Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nocturnia


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Free Billy

Mari just sighed, she didn't really like introductions too much, she just wanted to go to some high place from where she could monitor the situation. And maybe summon Sakura to run sonar a few times.
Of course she was sure the others wouldn't mind too much.
"Whatever, I'll go check out the terrain. If I notice something I'll contact you."
She said as she separated from the group. Of course she didn't mention that she would contact them via telepathy. But that was less important. Her first destination was off the beach and towards the first buildings. There were several shops that sold ice-cream, soda and other assorted stuff like that. They would serve as decent lookout points. She went around one of these buildings and, using some boxes left there, climbed onto it. The building had one of those fancy signs used for advertisement. And it mostly obstructed view from the front of the building.
Mari sat behind this board and summoned Sakura. The shrine maiden appeared in front of her.
"... What is it Mari?"
"I need you to run sonar."
"Of course."
The shrine maiden closed her eyes, and an invisible wave of energy was released from her body. Mari felt it like a faint tingling sensation, like every time. She presumed other holders probably felt this too. But without knowing what it is they couldn't know their position was just pinged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Free Billy

From her sonar sessions, Mari learned there were only very few holders around, namely her team and two on the beach. Additionally, from her high view she could see a flock of birds flying close over the sea. It was in the far distance, but they were drawn to one point, after which they landed on the water and suddenly vanished from Mari's sight.

Soon an angry store holder, however, would yell at Mari to get off his ice cream parlour, claiming she was scaring his customers away.

Will 'o the Piper

As far as Eidren could see, the general territory was with few hills, but little obstruction for his sight. There were patches with trees here and there, abandoned sheds along the roads, and wide-stretching farmlands. However, he should get a clear view on most everything.

Eidren's flight would lead him to find the river the village elder had been talking about. It was located three kilometers from the village and branched through the plains lengthwise and crosswise. He would later find the coast, where some of the villagers had been found dead. It was about a two days on horseback for a normal person away.

There were many more farming villages around, if you bothered to look from high enough. Many of them about a day's travel also. There even was a castle, from the supposed landlord that hadn't come to the village's aid, that more inland, between the villages, and roads from all the nearby settlements lead to it.

That was all Eidren could see from the height he was at. However, if he picked his landing spot right, he might be able to find out more...

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Returning to the badlands once again, the Library had not taken a caravan with them this time. Instead, they had a woman from Political Relationships with them, who looked more like a hippie than a politics professional, with purple-dyed hair and a turban bound so loosely it could double as a scarf. Her name was Fran, and she was one of the few actual holders in this PR branch. She had been selected for her increased survivability, as well as her... What Fran proclaimed to be 'connection to nature.' It was somewhat of a miracle she still was with the library, as her personal views on many of it's actions, especially regarding the monster captures, conflicted with the missions. Fran had managed to keep her work and personal views separate, however, which was a boon to... Having a regular, well-paid job.

Lastly, Fran was capable of speaking the same language as Cerberus. For what reason remained unknown, but because the report from last mission had made it abundantly clear that the holders that were held captive by the mother dragon were unable to speak for her, it appeared a necessary asset.

The badlands had changed since the last time the librarians had been there. Although it was still largely composed out of sand, there appeared glass walls, pillars and floors (although with this heat it would be unwise to touch them) and they seemed as to be self-contained craters in the sand, although the chance many were already filled up was high. Some had ceilings and were like small bubbles, or nests in the sand. They often appeared like bowl-like structures, and if one could look past the sand that covered it, the would be able to see they were filled with eggs, and occasionally small lizards.

The sand drakes, once hostile predators, seemed more concerned with taking care of the nests. They dug around the nests, often providing sand to cover them. They also helped the small lizards out of their cocoons, grabbing them by their tails or necks from an opening in the nests, and putting them in the sand (after which the small lizards would scurry and bury their selves.) However, in spite of seeming caring protectors, who knew what one would do if a human came close...

Besides the capsules, half-finished or not, there were also glass structures towering above the lands. These were covered in wet sand, and provided shade for large, blue-ish felines. They ranged from the sizes of tigers to lynxes, but all had human eyes that followed the movement of the librarians, and they would stand up if they got too close. Every now and then, very local clouds would form and rain down on around the werecats, wetting their areas. The werecats even had small glass bowls, which they used to catch the rain they created. Although, besides that, they all appeared exceptionally lazy.

It was Fran who loved these sights, as it was something she had never seen before. “It's like they're creating their own country.” She gleed with childish enthusiasm, unfitting of her position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Valeric


Member Seen 1 mo ago

The Clayman's Finale

"What's going on?" Adeline screamed, losing her balance. The ground was shaking and swaying violently. Did they unwittingly set off another trap? The boulder had severely injured Salia, this one might just finish them off. Adeline cast a nervous glance towards her and then Sonneillon. The big spirit was already lumbering towards her, unfazed by the earthquake. It scooped her up in its arms of pure darkness- not a pleasant feeling, but at least it was safer.

The ruins continued to shake. Adeline thought it was going to collapse, and when the stones moved she screamed. However, they weren't falling down on them. They were shifting, as if it had a life of its own. Adeline watched as the ruins transformed itself. The corridor they were in changed directions completely.

"What should we do now?" she asked Salia, her tone frantic. "Sonneillon! Contact Nuka!"

