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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constance & Conway
Collab with @Mercenary Lord

Conway had hoped to get the AV-44's check-up done as soon as possible. There were several other pressing matters to attend to, such as the daily captain's log the UINC insisted on him recording each day, or get a report from the engine room, or see how the repairs on the huge lightning-ripped hole were coming along. And the most important thing would be for him to just be on the fucking bridge so he could captain his ship for once.

But he was entirely unsurprised when Ulhart walked in a minute later and said: "Sorry to be late, cap'n, but the woman in the room next to mine...she's tearin' it apart, sir. I think it was the same lass who tried to ride shotgun on the bird on the last outin' we did."

Recognition and irritation flooded Conway's face. "Constance," he hissed, and stomped his foot. "Fuckin' hell, boys, I'm of the mind ta just throw her overboard. She's been drivin' us all up walls we didn't even know we could climb. Wait here, Ulhart. Start the once-over, if ya'd be so kind."

Then he stormed off down the hall to the living quarters. He didn't have to wait long to hear frustrated curses and crashing sounds. "What in the ten triads o' Legri scummers are ya doin' in there, lass?" He roared, arms folded and thunder on his face.

A quiet "shit" could be heard from behind the door frame, followed by a pinched, "Give me a moment!" accompanied by the sound of furniture being scraped across the floor and glass being kicked around. After nearly a minute the woman finally opened her door just a handful of inches, enough for her to peak her head out and give the captain a nervous smile. The stagnant stench of cigarette smoke drifted out of the room, the thin holder gripped in a hand that was wrapped with a damp, red bandage around her knuckles. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, and as her cheeks had dried her makeup had begun to streak together. A tumbler of dark spirits was clutched tightly to her chest.

"I was just about to go get you, Captain," said Constance, gritting the cigarette holder between her teeth as she ran a finger through her disheveled hair. "I think someone broke into my room and wrecked the place while I was gone."

Conway's fingers tapped his bicep with manic intensity as he glared at her. "Crocka shit," he growled. "Ya look like hell, and one of me men heard ya tearin' the place apart like ya were a Geralt cloud yerself."

He put a hand on the door. "Ya gonna invite me in, lass? I'm of the mind we have ourselves a gab." His voice was slightly softer now, but no less hard. "I'll not be havin' anymore of this theatrics aboard me ship, leastaways not without knowin' why. Ya've been a thorn in me side since we left off, and I won't stand fer it any longer."

"Really," said Constance, the melody falling from her voice. So she was just an unwanted vaudeville act now, was she? She turned away from the Captain and retreated into her room, her hand pushing the door so that it opened up the rest of the way to let the man in.The room was an unholy mess, with clothing seemingly tossed around like confetti. A cracked ashtray laid next to the door, the mattress on her bunk and the light fixture on the wall were both askew, and a small dent had been kicked into the hull next to her bed. The mirror above her emptied dresser showed only a broken reflection of the room, cracks radiating out from the middle of it like spiderwebs.

The woman drained her drink, dropped the glass harmlessly on a pile of clothes, and flopped backwards onto her bunk as she let out a plume of smoke accompanied by a groan of frustration. Sitting up she loosened her collar and gave Conway an annoyed glare before motioning to an overturned armchair. Her fingers squeezed her sheets as she smashed her cigarette against the surface of her nightstand, either not realizing or not caring that the ashtray had since moved. Slowly she bent over the edge of her bed, bristling for just a moment as a sharp pain went through her side, and dragged a small trunk out from below. The chest opened with a click and she grabbed out an unmarked bottle and then fumbled around for her dropped glass, cursing underneath her voice.

Conway followed her into the room and stooped down swiftly, swiping the glass off the floor before she could close her fingers around it. "Ya can have this back when we get some talkin' in, lass." He tossed it in one hand as he watched her. "Sake of the names, Constance, we've been out at sea barely two days, and ya've been treatin' it like a personal radio show."

He decided not to sit, because he eventually wanted to return to the hangar. "Now what's this about destroyin' the room ya've been so kindly provided. Bear in mind that I'm debatin' whether or not to throw you overboard, an' answer true."

She watched the glass with ravenous eyes as Conway tossed it up and down, up and down. Part of her was tempted to snatch it out of the man's hands; he may have been in charge of the ship, but it was her property and he had no right touching what belonged to her. Another part of her was just as tempted to pull the cork out of the bottle and drink it straight from the source like some kind of lowly vagrant. However, she did neither, her gaze slowly shifting from the glass to the man's eyes as she tried to determine how serious his threat had been. The only way Constance would let herself get thrown overboard would be if the rest of the ship was coming with her.

"I wasn't provided this room kindly, Captain," she said softly, yet her voice was so heated that steam could almost be seen coming off of it as the words cooled in the air. "In fact, I think it's safe to say that nothing on this trip has been very kindly, sir, especially the way that I have been treated by the others aboard. Throw me overboard, it's that ungrateful nurse and that tactless reporter you should throw overboard. I have only been courteous and friendly my entire time on board, and for that I have been treated like a pariah. I could stand it when they talked behind my back—at least then they were pretending to be civil—but now they are shouting slander and lies about me directly to my face."

"I don't like liars, and I have dealt with far too many to suffer spending time around anymore," she said, lowering her eyes. "Even after I tried to continue to be nice to them and apologize for a wrong that I did not commit they kept trying and kept trying and still kept trying to fucking. Provoke. Me." She slammed the side of her fist against the wall, her teeth gritting in pain. "And now you're yelling at me as if I'm somehow in the wrong, when I have done nothing wrong, nothing wrong, " she said, looking back up at the man with tears in her eyes. "I've done absolutely nothing wrong, so why am I being treated like some leper?"

"Because yer in the wrong company fer politeness." Conway retorted. There was no room for hissy fits aboard the Garrloch. Especially not after the things they had already seen. The storms, the monsters...none of it could be handled by complaining about how rude it was. "Yer in the wrong company for pride, the wrong company for sympathy, and this seems ta surprise ya. Like this was supposed ta be some pleasure cruise where ya'd tell stories, swap gossips and map the new world fer yer eternal glory. If only."

Conway leaned in. "Ya know, in the Ilyistavi Air Corps, we had a sayin'. Onin myht onn bhant. One minute from death. Ya know Ilyistav. I'm sure ya've vacationed there. Ya might know how quickly the weather turns durin' winter. One of IAC's two big priorities was disaster response, because no sane civvies would dare try ta help anyone in the middle of a storm."

He snapped his fingers at her no doubt distracted eyes. "All it took was a minute fer the weather to hit hard. Only took a minute fer somone ta mess up, and then we all were dead. Happened ta my best friend, God rest his sorry soul." Conway fell silent for moment, hand running across his chin. Then he continued, "We volunteered fer the IAF, knowin' that we were all expendable. "And all of us, on board the Garrloch, we're like that. Expendable."

He squatted down to her level. "Let me tell ya a secret, lass. None of the fancy-pants officials back on tha Isles expect us to come back. We're the first ship ta go this far beyond the Ring o' Thunder. Some ships don't even make it past the storms. Follow the logic there, and ya can see why they think that way." His voice kept dropping in volume as he spoke, as if withdrawing further into himself with every word he considered.

"What ya were used to back on the Isles no longer applies. Yer on a ship full of smelly, loud, rude, and determined individuals. Respect ya might feel yer deserved won't come until it's earned, and ya don't earn respect around any of these folks by throwin' fits and talkin' about how much money you have back home. Ya want everyone ta know what ya've accomplished before now, I get it." A wry and dry smile touched his face. "But not a one of us cares about 'before now' anymore. And all they saw of ya when they met ya was a prissy and arrogant blowhard, and--let me finish," he said, sure that she was about to go off again.

"And the accomplishments ya've earned fer yerself out here: helpin' fight back the flames on the Garrloch, and survivin' that mangy beast, they're tainted by that bad first impression." He set the glass on the floor. "I'll tell ya how to get that respect ya're so desperately cravin'. Modesty. Stoicism. Followin' commands, and doin' the work ya're given. In this case, that'd be bein' a part of the exploration team."

He sighed, irritated with his own long-windedness. "Tell me I'm gettin' through ta ya, Constance. Even just a mite." With the way things had been thus far, he mostly expected a total denial of his words and another quip about how unfair everything had been.

There was a moment of silence as Constance sat and stewed with her face set in stone, and it seemed almost as if she was taking what Conway had to say into considereation. In reality, she was trying her hardest to hold her tongue back from lashing out at the man. She didn't care if she wasn't going back to the floating Isles; in all honesty, that solved many of her problems. Yet another insinuation that she had been traipsing about bragging about her wealth and her success filled her with venom. The only time she recalled ever bringing that up was when Edward had asked. She winced.

"Yeah, you're getting through to me," she said. "I understand completely, Captain. You shan't have any more trouble with me."

She was smiling her plastered smile as she spoke, her eyes seemingly brightening as she dabbed the tears away. In truth she did understand something, although it certainly wasn't what the Captain had been intending She already had an inkling that it was true, but now she knew fully that she was stuck on a ship brimming with jealous ingrates that had preconvinced biases against her. That was fine, that was fine, she had spent her whole childhood climbing out of the hole people thought that she belonged in, and she had done it by pretending to play their little games to keep them appeased. Smile, nod, play dumb, wait for the right moment; it was all very easy. She could do it again.

