Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey everyone! GNAR here! >:D So, I've been really, REALLY craving to do a Fate/Stay Night RP, but since there's already a few going on, I would feel really bad if I were to make another one considering they are so close together.

Buuuut... I had an idea based off of an old version of the RP that was here during the old site that was really popular, and I wanted to run it by you guys first. I remember it pretty well, so I created something off of the top of my head from an old story I had laying around while adding some of my own tastes into it.

So what do you guys think? I don't like stepping on any toes, but this Fate RP wouldn't involve the Nasuverse whatsoever, allowing a lot of freedom as you can tell from the introduction. I also planned for there to be ten (an eleventh class is in the works) Servant Classes instead of the normal seven which would be interesting, along with the ability for there to be more than one Servant summoned from a single class (I don't know if that was clear in the story, but it's what happened).

Basically, Fate RP without all the Servant/Master restrictions and all that Nasu jumbo!

Thoughts? :/

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Double post because of shameless bumping powers (don't judge me ;-;), and because I have a TON of information to share with you guys in hopes of piquing more interest!

Alrighty... lemme see where to start...

I guess we should start with the rules! (Sorry if the formatting is WEIRD, I'm still getting used to it all)

  • No Godmodding! Nope. Nadda. Zip. NOPE! No excuses! This rule is more lax toward npcs/Non-playable Characters, but please use your head! However, if you feel your character is being pushed around too much by other people, or if things seem to be going bad for you, then please don’t hesitate to come to me! While I can be a friendly person, I won’t hesitate to put my foot down if I suspect there to be bullying as my duty as a fair GM! >:L

  • Chances are, given how things usually are in these kinds of settings, that there will definitely be high fluctuations on the power levels of characters in the RP. However! Do be warned that this does not in any way mean that there is a contract, deal, or some given right that because you are playing a mighty god-tier destroyer of world character that you can push people around and do whatever you want! Stronger forces will without a doubt face greater challenges and will mostly be given bounties from the Overseer for their amusement. Seriously, this Overseer is straight up a dick! While I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that we can all have fun and go nuts while having a good time, please, PLEASE, take into account and consideration that signing up with someone who has more power under or over their belt will definitely mean more trouble for you, both from me and the other players!

  • I will throw this out there right now! That this is an elimination game unlike any other! I will try my hardest as the kind person I am to keep the killing from happening until we have a ground set base and have what I feel is a good point for people to start dying! However, if things happen, and I feel that you’ve gotten yourself into that situation despite numerous options to avoid it, I won’t hesitate to allow your death to happen. You have been warned! >_>

  • Now! While the original has it that the war is supposed to be secret, you are allowed to go a bit nuts and destroy things if they reasonable and explained properly! Take a look/read at Fate/Zero and check out how that plays along, some things there happen RIGHT IN FRONT OF CIVILIANS, and that’s perfectly fine since, like I said, this Overseer doesn’t really care and can be a dick! However, if he deems that things are getting too out of hand, then consequences will be had! Simply put, if you think it’s a bad idea, it probably is. If you think it’s a bad idea, but could be fun, run it by me and I’ll give you a “yay” or a “nay”!

  • You control your PC(s) and that is all! Wanna control that dragon npc who’s napping? Nope. Wanna play with the CEO of McDonalds who just happens to be in town? NO. Feel like stabbing the voice actor for Barney who just happens to be with the CEO of McDonalds and who also just so happens to be directly in front him? Not going to happen… Okay, maybe a bit on that last one. But in all honestly, you will probably only have limited controls over Npcs. Services such as taxis, busses, small minions, etc. are fine to be controlled. Though, if I feel it’s being abused I miiight just suspend your privileges with this in order to keep the flow of things good.

  • Last, but not least, if you want to quit the game, just say so! If you leave all of a sudden and considering how much a sudden disappearance can affect an RP, it’ll ruin the enjoyment of others and it’ll make people extremely sad. :/ I think this happened before with the GM, and players were left to do things on their own.

Alright, now that the basic rules are out of the way, let's get onto all the sweet twists that I'm sure all of you are dying to read about... or, I hope you are all dying to read about at least. ;-;

First of all! There are classes that have been included that we may or may not be familiar with, and these classes are the infamous Ruler, Avenger, Beast, and a new class that I made but am still working on developing; Progenitors.

Click on them to read up on the new classes!

