Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 3 days ago

_Im-Impossible_ Not only had the armored man resisted almost all of the Frost effects but he had also gotten behind Faire. Her quick feet and reflexes were nothing to shake a stick at, but there hardly a moment passed and the armored man covered more ground than her. There was no way he had the strength or speed to do that! In Faire's brief moment of internal panic, the armored man swept his leg across the ground as Faire stood there with not much time to react. Faire felt the man's armored boot slam against her ankle. A sharp pain burned around where the boot connected as she fell back onto the warm mud of the hot springs. To ensure his query wouldn't go anywhere, the armored man placed his boot, and also his weight, on Faire's shoulder which effectively pinned her. Wasting no time either, he brought his sword up looking to end this without even asking the simple question of why? It all looked so very bleak... As a consolation, Faire slipped her free hand into her cloak and drew her dagger while her other hand began to glow in a faint ember, preparing for a fireball spell. She was going to give this guy at least something to remember her by. Just as the two were about to exact their revenge on each other, a new entity, unmistakably a Khajiit, appeared and rammed his shoulder right into the armored man. His reason was unknown to Faire at the time but her safety didn't come clean. That metal boot smashed against the Snow Elf's head as it passed, possibly a deliberate act by the armored man to secure his prey. Regardless, it did a great job at stunning Faire. She sat there as her vision blurred and ears rang. Words were being spoken, most likely that Khajiit who had just spared her a moment of life, but she couldn't really deduce what was spoken. A fourth figure approached and Faire kind of absently watched him fiddle with her hands and feet. "No..." She groaned as she tried getting to her feet but felt the task being interrupted as she was hoisted over the shoulder of the figure. Some sense came back while she was hanging there and she lightly smacked the rear of the man carrying her with her bound hands. "Release me.. I just want to leave." Her voice was not loud or harsh but rather quiet and softly put.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 22 days ago

Stalking towards the commotion Dreet-Na hesitated at the tree line as he watched Valerion confront their visitor, who he quickly realised was a woman, though little else from this distance. His reptilian eyes followed as she launched some kind of spell into the ancient man’s chest, to which Valerion simply stood, his eerie laugh floating across the night to where he was stood. Moments later Valerion vanished, appearing a split second later behind his pray before he felled her with one swift kick he raised his blade into the air to finish her. Dreet-Na’s eyes shot to the woman, who was preparing to cast another spell as she simultaneously pulled a small blade free with her other hand. Before he could react a blur shot from the darkness and crashed into Valerion, preventing him from ending the woman’s life and sending him stumbling slightly before he regained his balance and whirled around. It was then that it became clear that it was Rawlith'Dar, the Khajiit now standing between Valerion and the woman. Dreet-Na wondered if he should approach them, the pair exchanging heated words briefly. Before the situation could escalate further Nikalous interrupted them, taking a brief moment to tie the woman before he simply slung her over his shoulder and made his way back towards the camp. A smile formed on the Argonian’s face as he marvelled at how quickly the situation seemed to have been resolved. There had been a glint in Valerion’s eyes when he realised it was Rawlith'Dar who had challenged him, and Dreet-Na had thought that he would actually attack the Khajiit for a moment. Turning his attention towards their new captive Dreet-Na followed Niko, remaining silent for the time being. He spent a few moments examining her, something strange about her skin catching his attention. Upon closer examination he realised that she was slightly covered in dark ash coloured charcoal, however it was mostly rubbed away. Her skin underneath was white and pale, and it was clear that she was some kind of Mer – a moment later Dreet-Na realised that she was in fact a Falmer, or more accurately a snow elf. He paused as he considered the implications of that, and the fact that she was likely one of the last few of her kind. Wondering how old she might be and wondering how she might fit into the history of her people distracted him for a moment before he grappled his thoughts back to the present. Initially he had not cared if she lived or died, the pain of the arrow still fresh in his mind at the time. But it now became clear that Rawlith had made the right decision in saving her. Suddenly the woman moved slightly, catching the Argonian’s attention. [b]“Release me.. I just want to leave.” [/b] “It seems our visitor is awake” croaked Dreet-Na as he gestured towards the snow elf. He was now calm and had a faint smile hidden on his features – not that anyone other than another argonian would easily be able to tell. “I suggest we hear her out” he added as they reached the centre of their camp. Dreet-Na glanced around at his companions, suddenly taking note that there was a new face. A female Nord wearing steal armour was stood next to Rozalia. She looked athletic and the part of a shield maiden, and Dreet-Na wondered hopefully if she was here to join them. “Greetings” he said gesturing towards her, proper introductions would be made later. Right now he was far more interested in their ‘attacker’ and finding out what he could about her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ajax6893