"I suppose I should clean up this mess," she said, her smile waning.

Conway snorted. He was no fool, and this was not the first time he had dealt with troublesome deckhands, so to speak. "Nobody else is goin' to, are they now? Ya're free to do as ya please, as long as ya do it quietly." He swept up the glass from the floor and tossed it toward her. His aim was true, with it landing on the bunk beside her.

He stood. "There'll be no more rantin' aboard my ship. Wait until ya go ashore to have temper tantrums." It was at the door that Conway stopped and turned. His eyes were slightly softer now. "Ya know, Constance. I'm o' tha opinion that yer a good woman at heart. Ya've just yet ta realize that yer old methods of conversin' aren't of use ta ya here." He pushed open the door. "Oh, and don't say ya've done nothin' wrong again around tha crew if ya're lookin' ta avoid more smears of yar character. We've all sinned, lass. Wouldn't be down on this God-forsaken trip if we hadn't."

Then he left, muttering to himself as he headed back toward the hangar. Would it be too much to ask for him to finally get to captain his own damn ship?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 5 mos ago

TIME-SKIP: Two Weeks

9 Days Since Departure

The UIS Garrloch, Morning
The Garrloch had been at sea for a little more than a weeks. It had been moving using a blend of fuel and wind, as designed: the long-range exploration crafts had been carefully designed to maximize range. The Garrloch couldn't move entirely on its own through its sails--it was just too large--but by combining the two types of propulsion, the ship's already large amount of fuel had been even further conserved. It led to a strange-looking ship: although it looked very modern upon deployment, the Garrloch now bore a resemblance to the smaller pleasure-yachts frequently used on Lake Marum on the United Isles. But without the sails, the ship would have already reached the limit of it's exploration range. Instead, the ship had likely another week before it would be forced to turn around.

A shadow lifted off from the Garrloch's deck in the rising sun. It was vaguely avian in form: the Endurance. In the morning light, the ship looked like a majestic bird of prey, ready to swoop down on an unsuspecting fish and carry it into the clouds. Instead, the roaring blades of the machine's propellers turned horizontally, and the aircraft moved forward from the Garrloch, gaining speed with every passing second. Today was the day the ship's crew had been waiting for.

Today was a day for discovery.

The Endurance
"Ready to find out what's on that crazy map of yours, Ed?" The voice was tinny over their headsets, and if Edward hadn't seen Krauss's lips move, he wouldn't have known who had spoken. The Endurance's pilot sat in the front, hands on the controls, and a smile on his face. Beside him sat their most recent addition, Myra the engineer. Her piloting skills had been coming along, he'd heard, but she still wasn't allowed to fly by herself.

That left Edward, Constance, and Luna to fit into the two back seats. The three of them would have rather died than missed this. Edward had vowed to sit on someone to make it, safety be damned. He'd ended up under Constance, instead--the general consensus was that if he had been on someone's lap, he probably would have crushed them. "You'd better believe it, cap!". Edward wouldn't have missed this for the world.

They had sailed right by a flurry of smaller islands and landmasses in their adventure toward the biggest one. Edward couldn't tell anyone why, exactly, but he had a gut feeling that the biggest island held answers. He couldn't say what kind of answers, and he couldn't tell what kind of questions, either, but he had insisted on it. So he was banking on this island being positively magnificent.

He was not disappointed. As they rose further into the air, the horizon in front of them began to recede into the distance, slowly revealing more than a fuzzy outline of the island. And, as their speed increased, the fuzziness receded as well, leaving Edward dumbfounded as the details were revealed.

Were those...houses? Huts? They dotted the shoreline of the island--no, it had to be a continent--clustered tightly together as little specks. A village? More humans! There was no other explanation.

He could scarcely contain himself from barking for Krauss to go faster: instead, he had to hold in his excitement with every fiber of his being as they continued to close on the island. Specks became certainty: those were indeed huts. Even more exciting, as they grew ever higher, was the road which led back from the small village toward a much, much bigger city. It's elevation was higher than the coast, but it had been far removed from the water, making it all but invisible at lower altitudes. "Take us to the big city!" Edward roared, a smile growing on his lips with ever increasing ferocity.

"I told you all this would be worth it!" Ah, Luna, if your father could see this, God only knows how proud he would be! Constance, can anything on the Isles be a trip like this? Haha!" This was what he had come on this trip for.

"Ah, Mrs. Morrison, you always did know how to mix a Fahi Biegar!" Collin smiled warmly at the woman as she deposited the drink in front of him. He wasn't sure if his smile was warm, or if his face was from the alcohol. He had had...several drinks, and was three quarters of the way through feeling the effects. Tipsy as all get out, to be sure, but it was worth it for more of the Morrisons' fine drinks. Still, he was a fine drunk: that is, he spoke and moved like a sober man in all but the most intoxicating of situations.

"Collin, you are too kind." Kaya Morrison smiled back at him, before glancing at the man beside him with a huff of good-natured indignation. "Jonus, what did I tell you about the whiskey? You are not to have any more of it for the next hour, you oaf!" She lovingly smacked her husband, Jonas Morrison, with the serving disc she had been carrying around. "You are still needed for the serving. Up, up!"

"Bah! Kaya, all I have done this morning is work, work, work! The day is yet young, and there will be plenty more for me to do later. Allow me this drink with my companion here." He laughed throatily, thumping Collin on the back.

Collin continued his foolish smile. "How will Jonus see the strapping young Rahlei boy stumble over his toes at the mere mention of your lovely daughter, Kaya? He has had eyes for her for some time. A good man, if a bit confused about his lot in life. Then again, we all were at that time, were we not?"

"Just so!" Roared Jonus, banging on the table with a hiccup. "Why, when I met Kaya, I was a foolish young boy, trying to find my place in the world. If she had had any sense, I doubt we would be here today! I suppose it is no surprise: few can withstand my wily charm when I use it!"

"Few can withstand your foul breath, either," smirked Kaya, looping an arm around her husband. "Up, you fool! I know you. You are not nearly as drunk as you are pretending. There are customers to serve. Stop with your meandering and assist."

"Ah, you see?" grinned Jonus as he was led away. "She loves me!" Collin chuckled as they disappeared, and settled back to watch the sun rise. Soon his eyes began to burn from the light, and he turned around to rest his gaze.

That was how he saw the flying thing. It was an airplane: the Ghalari had been toying with flying machines for a little over a decade now, but this was unlike anything he'd ever seen before. It was as if the propeller models he had become familiar with had been put on the actual wings of the machine. And it looked almost made of metal! Metal, flying? "By the Faces!" he shouted.

Others turned to look, and awe spread through the crowd of the outdoor bar. Shouts of fear followed. Was it their enemies? There'd been no rumors of conflict with their neighbors. No, it looked totally not of their world. He tore his eyes away from the machine to scan the area. "Raymond!" He shouted. "Raymond, confound it, where are you? Juliette!" He somehow found himself taking personal responsibility for the young man, even though he had no such requirement.

The machine had grown larger in that short time, looming overhead. The propellers roared, drowning out Collin's continued shouts. By the Faces, why had he had so much to drink?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Flying. Luna couldn't quite think of anything quite like it and her heart soared. She pressed up against the window, as far as her seat would allow, truly amazed. She studied everything she could see, taking it in, overwhelmed. The sights...she could never have guessed she'd see anything like it. "oh, its so....so breathtaking" and then she saw the houses, and there was a feeling of...discovery? Hope that they weren't all that was out there? Amazement that something could...be put here. She was sure that whatever had survived here, it had to be strong. What would they think of them? Coming to them like this? Did they know what an aeroplane was. Would they attack? What would happen if they did attack? Would they be forced to fight? She shook slightly, from excitement and nerves, and perhaps a little bit of fear. She drew in a slow breath, and continued to look down, smiling at Edward's excited cry out, trying to take in as much detail as she could from where she was at almost drinking it in as she desperately wanted to be down there.

The thought of people? New people, that they hadn't known about? That she, while had hoped of finding something else out there, hadn't expected to find? She reached up, and brushed back hair from her eyes, thinking on her father for a moment as Edward said how proud he'd be. She hoped he was alright, hoped that things were okay back home, that nothing had happened. As she looked down on this civilisation, Luna wished that he were here, seeing this with her. How he would love it. How it would make him happy. Oh, she just hoped he was okay. She hoped she'd get back, be able to tell him off everything. Be able to give him the life he deserved.

She looked down on a civilisation that had survived, despite being isolated by a sea of storms. It enhanced her own hope that they could get home, and she willed the plane to land, so that she could find the answers to the many questions she had. "oh, i hope they welcome us..." she said, trying to catch sight of the people as they went lower, but it was still too far away to catch any details, so she just watched, clutching her seat tightly, urging the plane on. The mere fact that there was this place...when they didn't think...didn't know that, it was possible....had these people tried to explore, only to be stumped by the storms as well? How did they get here? How had they survived? How far advannced were they? Looking at what she could see, it seemed that they were behind, just slightly, from the houses she saw. Yet perhaps they were advanced in other ways.

