Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You are in Grey Star.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Charlotte Dyer

Codename: The Witch of the Black Moon(more of a title then a codename as she has little interest in obscuring her identity beyond looks)

Age: 200, though physically she is 10 years old.

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: London, England

Affiliations: Charlotte has previously worked with Eldritch Knight Shiranui, as well as the previous Eldritch Knight, and the vigilante Strix. She also has a few contacts in the US, Japan, various European Countries(including Russia, France, Spain, and Germany), Australia, and China.

Occupation: Witch, occasionally detective

Appearance: Charlotte has black hair, very pale skin, and green eyes. Her dress in this picture is black with white frills. In combat, she dons a more stereotypical witch outfit when she has the time. She wears a wide-brimmed, pointed hat, a high-collared cape(ripped at the edges), a black jacket, and a tattered knee-length skirt. She also owns a deliberately-stereotypical detective-style longcoat.

Powers: Charlotte is a skilled witch, specializing in various darker magical techniques. However, as dark as her spells get she will never dip truly into black magic. That said, she practices some blood magic(using her own blood or the blood of animals eaten by people) and sometimes summons presences that require sacrifices(again, something of herself or an animal people eat). Her catalogue of spells includes various illusion spells, summoning spells, offensive magic, and defensive magic. They include:
-Corvid Murder: An easily-deployed spell with a rather descriptive name, Corvid Murder creates an array of what are seemingly crows to either use as projectiles or spy on her enemies depending on the situation. It requires magical power and casting time, but little else aside from that. The crows themselves are actually simple magic constructs that can relay information or explode. The explosions are not strong enough to be lethal, but can blast an enemy off their feet and cause very minor burns. The longer Charlotte takes casting this spell, the more crows are created. If necessary, she can fuse two crows into a raven, which produces a more powerful explosion that can be used for blasting apart obstacles.
-Black Shield: Another spell without much cost, Black Shield takes the form of a pitch black magic circle, hovering where Charlotte has created it. It merely requires the words of the spell being stated and the symbol being inscribed in the air using Charlotte's forefinger. It can vary in size, but it must be a circle and Charlotte must complete it in order for it to function. Its function is, of course, as a shield, capable of blocking anything from bullets to explosions. However, enough force can break through it, and magical damage pierces it far easier then normal damage.
-Bramble Wall: Requiring a sacrifice of hair, Charlotte can cut some of her hair and cast it to the ground. This causes a wall of thorny brambles to sprout, blocking attackers. However, they can be broken, and the spell requires ground where brambles can grow.
-Midnight Ripper: A spell with a higher cost, Midnight Ripper incarnates a bolt of blackened magical energy, and can produce eight for each casting. These blasts knock enemies off their feet and with high enough power can even be lethal if properly directed(Charlotte rarely sees the need for this). This spell requires a sacrifice of blood, meaning that Charlotte must often slice her palm. However, her healing magic can compensate for this bloodloss.
-Infinite Darkness: A combination sealing spell and offensive spell, Infinite Darkness is a spell used against only Charlotte's most dangerous opponents, ones that she cannot find an alternate route to defeating. Requiring her to slash one of her wrists and shed a great deal of blood for the spell to function(or sacrifice enough animals to fill in the cost, impractical given the spell's use), Infinite Darkness fires an immense blast of magical energy, destroying much of the target's body, before containing them in a magical seal. The bloodloss, even with her healing abilities, leaves her in a daze, and the spell is used only against enemies who absolutely cannot be defeated by any other means(and with GM permission).
-"Aging Cream": In actuality an illusion spell, "Aging Cream" allows Charlotte to appear in her adult form using an illusion. It can be dispelled simply by hitting it hard enough, though touching it lightly will cause it to feel like a real body. Charlotte uses it when necessary to appear as an adult physically, as it is far easier to perform this spell then cause her body to change back and fourth.
-Summoning: Varying greatly, Charlotte can perform various summoning spells. Requiring a circle drawn out of chalk, and sacrifices varying from objects, to blood, to animals, Charlotte can use them for a number of purposes.
--Jack: A house-sized pumpkin with tentacle-like vines, allowing it to walk. Impervious to gunfire(though vulnerable to explosives, magic, and sufficient blunt trauma), Jack bears a massive face resembling that of a Jack 'o Lantern. It even contains a fire inside, which allows it to release fireballs. Charlotte, when summoning Jack, rides atop it. Jack requires the sacrifice of multiple chickens, a cow, or a sufficient amount of blood from Charlotte's body. It is the most notable summon.
--Horrors: Dabbling in some rather eldritch techniques, Charlotte can summon starfish-like tentacled creatures. They are easily slain and Charlotte prefers not to use them given their nature, but she will do so in a pinch.
Charlotte has various healing spells cast on her body, allowing her to heal minor injuries quite quickly. However, blood takes longer to replenish and certain spells will leave her dazed from loss of blood.

