Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The entire time on the airship Drayden was fidgeting and looking about. Despite how his actions seemed the monkey faunus was not nervous, in fact he was excited. How could he not be? He was about to take the part in the intiation exams, plus there were all these new people to talk to! However, though instead of interact or let his exuberence burst through, Drayden was trying to take his parents advice and dial the whole extreme amounts of energy and what-not back. Of course though being who he was even his dialed back state of joy, led to more expressive forms of release. If anyone cared to look close enough at him they would see a brown haired monkey faunus wearing a Sanctum school uniform doing an odd little dance. Drayden was in fact bouncing up and down a bit, while moving his hands in a sort of weaving pattern in front of him, all while his tail appeared to be keeping tempo to the unheard beat.

The moment the second annoucement rang out though he stopped his dance. Drayden's small perpetual smile grew to a large grin as he laughed excitedly, and slipped on Peacekeeper and Outlaw. It was going to start soon! He would get to meet his team that he would work with throughout the rest of his time at Beacon! But who? Several of the other students had caught his attention. There was a burly faunus that seemed eager to get started (enthusiasm is good!), there was an adorable rabbit faunus (nothing that cute could make for a bad teammate), the girl sharpening her knife (being prepared is nice), and finally the bird faunus (oooh! Feathers!). Shrugging to himself Drayden just decided to roll with whoever he got, after all if they all wanted to be hunters as well they had to be good people, right?

With the partner thing figured out Drayden decided to make sure he was ready to go. Oufit all nice and neat? Check. Uncomfortable armor shirt on underneath it? Definitely, it would be hard to forget about the tight shirt that protected his upper body, sooo uncomfortable. Knives in boots secure? Check. Outlaw loaded and ready to go? Oops, almost forgot to load my weapon Drayden thought as he chuckled quietly to himself. Grabbing the fire dust from his jacket he loaded his right glove. Going to put back the now half-full case of dust back the room suddenly began to fall and Drayden found his dust slipping out of his hand. "Oh no, no, no, no, no. I need that!" he cried out as tried to grab as he and many of the other students began to fall about the falling cabin. Managing to wrangle his dust after bouncing off of a few other students in his pursuit, he sighed happily. Now laughing gleefully Drayden found himself falling out of a boken window and plummeting towards the ground head first. Strecthing his left arm out he held his left hand open, while he pulled his right, which still held the dust in it, to his chest. Letting out a shout of exhilaration as he fell, the only thought rushing through his head, 'This is going to be AWESOME!'

Crashing into the canopy of the forest he collided with several branches, yet continued downwards at quite a pace. Activating Passive just a moment before he met with thw ground he absorbed a large amount of energy as he rolled through his landing, ending up on his feet. "Trees hurt," he muttered to himself as he dusted off his now torn clothes. That fall had left him with quite a bit of extra aura and in all honesty the amount was actaully making him feel a little jittery. It was like the supreme sugar rush! Fueled by his already naturally bombastic attitude and now the excess 'aura' Drayden set off on his search for new friends chuckling, after apologizing to the trees for how he just dropped in on them, without calling ahead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lien found herself glancing around the forest, stopping every so often to lean around various trees to get a better look at the area. She could hear other students crashing through the trees in the distance who she imagined were less than graceful but had yet to actually see anyone. She gave a huff, setting hands on her hips. ”Hope she landed OK, I was hoping she'd fall near by, butt...” The fox shook her head with a little sigh. Maybe the girl aimed for someone else or couldn’t control her fall well, or in the worst case scenario didn't make it down at all. Lien grumbled a bit before arming her right gauntlet and firing the grappling hook up towards the higher tree branch she could mange.

With the fox tails pulling her up and the Paw Pads giving a suitable anchor she shuffled up the tree almost effortlessly, perching herself on the tree for a better vantage point. The girl stood, wobbling a bit before regaining her balance. When she had a good stance she brought her fingers to her lips, taking a deep breath before blowing out a long, sharp whistle. Afterwards she cupped her hands at her mouth and began to shout. ”Heeey! Is anyone out theeeere!” She called into the forest loud as she could then began to look around again.

After a minute her cheery expression shifted into a bit of a grimace when she heard something rustling in the distance as if she came to a realization. ”I hope I didn't wake up any grimm...” Lien gave a nervous laugh to herself, shifting around impatiently on the branch. By calling out she inadvertently made it so she couldn’t move from the area for a bit. She didn't want to leave immediately after calling and miss a potential team made. But in doing so she was wasting time she could be using trying to get to the castle. Would it matter if she didn't get a partner before getting there? Further more she could feel her nerves going on edge at the thought that a grimm could lunge out at any moment. She hoped ursa and beowolves weren't able to climb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 24 min ago

Lotsa trees and lotsa grass. If it wasn't for the fact that Azalea was a city-born Faunus with more street smarts than forest aptitude, she might have even enjoyed the sounds of nature. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be the case, for a combination of all the landing tactics employed by the future students of Beacon had pretty much scared away whatever scant wildlife was present. Which meant that the forest was a silent one, broken only by far off screams or battlecries from less fortunate allies. Sniffing into the air, even though the smell of her own blood prevented the rabbit faunus from getting a proper scent of another. A quick scan around using her Semblance didn't turn up anything useful as well, because, well, life was all around her. How unfortunate, for Azalea's Aura-sensing semblance to be shut down by the fact that every plant in the world wanted to catch some of her attention.

She pranced through the Emerald Forest, caressing a few particularly mature tree trunks, steering clear of any moving 'black holes' of Aura. While she wasn't adverse to fighting Grimm, even an airheaded teenage girl who was in love with love could prioritize her objectives. First, she needed to secure a partner for her future in Beacon! Preferably, either someone who was like her, or someone who was the polar opposite of her! Opposites attracted, but a near-twin was great as well~ But there didn't seem to be anyone like that on the airship, so Azalea shrugged, smiled, blew a kiss in the direction of a Grimm one hundred meters off, and bounced along.