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ajax6893 Some person who does stuff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ildrun looked on with interest as the Argonian, Kahjiit and two Men walked into the camp. One of the Men had a female Elf over his shoulder, Ildrun hazard a guess that she was the assailant, and the Khajiit and other Man were carrying a dead Elk. The Argonian greeted her briefly, but was obviously concerned more with the assailant so Ildrun simply nodded back. She was curious about the assailant also. She nodded to Roze and positioned herself to see the assailant more clearly, though she still stood near Roze so the could converse further. She looked at the Elf closely, she was more pale than most Elves Ildrun had seen, not that she had seen many, and her hair was white. _I suppose it isn't so odd,_ Ildrun thought, _It makes sense for Elves to to vary in appearance. Most races do._ She wondered why she had attacked to get away from them, it seemed to Ildrun that talking her way out would have been more prudent, she wanted to ask her why she did not take that course of action. Though undoubtedly there would be many who would want to ask questions, and she was sure that anyone who questioned the Elf would want to know the answer also, and she was still waiting for Roze to reply to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Feeling the movement, Niko had realized she was not unconscious as of yet - simply stunned. However, stunned enough to be complacent in her binding, and she remained fairly still as he lowered from his shoulder and sat her nearby the fire, a rock behind her propping her up. "We can't be letting you go yet," Niko began, glancing at Dreet-Na, and glad he wasn't taking the same homicidal stance as Valerion. "We'd like to know why you approached us - and then attacked." He finished, now looking back at the female elf before him. She was still looking fairly dazed, but for the moment, that wasn't what caught his attention. Her near-spectral skin almost shone out beneath the dirt smeared on her face, the whiteness only more illuminated by the fire. Not only that, but her hair was as pale as the snow of Skyrim, and her pointed, angled ears protruded out from beneath her wintry locks - far longer than any Altmer's he had met. And from beneath her pale, half-closed lids, her bright, almost ethereal blue eyes shone. _"This is no ordinary Mer..."_ Niko thought to himself, although didn't voice his thoughts; for some reason, he felt that this would be the last thing this woman would want. "I'm Nikolaus." He added as an afterthought. He'd always found that people tended to be more open or truthful when you introduced yourself with a smile. ----------------------- Rozalia had looked on at their captive with both interest and relief - at least she wasn't dead. Tensions could get high when out in the wilderness, with people constantly on alert; it was a miracle no-one was seriously injured. "Yeah, come on then. You look freezing." She finally said to Idrun, walking back towards the fire and motioning for her to follow. "I'm Rozalia, but you can call me Roze." She said, positioning herself on a log with her back to the fire - opposite side to where Niko had placed their captive. "That Nord over there is Nikolaus, stood with Dreet-Na. We've got another Breton called Valerion - creepy guy, but he obviously knows his stuff - and a Khajiit called Rawlith. We've got a few others too, but they're probably asleep or have wandered off." Roze rattled off all the names she could remember, and a nudge by her foot caught her attention. Glancing down, Leo had removed his cloth from his face, giving her a bleary-eyed glare. "Oh, yeah. And this is Leo, the idiot who got sunburn on his eyes." She added with a scathing look back at him, which he promptly ignored, instead turning his gaze to Idrun with a dashing smile. "Leonidas Conmecticus - but you can me Leo. It's funny - I was just thinking how this group needed more girls. And two more have appeared. Lucky me, huh?" He said with a chuckle, and Roze glanced over her shoulder, frowning. "Uh... I don't think our new friend will be interested much in you Leo. She did just blind you." "An accident, I'm sure." "Yeah, whatever." She replied with a roll of her eyes, looking back at Idrun. "I'd recommend ignoring him - although he does have a point. Apart from me, I think there's only one other female, an Orc. But she doesn't talk much." She explained, then glanced towards the opposite borders of the camp, where Delphine had set up her tent. "And then there's Delphine. She's a Blade, but she's only sticking with us till we hit Kynesgrove, and it's resident flying lizard." Roze finished dryly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ajax6893
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ajax6893 Some person who does stuff

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ildrun seated herself next to Roze, taking careful note of the names of those in the party that were currently in the camp. She would probably forget most of them later, but she would try to remember a few. She started to go over them in her head, _Roze, Nikolaus... Dreet-Na is the Argonian, Valerion is creepy, and Rawlith is the Kahjiit._ Ildrun looked down at Leo as Roze introduced him, then he turned to Ildrun with a smile and said, **"Leonidas Conmecticus - but you can me Leo. It's funny - I was just thinking how this group needed more girls. And two more have appeared. Lucky me, huh?"