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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Basic Information

Name: Matthew Evans/Detmer
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Matt
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'2
Weight: 169
Status: New student (has been attending for six months).


Hair Color: Auburn brown
Eye Color: Blue.
Ethnicity: Caucasian American.
Physical Appearance:
Matthew is tall and lean, built like a runner. He is fit, and has sinewy muscle all over his body. He is far from muscular, but he’s not a walking fishbone either. Matt is a very good looking and sharp indivual. His facial features are squared, and neat, with his head having an oblong shape. Not one facial feature looks disportionate to the rest of his face. He has a sharp jawline, and a chin that blends into it very smoothly. He has a medium-sized mouth with thin lips. His nose is rather streamlined, and small, his nostrils are small and his nose bridge is only slightly thinner than the rest of his nose. He has small, piercing eyes, that stare longingly into your soul. He has large, rounded ears, that point outward slightly. With his forehead being large, half the size of his face. Because of his ability to heal with his current power, he has no scars or visible blemishes on his body. Which gives him absolutely zero street credit, forcing him to have to actually deal with people from time to time who approach him out of turn instead of staring them down (I mean, he does that too, but some douchefags don’t get the damn hint).
Attire: Jeans, running shoes, a maroon long sleeve T-shirt and a beanie. Easy.


Outward & Innate Personality: Matt is a male version of Amanda, although in a somewhat classier way. Rather than doing things for sheer fun, he does things to get the rise out of people to give him an emotional advantage. He tends to be an okay guy to be around if he doesnt have a reason to push you though. Coming from a gang in the past, Matthew has learned a lot about people and tries to not to count on anybody over himself. He's a strong believer in "If you want it done right, do it yourself."

Growing up was tough for him, and he learned to savor the bonds he makes and to very carefully choose whom you make the bonds with. He has started an city wide gang war in the past between his gang of meta humans, another more mild mannered meta humans, and a powered up police force keen on hurting them both real bad, and those he at one time called friends and allies attempted to kill him, and nearly succeeded a few times. His appearance might be handsome and clean because of his ability to heal, but his mind is littered with scars of things he has had to do in the past in order to stay alive and earn his keep. He has killed people, and he deeply regrets it.

Hobbies/Interests: What do I do for fun? Your mother.
Skills/Talents: Screwing every ones mothers, free running when needed, shutting people up, etc. He’s extremely able in combat, and is experienced in fighting other meta humans even outside of the safety of the arena, on the streets, where there are no rules.
Prized Possession: Bracelet his adopted sister gave him.

“If you think you’re a badass, or rough and tough and hardened then you’re not half the shit you think you are.”
“Fuuuuuuuuuuck me gently.”
“I will touch everything and you cant stop me.”
“If you touch my bracelet I will shove my foot so far up your ass the sweat on my knee will quench your thirst.”

Those who know this character know where he comes from, and his story. Those who don’t will learn through the RP.

Mom: ??? (Most likely deceased)
Dad: ??? (Most likely deceased)
Kylie Evans: Stepsister. I love her to death.
Nex: High strung rich uncle I never had/wanted
Skeleton: Reminds me of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy
Archer: Literally lady-killer, but an all right guy.
Sal: Looks like Henry has a really odd taste in women.
Damien: Never really got to know the guy before he… croaked. But he was alright when I talked to him.


Relationships: Placeholder for now.

Amanda | Awesome | Girlfriend | "She's JUST my type. Funny, pretty smart, powerful, tattooed, and experienced. She's all I look for in a girl. Plus, she has the ability to help me learn every power I can, and I can give my powers to her."

Karlie | Good | Acquaintance | "Just met her through Amanda, she's pretty smart and definitely has an interesting power. I'll have to look into learning clothing empowerment."

Nikki | Good | Friend | "Met her through Amanda, she's pretty cool. Her power is also pretty interesting. I'll have to watch her in her manipulation techniques. Not just for bugs, but also for how she manipulates them in complex ways. I aspire to be able to control things like that."

Adam | Teacher | Eh | "He's my girlfriend's dad. I would hate him but I don't have much of a choice. Of well, I can learn from him, so I got that going for me, which is nice."

Henry | Wot | Teacher? | "I had a pet Tegu once, but I never thought reptiles could be so smart, or got that big."


Power Rating: 9

Power Class General: Power/Elemental

Power Class Potential: Elemental, Chemical, Cerebral, Cosmic, Energy, Anatomical/Biological, Spatial, Power, Super System and Other

Current: Power, Super System, Anatomical/Biological


Matthew is an extremely powerful meta human, who has Omnikinesis, and a near Complete Arsenal as his power. Matthew, given the training, time, and resources, can learn to manipulate just about anything in existence. He is able to shift between different powers based on sources of said power. Say he also had the ability to control fire. He would be able to switch between those two powers at will by absorbing their source. For electricity, he would stuff a paperclip in a power socket to charge himself up. He also has the ability to use other meta human's abilities as sources of power. If someone were shooting electricity at him, he would be able to absorb said electricity as a source. If another meta human was using fire, he would be able to reach over and absorb some of their fire to charge his ability.

Current Power(s):
Matthew currently has self taught himself Biokinesis. Not the kind that manipulates other’s biology, but more of hit own mass. This power allows him incredible feats of physical prowess, allowing him run up walls, launching himself much father than what a normal human, or surround himself with a biological suit of armor, superhuman physical capabilities. He can also manipulate his biological mass to form claws, blades, clubs, etc. This power can also grant him incredible regenerative abilities. He actually generated this power and got ideas for applications from a video game.

Matthew, despite having such a godly power, has learned just about nothing about it. So there's that. He has also not unlocked the potential to store more than one power at a time, because of this, if he wants to learn to control a new power, he must give up his current one. His powers also run off a charge system and must have a source for their power. Currently his biological manipulation runs off of all kinds of sources, but they must have come from once living, or living things in order to recharge. Per say he must become a glutton for food, or other beings, living or non-living. He can absorb energy as a substitute, but pure energy is neigh impossible to come by. However, he can suck healing energy from meta humans capable of healing others and use their energy as fuel, like a vampire. But this tends to leave them more vulnerable. Constant regeneration will also cause later problems such as organ failure, cramps, etc. Things he can recover from eventually (by slower, less drastic application of his healing power), but things that will put him out of a fight. Overall, while his power potential is vast, he lacks the ability to control some things; most of these things are gas at room temperature, darkness, antimatter, light, etc. Mostly intangible things. He does have the ability to learn to manipulate light though. Every change Matt makes uses up some of his ‘charge’. Everything Matthew does is mentally driven, and splitting his concentration up can cause him to stutter in his efforts or stop him completely. It can also cause him to use up his charge faster. I should also add to his weaknesses that he can't absorb volatile energy meaning he wouldn't be able to absorb someone shooting lightning at him or someone setting him on fire. He is also limited to three power changes within a day. His power can also overheat if he uses it too much, and continual overheating can lead to ashing. If Matt overheats, he is left powerless for a time. The duration of the over heat can vary depending on how ofter he has over heated in the past. It usually starts off at base an hour's wait before his power returns.