It was getting boring after awhile, but thankfully, salvation was found in the fact that her human ears were still better at hearing that most other homo sapiens. With her bunny ears twitching reflexively at the sound of one female asking for companionship, Azalea couldn't help but accelerate her movement through the brush, still disregarding the fact that her wounds hadn't even scabbed over, nor the fact that the scent of blood had been slowly attracting the Grimm nearby. It was almost cute, how irresistibly delicious she must have appeared to them. If they were a little more gentle with their lovebites, Azalea might even leave them alive to play with for another day~!

Nevertheless, she kept on with her priorities, and soon, found herself looking up at a faunus girl.

Not just a faunus girl though, but a blue-haired one with cute, tasty fox ears and the most sparkly, lively eyes she had seen for...well...probably only the few minutes that she had spent wandering aimlessly.

“Hey there,” she called, cheerily and without malice, “Let's be friends and partners for a rose-tinted school life!”

Azalea could get into the details of their marriage contract after the knot had been tied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Everything had happened so fast that Clementine barely had time to react. Feeling her gut drop as the cabin began to fall rapidly through the air, the heavy beating of her heart pounded in her ear as her reflexes took over instinctively. Trying to reach out to grab anything to stabilize herself, the cabin barreled over, and a loud grunt came from the hunters lips as her feet hit the ceiling above, catching herself before she lost balance. A number of exits began to appear around the cabin before her as she watched other Hunters, including Yu, escape. Watching the pink haired Faunus, hop out from a hole along the collapsed floor, the hunters eyes locked on the exit as as went into a squat and jumped out. Timing her exit as the Cabin rolled, and faced the ground below, the brunette fell through open air now.

Adrenaline, and excitement took over the girl as she made her descent. Wind rushed past her ears in a roar, as her long, thick braids whipped wildly behind her. A wide grin sat along Clementine’s lips as her brown orbs took in the Emerald Forest below her. Now that the anticipation was over, and she was forced into action, all of the lingering anxiety, and second-thoughts were swept away now that her second nature, and training finally kicked in.

With the ground quickly coming closer, Clementine repositioned herself within the air until her feet were aimed towards the ground. A little less then twenty feet was separating her and the clearing below, so with haste she drew Yggdrasil from it’s sheath and twisted the sword in her hand so that the edge was facing the ground. Clasping both hands along the grip, Clem raised it above her head as a heavy warmth flooded her chest and she made impact, her semblance was activated. The edge of Yggdrasil sunk into the ground before her body made contact, and as the warmth ran down from her chest, through her hands, and into the sword, the earth beneath her feet turned soft, cushioning her weight as she landed. Taking the aftershock of her fall, the clearing surrounding Clementine cracked, and in a heavy explosion, sent debris and smoke pluming into the air.

Rumbling through the forest for a brief second the impact shook the ground, leaving smoke and dirt hanging in the air. Waving her hand in front of her face in an attempt to clear the cloud of dust, and dirt around her, a loud fit of coughs slipped out of the Hunter as she sat crouched on one knee in the center of the depression. Spiting out some dirt that somehow ended up in her mouth, Clem wiped her sleeve over her mouth before carefully standing and taking in her surroundings. Grasping the handle of the weapon, the material of her glove rumpled as she gave the grip a light tug, drawing the broad sword from the ground. “Well that went better then I expected.” Swinging Yggdrasil to the side, dust and dirt that clung to the steel was thrown off before she smoothed a hand over the flat side of the blade, wiping off the rest of the dirt and sheathing the weapon in it’s black scaled scabbard.

Tall oaks surrounded her position as a thicket of bushes and grass circled the clearing. The heavy smell of decomposing leaves, and fresh air filled her nostrils as a shiver of excitement ran down her spine. The Emerald Forest was all around her now, and so was the enemy. Grimm were crawling all over the place, and as she played back the announcement she, and the rest of the students on board the airship had been given, her brown orbs narrowed tensely. There was no doubt in her mind that anything within a two mile radius of her location had heard, or at least seen the explosion, so rather then being a sitting duck Clem got on the move. This was her time to prove herself, and standing around waiting for something to happen wasn't going to prove her worth as a Hunter.

Stepping carefully over the broken gravel, and rocks beneath her feet, she took off in a quick jog once she was out of the crater and on even ground. Far off from her location Laputa floated above the forest, appearing no bigger then her hand as she ran amongst the forest floor, the Island already held a tense atmosphere around it that made the girls stomach flutter. Unsure if it was excitement, or her gut telling her something was fishy, the brunette focused ahead and began to pick up pace, turning her quick jog into a full on sprint. ‘Gotta find a partner first.’ She reminded herself. Needing to complete her first task before she could take on the ominous Island above, the Knight kept a cautious eye out for enemies, and any survivors from the airship as she made her way towards Laputa.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

After waiting for a few minutes, Cordelia decided to search inside the forest for a teammate. She was cautions as she moved through the forest. Her boots crackled upon the leaves she stepped upon looking left and right for anyone. Venturing further, she saw the back of a person. A brunette female knight. She wondered if this was one of her teammates.

“Hey over here!” Said Cordelia in the direction of the brunette knight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Huh. Wasn't expecting this." said the tall blonde man standing in one corner of the airship. His eyes slowly fluttered around the room after the speakers had revealed this was where everyone was going to be dropped off. And by dropped off, The Headmaster had meant it quite literally. With an eery rumble, the cabin, in which all of the newly enlisted Hunters were staying for the time, began breaking apart. Aurellius groaned, of course the ship had to drop them off like this, they couldn't just land the airship like most normal people would. No, they had to drop the kids off from a high altitude and probably kill most of them in the fall!

Before he had been anticipating the thought of the sound the others might have made upon impact, Aurellius had been sitting in a lonely corner, away from all of the other kids. Bunch of children, most of them. And the Faunen were the worst, why would you even use them as fighters other than sapper troops? It was a huge waste of money, giving them their own fancy weapons and training. Aurellius' blue-eyed glancing didn't reveal much out of them. The most all of the others had managed from what he saw was idle gossip. Not even wondering about what challenges the twisted mind of the Headmaster might have had them face. "I've heard about those in charge of the Academy, Aurellius." his father had told him before he had mounted aboard the train. "Expect everything and nothing out of them. I bet its just a whole bunch of freaks who get off watching people getting ripped to shreds by Grimm. Just be careful, Son."