Now, with all that said and done, there would be a grand total of eleven (possibly ten if I remove Progenitor) classes to choose from when creating a Servant:

Saber, the Servant of the Sword
Lancer, the Servant of the Lance
Archer, the Servant of the Bow
Rider, the Servant of Mounts
Caster, the Servant of Magic
Assassin, the Servant of the Shadows
Berserker, the Servant of Madness
Avenger, the Servant of Vengeance
Ruler, the Servant of Worship
Beast, the Servant of Creatures
Progenitor, the Servant of Concepts

As stated in my previous post, there would be no limits to the amount of Servants that can be summoned per class, nor would anything be canon in this setting. So for example, if you wanted King Arthur to be a male or a female, then go for it! Just be reasonable is all I ask of thee! >_< I'm working on the character sheets for both Masters and Servants as I post while also trying to balance out the added classes (I'm looking at you Progenitor class) while also not having there be too many restrictions.

In the meantime, I would really appreciate any feedback, advice, criticism, or if anyone would be interested in something like this! Seriously! I wont bite or anything, I promise!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Another shameless bump, but I come with character sheets! I apologize in advance if the formatting is initially weird, I'm still figuring them out. :/

  • Name: What is your name!

  • Age: How old are you!

  • Gender: Are you male, female, both, or something entirely different~?

  • Nationality: Where do you come from?

  • Race: Are you even human?! O.O

  • Height/Weight: Get on that scale and tell me now!

  • Appearance: We do need to know what you look like after all~

  • Personality: Well… Like, are you calm, laid-back, or are you hyper? How do you normally act in public?

  • Weapon: What’s your choice of weapons?

  • Abilities: Tell me what you can do!

  • History/Background: Make this part very brief and generalized! I want you to reveal your character’s history more IN the RP, rather than OUT of it. Do PM it to me so I can keep a record of it however!

  • Assets: What do you have access to?


  • Class:

  • Master: -If applicable-

  • Alias: Come up with a clever title for your hero that isn't revealing, however, you will still need to PM me their true name so I can have a record!

  • Gender: Obvious!

  • Height/ Weight: Just a generalization is all.

  • Alignment: Are they good, neutral, chaotic, etc.

  • True Appearance: What is their battle outfit?.

  • Outfits: What do they normally wear in public?

  • Personality: Keep it brief! Show who they are in the RP, rather than tell~

  • Stats: (From E to A+, E being the worst, A+ being the highest)

  • Strength: Physical prowess.

  • Endurance: Ability to take hits.

  • Agility: Speed and flexibility.

  • Magical Energy: One's reservoir of magical energy.

  • Luck: Well... just how lucky is your character?

  • Class Abilities: From E to A+, a single Servant will clearly not have all of these! Also how strong these abilities will be depends on the individual Servant that is summoned. These are the Skills your Servant gets depending on the class they were summoned into. Here's a list, under Class Skills. See the previous post above for the Class Skills of the new Classes. For the designated Class Skills for each Servant Class, click on one of the following based upon what Servant class you're interested in: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker. As for the newer classes, please refer to the previous post above for their designated Class Skills and use your best judgment!

  • Personal Skills: Special particular powers that depend on the Heroic Spirit's character. Basically, these are the individual perks that your character has by who they were in life. Click Here for a list of abilities and how they work. Feel free to make your own if you can't find what you like in the list~! I will be allowing a maximum of five personal skills, but be warned that the Servant must have a pretty good reason to have that many skills under their belt, and I will probably remove some to balance the Servants out.

  • Noble Phantasms: These are the weapons and powers that are unique to the Heroic Spirit alone! These are usually named and are very symbolic and relate heavily to their legends. These are the Servant's Ace in the hole and without a doubt their greatest possessions. For those curious and are struggling to make a Noble Phantasm, take a look at this page for a good idea. Also, for the sake of the RP and to make things easier for everyone, please don't have anything involving ‘absolute’. Like a weapon that will always hit, or will always strike the heart, or anything like that. This can ruin the fun of others and I'd like to avoid that as much as possible. Also, feel free to have this blank to the public, but PM me the Noble Phantasms, since I will definitely need a record of these.

This spot shall be reserved for approved character sheets!
And there's that! Sorry for the triple post X_X but I felt the need to post up Character Sheets in case people are interested. Besides, it does give me some room for reservation posts~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tbh even Lancer's Gae Bolge doesn't always hit the target, even if it says that the outcome is predetermined to hit. Anyways count me interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That's very much true! Though, my main concern is the arguing that will result if someone uses a Noble Phantasm like that on someone else, it'll just be... chaotic, ugh.