Skills: Charlotte is skilled in information gathering and some detective techniques. She completely lacks any physical fighting ability and is as strong and durable as she appears(which is not very at all). She uses numbing spells on her knives so that blood sacrifices do not hurt as much, as she has a very low tolerance for pain. She also tires easily from enough physical exertion, though she replenishes her stamina more quickly then average. She also has some stealth skills.

Equipment/Resources: Charlotte has a fair amount of money, which she uses to fund her magical practices. She owns a rather large home outside of London, as well. She keeps several farm animals(and takes the ones she can transport with her easily). They are well-cared for up until they are required for a sacrifice. On her person, Charlotte carries various small knives so that she can perform blood sacrifices or cut her hair. She also carries chalk to inscribe magic circles on surfaces when necessary. Charlotte also owns some magical items, mostly tomes of spells... But also a seemingly ordinary Victorian-era lantern. It is, however, powered by magic, a power that has been building up ever since it was created inside it. It can be released in a potent blast, but only has one use before the power must build for a hundred years or more once again.

Weaknesses: Again, Charlotte is physically weak and lacking in durability, tiring easily. She also lacks any physical combat skills. In fact, it would be easy enough to pick her up and restrain her if she does not have time to cast a spell and defend herself.

Psychological Profile: Charlotte is, at first glance, rather childish and immature. Well... as far as her chronological age goes, at least. And this is not some sort of elaborate facade, she genuinely has some rather childish tendencies, such as a preference for sweets over other foods and the like. However, she is also highly sarcastic, bluntly making rather insulting remarks towards others for what she perceives as stupidity or foolishness. Charlotte has a tendency to taunt and mock others, even those on her side, and greatly enjoy doing so. She likes to tease people in various ways, though never in an actually harmful fashion. At the same time, however, she is rather dedicated to preventing magic being used for truly evil purposes and intends on defending innocent people from being effected as a result. She views it as an abuse of power, something she cannot stand. She is also rather intent on keeping her allies safe, and she does genuinely care about those who work with her... at least unless they make her angry. Charlotte avoids killing humans if she can, but she won't hesitate if her hand is forced. Charlotte maintains her ten-year-old appearance for several reasons. Firstly, it is easier to sustain a body like this. Second, it's a pain to return to her adult form. Third, it's easy to escape notice when you look like a little girl and it makes what you are capable of more unexpected. Fourth, it makes teasing people much more entertaining. Charlotte loves her craft and performing it how she feels is proper. She is very intent on hunting down her remaining apprentices, who have gone far, far off the path of what she feels is proper and become intensely dangerous magical criminals. Charlotte feels that it is her duty to stop them however she must, though she will also handle other crimes along the way.