Of course, his father was overreacting. Aurellius Bellum, dying in a godforsaken forest in the middle of nowhere? Please, quit lying to yourself. Aurellius shifted on his feet, his hand running down the length of Ascalon. The weapon was his pride and joy. Its overbearing presence kept most of the others from approaching him, which Aurellius was glad for. Of course, he had almost lost the grip of his weapon as the ship suddenly buckled.

He held his ground as part of the hold was torn open, heavy winds sucking several of the teens out of the newly opened hole. He let out a curse, biting his bottom lip, glancing around the hold. Most of the others seemed to be jumping out. Of course, not like there was much of a difference between jumping of your own accord and being forcefully sucked out like a vacuum. Aurellius watched as one of the kids smashed through a window, bearing some kind of fancy armor that suddenly sprouted wings. "Lucky punk," he muttered under his breath as he walked forwards, fighting against the wind current. His bottom lip suddenly tasted salty, a rather delicious taste. Aurellius grinned as he hefted Ascalon, flipping a switch on the weapon and transforming it.

He aimed towards his feet, a whirring sound evident over the screams, laughing as he fired in a circle. He created his own exit, ripping apart the metal and plates easily, revealing a large hole. He calmly strolled to it after letting go of the trigger. He even started whistling. "See'all on the other side!" He said, pausing for a moment before walking off.

It was rather invigorating. What a way to start an assessment! Of course, Aurellius didn't have time to admire the view, as he was rapidly spinning downwards, towards the ugly greens below them. Now you might be thinking, Aurellius, didn't you think of a plan on how to land? Of course not, who needs a plan when you've got a big-ass minigun! Why they even called the things miniguns, he had no clue, but its not like he was going to toss it just because of an odd name. Aurellius swung his weapon in a circle, forcing himself to go into a better falling position.

He waited for a few moments as the ground hurtled faster towards him. He pressed another hidden button on Ascalon, engaging the thrusters that rested on his pack. He jerked in place as they fired, slowing his motion by a lot. It wasn't enough, really, but it was good enough to stop him from smashing into the ground. Aurellius fired forwards, forcing himself to switch from a falling position to a blasting forwards position. He grimaced as he slammed into branches on the way down, grunting and groaning until he finally hit the ground, rolling for a few seconds before stopping.

"By the gods... I meant to do that..." he said idly to himself. He looked up from his position, letting out a single groan.

In front of Aurellius was another student. A lanky looking kid, wearing a scarf of all things. It wasn't even cold! Aurellius stood up, hefting Ascalon's weight and brushing the dirt off of himself. He made a 'ch' noise as he noticed the tears of his perfect suit. He didn't have time to worry about those things. He walked closer to the boy. "So... I'm assuming we're now partners?" said Aurellius, extending a hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


See, Quentin was just cowering. And throwing up. He wasn't trying to, he was just a big wimp. He tasted his own vomit. Ugh. Tasted like Mexican. A quesarito. Where in the fuck do they come up with these things? Quesadilla and a burrito mixed together. It tasted terrible, but then again, the aftertaste was bad too, even on the original quesarito. But then again, even though he threw up, Mexican was so good initially. He was in the fetal position, crying and throwing up, rinse and repeat.

Wait, what? They were getting fucking dropped off. Oh. No. Nonononononono. Fuck me, fuck that. L-L-L-L-L-LEVEL DOOOOOOOWN, SOOOON! Maybe they were near land? Pfft, yeah. Feet below you. I mean, come on? This ain't no Signal. These guys are serious. "Where's my yoyo....oh god..." BLEEEAAARGH. Oh, wonderful onomatopoeia, Yahoo!Answers. But, yeah. He threw up, and then felt his yoyo. 'Tie it on...' He thought, typing his middlefinger to it. Yeah.

He held it into his palm, until he was sucked to the bottom of the cabin. "Oh god no...oh god please no. NO! NOOOOOOOOO!" He tried to hold on, but got kicked by another student being sucked in. An NPC student, mind you. A random one. "I HATE YOU GUUUUYS!" DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUN DA DUN.

He was falling backwards, seeming to be a platform for students. Shoe on the face, one on the dick, one in the abdomen. Obviously. Soon enough, he realized he could use his yoyo to grapple onto the tree and swing. So, he launched it. Almost like 24 feet, it looked like. It wasn't, but it really looked that way. His scarf was blowing away, so he tugged on it while swinging towards his yoyo. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

This, my friends, was caused by his idiotic parents. They just had to praise him, to teach him how to fight. They made this happen. HE WAS ALMOST GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF HIS PARENTS. Now that, my friends, is the definition of shitty parents. Uuuuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhh.

Soon enough, he was going like a windmill, like in the Sonic games, except they didn't exist here. He soon was hanging from a tree branch. "Ummm...what?" He asked, before tugging and falling off, almost faceplanting. But, he didn't, because, then he would be even more injured.

He hit the ground on his back. It was dirt, so it didn't hurt as much. There were just a few rocks, making him even more injured still. He stood up, and tried to unty his yoyo. Instead of that, he got tangled up much, much more than he was before. But, for this RP, the yoyo got untied and spun around him several times, before getting launched towards a random tree. Wow.

"So... I'm assuming we're now partners?"

"WAAAGH!" Quentin yelled, launching up onto a tree, clinging onto it. "WHY IS A MONSTER TRIYING TO BE PARTNERS WITH MEEEEEEEEEE!" He yelled, still shaking from the encounter. He didn't realize that it was a fellow human, and wasn't any time soon, unless he was told. Though, he'd still remember his partner as 'The Monster,' and cower in fear when he saw 'The Monster' every day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lien's ears perked up when she heard someone approaching, carefully looking around he area. Before long a little pink bunny faunus came popping out into the little clearing. She looked over the girl carefully from atop the branch. She seemed cheery but was covered with scratches and cuts. She found herself wondering if the girl lost a fight with bush on the way here. Still, she hopped down from the tree and extended a hand with a bright smile. ”Hi, my names Li. I guess this means we're partners!” After the quick introduction she craned her head to look up towards the sky.

