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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--Aventon - Forest Outskirts--

"...fufu~" Seeing the revulsion coming from Youmu and Sanae elicited a quiet yet smug giggle from the Scarlet Devil. Well, it couldn't be helped, they were but young girls after all, unlike herself, Sir Lewa, and Lady Mokou, indeed, twas' a good thing that the adults were here to accompany their younger peers. In time, they'd learn that a rotting corpse was simply a part of the cycle of life and death. As for the dead boar, it seemed pretty much everyone was in an unanimous agreement that staying around the partially-rotten carcass would achieve little at this point, the group had made all the analysis and hypotheses they could, now was the time for action. Next order of business, identify and locate the culprit or culprits.

Thus, they marched on; three humans, a half-ghost human, a youkai, and a toa traversing deeper into the verdant forest. "..." Until eventually, Remilia noticed the subtle changes in the forest atmosphere, it was as if they were entering a graveyard as everything but the whistling winds and rustling plants went silent. Was this an omen? Perhaps a basilisk had taken residence here, scaring away the other critters, that'd also explain why the venom mixed in the boar's blood. Hmhmhm~ crippled as I am, with these many allies, we should be able to slay the beast.

And then, Remilia's musings were proven true, at least partially. The culprit she envisioned was indeed here, but that was the extent of it.

Feeling something dropping on her bonnet, Remilia's first instinctive assumption was that a fruit had fallen on top of her head, but if that was the case, why did the Moriya Miko make an expression as if she had just seen a ghost?

...and then, something dangled down right in front of her eyes.


Sanae's scream pretty much confirmed that shit had hit the proverbial fan.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!" Utterly taken by surprise by something that wasn't exactly pleasant to look at, let alone touch, the group was "blessed" with the very first instance of a high-pitched wail from the normally aristocratic vampiress. Driven purely by fight-or-flight instinct, Remilia grabbed the offending insect with her left hand then crush it with extreme prejudice... only to end up spraying viscous bluish liquid that served as the creature's blood all over her hand, dress, and face. To make matters even worse, the vermin wasn't alone, far from it, as swarms upon swarms of the oversized arthropods revealed themselves, coming from above and below. "..?!" This happened nigh-simultaneously with Sanae's own panicked response and Mokou's copious application of pyromancy.

All of these combined created a potent assault upon Remilia's composure, one that was already quite fragile due to everything that had happened to her since she arrived here, and it... broke.

"S-s-..." Remilia stuttered pitifully amidst all the chaos of skittering centipedes, hails of ofuda, and fiery explosions, then in a quick jerk, she craned her neck up toward the sky, her voice becoming exponentially louder as it drowned out everything else for that exact moment, "SAKUYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

@Lugubrious @PKMNB0Y @Raineh Daze @VitaVitaAR @EchoWolff

--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--

At this point, it's undeniably obvious that the agents had discovered the nexus of the spectral anomalies, if not, then why would these ooze phantoms try so desperately to protect this one samurai wraith? This was it, they had reached the climax, and once they passed over the summit, it'd only be an easy ride downhill from there. But, the fact remained that they had to pass that summit first, and no one said it was going to be easy.

The sentiment couldn't be any more evident when the Spectral Samurai collided his sword with the Ōmukade, and unlike the mostly-equal melee between Teratoma and the Sōhei from earlier, the Fleshweaver utterly lost the clash as in that very instant, its momentum was suddenly reversed, the clap of thunder heralding the shapeshifter's insectoid body being tossed through the air. It was a rather surreal sight, witnessing a bus-sized centipede alone would be a cause for concern in itself, but seeing it soaring through the air? It wouldn't take an entomophobe to consider running for the hills.

Alas, though Teratoma's current form had no shortage of legs, it did lack any form of aerial locomotion as it crash-landed with a loud slam, cracking the ground and taking out more than a few ashigaru unfortunate enough to be in the area. "RrRrRrGgGgHhHh?!!!" The extradimensional creature vociferate; was it in pain, enraged, shocked, or distressed? Hard to say, but one thing for sure, it was definitely no positive emotion, for a given definition of emotions considering its eldritch mind. Skittering back up, it was about to try its luck the second time. However, it only managed to skitter forward for a bit before it spotted a hated foe, one that it had personal history with, however brief.

As if by instinct, Teratoma abruptly pivoted toward the Sōhei instead. With a roar, its innumerable legs easily stepped over the prone petite spatiomancer as it barreled straight to its warrior-priest rival. It appeared that another duel between the monster and the monk would initiate once more. At that moment, the gunner ashigaru with their ineffective firearms, Agent Mae's sanctified smoke, or really anything else happening around them were drowned out by Teratoma's singular focus to show the Sōhei what the concept of 'staying down' truly meant!

@VitaVitaAR @Raineh Daze @Eisenhorn @OwO @Rune_Alchemist @PKMNB0Y @Psyker Landshark
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

You want an answer? Because in my present RP, there are good people striving for a happy ending that is very much possible despite all the tribulations they go through. That and the moral lines are more clear-cut; grey exists but so do black and white.

Well, yeah, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want an answer.

Well okay, coz' that's pretty much the same thing in SoH. The PCs are ultimately good people striving for a happy ending, where grey morality do exist but so do black and white.

Edit: And to make it clearer, there is a solution to the moral dilemmas/problems the cast might go through that leads to the happy ending that I mentioned was possible.

Yeah. Most of the antagonists here are inarguably evil folks. Only some are grayer.
@Letter Bee

Short answer: I do not think that would be a good idea. The setting is far more oppressive than the RE:Zero RP I ran some time ago. That wasn’t to your tastes, and this definitely won’t be either.

Long answer: Check your PMs.

Understandable; that's fine.

Oh, huh, curious, especially considering you're running a Sci-Fantasy World War RP right now, Bee. You know, major wars, the worst of humanity's history happened during these periods, so how can a global conflict RP be lighter than RE:Zero or SoH?

Bottom point, I hope you join because we've never written together before and I'm interested to remedy that.
@5341Ace This RP died a year ago and never even took off in the first place. GM hasn't logged in a year either. I won't get my hopes up if I were you.
@Jeremiah This roleplay has been inactive since 8 years ago and the GM hasn't logged in since 6 years ago. There's nothing for you here.
Considering what you put in the Roleplay Thread itself:

Not making your GMPC the strongest character in the cast, while also reserving that level exclusively for yourself would be a good start, yeah.

It may be obvious but I'm going to say it nevertheless: Rarely anyone wants to play second fiddle to the GM's (and Co-GM's) power fantasy.
@BrokenPromise @Majoraa 👼

Hol up, there is season 2? I have some catching up to do, but otherwise interested! :D

No, there's not. The RP has been dead for 4 years and the GM hasn't logged in 7 months.
This sounds like an amazing idea!
Could I possibly be a child of Hades or Ares?

GM hasn't logged into the site since a month ago, I'm pretty sure the RP's ain't happenin'.
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