She couldn't wait to meet them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constance would like to think that she had been on her best behavior since her little heart-to-heart with Conway, although only because she had mastered the art of quickly disappearing from the area whenever Luna or Edward reared their stupid, little jerk heads. If she couldn’t make a great escape then she played nice, resorting to soft smiles and short, meaningless conversations about the weather, casting daggers out of her eyes whenever they weren’t looking. When asked to help with a task she did so quickly and quietly, all yessirs, yessirs, thank you, sirs, and when left alone she passed the time smoking and debating on whether or not she should steal the Endurance and fly back to the Isles. The woman decided to be sensible about it and not attempt any daring joyrides. Besides, Krauss probably kept the keys on him even when he bathed, the bastard.

Time passed and all of her wounds, minus the ones dealt to her pride, healed. The cuts on her face were now nothing but another blemish to mask with makeup, but the unflattering scars on her side would mean that she would forever be limited to one-piece swimwear. Still, Raoul had given her the okay to join the others when they had departed to follow the mark on Edward’s map, and Constance was actually excited to go. It seemed that even the nightmarish prospect of being trapped in a tin can with two of the most absolutely abysmal people she had ever met wasn’t enough to stop her from joining the expedition. Besides, perhaps she would luck out and Myra would turn out to be the only other sensible person onboard the Garrloch.

It was a fat chance, considering the rest of the crew, but it was nice to pretend.

Of course, if she knew she was going to be forced to sit on Edward’s bony lap like a little child while Krauss managed to hit every single bit of turbulence that a human possibly could and tossed her up and down like a cocktail shaker. Her hand gripped tightly onto her hat while her other hand turned white in the knuckles as she gripped against a rail to prevent herself from being jostled too roughly. Still, the flight was worth it, and Constance found herself pressing up against the glass as small islands came into view, then larger ones, then—she gasped. Those were homes, that was a street, there was a town, and beyond it a city. Civilization. They had found civilization. She should’ve been thrilled, yet she felt an unease pass through her as she looked down on the tiny dots begin to take human forms as the Endurance flew closer. It was an unease that Constance couldn’t explain. Constance pulled away from the window and waited from them to setdown.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; The Morrison's Bar.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Collin Becker, Raymond Rahlei, and anyone else at the bar.

The simple touch of his hand brushing back some of her long blonde locks… Juliette’s cheeks flushed a gentle shade of red at the contact, while her heart fluttered nervously within the very confines of her chest. He was touching her- and it was not out of anger for something she had done, but instead, this was with kindness… with care… There weren’t many on the island apart from her family and her close friends whom treated her with such respect, if any.

Raymond truly was one set above the rest…

Her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she felt him neatly tuck the stray strands back behind her ear; Juliette closed her eyes, her cheeks flushing a brighter shade of red as she leant her head lightly into his touch, her cheek rested gently against the palm of his hand- she was losing herself. This was not how a lady was supposed to behave; or at least, this was not how her mother had taught her to act around men.

“..Mr. Rahlei…” Her voice was soft… almost a whisper as she spoke out to him- how had it taken all of this time for the two of them to meet..? Raymond was sweet… he was caring; and though it was something that she didn’t particularly like accepting, he was a man who was willing to help her with anything that she needed… even when she was sure he knew there was no possible way she would ask him for it without a push in the right direction every now and there… he seemed to want to be there for her, “..you make me nervous…”

The sound of his soft chuckle filled the air, causing her soft pink lips to part ever so slightly as she let her eyes open once more, the beautiful (though ever unseeing) blue iris’ staring up in the direction that she could hear his voice… feel his warm breath upon her skin…

“I could say the same for you, Miss. Morrison… to have such a beauty like you pay any attention to someone such as me..?”

“..ah… my heart feels light at your words; you flatter me.” Unable to hide the gentle blush of red that crossed her cheeks at his words, Juliette lowered her gaze, allowing it to linger where she believe his chest to be before she spoke again, the native tongue of their people flowing naturally from her lips unlike the stranger tongue that was passed down to them by their ancestors who had risked all to have a chance of seeing that which was unknown to them, “..truly, Mr. Rahlei, there are others upon this island who are far more beautiful than I…”

“And yet, here I stand, speaking to you; the one who has caught my eye.”

“..Raymond-…” Her voice cut off by the excited and ever growing sounds of the crowd filling the bar around them- something had happened; something was going on… and whatever it was, it seemed that it was something big. Was that..? The voices of the crowd; there were just so many of them, and it seemed as though they were all speaking about the same thing: a flying machine.

The sound of shattered glass was lost to the bar as the bottle of beer she had been holding onto slipped from her grasp, breaking apart on impact with the ground as she was jostled about, each push and shove causing her to move about until eventually, she felt a strong pair of arms wrapping around her person, pulling her close and shielding her as those in the bar hurried to catch even a glimpse of what it was that was coming their way- whatever this flying machine was, it had everyone they knew scrambling in excitement and fear.

“Raymond! Raymond, confound it, where are you? Juliette!”

The familiar voice could barely be heard over the commotion of the crowd, though it was clear that someone was looking for them. Shutting her eyes again, Juliette dropped her head down, resting it against Raymond’s chest as she waited, feeling as though she were safe from whatever it was that was coming their way, “..Raymond… what is it..? I don’t understand what’s going on…”

“Shh… it’s okay, Juliette. Everything will be okay… Collin..! Collin; we’re over here..!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ML
Avatar of ML

ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 5 mos ago

9 Days Since Departure

It was no use. Collin couldn't hear a thing over the sound of the raging storm above him. All he could think to do was escape the sound as it soared overhead. It's sound was cacophony of birds, all diving for the same, single fish. That rage and desperation was all he could think of as he sprinted for somewhere, anywhere, that could protect him from the machine above. Adrenaline surged through his veins, pushing away the alcohol with manic efficiency.

The machine passed overhead, seemingly paying them no mind. Was it trying to land? Collin couldn't imagine that: it was so big, and it didn't look like it was going slow enough to stop. Once the immediate danger was gone, Collin rose to his feed, hands shaking, and followed the aircraft as it dipped lower and lower. To his untrained eye, it seemed like only a matter of time before the metal bird smashed into the dirt in a fiery end.

Then the wings started to move. Collin watched in utter awe as the machine slowed further, propellers turning from horizontal to vertical as the machine sunk toward the empty sports field which had been constructed for the festival. No one had yet to near the field due to the business of the preparations. No one except a pair of small children, who had been kicking a ball around. Now, they wailed in panic on the ground, even as the machine closed the distance.

The children prompted Collin's action. He sprinted out of the cover of the houses and shop stalls, heedless of the roar of engines. He ignored the wind, howling for his swift death, and the dust, hissing for his blindness. He knew no one would be able to hear him, so close to the machine, so he took the two children by their hands and practically yanked them forward. They didn't have long.

They stumbled out of the field, coughing, wheezing, and moaning. Collin fell to his knees at the same moment that the machine touched down at last.

Edward could hardly wait for Constance to shift off of him before he leapt out of the Endurance. They were here! They hadn't died! It was wonderful! "Hello!" he called, as the propellers finally spun to a stop.

Silence. Then, mutters, but in no language Edward had ever heard before. "I'm sorry, I don't understand." He tried again. "We come in peace!" Louder voices, but no less jumbled. He had no idea what they were saying, or if they were even friendly. Maybe they weren't. What if they'd landed in the middle of a bunch of cannibals? "Ah...we mean you no harm!" That sounded stupid, stupid.

"No harm!" a voice speaking his own language exploded from the crowd. Edward turned just in time to see a man surging toward him. "No harm? By the Faces, you insolent--" He stopped, taking short, powerful breaths, and Edward felt a flash of relief that someone here spoke their language, somehow. How was that possible?

That relief turned to horror as the man continued. "You nearly flattened a pair of children, you oafen heel! Peace? You come in peace?" The man shoved Edward hard, knocking him off balance and sending him stumbling back against Luna. "What sort of foolish boychild are you?"

He stopped, noticing Constance then. Perhaps he thought she was in charge, given that she was the most well dressed of them all, or perhaps he was just enraged with everyone, because he started talking to her. "You, who do you think you are? Explain what you and your ilk are playing at, ruining this most sacred of days with your disgusting fi--"

"Collin, traolo athan-le conturol immedaeo!" The voice rang out from behind the aggressor with endless authority. The man, apparently named Collin, stiffened and turned to the approaching speaker with steel in his eyes.

"Imroham-get, turol thoclan kliaevu tem cheldera!" More foreign words spilled from Collin's mouth, and Edward's eyes glazed over as he fought to make any sense from them. The two foreign speakers argued back and forth for a short while, until Collin sighed, his posture slackening somewhat as he turned to face Edward and the rest of them again with resigned features.

"Apologies," Collin said, looking over the newcomers with wariness, but not rage. "I should not have snapped at you. I am Collin Becker, and on behalf of Salaz Imroham, guardian of the Gil-Bagha precinct of Ghal-Priyam, I welcome you to our city." He bowed slightly, as he had been instructed to do. Guardian Imroham huffed with satisfaction, bowing as well.

