Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Her skin was cool as water enveloped her making her feel weightless. The sun sent threads of golden rays down from the surface warming her skin.  She was somewhere in the ocean. She could taste the salt of the water on her lips but it wasn't a bother. The fact she was underwater at all did not seem to faze her. In fact, it felt, natural, like it is where she belonged.
To her right a school of silvery fish glistened as they made their way to destinations unknown. A small crossed her lips and she darted beside them. Her body moved effortlessly through the water not wasting energy with kicking or the sort. She was quick, and agile as the fish she now swam amongst.

For a ways she would go, coming across all manners of ocean creatures. Dolphins, a couple sharks, and even taking a rest whole holding onto a whale. Yet, as she moved to the deeper waters something would catch her ear.

"Aqua," she swore it said, but the noise was so distant it was hard to distinguish.

"Aqua," it repeated.

She stopped and listened for the sound again. It obliged her. Only this time she knew where it came from, the depths. This was a strange phenomenon to be sure but she had no reason to suspect any danger, right? This was her domain. She swam downwards to investigate.

As she swam darkness enveloped her and the warming rays of the sun no longer made it down this far. The temperature grew colder and colder. She would suddenly stop, startled by a presence. It was Darkness himself. She knew he was there, but no matter how hard she tried she could not see him in his true form.

"What are you doing down here?! This is my home!" she protested.

"I came to see you of course," his voice was suave and seductive.

Still, she would have none of it. She knew what he was here for. Without a further word exchanged he knew he was rejected, but this would prove to be the last time it would happen.

His hand lunged at her with such a speed she could not react to evade. Pain shot through her body. She started to swim to the surface as fast as she could.

As she emerged from the darker waters a trail of blood marked her path. Still, she could feel herself slowing down and growing tired. Weakness quickly crept upon her as she summoned up all her strength to keep moving forward. An outstretched hand would feel sun upon it, but it felt no warmth. It only got colder, and colder. Her finger would be the only thing to break the surface, causing only a small ripple on the surface, before sinking back into the waters below.
Her eyes now heavy and body unnaturally cold she watched as she slowly began to retreat back into the dark depths below, a fading trail of blood hovering over her. It all went dark.

Alexis sprang up from her bed, a cold sweat beaded on her face.

"Not again," she groaned as she wiped the sweat up with the sleeve of her t-shirt.

Eyes glancing over at the clock it would be over an hour before her alarm was set to ring. Another groan escaped her lips. At this point it was better just to get up. Hell, she could take more time on her morning chores, if there was any brightside to be had of this. She got up and went to get ready.

~ ~ ~

The eggs gathered and the chickens fed she once again changed for classes. It was the first day of her senior year and she was more than ready to get it over with. Chelsea, her best friend since middle school, was already going on about colleges and the best party schools. It was hard to believe Alex and Chelsea would be friends at all, they were very much opposites of each other. Yet, somehow it worked out well.

Putting the final brush strokes in her long hair she sighed and grabbed her purse and messenger bag.

~ ~ ~
Pulling into the school parking lot she couldn't help but be happy her old truck had made it another summer, though she was weary about pressing her luck. It was old and it doubled as one of the work vehicles. It had defiantly seen better days.
She jumped down from the truck and made her way inside. "Almost done," she thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The alarm buzzed and buzzed annoyingly in Kshiti's ear. Finally she reached over and smacked it, causing it to fall of her end table. From the floor it bleeped it's displeasure. The teenager groaned and sat up. She pushed her brown hair out of her face as she leaned over the side of the bed and snagged the clock. With a deft movement she turned off the shrill noise and replaced it on the side table. The red glowing numbers proudly stated the time as 5:32. Kshiti groaned again as she climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She emerged twenty minutes later cleaned and more ready to face the day.

By six she was dressed and presentable. She turned on her ipod, put in the buds and rocked out as she started gathering her stuff for school. She hummed the music under her breath as she packed her backpack. When she was finished with that she made a simple breakfast, roti, a few dips and spiced potatoes left over from last breakfast.