Biography: Charlotte was born two-hundred years ago, and to begin with she did not have a particularly extraordinary life. It was not until her mid-teens that she discovered an old book in her father's home... a book of magic. In secret, she began to practice magic from this tome, becoming deeply involved in her studies to the point of nearly forgetting about everything else. One night, her father discovered what she was doing and was incredibly angry. He said that the book was dangerous, and that she should never have even opened it. Refusing to forgo her studies, her father attempted to seal away the book entirely... and on the very same night, they were attacked. Apparently robbers, they killed her father when he refused to allow them entry to her home. Using her newfound magical power, Charlotte managed to kill them. For a while she was crushed by her father's death, but eventually she simply settled into living by herself. And yet she had little to do in her life. At least, aside from growing her magical power. Practicing more and more, her power grew greater and greater. It was no longer for something to do by herself, but her pride as a witch. While her methods never went to killing innocent people, they were rather dark, involving the sacrifice of animals or the use of her own blood. Managing to slow her own aging process extremely at twenty-five, she was now practicing magic and witchcraft simply for herself. She gained a reputation among those aware of magic as her power grew further and further, quickly becoming one of the most accomplished magic-users in her area. At around sixty years of age, Charlotte began prolifically taking apprentices. There were many who wanted to learn from her, after all. She taught them how to prevent the aging process, how to practice dark magic, even summon demons and other creatures. However, she did not do this with the intent of teaching them how to kill or harm innocent people. Their true enemies, perhaps. Supernatural creatures, maybe. Even using magic secretly to get ahead in life. But hurting the innocent? She did not suspect anyone following her schooling would take such a path.
They did. Nearly all of her apprentices chose to delve into even blacker magic, and believed that Charlotte had been holding her back. Several simply left to practice this magic, while others mounted a surprise attack on her in vengeance. While the attack was initially successful, she managed to fight back and defend herself, driving off her former apprentices. However, the attack drained her magically and physically injured her. And so she made a decision. She decided to reduce her body to a state that would use less energy, and be easier to repair and heal. In short, she regressed her physical body back to her ten-year-old self using magic. There were other advantages, but initially this is what she had in mind. And from there... Charlotte continued her practices. She began to offer her services, to the supernatural community, as a detective, using her newly young appearance to obscure who she was. She hunted down magical criminals, both to stop them from abusing magic and to track her former apprentices. Charlotte felt it was her duty to stop them. She began to work with other secret enforcers of the supernatural, such as the Eldritch Knights, travelling the world to find information about her quarries.
Today, she works more openly, as the supernatural has been revealed. She lacks a true "superhero name", instead taking a title she gained all those years ago. "The Witch of the Black Moon".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For the most part I like it but I have a few issues.

The idea that Charlotte stopped the aging process completely is problematic. Things like Immortality are still pretty much outside the realm of possibility for most mortal magic-users, but that said they do tend to have longer life-spans than normal humans. So she could be in her twenties for a long time but she can't stop the effects of aging entirely. Stopping the aging process entirely would require a continuous source of massive energy that you can't really get without resorting to Black Magic in most cases and even then it's a wash. For all practical purposes nothing changes but it's a continuity thing.

And when she killed her father's killers out of revenge with her magic that's going to be a problem for her because of the White Fellowship of Sorcerers and their Laws of Magic. One of them explicitly forbids killing mortal humans with magic when not defending themselves or another from imminent danger so that piece needs to be tweaked. If the law wasn't their then there would just be Sorcerers running around killing whoever they wanted willy-nilly. This one can't really be on you because I have yet to write that into the Codex but it's there.

Regressing herself to a child is dubious logic at best. Easier to heal? Maybe but there are all kinds of drawbacks. The body is much weaker and easier to injure in the first place and any kind of protracted highly athletic activity, such as every mission up until now, would take a huge toll on someone with the body of a child. Her adult body would have more natural energy and athleticism and heal easier naturally and besides that garner more respect from people she meets. It all seems like an excuse to play a loli, and I'd rather you take out the whole thing but I want to hear your thoughts on this.

And on a completely unrelated note, I have to shake my head at Charlotte's logic for being surprised her apprentices turned out to be Warlocks. It's like teaching somebody to cook meth and make bombs and not expect them to turn out to be criminals. It's not a character sheet killing flaw but in-universe it kinda makes her look dumb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I was not aware of the first two issues you mentioned as they were not noted setting details at the time. I have no idea what to do about the first one, but as for the second that does not prevent it from ever happening especially given she had no idea about the larger magical society until after she killed the robbers who killed her father. If I really have to change it she could have killed them while they were robbing her home I guess.

