Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Back off, bitch!" Sam shouted, blocking the knife arm with one hand and elbowing him with the other. He dove away from Jack, freeing from his grip and avoiding his bite.

He turned around with his SMG and shot at Jack, but without looking to see any shot had hit and killed Jack continued his pursuit of John through a random door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Arin perked up at what sounded like a fight that didn't include him for once in his life. "Is it just me or is there a gun fight going on?" He looked at Ayaka, Alexander and Heather. "Might have to find your room quicker, Heather." He also thought it would be better if they all went to their assigned rooms since the hallways seemed unsafe at the moment.

Alexander would like to back into room 2, but remembered the deal he made to Heather which was help her find room 29. "But I wanna help too though." He glanced at Heather.

Price ran into his room after hearing the gunshots. "First the blood and now that?" He stood near the window on his side of the room. Why can't I be like other vampires who don't have this? He seemed to be just fed up with always getting messed with. He looked at the guitar on his bed though he wasn't sure this would be a good time to play it.

Juno had finally found where the blood was coming from and looked at said corner. He knew Deon was there, he could sense his presence. Okay, Deon, quit hiding. I know you're there. He thought to him. He then received Kaoru's message about the three men. I will once I've finished talking to a foe here. He sent back to her as he waited for Deon to show himself.

Deon heard someone enter his mind asking him to quit hiding. "You're not the boss of me, cat boy." He looked down at Juno who was still in cat form.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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Jack took a shot in the head, then laughed. "Yo, bastard! I got a gun too!" He ran after Sam and loosed a shot. "Plus, I can't die!" Jack was determined to kill this man. Hey, if he ate kidneys from a bounty hunter who wanted to kill John, it wasn't as bad, right? "Come back here, coward? Or can you not handle Eyeless Jack!?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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The bullet hit Sam right in the back...right where the bullet proof vest was protecting him. Maniacles manufactured and equipped its mercs with their own equipment, and these vests were much more efficient than you saw with law enforcement and even some military. Sam barely felt the bullet, and was able to keep rushing through.

The door he rushed through led him to some recreational room. When he saw the bullet he shot did almost nothing to Jack, and heard Jack yell he couldn't die, he shouted "What the fuck?" and threw a grenade behind him to at least slow Jack down, then continued in pursuit of John. Sam had been trained well, but wasn't as used to fighting supernatural creatures, so the fact Jack shrugged off bullets so well shook him up a little, but he kept his wits about him as he continued running.

Seconds later, the sound of a grenade blast could be heard in the room next door, as John came down from the ceiling. Yes, he was clinging to the ceiling like a ninja.

He turned to the other two and said in a low voice "Either one of you know what the hell that guy wants?" John knew, by instinct, this wasn't just some arrest. Sam didin't look like law enforcement, more like a special operative, for some corporate army.

He knew Jack had chased Sam into the next room and the pursuit would probably continue until one of them, most likely the mercenary, was dead. Still, John felt an obligation to finish this himself, but figured there would be more mercenaries and he would need better weapons before taking them on directly. He figured he would sneak around and slit the mercenaries throat, he only had 8 bullets and wanted to preserve ammo.

"Either of you think you could spare a map? Or does the hallway lead around into that room next to us?" He asked the other two.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Comic frowned at her slightly scooting away. His eyes flashing with distrust.

Heather looked terrified and she was shaking slightly. "Y-Yeah." She said inching closer to Alex.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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"Oh whats the matterr? You don't think I am pretty?" She asked, malevolence showing in her voice and face as she grabbed him and raised her knife.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Avary braced himself after jumping from the bone, he couldn't escape the blasters. "Please sans. I'm not your enemy. After actually meeting you, I thought you were a pretty cool dude. If you need to kill me to return to your normal state, then do it." He said and straightened up, ready for death.
Shadow had a lot of tears running down her face, she ran to sans and grabbed his arm. "Please, don't kill him!" She was begging as if it were her own life on the line right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

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@Overlord24sans stopped as shadow grabbed his arm. His eye went out again as he slumped over. "n0 P4pyRus 1m s0rrY" sans said as he dropped his axe and clutched his skull as now he was crying out of both eye sockets. Slowly the blasters dissipated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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Jack continued running. He was almost past the grenade, but it melted his flesh and blew him forward. His skin quickly healed itself, and Jack cursed. He was farther behind. Jack continued running. "Come fight me, you coward! You're nothing! You can't handle regenerative powers?! What a wimp! My mom fought better than you."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Avary kneeled on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. He looked at sans with a little concern. "You OK sans? Are you back to normal?"
When the blasters dissipated Shadow ran to Avary and hugged him and was still crying. "Don't do that again you idiot!" She said and then looked at sans in fear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

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Jason blocks the shrapnel from his face using his forearms. "Awww... Now fun... Well come on ladies then pick up the body and take care of it, you guys are probably really hungry," He says chuckling before putting away his bone saw which was actually just a toy and helps the Wax dolls up because they fell over after the explosion. The wax dolls then picked up had much had they could and carried it off to a blue window that Jason summoned once they came near him.

