Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Griffin growl as the guards dragged him from the cab. He didn't want to go into the asylum. He and Zack had a stable relationship. They didn't need help. Zack hide behind him as they were dragged into the asylum and taken to the basement for a checkup.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Esther was coloring in the common area. She did this every day. It was her entertainment of choice. When she was not doing chores, she was usually found coloring, with crayons sponsored by Crayola. Pencils were too sharp of objects to let the inpatients use. Esther did not mind. She had always been a loyal supporter of Crayola Crayons, before any of her psyche ward entries. In some ways, the psyche ward was a dreamland. No one judged her or mocked her for coloring with Crayola Crayons because that was the absolute norm in the asylum.

She was coloring some summer-festive print-out a nursing staff had given her. It was a regular routine for her. When breakfast was over, the nursing staff would bring out the crayons and printouts. Occasionally, psychology students would visit the asylum and take notes of the patients. Esther was asked what she liked to do before she got put in the asylum, "Coloring with Crayola Crayons," she would always smile and act as polite as possible as to not frighten them. Unfortunately, she may have come off as creepy nice as opposed to polite and quaint.

Esther had not taken her morning shower, yet. Normally, she would awaken at six in the morning (and sometimes four, depending on her mood) to take a shower. Individual Therapy would happen soon, but this page needed coloring before her shower.

She had a rough night sleep and found herself being awakened by one of the staff members to be informed that breakfast was being served. She always thanked the staff. She did not want to be mean or scare them. They had hard jobs. . But also, she decided that a well patient would be polite and nice. Before the asylum entry, she had been having adult temper tantrums which involved verbal abuse toward her family. She even cut herself on three different occasions. She did want to be better, but sometimes, it was the nonjudgemental atmosphere that made her want to stay.

A new patient was being brought today, "Be on your best behavior," she was told, amongst other prep-talks about being nice and friendly and warm and loving and "Don't you remember the first time you were admitted into the asylum?" talk. Esther figured she was always on her best behaviors, except sometimes, during her episodes. She tried hard to be nice and friendly, she could not help it if her politeness was creepy and sometimes over-looked and rejected by the outsiders. Maybe, the newcomer would like coloring with crayons. Sometimes, Esther would get lonely. She used to have a friend, a fifty-two year old woman, who's husband was in a nursing home. Her name was Patricia. They would color together, but Patricia got better and left, without a number or address for Esther to use as contact.

Esther had been depressed with Patricia left, and flew into a manic, psychosis episode. Her nighttime hallucinations became worse. She started seeing the playing field of a chess board as she wandered halls during the daytime. She even went so far as to accuse the staff of killing Patricia as opposed to letting her be an outpatient. That was a rough week for Esther. She had been violent, screaming, hitting--herself and others. She had to be given shots to calm her down. She did not have to be strapped to her bed, but she did have privileges taken away from her.

Esther hoped nothing like this would happen, again. She acknowledged her wrongs, but occasionally her chemical imbalance would get the best of her, and she would start becoming paranoid that she would never leave, she would never get better, she would be doomed here until the day she died, that she would never see her parents or friends, again. . that she would be put to sleep just like Patricia--not that Patricia had been "put-down." But sometimes, just sometimes, these paranoid thoughts would start intruding her brain.

Keep Calm And Color On. Esther would tell herself.

She was just starting to become more open with individual therapy. Before she was scared and did not like admitting her wrong thinking--because that always resulted in more medication when the doctor was told. But, Esther was starting to admit, she did need medication. It was not her family conspiring to bring her down, it was her own brain producing wrong chemicals that caused her to be so slow sometimes, and out of touch.

