Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“You must have gone deaf using that weapon of yours! I said give me your weapon. Or are you a ‘live by the sword die by the sword’ type who trusts their tools over people?”

The woman put her ya d down and gave the boy a cheeky smile. She seemed to enjoy seeing his reactions.

“If you can’t trust me with your weapon, how can you expect me to trust you with my life? I don’t know about you, mister stranger, but where we come from we do t just assume goodness in other people’s hearts. Loyalty is tested when you have nothing left, not when you have everything you need.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

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It was a hard decision, but Odum had looked at his Rifle for a split second, and began to give her the gun, then, the gun glowed,then fainted, then he let her have the rifle...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

”Trying!” Donny shouted as he was trying to steer his horse back towards the others as well as calming her down. However she used to be a war horse, so loud noises and hostile feelings made her go nuts. When Donny finally managed to get her in the direction of the others he tried to stop her but she resisted him. Right up until Tawny stood in the marr’s path. ”Shit! Move! Whoa!”

Donny was flung off his wagon and into the dirt as his horse stopped right in front of Tawny. She still seemed panicky and for a moment Donny was worried that his horse was going to attack Tawny, but instead she just flared her nostrils and looked at the girl. Donny got to his feet and watched, ready in case something bad happens.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

With her confidence coming only from the fact that she had done it before, Tawny had stood her ground as the horse charged straight towards her, though the entire experience had still been way more terrifying than she had anticipated. It had only been the second time she had gotten an animal to do what she had wanted, after all. She instinctively ducked as Donny was thrown over her when the horse suddenly stopped, and slowly reached out, shakily but gently running her fingers down its face.

"T- That's it..." she muttered between deep breaths of relief. "Stay... That's a good girl..."

She turned to check if Donny was alright, and saw that he was able to stand. "I- I'm so sorry."

Tawny then looked over the rest of group. Still visibly shaken by what had taken place, she back away a couple of steps as she spoke. "It's fine, everything's alright... I'm going to see if I can get our runaway, and then we can go."

She spun around right after, heading for the forest where Odum had been last seen going towards. Ash continued to stick by her side, though, if any of her friends decided to follow, or stay behind to wait, it would be up to them.

@Lucius Cypher @Azure Flame @RumikoOhara @akirashadow @Azure Sea
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@Typhon@Azure Flame@akirashadow@Lucius Cypher@Azure Sea

Naomi sighs as she approaches Donny her expression embarrassed, her tone soft and apologetic

Donny please forgive the unrestrained stupidity of the gunman, for the life of me I cannot fathom why he’s so angry.

I do not believe in such violent displays, especially should they disturb a horse without cause.

She steps close to the horse and allows her to fill her nostrils with her scent several times before she gently strokes the animal’s neck. It is while doing this she notices several healed scars beneath the graying coat. The discovery she makes causing her to inspect the large animal.

More scars...No simple draft horse are you sweet girl her tone now one of admiration.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Lance finished up strapping the second leather leg guard steering clear of the commotion being cause by Odum. A rather large over reaction by most merit. Through what seemed like sheer luck he had managed to avoid being on horses ill controlled path following its reaction to Odum's gunshots.

However it had seemed that Tawny had once again turned around the mind of yet another animal. It almost seemed like any animal she was coming into contact with was having a complete personality switch. "Fair enough, it's probably best I wait here. No point in potentially aggravating the matter further." He glances over to Luca's. "That goes for you too. There'll be a time and place for apologies sincere or not and it isn't now." Lance finishes up before carefully sliding the helm on over his head. Snug fit was probably not the best word to describe the just barely protective head piece. He slides the sword onto the wagon before hauling himself up and taking a seat as he lets out a sigh.

@Raptra@Azure Flame
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Why would I apologize?" Lucas asked. "He was being an ass, so I called him out on it. He's the one who almost pulled a gun on me."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Oho? A magic weapon? My my aren’t you full of surprises.”

Looking at the fire arm she was careful with the weapon. She aimed it towards the sky and pulled the trigger, then looked for any lose parts on the gun that she could pry open. If not, she looked for whatever was keeping the weapon together such as screws or nails.

“How long have you been practicing magic? Or perhaps... You must be a novice!”

