devilish, yet alluring smirk, that would cause a chill to run up Jareth’s spine, Eve pleasantly chuckled, “Let’s play a game. I’ll give you three challenges. Succeed the first one, I’ll answer all these questions. Succeed the second one, you can ask me more. Succeed the third one, I’ll let you be mine tonight, what do you say?” If he wanted to know her, she wouldn’t make it easy. Eve was never easy. Plus, she was playful, drunk, and didn’t mind the entertainment . Might as well have fun with her new pet. A game hard to resist. Those were always the best kind.

Challenge Accepted.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 9 mos ago

A prince in the tower

Where: The Party
Who: Sophie Blackthorn, @Ace of flames01

Jack could see her now, and as they twirled and jabbed in their melodic duel, Jack found himself more and more enthralled by the game. He had caught her again, on the edge of his dance floor domain, and her reversing hadn't stopped there. Towards the water she walked, though he doubted she was intending to stop for a dip. As her voice echoed across the sand, he finally understood her motivations, and he was regaled with the words of Wine Red, a song he had not expected, but found did not entirely disagree with the beat he was letting play. A chuckle and a grand round of applause was his way of demonstrating his appreciation for the move. But now it was his turn again. She seemed to be refusing his invitation up so far, but he was not beaten, and he would not back down without fighting his corner to the last. Running fingers over switches and turning down dials he let the tune play out again. Leaving the entire beach feeling somewhat desolate, after the warmth of the permanent beat.

Playing the first layer, he heard the soft melody of a guitar hum across the people. The dancing had slowed now, and people who were awaiting something new turned to watch as he carefully played the deck. Meanwhile some of the less enthusiastic dancers were filing away to continue socialising, now that there was a possibility to be close to the dance floor and not trampled. Jack didn't blame them, if he could have his way he'd be down there now, but then again, he never would be in the position he was. And never have caught the girl attention. As the guitar played, Jack then added some drums, softer than before they added to the melody. Speeding the tempo and getting some people swaying and the odd dance here or there. Jack leant into the mic, and looked directly at the girl as he sang.

"I said you were in a storm, now you've got a reprieve, and I don't want to cut you lose, in fact I want to reel you in." He smiled and dragged the tune into a long whine, letting it build. As it built, he sang quicker, letting his voice meld with the song and smiling as some of the dancers wound themselves up to go again. "You called me Prince, I think that makes me royalty, however I do believe you are forgetting you are really quite something to see. It wouldn't be a crime, not a sin, not a travesty, to have you up here keeping me company." Sampling from the sounds he had stored on his laptop he created another layer to go over the track, the sound of a clap, one swiftly taken up by the crowd again. "I'm a bird with his wings clipped, I struggle to fly. And now you're staying just out of reach and I don't know why. I don't bite, and I know you'd have fun, just come up and take your place, come be the one." On the final word Jack flipped a switch and the track changed, the long note broken into a beat that matched the clap. Before switching on the last sound Jack had been working on, which added a new melody, causing the beat to become the base of the track. People danced, and the speakers pulsed. But all Jack could do was look at the girl, as he stood and pointed at a spot next to him. A cheeky grin dancing across his lips with each moment passing.

The song was quieter than the last one, and by checking some of the systems, he was to angle most of the sound away from his booth. Even allowing Jack to hear the crinkle of plastic as he drew another sunflower seed from the packet he had. Depositing it in his mouth, he chewed absentmindedly. The competition was probably flirting, of sorts, Jack realised, but in reality what it was to him was fun. He loved to DJ, it was his lifeblood, but the party was not to see him, it was to party. And as such he wasn't working with a crowd he was used to, making the experience a little more boring than he had hoped. She was something fresh, and seemed to demand his attentions. He would not disappoint.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Location: the party
Interacting with: Jack @gowia

Sophie couldn't help but laugh at the DJ's attempts to get her onto the stage with him and win their little game. She agreed that it was about time to end their little game of "flirting" and music, however, before she would win herself this game, she was going to reel him in a little bit.... before tightening and cutting the line. "Sorry, pretty boy. But you should realize that I won't let win with a few pretty lyrics."