"<Papa!>" Kshiti shouted in Hindi. "<Breakfast!>" She scooped the last few bits of potato onto her plate and took up her usual spot at the counter.

A few minutes later her father staggered into the kitchen. His brown hair was still a bit ruffled and his pajama pants were rolled up on one side giving him a peculiar lopsided look. "<Smells wonderful>" Papa said as he took up the stool next to Kshiti.

"<I'm going off to school at seven.>" Kshiti said between bites. "<Don't forget to pick up the groceries. The list is on the fridge.>"

Her father rolled his eyes. "<I know that we're out of food little one.>" He smiled and draped an arm around her. "<Aren't I supposed to be the parent here?>"

Kshiti smiled back. "<Maybe one day Papa.>" She kissed him on the cheek before she finished her food, slipped off her stool and went to go wash her dishes. "<After school I'm going to hang out with Brad, Carla and Dee. So I wont be home until six.>"

"<Going to see the new movie right?>" Papa asked.

Kshiti rolled her eyes. "<It's called Maleficent, and yes.>" She put her dishes on the drying rack. "<Want anything in particular on your sandwich?>" She walked over the the other counter ans grabbed the bread.

"<The usual's fine.>" Papa said as he too finished his meal. "<You always know what's best.>"

Kshiti rolled her eyes again. "<And that's why you can't get any dates.>" She pointed out as she started making her lunch.

"<Maybe Papa already has all the women he needs in his life.>" He tried to look offended. It was their usual banter. For the past year or so Kshiti had been trying to set her father up with dates. He needed a wife to take care of him. She wouldn't be around forever. She was already applying to colleges and had plans that moved her out of the house by the age of eighteen.

"Aish." Kshiti said. "<Then maybe you need a man.>" She smirked at her Papa as he gaped at her. "<Your lunch is in the fridge. Love you.>" She grabbed her lunch and scurried out of the kitchen before her father got over his shock. He'd find a way to get her back for that. She quickly gathered her backpack and flew out the door, her black scarf trailing behind her. The two blocks she lived from the school took her only a few minutes to walk.

Anything in "< >" is translated from Hindi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Energie


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Shaving cream. Shaving cream and spilled beer. Cristian’s eyes flicked open hesitantly as his nostrils took in the smell.

“Goddamnit.” He groaned as he set up, his body protesting the speed at which he did so. He took in the scene that surrounded him: the entire room littered with empty cups and bottles and the snacks… you could barely tell carpet from cheese curls and crushed pretzels.

Cristian had understood early on in his school experience that career-minded parents wasn’t something to mope over, but rather it was an obligation to host around seventy of his closest friends as a means to kick off the new school year the right way. And by the condition of his house, they’d definitely gotten off to a great start.

Cristian shuffled through the dense debris to his room where he found a friend passed out in his bed. He clicked a picture of the guy on his phone, before pulling a pair of jeans out from under the inebriated sot and slipped into them. Cristian grabbed a shirt and his backpack as he stole a glance at the clock on the kitchen’s microwave. “First day's the biggest buzzkill of 'em all.” He mumbled taking in the full scope of the room once more. He shook his head letting out an entertained laugh as he dialed a number on his phone as he walked out of the door and climbed into his car.

“Karen…” Cristian voiced perked up, though it still bore the huskiness of someone who’d only woken up several minutes before. “Yes, yes, it’s your favorite person… No, don’t hang up; really, it’s not nearly as bad as last time… Of course, premium pay or whatever it is you call it, there’s cash waiting for you in the drawer next to the stove… Yeah, I know that I said last time would be the last time, but I can’t get enough of your cleaning, love… Fine, but be a doll and bring some of your friends. My parents will be back tonight and I might’ve downplayed the situation just a bit…” Cristian cancelled the call, as he jacked the volume of the music up and leaned back in his seat allowing the wind from his open window to whip across his face and throughout the car.
Cristian swung into the school's parking lot, climbing from his car and grabbing his backpack from the backseat. The money he was using to pay the cleaning crew was meant for his school supplies, but he still had his notebooks and stuff from last year -- they’d barely been used, because he’d never been much of a notetaker.