Esther knew she would be prescribed more medicine after this visit. She was still seeing alligators before bedtime. And her panic attacks weren't helping her see straight or focus. Also, her persistency to color was a bit troubling. Esther thought of herself as an Asher Lev, but really, she was using art as a form of communication to hide herself, or so she was told. She should be engaging in other forms of more adult-like communications with the other inpatients. Esther was too shy and anxious and paranoid for such interaction. Six months of being here, and she still had not loosened to making friends (except maybe with her roommate and Patricia). The doctors knew she was under medicated, and Esther was having a hard time admitting this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Griffin growled as he was shoved into the common area. He was sore from the doctor's exam. Of course it hadn't helped anything that he had fought the doctor. Griffin hated doctors. The doctor's hands had been everywhere reminding Griffin of things he would rather forget. He looked around the room and saw a few other patients. He limped over to one of the table. He winced as he sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aiden was in his cell reading a book when one of the staff members opened up the door.

"Aiden, someone new is arriving today. I know we don't ever have any problems but we are still aware of your condition. So please, act accordingly." the nurse said.

"Of course" I said looking up from my book. I closed the pages to the novel I was reading. 'Do Nothing and Do Everything: An Illustrated New Taoism'. I had played my part well, in order to get out of this place I had to behave. Unfortunately they knew too well about my condition, of course they were the doctors not I. Of all the time I've spent in here I've grown accustomed to it, not forgetting my goal of freedom but rather making the best of my surroundings. I've also learned about the other patients here. Most weren't like me though. My problem was a lack of morality. No moral compass telling me what to do and what not to do. Nothing holding me back from my true potential. Of course this didn't make me a murderer, or a rapist, but rather an opportunist who could grasp any opportunity no matter the consequence. In order to keep up good appearances I would go to the common area where they would bring in the new patient.

I set my book down and left my room, heading towards the commons room. Once I got there I saw two others who were somewhat notable. Esther, from what I've found she's bipolar, and she likes to color with crayola crayons. Then there was Zack, sometimes known as Griffin. He had multiple personality disorder. Both I like to consider much different from myself. In fact I'd like to believe that I don't have a mental illness, but rather freedom. The world was my playground, but how could I play in it if I was locked up here. And how could I ever be released when what I have, or more so what I lack, is incurable.

I took a seat that was slightly away from everyone else so that I could observe. As I sit there I notice it is awfully quiet. Awkwardly quiet in fact. What to say, what to say. Esther was coloring, as usual. And Zack, or Griffin, looked as if he had just been examined my the doctors... Quite thoroughly. It wouldn't be much sense to break an awkward silence with an even more awkward conversation of this poor man's condition, so it would probably be best to see what Esther was coloring. In some ways Esther reminded me of myself. Always so polite and proper, except for certain episodes she has had while here.

I stood up from my seat and took a new seat across the table from Esther, examining her coloring. She loved to color, and always did such a great job at it. Her colorful drawings were a nice change from these colorless walls we were stuck in.

"So Esther, what are you coloring now?" I asked with intrigue, hoping to strike up a friendly conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When Griffin sat down, growling, Esther tried to ignore him. She usually ignored patients unless they seemed to spark her long-term interest, the way fifty-two year old Patricia had. Patricia had reminded Esther of a childhood friend, frame, height, love for coloring... Griffin seemed scary, but interesting. He reminded her a bit of Michael a 36 year old man that had only been admitted for two weeks! He used to pace back-and-forth the common area. He also screamed himself to sleep at night. She tried to avoid him because he seemed scary. One time he drew on one of her drawings. Secretly, she kept that drawing because she was madly in love with him. She only spoke to him three times during his whole two week stay, but she daydreamed about those three conversations daily.

All of a sudden, Esther felt a rush of excitement overwhelm her body when Aiden sat down at the table. She was not sure if this heart fluttering was a lack of medicine or maybe hidden emotions for the young man. She was hesitant to make any real connection with him, as she was hesitant to make a real connection with anyone in the facility. She had even put a wall between Patricia and her. Nonetheless, she was happy to have company, albeit, she was nervous, as usual.

Esther paused her coloring, looking across the table at Aiden, "Oh, why, hello, Aiden. I am coloring a delightful beach scene. Would you like to see?" She smiled gently at him. She did not want to scare him away, especially due to her unkept appearance. Esther generally tried not to care too much about her appearance--it seemed so vain, and vanity was one of the seven deadly sins.