"How do your speak our language?" The lithe man among the strangers asked. Collin's adrenaline faded further: this man had no way of knowing that they were endangering children. He tried to forgive the strangers again for nearly killing the kids, and it almost worked this time. "I am descended from the...Devil Divers of the floating islands of legend." Every word felt awkward in his mouth.

The stranger gasped. "Incredible," the man whispered. "So they did survive after all." The man surreptitiously glanced at the well-dressed woman among them once more, so Collin turned to her to address further. "Please introduce yourself and your companions to Guardian Imroham, so that we might understand better why you disturb our festivities." Imroham hadn't said anything more, but Collin didn't want any funny business from these people. "Today is a day of dance, song, drink, and...sacrifice. Liars and fools are as useful to the gods as animals."

The meaning was clear.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

They were landing. Luna held tightly to something, so she wouldn't be bounced around, and closed her eyes, a little sick about it, as they descended. Yet when the craft stopped, she was out, the solid ground beneath her feet a comfort. The welcome was not, and horrified, she glanced about, a relieved at seeing the children okay. She could understand their anger, and she raised her hands, just in time to have Edward slammed into her. Being small, and a lightweight, she of course fell flat on her butt, slamming her head against the ground, she looked up at the sky, trying not to look like a fish out of water as she drew in a breath, her head pounding slightly. As the pain subsided, Luna rose a little unsteadily, must in time to see the man addressing Constance

"she does not speak for us" Luna said, her voice loud and clear, the words falling from her mouth before she had even given them too much thought, as she was virtually passed over, not noticed, but not really caring about that. It was more the fact that this person thought that Constance was in charge. Selfish, self centered and arrogant Constance. Who wouldn't think about someone else even if her life depended on it. "I am Luna, my companions and I are apart of an expedition to find out....what's out there. It's...truly amazing to meet you, really, and not just because of the history you share with the devil divers". luna said excitedly, looking over the crowd, truly amazed that there were people here. A civilisation.

"please, i am a healer. I'd happily check over the children..." she said, her voice calm, concerned. She hadn't seen the children there, she doubted any of them had, "I want to right the wrong we almost did" she wanted to make sure that the children were okay, and to show them that they really did mean no harm. She looked over the crowd once more, wanting to do whatever she could to show that they did...come in peace. She swallowed looking to Edward, to Constance. "we...we just went for a flight, to see if there was anything to see...our ship is in the water still...we saw the island and...came here. We didn't mean to disturb your festivities. We do not have the same customs as you...please, help us understand" she said, shifting slightly.

She checked herself over from slamming into the ground, noticing that somehow she nad lost her small supply of medical stuff in the tumble, and she looked around hastily for the small bag. She spied it in the crowd, unsure how it had gotten there, perhaps she had flung it in the fall...she bit her lip, looking to the man who seemed to be some sort of leader here. "I assure sir, we are not liars or fools. We are merely...explorers, trying to find out way to...amazing things. Boy, haVe we seen some strange things...i am just truly amazed to be here" and she was rambling. She brushed, reaching up to run a hand through her hair, wincing at the tenderness of her head. "No offense edward but you aren't really a lightweight. Remind me next time to brace before you get thrown at me"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constance did not even have a chance to begin addressing Collin before Luna, as grating as ever, stepped all over her toes in what must’ve been yet another act of jealousy. Constance’s eyes burned holes in the back of Luna’s head from beneath the rim of her hat, the shade keeping the withering stare from being revealed to the crowd. She had hoped for a grand entrance, but now her debut had been completely sabotaged by Luna’s incessant rambling. Normally the woman would be ecstatic to watch the nurse commit social suicide, but when threats of sacrifice were being introduced so swiftly Constance was more interested in keeping her head firmly attached to her neck. And, she supposed, that she would want the same for the others. Even as miserable as they were, they still had some uses.

“Thank you, Luna. I do believe that was plenty,” said Constance, her voice taking hold of a sort of authoritarian firmness while still maintaining a healthy bit of humor. However, the private look she casted Luna would tell the younger woman that she was completely dead serious. The woman had seen business opportunities ever since she had set eyes on the new civilization, and she wasn’t going to let some slum nurse squander it. If Luna was perceptive enough perhaps she would be able to pick up the threatening nature behind Constance's glance and, for once, know her place, lest she wanted to face consequences later down the line. It was time to let the important people talk.

“I apologize for my companions; they’re still coming to terms with the concept of politeness,” she said to Collin with a smile before she removed her hat and took a few small steps towards Imroham. The small smile remained on her face as she lowered her head and deliberately dropped into a long, slow curtsy, the kind she would have given extremely wealthy businessmen at the soirees she had once organized. “Constance Holloway, at your service.”

The tycoon stood herself back upright, her eyes flitting back to Collin as she clasped her hands behind her back. So, the man was an actual descendant of one of the Devil Divers? Perhaps this would be fascinating to Edward, judging by all of his sideways glances, but to Constance it mattered very little outside of the fact that it was an angle she could use. She would never have left the islands if she did not have to, you’d have to be an idiot to go on a journey of uncertainty when you had it all, but she did not have it all, did she? However, even though he was completely unaware of it, Collin had just given her a second chance.

“Like Luna said, I don’t speak for them, but they also do not speak for me,” added Constance. “I came here looking for you, Mr. Becker, as well as any other descendants of the Devil Divers.” She paused, in part to let the weight of her words sink in and in part to come up with the next yarn to spin. As she spoke she looked between the two representatives, making it clear that she was not trying to exclude either one. “I have a proposition for you, if you’ll hear me out...but perhaps we should wait to handle business later? We’ve already distracted you all long enough from your festivities.” She offered a slight smile. “Perhaps you would be willing to invite us along, if only to keep an eye on us?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; The Empty Fields.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Raymond Rahlei, and everyone else there.

"You nearly flattened a pair of children, you oafen heel! Peace? You come in peace? What sort of foolish boychild are you?"

The children… where they..? Was what Collin was saying really true..? The words having caught her ear as they joined the ever growing crowd in the fields, Juliette raised a single hand, the panic and slight fear she felt clear within her features as she covered her mouth in worry, her lips parting from one another as she continued to listen to the heated conversation that was going on before majority of Ghal-Priyam.

Shuffling along slightly as she felt the protective hold of an arm around her waist pulling her closer than before, Juliette tore her attention away from the multitude of voices before them, her bright gaze lifting instead to the man who had been standing at her side now since the moment of their formal introduction, and with the gentle and comforting squeeze she felt upon her side, he once more helped to ease her worried heart. These outsiders… not only had they disturbed a sacred day of celebration and joy, but they had also endangered the lives of the people; she could understand why Collin was as angered by their actions… so why was everyone else being so quick to welcome them into the community..?

“..Raymond…” Her voice was soft… barely audible over the crowd as she spoke to the man who held her fast in his arms, the native tongue of her people coming as naturally as breathing air into the lungs as she curled her body closer to his, the conversation with the outsiders seeming to continue on around them, “..Raymond, I don’t like this… I-I don’t understand why they trust them so easily…”

“I know… Collin will take care of it; and I’m not going anywhere. If not them; you can trust us.”

Hesitating but a moment, Juliette eventually nodded her head, the worry still clear within her bright blues though this time, there was that hint of trust- no matter what happened, she knew that both Collin and Raymond had Ghal-Priyam’s best interest at heart… and if either of them could put a stop to any wrong-doing or ill-intent that these outsiders held for their home-...

She believed in Collin… she always had…

Feeling something hitting up against her leg, Juliette froze, her brows furrowing in worry and a small frown gracing her features as she turned her head down, her attention falling to the familiar feeling of cotton against her skin. Had someone-… Had someone dropped something..? Shooting a quick though rather unhelpful glance around her person, she eased herself out of Raymond’s grasp, her body crouching over as she reached out, her hands brushing lightly over the ground for a moment or two before she found what she was looking for; gathering up the bag and hugging it close against her chest as she stood back up.

The warmth of Raymond’s arms once more encircling her, holding her close against him as she felt his breath fanning out against her skin, his lips close to the shell of her ear as he spoke, doing what he could to be heard over the crowd, “..hey Juliette; what is that..? Looks like some kind of bag…”

Biting down softly upon her lower lip, she shook her head, her long and wavy blonde locks brushing back and forth over her back before she lifted her attention up to where she could hear his voice… feel his gentle breathing… her arms pulling the bag closer in against her as she turned further into the safety of his chest, “..I don’t know… I don’t know what it is…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 5 mos ago

9 Days Since Departure

Collin watched with some confusion as the foreigners bickered and brayed. He'd not expected them to be so disorganized. Flying in like gods among them, touching down in a metal monster...and yet they seemed no more organized than a flock of crows eyeing a shining coin. He no longer knew who to bother addressing, although the one named Luna had won herself some goodwill by offering to look over the children. "Luna-oum, thank you for your gracious offer. Unfortunately, I do not believe the young, startled as they are, would be willing to sit still for you." He smiled in apology. "They will be looked after well by their mothers, I am sure. And given a stern talking too, as well."

