Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AdmrlStalfos19
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AdmrlStalfos19 Undead. Not Updated

Member Seen 5 days ago

Interactions: Tetsumi Shiki (@Animal)

With one last powerful kick, The Dragon had sent the dummy into a corner of the wall that lead out of the subway. She was tired of kicking it along, and listening to the same damned recording over and over again. It looked as though things would never change, until suddenly...


She had no way of discerning whose voice that was crying out like that, but as she turned to her left, The Dragon did recognize the beanie that the boy who'd spotted her was wearing, having seen it from all the photos of the students who were participating in the exam while she was being briefed. There was no doubt about it; that boy had to be one of the participants.

With that, The Dragon took off in pursuit.


Shiki had a commendable head-start on The Dragon, but it wasn't large enough to allow for his escape. As he'd likely anticipated, he could only make it to the radio tower before all of a sudden, The Dragon would drop down right in front of him with barely any warning. Shiki would notice something that was almost inhuman about The Dragon. Well, she had to out-heighten him by nearly an entire foot; that much would be apparent they closer they were to each other. But that wasn't it. They'd both covered a lot of ground in the pursuit. However, The Dragon didn't appear to have expended the slightest amount of stamina in order to get this far. Perhaps that was because she had so much more to give.

"Where're you going?" The Dragon asked, in a tone very reminiscent of the yandere persona that she was going for.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Zone 2

@Scribe of Thoth@Stern Algorithm
Before Mari could come to a decision, however, another face popped up in the bus. With a shirt soaked with his sweat and a child-dummy in his arms, Shun had finally arrived inside, just in time to catch both the tanned girl and the musclebound man. Those bright eyes narrowed slightly at his approach, flickering back to the students at the exterior of the bus, before the large man’s hand immediately wrapped around the throat of one of the dummies.

“Well then, one can keep a secret, but two…” He spoke softly, a nonchalant smile creasing his features. “Guess that’s a bit too much to expect. Listen up you two, ok? You aren’t going to say a word to this to those heroes outside. You’re going to leave this bus and tell them to all leave and if you don’t I’ll snap this fellow’s neck.”

The Mastermind paused, then a shrug.

“Of course, if you got everyone here to rush me down, you could probably stop me, but, well…would be a pretty big splotch on your record if the people you’ve saved ended up dead anyways, right?”
Zone 5


The woman was clearly taken aback by this. Did the explosions and screams ruin this child’s sense of hearing? She knew it. Should have told the Principal to dial it down on the theatrics. But even excluding one’s sense of hearing, didn’t it make sense that this outfit wasn’t normal? That no normal human would just wander into an area of the outskirts that was actively being used as Jigokuraku Academy’s testing field? That, with the whole ‘villains are also in the exam’, it was right to at least be cautious about this?

Or maybe she was using too many big words and the masked guitarist simply didn’t understand her. Not that she was ever going to repeat that shit a second time to the same person. But at the same time, she had to stick with the role, and really, if she didn’t have to hit anyone to make them stay still, that would be optimal, right?

So instead, she doubled down on the ham and the cheese.

“Foolish Miscreant,” the DEFINITELY NOT OLD woman declared, “My Presence Here is Neither Of Misfortune Nor Mistake. The Blighted Star Shines Upon You Today, Masked Child of Mortal Flesh, For You Are In The Presence of a Merciless Queen. Bow Your Head Or Bear Witness to the Wrath That Has Turned This Place to Utter Ruin!”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Well. This is annoying.” Houki said this between breaths, coughing lightly from all the heat and smoke. What suffered the most were her eyes, left near-red and watery from all the debris they had plundered through just to get back to the bus. Most detrimental of all were their end results, having snagged down five dummies in total. And with Hikari choosing to join their team, they each had enough for two and a half dummies each. “If we split this between us, you can have one,” Houki said to the boy, having removed her glasses and rubbing her eyes along her jacket sleeve. “Since you just joined us, Minami and I will take two for ourselves. If that’s fair for you.”

Before the boy could give answer, Minami had chimed in with their next plan of action. Houki had nothing to add, merely nodding in approval. There were still dummies to save back in Zone 5 after all. Even so, she was surprised to see the cat girl take it upon herself to divide up the dummies; though where Minami had gotten that pen from was perhaps the biggest mystery of all. Houki stood silent for a few moments before taking said pen and marking down her assigned dummies; one of the adults and the child.

“Did you not want to take more for yourself?” was all she had to ask as Minami signed her name on only one. Then she shrugged, swiftly double-checking her name was marked on hers before leaving them at the bus. If Minami wanted to be charitable so be it; the cat girl was confident they would get more on the return trip all. Though Houki felt that this time there would be much more in terms of obstacles in their way.

That was why she chimed in with, “This is still an exam. Meaning we need to be on our guard this time. I don’t think we avoided villains by accident.” Her eyes dry from all her rubbing, she glanced over back towards Zone 5’s fiery entrance. “We should be careful of what lays ahead.” That said, she motioned for the other two to follow along, leading the way back where they had come from.

Along the way they passed by several other groups of students, each of them no doubt carrying dummies of their own; Houki didn’t much care since they had all split into different sectors anyway. However, she did pass a glance at Mari, wincing at the injury she had sustained and trying to give her a look of encouragement. Hopefully the girl had understood her gesture…

What was concerning, however, was the sound of apparent battle coming from right where they were going. Lo and behold, entering Zone 5 brought with it a sight to see; the boy from earlier, Kaito, as well as an old hag of a woman.

A muttered sigh escaped Houki’s breath and she glanced from the burning buildings back to Kaito. “I am going to regret this. But if the hag is a villain and not some deluded teacher from the school, we may need to help him out. Minami, you continue to find any civilians,” she said, looking at the cat girl. Assuming Hikari was still with them, she would turn to him and ask, “What is your Quirk? If it’s offensive, be ready. We may need to step in at any moment to help our teammate.”

[Moved to Zone 5 with Minami and possibly Hikari, on standby for Kaito and the Hag.]

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Haruishi Mari
Staying in Zone 2, shooing away other students

@ERode @Scribe of Thoth

"Datari-san, please, do as the teac...villain says. This is...a hostage situation," Mari stated, hoping Shun leaves the bus before her. Then turned the the 'Mastermind', "I will comply with your demands, but as a hero, I cannot in good conscience leave a villain in a bus full of civilians. If your intention is to head out and impede the other heroes, I won't stop you, but I must watch you leave this bus alone with my own eyes." Mari slowly backs out of the bus, and confronts the other students about to drop off their dummies.

"Great job everyone! I'm so proud to be engaged in this bracing competition with such capable rivals!" She declared in a surprising cheery disposition. "So the proctor said that we can just leave the dummies in front of the bus, saves us some time so we can hurry back to rescuing more!" Mari winked in an overly cutesy and peppy fashion. "OH! But someone is texting me. It must be Haruto-kun!" Mari pulled out her cell phone and quickly sent a mass text:

Hostage situation.
Villain in bus.
Do not provoke.
Leave the immediate vicinity.
I have made deal.
Villain will leave bus when no one is here.

At least, Mari hoped the villain would leave. She kept trying to glance him through the fogged up bus window, hoping she didn't make a mistake leaving him in there with the dummies.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As he started up the stairs to the bus, Shun was greeted with Mari's quick warning and paused in his tracks. He snapped his gaze to the "villain". The guy was huge, and he was already poised to choke the life out of some poor dummy. Would it count against them if a hostage died? Technically the proctor had specified that the treatment of the dummies was unimportant; did that include letting a villain snap their neck like a twig? Erring on the side of caution, Shun would only have one chance to hit before the villain harmed the hostage, and the guy looked way too sturdy for a single blow to take him out, even with the element of surprise on Shun's side. He was likely a pro hero too, so his durability shouldn't be underestimated. Mari seemed to have a plan for that. He hoped, at least. Just caving into the villain's demands out of fear wasn't very heroic.