“Farmer Jane.” He called as he walked past a redhead that he had a class with Junior year. “I half expected you to start the year off in overalls and a nice pair of pigtails…” He stated the words slowing down only long enough to flash her a smug grin, before running off to catch up with some of his friends that he hadn’t seen since the night before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Psych13


Banned Offline since relaunch

Alice's alarm clock blasted obnoxiously in her room. Alice was on her laptop already fully dressed with her hair done and makeup done as well. She hadn't been able to sleep due to butterflies in her stomach. Which was to be expected due to it being her first day at a new school.

She was typing in a series of codes into her laptop at a quick speed. Her eyes darting all over the laptop. She was working as fast as she could. She had to be at school soon and she wanted to finish tweaking her schedule. It would've been already done but she got lazy and forgot about it.

She heard footsteps walking towards her room and worked faster and right as her door opened she finished. She kept her face blank as her mother entered the room. "Morning Ally." Her mother greeted warmly making Alice unconsciously smile back. "Morning mom."

"You better leave now. Wouldn't want to be late would you?" Alice was silent but shook her head no. "Good. Then you better hurry." Before she closed the door leaving Alice alone. She let out a breath in relief standing and setting her laptop on her desk.

She grabbed her backpack before she then walked downstairs and out the door throwing a 'bye!' To her parents. She grinned once she saw her car. Her baby. Derek. He was a nice black 67' Chevy Impala. He was beautiful.

She walked to the drivers side opening the door and getting in throwing her bookbag in the passenger seat before starting the car up. She then pulled out of the driveway before she began her drive to school.

When she arrived she pulled into a parking space close to the school. She grabbed her bookbag exiting the car while slipping her keys into her pocket before walking inside the school not looking at anyone. She'd seen the map of the school so it didn't take long to find the front office.

After gaining her schedule and all the basic necessities she then started the hunt to find her locker. Should be fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Devon slowly rose up from the mass of cheap fabrics and covers, his form shirtless, other than a pair of pajama pants. They were colored a devious black, with the designs of hot crimson flames licking the bottom. After the incident in prison not even a year or two ago, he felt...more comfortable whenever he was near anything that reminded him of fire, even if it was clothes. With a sigh, he messily ran a hand through his hair. He was used to waking up super early - it was around three AM, most-likely, but he had forced himself to pass out at 7 PM, so it was all good. Some would say that his sleeping schedule was screwed up, but it was quite the opposite.

The teen quickly started his morning with a quick set of thirty push-ups, his body regaining it's usual overbearing heat within seconds of starting the warmup exercise. It was something that he was used to, so, ignoring the comfortable feeling of heat, Devon grinned and flipped backwards, landing on his hands and feet. A second later, he began his morning routine of pushups. "One..." he began, easily pushing out the repetition before moving on to the next, and to the next, and the next after that. Minutes later, he was finished with his 100th repetition, and Devon stood, stretching his warmed muscles.

It was about 4 AM, so he moved to the bathroom and turned on the shower. School would be starting pretty soon, and he wanted to feel fresh for the day.
Devon sighed, exiting his apartment with a poptart held between his teeth. His hair was styled into it's usual Mohawk, while he wore his usual 'street' clothing. Slim black jeans, red and black converse, along with a red, torn hoodie and a black muscle-shirt under that. A quick kick into his bushes caused a flame-embedded skateboard to fly from the grass, and Devon leaped onto it mid-air, flying down the street at an amazing speed, his usual rugged grin on his face. Sparks flew, unhindered, from under the metal wheels as the boy flew down urban alleyways and streets. His backpack, like always, was left at home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xRobynx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Inside was everything she had expected. People who acted like they haven't seen each other for ages came together and discussed their summer. She, on the other hand, had nothing to discuss. Every summer proved the same, only this time, Papa's health wasn't the greatest. Still, they made it through and Papa was starting to get better, albeit slower than they had hoped.

Alex pulled out the schedule of classes she had received in the mail about a week prior. Her blue eyes peered over the paper looking for her first destination when she was interrupted by a familiar voice.


