Avatar of Silver Fox
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Silver Fox
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 13768 (3.63 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Silver Fox 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Okay I know I said I would reply today everyone. Gonna have to push it either tomorrow or Saturday
7 yrs ago
Will try replying tomorrow night. Will be tired tho so don't bet on it. But I will attempt
7 yrs ago
Make that either tomorrow or Monday night
7 yrs ago
Ok. Said I'd reply today. But I'm super tired. Might be tomorrow or the day after so I can play catch up
1 like
7 yrs ago
Posting may be iffy because puppy had surgery today. Gotta watch him


Sci-Fi if I can play a robot
FxF/MxM romance
MMO Virtual Reality

The Normal Life of Non-Normals
Transcendent: Darkness Rising(A Sci-Fi Roleplay) Accepting!
Phoenix Wing: A Fairy Tail rp(Remake) Accepting!
Demons and Dragons (The Dragon Tribe RP) Accepting!
Digimon Source Code
Infection: Worlds End
Cursed (Silver&Love)

Most Recent Posts

oh shit I haven't posted at all in a while have I. whoops.
I still have the post I wrote a while back I'll slam that post here
if there's anything wrong with it please let me know so I can edit - I'm shit at figuring out who's doing what and properly incorporating it into my post without some assistance lol

My post right before you has Greycloud lunging at Torncoat by the way
Will color code later. Hard to on phone

Silverfish + Streamkit + Stonekit


When their opponent had fallen, Stonekit fumbled on the ground before pouncing on Rainpaw's head, nipping the apprentice's left ear and tugging on it. While Streamkit batted her forepaws against the tom's back. They paused at the offer Rainpaw said, before Stonekit huffed, pushing her paws to make fur push down closer to the apprentice's eyes. Puffing out her chest at Iceheart's words, nodding in agreement eagerly and proudly.

"Yup! We are the best warriors! Noble and brave to protect the clan from bad cats!"[/color] Streamkit mewed proudly and confidently. Stonekit slid off of Rainpaw and wapping his nose with a tiny paw.

"Maybe you should try fishing better Rainpaw!"[/color] Stonekit teased.

"Kits! Please try not to torment Rainpaw too much! He's still a apprentice! Give him a little break."[/color] Silverfish mewed, purring slightly in amusement.



Greycloud flicked her blue eyes toward her apprentice as he grew nervous at the mention of adders but continued foreword. As soon as she caught wind of the Ashtribe scent, she crouched low. Eyes narrowing, she opened her jaws, tasting the air. There was three of them. Along with Shadestep, Hawkpaw and Rootfur. Pondering this through, she leaned closer to her apprentice and said in just a hushed whisper.

"Stay low and out of sight. I'm moving ahead. There's two slinking around."[/color] Greycloud mewed before clicking her tail to signal her fellow warrior to circle before prowling quietly upwards.

Eyes narrowing as she spotted a Ashtribe cat with a torn coat having managed to get behind on Rootfur. Haunches stiffening, her large form lunged to pounce onto the invader. Massive class outstretched, lips curled into a vicious snarl and her fur bristling and fluffing like a thunder close threatening rain down a hurricane.

"Get back to your side. Now."[/color] Greycloud bellowed, voice cracking like thunder.


As the deputy ignored him, the older tom rolled his eyes and gave a mildly annoyed snort. "Well, how rude. Youngin's give no respect now a days. Feh! Back in my day, we say a good how ye do to your elders!"[/color] he huffed, deciding to just lie down. Absently watching the other cats go about their business. He wished he was young again. Even a apprentice to clean out ticks and bedding. Least he's have energy to go hunt or climb a tree.
Tora Azure

- Zephyr Strip || Statue -

Tora followed the others humming a little as she killed over what Cillian said. "Maybe. Could pick up a couple of books maybe about the subject. Could be a intriguing read." she said, pulling out her Pokedex as it buzzed, looking over as Ria, Orion, and Cairn gained a bit more experience. As they examined the statue, she nodded in agreement with Juana.

"Some Pokemon do have faces without mouths. Another example is Solrock." Tora hummed, taking out her sketchbook and starting to sketch the statue, slender fingers elegantly guiding the pencil lightly against the paper.

She was so focused on what she was doing she almost didn't recongize the feeling of being watched. Glancing her blue eyes up, her body slightly shivered, swannapimples sprinkling her skin as she quickly glanced behind her. The murkrow haired girl didn't see anything.. But she was thankful for Juana's suggestion.

"Um, yes that sounds fine to me. Is there anything you need Lady Juana?" she asked.

@Silver Fox

"Oh right, I'm just going to go surface to do this main quest. Oh, side quests, I suppose I can do them too. *Travels towards sidequest* ohh, another one. Maybe I'll haf *Stumbles across another sidequest* oh my, there sure are so many. Wait, I need to focus here, I'll... ohh, a sidequest! Let me just... wait, what was I doing here in the first place?!"

*Cue 20 active side quests, and no clue what I'm doing*

I always have to do the side quests before the main mission. So it's taking me awhile to get any main story progress xD
<Snipped quote by Deos Morran>

Speaking of Discord, sorry I haven't been around much gang! The game's kept me from being online much, along with my stupid work schedule. >.>

Don't worry buddy same here. I only come on when I'm just doing side quests that require me to run around a lot


Speaking of the game...

... SO MANY SIDE QUESTS! *Gasp of exasperation*

Indeed *dying inside*
Gotta say, so far I am really enjoying Andromeda! I won't say anything because I don't want to spoil the whole discovery aspect, but I friggin' love the new galaxy map.

I'll make some time to reply tonight or tomorrow, pretty sure it's my turn.

It reminds me of it going back to ME1 style With just a bit more improved. I'm enjoying it as well.

Which is why I'm feeling the regret of playing it before work and sacrificing all sleep
You nerds are playing video games. I can tell because this RP has been OOC silent for more than 15 hours.

Nerds :P

Im broke right now ok? Dont judge T_T

It's chattier on discord :p
@Silver Fox If you'd like for me to post for Rainpaw instead, I can go ahead and do that, though I'd like to hear from the kits first! Don't wanna sound like I'm impatient or anything but I am dammit!

@ADParis as @1Hawkeyes has seemed to have poofed, I'm giving you the control you need over Hawkpaw that will keep the story moving. Obviously I'm only givin' you limited jurisdiction - though it'd be impressive, I'd rather not have an apprentice go all hard-core kickass whoopin' the AshTribe cats back to camp; just do what needs to be done. Thank you!

Really sorry! Got distracted with video games and my work schedule is out of Wack! At the latest I'll post friday
@zarkun @silver fox @toadropes

Hi all!

As you may have noticed, a new organization has been added in the "CS" tab. This organization was the brainchild of @luckyblackcat and myself, and it's our first "antagonist" organization! Hopefully the creation of this guild will stir up some creative juices, spur some action, and draw some new people into our RP. I will be posting a new interest thread up specifically to recruit people into this organization, but will also be pitching the RP as a whole for added benefits.

Our group, as you can probably see, has been growing smaller and smaller, and I'm eager to recruit new people. Sadly, many seem to feel that our RP is too "established" (which it is, but it also isn't). If any of you have friends or acquaintances you feel would find a place in this RP, (please) feel free to extend an invitation to them from me! I'm ready to take on any and all questions/concerns/thoughts and whatever else anyone has with the power I have as residing GM :)


Sorry for my slower replying state. Been marathoning games as of late. Glad to see you all still working hard tho and hope I get some time and energy to continue playing ^^
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