The woman smiled and held the gun over her shoulders. She seemed to be putting something together in her head.

“Yeah, it’s make sense. Young man with a powerful weapon, powerful magic, uses both in premature anger. Ooooh let me guess, daddy issues? Or maybe someone insulted your honor? Did they not have your favorite sweet rolls so you decided to go vent by murdering random animals?”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Something like that... And no, I donno I have magic." He stayed quiet for a second, "So?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Reina watched what was happening with wide eyes wondering why and how the fighting started.
"Tawny what just happened? I mean one moment everything's fine and then the next there's fighting" Reina says as she walks over and stands next to Tawny.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For Naomi life was so simple and this world held promises for adventure and sights few her world could match, then there was the chance for learning new philosophies and speaking to beings 1,000 years old. Who knew perhaps she'd meet a Royal Family that wanted to retain her as a teacher so that she could become part of a legend. In the end it didn't matter if she lead from this day on a life of quiet contemplation writing down her philosophy for future generations to follow and debate her true meaning.

So reaching into one of her 6 pockets hidden in her long dress Naomi pulled out one of her pens and her thoughts notepads which she used to keep ideas she had during the day.

Today I stand at the beginning of a journey into the unknown; perhaps I look at it in too positive a light, but who wants to start a trip with a head filled with negative thought. To our Guide, Donny we owe much and I pray risk his safety not but should his life be threatened I vow his safety so long as I have the strength to move.

I appear to be a Monk Class individual though I have only visited Monastery in France, Italy and England curious about their histories never to consider the life isolated and pious found there. I am a New Order of Monk and must begin to consider what that means.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

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“Oh? You have magic but you don’t even know it? That’s dangerous.”

Suddenly the girl’s eyes started glowing and from the ground two large stones floated up and around her.

“So not only do you have this powerful weapon you use carelessly, you also use magic you don’t even realize you have... That’s like taking treats from a stranger.”

The woman waved her ha da through the air causing the stones to change shape and form, from little people to swords. Eventually they became little people with swords fighting each other.

“Magic is like water. Everyone needs it, but no matter how useful, if you don’t know where it’s source is coming from, you’re putting yourself at risk. For all you know your magic may be tapped into some greater demonic entity that will slowly take over your mind the more you use it. Or perhaps it’s comnected to a god who will use you as a vessel in a holy war. Or it might just kill you.”

The stones formed back together into a large table where she set Ogum’s weapon down. She put her elbows in this tabl and looked at him.

“You must truly be desperate to come to me for help. Did you kill someone? Well... No matter.”

Taking a step back the woman raised her hand to the table as it consumed the weapon. Her eyes began to glow as she took in the knowledge of how this weapon was crafted, what it was made of, and how it was used. Then the stone crumbled, leaving nothing behind but dust and dirt.

“Ah. That was enlightening. Well then time to go.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Tawny's eyes shifted to look at Reina, who came up beside her as she was walking off. Apparently, she had somehow missed the entire incident.

"Would you believe Odum lost it and stomped off like a little kid after an exchange with Lucas?" Tawny began as she continued on, assuming Reina was the only one coming with her. "I'm going to get him so we can leave. Lucas has become surprisingly aggressive for some reason, and Odum even more so than usual. It's strange."

Odum was easy to track, considering the fresh animal blood left on the floor. However, no carcasses were to be seen, which was rather confusing. It took some time before voices could faintly be heard coming from a distance, and Ash suddenly broke into a run and darted ahead of them.

"Ash!" She hissed at the wolf, quickening her pace as well.

They eventually arrived at where Ash had stopped, finding Odum and a white-haired stranger. Tawny did not think much about the woman, for their intention was to get back as soon as they could.

"Odum! There you are. What do you think you're doing? We need to leave, now."

@Azure Sea @Zaphander @Typhon
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"maybe it's this planet it seems to be alittle cliché with it's whole fantasy setting thing" Reina says with a shrug and a sigh.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was easy to lose herself in thought as she waited which is what Naomi allowed herself to do as she adjusted to the less hurried pace of life here on this new world.

A brown notepad came out and Naomi drew her pen writing

First rule of Adventuring Assay your situation. We are Strangers in a Strange Land with a sprinkle of Connecticut Yankee and Authur.