She took a deep breath. "Can you say my, Can you save my, can you save my heavy, dirty soul? Can you say my, Can you save my, can you save my heavy, dirty soul?For me, for me, oh, Can you save my heavy dirty soul?
For me, for me, oh, Can you save my heavy dirty soul?"
She sang back, quieter this time yet just as powerfully, as she noticed the music get quieter. Another quoting of a verse. She was feeding him a false sense of security into believing she had nothing left but quoting.... He couldn't be more wrong as a smile crept up on her face, letting the false sense of security sink in deeper, letting him believe he won. It was time to tighten the line.

She took another deep breath. "beag milis aingeal tar éis titim, tá diabhal i disguise, tá tú a chaillfidh ar fad de do chuid cleití. Tá sé in am chun tú a filleadh ar d'áit i measc na flaithis. Áit a théann tú, ní féidir liom a leanúint. Táim ach éan amhrán ach ní bhíonn ach, faoi cheangal leis an plain mortal. Mar sin, sprout péire sciathán airgid, agus a ghlacadh chun na spéartha." She sang sweetly, giving off the vibe of a ancient and Celtic melody; which translates roughly to:

"Sweet little fallen angel, a devil in disguise, you have shed all of your feathers. It is time for you to return to your place amongst the heavens. Where you go, I cannot follow. For I am but a mere song bird, bound to this mortal plain. So sprout a pair of silver wings, and take to the skies."

She had changed the game completely by dropping it on its head choosing to sing in an old and nearly forgotten language. The way she sang made it nearly impossible for even a seasoned DJ hard to replicate on a dash board. He was to have to come up with something original on the spot in order to compete with her now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

LOCATION — Beverly Hills Beach Bash
INTERACTIONS — Each other (Summer & Jackson)
@lovely complex @Altered Tundra
TIME —Time to Dance

Fifteen minutes had passed since Jackson and Summer had split from Jade and Jay, and the blonde teen had already consumed over four mixed cocktails of hard liquor. Whatever mood Jackson was in, one thing was for sure: he wasn’t going to experience it sober.

Even if he had the company of Summer, that wasn’t enough to take his mind off of what had happened today. Eve crushed him. Hard. Worse than that, she did it without a moment’s hesitation. Jackson didn’t know what he expected. She was someone who was way out of his league. Ely told him countless times. Rhett would often go on, telling him similar things. Jade told him countless times. Hell, even his own parents chimed in on the subject. Granted, they were looking out for him, but Jackson didn’t listen to any of them. He thought his drive would be able to sway her, but he never got the chance simply because he couldn’t keep his mouth closed. Or be like Rhett, and know when a serious approach was needed.

Everything got fucked because of his big mouth. And now Jackson was paying the piper.

So, if he felt that type of way towards Eve, then why did he even come to the party? Why did Jackson come to Rhett’s party where he knew for a fact that Eve would be here? Why did Jackson come to this party knowing full well that there was a high chance of seeing Eve, of seeing Rhett converse with Eve? And above all things, why was Jackson there, looking out on the moonlit beach with Rhett’s kid sister, Summer?

He didn’t know why. Even worse, Jackson couldn’t find a single reason - at least not at the moment - that it was wrong. But that didn’t change that Jackson had been uncharacteristically silent the entire time. Maybe he didn’t know what to say to Summer, or he simply felt it was safer if this loud mouth finally kept his trap shut.

But perhaps he should say something.

Downing the drink he had in his hand, Jackson scratched the back of his neck. He could literally feel the sweat starting to drop down his back. “So, Summer are you having fun?” Jackson asked. He had no idea what he was doing. God help him if speaking was a mistake.

Summer Aspen, a dynamite blonde, even for a 14 year old, wore her elegant, army green bathing suit that showed some of her stomach and chest (and just a lot of her body), while her denim hip hugger shorts were nice and tight on her plump, dancer bottom. To keep her identity - somewhat incognito, but not really - she wore sunglasses at night. Who cares right? She did what she wanted because she knew she could and would be the best one day. Her brother was such a jerk for not letting her come. Sure, this was her first week of school and she was technically grounded by their mother for paying Miley to do her chores, but she had better things to do like impress Audrey. Her sunglasses rested on top of her gorgeous, well groomed blonde waves, as her light brown orbs fixedly watched the gentle waves of the night water. This was great and it was all thanks to Jackson she could experience the FIRST PARTY OF THE YEAR. Fuck you Rhett for not bringing me. He would pay. Sure, him being considered as potential King Bee material meant more opportunities for her to get on the good graces of Audrey and like, becoming a royal a lot faster than she expected she was capable of doing, but he was still an idiot. He would pay.