Esther was an Orthodox Christian. She tried to just Stay Calm and Keep On Praying, but these tactics wore thing with her. She just was not that good of a Christian, which led to much of her grief--and sometimes episodes--she was so afraid she would go to Hell. She just knew her problems stemmed from spiritual problems. But with a blessing from her parish priest (who visited once a week to serve Communion), she was told to seek psychiatric help. She actually sought advice from three different priests before being exiled into the asylum. Esther wishes she had acted sooner, but she was so skeptical that anything was really wrong with her.

Could the visions she saw right before bedtime actually mean something? Was their a hidden puzzle that only select people could see? She could not be all crazy, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

Princess Mizuki

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delta preformed the same routine every morning. She got up, went for a walk, ate breakfast, and got a shower. This has been her routine ever since she was a kid, and the people at her old asylum had encouraged it.

Her hair was still damp when she came into the common area followed by Tinkerbell. She looked around the room hoping to see Dawn, one of her hallucinations, sitting somewhere waiting for her, but she didn't. Luckily she didn't see Jolene, her other hallucination, either though. Whith the help of her medicine and therapy she only sees Jolene two or three times a week, but she sees Dawn pretty much everyday.

Since Dawn wasn't there Delta looked at the other patients trying to decide if she wanted to talk to any of them. She had seen Esther and Aiden when she arrived yesterday, but yesterday she didn't talk to them or anyone else since she had let Jolene's accusations get to her. She was doing much better this morning, and she spotted a new face in the room. She went over to the table Griffin was sitting at and pulled out a chair. "May I sit?" She asked smiling.

Delta always tried to be polite, even on her bad days. On bad days her speech was very impoverished, minimal, but on good days her speech was pretty much normal other than being a little under embellished. "I'm Delta. Nice to meet you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Princess Mizuki said
She went over to the table Griffin was sitting at and pulled out a chair. "May I sit?" She asked smiling. Delta always tried to be polite, even on her bad days. On bad days her speech was very impoverished, minimal, but on good days her speech was pretty much normal other than being a little under embellished. "I'm Delta. Nice to meet you."

Griffin glared at the girl. He was tired abd sore he didn't want to deal with her. Let me. Zack offered. Reluctantly he allowed Zack to take charge. For anyone watching closely there would be a moment where the boys' body appeared empty. Then the body would relax as Zack took control. Griffin stood behind him watching. There were too many unknowns for Griffin to be comfortable leaving Zack alone. Zack answered in a friendly voice. "Yes you may sit with us. It is nice to met you as we'll. my name is Zack."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Princess Mizuki said
She went over to the table Griffin was sitting at and pulled out a chair. "May I sit?" She asked smiling. Delta always tried to be polite, even on her bad days. On bad days her speech was very impoverished, minimal, but on good days her speech was pretty much normal other than being a little under embellished. "I'm Delta. Nice to meet you."

Griffin glared at the girl. He was tired abd sore he didn't want to deal with her. Let me. Zack offered. Reluctantly he allowed Zack to take charge. For anyone watching closely there would be a moment where the boys' body appeared empty. Then the body would relax as Zack took control. Griffin stood behind him watching. There were too many unknowns for Griffin to be comfortable leaving Zack alone. Zack answered in a friendly voice. "Yes you may sit with us. It is nice to met you as we'll. my name is Zack."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Princess Mizuki said
She went over to the table Griffin was sitting at and pulled out a chair. "May I sit?" She asked smiling. Delta always tried to be polite, even on her bad days. On bad days her speech was very impoverished, minimal, but on good days her speech was pretty much normal other than being a little under embellished. "I'm Delta. Nice to meet you."