** ending with chuckle. Ildrun raised an eyebrow and turned back towards Roze, who was looking at the prisoner and stating how she probably wasn't interested in Leo, with Leo replying it was probably an accident. Ildrun shook her head, Leo was an interesting character, and obviously a bit full of himself. She nodded as Roze recommended to simply ignore him. Ildrun thought a second, "Only five women, and four when we get to Kynsegrove." she shrugged, it was better than being the only woman in a group of men, then turned to look at the captive, "I wonder who she is, and why she didn't simply talk to us instead of attacking and running." she said ponderously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rasindel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Faric, also known as Snow Fox by a few, was striding through the forest of the Rift, on his way to Ivarstead to see what this group, so called "Dovahfeyn" is all about. Dragon Hunters? He had seen a few, but he always kept his distance. He had never heard anything pertaining to the the hunting and and killing of dragons. He had heard of Alduin through a book or two. "The World Eater". He shrugged his shoulders and stopped in his tracks to stretch his muscles and limbs. He slipped on his hood, as a cold, almost frigid breeze drifted through the forest. He began speaking to himself, more of a whisper than anything. "Dovahfeyn...." He said, the look in his eyes was serious and alert, but there was a hint of excitement on his face. "How many man or mer can say that they actually stalked, hunted and killed a dragon? What a glorious task to undertake. My arrows and magic thirst for draconic blood." He mumbled lowly, an almost sick and demented smile stretched across his face. "I'm glad that young man in Windhelm told me of this. Life was getting to be a bit dull." He looked up at the sky, clear as it could be. The sky was dotted with silvery-white stars that poked their face through the brilliant auroras that Faric loved to observe as the swirled and whisped their way through the pitch black Skyrim night sky. That was where he had to be, the Throat of the World. Sooner than later, he arrived in Ivarstead...but the inn was loud and boisterous, something alluded towards being full with no vacancy. "Damn it all...I guess it's another night with no sleep." Faric sighed and continued through the small little village toward that legendary Seven Thousand Steps; the gateway to his goal. Faric stopped just outside the village, up the steps and gathered enough dry wood for a fire and found a place where he would stay relatively dry if it decided to rain or snow tonight. After he got the fire lit, he laid out his bedroll and pulled out a book and began to read it. He recently picked up this book on Skyrim's vast history. It was about the Dragon Priests in specific. He perused the pages for any useful information for the rest of the night. When the sun brightened the crisp morning sky, he closed his book, packed up his bedroll and put out the fire before continuing up the mountain. Faric loved the morning, crisp air, clear skies, and most of all, great fishing and/or hunting. He smiled as he pulled out some bread and some cheese and began to nibble on it slowly. He heard the voice of someone farther along the ancient trail. "Aye, Breton." Am old Nord said, walking along with his staff for support. "Are you here for the Dragons as well? I would only assume. Not too many people walked all the way up the Steps before Alduin appeared." He asked, a wry smile visible through his thick, bright white beard. Faric removed his hood and retorted, "That's correct, old one. I figure they could use someone like me." He said lowly and serious in tone. "I see, I see. Well, judging by the bow on your back, I don't think they'll turn you down. Enjoy the trek up the mountain. It really is quite beautiful this time of day." "Pleasant travels upon you old one." Faric said with a small bow before he re quickened his pace to reach High Hrothgar by midnight at the latest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Black Death
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Black Death King Under The Mountain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

In Ivarstead, a tall, hooded figure stepped through the still of the morning, heading to Vilemyr inn to sleep before returning home to Whiterun. He was on return from a merchant journey to Riften, so he stayed on foot all night and needed to rest. He was astounded that the Dragonborn had been felled in combat merely days after word spread of his arising. Now, all seemed hopeless, all seemed to be set to fall down Alduin's gullet. But not for Thorin Hammerheld: he refused to give up hope that the Dragonborn was the only person who could fell a dragon in battle, and that there was something more that men could do. Only rumors reached him of a gathering of dragon slayers at Vilemyr inn, but the Nord warrior considered it a joke, a scam to make fools out of people, and he would stick to that claim, until tonight...

As he walked inside and sat down, Thorin ordered an ale, some bread, and a goat cheese wedge. As he was eating, he was approached by a male Argonian, who joined him at his table: he was black-skinned, short for his species and had quite an ornate head, like many. As Thorin ate, he twitched his head upon seeing him in utter surprise: Who was he, and where did he come from?, he wondered, but the Argonian revealed his identity fairly quickly.
"Allow me to introduce myself, Nord." he spoke: "My name is Scatha. Scatha Lick-venom."
Thorin then let his guard down and nodded his head. He was familiar with him, since there was word of an alchemist here, even outside the boundaries of this little place. "I know who you are, Argonian." his deep voice replied.
"And your name?" Scatha asked.
"Thorin." the Nord responded: "My name is Thorin Hammerheld of Whiterun."
Just then, a waitress was nearby, and Scatha grabbed her arm and said: "I'll have a beef stew and an Alto wine." Inquisitively, the Argonian continued the conversation with Thorin: "So, what brings a Nord from Whiterun to Ivarstead?"
Thorin took a sip of ale before responding: "I was on the way from Riften, doing business. I managed to sell a couple of dragon scales I uncovered near the western watchtower. I made four hundred septims, and I will gladly pay for your dinner." The waitress then brought over Scatha's order.