'Can you see what's going on?' Sonneillon obeyed silently, inquiring telepathically to the holders outside of the ruins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


Emily felt dread and pain swell in her heart when she willing volunteered to go back to the badlands once more. It was a hard decision and one she partly regretted after learning Lux wouldn’t be accompanying her this time, it would’ve been a comfort to lean upon someone who had shared in her hellish mistake. Out of all the mission’s mishaps, it was her biggest regret of trusting Cerberus. Vivid images of fire, screaming sounds, and suffering all around her played in her head over and over in the days before this mission that now she looked rather tired and drained thanks to restless nights. She had expected to see the scorched desert still burning, yet now it seemed to be nothing more than a healed scar upon the land itself. A thing, like many, lost in the desert’s sands.

It didn’t surprise her at how easily the desert adapted to what seemed to be an aftermath to the Mother Dragon’s rage. The fire was so hot it had turned sand into glass, the walls see through and almost misshapen in appear but anything within was hidden by the shifting sands. Emily was slightly edgy, her eyes wandered over the Sand Drakes as they milled around the small bowlike structures. She hadn’t forgotten what had happen, her mind set in defend rather than kill, and became alert even while they hadn’t so much as glanced her way. She stood there and watched, they either piled more sand upon their homes or helped the little lizards back into the sand where they then disappeared from sight.

Her attention was jerked away from the Sand Drakes by Fran’s uncharacteristic glee, their companion and thankfully the translator. A fact made known when Fran made a correction on Emily’s pronunciation. She was inwardly relieved that neither Cerberus’s nor her weak translation skills would be needed at all. In the end, she wouldn’t forgive her spirit for valuing her life over another’s. That fact alone had caused a painful stress in their relationship as holder and spirit as well as companions.

“It’s not a surprise in the desert. Animals either adapt their world to themselves or adapt to it, much like the people in Soule did.” Emily commented. It was the first mentioned, other than with Lux, about her hometown. Though the positive part was the werecats, unlike the Sand Drakes, were less likely to slaughter them. At least she had hoped so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hedya


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Free Billy

"Don't mention it! It was part of our job and we wouldn't let a partner unhelped... I know you would have done the same" Remia spoke to Arlette, meaning her words. After all, they had a story from their last mission. It was only natural Arlette was thankful. But then again, it was also obvious to Remia there was only one path to take in that situation. So in her innocent mind, there was no need to thank her. She saw the path and she took it. That was all. "If you really want to express your gratitude, let's just get along some more, okay?". She was in a rather good mood, lately. Maybe it was because of the change of scenery and the nice weather, compared the cold they had experienced for way too long.

Eowyn seemed to be still a bit nervous as she spoke to this Nathair person. Remia thought there was something off about him. She decided to be wary. Not that she would be rude or anything but... was that a snake anyway?! The girl did not particularly like snakes and while she wasn't afraid of them -not when she could fight them-, she wasn't pleased by the presence of one. "Somewhere a little more quiet sounds good... I'm all up for that" she said, supporting Eowyn's decision. They may not have been extremely close but having worked together meant they could understand each other somewhat.

However, before Remia could do or say anything else, that person, Mari, stated that she would go check the terrain and simply left. Remia sighed. "Oh dear... it seems this will be a difficult group..." she needed to say that out loud, somehow. She was well-aware that she could be a bit of an oddball in some senses. After all, she wasn't the type that made friends easily despite being kind and relatively cheerful. It was always as though she had built a barrier around her and she did not seem to connect with people, and did not seem to be able to have others connect with her. It was a trait she had 'inherited' from her sister, although Remia was a bit more skilled at hiding this fact.

A Clayman's Finale

Salia's idea hadn't quite gone exactly as she had expected. Or perhaps it had. They were alive and the first boulder had been stopped, even if at the expensed of being thrown against the wall and bouncing to the ground. It did hurt. However, the holder could stand still. Not in the greatest shape, but she was still fine, after all. However, it was clear she lacked the strength to stop a second boulder. Even if Adeline's spirit helped. Even then, it would be impossible to manage...

"Ugh...! I have no idea!!" she replied to Adeline to the obvious question. The ground was shaking as if an earthquake was involved. Was that possible? It seemed too violent for it to be a trap... surely? She took the spear and helped herself stand up. It was important they reacted quickly, whatever they were to do! Salia smiled, as if she was looking down on herself, being unable to do anything but to accept the challenge that had presented itself. Adeline had Sonneillon to help and was in fact now scooping her up in its arms. The other girl, in the meantime, would have to protect herself. That was a bit more of a problem...

"I say we move onwards!". It was reckless. But while the 'earthquake' was going on, no other boulder was coming towards them and apparently no trap was acting. It could be, or it may do so later on. But at that moment, it wasn't. Which was good news for them, Salia thought. "We may be able to do it!" she insisted, changing the spear to her sword. At that point, she even felt she would be able to successfully stop a boulder by destroying it with her sword. Such was her confidence at the point. Of course, if they were to succeed, confidence was one important thing they needed...

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Normally, people would be taken aback by Fran's looks. However, Diane was absolutely delighted and kept conversating with the woman about the shades of her purple-dyed hair and praising the way the turban was bound so it looked like a scarf. Even though it was supposed to be a turban!! Diane thought it was genius. Diane herself was wearing loose clothes that mixed the sandy colours with the occasional spark of pink that she usually wore. Her hair remained relatively wild, as always, and she kept showing her amazement at nearly any little thing they saw. It was marvelous!

Particularly, the glass walls, pillars and floors were striking. As they should be! Despite sometimes displaying traits of an airhead, Diane knew better and did not even get too close to these glass structures, knowing their temperatures would be really high. Of course, there were the lizards too, which the girl found quite cute. Common sense told her she should not get close. But she could surely get one of these? After all, the baby lizards had no teeth... how dangerous could they be? In the end, she deemed it better not to try anything that might put others in danger.