The logic behind her regressing herself to a child is that it makes it easier to move covertly and less magical energy is required to heal a smaller body(also children do heal more quickly actually). It also makes it harder for her to be recognized and not being taken seriously is an advantage at some times. She was fully intended to physically be basically useless and rely on her magic to keep up with the others. I will admit part of the OOC motivation is because I find the idea of a 200-year-old witch with the body of a child amusing but I have tried to justify it IC.

Charlotte was teaching her apprentices dark techniques, but she did not teach them true black magic and assumed that her teachings would make them follow her path. She was mistaken but she did not teach them black magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You really don't have to do anything about it besides omit it, since full-blown Sorcerers can live up to be 500 or 600 years old or more. Being 200 and still be young is not outside the realm of possibility. For all practical roleplay reasons nothing really changes for her. For the second, it's not a question of knowledge but really what the White Fellowship thinks of using Black Magic (which killing someone with magic usually is) they usually respond by beheading, even if said practitioner never knew about the Law. They're kinda old-fashioned like that. That said you are right that that would be solved if the robbers were killed at her house, since then it was in self-defense.

By easier to heal I meant it'd be easier for her to bounce back from say a knife wound as a full-grown adult than as a child not faster. If you really want to go with that I'll let you do it but keep in mind that many villains won't pull punches just because Charlotte looks like a child. And it should bring up all kinds of in-universe issues with other characters but if that's how you want to do it then it's fine.

Like I said it's not really an issue that makes the sheet problematic just an IC thing. And if the apprentices really are bad then she can probably go to the Fellowship for help but as she is not a member than there'll be some tension.

Just fix those two issues and keep in mind what I said and you should be fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I've made the edits requested.

Charlotte is well aware that looking like a child doesn't guarantee her immunity in a fight, I still want to keep it there for the reasons I've mentioned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok Charlotte is in. I'll edit her into the roster later when I'm done typing up walls of fluff :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alright, I'll need to decide how to introduce her then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For the most part I like it but there are a few issues mostly to do with powers.

His pilots skill isn't egregious but he shouldn't be able to fly a rocket, I'm no expert but being an Astronaut is a highly intensive process that very few pilots ever get to experience and the training itself is extremely difficult. Your character sheet makes no indications he is special in that way so I'd limit his skill to flying anything up to a fighter jet.

Also the whole mystic bloodline thing just seems ill-fitting with his powers, and as such it would be better if all that was thrown out. You could literally just say, "The Awakening did it." He seems more like a Metahuman than any kind of Supernatural. And like I said aliens don't exist yet.

Save for the high decibel generation, I would tone down his powers across the board. All of his powers as is would require obscene amounts of energy to power and I can't really believe a man who is getting on in years could really handle the strain. Perhaps his powers could evolve to these levels but to start with his speed, wind generation, exhaust, and all that should be proportional to his body not to an actual Jet. And also Wonder Woman's durability is incredibly high, higher than any fast moving fighter jet. Could he have higher durability than any normal human? Yes. But fighter jet's aren't immune to crashing at high speed, that should be a weakness really.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 4 days ago

I just sort of off handedly mentioned the rocket thing without thinking about it, I'll edit that out.

I'll edit that in.

Every one of his abilities are based off of an above average jet engine, the current world record holder mind you. If his durability wasn't incredibly high he would be completely unable to compete with any other character because every movement would shred his body to ribbons. That's an absolute fact.The temperature and wind is the exact parallel to that of the world record holder. I'll drop everything down to the average Jet Fighter's ability. But the durability has to stay at above that of a jet, otherwise he can't survive his own ability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That's a fair point and seems to keep everything in order.

Maybe flesh out his character a little bit more in terms of motivation and you should be good to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 4 days ago

Alright, so the edits have been made, I almost halved his abilities. Looked it up, the temperature of the thrusters is consistent across the board. Reduced the wind speeds and flight speeds, added in a bit more motivation to the end of his CS so things should be cool now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Everything looks in order Emphatic is in, glad to have you on the team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 4 days ago

Danke schon, I'll get to work on my first post immediately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 18 min ago

Name: Rachel McDowell

Codename: Phantom

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Place of Birth: Scotland (most recently Stirling, before emigrating)

Affiliations: None

Occupation: Fast Food Worker, former thief.