”We should probably get moving right away so the castle doesn’t get away. I'm not sure how we'll actually get up there though. If we could get close enough my gloves would work, but...” The fox began to ramble on quickly, clearly brimming with energy and itching to get moving. Even if she didn't exactly have a plan. The sounds of angry grim trailing not too far in the distance served as an even greater motivation to get moving. As such the girl had already gun to bounce about on her feet with eyes glued towards the sky trying to spot the castle. ”Any ideas?” She said as she turned back towards the bunny, her own tail swishing about behind her.

After a little pause she looked over the other girl once again, crossing her arms and humming to yourself. ”I should have brought some bandages. You look like you ran through a blender.” She said bluntly regarding the girls roughed up appearance with a sigh, hoping the bunny would be more graceful going up than down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yu sprung forward suddenly at the sound of an explosion sounded from behind. A cloud of debris suddenly consumed the forest around her, filling her lungs with dirt and dust and blinding her momentarily as the trees above groaned against the gust of wind. The faunus quickly turned and lurched back, drawing herself out of the cloud of dust as it finally began to settle. Coughs racked her thin frame, making her eyes water and lungs heave until she could finally catch her breath. Obviously, someone was close. Yu sucked in a breath of clean air, wiping at her reddened eyes as she attempted to focus in on whoever caused such a dusty explosion. She slowly approached the clearing where the cloud had appeared from, keeping her footsteps lightly and her hand tightened around the hilt of Steel Feather. Before she could enter the clearing, though, a sudden flash of silver and brown flashed passed her eyes, vanishing into the forest to her right. Yu smirked as she watched the familiar back vanish into the greenery, and after a moment of thinking she turned and ran after it, keeping her footsteps light but quick.

Trees groaned as she passed, bushes fluttered with the wind kicked up by her speed, and the faint sounds of Grimm echoed far behind her only helped to increase her quickness. If her eyes had not deceived her, then she would be behind the pretty girl, Clementine, from the ship. That girl had given off an air of sweetness, but Yu was rather interested in her knight-like appearance and expected her to be rather strong. A worthy teammate, hopefully. She smirked and glanced upwards into the canopy. Many sturdy branches filled her vision, and without another thought she leaped for the closest tree and kicked off of it, flying up into the leaves. Her legs curled up against her chest as she was suspended in the air momentarily, and then she came crashing down onto one of the large branches. Yu stopped for a moment, catching her breath as her eyes scanned the forest floor and then the half-showing sky above. Her eyes widened at the sight of a cloud, far in the distance, swirling around a certain, unseen point. Suddenly, the clouds parted, and something floated towards the mountain just out of Yu's sight. Was that... Laputa? It seemed to be the direction Clem was running in, so perhaps... Yu smirked and dove forward, landing on another branch, and she continued until she managed to catch the silver armor again.

Instead of calling out to the other girl, though, Yu simply continued to follow her, eyes focusing in on the forest around her instead. The growls of the Grimm had quieted, but Yu was certain there would be some around. She could feel it, an oppressing aura that made her skin crawl, that was Grimm. Her focus on the unseen enemy was so great that she almost failed to notice that someone was calling out to "her" partner. Yu quickly pulled her attention away from the goosebumps on her arms and glared down, catching sight of a black-haired girl, someone she hadn't acquainted. With sudden, surprising jealousy (possibly caused by Yu's ever so over-protective nature over things that had been claimed as her's) Yu descended from the branches, landing directly in front of Clementine. She glanced at Cordelia once before turning her red eyes to Clem's, smirking.

"Hi, Ms. Clementine. Wanna partner up?" She straightened her back, dusting off her back side before holding out a slender hand to the other girl. The foreboding feeling still remained, though it was obvious that Yu didn't feel like showing it, as her face remained as snooty and sly as ever. No need to worry her new "friend" yet, there'd be time for that later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aurellius brought his hand up to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose as the kid jumped away, climbing the tree and freaking out for no damned reason. He let out a curse as the boy called him a 'monster'. He looked down at his own form. Yeah, he had plenty of cuts and his suit was tarnished, but a monster? Wow, very harsh. He groaned once more as a certain smell came in contact with his nostrils. Vomit. It smelled like some kind of southern food, but Aurellius couldn't put his finger on it. He sighed, pulling his hand down and wiping a bit of perspiration that had been formed from the thrill of the fall.

"Listen, kid... will you just..." Aurellius raised an eyebrow. The kid was obviously scared of him. Was Aurellius really that scary? Yeah, he was tall and broad shoulder, pretty overbearing with the large mini-gun resting on his pommel. But Aurellius didn't think of Ascalon as scary. More awesome than it was scary. Aurellius stopped for a moment, thinking. He could have just left the kid where he was, move on and find someone else, someone who didn't look incompetent and had a freaking yoyo as a weapon. Aurellius' bottom lip seemed to have finally stopped bleeding, which he didn't enjoy. The coppery and metallic taste was always a constant reminder of him being flesh and bone.

Aurellius flipped a switch on Ascalon, transforming it back into the probably less frightening shape of a lance. He stepped forwards, probing it out at the kid, but not to attack. No, Aurellius grabbed the front of the kids shirt with the tip of the lance, sticking it right between that scarf, picking him up off of the tree with a bit of effort. "Listen. If you're that scared of me, you're going to piss your pants when you come across some of the Grimm that live in this forest," he said, setting them on the ground. "I'm not a monster unless you piss me off, okay?"

Aurellius grinned slightly, patting the person on the shoulder a few times. "But for now, you can call me Aurellius."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Listen. If you're that scared of me, you're going to piss your pants when you come across some of the Grimm that live in this forest,"


This is what was in Quentin's mind when his scarf got stabbed by a LANCE: OHMYGODIMGONNADIEOHMYGODIMGONNADIEOHMYGODMYYOYOWILLBEUSELESSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-/shot. But, let's get back. The MINIGUN changed into a LANCE. These fuckers are fucking crazy as fucking tomato juice pie mixed with quesaritos. And apparently he was going to piss his pants when the Grimm come. Which is probably going to be right now. If the GM just hates Quentin with the burning intensity of a thousand hot suns.

"I'm not a monster unless you piss me off, okay?"


Okay, let's get serious.