Her eyes lit up at the voice of her crush when he broke the silence from them romantically staring out toward the sea. With doe-eyes and a bright, bubbly smile, Summer glanced up at him (having not touched alcohol because she wanted to stay sober for Jackson - plus, soon enough her brother would find her and flip shit), “Never better!” Turning her body toward him, letting her left hand ‘unintentionally’ glide down her chest, she thanked the handsome man that stood before her, “Thank you so much for bringing me. I’m eternally grateful to you, Jackson.” Her voice had a hint of red wine, but was covered with a high octave and sunshine. She gave him a kittenish stare and began to twirl her hair. Obviously flirting. “You know… there’s so much we could do together right now. To have fun and forget about all our problems.” Summer scanned around them, making sure her brother was nowhere near her.

Jackson was quite unsure what she meant by “fun”. His mind wasn’t thinking clearly, and her words didn’t really hit him as soon if he wasn’t in the neighborhood of shitfaced. Seeing as how that he was close to that particular destination, his reaction time was delayed. That was especially true when he blinked. His vision blurred slightly as a result of his alcohol levels.

Fun? Wha--” Jackson was interrupted by Summer’s forcing tug.

Wanting her brother’s best friend to only think about her, the freshmen dancer grabbed his hands (both) and pulled him toward the dance floor, walking backwards, “Show me your slick moves, Jackson.

This wasn’t a good idea. Most definitely wasn’t a good idea. Rhett could see him. Granted, from afar, perhaps it wouldn’t look like Summer. Still, Jackson, on some level of his drunkened state, knew this wasn’t a wise move. Being here at the party with Summer broke a few rules of Bro Code already, but dancing with her for sure broke almost every word. If Barney Stinson was here, he would probably give Jackson an earful. Or even Ted Mosby. Or even Marshall Eriksen. All three of them would tell Jackson that he was making a huge mistake. That he should not engage in a dance with Summer. Absolutely not. Don’t do it, Jackson Drake.

As he looked at Summer, examining his options, Jackson seemed like he was at a crossroads, but then he remembered the week he had. He remembered everything that happened. He tried making the right decisions, but none of them worked in his favor. So, he decided to just throw out the rulebook, and make a bad decision for once.

Fine, but don’t say that I didn’t warn you.” Jackson said. He hiccuped, burped, and laughed in all in that order

As if on cue, the song that was previously playing ended, and Party Hard by Andrew W.K. came on. As that happened, something woke up inside Jackson. One could say his party animal came out, and suddenly Jackson, without even realizing it, began to jump up and down, holding Summer’s hands with the rhythm that his arms. His head was rocking back and forth, he twirled around, twirled her around, and just kind of losing all sense of control as the aggressive beats of the instruments fueled Jackson’s energy and overall vibe.

Summer’s heartbeat picked up expeditiously and she gleamed up at Jackson as he enjoyed himself with her. Sure, he wasn’t the best dancer in the world but this was a party, who cares about class or skill? It was all about having a blast and she was having one hell of a good time! With full willingness, she let him move her petite body around in spins and twirls and even though he didn’t have grace, Summer did. Swaying her hair to side to side, flowing with the night air, and oscillating her hips along with the occasional bounces, the Niner did not look away from him. For this moment, she would like to think she was all his and it felt fan-fucking-tastic. This wasn’t the most… sensual song… but she hoped after this one, she and he could get more intimate. Her light brown orbs did widen slightly when he almost knocked out a couple of people OTHER THAN HER but hey, at least she was safe - sorta. She liked this. He held her. He ‘handled’ her with ease. He… danced with her. The gorgeous, young blonde couldn’t help but feel elated. “JACKSON!” She yelled over the music, “Catch me!” She pulled away from him and gave herself a running start before she leapt into his arms and wrapped her legs around him. Her face was inches away from him, “Spin.

