Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the death of Handsome Jack and The Warrior, the truly badass vault hunters discovered that the key used to wake The Warrior was also a map that showed the locations of hundreds of more vaults. Despite the fact that Brick had called 'dibs' on apparently all of the vaults, he couldn't leave Pandora, and neither could Lilith or Mordecai. Their home was Pandora, and they couldn't simply leave it. The Crimson Raiders needed a new leader, and the ex-vault hunters were the perfect people for the job.

Where did that leave the newest generation of vault hunters?

With a little help from the Crimson Raiders, as well as some 'help' from the Hyperion Corproation, they were able to get themselves a ship that was truly worthy of such amazing Vault Hunters. They couldn't just fly around in a Hyperion ship from planet to planet, NO. They beefed that baby up with as much cool stuff as humanly possible... And then some. The Crimson Hunter was a ship like no other, with top of the line science-y stuff, a supercomputer with the locations of all Hyperion controlled planets and outposts, a bunch of other things, and even a containment cell for the last CL4P-TP unit in existence. They couldn't let such a thing just wander around the universe!

Several years passed, and the group of vault hunters became know far and wide for being some of the few to actually get into a vault and survive. They were rich beyond belief, even with most of their findings going towards helping the Crimson Raiders expand and become more than just protectors of Pandora. They became protectors of galaxies. But enough about the Raiders.

As they went on, the vault hunters realized that there was no real reason to continue. They were already impossibly rich, infamous, and powerful. They had decided that the only thing they could do now was Give some new vault hunters a push into the right direction, much like Bunkers and Badasses. They were the Bunkermasters, and the vault hunters they chose would be the players.
Before we get to the CS, I want to talk about a few things. The basic rules apply, but these are just a couple of extra things.

Class wise, there and only be one character with a certain class, as having a group of all commandos or gunzerkers wouldn't be any fun.
Second for the classes, you aren't required to used the classes that are in the games. You can come up with your own classes, but you will need to provide a little explanation as to what they can do and what purpose they serve. With the first rule in mind, if two or more custom classes are too similar, I will ask for the person who most recently posted their character sheet to change their character class.
I would like for somebody to take the roles of a Siren or Commando, or even classes similar to them.
Since this is borderlands, I can't really tell you to keep it PG, but please try not to be too realistic in the violent parts. The atmosphere of the series is supposed to be lighthearted and violent, so let's keep it that way.
This will not be taking place on Pandora. Instead, we will be roaming the planet known as Metis. The planet itself is mostly grasslands, hills, and mountains, but also has deep and complex cave systems, as well as polar ice caps.
With that out of the way, let's get to the CS!

Class and description of class:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name: Lorenzo Ortega
Appearance: except with black hair and emerald eyes
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Class and description of class: pistol whip class: this class is a combination of assassin and gunzerker using twin pistols with blades (will be shown) instead of using only a sword and using large weapons. prefers to use pistols and shotguns prefers to use close to mid range combat
Weapons/accessories: for close to mid range: his pistols blades (except the blades are green) for close to mid range: his blade shotguns keep in mind he uses these for crowd control or larger enemies
Personality: an adrenaline junky mixed with smartass their is nothing anyone can say without him making a smart ass retort towards and he loves to run and jump on buildings and get around quickly where others are afraid he sees excitement. he is a hard worker when he wants to be but that isn't often since he loves to screw with people.
Likes/preferences: loves pizza, and loves his pet snake, loves to speed around to different places or be lazy
Dislikes: hates vegetables, thinks phycos are just annoying to hell, hates to clean out skrall gunk from his cloths
Biography: Came from being a nothing to being trained as an assassin on a different planet learning the arts of sneaking around, picking locks, and killing in silence. But before he earned his title of being a master he couldn't pass his exam because of his hyperactivity and he couldn't stand be quiet anymore so he killed with GUSTO! So he decided he needed to make his own legend as an assassin that didn't stay quiet and actually had fun doing what he was trained to do, along the way their was a snake found on his ship towards Pandora.
While everyone was running because it was poisonous Lorenzo just smiled at it and bent down staring it dead on showing it was not afraid and was not going to hurt it. After a few minutes the snake ended up coiling around Lorenzo arm and just stayed their and from then on Lorenzo kept the snake as a pet which ended up being useful against snakes and making his go through small craw spaces that he couldn't reach to. Once he got to Pandora and heard about handsome jack being dead Lorenzo went and wanted to learn to be the next generation...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted, but this will not be taking place on Pandora. Instead, we will be roaming the planet known as Metis. The planet itself is mostly grasslands, hills, and mountains, but also has deep and complex cave systems, as well as polar ice caps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted, but this will not be taking place on Pandora. Instead, we will be roaming the planet known as Metis. The planet itself is mostly grasslands, hills, and mountains, but also has deep and complex cave systems, as well as polar ice caps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Darren
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Class and description of class: The Experiment - Marcus uses three small drones to fight alongside him during his battles. All three of them are capable of being summoned through digistructing. Each of them can preform different actions, as all three of them were made differently. The can be used to preform certain tasks, and are easily up-gradable. While he is capable of fighting without the drones, he prefers to use them when possible.
Weapons/accessories: RoBros - The RoBros are a trio of robots created by Darren's hand, and each has a purpose of it's own.
Atlas Zinger
Personality: Marcus attempts to make everyone see him as a suave gentleman, but his love for loot, robots, and explosions gets in the way of that. His trio of robots are like his children, and sometimes talks to them and consults to the despite them not being able to talk. He knows his own abilities, and despite this will shoot or attack just about anything even if damage isn't dealt. Despite the fact that he acts all cool and suave, he doesn't act like a womanizer. In fact, he plainly dislikes people like that.
Likes/preferences: -His RoBros.
-Shooting things
-Acting suave
-Bunkers and Badasses
Dislikes: -Bandit guns
-People who objectify women.
Biography: ECHO Recording 1: "Shit shit shit shit shit shit...."
ECHO Recording 2: "Hold them off! Just a few more minutes you guys can get some rest! Dammit... Why haven't I left sooner? This was bound to happen."
"Sorry officer! Can't do that! 'Know I've been a pain in your side for a while, but you should probably let me go!"
"Because..." [humming can be heard from the three shooting robots]
"ROBROS SHOW YOUR STUFF AND GET TO THE SHIP!" [A strange can be heard from the robots, as well as screaming from several humans]
ECHO Recording 3: "Heh... We did it boys... We made it off of that rock. They should have just let me go. I mean... I just 'borrowed' a few thousand dollars worth of stuff to work on you three. Hopefully it'll come in handy when we land. We'll need it if we're going to track down a vault..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: RIOT unit TR-8C, formerly Tracy Rite