Griffin glared at the girl. He was tired abd sore he didn't want to deal with her. Let me. Zack offered. Reluctantly he allowed Zack to take charge. For anyone watching closely there would be a moment where the boys' body appeared empty. Then the body would relax as Zack took control. Griffin stood behind him watching. There were too many unknowns for Griffin to be comfortable leaving Zack alone. Zack answered in a friendly voice. "Yes you may sit with us. It is nice to met you as we'll. my name is Zack."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

Princess Mizuki

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delta hadn't noticed the change. She had been distracted by a nurse leaving the room, and seeing if Dawn had slipped in as the nurse left. Unfortunately for Delta she still hadn't arrived. She wondered if this was going to be one of the days Dawn couldn't come. When she heard him say that she could join him she sat down in the chair she had pulled out. "Nice to meet you too, Zack." She said smiling. Tinkerbell jumped up in her lap before she could scoot up to the table. "Oh, and this is Tinkerbell." She said petting the dog. "She's glad to meet you too." She remembered that he had said that she could join us. She wondered if he had a friend like Dawn. "May I ask your friends name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Princess Mizuki said
Delta hadn't noticed the change. She had been distracted by a nurse leaving the room, and seeing if Dawn had slipped in as the nurse left. Unfortunately for Delta she still hadn't arrived. She wondered if this was going to be one of the days Dawn couldn't come. When she heard him say that she could join him she sat down in the chair she had pulled out. "Nice to meet you too, Zack." She said smiling. Tinkerbell jumped up in her lap before she could scoot up to the table. "Oh, and this is Tinkerbell." She said petting the dog. "She's glad to meet you too." She remembered that he had said that she could join . She wondered if he had a friend like Dawn. "May I ask your friends name?"

"My brother's name is Griffin. I am surprised they let you have a pet. He is a very nice looking dog. We are new to the asylum. We have been told that individual therapy will start soon. What is that like?" Zack asked curiously. He looked around the room studying the other patients. The more he knew the better prepared he and Griffin would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

Princess Mizuki

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delta smiled at his compliment. "She's not a pet she's a therapy dog, but thank you." She thought about individual therapy for a moment before answering. "We didn't get here until late yesterday, but at my old hospital it was when the doctors took the time to talk to each patient one on one." She said before spotting Dawn come in with another nurse. She watched as her hallucination came over and sat down next to her. "Zack, this is my Friend Dawn." She said gesturing to the, what would appear to him to be empty, chair next to her. "She visits me almost every day." She usually remembers that she is the only one who can Dawn, but she does forget occasionally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

"Hello Dawn." Zack said politely. He didn't see anyone there but maybe she was like him, except that she was able to see her friends outside her mind. He thought that would be nice. Still he was ok with having Griffin in his mind. Griffin was good at protecting him. He might not be as effective if he was outside their body. "What do you think of this place? We are not sure that we like it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

Princess Mizuki

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Delta had seen him say that it was nice too meet Dawn, but she had missed his last question since she had been watching someone else in the room. She had seen some movement out of the corner of her eye since Dawn was able to bring her attention back to the table, though. "I'm sorry, did you say something? I can't hear anymore so I have to rely on reading lips to know what people are saying, and I wasn't paying attention. Sorry"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"But of course, I'd love to" Just as I said this I noticed Griffin looking around. Observing, much like I often did. I simply put on a smile and acted normal, like I had for 3 years. I looked down at the picture she was coloring, and she did a fantastic job. So many vibrant colors depicting a nice day at the beach. Pacific blue ocean, sky blue sky, unmellow yellow sun, and the sand. Colors perfect for everything.

"It looks beautiful" I said admiring her artwork. After taking a moment to look at the drawing I looked back up at the two sitting next to each other. "Have you met the two new patients yet?" I asked hoping to continue the conversation but also possibly get some information. I knew a little bit but not as much as I would like. Maybe we could introduce ourselves and make them feel welcome, this could go anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh, no Aiden. I am sorry. Please, forgive me. I am much too shy and rude to introduce myself," Esther shook her head, speaking in a soft tone as to not rouse the two newcomers for earshot droppings. She turned his picture around, staring at it, admiring it, and hating it all at the same time. Maybe she should have been more creative and colored the picture in a more surreal way. There would always be another chance, she said to herself.

"Would you like us to introduce ourselves? I would not mind doing it together," she gave a sweet, gentle smile, looking Aiden in the eyes. "Maybe you can go first?" She tugged him a bit through conversation. She was shy and afraid to do something out of the normal. They were supposed to act like normal civilians, but would a normal civilian start conversation with a growling man, let alone a person living in an insane asylum?