As Scatha ate, a very tall Orc with long, brown dreadlocks walked over and sat with Thorin and Scatha. The Nord immediately recognized him as Lugdush, a famous blacksmith from Ivarstead. He offered his hand for a shake: "Lugdush of Orsinium? It is a pleasure to meet one of the finest smiths in all of Skyrim. My name is Thorin Hammerheld."
"Good evening." Lugdush simply replied while shaking the Nord's hand.
Scatha would then continue talking, based on Thorin's mentioning of dragons: "Now, since you spoke of dragons, there's still hope for stopping them. I heard that there's a gathering of dragon slayers, even Blades members on High Hrothgar, in order to form a group called, something like... Dovahfing. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I forgot the word."
"Dragon slayers?" Thorin asked through a whisper, as not to get attention. Hearing that there is a gathering of those who would dare oppose the rule of Alduin, Thorin was positively shocked and even invigorated. He caught his breath and then say: "We must go to High Hrothgar after you have finished your meal! I want to know if what you speak of is true."
"But that was weeks ago, if not months." the Argonian then said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ManoftheNorth
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ManoftheNorth A Bear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rawlith shifted lightly as he sat the Elk down with Valerion on the opposite side of it. The two had placed the Elk near the fire pit while Rawlith personally took up some tools from the nearby supplies. A menagerie of blades and tools for working meat and butchering animals for the fire. He began with a skinning knife as he placed several wide, flat, water stones underneath the beast to prevent too much of it from meddling in the dirt. His knife began to trail down the center of the chest, slicing a cut through the fur, flesh, and fatty layer along the guidance of the sternum and then sliding along the stomach. This was the trickiest part, but Rawlith had plenty of practice. He reached in once he had flayed skin wide to open the stomach cavity under the ribs. The internal organs sat in a rather natural sack of sorts, a membrane held some of it together. He began to cut away the primary organs, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. The final series of cuts were the most important though and the most precise. He slowly cut up the throat once, and then at the as a second time and carefully removed the stomach and intestinal track all in one membrane sack. After having successfully removed the internal organs, he began the last process of removing the hide from the Elk and once it was removed he bound it up, and planning to flesh the interior later. His next step was to begin cutting the fatty layers that connected the joints and other areas. He sliced off the back legs at the hip, severing them from the spinal area, as well as breaking off the legs at below the thigh. He then did a similar trick with the front legs, and then moved on to begin stripping meat. He cracked the ribs with a hammer along the spine and took down to Elk Rib-racks before finishing up and cutting out to long, thick, juicy Backstraps. The meat was now all removed and placed out on objects that would prevent them form getting dirty while he moved the remains near his pack and equipment. He then took a small barrel from their supplies, in design similar to a small mead barrel, and took the top off to reveal salt. He salted everything except the rib-racks, which were placed on the spit. The spit was then moved into place, once the meat had been salted and stored, and Rawlith finally got to the greatest part.. cooking the Elk Ribs. "Elk ribs, they will be ready soon." Rawlith explained aloud in Khajiit voice, the odd suave of his feline nature catching with a deep tone. "This one has prepared them with a simple seasoning, they should fend off anyone's hunger." He added while turning the spit and the tied down racks of ribs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 3 days ago

Faire's request was answered, some what. The man very delicately placed her by the fire, which was a pleasant gesture but did not remove Faire's suspicions. As it turned out, the man wanted to interrogate her. Her vision was still blurred a bit from that hit to the head and the sudden rush of light from the fire. It took some getting use to as she glanced around the camp to gauge the reactions of its inhabitants. To her own amazement, not to many people took a curiosity in their captive. Did they not yet know she was from a nearly extinct race? They had to have known but Faire couldn't see any tells from the man who carried her or the Argonian who was almost assuredly the one Faire had shot earlier. Outside of that some took a few glances but they went back to whatever it was that they were doing. Very lucky for someone who wanted their identity to remain cloaked. Faire's vision slowly cleared up, she slowly brought her gaze back to the man who carried her, Nikolaus, who was playing the part of interrogator. A bit of an unusual name of which Faire had never heard of, but as she got a better look she could see distinct traits of Nord blood in Nikolaus, much to Faire's dismay. She didn't like Nords and would have preferred to toss an insult or two at him in defiance but this situation didn't need defiance, it needed compliance. "Nikolaus..." She practically whispered it under he breath as she her face creased with a bit of resentment, almost like she was insulted by the man's questioning. "My approach was an accident, a product of not paying attention, and my attack was to ensure my safety. Nothing was lethal and I had planned not to stick around to see if it was anyway." Her words were short and bitter as a bit of spitefulness was laden in those words. Not very appropriate or smart in this situation but it was too late to take them back now. She wrestled a bit with her bindings before she settled back down. She had hoped release would come soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The