Appearance: Well... here's the thing: Rachel has no appearance. In the strictest sense, she's invisible; short of painting her entire body, you aren't going to get much in the way of an appearance out of it. The actually important thing is that she's tall and rather lanky; Rachel is just over six feet tall and from the outline of her clothing is definitely rather thin. The other thing important to people is that, having had long hair before losing her visibility and being rather hard to give a haircut afterwards, Rachel has extremely long hair. There isn't terribly much that can be done about it with her current appearance.

Powers: The ability to be completely and perpetually invisible: if it is part of Rachel's body, it is something that cannot be seen. This is a rather flawed form of invisibility--whilst it extends throughout the entire electromagnetic spectrum, it doesn't happen to affect such things as her clothing, or random sticky stuff thrown onto her. Or, in fact, any small items that she might want to carry upon her person for the purposes of getting into places.

Most key, really, is the fact that it cannot be turned off.

Skills: Excellent gymnast, and Rachel has a masterful knowledge of security systems--though more from the viewpoint of disabling or circumventing them than operating the things. On the side, she's an acceptable chef (making the indignity of her current employ even worse) and knows a smattering of martial arts--enough for basic self defence, but not all that good in a straight fight against someone who actually seriously practises this.
Her ability to improve is seriously hampered right now. Hard to get better at fighting when you have an advantage such as invisibility.

Equipment/Resources: Well, there's a thin band of lockpicks. That is literally the sum entirety of Rachel's equipment, and if it isn't infiltration-related, she'll drop even that, for the purposes of making the most of her ability. Aside from equipment, she owns a rather nice house from the proceeds of her previous employment--and has a nice fund of cash to supplement the income she gets from her current job.

Weaknesses: No protection, she's at serious risk from friendly fire due to being an unintentional target--thus requiring that she try and keep an eye on everyone to not horribly suffer, and she's highly vulnerable to such mundane tactics as a bag of flour or splattering mud or paint around. Obviously, she has no protection against echolocation or the like.

Getting better equipment, unless it is equally undetectable, also makes her more vulnerable. Lose-lose situation!

Psychological Profile: Rachel has always struggled with the chance to take 'the easy path', to relax and to just breeze through life on the minimum acceptable effort--whilst she was still a chemistry student, this was easy enough to resist simply by working hard to try and get the best possible result (and drinking and having fun on the side). When that fell through... crime was the easy option, and crime does pay when you're as hard to catch as an invisible person is.

All-around, Rachel is gregarious and rather relaxed--overly burdened by guilt due to her previous career choice, perhaps, but she gets on with people for the most part, and doesn't get too worked up about most things. Implications that people cannot reform, or that crime is utterly impossible to make reparations for, however, get quite a response.

And that's when she slips into her normal, rather strong, accent.

Biography: Originally, Rachel was a chemistry student, with the aim to hopefully get a job in a major pharmaceutical company, or at least some industrial conglomerate. This all rather turned pear-shaped when a lab accident splashed her with a thus-unforeseen concoction. At first, this bafflingly did nothing to either her or the labcoat that she wore at the time.

As time went on, this caused occasional bouts of invisibility, though at first they happened whilst Rachel was in private. Once they started to happen in public, she began to be seriously concerned about what this could mean... before eventually becoming a permanent fixture of her life. For a while, she tried to remedy this through facepaint and the like, but the empty eyes and sheer fakeness of the result convinced her that trying to hide it through thick and heavy clothing whilst attempting to finish her degree was the best option.

Naturally, this plan fell through--with only a fake, ludicrous appearance, it was hard to convince the invigilators to accept her identity, and with a string of failures in her exams, there was little more that the invisible woman could do. She fell to the most obvious profession for one of her abilities: thievery. Even once she learned to get through locks, security cameras simply didn't have the resolution to track the small items she carried, or even the things that she stole; they were completely impotent and soon enough Rachel found her way around the more fancy stuff.