The rules to leave this place seemed so Catch-22. How was she ever supposed to leave? Should she scream herself to sleep every night? She started feeling a bit nervous, like the two newcomers were doctors in disguise, just testing the patience of the patients. She prayed to God nothing bad would happen. Aiden seemed to be able to "keep his cool" in such situations. Maybe, hiding behind him socially would not make her lose any stars from her name nor lose hope in ever leaving this scary place.

She looked back down at her coloring. At least, coloring was nice, and people gave such nice compliments. She began making some strange connection to Aiden, and the fear of him leaving the asylum weeks, months, years before she ever would started to worry her.

"You should really start the conversation, I'm too shy," she tried to hide her face in her palms. Her hands smelt of coloring wax. She put her hands down in her lap and tried to look as innocent and nonthreatening as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

A nurse came it the common room she tapped Delta on the shoulder. Once she had the girls attention she called out to the others. It is time for individual therapy. We have a new doctor. Who would like to go first?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Of course, just follow behind me and I can introduce us.” I said standing from my seat. But as soon as I did a nurse had walked in and announced that it was time for individual therapy. She also said that there was a new doctor. This would be interesting. The previous doctor was never able to make progress with Aiden because nothing seemed to be wrong. He used any and all conventional methods. But unlike everyone else here it wasn’t something I needed to get rid of, it was something I needed.

We’ve only ever had one doctor since I’ve been here, I wondered what had happened with the other doctor. Maybe being around us crazies drove him mad himself. Every doctor had different methods, and I was very curious as to how this one would approach my problem.

“I’ll go first.” I said as I stood from my seat. I looked down to Esther “We’ll introduce ourselves to them later, I’m going to see what the new doctor is like” I said with a friendly smile. I walked over to the nurse and waited for her to lead me into individual therapy. “If I may, what is the new Doctors name?” I asked.
“His name is Dr. Vlad Putin” She said as she led me back to where I would be the first to meet this new doctor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
Avatar of KatherinWinter

KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 20 min ago

Polyurethane said
“I’ll go first.” I said as I stood from my seat. I looked down to Esther “We’ll introduce ourselves to them later, I’m going to see what the new doctor is like” I said with a friendly smile. I walked over to the nurse and waited for her to lead me into individual therapy. “If I may, what is the new Doctors name?” I asked.“His name is Dr. Vlad Putin” She said as she led me back to where I would be the first to meet this new doctor

"Welcome." Vlad greeted Aiden with a smile he offered the boy his hand. "As you have probably heard my name is Vlad Putin and I am the new doctor. I am here to help you become a functioning member of society. What is said in this room will say between the two of us. First I would like you to tell me about you and why you believe you are here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Briza
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Esther gave Aiden a polite good bye as he exited with the nurse and left the common area. She looked down at her drawing. It did not seem as amazing as Aiden had described it. She felt a sadness inside of her. Aiden had taken the golden star that made her drawings come to life. A pitiful smile perked on his lips. He must have needed it more than her.

She looked up at Delta and Griffin, with the same pitiful smile, she smiled at the two, trying to make the pity flourish into something welcoming. She was not sure what to say, how to react. The hospital seemed to give her all she needed and right when she felt content, the hospital would take that very source of happiness away from her.

Esther was afraid to say, "Hello." Therefore, she just sat in her seat, smiling, trying to look as polite as possible. Although, she knew she had the potential to look rude and chummy. She honestly became more afraid of them the more she smiled at them. However, nothing was more scary than the asylum itself. Her dirty little secret was that she was afraid of the asylum more than anything, and she did not know how to seem welcoming. She felt like a Jew welcoming comrades into a Nazi concentration death camp.

The thought of being on her best behavior, simply... simply meant coloring. Without Aiden to help her, she felt helpless. She looked back at her drawing, analyzing the details she had colored and stretched. Her smile was still perked on her lips.

After a few seconds of critiquing her own work, she finally mustered up enough courage to say, "Hello, my name is Esther. May I ask your names?"
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