bitterness in the woman's voice surprise Niko. Although it was an emotion he was more than accustomed with, he found it surprising given the context of the situation. Anger, fear, or simple cockiness were reactions more likely to be found in a captive, but not the resentment that appeared both in her face and her voice, her brow twisting into a dark look still visible on her pale, dirt-streaked face. "Weren't paying attention?" Niko repeated, one eyebrow raised quizzically. "Then you should thank the Nine that we weren't bandits - or worse." He added, now crouching down on the balls of his feet in front of her, looking her over. Her armour looked unique; a combination of fur and leather that he had never seen before. He couldn't be sure of the hide used either, but the fur looked to be of a snow bear, the same as her hooded cloak. Realising that she was still carrying weapons, he removed the quiver from her back; the bow must have been picked up by Valerion or Rawlith - and unbuckled the sheath from her belt. He was about to just place it on the floor until his eye caught the strange hilt protruding from the leather sheath, and he slowly drew it out. Exhaling sharply, his piercing blue eyes met once again with her own ethereal ones. "This is no ordinary dagger." He began in a hushed voice. "Who exactly are you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Valerion had made sure to pick the elf's bow up on his return, which was pretty much just him and Rawlith huffing and puffing over the very large elks body. Once they both got back to the camp they dumped the elks carcass near the fire, where Rawlith began his work on cutting and preparing the meat, Valerion stared at him at work for a moment, taking in the efficiency of obviously deft and practiced hands that belong to a hunter. "Thanks for the help." Valerion said nonchalantly. Valerion then turned his attention towards the bow he was holding, testing its supple wood and the taught string of the bow. Whilst the wood and adornments of the bow were simple, it was an efficient piece of work, the craftsman obviously put a lot of time and effort into its creation. Sitting down on a rock opposite the camp fire Valerion placed the bow at his feet and began looking towards the prisoner, who was being 'interrogated' by Nikolaus. She was an odd thing, wearing a strange concoction of fur and leather armour, that looked more suited for comfort rather than it did protection, the question of why she attacked still plagued Valerions mind. "Girl!" Valerion commanded. "Why did you attack this camp, and myself?" Valerion said sitting up a bit, to get a closer look at her face. "It seem's like a fools errand, you were greatly outmatched and yet you continued to think that you alone could prevail?" "I mean, points go to your boldness, but think if we were an unsavory group of people?!" "Your life would've gone from bad to worse in a matter of moments, and another thing. What on earth are you doing traveling alone in the wilderness?" Valerion could get quite inquisitive when it came to certain actions and people, but the sheer absurdity of her actions meant that he truly must know if she was an idiot, or simply had a; hopefully, sufficient underlying reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 22 hrs ago

Stalking down the winding mountain path was a lone Dunmer, the icy wind of Skyrim sending his black robes whipping in the wind as he gathered them around himself with his arms in an attempt to keep warm. Narzul quietly cursed the low temperature of this land. Back in Morrowind, he would have been content with his chitin armor in any conditions, but out here it did not suffice. One of the Wise Women had created his robes for him when she heard of his intentions to travel to Skyrim, specifically weaving them much thicker than she would otherwise. The robes were heavy, Narzul thought, but they did their job well enough. Narzul had crossed the border between Morrowind and Skyrim a day before and had not encountered a single soul yet on the road. He knew he must be somewhere south of Windhelm, and the path he was following sloped downwards, so he must be going the right way: towards the village of Kynesgrove. However, heavy snow obscured his vision, and he could see no further than a hundred feet in any direction. That was when he spotted a figure ahead of him, carrying a light of some kind that pierced through the veil of the snowstorm. Narzul hastened his step, trying to get a better look. Perhaps it was one of the guards, patrolling the roads? He would certainly know where Narzul was, exactly, and guide his path. Narzul had been warned repeatedly by the other Velothi not to trust the outlanders too much, but Narzul had dismissed that thought a while ago. With the looming dragon menace, all the races of Tamriel were in this together now. When Narzul was close enough to make out the figure more clearly, he was surprised to see a fellow Dunmer, heavily armored, and carrying a lance that seemed to be the source of the light. "Greetings, sera," Narzul called out, raising his hand cordially. "What brings a fellow Dunmer to these roads?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 22 days ago