"Kinda pathetic for a big guy like you to be cowering behind some innocent people," he grumbled, leveling an indignant glare at the man as he backed out of the bus obediantly with Mari, pretend-child still cradled protectively in his arms, "Especially against a woman and a guy my size. I bet that bulk is all fat." He stuck his tongue out childishly for effect. Did he expect his taunting to work? Not really. But he was definitely more than a little annoyed that he'd cut his hands up and couldn't even redeem his points because some fashion disaster who buys his suits two sizes too small was guarding the dropoff point, and he thought he was allowed to vent a little. Wow, heroism really does bring out the worst in people.

He paced outside the bus while Mari put on her horribly out-of-character and not at all convincing act, pretending (not really pretending) to huff angrily at the situation they'd been locked into. Unless someone with a quick incapacitating quirk walked by soon, they had no choice but to wait for the villain to come out on his own if anyone wanted to score any more points. He slumped the dummy in a sitting position against the side of the bus, calling out a "Watch this for me, will you?" to Mari as he made a motion to casually vacate the area, ducking behind the nearest pile of rubble to stay out of sight of the bus windows and wait for the villain's departure.

@Stern Algorithm@ERode
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Zone 5, Haruto Kaito vs "long Winded Loud Lady".

Quietly and hopefully not disrespectfully, Kaito had his finger in his ear as the young musician struggled to understand the situation infolding around him. Was the lady suffering from some sort of dementia moment. Grandpa had always joked about losing his memory and often told his grandson jokingly about what to do if such an event came to pass.
The short of it was set the old coot up in a home for the elderly.
His own inner musings were sadly blotting out reality as Kaitos focus slipped from the long dramatic speech, entirely missing the part where the lady mentioned turning this place to ruin.

Satisfied with the attempted ear cleaning, Kaito simply stared at the woman with confusion all too clear on his face. Evident from the single eyebrow arched high.

"Maybe you weren't listening so I'll repeat it again," extending a friendly hand out, Kaito merely smile behind his little mask, "I'm Haruto Kaito, and this is a training exercise hosted by Jigokuraka Hero Academy. If you're lost or befuddled I'm sure we can find someone that could help back at the bus. Are you ok to walk? Do you need a hand? My grandpa is old too and needs help sometimes."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Zone 2

Regardless of what abuse was hurled in his direction for his cowardly, villainous tactics, the large man with a refreshing smile remained unperturbed, his grip unbroken as the two students made their way out of the bus, obviously frustrated. Behind him, the child-proctor clicked her tongue, prompting the man to turn around once the door to the bus hissed closed once more.

“Being a bit harsh, aren’t you, Goudo?” She commented, as a lull came over the exam grounds.

He plopped the dummy down on one of the seats once more and shrugged. “Well,” he chirped, “Gotta test to see how ballsy they are, right? Woulda definitely been fun if they tried for a quick attack instead.”

The girl rolled her blue eyes. “Whatever you say. You’re moving onto the second part then?”

“Of course. Gotta give them a hint as to what’s gonna happen, right?”

She clicked in the seatbelt. “Don’t crash.”

“No worries. My record is spotless.” And there it was, that annoyingly sparkly smile of his.

She rolled her eyes again, this time in the opposite direction.

@Scribe of Thoth@Stern Algorithm@Lugubrious@vFear@AdmrlStalfos19
As Shun hid himself and Mari texted as many people as she could about the current situation within the bus, the doors suddenly opened behind them. Had the villain changed his mind? Was there going to be a fight after all?


There wasn’t.

The person that left the bus so soon was the bus driver, a potbellied man who had bright orange earplugs on as he exited the place with a mystified expression on his face. The pudgy man in the blue vest turned to the students with a shrug as the doors hissed behind him, before heading to a decent-sized piece of rubble (specifically the one that Shun had hid behind) and pulled out his smartphone and began to play Digimon GO, hunting for digital monsters amongst the implied carnage.

Now, what was that about?
Zone 5

The Victorian lady gave him a long look. Were her ears deceiving her? Were his ears deceiving him? Did he not actually understand Japanese? Was he denser than a neutron star? W- Nononono. Deep breaths. Remember all those classes. She took a deep breath, and then realized that he had, for whatever reason, started likening her to his grandpa for some crazy, incoherent, nonsensical reason. This was tiring. But this was also what being a teacher was about. Patience and tolerance, even for the students who required special treatment.

Her storm gray eyes closed for a couple of seconds, before opening up again.

“Alright, I suppose I’ll treat this differently then.”

And something changed.

It was like a switch being flicked. A button being pressed. A negative sign placed in front of a number. The trigger was almost unnoticeable, and the time taken was almost instantaneous, but the change immense.

Kaito could feel it then, goosebumps bursting over his body as he was swallowed wholly by a gross mass of murderous intent, stretching beyond merely the fear that accompanied a shocking surprise and falling thickly into the quagmire that was dread. This woman, for all her long-winded speeches, all her anachronistic attire, wasn’t a joke after all. Monstrous? Demonic? No, her countenance hadn’t changed at all, and she made no movements that promised any form of violence. And yet, he could not move.

His throat was seizing up. His heart was hammering. His mind was burning white. If he took a step back, would he break off into a run, or would he fall over, his legs unable to support his weight?

Kaito didn’t know.

He didn’t know a thing.

That same terror swept through Houki as well as she observed at a distance, but rather than any sensation of mind-paralyzing fear, what she felt was a more formless type of hopelessness. It was bad news, encountering this strangely dressed individual. It was bad even being in the same area as them. She had no way to gauge just how seriously these mock villains were going to act, after all, but her instincts were firing off immediately.

This person was bad news. This area was a no-go. If they wanted to score points, if they even wanted to have a chance at doing that, the three of them should leave immediately. Turn tail. Leave Kaito to whatever fate awaited him.

It was the only logical choice, after all. There was nothing noble with retreating in the face of a terrifying foe, but there was similarly nothing wrong with it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zone 5 - Haruto Kaito - bowed but not broken

The change was unexpected, catching Kaito full in the throat lile an animal. Its fangs were so far in the young mans throat it was impossoble to breathe. By whatever gods he swore to, the very air around him had become thick as molasses as his lungs struggled to take it in.
Even one breathe would have been a victory as the chaotic aura of, he now realized, the villain before him sought to end this fight with a show of power snuffing out Kaitos meager presence like a candle caught in a hurricane.

And it was working!

Escape pounded in his head to a relentless tune he could not place amd very nearly gave in to the instinct, but his whole body had betrayed them. Rooted to the ground. It had taken every ounce of control still under his command to even face the nameless threat idly standing before him.
The hand he had extended before in friendship, in his naiveté, shook badly but refused to fall to his side. Kaito feared any such movement would only worsen the effect.

I need a- a way out, something! Anything! But how? What should I do! WHAT SHOULD I DO!!

The thought process was foreign to someone like Kaito. Not a tremendously brave person by nature, more like reckless. Blind to the usual danger. The shop was no stranger to danger or dangerous people and his Grandfather.. His grandpa..

W-what would g-g-grand-p-pa do. the stutter was overtaking his mind, time was running out. Time was going to pass and Kaito would fail. His effort would be wasted.
His hand, stirred on by the thought of his family and the store, reacted the same way it had always done when fear stole his heart. Without his guitar and amp it was impossible to use his quirk but there were other things he could play.
Instruments he had only learned because his parents had forced him to learn, justo get Kaito out of the house. Instruments he had learned because his Grandfather had taught him to love them.

His hand fell limp to his side as his left hand grasped flute still in its pouch at the front of his coat and heard his Grandpa repeat his lesson.

"If y-you are s-s-scared. J-just... p-play." Kaitos voice was pathetically quiet. Lacking any force. His eyes met the old womans with a sad anger burning bright through his shaking hands, his grip on the flute only tightening. Taking comfort in his memories.