Other: Matthew can learn or get ideas to manipulate things from just about any source, whether it be TV shows, movies, video games, or comic books. The powers wont necessarily be as powerful as they are displayed, but he can try.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Basic Information

Name: Karlie Davis
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Blueberry, Miss dress up, Jill of many trades
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 102
Status: Returning, it’s her second year of full time enrollment


Hair Color: Dark brunette, dyed a sheen of midnight blue.
Eye Color: Grayish blue
Ethnicity: Caucasian American

Physical Appearance: Karlie has a petite, athletic build. She has a round head, with a small forehead. Her is long, straight, and uneven. Long bangs are just kept from obscuring her vision and she doesn't do much else with her hair. She has decent eyelashes and average eyebrows with a gradual shape. The right is pierced towards the inner end. Her nose has a shallow angle is tilted upwards more than usual. A stud resides through her left nostril. Rounded, recessed cheekbones barely offer any distinct definition to her face. She has a small mouth with average lips, though she has less of a pucker than most. Dental-wise she was fairly lucky with a good set of relatively straight teeth. There is barely anything in the way of height as far as her chin goes, however it sticks out far enough that its almost even with her nose. Karlie’s ears are on the small side. They are gauged with size one gauges and she doesn't plan on going any larger. There is also a stud earring halfway up her left ear. Her share of scars and scrapes can be found on her body. The most prominent ones are thin, lengthy white strips on her left shoulder and forehead. Centered on her upper back is a tattoo of a blue rose. She uses modest amount of makeup with an emphasis on blue. Particular attention is paid to her nails.

Attire: Karlie usual wears solid colored athletic wear. A a non-cotton tank top/shirt with a loose shirt thrown over, yoga pants/spandex, and running shoes are fairly standard. Common additions are arm sleeves and a plethora of colorful bracelets/hairbands. Often she’s rocking a large set of purple, futuristic, circumaural style headphones. She also has a ton of other outfits, costumes, and accessories that will be described IC side.


Outward & Innate Personality: Karlie is a whimsical social butterfly, if she had it her way she would be friends with everyone. She gives everybody the benefit of the doubt when first meeting and tries to form some common ground with them. Others opinions of individuals have no sway with her until she’s met with them herself. Even those of her friends. Some of the people she’s on good terms with could be mortal enemies. While she would have everyone like her things don’t always work out that way and she knows it. Not everyone likes her spontaneous, carefree personality. She is no push over and isn't going to try particularly hard to get someone to change their mind. In fact if anything she does whatever she wants and sees who is sticks around. Her demeanor does change slightly to better accommodate those who do though. Often times her taste of fun dangerous or mischievous. She tries to get others go go along with her, but won't pressure anyone if they say no. However, that won't keep her from offering next time, and the time after that, and the time after that. Unless she's asked not to that is. Karlie can be hyper active at certain times, or zoned out at others. Most of the time she manages a healthy medium. Those who show displeasure at her she usually pokes a little fun at. So long as things don’t get violent it’s all good in her book. This doesn't mean she’s immoral, if somebody has a good reason to be upset with her she’s quick make amends. The thing is that the criteria that fits this is very little. People in her eyes are so thin skinned. It can often be difficult to get her to commit or take things seriously. Generally she tries to shy away from strong emotions like love and hate. Primary the latter. She just wants to stay on the good side of friends without changing who she is or getting too involved in things. Everyone else can mind their own business. People who go out of their way to put her down however are marked as enemies. While powered up she tends roleplay a little, and when I say a little I mean a lot. Karlie's sexual orientation is pansexual.

Hobbies/Interests: Singing, dancing, listening to music, video games, TV, art, cooking, smoking, drinking, other drugs, skating, running, walking, or simply chilling.

Skills/Talents: The number of things Karlie knows how to do well without her power are quite limited. She is naturally good at things that require hand eye coordination, physical ability, or wits. What stands out most is her acting ability.

Prized Possession: Her costume trunk.

Quote(s): “Why so serious?”

History/Bio: Grew up in California and had a very easy life. Her job was to go to school (something that she didn't always comply with) and she was pretty much allowed to do whatever she wanted. “So long as you don’t come home in a patrol car” is what her parents used to say. Boredom spurs delinquency, and she was seen as a menace to many of the other student parents. In school she was one of those people who could walk into most of the cliques and be welcomed. She was mostly a scene kid, with drama kids, stoners, and jocks falling in as her secondary hotspots. Then her power fully emerged and shortly thereafter an invitation to the Academy once the cat was out of the bag.

Family: Only child of a normal middle class family.


Shannon Balore | Mixed, leaning towards positive | Wants to be friends | "Honestly, I can see why some people wouldn't want be friends with her. She thought I was fake, or had some sort of ulterior motive, and I thought she was stuck up (still do a little). If it wasn't for Deborah I doubt we would have gone anywhere. Eventually she opened up a little, and she isn't so bad. Plus she has like the coolest power ever! There's so many things I want her to make for me, but I don't think were quite there yet. The last thing I want her to think is that I'm using her for her power."

Deborah Termellio | Very Good | Friend | "Debs and I hit if off from the get go. She knows the ins and outs of like... everything! I enjoy listening to what she has to say, even if I don't always know exactly what is going on. Whateves. Her boyfriend, Valjean, he's just dragging her down."

Theresa Obott | Good | Friend | "Has a kind heart and a good sense of humor, I think she is really brave for not being afraid to be herself."

Dana Alcott | Good | Roommate | "I can't help but feel bad for the girl. She's sweet enough that I would stick around, but she can't really do a whole lot."

Victoria LaRouse | Neutral | Overactive Acquaintance | "A French perfectionist. Doesn't appreciate my comments, but she could lighten up a little."

Vera | Good | Friend | "Has a good taste in fashion and is both a tattoo artist and a nurse. Way cool. We sometimes trade favors with one another. If only she let Ethan think for himself a little more."

Valjean | Bad | Asshat | "This guy is an asshat. Plain and simple."