With nothing to trace but 'invisible person', Rachel didn't exactly have much to fear from the police--worst case scenario was that she ran away and left no trail that could easily be traced. Her conscience, however, was something that remained, and post-Awakening she seriously considered how she could make up for stealing enough to give her a comfortable life. All the heroes were congregating in the USA... and she promptly chose to emigrate, and try to help to make up for her previous crimes.

It remains to be seen whether this will work, or whether her past thievery will catch up with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So she is basically a gender swapped Invisible Man. There aren't any problems with the sheet and everything is in order. I just hope you won't regret playing a character who might perhaps be the lowest-level one in the roleplay so far. If you're ok with it then it's all fine. Phantom is accepted.

But at this point I have to wonder why all the heroes from abroad come from Scotland hehe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Because we are secretly invading the States!!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Those damn Scottish, coming here and taking all our jobs. We oughta patrol the Atlantic Ocean.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This is silly and Silver-Agey.

Name: Dr. Hans Eisenbrecht, MD

Codename: Professor Primate

Age: Over 100.

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Berlin

Affiliations: Berlin Cigar Club, US Military's Super Soldier program (2012-2013), Berlin University professor of Neurology (1960-2000, 2013-present)

Occupation: Mad Doctor of Medicine

Appearance: A silverback gorilla walking on its hind legs, often wearing scrubs (gotta keep the operating theater sterile) or a tweed suit (a certain etiquette is expected of professors at a university).

Powers: He's in a gorilla body modified by a super soldier serum, providing him with tremendously enhanced strength and agility.

Skills: A tremendously skilled neurosurgeon, as he was able to successfully transplant his brain into a genetically modified gorilla's body. He's also a fairly good shot.

Equipment/Resources: A taser (it's less-lethal) and field medic's kit. Given that his profession often deals with robots, this includes welding torches, as well as jars to maintain peoples' brains.

Weaknesses: Several Nazi scientists want him dead for defecting.

Psychological Profile: Dr. Hans Eisenbrecht suffers from Science-Related Memetic Disorder, often cackling madly as he experiments with a nerve lattice or observes an insulin-producing bacterium. He is, however, remarkably stable for a German scientist who worked in the 40's, and sticks to the Hippocratic oath as best he can. With over a century under his belt, he feels that he's experienced and will often give advice to younger team members.

Biography: Professor Primate, AKA Dr. Hans Eisenbrecht MD, is a German born in the late 1910's. He passed his classes with top marks, eventually attending medical school at the University of Berlin. However, as the years chugged on, he began to notice which way the tide was turning, and defected to America shortly before the second world war. Renowned as a neurosurgeon and geneticist, he was welcomed into the American scientific community, often being tapped to help treat wounded soldiers returning from abroad. After the war, he returned to Berlin to take up a teaching position at the university. He held this position for 40 years before deciding to retire.

However, in the wake of the Awakening, the American government approached the old think tanks and defecting scientists, hoping to create superpowered beings of their own as a defense against the supernatural. Enjoying the company, and as a way to thank the country that sheltered him during the war, Hans accepted. As human testing was deemed unsafe, this entailed working with numerous toxic and radioactive chemicals in order to test various formulas on gorillas. While some were more successful than others, a routine medical examination uncovered a malignant tumor in his stomach. Rather than lay down and die, Dr. Eisenbrecht decided to put his knowledge of the human (and now gorilla) neurology to work and stole one of the failed gorilla corpses- a circus ape named Bonzo that choked on a toilet paper roll. In the dead of night, he began the procedure that would give birth to... PROFESSOR PRIMATE!

This was rather a shock to the personnel at the lab, as not only had Hans managed to steal a gorilla corpse, but he was the first to successfully perform an interspecies brain transplant- let alone the first to manage to transplant their own brain, a feat that has earned him much renown in the medical world, and secured him a tenured position back at Berlin University. With the dextrous hands of his gorilla body, he is able to perform astounding surgeries once again, and is now working with superheroes in an attempt to protect those who save the world.
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