Just because his quirk was supportive didn't mean he couldn't defend himself and his loved ones. The flute was assembled in his shaking hands as Kaito licked his lips, and fear took hold one more time.

The music was gone.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Bring Down The BEAST - A collab between @follycle@ShwiggityShwah@ERode@Delta44 | 33,022 Characters (more or less)

Kūki, the Gas Converter

What was the alternative, running? Letting him slip away to hurt others? It was better that someone atleast tough and quick kept him busy.
The croc came in just as quick as before, but this time he didn’t have his back to him. Hiroki was quicker, atleast in the short term, and frankly his brain wasn’t on fighting. Shouting all he could, it was more like he needed to get attention. Hiroki resigned himself that while he might eventually beat this guy, another trap or using the terrain, he didn’t have anything right now save only three marbles he had left from before, which he put in his pocket for later, knowing they weren't effective on this guy either. His only advantage was that that he was closer to the bus. It was going to take too long doing this himself. He wasn't stupid, he remembered the last time he tried to fight against unbeatable odds. He needed help.

Other examinees were probably close by and group or not, they needed the points. And a couple more hands would make this easier, and more importantly faster.

This was just a bad day. Bad luck.

He’d have to make the points up in dummies while the others dragged the defeated villain back to score.

But first he had to get that far. He boosted over the hit, flipping over the mass to land on the beasts back, maybe getting a useless hit with a wind enhanced fist at the cruck of his neck. It was just enough to keep the Beast on him specifically. He was going to fumble with the Beast, keep him in the open, make as loud a ruckus as he could and give anyone else time to assess and plan and ambush. He would ditch his spot as soon as he saw arms or if the tail was flexible enough to thwap him. Defense and dodging. And Yelling. ”I GOT A VILLAIN HERE!” he shouted. Its all he could do.

It was okay if he got hurt. So long as someone else takes him down.

[Hiroki Action= Action: Dodge, Warn, no direction movement from open street position.]

As Hiroki grasped onto the scales of the Beast’s back, he could certainly feel an incredible grittiness from each individual scale, despite their polished appearance. It was like riding on a mount made of sandpaper, and every movement would have rubbed his skin raw if it wasn’t for how much coverage his outfit gave him to begin with. But, like any rough mount, the Beast bucked and tossed, slamming its heavy back against Hiroki whenever there was a gap between rider and beast, yet still remaining away from any walls or obstacles that a less inhibited villain may opt to smash the youth against.

Following alongside Black-N'-White, Kūki made for finding Hiroki. This act in itself meant sacrificing precious time for points, and Hiroki's obvious struggling would probably come off as the perfect opportunity to get a lead on the fastest amongst their peers to some others, but Kūki and Azukina? They were different. Who could claim themselves a hero if they left someone to what would undoubtedly be a horrid fate. Sure, this was all a controlled test, and the staff likely wouldn't let things get too out of hand, but that was all the more reason to believe that this, too, was a test of their resolve. If he was being attacked by a villain, they'd just have to make up the points by absolutely taking them down.

A grin crossed the redhead's face as acknowledgement of Azukina's resolve, signified by the air growing noticeably colder around the girl. An act that, while filling Kūki with confidence, also made her wished she'd worn extra layers had she known she'd be working alongside someone with a quirk like this. She'd only have to bear with it for so long before adrenaline kicked in to warm her body, eyes meeting their target. The thrashing sounds of their bout made it all the easier to find Hiroki, mounted on the back of what Kūki could only refer to as Crocman.

Against someone (or something) like that, there'd be little Kūki could do to aid those endowed with quirks more appropriate for combat. All she could do was try to put something together that would, at the very least, make him easier to fight. "Azu, I'm going to try to create something to wear him down. I'll have to be close to him for it to have any sort of effect though, so I'll have to rely on you to freeze him in place when I'm ready. Can you do that?"

[Kūki's Action: Prepare to generate sleeping gas.]

As it would so happen, Azukina wasn't alone in her idea to follow after Hiroki's ruckus and help him out, which she was incredibly glad for. The civilians they had found were clearly low-priority, and while it would be nice to escort those they found, as well as the ones inside the buildings to safety, it could wait. But a rampaging villain destroying property, potentially causing harm to civialians and, inadvertedly, making it harder for all three to score points? It wouldn't do any of them any good to let him roam freely, and it'd likely take no less than the three of them to deal with him. Monochrome already had an idea in mind of how to make that happen.

The byproduct of her quirk began to chill the air around the duo, and Kūki may have been able to spot the fog stirring around her left arm, as though generating some kind of minor wind effect. In truth it was just something which happened that Yomodachi couldn't control, not completely unlike the particle effects breaking off of the green-haired shota. However, unlike his passive effect, hers came from a different kind of emotion: determination.
Turbines had the Lizard focused on him, which was perfect given her own quirk's ability. She could keep him still as he suffered from the cold and confusion, though she antipated it wouldn't keep him down. Still, if her limited knowledge on reptilians served her right, his quirk probably gave him the downsides of being cold-blooded, though if he could keep active then Lizard may still generate heat. All it came down to was how far she could go before feeling the effects herself.
Kūki's plan, or rather intentions, earned a nod of understanding from her peer. Though, she couldn't say with confidence she'd be able to freeze the Lizard, she could most definitely slow him down. "If we use the fog, I can probably freeze that onto him to keep him still. I'll need either you or Turbines to direct it at him, but even then, this weather gives me an advantage."

And a disadvantage, she knew too well. But now wasn't appropriate for wasting time, she had to act before the Lizard noticed her. With only a simple "Show us what you've got, Red", Azukina rushed forwards, though she didn't have to go far to reach a good range. Muscles tense, mind sharp, her pride and confidence welled within her, as did her quirk's. No point in wasting any time, she was coming at that Lizard full force to show him the true meaning of 'cold blooded'. In a voice she had not used in a very long time, she shouted:
"Turbines, get the Hell out of the way!"

Her body haulted in its tracks, and as she finished her order, the surrounding area was lit up with light and snow. It may have been hard to see with the fog, but a miniture blizzard was heading straight for Hiroki and the Lizard, carrying the full strength of Azukina's quirk behind it. It almost looked like she had thrown the wind at them, though in a more linear, continuous fashion. It was time for her to show all of them why she thought she would be number one.

[Azukina's Action: Move forward a few meters and send her quirk at Hiroki and Crocman]

Relinguishing his position on the monster's back was something he was prepared to do quickly so when he thrashed, bucking like a bull, Hiroki felt the jolt through his body and found no purchase on the creatures back. A hard roll of the creatures shoulder and Hiroki was off, taking to the air again, naturally a place that he showed his element. A quick jet to get himself upright and land just outside of the creatures reach.

From here he prepped for what to do next. Probably another word of warning... When he got a call in response.

A female voice, he knew not nor really cared whom the voice was. The conviction showed that there was atleast a plan in place to get this thing down. And then he felt it. A chill in the air, a chill that felt like it was sucking the heat out of everything. There was a soft blue, a hard white that was quickly approaching. His mind put it together in an instant. An Ice User. And the air itself was freezing. He hoped it was enough to get this guy down. Cold blooded? Right, that effected reptiles, he thought... or atleast heat did. Whatever. Slowing him down would be a start

In typical fashion, Hiroki wasn't going to be following orders, instead he position himself to the croc was silhouetted by the growing cloud of white. His engines turned on and wind and mist behind him was being sucked in. "STRAIGHT AT ME!" he shouted back and aimed his turbines. They roared to life and the cyclone winds pushed back, enough to blow a full blown man away. It looked as if tornados were being directed at him.