Henry Ollin | Positive | Cool Teacher Dudasaurus | "Henry is like the most awesome and lovable reptile ever! I just want to give him a big dinosaur hug, rawr! Though since he's a teacher now part of his job is going to be ruining our fun..."

Adam Blackmoore | Bad | Hard Ass Teacher | "Always has a stick up his ass. He should really chill out, kick back, and smoke a bowl one of these days.."

Vespera Spindel | Neutral, leaning towards negative | Wary Of | "More subtle than Valjean, still bad news. Glad we haven't crossed paths much."

Sylvia | Great | Friend | "I have to say we are a lot alike. Makes the sickest jams too! No matter what outfit I got I could never compete with her in that department. Also an excellent partner in crime. I've always been glad to have her at my back, more so after seeing her throwdown in the arena. My ears hurt just from watching."


Power Class: Power/Other 7

Power: Karlie has fashion ability manifestation/embodiment. What this does is give her powers based on what she is wearing. For example wearing a chefs outfit would grant her culinary intuition, enhanced motor skills and senses. A ninja costume enhanced speed, stealth, and combat. These do not always have to make physical sense, for instance wearing a pilot uniform might give her flight, or a firefighting gear grant water manipulation. Other times it is more appropriate that she embody a symbolic aspect of her apparel. Donning a skull mask would do something along the lines of making others perceive her as an avatar of their fears. A paper bag with eye holes might grant invisibility. I could go on and on, but I covered the most important aspects. Single articles usually only grant one power, where outfits give entire sets. Generally the more elaborate, the stronger the ability.

Later on she will be able to incorporate personal props into her ability. Depending on the item this will most likely work one of two ways. Firstly, she could use/make the prop as the actual item. For instance using a toy tool kit to make repairs The other option is that she'd gain a power while using/being in contact with the item. Like using a stethoscope and gain enhanced hearing. The latter is mostly likely to occur when she is in possession of an item that is already functional without her ability.

Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: The first obvious implication is that she has to have access to outfits and has to wear them. Clothes that don’t have a clear purpose, stereotype, or symbolism don’t have any effect. She can only benefit from one set of powers at a time. Should she put on another piece of apparel she will have to chose whether the new overwrites the old. Once she makes a decision it remains until it is removed, so she can’t switch back and forth at leisure. Every article takes time to change into, some more than others. If an outfit takes too much damage she loses the associated powers. Most props (once she evolves her ability) have to stay in contact with Karlie or they revert to normal (a special exception might be made for something like a boomerang, in which case there would still be a time window). Props can only be used in unison with her outfits so long as they fit her theme.

Other: Karlie has a butterfly knife/brass knuckles and a can of mace in case she feels overly threatened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Victoria LaRouse
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Miss-Mess up
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 1,70 m
Weight: 62 kg
Status: Full Student

Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Ethnicity: French
Physical Appearance: Victoria is a plain girl at first sight. When wearing clothes, one cannot see anything special about her. She isn't ugly, but she does not have anything overly attractive on her either. She has almond-shaped eyes, egg-shaped face and a french nose. A small scar is faintly visible across her left side of her lips, from when a glass broke when she was drinking wine. Her hair are straight and are most of the time tied in a ponytail, revealing her small ears. Her most distinguishing feature is her body, with well built muscles around the legs and her abs. She is not bulky. She has the body of a top tier female gymnast. Her agility and flexibility are top class and she can pack quite the kick. She dislikes to show off her body, though, so she usually wears not so revealing clothes. She has many scars on her legs, from where she started tae-kwon-do. She wears fake glasses, because she considers that her eyes stand out from the rest of her plain characteristics. She also has wing tattoos on her ankles, a tribute to her always wanting to fly.
Attire: She usually wears workout clothes, with tight pants that make mobility easier and she is a firm user of Nike trainers. She prefers hoodies in the winter, so she can still do her daily workout even in rainy days. She also wears a diamon earring which is hang by a small chain on her ear.

Outward & Innate Personality: Victoria is a friendly person, not easily angered. She dislikes brawls, but is competitive, making her a regular in the arena. She isn't scared of physical challenges, accepting challenges even from Valjean or Sylvia, even if she cannot defeat her. For her, every defeat is a step closer to a future victory. This makes her somewhat hot-headed, since she usually accepts extreme things for the sake of the challenge. Apart from her competitive attitude, she is a very friendly and cooperative person, which is the reason that many new students who meet her are usually asking her about Academy-related topics. The main drawback of Victoria's personality, though, is that she is a perfectionist. She hates seeing mess and can make a big fuss over people who are too lazy to clean their mess, especially if her own stuff is involved. That's the reason that, while she can be a perfect friend, she might be a tyrannical roommate. The last roommate Victoria had went to such extremes to change a room, that the Administration had no choice but to comply.
Hobbies/Interests: She was formerly interested in gymnastics, but she wanted a more competitive sports so she started Tae-Kwon-Do, which turned her into a formidable fighter for human standards. She is also a good vocalist, but she hasn't shared this talent with anyone in the Academy.
Skills/Talents: She is talented in Tae-Kwon-Do and singing. She can also sew clothes, but only minor patches.
Prized Possession: The earring she is wearing.
Quote(s): "Name your challenge and just watch..."
History/Bio: Victoria grew up in a renowned artistic family. She was the daughter of two famous painters, who hoped that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. Victoria, however was never intrigued by something other than competitive activities. She started gymnastics from a young age. After two years, though she stopped, to the dismay of her trainers who saw a promising athlete in her. Taking up on tae-kwon-do to satisfy her competitive urges, she soon became a national level female athlete, winning many tournaments in her career and even competing in international events, though she never managed to win one. It was her dream to win an international tournament, until the invitation from the Academy came. Intrigued by the contents of the letter and the new level of challenge before her, she soon changed her goal. Become the top fighter in the Arena. Although she is still far from fulfilling her dream, she always feels that she is one step closer to her goal and one day, her name will be known across the school as the most formidable fighter ever (or so she hopes).


Relationships: Will update.

Adam Blackmore | Neutral | Mentor |

"Although I don't like him, he is the one who taught me an efficient way to combine my athletic ability with my powers. I respect that part of him..."

Valjean | Neutral | Arena Rival |

"I don't care if he is an ass or not, I just want to beat him once in the Arena. And, I swear to God, I will!"

Vespera | Neutral | Arena Rival |

"Take this, take that, sooner or later the spider I'll splat!"

Henry Olin | Good | Acquaitance and Teacher |

"Good and smart...I would even date him if he wasn't so...Croco!"

Deborah Termellio | Mixed | Roommate |

"She is a good person, but she never tries enough to tidy up the room and...Aaaaargh!!"

