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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Well would be summoning creatures (would do objects as well but for balance of this specific roleplay stick to a type of summoning) like various both normal creatures and fantasy creatures like goblins and so on. (Which could do a little thing in conjuction with Turbo for something funny). Which depending on his abilities (which would have to refine exactly what, probably mental ability and physical ability both) he would be able to control up to blank amount of creatures, and if he tries to go beyond he could lose control of all the creatures and they just start going wild, or some just disappear.

It's alright, there would be ways to get past the lack of kinetic energy like having a device apart of her suit that constantly generates kinetic energy since she can take it some from her surroundings if I remember what I read. as for when we are starting, that is uncertain atm. It could be a little while since we did have a lot of people applying for the roleplay and I want to give everyone a chance to actually apply with character(s). Because if they don't get in before the start they would have to wait for the second school year, and at that point we would have split classes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@olcharlieboi for the start thing, maybe just think of a way to filter characters in. Exchange students? Students changing classes? just have new characters have a good reason for joining late? It could just be a running gag that our class gets a stupid amount of new students mid year, they could have to take a placement test on their own if they come late.

@kidjab also including olcharlieboi, this is the problem with basing your quirk around something that actually heavily acts on real world Physics. Due to conservation of energy the idea that the suit can provide specifically *kinetic* energy would require some kind of engine or motor she draws from, which requires a power source, which could get rather complicated. Kinetic Energy is a hard one because if the power worked on heat it'd be much easier to define, as body heat could be used as a steady low power source etc. But kinetic energy is the very act of movement, making discerning what can be a source difficult, and making it even more difficult for anyone affected by the energy drain to describe the sudden loss of momentum.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I just like giving people a chance since I don't like being entirely unfair to people. Yet U.a. doesn't really have much or if any transfer students, and one has to pass the Entrance exam to get in, depending on their result would put them in various departments or if they was going for a specific department. So lore wise not to sure how late students/transfer students would really work, I at lest don't remember any one joining as a transfer student in the manga or anime so far, as for changing classes if I remember right that is possible but only after the School Festival if they preform good enough or bad enough to get transferred, it was mention but never done yet.

When looking at it technically ya Kinetic energy is the energy generated from movement of some kind, so technically if just having something that constantly spun would create kinetic energy that could be used. but that's just an example it's up to how @kidjab wants to use their quirk.

In the end it will only probably be a week at MOST before we start since I wont give them forever, but I'll give them enough time to try, we technically could have up to like 20 something 'Characters' in one class, and not everyone always manages to pass so the class isn't always full, so various things can be done there.

If you do have more ideas just be sure to say it as well, especially for my second version of my character lol, since I am in the end just trying to finalize what idea I will use in the end for my own character with that, loved the idea of copy all, though I would probably simply be using all the other rper's Quirks half the time, a made up quirk from a random made up person, or a Quirk from one of the Pro Heroes which would probably cause some trouble in one way or another eventually.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@olcharlieboi if it helps i'm trying to think of another character, a girl this time ^^
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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@KreutzerYeah I am still interested, just bed ridden with illness right now. I'll get a cs up when I find the strength
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@pkken np I'll leave you to it and find another cool quirk for my other char :D
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Hm.. eh probably in the end I'll still end up using the Copy quirk, and just change one of his parents to a summoning type quirk so I can still use it lol.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

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Not gonna lie, interested in this.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I still wanna make this look nice and add a personality section but here's all the important stuff:

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kidjab
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kidjab Brawling Aegis

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yeah eventually I was going to have her go to the support department so she could get an inertia generator (nothing like this exist in the real world as i know it and obviously the real world mechanics and physics fail buttt COOL FACTOR) Which would basically be a small supper conductor she wore on her back. That would generate an exponential amount of kinetic energy based on her own energy created from her skates. Think of a mini atom collider on her back no bigger than the size of her palm that spins a small metal nitrogen cooled ball of steel inside a vacuum at insanely high speeds. And it starts based off some connector that is connected to her skates. The ball would be suspended in a vacuum and have no friction to contest with and the speeds and power it generates would be something like 3/4 x500.

Obviously through different iterations and not until further and much further study and practice with her quirk. Because as of now she doesn't realize she can snatch kinetic energy from things all she knows is she can take it from people (She doesn't realize she is taking energy from her skates as well as her own body when she is skating)

Plot DEVICES AND character development boom baby lmfao. But no meta gaming until that point.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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I dunno what superconductors have to do with kinetic energy, and i don't think you meant to use the word exponential but I think I understand what you're trying to say :P It's probably better you try not to explain any of it as much as possible, it's probably best people just believe whatever it is works...

This begs the question though of how the quirk works... If it isn't draining the energy then why does it even need energy in the first place? For example if it used the power of the skates then surely your character would slow down and stop moving? And whatever machine is used to generate would stop functioning if its kinetic energy is being drained? But if this isn't the case then why does the quirk even need energy to be present at all?