As little as we know each other we know anyone locally even less

Next is secure support in the form of valuables converted into local products more useful than the item (Check Pockets for items that came through with party some may be cheap to us but locally treasures

1/2 carat blue diamond white gold setting earring pair
6 silver finger rings
1 gold thumb ring/antique class ring
4 toe rings silver
Natural crystal prism 6"
two silver magnifying glass Victorian
Various trinkets that will need appraising
In desperation, I will sell my other items

She looks at what here most likely amounts to a small moderate sum but knows she will push hard on her diamonds to see it grow to a good start.

So knowing the vagaries of travel with no true leader she settles down spreading out her long dress into a sweeping fan then reveals why she didn't carry a backpack or purse; her dress hid in its folds 7 deep pockets

She sniffled as she spread out her AT keychains
Her tiny little polished stones
Her Elk horn handmade rune chips
9 jolly ranchers 3 apple 4 blue 2 orange
A repurposed tobacco pouch containing tea leaves and a stainless tea strainer.
2 collapsible 8 oz cups silicone rubber red
2 6 oz baker's dark chocolate bars
1 Prince Albert can containing small Rider Waite tarot deck in dark blue silk scarf
1 leather pouch not for sale nore its pipe and lighters 3 purple bic lighters
Her solar firestarter / Mag glass

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Relieved that his horse had calmed down before hurting anyone, Donny approached his mare and patted her face. ”Good girl. Scary wasn’t it?” Donny would have to let her roam a bit to help calm her down before hitching her to the wagon. As she started to graze Donny looked to the others. ”Well then. Not exactly how I’d like to start our little adventure. Is that going to happen a lot?”

Donny would’ve remembered this Odum person if he had fought the wolves with them, but Donny did not. He was just some stranger who presumably was with this group, however he was obviously the black sheep of the mysterious flock. Frankly Donny didn’t like him since he showed up and started to try and take orders and command the place as if he knew what was going on. And while Donny might’ve not had the same level of power or education as some of these people, he at least was local and actually knew where he was and the situation in the area. If Donny had let them all lose last time they’d probably just end up attacked by more wolves, even with Tawny’s abilities with animals. Or worse, soldiers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Almost is better then someone actually pulling a gun on you. Besides which Odum's always an ass, that's not going to change.
I just thought you might simply want to make it less easy for him to want to pull the gun on you in the future."
Lance shrugged at his own comment, it wasn't like the matter could be forced. "One day him pulling the trigger could be what keeps you alive.
Plus right now we need the numbers, if he's going to shoot you I'd rather he do it later rather than sooner."

He then glances over to Donny from his elevated position on the wagon. "I'd imagine that answers your question. Normally everyone just ignores his rants. But ignorance can't always be bliss, unless of course you don't care too much." Lance finishes as he stretches his arms above his head before folding them over his chest and stretching his legs out. Whilst he had the whole wagon to himself he'd make the most of the available space.

@Lucius Cypher@Azure Flame
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Odum said nothing, he was walking with the white haired lady, but saw a women, Tawny, he believed was her name.All he did was smile and walked away, "Anyhow," He said, trying change the topic, "I haven't caught your name, also, not to be needy or anything, can I have my rifle please?" He asked while looking down.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zaphander
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Zaphander Filthy Casual

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The lady gave Odum a sly smile as Tawny and Reina showed up.

“Well well well. Looks like not all is lost after all. I’m guessing these are your friends? Enta’s the name.”

She waved at the two girls before turning around. She took a few steps forward before peeking behind her and the three.

“Mhmm. You should use this chance to make things right. Not everyone gets a second chance! Learn how to get along with them and be the better person, even if they won’t. I’m sure we’ll meet again. Toodles~”

Enta slipped off back into the forest, blatantly ignoring Odum’s question about his gun as she vanished into the brush. She was going to have fun with his weapon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Little bi-" He looked back, "Sup, so I guess were going to city?" He said in a friendly manner.

Yet, he knew his Rifle would be okay, having a weird intuition that they were in good hands, or so he thinks.

He hopes gets it back, put at least, he has his pistol, not as good, though infinite is infinite.

As he walked back toward the group, he was quiet, mostly playing with his pistol, spinning it.
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