And yay! Glad you're interested! (Also, I'm loving that avatar by the way. Way cute!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interest acquired!

So the Progenitor class is the summoning of a character archetype rather than someone who falls within the archetype?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yup! That is exactly what the Progenitor class is. I'm still a tad hesitant about it, since it can be VERY complex (and possibly offensive depending on what people pick), but if enough people like it, I'll keep it in.

So far, it's just there to gauge what people think about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh better have a list of who you don't want summoned. Because I WILL summon Hitler if I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Why does everyone I know always want to summon Hitler in a Fate RP? ;-;

Well, I suppose since this Fate RP is entirely different, it would be possible to summon Hitler. Although, anything too modern I will have to say no. I think the latest I'd allow would be anything 2000. Anything this century would probably be a no-no. Although, if people are uncomfortable with some people being summoned, then I will ably by their wishes and say that they can't be summoned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gah, sorry for yet another double post, but I wanted to share with everyone this war's Overseer!

This is to give an idea to others on how they should make their Servants, but obviously they wouldn't be this strong in terms of abilities unless the Servant has extremely good reasons, but even then is debatable. The Overseer is meant to keep others in check with fear, and to ensure that they stay on the designated path that he so chooses if one loses their way.

Like I mentioned earlier, Servant true names and Noble Phantasms would be PMed directly to me so that I may have a record!
  • Class: Overseer!

  • Master: The Holy Grail

  • Alias: The Overseer, Protector, or Kalameet (He made the name up off of the top of his head) as he tells people.

  • Gender: Male

  • Height/ Weight: Unknown

  • Alignment: Unknown

  • Appearance at all times: Stylish!

  • Personality: Friendly, yet cynical; calm, yet hyper; heartwarming yet fear-inducing. Just a few terms to describe the Overseer that the Holy Grail has created to find its one true bearer. Kalameet doesn't seem to care too much for the casualties of this war, but instead seems as if he wishes to test those who dare to uptake the challenge and claim the Holy Grail. He will do whatever it takes to ensure that someone worthy is chosen... even if it means making things far more difficult than they were ever meant to be.

  • Stats: (From E to A+, E being the worst, A+ being the highest)

  • Strength: B

  • Endurance: B

  • Agility: A+

  • Magical Energy: A++ (Normally it would not be this high, but due to the Holy Grail as his Master, he has tremendous amounts of energy.)

  • Luck: C

  • Class Abilities:

  • Magic Resistance (EX): While he has a naturally strong Magic Resistance, it has been elevated even further thanks to the Holy Grail.

  • Personal Skills:

  • Revelation (-): A skill that Kalameet was given due to his unorthodox nature. An instinctual-like skill, Revelation is an ability that allows him to always see the right path. The 'truth' of the world and its future can said to always be seen with his eyes.

  • Saint (-): While Kalameet himself doesn't particularly believe that this skill should be associated with him, he was given this skill thanks to the unclear legends and myths surrounding him. This particular ability grants him an increase in recovering from his wounds.

  • Riding (EX): The Overseer, due to his true purpose and his great status, is capable of riding and operating anything, even beyond their normal capabilities and raising them to something of a divine level. The truest reason for this skill is still unknown, only that it ties to his true identity, and can be related to how powerful of a rider he is compared to his siblings.

  • Noble Phantasms: Unknown as of now.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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    Fish of Oblivion Potassium

    Member Seen 2 days ago

    Possibly interested, been looking for a Fate RP for a while. Gonna give this a good read-over later, just slightly busy at this exact moment.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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    Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Hey, it's you. It's good that you showed up.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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    GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Two more for the rp then.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fish of Oblivion
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    Fish of Oblivion Potassium

    Member Seen 2 days ago

    Tatsua Aiisen said
    Hey, it's you. It's good that you showed up.

    Ohey Tatsy. Haven't worked with you for a while, this should be fun~
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Yay! More people! :D

    Hm, I'm debating if I should hold off on making an OoC thread until we get a few more people, or just go for it and start accepting sign-ups. What do you guys think?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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    Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    I mean, we have four people plus the GM, we'll probably need some more for a roleplay like this, but that doesn't mean the OOC needs to be delayed.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Alright! Well, on that note, the OOC has been created: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/52316/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1595157

    Yes, I know it's basically copy and pasted but it's better than nothing! >_>
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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    Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Just to bump this little Interest Thread up once more!

    I'm mainly doing this since we're officially recruiting more people after the little segment of debates and yadda yadda!

    So! If interested, come join us here!
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