Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ana hadn't been in her weapon form that much, she only transformed into a weapon to practice transforming into one. She never transformed into one for anyone to fight with her. So also didn't realize that the souls of her and her new partner should be soul compatible. Luckily Clayton managed to catch her without dropping her onto the ground. This means they indeed were soul compatible. The huge syringe hopefully stood out of the rest of the weapons. No, like all other weapons she didn't choose to be a syringe, or a rapier, but it fitted her. Not only because she was a sexy nurse. Her face reflected itself in the container filled with liquid, for a split second. She obviously couldn't do that immediately. Then she heard that Clayton did need to practice with her to master her, as he never handled this kind of weapon before.

Suddenly Clayton held Ana in front of his face and asked where the liquid container was for. That liquid container would be her special ability. "Oh, this is something really awesome. You probably noticed that the grip of the weapon is just like a syringe too, right? Well it also can be pushed forwards, releasing the liquid inside of me." Ana realized that what she just said could be conceived differently, especially for a boy. "And I don't mean anything dirty by that!" she said, and if she was in her human form she would be blushing. "But when injected into your opponent and you press the liquid in they will suffer from the type of liquid is in it. I still have the poison in me, never changed it because I never have really fought. But you might want to bring refills along on missions." she said. She began glowing bright again and returned to her human form after Clayton had done or said anything else. "If you don't mind I'm transforming back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mary was dizzy after hyperventilating, but she was for one thing extremely confused. "What are you talking about...? Did your mothers tell you nothing? Men don't care about anyone but themselves, they just lie to make themselves seem kind. They control women to get what they want, and then they leave when there is nothing to be gained! They break the law and steal anything they can get their hands on!" Her demeanor was shaky, she lacked the conviction she needed when she said this, so it sounded more like she was afraid of the advice then teaching it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alexander lifts his head, and says "And women stab you in the back when it best suits them. They cheat and lie to get what they want. And then blame it all on men when they get caught in the act." He cracks his neck a little by jerking his head to the side, and steps foreward a little. "Men are not the only ones responsible for hate. Yes, they do sow it. But women do too. Everyone does. Thus is the way of the world. Or so I have learned." He towered over everyone there, and looked menacing. But he tried his best not to, atleast. didn't work to well. "Men do manipulate women, but women can do the same to men quite easily. Thanks to that, I was born as something hated." small metallic spikes start to show on his knuckles, but it wasn't too noticeable. Yet. He clenches his fists a little as memories swarm into his head. Rejection and Loathing. He shakes his head, and the small spikes recede. "So don't blame the evils of humans on men alone."

George returns with Wilson trailing behind him, and observes the area once more. A man in dark clothing had arrived since they left, and was a monster of a man. A whole five inches taller than he. Wilson cowers from him a little behind George. He seemed... familiar somehow. He removed the thought from his head. No, he didn't know this man. He had never seen him before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 24 hrs ago


Clayton's face lit up with the promise of the plastic container on the needle being able to do something awesome, and nodded in compliance when she asked if he noticed the weapon grip looked like a syringe. Of course, his look of excitement turned into an expression of slight confusion and embarrassment soon after when she described (rather poorly) how she could shoot liquid in needle form, and then clarified that it was nothing dirty. His face got a bit redder as he shook the thought out of his head before he started wondering: "Wait...where does she keep the liquid when not in weapon form...". Pushing that out of his mind, his face returned to its usual tinge as he realized just how dangerous Ana's weapon form was, injecting someone with this much poison had to be deadly, and he wasn't even sure what KIND of poison it was. Before he could finish thinking about the repercussions of using venom in a weapon, she glowed brightly and returned to her human form.

"Wait a second...where exactly am I going to get more poison?" He said with a perplexed expression as he held his chin with his right hand. "And...what exactly does that poison do to people? Is it a nerve-toxin, or is it just raw venom?"


"I'm not dressed like this for cosplay actually. It was just part of the- Aw screw it it wasn't funny anyways." She said as she realized the pirate line didn't earn her any comedic gains. She was, however, a bit more concerned about Edelweiss getting upset about not getting to see under the patch, and continued with: "H-Hey don't worry about it Eddie, it's nothing important anyway, just an empty eye socket!" She wiped a bit of sweat from her brow, the sun was REALLY freaking hot, and still smiling with that same, stupid face. Holding her forearm above her brow, she turned to the others and said: "You guys think we could uh, take this conversation somewhere a little less hot? I can't stand the heat..."