It was a combo, Hiroki set it so that while she pushed forward with ice, he pushed back with wind, making the croc be right in the center of an embroiling blizzard. The center of ice and water and wind, ripping all the heat out of singular area and applying two opposing forces to direct it right into an epicenter. More mist would be added to the growing thick icy cloud and completely enwrap the monster in white. Hiroki watched, if his wind was too much, or too little, he needed only back off or get closer, knowing full well how to direct its power. His element.

[Hiroki's Action: Move off croc, position him between himself and Azukina. Hiroki used Air Blast!]

A thundering wall of white rushed through the ten meter distance and drowned the Beast in pure cold almost instantly as Hiroki repositioned himself on the opposing end, braving the full force of the storm as his own turbines roared, jetting the frost blast of Azukina's White back again. For a moment, everything seemed to be working, the scaled figure of the crocodile monster only a non-descript lump within the blankness. Frost climbed up Azukina's body, while Hiroki's own turbines began to stall from condensation forming and freezing within.

But they could mak-

Over the roaring of jets and ice, the distinct crack of asphalt could be heard, before a large piece of pavement burst out from the linear white cannon. It sailed overhead, vespers of cold trailing off it as it travelled up a lazy arc. Then, in that same lazy motion, it fell down, an expansive 30 kilogram block of asphalt falling right towards Azukina.

It had Yomodachi quick to think, and as much as she didn't wish to do so, her blizzard wasn't meant to last. With a giant block of solid tar headed her direction, she had little room for hesitation, much less choose a direction to move in. The snow and frost had piled onto her body given she had stayed static while using her quirk, meaning just trying to move out of the way would be difficult in and of itself. There was always the option of diving out of the way, but that would leave her prone and sluggish, something Azuki would rather avoid.

And she couldn't use her quirk, either.
Getting any closer wouldn't be possible with Hiroki's wind and Kuki right behind her, whereas moving back could lead to more injury if the asphalt cracked or slid. The only real options were left or right, and either way she was taking a shot in the dark. But her body knew before she did that rotation could take far too long; instinct naturally made the most logical choice.
The light from Azukina's palm remained, and the wind pushed a constant breath of winter towards the Lizard. She was quick to move her body to the right, using all the strength she had in her legs to move, be it to run or get dive. Thankfully she hadn't been caught using her quirk all that long, lest her feet be covered in snow rather than her upper body.

Azukina's light shone like a beacon, however this time the blizzard was directed to her side, the monochrome teenager using it as a deterent against Lizardman to help her move out of the way. Mobility helped get the excess material off her body, ironically giving her reason to use her quirk in ways a close quarters fighter would, at least when it came to keeping on her feet. It wasn't precise, but there was no need for it to be, just powerful enough to limit the Lizard from closing the gap, even if she had to tumble and roll to get back on her feet. Anything was better than being unable to do anything, even if it cost her a bit more frost along her hand.
Yet in trying to both dodge and suppress her target, one of those actions had to compensate so she could be successful with the other...

[Azukina's Action: Use quirk to slow Lizard and avoid the asphalt, dodging right, potentially removing excess debris by doing so]

As Azukina broke off her side of the blinding blast, Hiroki's own funneled tornado turned into a headwind instead, the Beast emerging from the winter cage with only a thin layer of ice over its scales. Bounding after the tumbling monochromatic girl, the lizard monster closed the ten meter distance in the breadth of a single second, and swung its massive tail at her. With a heavy 'thwap', the scaled tail pressed beneath her ribs and tossed her in the direction of Kuuki, before the Beast's talons cracked against the asphalt and it charged at the two girls once more.

There was no need to go after the turbine lad, after all, not when it could bait him into coming at it.

Though she'd taken the time the beast was trapped as a chance to form the gas she'd planned on using to knock it out, none of them would be so lucky that he'd simply succumb to an icy prison. The creature's speed was hard to keep up with through sight alone, let alone physically. While Hiroki was the only one that could possibly stand to outspeed the beast, their opponent had clearly shown them that he viewed Black-N'-White more of a threat right now. That, or it was a lure for the one person among them that could keep up.

In an instant, Kūki found herself faced with a hurtled Azukina heading right in her direction. Catch her and lose precious seconds, or dodge and focus on her own attempts at taming the beast — there wasn't even a choice between the two. Bracing herself, legs planted firmly on the ground, Kūki outstretched her arms, acting as a much preferable cushion to the various rubble that littered the field, alongside the buildings. Unfortunately, Kūki leaned more towards being agile than physically strong, and found herself tumbling backwards upon embracing her teammate.

He's definitely going to reach us. The thought crossed her mind, and she knew with every inch of her body that it was the truth. A localized snowstorm did nothing to so much as slow it down, despite being faced with what should be an obvious weakness. Kūki'd question whether that meant the state of him ended before it came to his blood type, but that wouldn't help them any in this instance. Stuck in a situation like this, there was only one option Kūki could see that didn't involve Hiroki rushing to their rescue and no doubt being put out of commission immediately afterwards.

"Hold your breath, Azukina!" Taking in a noticeably deep breath, as though trying to make it apparent, the redhead let out the sleeping gas she'd formulated earlier in as long an exhale as she could manage. It was a gamble that wagered the villain already had knowledge of all their quirks, and that he'd back off if threatened to be downed by such a simple trick. As ferocious as he looked, Kūki knew there was still a "human" under all the scales — a human that, hopefully, lacked the immunity she had.

If she was wrong, or if he chose to attack regardless of the fact, well, she was certain she could take one hit from who she assumed was a faculty member.

[Kūki's Action: Catch Azukina, Exhale Sleeping Gas in attempt to ward off Crocman.]

The problem with a gas-based quirk though, especially one as insidious as Kuuki’s own, was that it didn’t matter how much of a threat it produced if the enemy wasn’t aware of it to begin with. Even as she exhaled plumes of the incapacitating agent stored within her lungs, the Beast plowed through, spending barely an instant within that hazardous area before bodyslamming the two girls away once more. Kuuki barreled onto the ground, bouncing off a fractured incline within the pavement. Azukina slid and struck a stop sign’s pole, and was immediately beset by the scaled monstrosity once more, its foot pressing down on her back. Not enough pressure to hurt, but definitely enough pressure to keep her down as yet another obnoxious roar resounded.

It wasn’t a matter of the effectiveness of Kuuki’s quirk. No, it was the fact that she lacked the ability to meaningful direct it in any particular manner, that they had no method of immobilizing the Beast within her gases for a long enough time to have any of her chemicals take effect.

Getting slammed in the ribs the first time by the Lizard's tail was probably one of the worst tumbles Azuki had ever experienced. The bodyslam which came soon after easily replaced everything before it.

All things considered, Yomodachi had probably the lighter of the two tumbles, Kūki being sent along the pavement and undoubtedly littering her body with bruises, if not worse. Even then, it wasn't like sliding across the street into a stop sign was a nice experience, either. She had to thank herself for the foresight to bring along clothes that covered most of her body. At first it was to keep warm while using her quirk in the fog, but it had its perks, getting ripped up in the place of flesh, sparing her from most of the more bloody injuries she may have suffered otherwise. The wind was knocked right out of her before with Lizard's tail hit, and she couldn't catch her breath right up until she collided with the signpost, leaving the teen in a coughing fit. Even despite all she had gone through, Yomodachi instrinctively tried to pry herself to her feet, though immediately a foot pressed her face to the floor.

Tears were beginning to well in her eyes, though for more reasons than just being frustrated; the pain, for one, was intense. 'This is such a sack of-' She tried to push with her arms and legs, but the Lizard just pressed down with his foot once more, pinning her. Frustration was quickly turning to anger, at her futility and uselessness. How her lack of ability wasn't just costing her potential for passing the exam, but also Kūki and Hiroki, too. It was one thing to let yourself down of your own merit, and another thing entirely to be letting others down of that same merit.
And Azukina hated that.
She hated it so, so much. In fact there was only one thing that she hated more, and that one thing was lying face down against a stop sign with a giant reptilian creature on her back. Her breathing was erratic, her body felt like it wanted to vomit, and her mind couldn't think straight if she tried. What could someone do in that position? What would any wannabe hero do when faced with a situation they couldn't handle?