Dreet-Na listened as his companions talked to the woman, his eyes never leaving her as he carefully observed her and her actions. As Niko chattered away in that strange way he did he took particular note of how she glared at him, her face creasing with what appeared to be a flash of resentment. As she answered her words were thick with spite and disdain, though it seemed slightly more than the resentment a captive feels to their captor – or so Dreet-Na thought. He listened as the Nord replied before he began to remove her weapons from her person, pausing as he revealed a strange and unique dagger from the sheath that had been around her waist. ”Who exactly are you?” As Niko’s words hung in the air and he eagerly anticipated what answer she may give Valerion interrupted. His words were of course filled with the usual arrogance pomposity, however he ended with another question that Dreet-Na would be eager to hear the answer to. After a few moments of silence the Argonian decided it was his turn to speak, sure that she would attempt to keep her true identity to herself – or at least he guessed as much judging by the remnants of dark smears partially covering her face. Clearing his throat Dreet Na spoke slowly, his words deliberate “I believe that this woman is much more than an average traveller”, his arms behind his back he took a few strides forwards as he continued “I would in fact wager quite highly that she is none other than what you would know as a Falmer, or perhaps snow elf”. He stared into her eyes for a moment, his glare almost challenge for her disagree with him before he again continued “I’d say she attacked us out of fear, seeing as she must be one of the very, if not the last of her kind”. He gazed down briefly at his still blood-stained robes with a smirk, his hands gripping the bloody patch as he poked his finger through the hole that she had made with her arrow. “Though why one with such importance would be wandering around without paying attention is beyond me. Tell us snow elf, what are you doing wandering here?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Black Death
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Black Death King Under The Mountain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Having just heard the words Scatha said to him, Thorin rolled his eyes and gnashed his teeth: "Do you not know what this means? If the dragon slayers left this place long ago, they may have trekked over half of Skyrim by now!" he whispered. He had an ill temper and the Argonian's ambiguous speech was definitely something that sparked it. "Patience, Nord." Lugdush responded calmly: "We can still catch up with them, if we learn where they are heading. We need to make sure that we have sufficient resources, so that we can supply ourselves well enough for a trip, regardless of the length of the journey." Thorin then managed to grab hold of his temper and think for a while. He had all the resources required for a full preparation for the travelling. He had more than enough gold to buy horses for Scatha and Lugdush, and enough space for them to sleep inside his house in Whiterun, since he was the only one living there. He made a proposal: "My house is in Whiterun. You can meet me at the Bannered Mare in seven days, at 7 o' clock in the night. We can make preparations for a travel there. For now, we can only wait and see if anyone else who has heard of the dragon slayers arrives in Vilemyr today. It is always better to have more people by our side."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As the ship neared the docks, the Captain came to to get him. Val got up, grabbed his belongings, and walked onto the deck just as they dropped the ramp. "We're here." said the Captain. Val ignored him and walked onto the dock, up to the city. Because it was nighttime, he headed to the largest inn in the city, a place called Candlehearth, and went inside. There he ordered salmon, a baked potato, a bowl of apple cabbage stew, and a bottle of wine and went upstairs to eat it. He spent the next hour quenching his hunger and thirst while watching a dark elf woman sing. Not bad looking he thought, maybe I ought to go talk to her. He stopped himself though, as his mission must come first. Once he was well on his way to completing it, then he could think about ingratiating himself with the local elf women. The next morning he woke up early and walked to the stables. Why does it have to be so cold here? he thought as he went to the carriage nearby. "Where would you like to go?" the carriage driver asked. "I need to see the Greybeards." he said. "Take me to them." "They're up at the Throat of the World, near Ivarstead, but I don't usually go to Ivarstead." Human Swit, trying get more out of me. "How much would you charge to go there, then?" "Oh, one hundred Septims out to cover it." "I'll give you eighty." Val said. The man was probably overcharging him by at least twenty coins, at least. He was human, after all. The carriage driver thought about it, then nodded. "You've got a deal friend. Climb in back and we'll be off." "I'm not your friend," Val said as he climbed into the crude wagon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by aegyolk


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It was good fortune that the already renowned group were coming to Kynesgove. Jelo had been working there for a number of months, helping the Guard clear out a particularly annoying group of bandits. They were like rats- easy to kill, maybe, but ridiculously difficult to clear out completely. And in any case the men he was working with were clumsy with their swords. His father would've knocked some skill into these strange Nord men. In the inn, a few days back, a traveler from Ivarstead had come in telling wild tales of a group called the Dovafeyn, consisting of warriors and mages and thieves from all races, who had been formed to get rid of the growing dragon problem in Skyrim. Ever since that idiot of a Dovahkiin had decided to- reportedly- get completely pissed and fight a blood dragon bare naked armed with an iron dagger, getting himself killed, the country had been plagued with the beasts. They were to arrive in about 10 days or so, and when they got there he would introduce himself and join the group. Jelo figured helping to kill a dragon would complete the Ra Gada rite of passage, surely. In any case he had never seen one of the beasts himself; even spotting a dragon would be amazing. Honestly, thinking about the Dovafeyn filled him with excitement. The wait would make him painfully impatient, but there wasn't else to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 3 days ago