Sylvia Bertoose | Good | Friend |

"At first I admired her combat ability, but then I came to admire her personality...After a loooong time of understanding!"

Shannon Balore | Neutral | Acquaitance |

"Happen to see her every now and then with Deborah. They are quite close, like...Nah, Debs is with Valjean after all..."

Karlie Davis | Mixed | Karlie is making fun of her |

"If someone was to get a prize about getting on my nerves, it would surely be Karlie, that little bitch!"

Vera Dubnin | Very Good | Close Friend |

[i]"She helped me when I was a newbie and she earnestly supports me on what I want to achieve...If anyone lays his hand on her, I will make sure I shove it into his ass!"


Power Class: Spatial 6
Power: Warp Room

Victoria can create a room in which she can change positions between two objects or people, herself included. This allows her instant movement inside the room, as long as there is another object to take her place. The ability expands to enemies and allies alike. She can do the same to moving objects inside the room, although she has to be able to react to their speed. The room expands to a 100 meter radius, spherically.

Upgrades of the Ability:

In the future, Victoria will be able to move more than a pair of objects at the same time.


Although a fearsome ability, Victoria has a big set of drawbacks to deal with. First of all, although transparent, the room isn't invisible. That gives the enemy the exact range of Victoria's power. She cannot swap places of moving object, to which she cannot react to, like bullets. While her room grands her complete control over manipulation of objects, it does not grant her the ability to know the location of any object inside, which make her ability heavily dependent on vision. That means that she cannot swap the places of objects, is she doesn't know their exact location. Also, if another person is aware of which object she might want to change places with (i.e a telepath), he will know where she will be. Objects that are firm on the ground cannot be moved too. She is also unable to partially move an object, which means she cannot amputate a person and cannot seperate an object. The maximum she can swap is an object or person twice her size and wight. Finally, although she swaps places between objects, she has no kinetic control over them, which means she cannot throw a table to someone.

Other: She is a student in the Academy for three years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

:: Basic Information ::

Name: Alex Avery Dupré
Nickname/Alias/Etc...: Prefers to go by the pseudonym Saila Eman-Tsal, usually shortened to either Saila or Eman. (Has some fairly unpleasant memories associated with the official name).
Age: Sixteen.
Gender: ???

Height: 5'8. (173 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs. (59 Kg)
Status: New Student.

:: Appearance ::

Hair Colour: Raven Black.
Eye Colour: Green.
Ethnicity: Ambiguous. Has very pale olive skin.

Physical Appearance: The best word to describe Saila's appearance would be thin. Standing at the rather average height of 5'8, the young adult has a very streamlined, slender looking frame, almost completely devoid of any significant curves. Flat chested and narrow shouldered, Saila's body is slim and lacks any discernible body hair. Despite its seemingly delicate appearance, however, it is naturally fairly swift and athletic, and has a remarkable propensity for running. Due to a lack of exposure to sunlight, Saila's olive tinted skin remains extremely pale. For the most part, it is relatively smooth and devoid of any visible scars and blemishes, although there is an old wound on the lower right leg from a childhood accident. All things considered, Saila's face could be considered to be reasonably attractive, albeit in a slightly androgynous way. Heart shaped and donning boyishly short hair, it has a sharp, slightly austere appearance. Small nosed, thin lipped and sharp eyed, the combination is vaguely reminiscent of a young school teacher, reinforced by the thinly arched eyebrows and perpetual pensive frown. A spark of mischief gleams within the verdant green eyes, however, slightly dispelling the serious demeanor, along with a faint smile which seems to permanently painted on the corner of the lips.

Attire: Generally tends to hold in favor robust, comfortable attires above all else. Jeans, cargo pants, hoodies, tee shirts and collared shirts for the most part. Has a very pronounced distaste towards flashy, impractical garments like high heels, overly baggy jeans, short skirts or ties. Has a certain tendency towards wearing black or darkly coloured clothing, although it is by no means a rule. Depending on the conditions, will either wear lightweight running shoes or sturdy leather work boots. Usually wears a belt with several pouches on it, containing, amongst other things, a cellphone.

:: Personality ::

Outward & Innate Personality: Contrary to what appearances might suggest, Saila is actually a highly mischievous and playful individual. Loving above all else to mess around with people's preconceptions, Saila is fond of using a very dry, deadpan tone of voice when speaking, often leaving people wondering whether what was said was actually serious or not. Absolutely adores playing with exact letter of words, implying complete falsehoods without ever saying anything technically untrue. Often comes across as ridiculously unfazed deviations from commonly accepted societal norms, although it might really be more a case of being unaware of them in the first place than anything else. Saila usually aims to maintain a very rational and objective method of thinking, and is easily irritated by faulty logic and petty behaviour. As a side effect of mental and physiological powers, Saila is mostly immune to most forms of physical pleasure, and will be very uneasy in any discussion dealing with them. Generally tends to prefer being left alone, but can be coaxed out of isolation by a sufficiently interesting discussion. Can be particularly harsh and sarcastic towards people deemed annoying. Beneath the surface, Saila harbors a slightly cynical and nihilistic view of the world, which has so far been kept at bay by constantly occupying the mind elsewhere. Has a love for learning new, interesting things, and spends a lot of time browsing the internet for new knowledge.

Hobbies/Interests: Due to a rather unique power set, Saila is capable of assimilating information at a noticeably faster rate than most normal humans. As a result, Saila spends a very large portion of time learning things, either through reading books or browsing online. Loves old literature in general, and has a considerable fondness for the works of Lovecraft, Poe and Machiavelli. Also enjoys most forms of creative activities, from drawing or sculpting all the way to metal working or wood working. Is very partial to puzzles and intellectual challenges as well.

Skills/Talents: Again due to powers, Saila is easily capable of mastering in a few weeks what would ordinarily take a normal person several months, and has accumulated a vast array of skills as a result. Chemistry, metal working, drawing and lockpicking are among the many skills that were picked up through online exploration. Saila, while not a master at anything by any means, tries to at the very least dabble in pretty much everything.


"Technically, I never actually said that I didn't do it. I believe my exact words were "Do you really honestly believe I would do something so stupid?". You were the one who inferred I wouldn't."

"To be honest, the most offensive thing about that insult was how profoundly petty, unimaginative and stupid it was. I would respond in kind but, honestly, if the only real basis you have for your own self worth is the size of your chest, I'd say you probably don't need me putting you down any further."


  • St-Richard's Foster System - Residence.

  • Julian Thornton - Former foster parent.
    Natalie Thornton - Former foster parent.

  • John Stevens - Former foster parent.
    Stephanie Hunter - Former foster parent.