Then he focused on Constance. Constance Holloway? Could she perhaps have some relation to the Holloways in Gil-Bagha? They hadn't shown up to the festivites, though Collin was sure they had been invited. They were probably busy with some business matter or another. This woman gave of the same sort of aura, but somehow...different. Almost like she was aware of giving it off in the first place. "Thank you for your...gracious offer, Constance-moum, but I must regretfully decline for now." He glanced back at Imroham, who nodded.

"The only business we can attend to currently is that of an introduction." He raised his voice, switching to Ghalari. "Lord Imroham, these foreigners are ignorant of our culture and our language."

"Wae gottem," replied the guardian, who spoke now to the gathered Ghalari. "My friends, the newcomers mean us no harm! Though their presence was unexpected, the Gods have given us this opportunity to share in the glory they provide. Fear not, for only blessing reign on this day!" The words had their desired effect. First in pairs, then in larger groups, the watchers disbanded, leaving the newcomers alone with Imroham, Collin, and surprisingly, Raymond and Juliet.

"Collin, I must ask you to guide our guests through Gil-Bagha, as I do not speak the Sky Language as you do." Once Collin nodded understanding, Imroham turned, striding away with purpose in his gait.

Collin sighed, turning to the foreigners with resignation. "It appears that a tour is in order. Come, come. You as well, Raymond, Juliette."

Edward had been silent throughout much of the proceedings. He'd not wanted to speak out and risk alienating anyone, but things seemed to be dying down somewhat. He'd been a little irritated when Collin had decided Constance, of all people, was worthy of leadership, but Luna had quickly put a stop to that.

Now they were touring? It had all happened so fast: first they had been unwelcome, and now they seemed to be honored guests? Somewhere in between Constance had tried to conduct business with a man she'd only just met, he'd accidentally smashed into Luna, they'd met a distinguished looking man who seemed to run the place...so much in such a short time. He fumbled in his pocket for his notebook and pen as they began to move.

"Of all days you could have arrived on," said Collin as they walked, "you actually chose one of the best. The Pithrova Daya om ye-Kambha'le...or I suppose, The Presenting Day of the Kambha'le, is quite the celebration. Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know...Kambha'le are the Gods of the Faces, who grant happiness to their favored."

"Fascinating," mumbled Edward. "Do they grant disfavor on those who irritate them, then?"

He looked up to see Collin staring at him. "What is your name, again?" asked their guide.

Edward swallowed. "Edward, Edward Samick."

"Well, Edward, you are partially correct. ye-Kambha'la are capricious in nature, and enjoy sowing chaos as much as order. Unlike ye-Orlah, they deal in extremes, from despair to triumph, from misfortune to luck of the ages. By entertaining and appeasing them, one can increase their likelihood to be given good luck. Otherwise, the Gods of the Faces are as likely to sow death and discord as they are to send happiness raining down from the heavens above."

Edward decided to save questions about "ye-Orlah" for later. He already had so much to write down. And even that was difficult, enthralled as he was by his surroundings.

The field where they had touched down had been on the other side of a hill from what had looked like a bustling city from above. They were headed along a path up the hill, and he was absolutely on the tips of his toes to see what was up there.

"Over this hill, we'll enter the more traditional part of Gil-Bagha," Collin said, leading the group beside the other two natives. "It was built long, long ago, and the federal government has kept it, and regions of the city like it, as cultural heritage site."

For some reason, that sentence shook some of the magic off of Edward's mind. Federal government? Cultural heritage site? In his excitement, he had almost attributed this place to be a fantasy world, a fairy tale utopia, but those words reminded him that these people had been around a long time as well. They were probably as technologically advanced as the United Isles.

The U.I. was less prone to preserving cultural sites, except for on Maru and Dover. There simply wasn't space on most of the floating landmasses. Museums were far more prominent, as they took up less space, and were a more concentrated way of preserving culture.

All these thoughts were annihilated the instant they crested the hill, and the houses came into view.

"Holy shit." whispered Edward. It was beautiful, just beautiful. "You're seeing this, right?" He asked Luna. "I'm not just hallucinating?" He put his notebook away. There was no way to record all of this.

Collin turned to Constance, scrunching up his lips. "Ah! I had forgotten earlier, but there are Devil Diver descendants within this precinct of Ghal-Priyam with your name. Very busy people, but we might be able to visit them, if you are so inclined."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Luna rolled her eyes at Constance, not afraid of the woman. Why should she be? Constance couldn't do anything to her here, short of killing her, and...well, if they returned, Luna would be sure to give as good as she got. If Constance even dared to derail her plans at becoming a doctor, Luna would spill everything about the socialite.that she had on her so far. If Constance was going to take her down, then Luna would be damn sure to take the self centered, vile woman down with her. Luna would not allow Constance to harm her chances at giving her father a better life. Nothing would stop her being able to do that. And Luna believed she had made herself clear on that. Besides that, Luna wasn't afraid of her. Yes, constance had a gun, but she didn't have the guts to kill someone in cold blood. And Constance knew first hand that they couldn't afford to lose Luna. So Luna was safe.

”What are you going to do, Constance?” Luna said under her breath to the woman, her tone almost daring, even as Luna dismissed Constance, continuing to look for her bag of medical supplies, doubting it could have gotten very far. To Luna, Constance was steadily becoming...nothing. The woman couldn't do anything to her, without destroying herself, and the sooner Constance actually realised that consciously, the better it would be for all of them. Luna couldn't even understand why the woman was here. She wasn't useful. She shook her head, and sighed to herself.

Luna nearly laughed, yet she didn't. Perhaps because she knew it was petty, Constance hurriedly seeking to do business with people they had only just met. It, to Luna, seemed hurried and rushed. Desperate. And it showed that all Constance cared about was business, not the people themselves, and Luna was satisfied when Collin didn't rush to agree. Perhaps that would throw Constance down a peg or to. The woman certainly needed it. Luna gave a smile and a nod ”I understand, i merely hope that they are okay. If you wouldn't mind...maybe later, when we are acquaintanced, i could find some supplies that would allow me to make some salves and tonics for your people, to thank you for your hospitality?” she asked, wanting to help them in anyway that she could, it was a genuine offer, and she didn't expect anything at all in return.

”I would also really enjoy about learning about your culture, if you'd be happy to teach us a little bit about your ways. I do not wish to accidentally offend anyone” she said, and then wondered if she was offending anyone by saying that, she worried about that for a few moments, a little nervously. While she had thought that there must be people out there, other people she hadn't thought that they were going to actually meet them, and thus she wasn't prepared. She smiled, thrilled when they were offered a tour, and nodded eagerly.

She listened as Edward spoke with Collin quite fascinated with it, she let edward hold the conversation. Asking questions and getting answers was after all his expertise. She was quite interested when Collin mentioned Federal government, cultural sites. Perhaps this place, despite the differences, wasn't all that different from back home. That was a curious thought, and she had to remind herself that despite appearances, these people were descended from people that had once been apart of their civilization. The fact that they had similar workings to them was perhaps no surprise.

As they came into sight of the buildings, Luna couldn't help but given a sound of wonder, and she grinned at Edward ”its...amazing. Almost like...a setting from a fairy tail” she said to him, filled with wonder and excitement. It was truly a amazing, and she sighed happily. It would almost be worth everything, just for this site. ”if you're hallucinating, then we all are. This is truly wonderful”, she said, managing to tear her eyes away to continue looking about them.

She looked at the other two that were to come along, smiling at them, until she saw that the girl held her bag, and thrilled she said ”Excuse me, Ma’am? I think that's my bag, i must have lose it when Edward fell into me, thank you for finding it!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constance maintained her easy smile even as her eye twitched ever so slightly at Collin’s rejection, even if it were only a temporary one. The things she saw on the horizon, why, it would make both of them disgustingly wealthy, although she didn’t really need Collin per se, she just needed someone who spoke both languages. Any of the descendants would work, really; Constance’s gaze fell upon the two (Raymond and Juliette, Collin had called them) that had lingered behind as the crowd dispersed. She would just have to suade one of them, and then—

”What are you going to do, Constance?”

Constance flushed. How was it that Luna seemed to have been supplied with some sort of sixth sense that allowed the nurse to find a way to stab her with words like a skilled mugger slipping her blade between a pair of ribs? Constance didn’t hear it as a challenge, but as disbelief. To her, it seemed as if the nurse did not think Constance was capable of anything, anything at all. And how quick she was to turn her back, forcing Constance to swallow a retort that never would’ve been able to form in the first place and making her pretend that she was instead respecting Conway’s wishes by not bickering. Yet, a sharp noise, what could only have been a covered up bark of laughter, exploded into the air like a gunshot the moment Luna made the utterance that she did not want to accidentally offend. Constance placed her hat back on her head, lowering the brim ever so slightly to deny her of any innocence.

There’s plenty I can do, thought Constance, half-listening to the conversation between Edward and Collin. Talk of the festivities did little to excite Constance—surely something must’ve been wrong with her, if the prospect of a party didn’t peak her interest—and a dark cloud of disappointment formed over her head as their guide shifted the conversation towards politics. She didn’t know what she had been expecting, but she had been hoping for something a bit more archaic. It would’ve made her knowledge more valuable, and if they were too advance perhaps everything would be nothing but a pipe dream. How surprising, another thing gone wrong; everything had been going wrong since even before she had left the Isles. She had Paxton to blame for that.