Before she could start following her own advice of finding shade, a new mysterious stranger stepped into the conversation...looked like a middle-aged man, only thing about him that seemed odd was that he was dressed in black clothing on a day this sweltering, and he was at least a full half foot taller than her, he looked like a rather sullen person, but considering his age and imposing figure, she looked straight at his eyes and asked: "Excuse me, but um...are you a teacher here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alexander shakes his head. "No, No I'm not a teacher. I'm here seeking shelter from people that would harm me without second thought." He takes his hat off, showing long black hair and a surprisingly kind face. His age was obvious, he was not young at all. "My appearance makes people fear me, and when people fear something, they attack it. Plain and simple." He puts his hat back on, and sighs. "But, when one is the son of a Witch, people assume the worst. I guess I should not blame them. Witches have been forces to fear for a long while. My name is Alexander Vanzrix, by the way. Now you know who I am, and from the looks it's easy to tell you are all either weapons or meisters. I'm a bit more... unique for reasons I'd rather keep to myself for now." He does however go over to a more shady spot.

George was a little shocked at what the man just said. His mother was a witch? He decided it best to hold his tongue though. This man was quite intimidating, he was not going to lie to himself. Wilson however did not know what to think. The name seemed familiar too. This was just weird. He shakes the thought from his head once more. No need to worry about these little thoughts. They happen a lot sometimes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hmph!" She scoffed and flipped her braids over her shoulders. It was clear to see that Lemuria didn't want to show her what was underneath her eyepatch, so Edel didn't try pushing onward.

Edelweiss crossed her arms as she squinted, staring back and forth from Lemuria to the man who introduced himself as Alexander. She felt rather uncomfortable, not to mention that the sun was burning her pale skin and making her break out into a sweat. "Maybe we should go inside?" The ginger suggested. "I do not want to get a sunburn, it'll leave unevenly tanned skin!" She shivered at the thought.
Suzu lightly nodded in agreement with Edel. The small girl was now standing beside Mary, staring up at her, making judgements as well as taking down mental notes. Mary was a timid one, but exceptionally strong, what unique traits.
"Suzu wants to know when something important will happen.."

Now that she mentioned it, the students were just standing there, idling. Was there no school staff to give them instructions? Such a shame. The sun was beating down, it was only a matter of time before someone collapsed of a heat stroke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BioHazard
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BioHazard The Plague Master

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ana shrugged her shoulders. "I really have no idea how I got the poison in the first place and where to get it. But when I squirted out a little bit of the liquid it wasn't refilled the next time." she said. This indeed would be a problem. Unfortunately Ana had no real idea of how her special ability worked. She only knew it was poison that was inside of her, and that she was a syringe. She didn't even know where liquid was when she was in her human form. She hoped it wasn't in her breasts, because that would mean that they will shrink the more liquid is lost. But that hopefully isn't the case.

Ana looked around once more. Several duo's had been formed, and there were some groups scattered around the area. She wondered how many other people had found their partner already. She was lucky that she was able to find her partner that quickly. She had told a bit about herself now, well at least about her information as a weapon. But she didn't know much of Clayton yet. "What is actually the reason that you want to become a meister? Or shall we just talk to other people..." she quickly added in case he didn't want to tell his story.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 24 hrs ago


Clayton felt a little bit confused when Ana brought up that she didn't know where to get more of the poison, and that it didn't regenerate over time. Thinking for a moment that maybe he could make some more, he realized that would probably do far more bad than good; chemistry was never his strong suit. "Huh...maybe one of the teachers could analyze it and give us a general idea of how to get more made. I think I remember some...scientist working here. Heard he was crazy, but hey, not like anybody else is coming to mind."

Clayton clammed up a noticeable bit when she asked about why he became a meister, and he looked at his feet, and past them the ground as if they would answer for him. He didn't really want to give her his entire life story at the moment, even if they were going to be partners, there were just some things best left unsaid for the moment. Looking back up to look her in the eyes, he smiled slightly before saying: "Nothing important, I just want to prove to myself that I can become stronger, and I figured this would be the best place to do it. Anywho, let's go make some small talk." He quickly scanned around the area to look for anybody interesting; there was a small gathering across the way with what could be counted as 4 pairs, one pair looked older than the rest and one of the outliers, a really, REALLY tall guy in black moved away from the group and into the shade. Looking a bit closer, he saw a green haired guy that was lugging around a freaking huge cannon with some kind of blade on the end, like a bayonette. "So, anybody here seem worth talking to Ana?"