Despite his decision to willingly make bad decisions, Jackson’s conscious was telling him to stop. It was telling him to drop her. Didn’t matter if it would be mean, if it meant that Jackson wouldn’t be seen in a compromising position with Summer, it would be okay. But, of course, as he always has been, Jackson was being stubborn. Because of that, instead of dropping her like a hot, firm potato, Jackson did as she requested. His hands were gripped along her waistline. He tried not to let them go any lower because, God-forbid Rhett notice them, he didn’t want to risk grabbing his best bro’s kid sister’s firm bottom(okay, he might’ve copped a feel for a slight moment, but you can’t blame him for that one). Lucky for him, the King-to-Be was off a long distance away talking to Alyssa and Connor.

Jackson spun around a few times, with Summer in his arms, looking up at her. Why does she have to be beautiful? Whyyy?

The spins were increasing in numbers. At first, it was all well and dandy. He had control of his footing, and was keeping his hands above the ass. But the more he span the both of them around in circles, gravity was beckoning hard. At one point he almost lost his balance, but caught himself. It was growing increasingly difficult.

And then they dropped. Jackson slipped on the sand, and fell backwards. His back was against the plush sand, and, well, there was Summer on top of him.

Jackson fell, which may have or may have not been something Summer had planned all along. He was shitfaced, she knew that, and the chances of him allowing himself to drop her were slim to none because she just knew he couldn’t resist (and if she got hurt, well, Rhett would beat the shit out of him). Now they were in a compromising position, where she laid on him but that immediately was brought to a straddle (oh Summer). Looking down at him, the blonde tilted her head and let out a light giggle, “I never thought we’d be in this position anytime soon.” As much as the darling dancer wanted her way, planting a nice, juicy kiss on him right then and there, she decided to get off of him and offer her hand, “Want to go talk somewhere? Your head must be spinning now.

Summer wasn’t wrong. Jackson had been feeling not the greatest before they started dancing, but after the fall, it was like a million people were screaming in his head. Not to mention all those spins made him quite dizzy, which made Jackson hesitate to take her hand right away. As it stood at the current moment, Jackson saw about three of Summer. He wouldn’t know which hand he would reach for, so he just decided to sit there for a minute until the multiple Summers went away.

As he grunted, Jackson’s sight was finally behaving. He only saw one Summer, thus took her hand to help his drunk ass up to his feet. “Yeah..” Jackson said, still feeling woozy, but he was able to at least get that word out. “I think there’s a semi-quiet spot along the coast.” Jackson said, “that work for you?

Mhm, whatever you want, Jackson!” Sneakily, but not really, more possessively than anything, Summer grabbed the hand closest to her and beckoned him onward, “Take the lead, hot stuff!” Yes, the darling Niner was outwardly flirting with him and didn’t really care who heard her, but knowing Jackson he would probably think she was joking. Or maybe, his drunk state would notice her ploys. She doubted it.

Jackson was thankful that Summer held close to his hand. He needed balance for this trek of a few dozen feet. Even that short amount was difficult, especially how weak Jackson’s alcohol tolerance seemed to be tonight. Each step he took with Summer seemed to be only slower and with more stumbling. Even still, there was an upside to this slow approach. Jackson and Summer eventually reached the spot that Jackson mentioned. And he was pretty accurate about it being semi-quiet. The loudness of the party could still be heard, but they wouldn’t need to yell over the music to hear each other. For talking, that was pretty essential. Jackson took a seat(not by choice) on the floor, kind of rolling until his bottom was on the sand. He brought his arms beside him, sloppily gesturing Summer to sit beside him. He wouldn’t move much in fear that his body would decide laying stomach-first was needed.

The beautiful blonde scooted in closer to her brother’s best friend, before assertively suggesting, “Lay down, your head is probably spinning! We can look up at the stars.” After gently helping the boy lay back on the sand, making sure his movements weren’t too abrupt (no need for the dynamite crush to upchuck), Summer laid beside him, resting in the crook of his shoulder, while staring up up toward the sky, “You okay? You don’t seem… your usual self.” Waiting for him to respond, the aspiring dancer traced her pointer finger on Jackson’s chest.

I am definitely not okay.” Jackson said, sighing. “I don’t even know where to start.” he sighed again.