Appearance: "Even in Death, soldier 'til the end."

Age: 24 at his time of death, now 26

Gender: Robotic, originally male

Class and description of class: DAHL Android RIOT UNIT 1337 SHIELD, a class specializing in tanking and drawing attention from enemies to make sure nobody gets blown the fuck up. Can use his shield to block almost any kind of damage from the front, and even provide cover for allies.

Weapons/accessories: DAHL RIOT unit standard Shield, any guns he gets, rather than digistructing them, he actually integrates them into his left arm, letting him get them out quickly by just swapping out components. He holds the shield in his right hand, and shoots with his left.

Personality: Rather straight forward and forceful, TR-8C is pretty much what you'd imagine a soldier to be in terms of personality. Given his designation as a Shield unit, he has an inate instinct to try and protect things smaller than him, or just things in general. Except for Psychos. Fuck those guys.

Likes/preferences: Likes reading, skags, defragging his CPU, and the sound of his shield crushing Psycho's skulls. Favorite guns are Spiniguns, Pistols, and Shotguns. (Usually DAHL, given his built-in company loyalty.)

Dislikes: People touching his helmet, people talking shit about DAHL weapons, people asking if he needs to take a shit, people asking if he still has a dick, people asking if they can use them to charge their phone, people asking if he can carry their shit for them even when they have a goddamn Digistructer at their hip.

Biography: ECHO LOG START: "Hey ma...I uh...just wanted to...well, I guess I kinda should either way...things went bad on that moon. I-I know you always said that I'd be okay but...I wasn't. *sigh* Damn psycho...threw a goddamn mine under our rig while we were moving...right under me too. Blew us all up. The other boys made it out pretty alright, but me...I was screwed up bad. Half my left side blown off. *sound of scientist speaking in the other room, and a knock at the door.* IN A MINUTE! ...Ah, yeah, so uh, these scientists at DAHL fixed me up! Well...kinda. My body was broken and blown to bits, but they had enough of my brain to scoop it all up and put it into this android thing...they call it a RIOT unit or something. Apparently I'm some kind of super combat-bot now ma...it just...feels so weird. I can't eat anymore, I can't drink water anymore, and I can't even really feel things I touch but...I'm alive. Heh...remember back when I was in school, where, all those chicks kept trying to get me to go out with 'em? ..Don't think that's gonna happen anymore. *more knocking* HOLD ON, I'M DOING SOMETHING! Uh, sorry, I don't think I can make this any longer...I....I promise I'll be home sometime mom. I love you." ECHO LOG END.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If nobody makes a Siren, I guess I'm doubling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll make a Siren. Give me a few hours to make one up. It'll be my first female character in a long while, heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Grace Pryde - a.k.a. Scarlett

Appearance: 6'1" and 120 pounds. Pale skin and pale yellow eyes. BRIGHT dyed red hair with a streak of her natural black running from her left temple. Her hair is cut relatively short to her jawline, framing her face. No apparent scars, but she does appear to have prominent red tattoos on the left side of her body. These tattoos run from the top of her head down to her left foot, covering her left side with various symbols that change patterns with each use of her Siren Abilities. When she uses her Siren Abilities, the tattoos on the left side of her body glow bright red, then begin to fade after a short while. Dresses (in typical Borderlands fashion) in skin tight leather that's been dyed the same color as her hair. Body measurements are 34"/22"/34.