"Y-you think... you've got me beaten... huh?" Seethed a voice below the beast, filled with some kind of withheld venom and anger. She was still pressing upwards all she could, even if the beast had her firmly rooted. "Who do you... think I am you scalebound, lowlife freak?!"
It was hard to tell if she was directing that at the Lizard personally or as part of some kind of roleplay, but she fully expected it would touch a nerve, and braced herself for getting her body belly-flopped onto the tar beneath her. By now it was obvious he had an interest in making sure Azukina wasn't freezing him, she had picked up on that much. He seemed awfully intent on getting her out of the fight as soon as possible, and she surmised that likely had to do with the fact her cold was doing more than she first thought. Azukina's quirk required extended exposure for noticeable effects to surface. Perhaps the real wounds lay beneath the beast's scales?

Either way, he probably didn't want to let her go soon. Most villains would be forced to stain their hands at this point so they could deal with the others effectively, though this being an exam meant she had some leeway. So long as she wasn't going to get knocked unconscious, then Lizard still had somebody else to worry about. And if she could get free, then maybe they still had a chance?
She kept her head to the side so she could watch him with one eye, fueling her gaze with a fiery determination, despite how utterly crap she felt. In spite of her position, she still tried to maintain her pride - two could play the game of pissing the enemy off, after all.
"I'm... nowehere near d-done... H-hey... Hey! Look me in the eye when I'm s-speaking to you!"
Maybe if she could get him to look her way, she could do something. Her arm wasn't pinned, and she did all she could to make it look like she was trying to get free. If she could just get his face close enough, then she could at least do something.

[Azukina Action: Feigning trying to get up and serve as a distraction so she can use her quirk when he least expects it.]

The Lizard barreled through that again too... "Son of a..."

Hiroki's engines slowed as he needed to give them a break, and the lizard ran off to deal with the new threat. He wasn't even considered the worst among the opponents. That pissed him off too. He ran forward, losing some distance as the beast came at the bicolor girl and that first annoying chick. He saw what they intended, an ice user, some kind of gas, but as per usual, he just powered through it. They had to stop the freak. They had to pin it down.

Hiroki had the same idea as before but he knew the creature must have been too heavy for the trap. He maybe broke the mechanism. But Hiroki wasn't. He fired up his engines again. Enough of a break for another sprinting go. The asphalt was frosted over but his boots found purchase as he went through the fray. The monster had Azukina pinned under its foot, so that was another little complication. This was going to be hard but maybe he'd be quick enough. The girl wasn't getting squished... so maybe the strength behind it was loose.

Hiroki took a marble in his left hand balling it into a fist and leaped, kicking his legs forward and back to the ground. He Punched his engines full blast. He'd need a hell of a timing. Azukina was trying to get his attention, he hoped it would be enough to distract the monster while he pulled this manuver. He was sliding, skating on the asphalt, the frosted layer helping out some with the friction, his jets angled just enough to keep him from grinding against it. He needed to stay low for this to work, between the monsters raised leg and standing one. He was a big boy...

With one hand, he reached out to grab Azukina, unlike catching bits of small debris, his reflex should be able to grab a shoulder, a piece of cloth, enough to use momentum to pull his peer out of harms way.

With his other hand he slammed the marble into the ground, no where near as strong as this stomping fool, but it was enough to lead his hand red from the force of it.

His plan, move fast enough by momentum to get Azukina safely, and maybe now the damn marbles would work and cast this jerk into a hole where he belongs.

[Hiroki Action: Movement to seize Azukina to free her, Action trigger marble trap under the Beast.]

Though the Beast didn’t respond to Azukina’s words with any physical retaliation, it did turn its head down towards her with a low growl, menacing enough to rattled her organs as one of its heavy talons lifted up, tapping very gently at the back of her neck. It wasn’t razor sharp or anything, but the threat was certainly there, no matter how fake it was. But that movement was enough for Azukina to unleash another burst, a torrential blast of cold air bursting from her upturned palm.

Not enough to do anything to stop the monstrosity, but certainly enough to blind it as Hiroki’s jet engines roared with finality. His workboots grinded through the slick frost on the pavement and he very much almost lost control, but through guts and luck, he pushed through, almost tearing Azukina’s shoulder out of its socket as they burst away. The Beast responded in fury, setting its foot down with a vicious crunch, but before it could take a step forward…

It paused, then pitched backwards, as if slipping on a banana peel. A marble wouldn’t have been able to displace it so greatly, but Azukina’s White had caused frost to build up in the area as well, mist forming frost once more.

Had they done it?

Perhaps they had.

But in this situation, not even the Beast could see it.

The fact that Kuuki had thought to approach from behind as well, and who now had a mass of scale and flesh bearing down towards her.

Fortunately, Kūki didn't rush her adversary without caution. Putting someone to sleep came with all sorts of risks, not the least of which is the possibility that they might fall over on top of you. Kūki'd planned on slowing herself to allow herself enough time to back step, in case she either had to dodge a falling body or try to avoid the brunt of an impact.

Unfortunately, Azukina's last ditch contribution to the cause and the marbles scattered would make it impossible for her to stop from slamming into the beast, scales digging unwelcomingly into flesh. No doubt her rush, as well intentioned as it was, would leave her with more than a few bruises and a sore back.

The light acted like a beacon, guiding the hot-headed wind user to her arm, prying her from the beast's grip like a kid stealing a toy from another kid. It felt almost like she'd pop her shoulder, but it managed to keep in place, though the pain and discomfort was more than enough to get a groan out of the teen. Though through her winced expression, Azukina could still make out the red of a familiar face: Kūki.
"Umeru!" She reached out with her free hand, but the distance between them was akin to touching the sky from the ground. Unfortunately for her, Turbines had snatched her by her left arm, so even if she wanted to help there wasn't much that could be done. Even a light layer of snow along the ground was better than the solid pavement, but maneuvering her wrist alone was hardly enough to provide aid. "Damn it, Turbines, slow down! Umeru will be crushed!"

Like Hell was Azuki going to let that happen. Umeru took the brunt of her fall twice now, and she wasn't about to let that sentiment go unpaid in return.

It was just enough to get Azukina out of the Beast's foot, he released and planted his foot already trying to double back and press the advantage. Maybe now it would work. And while the Beast didn't fall into a pit, he lost his footing falling back. The yells of the checkers girl wrung in his ears. He was focused on the task at hand, not so much trying to save Kuki from her fate but trying to finish this once and for all. "Freeze it down!" He shouted before making his gambit.

It was a clumsy attempt, trying to get purchase release the girl and double back, hoping boots found purchase and engines would allow him to get the two or so meters to the creatures face. He was aiming for the creatures head, and would throw all of his weight into it. He was aiming to reach for his maw, closing his hands around it to keep his mouth closed and use the weight of his body to help pin him down, he'd try use some leverage once they were on the ground, but right now, that girl with her gas, surely it would have some kind of effect as she tried to do it. Even if she was going to get squished, she was close to him, she could breath it on him while he was down.

With any luck, the force of using his body to go for his head would be enough to knock it off of his fall onto Kuki if just enough to keep her from getting pinned. If he managed to get it down, he'd should, putting everything into keeping his mouth shut. "GAS IT!" It was all he would have time to shout before the creature would be able to recover. The end of its nose, if she could just breath on them before he realizes whats going on.

It didnt even matter if he was so close, that gas was their best shot. It would be worth taking the villain down.

[Hiroki Action]:Body check the Beast's Head whilst falling, and attempt a pin of its mouth.