Summer was right. Jackson was not alright. Actually, he was far from it, but where would he begin? How would he start to explain how far from alright he was? Those questions continued in his mind for several seconds. He went over what happened today, trying to concentrate on the best place to start. It wasn’t until he grunted, scooting onto his side, and both of his eyes looking at Summer.

Thank god for nighttime! Summer’s cheeks leaked red as Jackson turned onto his side… their faces inches away from each other. They would have gorgeous blue eyed, blonde haired babies (assuming Jackson’s blue eyes were the dominant genes). No! Stop. Support him. He needs someone to cheer him up. Be that girl. A faint smile graced her face, while she let her light brown orbs lock with his ocean blue. Who needs to look at the ocean when it all resided in her crush’s gaze? “Start from the beginning.” Summer sweetly whispered. Gently, she brought her hand to his blonde strands and brushed them out of his face.

Well, I guess that would be a good place to start, huh?” Jackson said, lowly laughing.

As he took in a deep breath(not one too noticeable), Jackson would begin telling the tale. “I’m pretty sure that you’re aware of how I’ve been pining for Evelyn Harding, right? I mean, no doubt you heard it from Rhett. Well, after I left with Jade after shit went down in the courtyard, she went to go meet with Eve. Apparently Rhett wanted her to perform or something like that.” Jackson shrugged, “anyways, when we got there, I had so much excitement. I mean, she has been the woman I wanted to be with since — well, for a while. People told me I was crazy for wanting to be with her. You name the person, and I’m pretty sure they have said something about it at some point. Jade, my parents, even Ely at one point, but she was only annoyed with me one time.” Jackson realized he was going on like a motor. He needed to skip the story, and go to what happened.

Alright, so when me and Jade were in front of her, Jade and Eve were talking, right? And you know me. I can’t keep my mouth shut for long. Sure enough, I let something slip, and…” Jackson paused, “well, it became evidently clear that I not only had no possible chance with Eve, but that if I even dared go near her, or speak her name in her presence, I would live to regret it.” Jackson said, a hint of fear in his tone. “It was a wake-up call, I suppose.” Jackson said, somewhat finishing the story. There was more he wasn’t saying, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

Having a brother like Rhett, who didn’t like people to worry about him, who didn’t want people to know his inner battles, and who kept everything bottled up until he exploded, Summer had great intuition for a girl her age. As much as her brother wanted to watch over her, she felt like she had to check up on him more than he for her. That being said, she wasn’t one to pry further into someone’s business unless said person was willing and ready to tell her more. She kept quiet, while she observed where his gaze went or his change in tone. When his voice trailed off, his story coming to a-sorta-close, Summer sighed, “I understand it’s disappointing to not have… the means to be everything your crush wants.” There was a hint of realness in the topic they were discussing, like it was close to her own heart, “Everyone tells you what not to do and you… want to prove them wrong. Then you find out, when it’s too late, they were right. Every single one of them warned you, because they cared… but you’re still not satisfied, right?” Her serene voice stood at a pleasantly low level, not one to raise it while she gave Jackson a heart-to-heart, “Perhaps, we should look at this a little differently?” She brought her body closer to his and let her hand rest on his side (wanting to intertwine her legs in between his, but refraining herself), “You care about Eve, right? Even if she… never gave you a chance… you still want her to be happy, yes?” The night beach setting didn’t help her urge(s). She just wanted to hold him close and show him that she could be that woman who made him happy, but instead she bit her bottom lip and waited for a response.

Jackson couldn’t speak, which was odd. He always had something to say even if it was something stupid, or immature. Even if what was on his mind was something entirely asinine, Jackson always had something to say. That was his thing. Jackson Drake was a guy that always had something to say, but now? There wasn’t a single word that escaped his mouth. It wasn’t because he wasn’t thinking about anything. On the contrary, he for sure had his mind on something. The problem was that Jackson found himself thinking if he should have this thought on his mind. Summer was no doubt right about everything that she had said, but she was really close to him. It wasn’t just in a emotional sense. She always has been someone special to him, but more in that ‘you’re my best friend’s kid sister’-kind of way. But, as she was closer to his body, her arm on his side, Jackson began thinking of her in a different light.