  • Milton Rocksworth (Deceased) - Former foster parent. Villain (Level 6 telepath).

  • ??? - Biological Mother.
    ??? - Biological Father.

  • :: Relationships ::

    To be added as events unfolds.

    :: Abilities ::

    Power Classes: Cerebral 3, Super System 4, Extra-Sensory (?).

    Cerebral: To put it simply, Saila's mind is essentially the telepathic equivalent of a bear trap. Anyone attempting to establish direct brain-to-brain contact with it will open themself to a tremendously violent and painful backlash, easily capable of leaving them with a crippling migraine for several hours. This ability appears to function by redirecting the target's own mental energy towards them, meaning that the stronger the attempt, the more devastating the counter attack. Simple probes will usually only result in a mild headache, while full on psychic assault can cause coma, or even death, depending on the strength of the attacker. It is also completely shielded from extra-sensory means of detection in general, and can only be targeted by cognitive powers when the user is aware of Saila's exact location, usually by sight. It is extremely resistant to generalized, non-targeted and subconscious cognitive powers as well, and render Saila basically inexistent from a metaphysical perspective. This ability appears to affect learning capabilities to a degree, enabling to assimilate new information at a vastly accelerated rate.

    Super System: While it does not exhibit any immediately observable superhuman capabilities, Saila's body has a ridiculously efficient metabolism by normal human standards. It can easily hold onto a single breath of oxygen for almost thirty minutes, and requires only a very minimal amount of nutrients to sustain itself. Even with very little exercise, its muscles never seem to atrophy, and it always remains in fairly good condition. It is nearly completely immune to emotion affecting meta-human capabilities, and can consciously control hormonal triggers for various natural body functions. It only requires rest every fifteen days or so, and is sometimes even able to forego sleeping entirely with careful management of time schedule, replacing it with short periods of somnolent trance instead. Although it is unclear whether this is a by-product of cerebral or physical abilities, Saila also appears to display very good proprioceptive abilities, allowing for fairly impressive athletic feats, although they usually remains well within the bounds of normal human capabilities. Theories point towards a significantly slowed rate of aging, although it has yet to be officially confirmed.

    Extra-Sensory (Suspected): While it has yet to be officially verified, Saila is strongly suspected to possess some sort of low leveled extra-sensory ability. The adolescent displays excessively good situational awareness, and often seems to react before events even begin to occur. Things rarely ever seem to come as a surprise, and if they do, responses are always swift and immediate. While a lot of this can be chalked up to mundane observation skills and good reflexes, it still remains highly suspicious.

    Weaknesses: Normal human vulnerabilities, basically. Cannot throw fireballs, shrug off bullets, shoot lightning out the arse, use adamentium claws or make impenetrable force fields. Has a very slow metabolism, leading to regenerative capabilities which work slightly less quickly than those of a baseline human. While equipped with formidable stamina, has very little in the way of actual muscle strength, and will struggle with heavy lifting or other physically demanding tasks. Will still require increased amounts of food and rest after intense physical activity, and can still get tired the ordinary way, albeit much, much more slowly than normal. The telepathic shield expands amounts of mental energy proportional to the strength of the encounter when used. A simple telepathic poke might mean that Saila will need a few more minutes of sleep to recover that week, while a full blown psychic assault might leave the mind completely exhausted and unable to concentrate properly until it has rested for an hour or two. Repelling a class 10 assault might cause Saila to fall into an immediate coma for several days. Amusingly enough, seems to have trouble predicting the behaviour of shielded individuals, and will usually react less quickly than usual to slow moving people and objects. Much like a vampire, is vulnerable to wooden stakes through the heart and beheading. Blunt force trauma applied to the skull is also highly effective, much like with a zombie. Salt, holy water and cold iron have thus far shown no unusual effects, however.

    :: Other ::
    Is suspected, in addition to extra-sensory perception, to possess other low powered abilities, so much so that they do not register during regular testing. While there are indeed several aspects of Saila's powers which remain undiscovered, they should generally remain relatively unnoticeable throughout the course of the roleplay.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
    Avatar of Ciphra

    Ciphra The Blind Seer

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Name: Kristen Schwally


    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Height: 5'2

    Weight: 102 lbs

    Status: New student


    Hair Color: Strawberry blonde

    Eye Color: Light blue eyes

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Physical Appearance: Kristen is a small time model, as such it is expected that she would be beautiful, and that she is. Her long wavy strawberry blonde hair which reaches halfway down her back, though normally she does something she's thinking about letting it hang for school, but this part will vary day by day, maybe even depending on the part of day, you just never know. As for her skin it's slightly pale making her hair and eyes really stand out, but at the same time is extremely soft and smooth. Her figure is nicely rounded for someone of her size nothing too small or too big, but just right. Her lips are small and a nice natural shade of light pink, while her eyes are also slightly small but because of her eye color and skin color they still manage to really stick out. When it comes to muscles and such, that's simple. Kristen has none! She is pure looks, completely lacking any physical strength. Just don't ask her to do any heavy lifting and she'll be fine though. Lastly she has a few scars on her back, but in her photo shoots make up is always able to cover it up if her back is showing her upper back where the scars are mostly located.

    Attire: As for what Kristen wears, well that is a long list. She'll wear anything between tight jean shorts to a full out home coming dress, just because she knows she's beautiful. One day she might have a choker style necklace to a anklet, or maybe a bracelet. You never know with her.


    Outward & Innate Personality: As far as her personality goes Kristen just loves making people happy. This might seem simple, but it's really not as shallow as it seems. She does this because it helps people be more susceptible to her power, though she does honestly love people being happy. Admittedly though this can tend to get Kristen into trouble. Since her ability gets people to want, or like her more to make them more susceptible to listening to her. Sometimes if she loses control it can put her in positions she doesn't like. As for how she acts around people well that's a tricky situation. Again she wants to make people happy and hopefully get them to like her as well. So because of this she just adapts to do whatever she can to please whoever it is she wants to make happy, though she can't really be mean as easily to others so some people she just has to let pick on her and let them be happy that way, though since her emotions tap into her ability that can actually lead to hurting that person instead of making them feel better sometimes. Inwardly she is highly insecure about how people actually feel about her since she messes with peoples body chemistry while she's around them. Hoping to find someone that truly loves her and is not just her ability making them that way. In this regard it can really get her down in the dumps when she's alone thinking it's an impossible task.

    Hobbies/Interests: Kristen loves to dance and really just hang out with people. Technically modelling is her job but she still likes doing this so it would still be an interest, along with her singing though this isn't professional. As for on campus things she enjoys sneaking out and drinking with people and hopes to do that here as well as parties and the lot. Also likes to paint, though she has no talent in this field what so ever. Oh and she has an obsession with butterflies and ferrets and wants a pet ferret.