Quentin was pretty much cowering with fear. In mid-air, for a short amount of time. He was worried that the crystal inside his scarf got stabbed by the lunatic with guns and lances blazing, but nope. There was no ear shattering ASLKJDLASDLASKDLSAKDLAL sound that he usually hears when glass breaks. so it was perfectly fine. Right? Riiiiight.

He sighed, landing on the ground. Immediately, he took his scarf off, checking frantically to see if the crystal had been shattered silently. Cause that shit happens. Ye. "Dude! You could have broken the crystal-thingy!" Quentin yelled at the 'Monster Maniac' that was just there. Hell. the Monster Maniac probably thought he was stupid, with a yoyo as a weapon. Even though they'd all be proven wrong when it explodes on a stone surface. Then they'd start using him as a meat shield.

Fucking all of the le sigh was done that day.

"But for now, you can call me Aurellius."

"Aurellius, the Monster Maniac. That doesn't even work. Your name is terrible for nicknames." He said. He then realized that he insulted him without thinking, so he then hid behind the nearest tree, waiting for DA MANSTER MANIAC to unleash his full power of his HUGE minigun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
Avatar of SirBeowulf

SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Aurellius, The Monster Maniac."

He was in for more than he had bargained for. Out of all of the other students that had been enrolled at the school, THIS was the one Aurellius had somehow managed to spot as soon as he landed? He cursed yet again as the kid frantically searched around in that scarf of his. Aurellius managed to pick up a few things. Something about a 'crystal thingy' and how Aurellius was terrible for nicknames. Then the kid ran off, hiding behind a tree. As if a tree would be able to stop him for long.

"I'm not 'The Monster Maniac', kid. And its not supposed to be good for nicknames. My name is just Aurellius. Leave it at that, and you won't be beaten into a pulp. Also, you know I can see you, right?" he noted, staring directly at the form barely hid behind the aspen tree. He cursed yet again, hefting the large weight of Ascalon. He rested the lance over his shoulder as he looked around for a few moments, gathering his bearings. You really couldn't see much inside this forest. The canopy and denseness of the trees forced you into a hundred meter radius of sight and sound.

That wasn't good enough.

Aurellius looked at the kid behind the tree. "You might as well tell me your name before you likely die here. Hell, stick with me long enough and you may just survive. You're probably not as worthless as you look, I suppose. Just barely. By this much." He held his hands apart by a few inches, winking. "Come on, we've only got five or so hours, and we spent fifteen minutes faffing about."

He sighed as he started walking, gesturing for the kid to follow him. As he walked, Aurellius was looking for something. He hadn't gotten much of a look around while plummeting from the sky, but he had managed to see the giant castle in the sky. If the sun told anything, he'd know which direction it was in. First they had to find a tree.

Not just any tree, mind you, one of those huge Oaks, the ones that dominate the area around them. It would be dangerous territory, though, since open areas were prime targets for a Grimm ambush. Still, they had to find it and get a view of the area. Perhaps even find their other partners. Hopefully they would be a little competent. "Listen, Scarfy, I'm gonna call you Scarfy from now on, we gotta find a place to get a view, and from there, head to the giant castle. Any ideas? D'you see anything when you were falling?"

"By the way, you got some, eh.. vomit on your shirt." Aurellius said, wrinkling his nose a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22ice22
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22ice22 Solid Sentient H2O

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bounding from branch to branch in the canopy Drayden was making good time. Well, he would be if he actually knew where he was going. Not that he didn't know where he was going, he knew he had to get to that one floaty place La-someting-or-other, but at the moment he was still looking for a partner. Drayden was determinded to find a partner, that way the rest of the trip chasing down whatever-its-called wouldn't be so bad. After all once he found his partner they could talk about their life stories, hobbies, taste in music, or whatever they had in common, Drayden wasn't too picky as long as they could get to know one another he was fine. Yep, as long as he could talk to them he knew they could get along. Then it occured to him, what if they were deaf or couldn't speak. Hmmm... Oh! Maybe they could teach him sign language. That would be soooo cool, it could be like their secret way of talking, well not that secret, but oh well.

Finally deciding that just heading off in a random direction wouldn't work very well he scaled to the top of his current tree. Looking out from the upper branches Drayden could see the floaty place doing its floaty thing and decided he'd head that way since that was where most of the others were headed, probably. Throwing himself away from the body of the tree the monkey tailed boy flew towards the trees below him giggling like mad. Managing to grab a thick branch he swung on to it and landed with his feet on it next to his hands. Smiling in excitement he perched there for a moment. As he started to move though he witnessed a flash of black feathers whip through the branches in front of him. Immediately he hid behind the nearest tree trunk his mind screaming NEVERMORE!!!! Taking a breath he paused, 'Wait a minute that was too small to be a nevermore, silly brain. Wait! Feather Girl! Yay! Partner!' Taking off her general direction Drayden began to debate his introductions.

Before he could act out any of the possible introductions the girl dissapeared from his view. Stopping for a moment he looked towards where she was. Continuing forward slowly Drayden called out, "Hey ummm Feather Girl you, okay? Want to be partners?" As he reached the area that she dissapeared from he saw her standing in a clearing with another girl. "Oh well nevermind looks like you have one." Drayden said as he dropped down from the trees still as upbeat as ever. It was then that he took notice of the third figure in the clearing. His eyes immediately locking on to the dark red cloak he zipped over to the cloak and its wearer. "Ooooooh, nice cloak," he stated excitedly while circling the girl looking her up and down, before pausing to stop in front of her. "I'm Drayden Til," he spouted eagerly holding his hand out to the mysterious person, "Lets be partners."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Running through the Emerald Forest, the young Knight could feel her heart pounding against her chest with excitement and eager anticipation. She was in her element, out on true battle field and ready to slay anything that came in her way a confident grin was clear on her features. With her eyes set on Laputa she used the massive structure as a beacon for her location and she moved through the forest with ease. Cutting past trees and bounding over the thick foliage, Clem moved with ease as she made a beeline to her set destination. Catching faint noises, and low growls from the thicket around her, the brunette’s chest began to tighten as an unsettling feeling began to churn her gut. “Hey over here!