Begrudgingly, the Nord was right. Faire was being a idiot for wandering about late at night without her wits about her. Ending up in this predicament was result of that. But Faire had to admit, all of this did seem a bit unusual. Although she had some close encounters previously, she never blatantly compromised her security like walking right into view of a large camp. The other odd thing was this camp. A non-volatile mixture of races that weren't at each other's throats? Faire hasn't been a part of this new world for very long but she knew enough that Nords typically hated elves, and Khajiit and Arogians did not mix well. And what was up with that man who nearly killed her? This Nord tells her that they aren't a vicious group but that "thing" is allowed among the group? He or it, Faire hasn't decided on which, just gave off a malicious aura and she wasn't just saying that because he almost killed her. Everything about this seemed like it was meant to happen. Curse Auri-El and this situation all together. The Nord removed Faire's belt to fully disarm her, but also took the opportunity to remove her hood revealing Faire's white locks, a calling card to help identify what race she truly belonged to. The Nord also took a gander at her Falmer dagger, which stood the test of time alongside Faire. Various chips and scars marked the blade signifying great age but Faire had none of that. Her skin remained flawless. The Nord took a long look at Faire, trying to wrap his lesser Nordic mind around the question of Who. Faire opened her mouth, about to respond, before the death dealer chimed in. He, too, leaned in an examined the captive. His dialogue was riddled with arrogance, and all he really did was made Faire feel even worse about this. She hated him, whatever he was. Again Faire was prepared to respond but the Argonian, who Faire shot earlier, finally spoke up. He had been eyeing her in silence for this whole time but finally added his piece. Much to Faire's dismay, the Argonian was educated, much like a mage should be, and he managed to deduce what Faire was even without a precedent specimen to examine beforehand. After all, how would one know what a Snow Elf looked like outside of a very few academic books. Faire watched the Argonian fiddle with the hole in his shirt. She felt relieved that he healed his wound, as did not want death for the Argonian, but now there was an issue of Faire's identity. It was very likely this group could sell Faire to the right buyer and not even look back for the amount of gold they would receive. Enslavement or anything like it, was not something Faire wanted. "You wager blindly, Argonian. The Falmer you speak of are dead. In there place, purple husks crawl about the underworld." Her steaming anger was now exchanged for a frown and brief expression of sorrow. "I am but an Altmer, hiding from the cruel racism of the Nords." She shot a glance to the Nord and scowled before turning back to the Argonian. "You have no proof otherwise.." Her tone changed to a feigned innocence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Pie
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Lord Pie 3.14159265358979323

Member Seen 22 days ago

Dreet-Na listened carefully as their captive responded, his slight grin fading and being replaced with his usual scowl as she denied his allegations, her words mixed with a combination of anger and sorrow. "You have no proof otherwise.." she finished with an innocent look across her features as she turned back to face him. “Hah!” barked the argonian before he turned and stalked away slightly. Wrong indeed, he thought to himself. He thought hard about what he had read before, his mind fixating on one particular text ‘The Falmer: A Study’ which seemed to confirm that which this woman was speaking of about the snow elves becoming those wretched creatures that lurked in the deep. It seemed either she was also familiar with old texts, or that she knew an awful lot about something she claimed not to be. His thoughts turned then to ‘The Fall of the Snow Prince’, another text amongst others that he had once spent many days pouring over. No, he was sure of what she was, even if she wouldn’t admit it – he had read enough first and second hand accounts to know exactly what she was. Dreet-Na shrugged and turning back to her replied “It matters not if you are an Altmer or a Falmer, a Nord or an Orc – you will not prevent us from completing our mission, whatever your true intent is”. He shot her another glare before he gestured to Rawlith begrudgingly and said “The Khajiit seems to think you’re harmless enough, I suppose I’m inclined to agree”. Directing his words at the others he said “I see no reason to keep her bound like this. She has no weapons at the moment and we have Valerion if she decides to attack again. What threat is a Fal… I mean Altmer when we have Dragons to concern ourselves with”. His final words were laced slightly with sarcasm as he referred to her as an Altmer. With that Dreet-Na sat beside the camp fire and took out his book, this time scrawling rapidly before he began to attempt to capture a likeness of their captive under the heading ‘Snow Elf’.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Val arrived at Ivarstead, he jumped off and placed a Mark. Three more left. he thought. While his teacher could maintain 17 different marks, Val could only handle 4 at a time. "See you later, friend." said the Nord carriage driver as he got down and tied his horse to a nearby bush. Val ignored him and headed to the bridge. There he verified with a local Nord that that was indeed the way to the Greybeards, and started up the mountain. After passing the first few markers, making sure to read them in case they held some hint as to how to deal with the dragons, he started shivering. Damn this cold he thought as he cast a flame cloak around himself to try and keep warm. Eventually, however, he reached the top and went inside. "Greetings." said an old Nord with a long beard. "I am Arngier. If you are here to join the Dovahfeyn, I must inform you that they left yesterday for a dragon burial site outside the town of Kynesgrove." "I am here on behalf of the Aldmeri Dominion," he said. "We were recently attacked by a dragon in Soltheim, and I was one of the few survivors. I have come to learn how to fight them more effectively, and