Raspberry startled by the man barging into the kitchen like that causes her to drop her teacup and shatters it causing pieces of glass to get stuck in her hand that was holding the teacup saucers. "Are you talking about the butler sir? He is right here... Speaking of that... I'm really sorry I dropped the cup mister," She says softly looking up at the man who brought it to her pouting trying to ignore the pain caused by the glass in her hand. The next thing she knows it there was someone else and the other man ran off and now there is someone on the ceiling. She just shakes her head and tries to pick out the glass in her hand which was now bleeding.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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Kaoru hears Juno and see guess she be stuck here for a bit. She notices Price is going insane, she gets up and sits on the bed. She picks up the guitar and starts to play it, "everyone is diffrent in their race." She is thinking she may attract the enemy but it is worth it to keep someone calm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Jack had asked her what she likes to do. To be honest, Luna is simple of enough to only have a couple things she likes doing. “Well I like exploring in general. Oh and water.” Her ears soon twitched because it sounded like someone just burst into the mansion? What reason could anyone have for that?

“Oh hi John, “ Luna said as he caught up. “Actually I was just wondering what was going on. I thought I heard commotion.” Then saw some guy behind John. “Well...that answers that question.” Why were they after John?

She pulled the water from the air and froze it, ready to through it at these guys who seemed to be after John. After the bounty hunter had apparently shot Jack and took off after John, Luna threw her ice at him, but missed since he had gone through a door.

Afterward, she looked to see if Jack was ok. He was. Luna apparently needlessly worried about him. She followed after him. Luna seeing the grenade slowed down a bit and waited before continuing after Jack. It wasn't like she thought he needed help. Just wanted to continue talking with him and was quite annoyed that was interrupted. Not to mention she wanted that tuna later.

Ayaka waited outside for Alex and looked at the room Arin pointed to. At least she knew which one was his now. “Mine and Luna's is 16.”

Ayaka has been hearing fighting going on as well. Wow. Someone who wasn't trying to mess with Arin. That was big switch. Not that she was complaining or anything. “Yeah. There's definitely something going on.”

“And by the sound of it, we better get moving or we may find ourselves caught up in it.” She didn't feel like participating in a fight at the moment..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"U-Uh you're plenty pretty. I'm just not a huge fan of violence...." Comic said still scooting back. His eyes were wide with fear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Price looked at her guessing she was able to hear his thoughts. "These are times where I wish I could have my human life back, but I have been this way for so long that I don't know if it's possible to go back anymore." His listened to her play his guitar, hoping she was being careful with that. It was the only thing that kept him company. He didn't even know why he was telling her all this since he had just met her not too long. He didn't even know her name either, just that she was told to look out for him by Juno.

Arin nodded as he continued walking till they finally got to the rooms that started with 20 down to 30. "Arlight, your room somewhere around here, Heather. Think you can make it from here?" He looked at her, really hoping neither one of them would become part of the fight. That and knowing what his Dino might do to the mansion just by sheer size since they were indoors. Not that he was that angry now or anything. He just didn't want any part of a fight that wasn't his.

Alexander decided he would stay with Heather until the fight ceased. He didn't know what it was that made him interested in getting to know her. He was also looking for an excuse to stay out of the fray.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Yeah I think I can. Thank you for helping me." Heather said giving a smile but it was obvious that the blond was still very tense and scared at the sounds of fighting. The clouds around her were still building and turning darker.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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Jack gave up and stopped. He looked back and saw Luna. "Oh, um, sorry." He said sheepishly. "You see, sometimes my...uh...scary side comes out and takes over. Sorry." He looked down, embarrassed. "We should probably get to somewhere safe." He grabbed her hand and started to run to the rooms.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alisdragon911
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"You look fondly at it and you are acting like you had ten cups of tea." She carefully puts the guitar, "have you try meditating? It may help you bring your human side back to your human side back into you." She pulls out a small bag and opens it, it is full of berries. She must have already ate all the seeds, she a berry and does not mind if he some with her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Simon was caught of guard by how his kitchen was wrecked in just a matter of minutes. Alas he wasn't one to become a barbarian over bad situations. He exhaled heavily kneeling near Raspberry. "Don't worry about the mess I'll clean it, you should tend to your wounds by the sink..." Simon stands and looks over in the direction of the man who has just entered the room. "I believe the hallway does lead into the next room, but if that doesn't work out you can always destroy the wall like you've done my kitchen." Simon didn't want to be rude so he did offer the man a cup of tea before he departed from the kitchen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

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@Overlord24sans couldn't hear them he was trapped in his one little slice of hell. "I c0uldnT s4vE yoU p4pYrUs I am 20rRy" sans said as he clawed at his skull. His right hand catching the hole in his skull he pulled off more pieces.
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