She had herself to blame for that.

"Ah! I had forgotten earlier, but there are Devil Diver descendants within this precinct of Ghal-Priyam with your name. Very busy people, but we might be able to visit them, if you are so inclined."

“Constance?” she said slowly, snapping out of a stupor. She quickly realized her mistake, and tried her best to recover from her blunder. “Sorry, I was distracted by the sight. Absolutely fantastic—there are Holloways?” she asked with a smile that had started as a grimace. She glanced at Edward. How unnaturally bizarre it would be for her to disagree to meet with family.

“I’d love to meet them,” she said, clapping her hands together as her smile brightened with such intensity that she was certain it would blind anyone from seeing the terror lurking beneath it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; The Empty Fields.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Luna Stevenoson (@Caits), Raymond Rahlei, and everyone else there.

Turning her head back around at the sudden call of her name, Juliette once more forced her attention to fall over in the direction that she could hear Collin’s voice coming from, mixed only with the sound of the outsiders who had so rudely intruded on a day of most sacred celebrations. A tour..? They were to go on a tour..? It was, she supposed, the only polite thing to do in this particular situation; to help them to feel welcomed into the city they had just arrived in… but there was still something about the outsiders that she didn’t seem to like… something that she didn’t trust… Had the choice not been made for her, she surely would have turn tail and hurried back to her families bar.

Perhaps she was just being paranoid…

Hugging the bag just that little bit closer against her chest at the thought, her mind was once more pulled back to reality as a gentle squeeze upon her side caused her attention to once more glide back up to Raymond, his sweet and constant encouragement towards her sending her heart into a flutter within the very confines of her chest. He was so unlike the others… where their touch was harsh and angered; his was kind and nurturing… something she never believed she would be able to experience in her lifetime.

Giving him a soft nod of understanding, she began to move at his side. Her footsteps falling into sync with his own as the both of them brought up the rear of the group, his arm (still wrapped around her waist) helping to guide her in the right direction as they moved. Oh by the faces, how it was strange… listening to Collin speak of their home the way that he was. Everything that he was said was nothing more than common knowledge, but to the outsiders, it was all new… all exciting. It made her wonder just what their world was like… what it was that had driven them away from their home in the first place. It was all so odd thought, though one that kept her mind preoccupied even as the group slowed to an eventual stop before Gil-Bagha…

“Excuse me, Ma’am? I think that’s my bag, I must have lost it when Edward fell into me, thank you for finding it!”

Pulled back to the present as a rather excited sounding voice pierced through her thoughts, Juliette’s soft pink lips parted ever so slightly, a rather confused expression crossing over her features as she let her attention turn towards the voice, her gaze lingering in that particular direction for but a moment before she glanced up in Raymond’s direction, seeming to seek his help as she tried to understand more than just a few words of what had been said.

“I… I do not understand…” Her voice was soft, full of honesty as she spoke out in the native tongue of Ghal-Priyam, her words not directed towards the woman who had spoken (she assumed) to her, but rather to the man who still had her held in his arms.

A small smile lighting up his features as he looked down at her, Raymond chuckled softly, shaking his head lightly from side to side as he responded to her in the language she knew best, “She claims to be the owner of the bag you found, Juliette. Will you not return it..?”

Her ever unseeing gaze dropping to the bag that she held in her arms, Juliette quickly nodded her head both in understanding and in answer to the question, taking a moment to readjust her grip upon it before she held it out in the direction she could remember the woman’s voice to come from, offering it out for her to take as she bowed her head slightly, her voice still soft as she spoke, this time however, in the tongue that was native to the Devil Divers.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Edward couldn't help but wince as Luna glared at Constance yet again. The two seemed to have entered a sort of cold war with one another, spitting venom and bile at every opportunity. Constance would, of course, deny such things, and swear it was entirely Luna's fault. Luna would, of course, reply with another sass-filled retort.

He felt quite miserable being unable to be a good mediator between the two. Everything he said seemed to make things worse between he and Constance, and he was quite sure that she hated him. Edward didn't hate Constance, not really. He just wished she could see how her vernacular could be so irritating. Would it kill her to take some heartfelt responsibility for her actions, instead of blaming other people?

He had hoped, coming on this trip as they had, that the people he would meet would form...if not a close friendship, then at least a working bond with the others on board the Garrloch. That was not the case in this situation. It was almost merciful when Luna was distracted by the young woman who held her bag. She didn't seem to speak much of their language, however, and though she was quite beautiful, Edward really only had eyes for the city around them. It was magnificent, with a hint of exoticism that the United Isle lacked. At least, the parts of the U.I. that he had been to. Edgenook, Canth, they were all so familiar. But this, this!

He could spend an eternity here.

That majestic thought was cut off by Constance's words once again. He glanced at Constance as Collin spoke to her and she replied. She seemed almost...uneasy. As a reporter and journalist, he spent a lot of time reading people. Even though Constance was as bizarre a woman as any he'd ever met, she still got nervous, he assumed. The whole explosion of emotions on the Garrloch had left him convinced that she did, in fact, have emotions.

Ed said nothing as they continued onward, deeper into the city. It looked like something out of a fairytale, but as they passed deeper into Gil-Bagha, the graceful, sloping roofs gradually gave way to blockier, more-modern looking buildings. The architectural style reminded Edward of old pictures the Winged Gazette had in one of their storage rooms, from about twenty years in the past. Could this nation simply be less developed than the U.I. was? He'd seen no airplanes, for example.

But as they strode into more recent years, a positively ancient looking buggy zoomed by in a street. It looked, again, like a twenty year old model--one of the original models first produced in the U.I. Fascinating. It was all so much! How was he supposed to take it all in?

"Here we are..." said Collin, ignoring the dumbstruck entourage he traveled with. "Holloway Co. Raymond, mind that keep Juliette from straying off." Then their guide held the door open for them, and they stepped inside.

Almost immediately they were met by a sharply dressed young man. "Welcome to Holloway Co, provider of the finery of life at a fine price, and more. May I assist yo--oh, Collin! Good to see you. Sorry I didn't recognize you sooner."

"That's all right, Arn. Is Maxine around, or the others? I have...some family here to see you all." At the man's blank look Collin continued. "From far, far away."

Understanding dawned on Arn's face. He looked at Edward, then Luna, then Constance. "Grandmo--Mrs. Holloway!" He shouted, disappearing from sight. "Mrs. Holloway! Devil Divers!"

"Yes, all right, all right!" A matriarchal looking woman strode out with Arn in tow. "I swear, boy, sometimes I--oh." She stopped when she saw the newcomers, wrinkling her nose up when she saw Edward. He immediately disliked her.

That look transformed into one of quiet appeasement when her eyes fell on Constance. "Ah, look at that. The nose isn't quite right, hm...yes, the ears are a bit large too, I suppose. Still, no mistaking it. A Holloway, are you?" The woman held out a hand. "Maxine Holloway, granddaughter of James Holloway, wife of Ricteo Ulmem. I kept the name, naturally: better for business and less irritating to say. I assume these two are your entourage? I see the Holloways do well for themselves wherever they end up."

"Actualy, ma'am, I'm--" Edward opened his mouth to correct her, but Maxine continued on as if he didn't exist. He caught eyes with Collin, who grimaced. Clearly their guide didn't like the woman much, either.

"You simply must tell me about where you've come from, my dear. Come, come. Tell me your name, of course, and what manner of events brought you to our door." She ushered Constance over to a small sitting area off the side of the entrance. "Tea, Coffee? Something stronger? Arn will fetch anything you like." Maxine pursed her lips, looking over at Arn briefly. "I suppose the two of you must be cousins in some way, mustn't you? How lovely."

Edward leaned over to Luna. "This...is this real life?" He couldn't help but feel that he was stuck in a whirlwind. "Did you see how she ignored me?" he whispered. "I have a pretty bad feeling about this."

"Maxine Holloway is a force of nature," Collin muttered to them as he sidled over. "Her husband is a powerful man in his own right, but Holloway Co. is entirely Maxine's, handed over to her by her father. The Holloways are an interesting bunch: I believe Maxine has two siblings, though she'd never dare talk about one of them, due to his...lackings."

"I see," mumbled Edward, his gaze traveling back to the now seated women. He noted with a little confusion that Arn, then young man who seemed to be in his early twenties, couldn't seem to keep his eyes off that Juliette girl. It was a little creepy, honestly, so he looked over at Luna instead. "I guess you and I are going to be dealing with two Constances now." He sighed. "Lovely."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Luna had no idea what reaction she had had over Constance, yet perhaps it was time that the woman experience some of her own medicine. The woman had risen despite her bleak beginnings, and then turned her back on her roots. It was time someone treated Constance like nothing, like the woman had been doing to so many others. Constance did not seem to believe that she could have just as easily ended up as those in her former home, if she hadn’t taken a chance to get out. there but for the grace of god go I was a saying Luna kept close to heart. She had had a lucky break. She knew what it meant and cherished it, even as she made sure to make those that were less fortunate than her had a little bit more. So Luna turned her attention fully to everything around her, still truly amazed by the view.