"It IS amazing!!" Diane replied to Fran as she stated the obvious. Well, maybe not a country but a town... or a city... or a society anyway!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Free Billy


Nathair was surprised when Eowyn held out her hand to him, his eyes pulled from his spirit’s graze back to the holder. For a moment he was a little unsure about the greeting until Quartz’s voice encourage him. “Nathair, she’s being friendly and you’re being rude.”

The Knight nodded, apologetically to his spirit then uncrossed his arms, his hand reached out to shake hers. He still struggled with his words as it was clear in his reply, the speech’s smoothness and sounds in a slightly slower rhythm. For the most part his talking had improved since he was twelve but it wasn’t close to ideal. “Yes. It’s Nathair…Lysander. Nice to meet you and I hope we can too. My speech is not very good…”

Mime’s sudden exclamation had cause Nathair to flinch, the noise rather closer than he liked. His head snapped to the direction only to note for the first time Arlette’s doppleganger and the young girl’s fidgeting form. Like him, this place had made her unease and the notion brought him a great relief so at least he wasn’t alone in this feeling. He naturally knew the girl thanks to his mother’s position in the Administrative Branch as Ms Chelsea Lysander had been placed in charge of the young Knight’s affair states, including that she received home letters, allowance and other important paperwork recently. They once worked together but for some mysterious reason, Arlette's name appeared on the Mercenary dossier one day and that changed things. Needless to say, Ms. Lysander was slightly disappointed she had lost her helper and the charming young lady's company. He often heard his mother complain about the fact Arlette being sent on missions but like with him, there was little the old woman could do about it. He was certain during the young girl’s visits, Arlette and Mime too, came away with a new basket of home baked goodies each time. It was his mother’s specialty and over generous nature, including her loving knack for conversation.

Both now aware of the younger Knight’s unsettle situation, Nathair and Quartz came to aid Eowyn’s decision to ease the girl. The knight’s hand placed firmly upon whom he believed might’ve been Mime while Quartz had noted Arlette’s head.

He started to slithered off Nathair’s other arm but before he made it to the bottom, Nathair warned Arlette so she wouldn’t jump. “I hope you don't mind Quartz coming over to say hi, Arlette. He missed you.”

Just then, after Nathair’s warning reach the girl, the spirit slither right onto the real girl’s shoulder. His coils wrapped about her head like some interesting head dress and seemed rather pleased with his new, more comfortable perch. He felt her tense and maybe a slight giggle, he liked to think anyways rather then it hurt her, and then situated comfortably. Unlike Nathair and the other humans, the spirit liked hot climates a little better then cold so he was more than happy to keep the sun off the girl. His narrow head lay upon Arlette’s head top, his mouth pulled up in a snaky grin, as he spoke. “Hello, Arlette, long time no see? Don’t mind the stares, they can’t help it. Ms Lysander did say you were always cute and I guess this is proof, isn’t it? Mine if I ride here? Your head is so much more comfortable then Nathair, less scars.”

Nathair knew Quartz’s comment was purely to calm Arlette down and hopefully ease what had unnerved her. It was something he was good, his tongue already at work without a need to coax him, while Nathair looked at Mime. The man seemed to be seeking for Quartz’s permission in silence. That was when one of the holders had decided they didn’t want to be part of a team, Mari's attitude clear as her lone wolf comment, when she broke off from the group. Personally Nathair was indifferent, however Qaurtz snorted, clearly disapproved at the woman’s disagreeable personality and his serpentine head merely lifted a bit off Arlette’s to watch the Holder disappear from sight.
That’s when Remia sighed and made a comment about the group being a difficult one. Quartz’s wings ruffled, insulted by the assumption, than rolled his eyes at it. At least he tried. Like he was going to be hard to work with the snake thought bitterly, he hadn’t even wandered off and before even knowing him, this Remia person made a snap judgment on his character.

“Oh…she’s a pleasant Holder to be around, I can tell.” The snake sounded sarcastic at the woman’s decision just to focus on the mission and leave them alone. However she never mentioned how she was going to contact them. He only could assume that she knew something or had something they didn’t, be it a skill or ability, which allowed for instant communication. With Holders, anything was really possible and with her recent display, Quartz had a feeling she didn't simply forget key details. He turned back to his little resting place. “As for being difficult to work with, we might be…unusual but not hard to work with. I'm a rather friendly snake to get along with…” He paused and then looked at Arlette, her head shielded by his small wings from the sun, “Aren't I Arlette?”

His tone indicated he wanted her approval…a little worried her views might not agree with his and maybe for some odd reason didn’t like him. That would be terrible mainly since he thought they were friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Free Billy

Arlette opened up her mouth to reply to Eowyn and Remia before closing and giving them a nod. "...Okay," she said to Remia. Meanwhile, whatever Mime was about to whine or say was stilled when Nathair grabbed the spirit by the shoulder, which caused Mime to turn and face the male Holder. She stared at Nathair but remained quiet during his exchange with Arlette and Quartz migrating. For her part, Arlette prepared herself as she was made aware of what Nathair asked but wasn't able to say her agreement before Quartz slithered to her. Her shoulder tensed and the girl giggled a bit as the snake's scale brushed against her neck. "Ah, uh, I don't mind it...it's...nice to meet you too, Mr. Quartz and, um..thanks you," Arlette muttered to the snake, her face slightly reddened from Quartz's comment. She then lifted an arm to the snake's head to pat it as a form of greeting.

On the other hand, Mime seemed to be irked as she pouted under Nathair's eyes. "No fair, you never called me cute or wanted to hang around me like that even if I looked like this," she huffed. Then another holder separated from the group. Arlette looked at the disappearing figure of the holder with concern, "Would she be fine going alone?"