Sorry I'm asking so many questions, my degree has a large physics element to it (I'm a student) and the more you explain those parts the more you seem to be losing me :')

Surely the quirk would work better as a simple energy drain/repurpose? kinetic energy restricts your character from taking things that are only moving fast or really hot, so a solution to all of this would be your character being able to absorb any type of energy or drain it, and create structures with it, with whatever limitations seem fitting. That way it's much easier for everyone to understand, and easy for you to use and think about too :)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kidjab
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kidjab Brawling Aegis

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Ah ha I knew it someone smarter than me was going to point out my pseudo science lmfao. You're right it is a mish mash of some concept I do not fully understand however i like objects moving either really fast or objects that are really hot. She I aware that she is moving slower she simply thought that slowness was from her own individual body not the skates as well to clarify. But the generator will come into play later. All it needs to be is something that can move really fast that she wears connected to her skates I forget the actual process but how the rpms of a gear goes up as it progressively gets smaller same concept in my head.

"I need more energy but can't move any faster than this without getting hurt"

So you need to get something that can go faster with the same amount of work put in. Basic idea in my head can explain it away later that its something to complicated for her feeble mind to get cause comic logic or support department to STRONK
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Ora! I wish to join if possible. Appication in process.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kreutzer
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@kidjab hey, I'm good with the physicsey stuff so anything you're struggling to come up with or explain lemme know. Keep at it, try to establish set rules/boundaries, don't abandon the idea try to make it good if you find it fun :D
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Feeling a little better so will probably get a WIP up
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Lucius Cypher

While it is a very intense backstory and an interesting quirk that could be fairly weak by itself. I think you might of went a bit overboard when it comes to his hero outfit.. while that could be close to a final idea, I'm not sure he could of ever actually gotten the resources to create to begin with. Don't forget he is literally getting out of middle school and is heading into highschool. While it's called an Academy it's basically an over the top highschool. So he wouldn't of been working ever so he would only be able to rely on his parents in terms of money.. and considering his father turned into a villain, most of his assets would of been taken by the police, because it's just like he was a simple criminal he was an actual villain.

Even a hero like Rusted Warrior, while giving him a guiding hand wouldn't simply just give him the means to create some kind of suit when he is the son of a villain. While probably wouldn't discriminate against him, just wouldn't so bluntly give him the very stuff he needs to make essentially a weapon similar to the boy's father even if the intentions are for the better.

So for the start of the roleplay I would say to tone down the hero suit a great deal. Make where it can still very much help and assist him since his quirk isn't really a combat one, but don't go crazy like you did on it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Well, thanks to his Quirk, Asahi actually has a lot more free time than most people. He's pretty big for his age too, and because he never sleeps he can work late night shifts when most people need to be resting. Now while I did say he only did honest jobs, I'm willing to also mention that he kinda sorta does skirt around certain laws about child labor. And even if he didn't have the resources, it's the knowledge that's more important. He knows how to make the armor and everything, he just doesn't have enough money to make everything his father did.

Admittedly, I am highly relying on his armor to make Asahi any use in direct combat. While he could hold his own against thugs and bullies without his armor, against those who utilize their quirks he'll need to at least be bullet proof to get started, since he lacks actual martial arts skills or anything like that. What exactly about it is crazy? It's not as if he's loaded to the gills with weapons. And if it's strength you're worried about, well... I normally don't like playing this card, but that red oni character above blows The Guardian out of the water when it comes to strength. Two tons is the best the Guardian can muster. She easily goes over 10 tons.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Lucius Cypher

While Turbo's character is strong, that heating issue causing heat stroke is a very major weakness and factor that shortens the time the character can even fight. Even if the suit can negate it slightly doesn't mean it can get rid of completely. Pretty much everyone's quirk that has been made and accepted has ways to fight against the red oni pretty easily to be frank.

Most students who go for the hero course is a lot more physically fit and stronger than the average person, but I'm digressing here. I'm not worried about it's strength, I am more trying to find a complete logical reason as to how he could of gotten this suit at this point. Even if he got past labor laws, it is very easy to find out someone's true age in many, many ways so he wouldn't of been able to get full wage. so it would take a good long time probably before he could even afford the steel let alone the unknown power source that I have no clue about making that part the main reason why it's more questionable. I mostly feel the design is kind of crazy for at least a starter suit I will emit.

Also if I'm sounding rude, or mean I do apologize, I am just trying to figure things out and try to get a nice roleplay going where everyone can be happy while nothing hopefully being past a level of heroes in training at the start. While in U.A. he would probably have more resources if he requests it and gets approved to make greater upgrades, not to mention the Department of Support probably wanting to get their hands on his stuff and mess with it themselves. After all they provide ever hero with suits, and upgrades them all free of charge. so giving resources to a person who knows how to create their own in the school, probably wouldn't cause them much trouble.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

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WIP (honestly this was done at like three in the morning, so it'll probably need plenty of refining)

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