Before she could fully turn her head to see who was calling a faint groan from the branches above pulled her attention forward as a sudden figure landed before her. “Wha— Ah!” Caught up in the momentum of her fast pace, Clementine couldn't stop herself from crashing into the person before her, but with a clumsy step forward the hunters foot caught the back of her heel, tripping her feet right from under her. Tumbling into the dirt face first with hands outstretched in a failed attempt to catch herself, Clementine skidded against the ground in an almost comedic manner and slid to a stop inches before the Faunus. Face still shoved in the dirt a muffled groan escaped from the girl and broke the awkward silence, “Ooow..” Palms flat along the ground, the brunette slowly lifted her head with a pained groan. Mud was smudged along face, covering her chin, and forehead while specks of gravel and rocks clung to her cheeks.

Y-Yu!” Her cheeks radiated heat, turning beat red past the brown smudging as she finally stared up at the Crow. Not wanting to look like more of a fool in front of the other girl, the brunette shot right up from the ground and started brushing off the dirt on her clothes, and face anxiously. “I didn—When had you—I, uh..” Stumbling over her own words as she tried to fight past her embarrassment, she almost missed Yu’s request. “Hi, Ms. Clementine. Wanna partner up?” The question had forced the nervous brunette to freeze in her spot as chocolate orbs gazed up at the Crow's outstretched hand, before meeting her scarlet orbs with wide eyes as reality finally caught up with her. Clem had found her partner, or rather, her partner had found her.

Upon these thoughts the edges of her lips curved into wide toothy grin as her eyes narrowed in joy. “Yes!” Raising her hand, long, slender fingers wrapped around Yu’s open hand as the Knight gave it a firm shake. “Partners.” What luck though! Out of all the people who she could have ended up with, Yu had been her first choice by far. Despite her fair complexion, and the graceful air she carried with her, Clementine knew their was much more to her then just a pretty face. Yu was strong, and confident, and Clem could feel it and see it within her brilliant scarlet eyes. She was an ideal partner, and the Knight was lucky to have caught her eye before anyone else did. “Hey ummm Feather Girl you, okay? Want to be partners?” Speak of the devil.

Oh well nevermind looks like you have one.” Thankful that they had secured their partnership, Clem looked over the unfamiliar boy as she caught sight of a thin tail swishing behind him. ‘Another Faunus!’ Before she could even speak to the other hunter he had quickly found interest in something else, or rather, someone else. Releasing her grip and letting her hand drop to her side, she turned focused to the two hunters. Taking in the other unfamiliar hunter, Clem looked the dark haired girl up and down, but it was only then that a sudden realization hit her. “So.. this means we’re all a team now, right?” Looking back and forth between the three other hunters, Clem searched for an answer as she spoke up again, reassuring her words, “I mean, there are four of us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

She is a nervous one. As Cordelia looked deep into Knight Eyes. Until she knocked her over. She was annoyed by the Knight erratic movement which knocked her over and ignoring her but she didn’t want to give a first bad impression. With already the fact she comes from the most controversial family in Remnant. Cordelia simply nodded at Clementine from the ground, and hearing her name uttered by the words from the feathered Faunus, Yu. Standing up, she brushed the dirt off from herself as it dusted to the ground. She grabbed the end of her cloak to noticing it had dirt and gave it several light tugs brushing it off.

Though she was then surprised by the sudden appearance of another Faunus. As he eyed her down, Cordelia also scanned at him. He had a somewhat pleasing appearance, though the downside was that he was a Faunus. He held out his hand and Cordelia was none too pleased by it. Her opinion of the Faunus still did not change and smirked behind her red scarf. Despite that Cordelia joined her hand with Drayden.

“My name is Victoria Cordelia Caesar. Just call me Cordelia.” As she rested her eyes upon Drayden, holding his hand temporarily before letting go. Turning towards Clementine as she scanned her.

Impressive Armor

“Indeed. We are a full team. We could start heading up towards Laputa.”

What, may seemed as normal mannered responses from Cordelia, she had the feeling of uneasiness. Not of the Grimm. But the two Faunus in her team. She wished she had a Human team because she didn’t feel right being around them. Within herself, she was holding back the urge to berate them. Without any knowledge she kicked up small dust from the ground and irked in position.

I should not think about it. Just work with them and keep ambivalence. I can’t go to Laputa on my own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 24 min ago

Li? Or was it Ly? Perhaps Lai? The latter would explain her black hair, if nothing else, but then again, the world was a diverse place, and this fox faunus could just be someone who dyed their hair black in order to show off how edgy and dark she was. Except there was a lack of metal piercings on her face, and she possessed an innate amount of...positivity? Cheerfulness? Ultimately though, the girl just seemed like any other person on the streets, except a little slimmer than the average citizen. Azalea noted that, without the backdrop of the sky and the sun, her hair and fur were actually black, while Li's eyes shared the same color as Azalea's hair, albeit with a sharper glint in them.

Needless to say, Azalea shook her hand a little longer than necessary. The gauntlets must have been weapons, and there was just the faintest whiff of sweet sweat in the air that drifted from them. It must have been hot in there. She closed her eyes, savoring that stimuli, before smiling once more and introducing herself.

“And I'm Azalea Prayers. Wish I had a set of rings to cement our relationship, but we can always get something later, right?”

As Li turned upwards towards the sky, perhaps in search of that Castle of Laputa, or perhaps hunting for a quick meal in the treeline, the pink-haired girl took that opportunity instead to look at her neck, previously hidden by that blue scarf she wore. The skin was smooth, yet taut, and if Azalea was into that sort of play, it might even be considered 'delicious'. She must have trained well in whatever combat school she went to, focusing not only on simply improving her physical parameters, but also on her womanly figure.

Even though it was pretty obvious that she hadn't developed much in that area yet, as demonstrated by the lack of jiggle that came with her jumps.

Done with her own scanning, Azalea mirrored her observation of the sky, before saying with a shrug, “No idea, but hey, that's no problem. There was a crow faunus with the silkiest feathers ever, of course, but I don't think they expect us to fly. Maybe they've hidden airships or launching pads somewhere? Or maybe even a friendly, tamed Nevermore that'll give us a ride if we hunt down ten Ursas for it!”

Yeah, it WOULD be nice if she could find a Nevermore like that. While it wasn't her 'style', per say, to be a matchmaker, a crow faunus and a Grimm crow might actually make a cute couple as well. It'd be good if she could introduce that sado-maso girl to a dashingly handsome giant bird.