She then looked up in an effort to look at Quartz before answering the spirit's question, "Oh, yes, you always had something to talk about whenever I saw you."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

The heat of the badlands didn't seem to faze Vignar despite the holder still wearing his usual thick clothing. Even so, he had worn a scarf to prevent sand from entering his mouth and nose in case of a sandstorm happening. The Bishop had taken the mission due to his spirit's insisting that he go do his duty and slay the mother dragon with enough zeal that he still felt the ringing. Thankfully, the spirit had gone quiet, although if any experienced hunter was able to see the spirit, they would see that the quietness was because the spirit was too excited.

Vignar followed quietly behind the more excited members of the Librarians sent for the mission, preferring to not do so much things until his headache completely gone. At least the creatures nearby wasn't inclined to attack them on sight. Who knows, at his current state, he might just decide to call in the wrath of the storm on those trying to assault them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alta


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Free Billy

The before polite Mari has surprised Eowyn in her quick leave and harsh choice of words. First impressions weren't all there was, but it reminded Eowyn of Ryan who had gone off on his own... Although, it was a lot less likely that anything on or near the beach would petrify Mari's innards, than it'd been in Mösund's network of tunnels.

Fortunately Remia was still her old self, and Nathair, despite his awkward nature, seemed sensitive enough. At the very least he knew Arlette. His spirit on the other hand, had a rather... Curious behaviour, and relationship with his holder for that matter. Even Sleipnir, who was about as proud and arrogant as Eowyn had ever known a spirit, never assumed authority over Eowyn. Quartz was a strange one.

As everyone, well outside of Mari, agreed, they left for a place further away from the crowds. Quartz and Arlette seemed to get along and she seemed less nervous in the presence of the small snake. Eowyn was relieved. Still, there was their mission, and so Eowyn asked everyone “What do you think our strategy should be? Four of us are knights, but showing spirits to the crowd would unnerve them I think.”

Will 'o the Piper

Unfortunately Sigmund couldn't see or hear Sophia either, and so he just laughed. “Well, let's see if they taught you anything fancy there.” He replied to Charles, as he already prepared his distraction. He stepped away from the knight and out in the open, putting his hands near his mouth and activating his provoke skill; so that all eyes would be on him.

“Any of you guys got a carrier pigeon? I need to send a message!” Sigmund asked. This way Eidren's question could be useful after all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

“I know, right!” Fran gleefully squeaked, glad Diane was sharing her enthusiasm. She pointed out at the structures and rambled on about how they were 'simply amazing!' “They are just like us, aren't they?” Fran said to Emily, when she referenced to her hometown. “I can't even imagine how... How smart your people must be to live in these conditions.”

Then suddenly, a rumbling sound came from below the ground and sharp shapes emerged from it. It was a giant, bladed ragworm digging through the sand; the spirit that belonged to Sean, a holder that had gone missing on the first mission in the badlands, and had spoken with Emily on the second. The ragworm, lovingly named Steve, erupted from the sand, carrying it's holder. In spite of it's aggressive entry and fearsome appearance, Steve the ragworm seemed docile as his holder dismounted and stepped forward toward the party.

Sean appeared different from last time. Sean's skin was scratched and burned in several places, and his clothes had been torn by large claws. He'd also grown fairly thin. Well that and sand was scattered about everywhere. Sean had to spit, rub his eyes and shake it out of his hair. With a hoarse voice he asked a blunt question; “So you're back. Didn't enough people get killed last time you were here?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

Charles glanced at Sophia, briefly wondering if he should stop Sigmund before deciding to go through with his plan. holding out his hand, he focused on the power of his spirit and whispered to her. "Lend me your gifts." Instantly he felt the core of her power twine around his own mana, filling him with strength. Opening his eyes, he slowed his breathing and relaxed, his Wallflower skill making the distraction even more effective. quickly he entered the house, carefully closing the door behind him. He waited for a few moments, listening to make sure he was alone, then made his way around the house, examining doors and windows and relaying anything he found back to Sigmund. Eventually he came to the victim's room, and he stopped again to make sure he was alone. Entering the room, he started examining everything carefully, starting with the windows and the wall leading outside, then moving to the contents of the room itself. He relayed everything he found back to Sigmund, trying to be as detailed as possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


Emily’s eyes had spied the final member of her team, a man dressed in heavy clothes and wearing a scarf to protect against the desert sand. She made a note to keep an eye on the man. Mainly because she didn’t want him passing out, the heat and heavy clothes didn’t exactly fit well together-at least from what she’s discovered- but the way he looked, Emily didn’t want to chance suggesting anything. Risking conflict now would’ve been troublesome later on. Fran’s high pitch squeak to Diane had Emily’s attention return to the giddy pair, her expression trying to be polite. She caught the compliment about Soule and its decision in co-habiting; her thoughts came back to the payment to achieve it.

“Sometimes I wonder if it was worth the price.” Emily said simply.

Her tone held a slight bitterness and depression, her thoughts broken by the rumbling sound. It started out small and grow, the sand rose and broke the surface in a sandy cloud. Emily’s eyes quickly closed as her gauntlets shielded her face, half expected to feel a Sand Drake’s break attempting to drag her underground by her foot. Her eyes slowly opened, cautiously peeking to see who emerged from the clearing dust: Sean and his bladed Ragworm. The man dismounted and stepped forward from the lounging worm, the creature’s large bulk settled upon the sand, while shaking the sand away. Emily quickly noted the differences in his appear compared to the last time she had met him. His form had thins, his skin suffered several more scratches and burns but most notable was the fact his clothes had been torn largely in places. To her, the man looked as if he was on the run after a fight. Her eyes focused on the large tears, noting how it seemed something with large claws had ripped through them in place. Emily’s skin slightly took on a paler color at her suspicions of who might’ve caused them.