    Skills/Talents: Modeling, dancing, listening to people and making them feel better. These are her top three talents. Is also extremely flexible.

    Prized Possession: An anklet that a boy gave her before her power presented itself.

    Quote(s): "Just relax, we're just having fun, right?"
    "We should all just get along, and work together possibly."
    "Want me to kiss it and make it better?"

    History/Bio: Kristen was born into a high class family with good connections. From birth she was pampered with whatever it was she wanted, but despite being spoiled she always had a good heart towards others. Her private tutors were a main influence in her life most of which were meta human that her father hired to protect her as well as instruct her. Her favorite instructor was probably Claire, her dance instructor, who would take her out a lot and make sure she also understood how other peoples lives worked. Kristen and her would spend hours of their free time together at shelters helping people. Unknowingly to her and everyone else though she had become a victim of The Black Fall Effect. Since hers was so subtle at first there was just no way for anyone to know. By this time she had just signed a contract to be a model after an agent approached her after a dance recital, at the age of fourteen. Since then Kristen had been traveling over the U.S. with her tutors that way she would still learn while modeling and alright making a name of herself like her mother and father. After awhile she'd already started doing jobs over seas as well. Kristen traveled throughout Europe doing various jobs. Just recently though, Kristen was finally getting into some of the bigger magazines, and it will be likely that people at school will already know who she is due to this, if the read a lot of magazines anyway. She didn't really interact a lot with normal people though since she started modeling so she's not sure how that will make her feel, but either way she's still excited to go to an actual school for the first time.

    Father - Arthur Schwally - Successful businessman. - Owns a research and development company which specializes in enhancing meta-humans, and creating weapons for them, among other things. All of which are experimental and those that aren't are quite difficult to acquire since they are highly expensive, or illegal for civilians.

    Mother - Maria Schwally - Runs a dance studio. - Used to be a famous dancer.

    Brother - Arron Schwally - Already graduated from the academy years ago. - Works at father's company.

    Sister - Samantha Schwally - Also graduated from the academy. - Became a singer.


    Anyone: Can't wait to start meeting everyone!

    Jake Valos | Good | Friend |"Jake is probably one of my few friends, it's been ages since I've seen him and admittedly I kinda liked him, but I'm soooo not his type."

    Gabriela Valos | Good | Friend |"I look up to Gabriela. She's so strong and is always willing to speak how she truly feels. Is it possible I might like her too? Eh, even if I did I'm just a pathetic supermodel, I don't have any physical strength."


    Power Class: Chemical 4

    Power: Kristen's power is one that deals with the body and the chemicals that are within. This has a lot of things come with it yes, but at the same time she actually only controls a few aspects of her own power. The majority of her ability comes from her emotions. First off you have the pheromones that she releases from her body. Normally if she's just in a neutral happy mood they just increase the endorphins of anyone around her making them feel naturally happier. Lets say you got her really happy though and that amount would either go up causing more endorphins to flood their system, or if it gets her aroused it would also impose that feeling onto others around her through their body chemicals, so if she were sad depending on the severity of it would depend on how harshly it affects others around her, though since they can feel that and if they know it's from her it might just help them understand her pain more to allow them to be truly sympathetic toward her. As for things she can control that would involve speeding up the healing process of others through increasing platelet activity or messing with their white blood cells to fight infections. This however is done through kissing people, this won't instantly heal them granted, and it's still up to their body to fight, she just helps the process which can also lead to the body fighting better on top of faster eliminating some scars, and fighting off diseases that might not have been naturally possible, though she can't beat everything by this, again it's still up to the person to heal themselves, she's just helping them along. As for the kissing this can also be used to purposefully interact with the chemicals of the receiving person. This could allow her to put them into a major high on adrenaline, or change how they feel in other ways, but this is more of how they physically are affected by chemicals, though some emotion chemicals could be messed with, but not at this point in time.

    Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Not really a weakness or limit,more of a fact that can be good or bad. Her chemicals run extremely high in whatever direction causing her to not really have a middle ground. She's extremely happy, depressed, tired, sad, horny, or just completely bored out of her mind. This can make her look weird since the smallest thing like a butterfly landing on her nose, would make her happier than someone winning the lottery. For a limit the effects aren't permanent. After someone leaves her general presence and they start to go back to their normal body chemistry they can think more clearly. On that note she still can't mess with a persons free will. While she can cloud someones judgement to an extreme that doesn't mean she can make the pope kill someone, he would have to want it, or at least be able to consider doing it for her to even attempt convincing him. If she gets someone to do something they didn't want to it could lead to them really having an issue with her maybe even hating her, which would cause them to be more resistant to her ability due to how their body would naturally release chemicals telling them that they don't like Kristen, but eventually her ability would still over power that, but that presence would still be there allowing them to question their own thoughts and actions more. Another downside for her power is that she can't stop it. She is unable to just interact with people normally which is why when she's alone she tends to get insecure and thinking that no one actually likes her as a person. Also the kissing portion takes a tole on her and tires her out the longer she does it, but on the other side of the fence, the longer she does it the more it works.

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Basic Information

    Name: Atticus Fowler
    Nickname/Alias/Etc: N/A
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 142.3lbs.
    Status:[b] New Student


    Hair Color: Dark Blonde
    Eye Color: Red
    Ethnicity: White/Caucasian

    Physical Appearance: Most of the time, Atticus looks like a normal young adult his age with an average height of 5’8”. He possesses a healthy, slim build, and also muscular definition that suggests an athletic lifestyle, although he looks nothing like a bodybuilder or a professional. He has fair skin, although he is not ghostly pale, and possesses thick, wavy blonde hair that is dark enough to seem ashen in appearance. He keeps his hair cut in a shorter variant of a curtain-style, with the fringe parted in the center, and gradual tapering in length versus abrupt change. His face is oval-shaped with softer features, although his cheekbones are defined; highlighting the faintest aspects of his appearance that suggests that he is a meta-human. His cheeks appear at odd times to glow with the faintest hint of a deep red light, often becoming brighter the darker it is in the surrounding area. A similar patch shaped like a small star-and-strip mark with three prongs going upwards, also glows just beneath his hairline, much fainter, but also seeming to grow brighter with less light. Most people do not notice these glowing patches unless they look closely. Atticus’ round eyes look like a regular human’s, with long, dark eyelashes, but possess irises that are considered to be the color of blood, an intense and pure color that clearly results from his mutations. Because of a strong sensitivity to sunlight, Atticus’ eyes are hidden behind his glasses most of the time.