Lemuria smiled at seeing that the man was at least honest, sure he was half witch, but it wasn't like she could say anything against that. As far as she was concerned, he was just a guy with a very snazzy looking hat, and that hat made all the difference. As the man left, she called after him, only saying: "Hope you find what you're looking for here!" before turning back to the group, a slight smile on her face as she wondered where the man got that cool hat. It took her a couple seconds to remember what she'd been talking about before, and soon she heard Edelweiss rouse a complaint of the heat as she'd done before. "So, anybody else up for going inside? I'd rather head in before I have a partner who resembles bacon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Another male? Mary felt the puke rising up again and quickly nodded at the suggestion of going inside, she was burning alive in her thick layers of clothing. "I need to eat, I think I just puked up my breakfast, I'm still sorry about that by the way..." she apologized, shuffling her around the pile of puke and to the building. She would then question this Suzu girl, who appeared to be talking in 3rd person. She had never really met someone like that, but then again she never met anyone outside her house where she had grown up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Edelweiss followed behind Mary, side-stepping around the puddle of vomit, which made the girl gag slightly. She rolled up her sweater sleeves to feel cooler, but instead it made her skin warmer with the sun beating down directly onto her pale white skin. The moment Edelweiss stepped into the building she let out a sigh of relief, fanning her neck with both of her hands. "I thought I was going to die there!" She cried out.
"Hm?" Suzu noticed that Mary stared back, which she found to be somewhat amusing. For now the two had prolonged eye contact, which consisted of Suzu squinting and not saying one word to the covered up Meister. The tiny girl crossed her arms and mumbled inaudible gibberish to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rhea stretched as she left her dorm, heading towards the long steps that would lead her to the academy. She turned a corner and found herself at the base of the steps, taking a moment to absorb in the view. The giant academy looked lovely with the sun shining down on it. Death City may have been quirky, but it grew on a person. It was a strange oasis in the middle of a hot desert.

With a deep breath, Rhea made her way up the steps. When she first arrived at the DWMA, she had barely made it to the top. Now she could easily run up it without running out of breath. It was a good source of excersize. Rhea neared the top and slowed down until she was walking up the last steps. She turned right and leant against the ledge, looking down upon the city. She instantly relaxed, a soft smile on her face. She could tell why her mother had liked this place so much. Aside from the amazing things the students could do, Death City was wonderful by itself.

Rhea then turned to focus on the crowd before her, noticing the tags on their clothing explaining what they were. She smiled softly, watching the new kids pair up. She had had a few meisters, but none ever really could match her wavelength. She'd been trying to learn how to fight on her own, but lately it had been difficult. She wondered if there were any meisters that were willing to partner up with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Simon wasn't sure what to do since the weapon he had in his hands just suddenly stopped talking. After a moment of silence from him, Simon dropped the weapon slowly on the ground and slowly began to walk away. He was afraid that something like that would happen, where the person that he was with just suddenly stopped talking to him or ignored him. With a small sigh, the green haired man walked back over to the stairs and looked around once more to look at the people around him. He didn't bother to register the new person that walked to the courtyard, since he didn't want for it to seem like he was actually scouting out people. He just wanted for it to look like Simon was simply standing there and thinking. He glanced down at his Meister tag and fiddled with it a little, hoping to fins a partner that wouldn't leave him or be put into a coma quite some time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rhea watched as a green haired meister sadly put the weapon down and walk away. She smiled softly, knowing what he was probably feeling right now. Slowly, she walked around the courtyard until she was next to him. She smiled warmly. "Dont worry if the first weapon you find isnt compatable. Ive had that happen to me a few times." She held out her hand, looking up into the meisters eyes. He was about an inch or two taller than her, which she didnt mind. It was a comfortable height difference. "Im Rhea Winslow. Three year weapon at the DWMA." Could this boy match her wavelength? She certainly wanted to try. He looked like a friendly, analytical person from the way he had been watching the group of newbies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Simon quickly turned to the girl that he didn't bother to look at before. He did his best to hide the surprise that he had, but the look was still on his face and clearly readable. The woman n ow in front of him was an inch or two shorter than him, and with a quick study of her body, facial features, and voice, he assumed that she was around his age. She seemed nice enough, and although it was clear to him that she didn't feel exactly what he was feeling, it was nice to hear that he wasn't the only one that had problems with finding a partner. With a small smile, the green haired man slowly too her hand, shaking it lightly before letting go and allowing for his hand to fall back down to his side. "Simon Elwood... I've been here a while..." He didn't know the person in front of him, and he didn't know if he could trust her or not, even though she seemed friendly. "Would you like to... Seeifwe'recompatibleornot...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rhea blinked, surprised that he had asked so quickly to see how they worked together. She smiled softly and nodded, adjusting her shirt nervously. What if this boy wasnt compatable? He seemed to be a good option for a partner. She could only hope that they would fit like a glove.

The blonde took a step backwards so she wouldnt accidentally cut him when she transformed. She focused her mind on the image of her weapon. A faint golden glow began to surround her until the glow brightened, electric crackles shooting off of it. She felt her body morph and meld together. Her legs shapeshifted into a long, golden staff, and her upper body morphed into a long, golden scythe blade dotted with golden roses. Her blade was sharper than a diamond, and shined in the sunlight. She fell, her staff handle directed straight for Simon's hands.
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