At Sean’s blunt question, Cerberus snarled and tensed. She watched her spirit loomed over the man that casted guilt towards his holder, his fangs pointlessly bared and encouraged by Emily’s familiar guilt rise again. He had told her several times death was a natural part of life even if she caused it. Needless to say, it didn’t endear her view on him or fact she wouldn’t trust him this time, preferring to leave the negotiations and chatter to Fran then risk Cerberus increasing the death toll.

“Things have become more complicated and if it wasn’t necessary we wouldn’t be here.” Emily said before the others could reply, her next words were hardest to say. It had taken weeks to even reflect on the Mother of the Dunes mission and now, she felt that heavy feeling once more stab into her heart, “After what happened last time, I won’t make the same mistake of trusting my spirit again.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nocturnia


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kestrel said
From her sonar sessions, Mari learned there were only very few holders around, namely her team and two on the beach. Additionally, from her high view she could see a flock of birds flying close over the sea. It was in the far distance, but they were drawn to one point, after which they landed on the water and suddenly vanished from Mari's sight. Soon an angry store holder, however, would yell at Mari to get off his ice cream parlour, claiming she was scaring his customers away.

Free Billy

Mari jumped off of the store to please this grumpy store owner, Sakura quickly disappeared as she did. Her spirit didn't like to linger around at all. In any case she didn't want to head back to the group yet, nor was there a need to. She only noticed two holders which wasn't really major news. Though she should probably relay it anyway, she once again summoned Sakura behind the store.
"Again Mari?"
"No I need to send a message this time, to a girl called... Ehh, Eowyn Rohan. She is a holder on the beach."
The shrine maiden closed her eyes and looked off into the distance.
"Yes, I found her using the name your provided me, what do you want me to tell her?"
"Right, tell her: Two non-library holders on the beach, otherwise quiet, some sort of minor disturbance on the sea, Mari out."
The shrine maiden once again closed her eyes and then confirmed.
"Its been sent."
"Excellent, lets switch position now."
Sakura bowed and disappeared as Mari continued moving behind the shops, looking for any of them that is currently closed. No store holders, no fuss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hedya


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Free Billy

Remia realised that the snake's wings ruffled as she spoke. Did it feel insulted, maybe? She did say the group was difficult... but in her head, that was not so much an insult but rather a statement. Different personalities and even someone working on their own. If that wasn't difficult, what would be? Remia then laughed a bit at the comment about the rogue member of their group being pleasant to be around. "Well, I wouldn't know if she is or not, since she's... not around!". Remia somehow liked the way this snake spoke, even if it looked a bit strange for her taste. At least, she wasn't used to such beings.

"Sorry if I offended you" Remia realised it may have been the case, as she listened to the answer. "Fair enough, you seem to be friendly!" the girl lowered her head to properly face Arlette "well... I suppose she should be fine. I mean, what could hurt her in such a place?". It was the logical conclusion. Nothing should. And if something could, then it should be easy for them to spot the fight from afar and... well, lend their assistance. Probably.

It was only at that point when Remia realised that Quartz was the one to do the talking, not Nathair. In fact, it almost seemed as though Quartz was the Holder, seeing how much in charge it was over the man. She was sure that couldn't be the case, though, and there must have been some kind of agreement. After all, there was no way a Holder would let its Spirit take over too much, right? At least Remia knew she wouldn't do that, and Lancelot seemed to have assumed a counceling position in the end.

"I suppose I should be the one ready for the first strike. After all, I'm a Rook and so I can just carry my weapon without it looking too... complicated, I guess." As she said that, Remia wondered which of her weapons was a better option for their environment. She had a guess, but of course, there could be some complications in such a hot area.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Diane listened carefully, most of the time understanding what Fran was pointing out although she missed some of the finer details. She would agree, however, in that they were amazing. It was at that point where all of a sudden the ground trembled and a huge worm-type of beast came out from the sand with a man on top. "What do you know? A man riding a worm!" she said to herself. If she hadn't seen that, she wouldn't have believed it. Even saying it was causing her to giggle. But the situation was serious enough as the man questioned them on their presence at the site.

Emily was quick to answer. Clearly, she knew the man. Diane cleared her throat silently as she brought her hands to her upper chest, as if she felt she would canalise her voice and her energy better that way. It was just a stance she felt would allow her to quickly start her support songs, if the need for it arose. In the meantime, her spirit, Meena, was a little bit more on edge. Usually, she simply took an observing position, generally not intervening with whatever the Holder did. After all, the Spirit was a bard and she had been granted a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Seeing a different world to her own, where she could witness fights between heroic people and amazing foes that would inspire dozens, perhaps even hundreds of songs. Maybe even an epic that she could perfect through time so that when she came back to her world (if ever), she could become even more popular and please everyone with such an enticing tale to tell. Or who knew, maybe she could do the opposite and get a body of her own in this world and sing songs from her own and get equally popular and please people as much as she wanted to. Both were exciting choices, and so she was content with waiting, so far. Yet now, she spoke to Diane. "Careful!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Free Billy


Nathair watched Quartz become content with Arlette’s answer, seemed more cheerful and even smirked at the scarlet coloring that flushed throughout her face. His feathers seemed to extend, displaying his delight at the reaction as her arm lifted towards him and gently stretched out his neck. His head passed under her fingers, enjoying the light and tender stroke against his soft feather dress, brushing the slightly ridge horns underneath the plumage. The snake looked to be a blissful state. Nathair couldn’t help but shake his head at Quartz unsurprised reaction at the attention.