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Class and description of class: Siren - Crowd control and limited teleportation (Main Ability). Her abilities can include being able to force the enemy, temporarily, to work for her in whatever fashion that the creature or person is capable of doing. She can also affect the existing elements that are currently active, making them either more or less affective Her powers are currently line of sight.

Weapons/accessories: She prefers to use either a sub-machine gun up close or an assault rifle from far away. Elemental damaging weapons are her favorite.

Personality: Red headed Valley Girl would be the best way of describing her personality. She talks......a lot. It originally started as a nervous habit and then just became a habit. She is very personable and is capable of liking anyone sentient. She can find the positive in anyone. She's not ditzy, though. Not the most intelligent person, but she's not stupid, either. She won't be going up to a Raider or The Warrior with outstretched arms for a hug, but she will try to talk to the non-insane Raiders, which are few and far between.

Likes/preferences: Everyone. The Color Red. She LOVES to smile. Prefers Hyperion weapons, then Maliwan, and lastly Vladov.

Dislikes: Mud, Dirt, nastiness. Animals. Jakobs weapons, then Torgue, and really dislikes Tediore weapons.

Biography: (Going to make a planet up, using Greek histories on Sirens) Grace was born on a planet named Scopulia, a water planet with many many islands and no large land masses. She was born with red markings over her entire body, which migrated all to the left side. Being on this planet afforded her being able to delight in swimming and having fun in the sun. She was a happy child, never keeping a frown on her face for more than a few seconds. Even bad scrapes would cause her to lose her smile for only a few moments. She was born into a middle classed family, with no real perks but no real downsides. She dreamed of joining the stars, even played shooting games with her friends.
The day she hit puberty, the tattoos on the left side of her body flared up and broke out in what her parents thought of as a rash. Eventually the rash cleared up, but the red markings began to subtly shift and reshape themselves. Grace would sit for hours just watching her skin. She wanted to make these markings the best thing on her body, so she began to work out, exercise, and train. She became better and better at playing shooting games. She sprouted into a tall, lean, lithe, and gorgeous young lady.
Her outgoing personality and love of everyone made her a bit naive, which is how she got off planet. One day a man noticed her tattoos. This man was not from Scopulia, but from one of the planets that housed large corporations. He was one of the many people sent out to search for unique individuals for special projects. He saw Grace and knew upon first sight that she was a Siren. He KNEW that this was going to get him a promotion and make him very very rich. So, he chatted with the young girl, distracting her with his charming conversation. He talked and talked, walking towards his ship the whole way. Eventually, he got her on his ship, hit a series of buttons, and busted out of the atmosphere, kidnap victim in tow. A few autopilot buttons later, and the ship piloted itself towards a distant planet.
A few days later, the ship with a very scared young girl on it, landed. The ship didn't broadcast any of the proper codes and didn't respond to any of the planet's hails. This was because Grace had used the abilities that she didn't know she had, and teleported the charming man who was trying to have his way with her off the ship.....in mid flight. So, Grace was greeted with what seemed like a million weapons pointed at her and she was taken into custody. This is where she was to be for a very, very long time.
From the age of 13 through the age of 22, she was poked, prodded, studied, and trained. They had to teach her how to use weapons to help her develop her powers. She eventually found out that she was in the Hyperion Headquarters. During those 9 years, she happily learned everything that they wanted her to learn, befriended everyone that she interacted with, and figured out who she needed to manipulate to get her out of the life that had been chosen for her.
Last year, she mind controlled a man who was going on vacation to take her with her. He traveled to a distant planet that Hyperion didn't have a whole lot of control over, and left her there. After he had left the influence of her line of sight, he attempted to retrace his steps and find her, but she had learned too much from her training and had disappeared. That distant planet is the one she is on now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bweoti said
No apparent scars or tattoos.

Uh, she needs to have tattoos if she's a siren.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ya, I was going to have her tattoos appear and glow varying shades of red when she uses her powers and for a while afterwards. S'why I said 'apparent' :) But doing a bit of research, they were born with them, so I'll tweak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, we're all good to go, so are you all ready? Everyone's accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

im ready to go
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

pyroman said
Well, we're all good to go, so are you all ready? Everyone's accepted.

Ready and willing!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rock 'n' roll
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First post is up!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I don't see anyone taking my name
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Lorenzo is taken by Zer0 and Axton.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

So should I take my post or not side the roll for initiative you win and I would go next our just do it now since you made the starting post?
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