As Collin directed his attention to Constance for a moment however, Luna glanced over, paused. She was sure there was something just a little off about Constance’s smile, and Luna figured the woman wasn’t none too pleased about having to meet family. That was quite interesting, and Luna was sure that this would fascinating indeed.

She didn’t linger too long on this, her attention diverted to the girl that held her bag, approaching her, more or less in the right way, pausing a moment, she suddenly understood something she hadn’t quite seen before. The girl was blind. Which might account for the way she seemed so timid, yet Luna was sure with just a little coaxing, there would be a bright, bubbling personality there. There often was, with those that were shy. Luna smiled, despite the fact that the girl couldn’t see it, Luna knew such things could be transported into tone, and she said quite genuinely, accepting the bag, her tone warm and inviting, ”Thank you, I would have been a little lost without it! I’m Luna, by the way”

As they continued on their journey through the community, Luna was distracted once again by the views around them. The development was a little more advanced then Luna had expected, and she was sure that if they hadn’t made their way here, the people here would have eventually launched their own expedition, and perhaps would, still, with a little bit more knowledge of what was out there then they themselves had. That made Luna smile. She’d done what she’d wanted to do, by coming out there. She’d found people. They’d found people. And where there was some….there had to be more out there. The world was bigger than it seemed, and Luna looked about with wonder, at what could fill it.

As they were led to what soon turned out to be Holloway's, Luna didn't mistake the look Edward was given, nor the fact that she was overlooked. Which didn't mind Luna, it simply gave her a chance to knock another self centered "powerful" woman on her ass. “Ah, yes, how nice to have met you, oh,, I’m sorry, was it rude to just speak up like that? Ah well, I assumed you didn’t see me” She said to the retreating form of the old woman, Luna shook her head, turning her back on Constance, and the older woman, ”lackings? ah, the black sheep of the family, then? I'm sure we'd get along just fine” She said, a little amused, before sighing, and looking to Edward, ”It seems so. Although perhaps it will give Constance the chance to see what she is like, and change her ways. Although I suppose that's like asking the sun not to rise”

She looked over to Juliette, glad the girl hadn’t gotten lost along the way, and smiled again, deciding she may as well get acquainted with someone here, and Juliette seemed to need someone. ”So...Juliette, right? What do you do?”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Constance followed the group in an uncommon, though not unwelcome, silence as their surroundings shifted from somewhat exotic to strangely familiar. There was a sort of tightness in her stomach, and with each step it churned and coiled. She felt like she was walking to her own execution, a slow march to a bloodied guillotine that had always been waiting for her since the start. She wanted nothing more than to dip out, to quietly slip away, but there was nowhere to run to and she simply stood out far too much to become part of the crowd. Grimacing, she gnashed her teeth in frustration. Never in her life had she expected to meet a Holloway, that is, other Holloways.

“Here we are…”

Constance froze at the bottom of the steps, staring up at the stone building, her eyes widening as they crossed the bronzed placard engraved with the name of Holloway upon it. She was looking at her own tomb. The others were already heading up; she had to move as well. If she fled now they would come up with their own stories, their own truths; worse still, they might come up with the actual truth. She could imagine the field day Luna and Edward would have, the relentless bullying that would follow. Even more horrifyingly, she could imagine them not reacting because they simply did not care one bit for her. Fine, then, she wouldn’t care either. Her eyes narrowed; her fist clenched. It was time.

"Ah, look at that. The nose isn't quite right, hm...yes, the ears are a bit large too, I suppose. Still, no mistaking it. A Holloway, are you?"

A wave of relief rolled over Constance, and her face brightened as she swallowed down laughter. No mistaking it, was there? Her eyes flitted between the two Holloways in the room, trying to find similarities between all of them. “Is it that obvious?” she said as she accepted the handshake from Maxine. She supposed they all dressed smartly, but besides that...well, it didn’t matter, did it? She was just thankful that Maxine was so quick to welcome her into the family. She’d even let the comment about her ears slide. An actual smile appeared on her face as Maxine told Constance that she kept the family name. Constance had to agree with the matriarch; it was better for business.

In that moment Luna, Juliette, Edward, Collin, and Raymond all disappeared into the background, becoming nothing but static. Constance finally felt like she was reaching a comfortable place for the first time since she took the Drop. Of course, there was still much more to be done before she was completely secured, and until then she would tread lightly. She had done this before; she could do it again. Following the matriarch, Constance took a seat at the small table, set down her hat, and crossed her legs, listening as Maxine talked without letting her get a single word in. Some people, seriously.

“This should call for a little celebration. Cousin, would you mind grabbing some wine for your grandmother and I?” said Constance, folding her hands on the table. As Arn shuffled off, she turned her gaze to Maxine. “I am Constance Holloway of the United Isles, sole proprietor of Holloway Heavy Industries and head explorer for the UINC.” A stretch of the truth, but not wholly inaccurate. She had just been the first to rush off on their one and only expedition. “There isn’t too much to say about my journey, massive storms and feral beasts and rabble rousers aside, but I am thankful that we found some civilization. Sailors seem to think that common manners and decency only apply when on land.”

“I do have to say that I was quite shocked to find you here. The common belief back on the Isles is that the Devil Divers did not make it, although I never held that view. There was a Holloway involved, after all. Like you said, we tend to do well for ourselves.” She paused as Arn set down their glasses, treating him more as a waiter than as a cousin. It was white wine; she should’ve specified red, but there was no sense in sending him back to correct it.

“So, Maxine,” said Constance as Arn slipped away into the ether, “is it just the two of you here? I imagine you are still running the company, then.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; Holloway Co.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Luna Stevenoson (@Caits), Raymond Rahlei, and everyone else there.

She couldn’t help but to remain silent; her lithe body turning just that little bit further into Raymond’s larger frame, and the both of them choosing to stick to the back of the tour group as the sound of the familiar voice hit their ears, telling her exactly who it was that had come to meet with them. Maxine Holloway. While she ever polite in her ways; the woman was undeniably a force to be reckoned with- one that tended to, more times than none, get her way… and one that her parents had always taught her to be weary of. She was intelligent… powerful… independent… There was seldom a person in all of Ghal-Priyam that would choose willingly to stand up against her; and if there were ever one lesson she would want to pass on to others around her…

If you can help it, do everything you can to stay off Maxine Holloway’s radar.

The tightening of an arm around her waist however, had Juliette lifting her head, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as the warmth of his breath fanned out over her features from above- once again, Raymond was seeking to offer her comfort. It seemed as though her slight anxiousness was more easily read than the pages of a book as she shifted nervously against his side, the conversation filling the air around her merely lost, falling upon deaf ears until the mention of her name caught her attention, causing her to turn her head in the direction of the voice. Still rather new sounding… one she was unfamiliar with, though had heard not ten minutes or so prior. The Devil Diver wished to speak with her..?

“So… Juliette, right? What do you do?”

The words were confusing; only few actually understood as she tried to make heads and tails of what she was being asked. Her name… the woman had sounded unsure when she spoke it; was she asking her what her name was..? Uncertainty flickering over her gentle features, Juliette turned her head once more, her bright blues gazing back up in the direction she could feel Raymond’s steady breath falling from as she spoke softly in their native tongue, doing her best not to be overheard or to interrupt Madam Holloway in any way, “..I do not understand what it is that she wants…”

Chuckling softly at her admittance, Raymond gave her side a gentle squeeze, urging her to turn back to the Devil Diver as he began to translate as best as he could for her, “She wants to know what it is that you do.”

“O-Oh…” Pausing a moment as she thought on the question, Juliette followed his encouragement, her attention turning back over to the woman as she began to answer, hoping that whatever she said, Raymond would be able to translate for her, “I, uhm… I help my parents at my families bar, and sing for them, and-… and I weave baskets…”

Being sure to listen to what it was she was saying first, Raymond took a moment to himself before he turned back to the woman who was speaking to them, a small smile on his face as he translated what Juliette had just said into the language that Luna and the other Devil Divers were more likely to understand, “She said that she sometimes helps at her families bar, she likes to sing for them; and that she also weaves baskets.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ML
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ML Attempted Polymath

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Oh!" Maxine Holloway leaned back in her chair with a scoff that could only be interpreted as polite. "Good heavens, no. Dear girl: today is a festival day! If I made our staff come in on one of Ghalar's premier days of worship, we'd have no staff at all to work with! But then, you couldn't possibly have known that, could you? You remind me of one of our partners: he arrived here some years ago, and he had much the same level of confusion about customs here."

Arn stepped in and deposited another round of drinks, along with the bottle itself. "We are the only Holloway descendants in the building, but there are at least a dozen other clerks and secretaries in here on most days. Can't run an empire with only two of us, can we?" The old woman laughed, and Edward found the sound unimaginably irritating. Like someone had left a set of pictures to develop for too long, with the detail and finesse too sharp. Maybe a bad metaphor, but regardless, he disliked the sound.

"I must hear more of your adventures, but there is a brief amount of business to attend to before that." She turned to look at Edward and Luna, for the first time making eye contact. "Everyone out," she practically sang, pointing toward the door. "Arn, you as well. Ah well...Juliette, stay behind, if you'd be so kind. Arn, before you go, pull up another chair, if you please."