Mime’s protest had Nathair’s eyes flipped over to the young copycat spirit. He was actually happy to have been right since the first time he met the pair together, he never could tell them apart. Though he suspected it was pure luck and just gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, assuring the spirit he at least enjoyed her company. Nathair after all didn’t like to talk if he didn’t need to. He had been painfully reminded over and over hove funny his speech sounded, more self-aware when visiting his mother and noted the secretive whispers behind him. Most times he could shrug it off yet there were some times it wasn’t so easy.

It seemed Remia had found Quartz comment, chuckling a bit, immediately causing Quartz (still enjoying Arlette’s petting hand) to tilt is head at the blond then apologized. Quartz merely nodded, accepted the apology with his own reply. “It’s alright. You won’t be the first human, Remia, or the last. I’m sure some of the things I say out loud can be taken as wrongful intentions when they are mere curious thinking. Agreed?”

Nathair felt a warm feeling at seeing the Rook and Spirit find a mutual ground and agreement after Remia’s final comment. Remia then prepared to ease Arlette’s unease question about the Holder’s sudden departure. To farther and agree with Remia’s comment and seemed rather pleased Arlette remembered, Quartz added. “What I can say? I enjoy chatting with you. You’re one of the best listeners and cutest I’ve had the pleasure to talk with! Also, I have to agree with Remia. This place is populated enough any danger will likely be notable before it happens and besides, she did say she would notify us. I think that would go for trouble as well.”

Keeping together they moved away from the crowds, making Nathair notably more relaxed now that prying and stares had ceased. During the whole time he stayed close to Mime as if he drew strength from her presence, though it was more because he rather stick to fact he knew her better than the others. His mind no longer felt the tingling raced up and down as he listened to Eowyn speak about the fact four had been knights with a single Rook among them, made clear by Remia’s comment. Quartz natural felt a need to be helpful by adding his own useful information. “I’m sure my true size wouldn’t help in the least. Naturally not many people, unlike Nathair, would be used to seeing a 20 foot feather reptile currently in the open. However the key problem is seeing me? Right?’ Well, thanks a skill of mine, I can camouflage my scales to make my surroundings. Though during conflict it won’t remain which is the sad part and getting hit will certainly reveal me.”

Seemingly a little depressed at the though, Quartz pressed his head gently into Arlette’s head still thinking about what to solve their current problem. “Staying in my current, “fun size” would lessen my chances to be seen like it did in when I had to hunt the razor backs.” His eyes glanced at Nathair and added in slight mirth, “The boy had a healthy appetite for the meat, didn’t you Nathair? You ate it almost as fast as I hunted it.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Will 'o the Piper

While the infiltration was successful, none of Charles' findings indicated a break-in or struggle of sorts. Did they have the wrong house? Was it an inside job? The only thing they learned was that this hadn't been a run of the mill forceful kidnapping.

As Sigmund, Charles and Eidren finished up their investigations, they would soon realise night was coming. As night fell, the surroundings grew silent. The librarians were on watch duty, but for the first few hours past curfew, nothing happened. It was about midnight when that changed; the wind picked up and bristled through the fields, and a soft melody could be heard in the distance. It came increasingly closer, from the river's direction. Before the librarians could even identify the flutist, they heard doors open. Three children from three different households seemed to be curiously drawn towards the music...

Free Billy

Mari's readings helped her find one more holder in the direct vicinity, however all three of these non-librarians were spread out. As the hours passed on the beach, the numbers of the crowds grew and the tumult along with it. The protesters had made signs out of sheets, and began chanting catch-phrases such “No more life under the knife!” And “How would you like to come of age in a two feet cage!” Simon Getskilled, as seen in the distance, had a hard time not letting his personal feelings slip through. He and the other PR members were readying to go on stage to speak for the library, but had a difficult time with the protesters bothering them. For the mercenaries; it was time for work.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

“There's some mistakes I don't want to make again either.” Sean spit at Emily. “Look at me. This is your doing.” Sean pointed out his burn wounds, “Look at them!” His finger shook and behind him, Steve the bladed ragworm was getting restless as his holder began to shout.

Fran stepped forward and addressed Sean, “Francesca Lamont, political relationships.” She introduced herself. “Mister Merister, if I'm not mistaken. We're here to talk, you have nothing to fear.” She attempted to reassure the man in front of them; but to no avail. From thin air, an armour formed around Sean; the armour that had before been worn by another holder. “Firittes de Langley's...” Fran gasped. Though the living armour was literally a knight that had posed as it's holder by the name Valor, Fran had done her research on the backlog, and confirmed all the knowledge with Liaison himself. “What has happened, Sean.” Fran asked, “Tell us and maybe we can help you.”

“When she left,” Sean pointed at Emily, “The mother dragon let her little kids run free. They attacked us, like taking that Octal's life wasn't enough. We can't leave this damned place or the dragon will kill us, we can't defend our selves or the dragon will kill us if we as much as touch these damned lizards. Firites can't even move anymore; so I've hidden her underground.”

Chains dropped from the armour's wrists and swirled like snakes. Steve had settled behind his holder, and stood threatening by baring it's circular gaping mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. It seemed the worm's unease had rubbed off on the werecats and sand drakes as well, as they took an interest in the events.

“We're alive because we're supposed to scare you away. If you don't turn around this instant, I will kill you all.” Sean threatened. He felt driven into a corner, but was it wise for the librarians to pick another fight near all these other creatures?