It was Chelsea and she was running towards her excited as ever and dressed to impress. She was a true Barbie doll if there ever was one to roam these halls. How they were friends, remained a mystery, then again. She wasn't smug or obnoxious, merely “fashion-savvy” as Alex always put it being sure to add air-quotes.

They exchanged a friendly embrace before she began excitedly, “You're never-” she was cut off.

“Farmer Jane.”

They stopped and looked. It was Cristian. They had shared a class last year, science if memory served, and forced to work together on a project. That was the only reason she knew him that she could recall.

“I half expected you to start the year off in overalls and a nice pair of pigtails…”

Chelsea huffed animatedly, “What a jerk.”

Alex merely shook her head. There was nothing to say. Just another rich kid who thinks he is better than everyone else. She sighed as he made a point to look back with a smirk.

“No biggie,” Alex said looking back down at the paper, “I got science first period then study hall and two free periods.”

Chels, in her normal bubbly excitement, “I got science and homeroom too! C'mon!”

As they walked through the hall Chelsea greeted many people, she was well known after all. There wasn't much to not like about her, she got along with most and it showed. A few new faces would catch her eye. One in particular, a young man, his chin stubbled and his jet black hair in a messy do. His attire was a bit classy for the setting, at least Alex would think. Chels, was actually impressed.

“I've never seen him before,” she added.

Alex shrugged, “I'm sure we'll see him around.”

Without bothering to find her locker Alex and her companion made their way to the science class.

~ ~ ~

Making herself comfortable in the second to the back row Alex set her bag under her desk, Chels was a couple seats to her left conversing with more friends. When who would come in but the dark-haired boy from earlier. Chelsea apparently noticed too and glanced at him for a moment, spellbound. He took a seat just behind Alex and greeted her warmly.

“Hey,” he said, his voice rugged but sweet as a clover honey.

“Hey,” she replied simply as she took in his features. Even Alex had to admit his features were flawless. He looked like something out of a movie. It was strange. His complexion was nice and had a light even tan. That was more than she could say, given a misaligned strap on her tanktop would give away her fair nature.

“Sullivan,” he said extending his hand, flashing perfectly white teeth.

“Alexis, most just call me Alex,” she replied.

Alexis gave an awkward smile and turned back forward in her chair. This exchange, however, did not go unnoticed by her more socially adept companion. Alex knew it wouldn't go unnoticed under Chels's watchful eye. She didn't want to entertain the idea she knew was boiling over in Chelsea's mind. She just wanted to get this year over with.

Quietly she sat as more and more people filtered into the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Energie


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cristian stumbled through the doorway of the classroom, shrugging off a shove from one of his friends that followed behind him. His hearty laugh echoed through the room, but Cristian didn't pay it too much mind, only casting a quick wave to the teacher in an attempt to get back into their good graces. He wasn't much too concerned with first impressions, but he'd learned that life was always easier if you walked that thin line with teachers never inching over onto their bad side.

He made his way though the room pausing only as he reached Alex's desk. He raised his eyebrow, gripping the rim of his imaginary straw hat and tipped the his head in the slightest. "Why golly, Jane. I didn't speck t'see you twice in one day. Ah, I muss be one lucky son of a gun." He flashed her a warm wink, before his eyes flickered to the guy sitting behind her. Cristian gave him a quick glance over; however, it might've lasted a couple seconds too long, because another shove from his friend sent him on his way. He settled into a seat near the back -- his domain in every classroom he'd been in since Freshman year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Zeke looked at the ceiling, wondering how the day would go, he was up already for 2 hours, most of the time thinking back to his old school and the friends he had gotten after, so many years...
A knocking on the door made him sit up as his mother called him for breakfast.
he sighed and looked up to the ceiling one more time, why he did not really know, his gaze wend back down to the door and as he got up suddenly the lights of his room started to get a live of their own, on off on off on off
"this crap again" he said as he ignored it and walked out of the room and into the kitchen.
"we really need to fix those damned lights" he said as he sat down.
"your dad already did, there is nothing wrong with them" his mother replied as she put his plate down.
"yeah, then what is it, my imagination? and you know I am old enough to make my own bread right?"
his mother sighed "I know, just enjoy my spoiling you some more and it might, things have been stressful and I guess you have been up for a while now and you wend to bed late, minds tend to play tricks when tired"
he did not respond cause, well she was right, he wend to bed late, got up early and this started to happen after moving here what had brought its own types of irritation so..., somehow she was always right when she was talking about him like this, guess that is a mother...