    Atticus is an animal-meta gifted with the ability to shift between the form of a human and a creature, and possesses another form that is, by all accounts, considered a monstrosity that would have crawled in from someone’s nightmares. His skin loses all hair and takes on an unnerving color, a pure black that is comparable to obsidian or oil, which reflects light in a fashion that makes his body seem sleek or smooth like glass, in a fashion similar to a black dragonfish. The structure of his skeleton and musculature change, and his legs and feet alter so that the foot elongates, allowing him to stand on the frontal part alone, similar to depictions of bipedal lycanthropes. His fingers grow much longer, becoming spindly in appearance because of their length, although they retain great strength and dexterity. Webbing forms between the joints of the thumb, and the first joint of each finger. The arms and legs both become more muscular with this transformation to support power and speed, although the torso and overall body retains the same lean build as Atticus’ human form, though the musculature becomes more sharply defined as a result of the transformation. He sprouts a long tail that begins thick, like reptiles, but tapers to a thin appearance like the tail of an eel or newt. A ridge appears on his back, and sprouts extremely long spines that form a fan, looking more like feelers, or whiskers. Similar smaller ridges appear on his lower arms, lining up with the shortest outer fingers.

    Atticus’s neck elongates and becomes eel-like in appearance, although it remains thick enough to support the new shape of his skull and head, overall. His head becomes like a gulper eel’s, with an enormous, cavernous mouth. When closed, it may seem harmless, but jagged, spike or needle-like teeth line it, and each tooth faintly points inward. His nose grows flat and becomes a simple pair of nostrils, located on the very tip of the face. His eyes become perfectly round, and enlarge to become like those of a deep-sea fish in appearance, primarily a spookfish, although the eyes are forward-facing. These eyes may appear black or mirror-like in most lights (They actually do contain mirrors), but certain angles reveal that they retain their characteristic blood-red coloration, which is perhaps one of the sole means that can allow a person to identify the form as Atticus. The glowing patches on Atticus transform and become more pronounced. The red glows his cheeks become cashew or kidney-shaped organs that emit a bright red light right beneath each eye, although an internal membrane of black skin can immediately obscure this light, being much more effective than the original pale, human-like skin. Likewise, the blue forked patch on Atticus’ forehead transforms into a lure similar to a wolftrap anglerfish, having distinct joints that cause it to strongly resemble a fishing rod, and tipped with three hook-like bioluminescent organs, which are tipped with sharp claw-like protrusions. Similar to the glow in Atticus’ cheeks, there is a black membrane in this lure that can obscure the glow, and the joints of the lure allow it to fold up on his head so that it does not hinder him, if need be. These glows are revealed to be produced by strains of bioluminescent bacteria, which originated from regular bacteria presumably living on his skin or in his mouth, which mutated with him. Atticus’ face is covered with ridges that accent his nostrils and separate parts of his features, vaguely akin to most abyssal fish, or a fangtooth. A third pair of eyelids, which are transparent but yellow in coloration, can cover Atticus’ eyes.

    A final feature that is only ever apparent when Atticus is present around people who know he has his powers, or they do not recognize his creature form as him, is that Atticus’ body is covered with blue photophores, which he can control when their light glows, unlike the bacterial glow in his lure or cheeks, due to bodily systems being responsible for the production of light. He often does not use it, though, because however small the amount of energy it costs him to use the photophores, it is still use of energy that he does not like to afford, and for the most part, they do not serve much purpose.

    Attire: Atticus’ typical attire consists of jeans and short-sleeve, which are typically made from a light, breathing fabric, in order to prevent him from being uncomfortably warm. Often, his color choices revolve around either white or black as a base, with color accents primarily being red or blue, although red is most often the chosen color. He generally prefers wearing a good pair of shoes that will suit any purpose, and prevent injuries to his feet. Overall, he dresses nicely, although his choice of clothing may be simple. What Atticus is never seen without is a special pair of sunglasses, which are large, and completely conceal his eyes when viewed from any angle. Their tint is additionally so dark that people cannot even see the faintest impression of his eyes. This is because Atticus has photophobia as a result of his powers. It is not an irrational fear of light, but a real sensitivity that makes sunlight painful to look at. Atticus keeps a spare pair of glasses in his pocket at all times, taking into account that on an island filled with mutants someone who doesn’t respect privacy might be tempted to steal his lenses.

    In his mutated form, Atticus has a special black wetsuit with grey accents, which he wears primarily for the purpose of having a reliable and durable fabric that will comfortably move with his body, without feeling restricting. The suit was made primarily because Atticus’ clothing does not properly fit him after he sprouts a tail, spines, and develops a long eel’s neck along with claws, and it would be ridiculous having to deal with ripped clothing every time he changed. It was also specifically a wetsuit because it was suggested, on account of his fish-like abilities.


    Outward & Innate Personality: Atticus is generally considered to be calm and collected in nature, although this taken into account, he is not insensitive to the needs of others, or completely resistant to stress himself. He is mostly reserved, saying little about himself or about other people, making it difficult for someone to pry secrets from him. He tries to discourage people from telling him something they expect to be kept a secret, because though he will do as they ask, he heavily dislikes people asking him probing questions. He tries not to be too cold towards people, and often avoids conflict as much as possible, although he does not do so in a cowardly or submissive manner, but rather, will simply claim that something will cause trouble, and that he does not wish to be involved. He dislikes getting into arguments, or having to tolerate ridiculous or foolish behavior, preferring to be left to his own devices, and generally not wasting energy on something that he may view as pointless, having a dislike for irrational acts. He is not, however mean, and will generally try not to upset others, because he is actually rather empathetic, despite any misconceptions made.

    Internally, Atticus is a person who is more likely to not show any sort of reaction to stressful or upsetting situations, but this is largely because he is extremely good at exerting self-control, and dismissing feelings that may cause him to behave in a rash manner. In reality, though, certain frustrations could potentially build up, until he flies into a fit that leaves most people stunned, because his outwardly calm demeanor so greatly masks the emotional turmoil. Afterwards, Atticus will generally be consumed with guilt at his behavior, and vanish, going to some private place to beat himself up over his break in composure. Atticus is generally more open with people who are close friends, and he will typically share more about his feelings or thoughts with them. Because of his own maturity, Atticus is typically capable of recognizing his own emotional needs, and that of others, and he also considers himself to be smart, clever, and organized. He is not blind to his own flaws, however, and may likewise consider himself to be proud, vain, and at certain times, snobbish. He may also insult himself, regarding his personality as too serious, insecure, or sarcastic in a fashion that might irritate people. Atticus does not care to have a large number of friends, but he does not want people to think badly of him, either.