Rendezvous Crash

Further into the city, the party was bothered and shouted after. The city had quickly recognised it's outsiders, and felt like it was a good opportunity to mess around. Young men loitering around voiced their 'interest' in the 'sad little lady' whereas others even went as far as to throw bottles at Vologhn. Andre seemed to blend in slightly better, but even he wasn't safe from the slurs. In fact, when he bumped into another man he got an earful of insults he didn't even know existed. And at the same time, a hand rummaged through Andre's pockets, after which the man fled.

Theft and insult, they were trying to provoke the librarians. But what for?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon


Emily knew this would be hard. She dreaded this from the very start, her chest hardened and seemed to curl into a ball, no longer made from flesh and blood. Everything seemed to swirl around her while the man started to shout at her. His hand pointed at his blackened skin causing his spirit to become irritated, the creature rose to the commotion in its restlessness. The ragworm seemed to sense a fight brewing.

Never once did Emily deny anything that Sean blamed her for, her pain swollen by the continued conversation. Yet all she could was just stand there. Her body frozen in place and seemed unable to move until Fran stepped forward, the politic relations holder’s words attempted to reach the man. A failing gesture it seemed when another spirit appeared, a familiar suit of armor that made Emily sick inside and worsen when Fran spoke the owner’s name then asked for what happened.

It turned out Emily’s choices had their grave consequences and the holders remaining had to face them, the little dragons had been let loose and attacked the previous holders relentlessly from the sounds of it. He had been on the run since and the other Holder hidden underground. Suddenly the chains dropped from the armour’s wrists and seemed to hiss, swaying like living creatures on the offensive. Cerberus growl deepened at the aggression but he knew better than just to snap at the man. Namely cause it was pointless, his fangs would’ve went right through and merely made him look ridiculous to his holder. Like it did with the bastard called Lux during the swimming lesson, a fact he didn’t like.

Cerberus! Enough. Emily telepathically ordered the spirit to heel, her expression soft but wearily watched Sean as if she debated on the right course of action. In reality, she was trying to figure out how not to provoke the man before her into a fight. One that would potentially get them all killed by dragon fire. We would’ve reacted the same way. Can you contact Francesa’s spirit? If we don’t defuse the situation soon, we’ll likely be eating Dragon Fire for breakfast and that is something I much rather avoid at all costs. I think there’s been life lost as it is, I rather avoid anymore, human or animal.

Stupid human, what wou-

Can it, Cerberus, I mean it! If you can contact her spirit, deliver this message: We have two options that I can see. Either we can fight Mister Merister, my least favorite and preferred option, or make a temporary, tactical retreat and rethink our choices. The fight option is what got us in this mess and we’ve all lost someone last time… Emily pause, namely at the fact Ramza might never wake up again. It was pointless now to bring that up and risk upsetting her more. That was something Emily didn’t need right now. Turned once again onto the current task, she continued hastily to pick up her pace again. We’re only here to talk after, but I have a feeling he will kill the messagers then risk it. I doubt the Mother Dragon will listen this time if another one of her children gets hurt again. So unless you’ve got some other options I’ve not thought of, now might be a good time to say them. The clock’s sadly ticking…

Cerberus grumbled. He muttered something in Latin Emily hadn’t been introduced to yet then proceeded to deliver the message. Emily didn’t want Sean to know what they were considering and thus didn’t want to speak it out loud. Inside she feverishly hoped her risk in doing this wouldn’t provoke the man, unsure if the holder was able to eavesdrop on her conversation. If that happened, it could end up making this situation far worse and would put her already questionable judgment beyond salvation.

She couldn’t make another mistake again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alta


Member Offline since relaunch

Free Billy

“Eowyn.” The knight heard her spirit, Sleipnir, demand her attention in her head. “You've been sent a report by our colleague, Kuroi. It makes the proclamation there be but two holders present proximate to the seashore that remain unknown to us. She also details a small turmoil in the distant water. Our surroundings are otherwise tranquil.”

Eowyn let out a small sigh, hoping Sleipnir hadn't made communication as difficult for Mari's spirit as he did for her. She then relayed Mari's information to the rest of the group, before telling Sleipnir to thank Mari's spirit for the information and request her future plans so that they could align them.

Eowyn was glad Quartz seemed to have a way to do his job without causing too much of a disturbance, but Eowyn knew Sleipnir couldn't quite do the same. The presence of a volcanic horse was hardly obscure and she herself couldn't lift the spirit's sword even if she applied both of her hands. Still, at the very least she could count on Remia and Quartz. Maybe even Mime... Although she could hear Sleipnir snort at the idea of trusting the doppelganger.

When the crowds gathered on the beach, there was a sense of restlessness boiling. Simon was already getting harassed, and Eowyn tried to sound optimistic when she said “Looks like we've got work to do!” to the team, as she lead them onto the beach. Taking initiative however, made Eowyn feel quite nervous, it wasn't a role she felt suited for, although Sleipnir was most pleased that his holder did for once.

“Excuse me!” Eowyn yelled, trying to pass through the crowds, but it was hard to wade through the sea of people. She looked back at Remia, Nathair and Mime, silently asking for help n the hopes they would have a better chance at getting through and helping Simon get on stage without his clothes being torn off in the process.