“And don't worry about these,” Azalea said, pulling at one of her cuts, “Tis only a flesh wound. Just love taps from the trees~!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yu gripped Clementine's hand securely, a sharp-tooted smirk stained on her face which quickly faded when someone else called out to her. Turning her attention to the other two people in the clearing, she began to take note of their appearances. The first was a human girl, rather nice-looking, with black hair and red eyes. Her armor was heavy, and splashes of red danced across the gleaming protection. Must be the daughter of some prestigious hunters, seeing how well-crafted the armor and sheathed sword at her waist seemed to be. Yu decided to ignore the dark glares Cordelia was throwing for the mean time, instead turning to view the male, another faunus. His tail was slender and whipped around with excitement, and Yu took a moment of thought before deducing it to be a monkey's appendage. The armor he wore was less than Cordelia's, but seemed to share the same properties of his gloves. Not seeing any obvious weapons, Yu decided that she would have to wait and see what his specialty was. The monkey eventually introduced himself as Drayden to the other girl, who in return said that her name was Cordelia. How nice, now they're partners...

“So.. this means we’re all a team now, right?”

Yu froze, glancing from Clem to the other two as realization slowly hit her. Four members, they would have to be a team. How... Unlucky. She had been silently hoping for one of the big men that had been taking up a bit too much space in the ship, but now she was stuck on a team with three sword users, one being herself, and a monkey boy with an unknown weapon. Worry and annoyance made her smirk fade, and her jaw set as her mouth was drawn into a thin line. This was a stupid mission, with stupid rules and stupid people playing. Yu would have been much more happier picking her teammates from a group of individuals she at least knew a little about instead of not knowing how to deal with a bunch strangers.

Oh well..

Finally feeling defeated, she lowered her head and sighed, though refused to greet the other two as team mates, instead throwing both a somewhat icy glare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Castle in the Sky Pt.2

A roar pierced the air. Followed by shouting and screams. A tall-tell sign that the Grimm were not engaged with the students. From the thundering sounds of a stampede and the quickly silenced sounds from the students, it was a large horde of Grimm. Students should be able to handle a group of up to fifty or so Beowolves, the average amount in a small pack. Even Ursa's travel in groups of two-to-five most of the time, so being outnumbered is generally something the students should be ready for. But how well can they handle five-hundred Beowolves, with a mix of around eighty Ursa's in the mix? It's been far too long since any Hunters have arrived to the Emerald Forest, allowing the numbers for Grimm to grow. This was not even all of the Grimm in the forest, just some that was near the point of impact. The smell of blood and mortal flesh attracted the monsters from the darkness, and soon both Team Apple and Team Victor were besieged by a small band of Grimm.

Team Apple, who were not quite yet together as a team, was attacked by about forty-or-so Beowolves. They didn't spend the customary time of howling before charging, with the only indicator of their presence being the roar of their footsteps breaking through the forest. The first wave of Beowolves lunged at Lien and Azalea, claws out and teeth bared, ready to eat some succulent fauna. A smaller group of thirty Beowolves attacked Aurellius and Quentin, though instead of charging through the forest, they attacked them from above, falling down from the tree tops.

Team Victor would have little time for proper introductions when they themselves were attacked by a mixture of Beowolves and Ursa. It was a fifty-fifty split, and more were coming. The Boewolves made up the entire first wave quickly closing the distance and lunging at the students en masses. The Ursa were close behind, and regardless of the success of the wolves, they would come in and maul whatever they saw that wasn't Grimm. They'll even maul through the Grimm if they got in the way.


Annabeth and Malakaus walked through the forest, reaching a high hill. By now they could plainly see Laputa, but it was still a good hour away from the nearest mountain top. Annabeth had an idea of how to get there using Malakaus, but the main issue came from how slow he was going. Not because he was a giant orc with a chainsaw/machinegun, but because he kept his senses out and ready for Grimm, which also meant slowing down and waiting for them to arrive. "We'll fight the Grimm when we find them, I don't want them to come to us." Malakaus snorted as the roar of Grimm echoed over the trees. Taking out the Scarlet Terror he smirked as he loaded a fresh box of ammo into his weapon. "Ya daan't, I do."

"I still don't understand why you can't just fly us over towards Laputa like, right now. I mean, come on, it's right there! We could make it in like, ten minutes." Lisette complained as they walked through the forest. Yexus didn't answer; he didn't want her to know that it did indeed take up a lot of his Dust reserves, and he'd rather use it efficiently rather than conveniently. Besides that not too long ago he saw a Nevermore in the air; he'd rather not fight something like that without a full team. "We still need to find the rest of our team. Even if I do get there, if we don't have a team, we're failed." Lisette moaned but accepted this. "I still think we could at least using your flying ability to get us to that mountain. If everyone else is thinking like how I'm thinking, they're going to go there first so they can get close to the flying island when it comes around." Yexus nodded his head as he pushed a branch out of his way. He held it out for Lisette to cross before they continued through the forest. That's when the sound of the Grimm broke through the forest, and soon they were being bared down on by a pack of Boewolves.

Not much left for conversation as Annabeth and Malakaus ran through the forest. Aside from the loud cacophony of the Scarlet Terror ripping through trees and Grimm, only his blood-curdling laughter could be heard. Annabeth had her shotgun out to blast at any Grimm who managed to get in front of them, while Malakaus was doing pretty well running backwards to cut down their pursuers. They were also making good time, as they've already got to the base of the mountain. They managed to outrun the horde for now, but Malakaus was hardly trying to keep them hidden. Annabeth worried that his weapon was going to attract all the Grimm around the mountain. The only way he'd stop is if there isn't anything to shoot, and the only way to do that was to get away from the Grimm chasing them. And they would need more speed. "Tch! Time to break out the wheels than!" Annabeth concentrated on a force within her, her Aura and her Semblance. Her hand glowed with an awesome power as it shot forward in front of them. Materializing instantly was her weapon, or mount, and the key to getting them out of this situation. Annabeth jumped onto the Sepulcher. Malakaus didn't see it and ran right into it, causing him to stop shooting for a moment to see what he's hit. Before he could get a good look the Sepulcher shot forward. He had to use his own Semblance in order to hang on, as she zipped from the base of the mountain to the tip in thirty-seconds or less.