After a while he got up and pulled on his heel wheels, it may be a bit outdated by now but he still loves it, they are fast and he can walk whenever he wants, hell he is going to keep them on at school, not like they stand out anyway.
it took him like 15 minutes to get to the school and he was on time it seemed.
walking into the school he felt something, as if someone was watching him, but when he looked he did not see anything but a shadow of the gym building.
ignoring it, taking it as an other trick of the mind, he entered the building, collected his schedule and went towards his class.
sitting down quietly next to a girl that looked like she was a Hindi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago


The sound of Kshiti's nickname caused the young girl to glance around. She wasn't quick enough for from behind she was wrapped up in a bear hug that removed her feet from the ground.

"Mac." Kshiti croaked from the raised hug. Then he was placed back on the ground. The short girl turned around to see Mac. He was her age, like almost all of her friends, and was six foot two. He grinned happily.

"I haven't seen you all summer." He reached out to ruffle her hair but the slender girl dodged with ease.

"That's what happens when you spend your summer out of town." She pointed out dryly. Mac just smiled at her.

"Snipy as ever. Did you go see the new X-man movie yet?"

Kshiti rolled her eyes. "No. Why would I possibly want to see that movie?" She punched him in the arm. "Of course I saw it moron." Mac chuckled almost over the sound of her next words. "Did you?"

"Of course. No self respecting Nerd would miss it." He pointed out placidly. Nothing ever really bothered Mac. He might be tall and kind of hulk-like, but he was sweet.

"Kay! Mac!" The two turned to see Carly and Dee. Carly and Dee were the quintessential nerdy girls. Carly was a beanpole, a bit of acne and glasses. Dee was Kshiti's height, overweight and had short black hair, but still really beautiful. They were both pretty awesome to hang around. Kishiti bounced up on her toes and waved at her friends. Within seconds they were sharing hugs with each other as if they hadn't seen each other yesterday.

The four of them chatted and discussed all the way to their lockers and finally to picking up their schedules. They happily compared them. Finally Brad showed and the five discovered they had only a few classes together. Dee had more Science classes. Brad had more tech classes, including some off campus at the local college. Kshiti and Carly had more English classes. Brad was in theater as a tech. The five friends were disappointed at the lack of classes together.

"It's not fair." Carly huffed. The twig of the girl was only shorter than Mac. Dee patted her friend on the back.

"At least we all have lunch together." Brad pointed out logically. The pentad nodded their heads in agreement.

"And after school. Except for Brad sometimes." Kshiti pointed out though the warning bell drowned out most of her words. At the sound the five friends scattered. Kshiti went off to her first class of the new year, English. She settled towards the back and pulled out a note pad. It was obvious that this wasn't it's first year of use. It was well used. Most of the pages were covered in notes and abstract drawings. When the spot next to her was filled, she briefly looked up to see who it was, It wasn't someone she recognized and he looked older than most juniors. Held back? Or old for his age? She looked back down at her clean page, picked up her pencil and started to rectify the problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 8 mos ago

For a while Zeke just sat there silent until he noticed the Hindi girl drawing something.
He glanced on the notebook and then looked to her "looks nice, you draw often huh?"
Trough he asked her he already knew the answer actually, anyone drawing at that level had to draw a lot.
"how many notebooks did you fill already?"
This time he did asked a genuine question feeling curious.

He loved to draw as well, it was something in his family, his mother for example was really good in drawing animals, making them look like you were looking at a photograph.
He himself was used to drawing mythical creatures as dragons and phoenixes and such, it was weird actually, he could draw a hell of a phoenix, but when drawing a normal bird it looked like it was made by a 3 year old...
"I am Zeke btw" he eventually said sticking out his hand to greet her.
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