The man called Raymond bristled up and glared at Maxine. "I'll stay as well, if it's all the same to you."

"Nonsense, nonsense. Out with you, Mister Rahlei. I promise, your friend will be taken care of. We are civilized here, are we not? Away with you, young man." The warmth in her voice faded fast, with a clear message: Don't make me ask again.

Raymond looked down at Juliette with an agonizing glance. "Mrs. Holloway--"

"My boy, you are no longer welcome in my company for a short while. Must I summon security?" Steel had appeared in the old woman's eyes, showing no hint of wavering or remorse. "You'll be welcome back shortly. Until then, out."

Raymond looked willing to argue further, but Edward saw what the younger man missed. Maxine Holloway and Constance were very similar in personality, in some ways. The difference was, Maxine was in a far larger position of power to feed her demeanor, and had spent many more years crushing people under her heels. "Come on," he said the Raymond, putting a hand on his shoulder. "We can wait right outside."

"You don't--I...Mrs. Holloway," Raymond said rapidly--Edward could tell he was searching for a way to stay in the room. "You are both so comfortable in your seats there: who will guide Ms. Morrison to her chair? I could--"

"You," said Maxine, suddenly point to Luna, "can assist the dear girl to her seat, I assume. You look mildly competent, if a little...dazzled by all these wondrous things. I suppose where you come from might be a bit lacking in the finery of life, if Constance's tales of barbaric manners are to be believed."

"Come on, Raymond," Collin said, stepping up to the other man. "She will be safe here, I am sure." He tugged at the younger man's arm, until Raymond reluctantly released Juliette and let himself be led outside.

Edward glanced at Luna, then at Constance. He was more worried about the two of them jumping at each other's throats than anything else. "It was good to meet you, Mrs. Holloway. If you wouldn't mind--" he rushed onward as the old woman held up a hand. "After this meeting, if I could interview you for a story I'm writing for a paper back home, I would appreciate that."

Maxine's eyes lit up slightly, and she nodded, but by then Edward had ducked out, shutting the door behind him. "Handsome men, all of them," she said, once she, Constance, Juliette, and Luna were alone. "Utterly unneeded for success, naturally, but one can always admire unnecessary things. Case in point, this company: luxury items sell most delightfully to those who cannot afford them. Ah, wae sorja, Yuliette-oum."

Without breaking stride, the Holloway matriarch switched into flawless Ghalari. "I'd called you here to offer good news to you. I've decided that you and Arn, my grandson, will be wed sometime in the next week or two. I expect to tell your parents shortly and see about beginning the necessary arrangements. It's quite an honor, wouldn't you agree? How wonderful"

She continued to totally ignore Luna, but in a way that everyone in the room would know that it was intentional. As if the woman was saying 'there is no reason for me to communicate with you'.

Then she spoke in Isle Common. "And you, my dear," she said, speaking to Constance now. "I imagine that we'll want to find someone for you as well. As I said before, no one is needed for success, but marriage is still one of the best ways to forge alliances and increase power. Perhaps one of our partners would be interested. One of them is from your home, actually. Joseph Geralt? Brilliant man, just brilliant. But, I'm sure there are dozens of people from your little island, so I don't expect you to know him. A fine man, he is. I shall send for him at once."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Luna smiled at Juliette, "Well, that sounds great, I'd love to hear her sing, it's been a while since Ive heard such things"

Glancing over to what was happening, Luna knew what the old bat was doing. She wasn't going to let herself be ignored. “Not dazzled, ma’am. Just wondering how someone can put so much…emphasis on materialistic things. I find it's people that make life worthwhile, not things. And I certainly find that it's people that aren't afraid of me that do so. What's the point in being with people if all they are going to do is jump at your orders? Seems a sad life to me” she knew that she was walking a rather fine line, yet despite everything, Constance was one of her people, and she was about to let the...well, naive girl be sucked into this woman's influence, no matter how alike Constance was to the old bat.

And really, she had Constance to thank for this rather remarkable ability to stand up to such…brashness. Although Luna was sure that the old bat was going to be more of a challenge then Constance, it was nevertheless amusing to see the woman try so hard to make it clear that Luna wasn't worth her time. If someone had to try that hard, then it was quite clear that she was worth the time. Luna gave a chuckle “you're right, Ma’am. It appears I am lacking in the finery of life, if that means sucking up to people like you. In my experience, you must earn that right. So far, all I've seen is you...well, getting others to do your work. I find you can measure someone on how they treat others. Constance here, while she...well expects things we can't give her, has held her own rather remarkably. She certainly has more, and here I go showing my barbaric side, balls then you.” She smiled pleasantly, looking towards Constance, even as she moved towards Juliette's side. Perhaps those there might learn a thing or two from Luna about not letting someone like this old bat walk over you.

“Isn't that right Constance? Ah, I forgot to get your bandages changed. We will have to do that later, must have slipped my mind, what with having the chance to go up in the plane.” She turned her attention to Constance, rather than the old woman, doing so smoothly. She was challenging the woman to either address her, or continue to let Luna chip away at her authority. Luna so hoped the woman would let her continue. “Oh, Constance think of the stories we will have, going back home. I mean. You helped face down a monster. You helped when the ship was on fire. You got to where you are because of yourself” the unsaid words rang between them, and you don't need this old woman controlling you.. She smiled, turning to Juliette, gently taking her hand, communication would be hard, given that they didn't seem to speak anything like the same language. “Juliette? I'm Luna. I'm not going to hurt you, let's get you seated, shall we?” She kept her tone light, friendly, compassionate, wanting to convey that she was there to help, gently tugging on the girl's hand, to guide her to a chair.

Doing so, she guided Juliette's hand to the chair, so the girl could seat herself, and then quite calmly stood beside the chair, not particularly wanting to leave her with this woman.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Juliette Morrison

Location: Ghal-Priyam; Holloway Co.
Post In Collaboration With: None.
Interacting With: Luna Stevenson (@Caits), Constance (@Atrophy), Raymond Rahlei and Maxine Holloway (@Mercenary Lord).


Her voice soft… shaky as she felt him pulling (albeit reluctantly) away from her, panic flashed across the surface of her beautiful, though cloudy eyes, her hand lifting to reach out towards him before the feeling of another taking a hold of her caught her attention. Wha-... What was going on..? She hadn’t touched anything in the room- she hadn’t done anything to catch the woman’s wrath, and yet here she was, separated from the ones she cared for and trusted, and left in the company of that last person she wanted to spend time with.

Biting her lower lip softly as she was led further into the room, Juliette continued to look behind her, back in the direction that she had last heard both Raymond and Collin’s voices coming from. Why couldn’t Raymond stay..? What had she done- what was so important that Maxine had seen fit to threaten him being physically removed from their presence..? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know; but then she also knew that right now, she didn’t have a choice. Maxine Holloway was a woman who always got what she wanted… not matter of the cost or consequence.

“Handsome men, all of them. Utterly unneeded for success, naturally, but one can always admire unnecessary things.”

What had she done..? She had to have done something that had gained the woman’s attention, though for the life of her she couldn’t remember what it had been. The last few days had been rather repetitive; she’d gotten up and left the house, attempted to help out some of the women by weaving baskets with them for the celebrations, returned to her family’s bar so that she could help out her parents… there was nothing that was too far out of the ordinary… at least, aside from her run in with the guys that morning, there was nothing out of the ordinary…

“Case in point, this company: luxury items sell most delightfully to those who cannot afford them. Ah, wae sorja, Yuliette-oum.”

Snapping her attention back to the present at the sound of her name being spoken aloud, Juliette allowed her unseeing gaze to turn in the direction it had come from, her body slowly lowering down into the chair that had been provided for her before silently, and very politely, she bowed her head lightly out of deep respect for the woman addressing her. Something didn’t feel right about this; but it wasn’t her place to speak out of term. Shifting nervously in the seat, she brought her hands together, resting them neatly in her lap as she listened, her ankles coming together and crossing over one another beneath her, her voice soft as she spoke, answering in kind to let the woman know that she was indeed listening to what she was saying, “..madam Holloway…”

“I’d called you here to offer good news to you. I’ve decided that you and Arn, my grandson, will be wed sometime in the next week or two. I expect to tell your parents shortly and see about beginn-...”

The rest of the woman’s words lost on her, Juliette fell into a daze, all color seeming to drain completely from her features as the weight of what had just been said fell upon her shoulders. Married… s-she wanted her to marry her grandson..? To marry Arn..? She felt dizzy, the gentle pounding in her head causing her to sway lightly in her seat as the thought continued to swirl around and around within her mind. No matter how much she thought on the matter, she couldn’t seem to understand it, and one question still rung true, though she daren’t not speak it aloud…

..why me..?

Shifting once more in her seat, though this time with unease, she dropped her head down, her fingers curling ever so slightly around the material of her skirt, causing it to ride up just a tad. She couldn’t get married- not to Arn. She barely knew the man… Having met in passing a couple of times, and politely shared conversation on more than one occasion; she knew he wasn’t a bad guy… he was nice enough… at least, nice enough for a Holloway raised under the ever watchful eye of Maxine. But… marriage..?

“..but-... but I do not love him…”
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