judging by the sconces on the way up, you know the language of the dragons, and how to fight as they do." "We are not a violent order." said the old man. "the Way of the Voice must not be used in that manner." "But their tongue was used in the past to fight back. Taught to men by Kynereth and Parthanax, whom I can only assume was a dragon, as I've never heard of someone named that." "I'm sorry, but we cannot teach you if you intend to use it for violence. The voice must only be used for worship of the gods." "Then, if you won't teach me, I must find the original source. If Parthanax is a dragon, then perhaps he returned as well. How could I find him?" "The master would not speak with you." he said plainly, "and the way is blocked to all who don't have the power of the voice." "So your dragon master has sequestered himself away from all but his servants? I can understand that. In that case, do you mind if I visit your library? I can still learn of the dragons, and maybe learn their language, should I need to speak with them." "If all you ask of us is access to our Library, then I must accept. You may stay here while you conduct your research." Arngier then lead his to a room full of books and scrolls. "This is our library. Feel free to ask me questions about what you read here, just know that I cannot help you if you intend to use what I teach you for violence." Val placed a Mark in the middle of the room and nodded. "Very well, then." he said as he plucked a book from the shelf. Several hours of reading later, he decided to take a break. He walked into the courtyard and saw several of the men there use their Voice to rapidly move through closing gates. As he looked around, though, he saw a walkway with what appeared to be a blizzard just beyond it. Some sort of spell? he thought, as he walked over and placed his had just past the boundary. He immediately pulled it back as his skin started to freeze. After healing it he began to wonder why they would have such a spell cast here. It then dawned on him. Their master, a dragon, was hidden away where only those that knew their brand of magic could get to him. Combined with a Dragon's fabled love of mountains, that meant.... "Your master is at the top of the mountain." he said, and Arngeir walked over. "So, you've discovered his location. You won't be able to reach him, though, so what does it matter?" "You might not be able to reach him, as you would have to pass through the blizzard. I however, can go around it." With that, he cast Levitation on himself and quickly moved upwards. Should it take longer than the spell would last, he always had restoration potions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AdamantiumWolf
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AdamantiumWolf The Starwolf

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sylvan sat atop Gwenhuvar's back, reaching down she patted the white horses side and looked around for Falen, her Irish Wolfhound looking companion and the newest member to her little group was no where to be seen, with a sigh Sylvan looked over at Nago, an ice wolf and her partner who'd been with her longest. Nago was laying in the snow, his fur barely visable as he sat completely still, his large head was looking off toward the road and Sylvan followed his gaze to see Falen trotting towards her happily, the female dog had a sweet demeanor but more often then not she was off causing mischief. "Falen you need to stay near us else you get killed." Sylvan hiked her bow up further on her shoulder and nudged Gwen into a walk back through the trees toward the main road, she was headed to Ivarstead to see about the group called Dovafeyn, she wanted to help out the people of Skyrim by defeating the dragon pests, she was sure she could be of use, she had lots of conjuration spells at her disposal and she wasn't to shabby with a bow. Guiding Gwenhuvar with her knees Sylvan looked at Falen who trotted beside the white horse with her pink tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth and a happy gleem in her eye, the dog had an uncanny nack for smiling which she did often. Up the path further Nago sat still and silent by the road, his large white ears relaxed and an almost bored expression on his face told Sylvan that the road was currently clear, it wasn't ever really safe to travel on the road, not with bandits and such but it was a clear shot to Ivarstead and Sylvan didn't want to navigate her way through the forest, besides she was only mildly worried about an attack. Sylvan was coming from Riften and so far everything had gone well, they had a small run in with two wolves but one arrow and a few bites later the issue was neatly resolved with Nago in the lead. Having just snuck passed Treva's Watch the little group was once more on the move toward Ivarstead, Sylvan patted Gwen's side once more as the mare trotted steadily toward their destination, Sylvan was deep in thought thinking about the kind of people who made up Dovafeyn, she betted heavily on Nords, lots of Nords. Pulling Gwenhuvar to a stop just outside of Ivarstead Sylvan slid off the horses back, and whistled for Nago to come back and stay close to her, people often got panicky when an ice wolf strolls casually into their town. The white wolf galloped back to her side and stood on her right side while Falen and Gwen were on her left, with a smile Sylvan strolled into the town, she figured she better stop by the inn first and leave Gwen outside town before that. Leaving Gwenhuvar and Falen just outside town Sylvan dropped her fur hood and pulled her bow up further onto her back and walked through the small town with a small smile playing at her lips, she liked to think she was friendly even with the large wolf at her side, seeing the Vilemyr Inn Sylvan moved inside and ordered Alto Wine, bread and beef stew, sitting down at the nearest vacant table she ate with a mild hunger and drank timidly at the wine, her thoughts drifted back to the task at hand and her curiosity about the Dovafeyn.
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