And that was a dangerous thing. By the Gods, Jackson knew he should pull away, but something either around him or within him, didn’t want to. It was as if something bigger was at play, and Jackson didn’t want to move a single inch. Yeah he knew this was a dangerous position to be in. If Rhett came knocking near them, Jackson would be in deep shit. Even if nothing had happened, this was a very compromising position for Jackson to be in with Summer.

And yet..

I, uh,” Jackson finally spoke, but he became tonguetied,

He cleared his throat.

Yes, I want her to be happy. Yes, I care about her. As much as it pains me to admit this, if she can’t see me in that way, then maybe with someone else more like her would bring a genuine smile to her.” Jackson said. To his surprise, he was smiling. And, from the looks of it, shedding a few tears. “Shit. Sorry, I don’t know where those came from.” Jackson caught them almost immediately. He went to wipe them from his eyes.

Jackson blinked once. His eyes were back on Summer. “What about you?” Jackson asked. “You spoke as if you know the feeling of unrequited love.

Don’t wipe your tears away. You shouldn’t be ashamed for caring. For loving. You’re… really amazing, Jackson.” Summer lifted herself up slightly with her arm so she could glance down at him as they laid side by side. With her hand that was on the outer side of her body, she brought it to his face and brushed his hair out of his eyes, “Girls are complicated. I’m sure Eve has her reasons…” Her blonde hair moved gently with the nightly breeze while her gaze was completely focused on him,”Mm. My circumstances are… dangerous.” Her head inched closer. Slowly, very slowly, they were making their way toward his lips. Without a doubt, there was a building anticipation, desire, and need, “I’d love to be with him… even if it’s wrong.

Rather than go straight to his face, she went to the side of it, brushing her cheek against his, and brought her lips to his ear, whispering, “But that’s for me to know and you to find out.

What does she mean by that?

By the time her words resonated with him, Jackson was looking at Summer’s face. So close it was to his own. Something about the way she looked at him and the way that he looked at her was …intense. Sure there might’ve been another way to describe it, but Jackson couldn’t think of any other word than intense. His heart was racing so fast, and the nerves were at an all-time high. Not to mention that he was probably drenched in sweat from head-to-toe.

Jackson would brush that aside for the moment. He shook his head, grains of sand flying everywhere in the process. Eyes of intrigue on Summer, Jackson blinked once. “This guy you like,” Jackson began, “what makes it so wrong to be with him? If you like him, maybe you should tell him how you feel.” he advised her. “Trust me, not knowing how someone might feel about you is worse than anything in this world.

Playfully rolling her eyes, knowing she understood the situation better than him, Summer shrugged, “I’ll keep that in mind but I think… I know how things would end.” Tilting her head, the Niner couldn’t help but giggle, “What are you waiting for? I know you want to kiss me. Just do it.” She wasn’t going to tell him who she liked, but she would give him the decision to kiss her. His ocean orbs spoke volumes. He never was one that could easily hide how he felt. Brushing her nose against his, the devious blonde added, “I won’t tell Rhett, if you won’t. This can be… our little secret.

What? No..that’s not—

Jackson was a little flabbergasted right now. Where did that come from? What would give her that impression that he wanted to kiss her? No, that was completely absurd. The thought never crossed his mind. Not before tonight and most certainly not when he picked her up from her house. It certainly didn’t cross his mind when she and he were talking on the drive to the party. It never crossed his mind when they were walking along side of each other, her arm hooked with his, and Jackson not minding it much. Not when she and he were talking alone, staring at the moon’s reflection at the beach. It wasn’t when they were dancing and she fell on top of him. It wasn't when he felt …iffy with her body on top of his. And he most certainly didn’t think about it when they started to lay down close to each other on the sand.

Of course, all of those times, Jackson was lying to himself. He had decided to make bad decisions because he didn’t care. In the process, regardless if he didn’t want to openly admit it to himself, it was the singular thought of kissing her that was fuelling his actions tonight. From the moment she got into the car, all the way to this very moment in front of them, Jackson had all but one thought on his mind: kissing those rose-colored lips of summer’s. But even if he wanted to, he can’t.

We can’t — I can’t. I’ll be breaking the Bro Code.” Jackson attempted to scoot away, but he couldn’t. One, Summer’s leg was over his own, and, perhaps he didn’t want to. “Article 19 states: A bro shall not sleep with another bro’s sister. Kissing is included there.” Jackson kept shaking his head. “It’d be wrong.