Kūki'd already resigned to her fate with eyes closed when a sudden shot of pain under her right rib sent her flying to the side. After a bit of tumbling, Kūki's body soon found ground that hadn't been frozen over. The beating she'd taken up to this point was finally starting to settle in. With one hand holding her bruised stomach, and another holding her steady on the ground. Hiroki was launching a last effort offensive against the beast now. All that work, merely to get their enemy to fall over. The fact that even with three of them, this was the most they could manage with the injuries they'd incurred. Feelings of dejection threatened to overwhelm the girl.

No. Not while the others are still trying. If nothing else, this would be their one and only chance to finish this fight. There was no turning back, no running away now. There would be plenty of time for regret once they'd officially failed, but if for nothing but the school that offered them a chance, they had to keep pushing with all they had until they were told it was over. After all, what is a hero's most defining trait, if not their stubbornness in the face of insurmountable odds.

As strong as he was, because of his build, there was no doubt that the beast would find it troublesome to get up, especially with Hiroki doing all he could to keep him down. If he used his jets to propel himself towards the ground once he was on top of the villain... "Use your jets!" One more time. A deep breath, and a painful dash forward, through the stinging feeling in her ribs and the aching of her muscles. Her bet was that the beast's collision with the ground would get rid of the frost that had accumulated around him. As fast as her legs would let her, Kūki made her way to their adversary, where Hiroki and Azukina had afforded her one more chance to prove herself.

If everything went well, the fight would be all over in but one labored breath.

[Kūki's Action: Make her way towards Hiroki and the croc, then breath directly onto his face.]

An air-headed attempt at landing from an airhead wasn't quite the cushioned landing Azukina needed right now, but it got her on the ground and allowed him to leap back into the fray, at the expense of her poor back. Even so, she wouldn't allow herself a proper rest until this exam was over, and as they were only getting started, complaining was out of the question.
In spite of how her shoulder felt, it obeyed her command to face the beast, although blasting him outright was completely idiotic. Sure, she would hit him, but it wasn't as though she failed to understand that she would hit her classmates in the process, either. Aim wasn't exactly Yomodachi's forte, but it wasn't out of the question at this range, either. The real question was where.

"Watch where you step!" Ordered Azukina, mainly to Umeru but also to Hiroki, in case he needed to get up and away.
The entire upper half of the body would be out, if she guessed what they were trying to do. His legs, on the other hand...
With a slight grunt of pain, Azuki let loose from her position, having not even bothered to stand up so not to waste time. Freezing the Lizard's legs was the only safe option to prevent her fellow examinees from getting hurt, and she imagined that could result in a loss of points, a risk she didn't want to take. It also helped that the Lizard would find it harder to move with frosted legs, not to mention the ground freezing over, making movement harder for him than it would for all three of them.
Also giving her would-be classmates hypothermia didn't sound like a good idea, either.

Unwilling to stay prone and get covered in snow, Azuki did her best to get to her feet again, however wouldn't sacrifice her quirk's continued assault just to stand up quicker.
'Come on!' She thought with determination. 'We'll show him just how serious we really are!'

[Azukina Action: Simultaneous with her classmates, Azuki uses her quirk to freeze the croc's legs. While doing so she will try to get up, but will put priority on her attack first, and getting to her feet second.]
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
Avatar of ERode

ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Zone 1

Hiroki’s hands wrapped against the lower jaw, trying to force it closed. Kuuki dove in as well, her full efforts given into pushing that incapacitating gas into the nostrils of the Beast. At a distance, Azukina ignored her own limits as well, a white-cold blast coating the lower half of the Beast’s body as it laid there on the ground.

But, for all that effort, who was it that held back the Beast’s wicked claws? Nostrils slatted closed as the invisible gas waved through his face, the man within the monster considered this situation briefly. In terms of execution, it was still sloppy, but in terms of guts, it was what he liked to see. So he held back the claws that rent and counted to ten in the back of his head, even as he faked a struggle that had Hiroki and Kuuki flailing about trying to maintain their grip.

Were they close? Yes. Could they have been closer? Yes. Was this victory gained through skill and merit alone? No. Still, that’s why they were here.

“Alright, that’s enough.” A clear baritone voice, like that of a trained thespian, reverberated through the roar of the blizzard and the scream of the jet engines. Reaching out with his hands, the Beast gently pulled Hiroki off of him, before his powerful tail pushed him up off his back into a sitting position. His tail worked to extract Kuuki as well, after which his nostrils flared open once more, taking in the sweat and the blood and the dirt and that almost undetectable ‘sleeping gas’. “Azukina, you’d best stop as well, ‘fore you hurt yourself too much.”

The Beast waited until the black-and-white girl stopped before moving to brush the frost off his legs as well, sparkling bits of ice and snow falling off his scales.

“Good efforts all around, you three. But remember that victory alone isn’t enough. Capture and rescue are the same in that one has to move both civilian and villain away from the scene of the crime, after all. From this point on, I’ll be ‘unconscious’. So good luck bringing me back.”

And with that, the Beast stopped talking, and with a rather impressive death-groan, fell back to the ground, turning into five hundred pounds of scaly deadweight.

Combat was exciting, and the adrenaline gave them all a hell of a high. But now came a different task.

How much strength did they have left in their tank?
Zone 5

Well, that went as well as she expected. She almost felt sorta bad. Doubtlessly he had been blindsided. Perhaps she’ll show him a bit of mercy then? She was allowed to do that, right? Yeah, she’ll do that. As Kaito trembled, gripping his flute but not moving an inch in any direction, the anachronistically dressed woman let out a breath and let go.

Instantly, air could be sucked back into his lungs once more, the oppressive aura of murderous intent gone so quickly that it could have been just a dream. Gone was the terror of death, the all-consuming monstrosity that dwelt within the flesh of that storm-eyed woman who even now only absent-mindedly twirled her parasol.

“Foolish justicar,” she crowed half-heartedly, “Has your mind finally caught up to your eyes? What stands before you is true evil, of the likes that you’ve never encountered before. Bow before me, worship me, and perhaps you may still escape this ordeal with your pitiful life.”

Her tone darkened, even if it still sounded like an amateur reading lines off a bad script.

“But know that any attempt at fighting back will be met with absolute eldritch calamitous disintegration.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

A brisk jog through the frigid air brought Goro, Taro, and Umi back to the bus before too long. By happenstance they arrived at about the same time as a couple other groups, Goro noting their respective bounties with a little disappointment. He’d hoped that his little squad’s quick triple-find constituted a stroke of luck or the culmination of their particular skill, but most everyone seemed to have found at least a few. After gently putting his own charge down in a bus seat and exiting back onto the wrecked gray landscape, he hoped more than ever that this test would be decided by points earned rather than relative position to the others. If so, that meant hard work and attention to detail would get him and his new friends into Jigokuraku; if not, the hot shots would crowd out people like him, Taro, and Umi, with whom he’d already formed a sort of unspoken kinship.

Either way, there could be no time spent on worry and reflection. They needed to get back out there, and at least they had the fortune of a goal in mind. Unaware of the situation unfolding on the bus, Goro waited for the others to catch up him before he lit the way back to Zone 3. Their breathing came a bit heavier, he knew, but unless the others turned out to be particularly out of shape he felt his group could keep up this pace for a while.

Sure enough, Umi hopped inside the bus, seated the dummy that she’d “rescued” with the others that were inside, and had just stepped back outside when she noted a dark-skinned girl coming towards her direction. She thought nothing of it at first, but as she preemptively got of her way, she saw something akin to an injury around the area of the dark-skinned girl’s ankle, almost as if she’d grazed it against something. Yet the girl had soldiered on. This could only mean one thing…

’Crap; they’re really going at it!’ Umi thought to herself, ’This is starting to feel like UA all over again.’

There was only one thing for it. Umi and the others would have to get a move on, or else they would quite easily be left behind. Perhaps in that case, it might’ve been best if Umi prepared her Quirk for combat right here and now. She had so much water in all those apparatuses that made up the rest of her costume; not enough to reach the limits of the Quirk’s capability, but certainly abundant as to last for the rest of the exam... provided that she was careful enough. There was also that water bottle that Taro tried to give her earlier.