Yexus and Lisette chose to stand their ground and cull the numbers of the Grimm for a while. While these monstrous beasts probably outclassed them in strength and numbers, their intelligence would be their downfall. The reason being is that they continuously ran into Lisette's and Yexus's grind trap. Lisette threw the Spiral Edge towards the trees, created a series of webs that ended with the Spiral Edge interlocked with each other, spinning rapidly to tear apart any Grimm that didn't get sliced to pieces running through the razor wire. Yexus did crowd control by bottle-necking the Grimm into Lisette's trap, and taking out any that somehow managed to get through it all. They killed a good thirty Grimm before their bodies began to pile up and make the trap ineffective. "We got to go Lisette! That's enough for now!" The girl laughed as she pulled her yoyos back towards her, breaking out a box of chocolates and eating them as a little victory snack. "Whatever you say kid. Let's hurry up to that mountain." Lisette raised her hand as Yexus swooped down to grab it. He began to rise into the air and when he was high enough, turned off the thrusters and reverted to gliding. The two of the flew towards the mountain, and they'd reach the tip sometime after they landed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lien stared at the other girl for a few moments through the awkwardly long handshake before finally pulling her hand away and glancing to the digits of her fingers. ”Umm, rings get in the way of the wires?” The fox replied quizzically. She really wasn’t sure what this Azalea was going on about at the moment. Still she shrugged and turned her attention back to the subject of getting to that oh so mysterious floating castle

”A tamed nevermore, thats a laugh. If we could tame grimm they wouldn’t be nearly as much of a problem.” The girl gave a bit of a lamenting laugh. If something as simple as a beowolf couldn’t be trained a nevermore sure as hell couldn’t. Even if they could one definitely wouldn’t just be hanging out in the middle of the forest. ”If we could find a nevermore though maybe we could hang on and make it fly towards the castle somehow... my semblance might be able to make it a little more co-operative.” Li spoke with a light hum as she set a finger to her lips, her expression turning to a grimace when she turned back to see the other girl tugging at her cuts. ”Thats gonna get infected like that...” She said with a somewhat awkward smile. Really was this girl that oblivious to basic first aid practices?

Her attention however was suddenly drawn by something much more pressing, causing her ears to shoot up tall and her tail taking a low defensive posture. Just before they entered the little clearing she caught the sound of the snarling beowolves approaching feet but it did little good. The enemies were already upon the pair much too quickly. Lien flipped backward to dodge a few swipes and landed in a crouching position. When the beowolf attacking her reared up for another swipe she quickly sprung up herself, kicking square into its jaw and firing off the dust propulsion in her boot. The impact splattered through the enemies skull sending it raining back in a flurry of blood and bone.

”H'ookay then! Overstayed our welcome, time to go!” Li called to her new partner before firing the grappling claw of her gauntlet straight into the face of an approaching grim, then whipping it off to the side to smash into the ribs of a second and the shoulder of a third before recoiling. Though neither of the three would die, the first would be left dazed for a few moments while the second would earn a few broken ribs and the third a cracked shoulder. Without waiting for her team mates response She darted towards one of the trees and launched herself up to one of the branches with her boots propulsion, then fired her grappling hook at a higher one to pull herself further out of the enemies reach.

She then anchored herself to the thick branch using the climbing spikes in her boots and scanned the ground to located the bunny faunus. When she did she fired off the grappling claw in her direction. ”Grab on!” She called out, hoping to make a hasty exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soph
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'm not 'The Monster Maniac', kid. And its not supposed to be good for nicknames. My name is just Aurellius. Leave it at that, and you won't be beaten into a pulp. Also, you know I can see you, right?"

How? Was it the Semblance? No, that’s too obvious. It has to be a robot. Yep. That monster maniac guy named Aurelaadsakdlsakdsais is obviously a robot, with heat sensors. How else would he be able to see Quentin, cowering behind the tree? No other possible way, so it HAD to be a robot. If it wasn’t, then there is no more life in the world.

And apparently robots can beat people to pulps. Raising an eyebrow behind the tree, Quentin thought, ‘wait what’

"You might as well tell me your name before you likely die here. Hell, stick with me long enough and you may just survive. You're probably not as worthless as you look, I suppose. Just barely. By this much."

Well that wasn’t very nice. Apparently he’s going to die. See, that didn’t help with Quentin’s current condition at all, and it made him even more scared of the possibility that he could be absolutely murdered in this forest.

And he was worthless. That didn’t help either. Then that made him think that he’s more likely to die here, and if he didn’t, he would die elsewhere in this school, judging from the conditions of this test. And the conditions of this test weren’t…that nice.

"Come on, we've only got five or so hours, and we spent fifteen minutes faffing about."

NOW THEY HAD SPENT FIFTEEN MINUTES OUT OF FIVE HOURS. FIVE. Do they really expect these students to get somewhere safely in this highly dangerous forest in FIVE hours? They need SIX! But, nonetheless, Quentin stood up and said, “I’m Quen-“

"Listen, Scarfy, I'm gonna call you Scarfy from now on, we gotta find a place to get a view, and from there, head to the giant castle. Any ideas? D'you see anything when you were falling?"

Oh. So now his name was Scarfy. That was a way better name than Quentin Pelham. Quentin Pelham is a bitch name, obviously. AND he didn’t see ANYTHING while falling. Was he supposed to? Were they supposed to think about places to go while falling several feet at high speed? Nah. “Uh…nope.”

"By the way, you got some, eh.. vomit on your shirt."

Okay, that was a bit understandable. I mean, he was throwing up. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. Oh, and then some Grimm fell from the sky. Like, right from the heavens, they came. And then that caused Quentin-I mean Scarfy, to run towards this monster maniac Aurelaadsakdlsakdsais and yell, “DUDE WHAT’S GOING ON!”, trying to get away from those things. He didn’t think, ‘OH, I HAVE TO FIGHT!’ because he actually couldn’t. Mainly because he wasn’t getting TOO pummeled. And because he had massive fear and didn’t think anything through at the time.
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