I guess you’ll never know. I simply wanted to make you feel better after getting your heartbroken from someone who doesn’t appreciate you like I do, but oh well. It’s your lost. Bro code or not, you are your own person. Don’t worry, I’m sure I can find someone else who would adore Summer lovin’.” The disappointment was written all over her face. Of course, as long as Rhett was her brother, her chances with any boy was slim to none. Regardless, she would still do what she wanted. But at last, Jackson was drunk, she shouldn’t take advantage of this opportunity as much as she wanted to, and he… would never want her. She should have known better. “It’s no big deal!” She gave him a warm faux smile. Her voice had a hint of sadness its tone and her light brown orbs were distant.

Pulling away from him, she decided right then and there it was time to move on from this silly infatuation she had for her brother’s best friend. Move on from teen romance. She had dancing to focus on, anyways! “I’m going back to the party.” The young blonde started to pick herself up. Not giving him a chance to grab her, she jolted up and waved goodbye. Once she was done bidding adieu, she quickly paced away.

Now what was he going to do? Jackson knew it was wrong to feel this way. And even though he wanted to do something about it, he might have just missed his only chance cause she was already walking away. If ever there was a moment that he would have to do something — anything — about this entire situation with Summer and whatever he felt, it would have to be now. The choice would have to be made within the next couple of seconds.

Shit,” Jackson muttered, struggling to get up. He was eventually able to after a few tries. “Summer!” Jackson called out, but she didn’t stop. He took a few big steps, stumbling slightly. “Summer!” he called out again. Still, she didn’t stop. Either she didn’t hear him or she was refusing his call. Jackson was faster than her, but in his state, he might as well be as fast as she was. A miracle happened, and Jackson finally reached her. His right hand reached out, and grabbed her shoulder. He turned her around. “Summer! Will you just wait a minute?!” Jackson yelled to her, trying to talk over the loud sounds of the music and screaming teenagers.

The Niner tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let her go, “Forget it, Jackson!” Her gaze turned dark… something Jackson probably has never seen up until this very moment. She didn’t want to deal with this right now. She didn’t want to deal with him right now. Or even look at him, “It was a stupid suggestion, okay. Go find my brother and have another shot or something. Just let me go.

They were past the point of words. Jackson was past the point of words. There was nothing he could say that would even begin to cover what he was feeling right now because it was too crazy to believe. To think that, in some way, shape, or form, Jackson had feelings for Summer. It was taboo. It was forbidden. Hell, it was hazardous to his health, but none of that mattered when Jackson looked into her eyes. Realizing at this very moment that he had been looking in the wrong place. Ely was more like a sister to him. Eve was never going to acknowledge him in the way he wanted. Ash was miles away, but right now, right here, was someone that actually liked him. For whatever reason that was out of Jackson’s comprehension, she liked his ugly mug. And as taboo as it was, Jackson liked her too.

As the final seconds ticked away, Jackson brought his left hand up to Summer’s cheek, caressing it. “That’s the last thing I want to do, Summer,” He smiled, and leaned in. The moment wasn’t fleeting, not if Jackson had any say about it. He was about to take hold of it just as he took hold of Summer’s attention by giving her a loving, deep kiss.

W-what?! He… he actually went for it?! Summer’s eyes widened as her crush for god... who-even-knows-how-long… pressed his warm, yummy lips against her’s. Was this really happening? The smell of liquor (a combo of whiskey, vodka, and something fruity) filled her nostrils and his grip on her tightened. Shock. Disbelief. Confusion. But most importantly, elation. In this moment, one of her most desired dreams felt like it was coming true. She didn’t move a muscle. If she did, this moment might end. She didn’t want it to end. Call her clique but if she could freeze time, she would.

Instead of pulling away, she closed her eyes and moved her plump lips along with his… as if she was leading it to more risque kissing (she was even tempted to use tongue, but she’d refrain herself - for now). From an outsider’s perspective, her arms were down to her side and she looked frozen in place as her brother’s best friend (or an older boy) held onto her possessively, planting a nice, hard kiss on the freshman. But to her, fireworks had been set off inside. Summer was on cloud 9… Her mind would stay up in the clouds for as long as time would allow her to live in this illusion. Please, let this last forever.
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