Will 'o the Piper

As time passed, Sigmund tried to figure out the riddle of the kidnappings. “We must've missed something obvious.” He told Charles when he met them during their rounds. He didn't know if Eidren had returned yet, but as the rook grew impatient he used Charles' telepathy to relay their flying holder a message;

“Have you found anything yet?” He asked Eidren, “On our end we just can tell you this was no ordinary kidnapping. Nobody here knows a thing and there's no sign of struggle or break-in's in the houses. Oh and they don't have pigeons ar-”

Sigmund's telepathic communication was cut short when he saw a kid leave his home. “Damned parents ought to buy locks.” He mumbled, before sticking out his arms and waving at the kid to yell “Get back in you stupid brat, it's dangerous out here!” Before quickly realising the kid likely wouldn't understand him and telepathically asking his team if anyone could repeat that in the native language.

Though what else disturbed Sigmund was an unnatural sound squirming it's way into the night. More doors opened and more children stepped outside. It didn't make sense, Sigmund could understand one kid could be this stupid, but this number. “What in hell's name is going on in here?” Sigmund asked Charles...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Free Billy

Arlette nodded to Quartz and Remia, convinced by the two that the last Holder would be fine. She then kept quiet as Eowyn asked about strategy and that showing spirits would unnerve the townsfolk, to which Arlette swallowed and took a glance at Mime. "Oh oh, I can go and mingle with everyone!" The spirit chimed. Although it seemed that the spirit's issue was the least of the other,although before they could discuss it further, the protest had begun and Eowyn started to lead them to their job.

The crowd's agitation and restlessness seemed to overflow and affect Arlette, who used one hand to squeeze the other. Being in the back of the group, it was likely that her gesture was missed as the other three holders tried to make their way to Simon. Mime looked at Eowyn in confusion, "Um, wasn't our briefing said to try to prevent rioting and not keep him from the crowd?"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Vignar kept to himself as the exchange between the worm holder, Sean, Emily and the PR staff happened. He had nothing to add to the discussion and he had no idea of the details of what had happened in the last mission, although it was apparent that Sean's hostility was not baseless. However, his spirit seemed to be invited by Sean's threat and was practically screaming to his ears to challenge the threat and burn down the, in the spirit's words, 'impudent child blocking their way.' Quietly, Vignar looked at Emily, being the only holder that had experience in this particular mission before, he felt that she was the one to make the decision for this. He was about to ask the question although there was something in her eyes that clued Vignar that the woman had made her decision, and he kept quiet..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A Clayman's Finale

When responding to Lux' question, Nuka appeared to know nothing about a button, nor the reason the temple had risen from the ground. He, or rather Tsenahale, informed Soneillon what was happening. However, that was the extent as to what Nuka could do at that very moment. The dragon lady with them, however, was a lot less contemplative. When the temples raised from the ground, she saw it as a perfect opportunity to bypass it's golem guardians.

“Finally back-up is here.” She scuffed at Lux, Vivian and Alfiere. Vivian's nose seemed to curl up in disgust at Noelle's bluntness. It was clear the two women were not going to like each other. “I'll fly whoever up there to finish this mission right now.”

“Good assessment,” Alfiere added, not wasting time. “I'll try to slow whatever is happening. As soon as you're in I will raise a shield like you've seen in Bihar to lock it in position. You can carry Lux in, it seems Vivian and Nuka can fly on their own.”

“About time someone made sense.” Noelle said pleased, as she walked to Lux in a straight line. “You, with the girl's name, hold on.” Noelle commanded, as she forcefully grabbed Lux and clenched him against her armour. Noelle grew her wings and lifted off, in a less than elegant-flight before landing onto the elevated entrance.

Soneillon and Arthur would suddenly hear a dainty and calm voice speak inside of their minds. “I am Ladon, spirit of the white queen. Reinforcements have arrived and will be joining you shortly. Please continue to pursue your goal.” Adeline and Salia, on the other hand, were to deal with much less collected individuals. The assistants, like Adeline, had began to freak out and plea for their lives. They'd been far enough behind Salia and Soneillon not to get crushed, but the events that had played out before them had clearly terrified the two.

“No, we must get out!” The woman replied to Salia's suggestion to press on. “We're not holders like you, we will be killed if we stay here!”

Rendezvous Crash

Although their aim so far had only been to intimidate, when it became clear the holders weren't leaving, one of the bottle-throwing hooligans got a lot more violent. He picked up another, and lobbed it straight at Bishop's head; scattering on her skull as glass and alcohol flew about. It was fortunate that Bishop was a holder, but the impact on Bishop's fragile emotional state in addition to her sleep-deprived head put any willpower she had in hibernation; as she fell against Ling En's body unable to keep her footing, telling Vologhn she was unable to continue the mission...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alta


Member Offline since relaunch

A Clayman's Finale

“Girl's name?” Lux frowned, soon realising the armoured girl was addressing him. Before he could respond, Noelle pulled him near and for a moment Lux was confused whether she was going to hug or strangle him. Sparks formed around his fingers in a reflex, but a second later he felt his feet leaving the ground. Noelle had lifted off with the bishop in tow. “Our relationship is escalating quickly.” Lux smirked cheekily at the girl. A remark which may or may not have been the reason why Noelle promptly dropped him after she flew the both of them into their destination.

“Way to let a guy down.” Lux mentioned as he crawled up from the moving and shifting temple floor. The insides of the temple were eerie at best; fluorescent lines were drawn throughout the walls. To feel this sensation right after flying made Lux' stomach somewhat uneasy. “Well, time to get to work.” He said, as he decidedly pressed on, hoping Noelle and Nuka would follow.

It wasn't far into the temple when he began hearing voices; unfamiliar ones at that. Strange, Lux thought. His reports had been that only Salia and Adeline found their selves inside the ruins. He approached the sound through the blue-lit, twisted corridors and called into the distance; “Salia Kyrie! Adeline Tourret! Back up has arrived! Where are you?”
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