As she made it towards the halfway point of where Goro was shining the light that his body emitted, Umi stopped moving, and looked back towards the bus for just a moment.

’I hope that girl doesn’t push herself,’ Umi sighed after this thought came across her mind.

At Umi’s approach Goro gave a cheery wave. If the exertion so far was taking a toll on him, he was hiding it admirably. For her part, the girl seemed somewhat distracted, so the light-headed lad decided to take the initiative. “Alright, not a moment to waste! The other dude’s right behind, so let’s get back over there.” For a brief moment, his gaze also lingered on the bus; he could see some activity on board, most likely just the other students dropping off their loads or taking a breather, and could spare no time to examine further. Turning back to face the chilling mist, Goro gave a nod and took off at a light jog once again. Despite the fog, he felt confident that he could retrace his earlier steps.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Haruishi Mari
Staying in Zone 2, confronting the villain in the bus again

@ERode @Scribe of Thoth

Mari watched as Shun hid behind some rubble, and waited for the other students to vacate the area, noticing curiously the bus driver leaving. When she felt that the area was sufficiently free of heroes, save Shun who seemed to want to stick around if things go south, Mari walked back towards the bus, and called towards the door. "The 'heroes' are gone, just like you asked. Now please leave the bus as requested. Your safety is guaranteed. Or, if you need another hostage...you can take me." Mari kept her eyes locked on the bus to prevent herself from looking in Shun's direction so as not to giveaway his position.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ShwiggityShwah
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ShwiggityShwah Good Diet, Sleep, Excercise, and Leeches

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What happened next, well it all happened so fast. A quick bit of words from the 'villain' and everything grinded to a halt. It was a moment where it was so literal that if this were real they would be dead. Good efforts? Hiroki's heart and features snapped. What the actual F--- Hiroki had never been so shamed. It would have felt better just to be knocked out.

It was a pity victory. They were just embarrassing themselves and the villain got bored. Was he really that weak? What the hell was he even doing this for if he wasn't able to take down one stupid villain. Not like this. He wanted to punch something. He was so angry he was visibly shaking. His fists gripped themselves so tight that when he released them, lines of purple and red would be marked on his skin. He clenched his teeth as he looked at the ground. Breath. Breath. You're not out of this yet. Calm down. Just get through this. Then you'll show them. He wanted to punch the teacher in the teeth but had to remind himself that wouldnt do any good. Smug piece of scaled garbage.

He took a few seconds pacing flexing his fists in order for him to calm down. "Okay... Okay... fine... whatever." He definitely felt the soreness of his mistakes as he moved, adrenaline wearing off. Instead of his usual demeanor Hiroki looked to his companions.

"You both okay?" He asked. But he then got down to business remember his classes on rescue training. "Can't lift. Have to drag him. If we can find rope, power cords, wire, anything keep his arms locked. Rolling him onto a sheet would help too. We can use this road, flat enough to get to the bus. Stupid tail." If it was just his legs, maybe each could hoist a leg over a shoulder and be able to drag together. The tail is hopefully enough to have one of them wrap it around. "Got to keep an eye on him, recover while the other two look for things to help with, or more of those damn dummies. We wasted too much time with this." Hiroki conceded that doing this would have to be a team effort.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Scribe of Thoth
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Scribe of Thoth It's Pronounced "Thot"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Shun heard the creak of the door opening, readying himself to charge out at the villain. There were footsteps coming his way. Had he been spotted? Regardless, this was his chance! He prepared himself to spring out when he heard Mari speak, immediately pausing in his movements. The villain was still on the bus? Then who left? Mari's voice was too far away for her to be the source of the footsteps, but he didn't dare risk a peak and give away his position. He tensed up and held his breath. Did the villain have some kind of cloning quirk? But then wouldn't Mari have seen it? Wait, the bus wasn't empty. Was the proctor coming his way? Did he violate the rules?

It was the last straw when he heard the familiar tune of Digimon GO™ coming from the approaching figure's phone. People still played that? He finally caved into sneaking a small peak out from behind the rubble. The bus driver? He must be on break. Still, seems a bit odd to send him out in the middle of an exam - especially when the villain surely had to be aware Mari could very well have been ready to attack the first thing that exitted the bus. Wait. Could the villain have a mind control quirk? No, or he would've used it on him and Mari. Unless that was his plan. Maybe a disguise quirk? Shun slumped back against the rubble, only restraining himself from audibly groaning due to the man quickly gaining ground on his hiding spot. There were too many variables. He opted to just sit in place and hope he wouldn't be noticed. It was too risky to give up his hiding spot on what could very well be nothing; or worse, bait.

@Stern Algorithm
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

Hikari Inyouji

Moved to Zone 5

As agreed, Hikari went with the two girls. He kept a small distance behind them, at the very least he could watch their backs, but perhaps he stayed a bit too far, as he seemed to have lost them momentarily. He sighed after realizing he had lost sight of them, but decided it would be best to push on anyways, and so he did.

Soon he would make it through, coming out the other side, after looking around he spotted the girl Houki staring off into the distance, with a look of despair in her eyes. With reluctance he turned his gaze in the same direction, and what he saw was... Well, let's just say he now understood that look in her eyes. They were just mock villains right...? But even so, this was certainly quite the act if they were. He breathed in and out, slowly, before realizing that this was probably a better chance for him, than rescuing some dummies. His quirk was not suited for that kind of work whatsoever... But this, well maybe with some help from others they can do this.

"Houki, could you go find uh... What was her name again... Minami? Or anyone else. I'll go in first, my quirk can disrupt the villain from a distance", if he gets into his maximum range, which wasn't too far, or too close at least. "So for now, just gather up whoever can help out to at least chase them away, we can't rescue anyone while they're here to stop us".

If that was decided, then fortunately, there was a lot of debris around, he could sneak around using that as cover to get in range and hurl something made of his quirk at her. He could throw a ball, like a flashbang, or a knife which he did for fun because it was cool. Well decidedly he went with the throwing knife, as soon as he was around a little over a dozen feet, he'd form a small knife with his magic, and threw it in the direction of the villain. Now that he was this close was able to identify her... A lady in a Victorian style dress and a parasol? How peculiar. Well that aside, she seemed to have someone in her grasp already by the looks of it, perhaps his arrival was timely. In any case, his heart was already beating fast, this was his first time using his quirk to fight.

@KoL @TheWindel
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Zone 2

@Scribe of Thoth@Stern Algorithm
Though the difference in temperature inside and outside the bus had caused the glass windows of the vehicle to fog up, Mari’s eyes could still make out the form of the large man standing there, his bulk unmistakable even when seated.
Wait, seated?

Suddenly, the bus’s engine rumbled, lights flaring up in the slowly fading fog. With a waving motion, the Mastermind pushed the accelerator and launched the bus off onto the road again. It was only gradually picking up speed, either due to the care one had to take when driving on potentially damaged roads or simply to give these student heroes an opportunity to try catching up, but if they hesitated too long, it’d definitely be impossible to.

And that direction…that man were heading in the same direction those three villain-hunters had gone. To assist in whatever monster had roared so brazenly just moments ago? Likely. Very likely. And who knew how dangerous it would be to have two villains working together?
Zone 3

For all the chaos evident in the other areas of the disaster zones, the residential area was as hauntingly quiet as ever. Somewhere along the way, the two of them lost track of where that horned student had gone, turning their group into just a pair now. But no matter the number of heroes, their tasks remained, and Goro and Umi found themselves navigating the complex alleyways once more. The going was easier due to familiarity, and with Goro’s facelamp, more dummies were in sight easily enough.

Up above, a dummy cried helplessly as they laid suspended on top of a network of crisscrossing power lines. Further down the road, an open manhole revealed a child-sized dummy within, but the lack of any ladder leading inside made it difficult to determine whether it would be possible to leave. Water could be heard within the sewer system as well, but whether it was rainwater or sewage water was difficult to determine, even if Goro craned his head down within. There were also houses with barred windows and locked doors, crying children within, easy enough to hear but more difficult to find when they were so muffled by the plentiful walls in the area.

It was the same old game of prioritizing again, and this time around, they weren’t in the luxury of ‘saving everyone’.

But on the topic of heroism, were these meager pickings worth it to begin with, when there was potentially a larger group of dummies to go after, somewhere in this entrance exam?
Zone 5

@zelosse@Sho Minazuki
Practically weightless, the glowing knife flew through the thinning fog and struck the oddly dressed woman in the back, before the impact undid whatever strange force kept it together and the object burst in a bright flash of light. She stumbled forward at that, more surprised by the ambush than anything else, before her eyes flared with soul-crushing intent again.

Pragmatically speaking, Hikari would have been better off throwing a rock for all the help his fragile, weightless knife offered him.

But though she whirred around, the low visibility, combined with his own position behind the rocks, spared the blond student from immediate detection, and instead, the Ruler curled her lips in a distinctly exaggerated manner. Turning back towards Kaito with scorn, she spoke, clutching one of her eyes melodramatically, “Ohohoho, so that’s how heroes are made these days! Naught more than cowards striking from shadows, thieves stealing cheap shots in the night! Do you and your godless friends believe that you can save anyone with such little resolve? Where is the courage to stand? Where is the resolve to fight? Where ARE you, Ninjas of Fractured Light?!” Kaito’s heart threatened to burst out of his ribcage, the woman’s silly words inspiring monstrous terror within him.

“Come, and meet your obliteration!”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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Well, that was... frustrating. Over the roar of her wind, she could still make out the distinct, deep voice of a male, instructing the young hothead to stop her attack. Almost instinctively Azukina complied, and, to her surprise, the Lizard they had tried so hard to defeat got up. Just fine. Lifting and putting Hiroki and Kūki on the ground with caution, before applauding their efforts and informing them of the next part of their exam. No time for questions, they had to think on their feet, after all, and after his impressive death groan the villain fell unconscious, leaving the trio in silence.

'... Are you... Are you serious?'
Like her turbine-toting teammate, Azukina was very displeased with this outcome. She was expecting something a little more... immersive? Something more legitimate, maybe? Thinking on it awhile it made sense, the teachers had to be able to call it quits when they felt the students had done enough otherwise the exam wouldn't end soon enough, but still...
'Focus, Azuki, focus. Think. Focus. Breathe. In... And out...'
There was enough negativity in that fight alone to last the day. Too many thoughts she regretted, and that one thing she said...
It had Yomodachi groaning on the inside. She knew she needed to apologise, she wanted to, but couldn't. Not with the Lizard on the floor, 'unconscious' and unable to answer. Maybe after the exam was over.

With her mind heading in the right direction, she decided to focus on herself, starting with her arm. Pulling up her sleeve revealed an arm halfway covered with frost, giving it a blue tint. Her fingers were partially frozen, and though she still had energy in the tank, it wouldn't be ideal to use her quirk if she could help it. Not without some sort of way to heat up her arm and remove that frost. But with the massive lump of meat they now had to get to the bus, it would seem her quirk was called for, as an idea began to form in her head as Hiroki spoke.

"I'm fine, not to worry. I like the idea, though I say we try to push him, use our quirks to make the ride quicker. If we can get him to the road I can freeze it over. You can use your quirk to push, and Umeru here could lighten the load with helium, if that's possible."
She cast her eyes on Umeru. Was that possible? Probably not. But if it helped lighten the load, then it would be enough.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

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Compared to earlier, when he pored over every inch of ground to find a target for extraction, Goro new felt overwhelmed. Just a little beyond where he and Taro maneuvered a slab of debris off -or more accurately, across- the first pair, a number of victims could be heard. The skin-crawling sound of pain, fear, and distress came from above, below, and every side. With a team three times as big all would have still been busy; now, however, only Umi remained alongside him.

Goro put his hands on his hips and turned to Umi. Somewhat nervous, and somewhat eager to show that he knew what he was doing, he started talking straightaway. “Well! Looks like we have a lot of options.” He angled his light at the open manhole, saying, “That one might be the easiest, and I could try to lower you down, but it'd be a better bet to get something to climb.” A finger extended skyward toward the dummy tangled among the cables. “I don't think those lines are live, since disasters often take out the power and it'd be fried if they were. We could try to knock it down and catch it, or maybe find a ladder of some sort in a building.” His wary gaze roved around the nearby structures. “I'm sure you can hear the dummies in there, but they could take ages to find. I think we should prioritize the ones we can reach quickly first.”

He held up his arms with a shrug, then let them drop. His hands slapped against his pants. “I don't suppose your quirk's useful in any of these situations?” For a brief moment, his eyes lingered on her strange, water-filled equipment, though he doubted she could see them wandering.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 9 days ago

“Well, I’m sure that I can get more of them. Don’t worry about me, Houki,” Minami said. The cat girl tapped Houki’s shoulders as they got ready to leave back to Area 5, along with their newest tagalong, and grinned in a confident way. She didn’t want her newest friend (or at least acquaintance) to be too worried to pay attention to the test and do something that could cost herself, or both of theirs, chances to get into the school.

“Are you sure that I shouldn’t stick around and help in the fight as well?” Minami asked once they came within the range of an unexpected villain, before shaking her head. Houki’s suggestion made much more sense in this situation; trying to beat a villain at the cost of the victims lives wasn’t something a hero should do. “Very well then. If you need my help, just send me a message!” she said, pointing to her phone.

Once she distanced herself from the others, Minami resumed searching for any other dummies that she could find using her senses. Preferably in less complicated conditions than the ones she and Houki found before, to try and make it back to the bus faster than the last time.

[Searching for victims at Area 5]

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

If there was ever a feeling of intense, literal edge, this was it. One moment Houki was staring at the confrontation between Kaito and the old woman and the next she was…staring at the ground? It seemed the most logical conclusion. Her senses seemed to each shut down on her, the air around her body getting denser, warmer. She swore there was an itch that kept biting somewhere at her back while her lungs pumped harder and harder. It was beginning to get harder to breathe, her pupils dilating slightly.

Whatever this was, this crushing feeling pushing deep against her chest, it was coming from the direction of the teacher. She would have liked to turn her back on that direction but whatever the air was turning into, churning into an invisible soup of malice, it was preventing her from-a buzz nearly made her jump on the spot. At once she turned heel in the opposite direction, fishing in her pocket for her phone. What she saw was a mass text sent from Mari. But that was the least of Houki’s problems.

“Huh?” It took her some moments to process what Hikari was saying, let alone the full details of his plan. Though eventually she nodded. She had nothing to add and, frankly, he had a clearer head than her at the moment. The rush or mania was beginning to creep down the further away she got from the sight, feet already taking her to Minami. “Don’t do anything reckless. I’ll be right back,” was what she told Hikari, turning towards the cat girl.

Once she had explained what she needed to for Minami, Houki turned right back around to the direction Hikari had went off to. With the dense fog clogging her vision, it was hard to say what was happening, aside from the distant clank of metal and the monotonous speech belted out by the teacher. Crouching down to avoid sight, Houki tried to steel her breath and make her way closer and closer to the target.

“Honestly, this test is a waste of time,” she muttered, feeling a bit of annoyance bubble inside her. With luck, it would hopefully turn to anger, the girl getting in range from the teacher’s right side. Hidden among the rubble just like Hikari, she removed her glasses and began to angrily glare. At once a burst of red hot beams shot forth, Houki making sure not to hit Kaito along the way. Although truth be told, she wouldn’t have minded too much.
[Got close to the Hag, firing a laser.]

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