    When having casual conversations, Atticus is known for having a sarcastic and witty sense of humor, which involves leading on extremely detailed fictional stories, which some people may not recognize as a joke, unless he were to change his tone slightly, or proceed to give a long-winded dialogue on purpose. He may make a quip with perfect timing for a situation to be humorous, or speak in a deadpan fashion about a topic that one struggles to imagine talking about in a serious tone. He also does not mind being made fun of, if he knows the jokes direct attention at something that is true to his nature that he himself is aware of, but likewise, he will not appreciate humor that is intended to be hurtful or cruel.

    When asked about his glasses, or the glowing patches on his face, Atticus will vaguely respond that his powers did weird things to him, and that he has to wear the glasses because the sun is ‘too bright’. Often, his response to these questions could act as a good way of gauging how he perceives you, because he will generally be more descriptive for the people he trusts. On many levels, it is universally considered wrong to snatch Atticus’ glasses from his face to find out the color of his eyes, even if he tells you they are red. You won’t find out, because he will immediately close his eyes and put on the spare set he has in his pocket. The only people who could get away with this without a negative response are the people he considers to be true best friends. If you are not in the mentioned group, well…it was wrong in the first place, since he was telling the truth that the sun hurt his eyes, and he has no real reason to lie, even if at times he seems tight-lipped.

    Hobbies/Interests: When it comes to his main interest, Atticus has a very unusual liking for calligraphy, and it does not particularly matter what form, or even what language, the calligraphy is written in. He does not pay close attention to the history of calligraphy, but seems to artistically express himself by practicing the art form. Atticus, despite the common belief that men have terrible handwriting and prefer to write in print, possesses extremely neat penmanship, and often writes in cursive, his handwriting often being extremely neat and legible. Likewise, he may also pick up words from foreign languages, although this does not mean he truly speaks them, although some things may be forever lodged in his memory. Any living space he inhabits will be decorated by samples of his work, and there may be poems lying around, also, because calligraphy should also be written with some sort of meaning behind it. These poems may have been written by someone else, or made up by Atticus himself.

    A second hobby Atticus has is that he can play the tenor saxophone, mostly because he has a natural liking for jazz music, although he also studied a few classical pieces himself. He does not compose the music himself, but enjoys it, regardless. If asked about either hobby, he might mention a few facts, along with the claim that it ‘makes [him] happy’.

    Skills/Talents: In regards to calligraphy, there are very few things that Atticus cannot do, as he has a natural talent for it. It is what he usually does to calm himself down if he feels stressed, and he loves that he can do something artistic, and also have worded meaning behind his work. It should be noted that while he only speaks English, he can pick up and remember words from foreign languages if he wants to write in them, since he finds the notion of writing and not being able to understand the meaning of what is written as ‘ridiculous’.

    In regards to Atticus’ skill at playing the tenor saxophone, he is largely good at it, under the restrictions of his emotions, making the saxophone a good way to tell if he is stressed or not. Because there is a certain degree of truth in the belief that an instrument reflects the person playing it, Atticus’ music will only sound harmonious if he is in a good mood, or peaceful on an internal level. If he is upset or angry, his music will reflect his feelings. The notes will have a distinctly sharper beginning and end, seeming oddly forceful, or if he is sad, they may sound weak or ‘thin’. He may play for a longer time if he is angry, and he may rapidly lose interest in playing if he is depressed, the terrible sound produced often worsening the emotion until he gives up.

    Prized Possession: Atticus’ most prized possessions are his two pairs of special sunglasses. He wouldn’t be able to function without them, except in his creature form.

    Quote(s): “Sometimes I hate that I have to wear tinted lenses all the time; people like eye contact, and you can’t even look at my eyes, even though there’s times when I’m grateful for it. I remember I used to get angry over when people would stare at me when I never took them off, and then I was glad because people couldn’t tell that I was mad at them. Eventually, though, I just got it through my thick skull that it was ridiculous to be stuck in that situation, and I just learned to ignore it. It isn’t really my problem if they can’t talk to a guy wearing glasses, although I suppose what I just said was kind of bitter, in retrospect.”

    History/Bio: Atticus came from a small neighborhood in his hometown in Georgia, where he grew up in the same neighborhood as Codi Bailey, whom he became close friends with after they both developed mutations that were akin in some form or fashion to sea creatures, roughly around the same time at the age of 16 and 17, respectively. While Atticus gained the power to turn into a monster with midnight-zone qualities, Codi mutated alongside an ectoparasite (Most likely a bedbug, although what it is isn’t entirely clear) and developed into a symbiotic relationship with the insect, although she had already begun to enter symbiosis with bacteria before this period. Because Atticus and Codi both had to conceal their mutations, they grew to greatly desire each other’s company, out of the basic human need for social interaction, which was not comfortable for Atticus, and for the most part impossible for Codi, because of the parasite. Upon discovering that both of them had an invitation to the same school, they made the decision to go as a group, having been best friends for over a year.


    Father- Atticus has had a healthy relationship with his father, but for the most part, does not share his father’s interest in carpentry or construction pursuits. Atticus never understood what was enjoyable about working with power tools, and didn’t like having to wear a mask over his nose and mouth to prevent issues from inhaling dust, even though he knew it was better than suffering something like a coughing fit, or splinters in the lungs. Despite this, Atticus looks up to his father, and respects him as a person of good character, albeit that he can be childish and irresponsible at times.

    Mother- Atticus takes after his mother creatively-speaking. His mother is a talented painter, and manages to make money by selling her paintings for a small profit, which adds up over time, as she enjoys painting as a hobby. She doesn’t do commissions, however, as she is a visionary, and does not like having to deal with the constraints of what other people want. Although Atticus claims he will, ‘Never have the talent that [his mom] has when it comes to paintings.’ He has developed his own creative sense through calligraphy and the ability to play the tenor saxophone.


    Codi Bailey | Good | Best Friend | “She’s my best friend, and even though I usually wouldn’t say too much about myself around other people, I feel like I can’t shut up around her. I just relax when she’s there. She listens to me, and she never tried to force me to say anything I didn’t want to.”


    Power Class:

    Animal- 7
    Super System- 5
    Energy- 3

    Power: Atticus is primarily an animal meta-human with the power to switch between his human and creature form. In his human form, he is largely vulnerable, his powers generally being much weaker, and only a small fraction of his true strength, which comes out in his creature form. In his creature form, Atticus most notably loses the severe photophobia that he normally suffers and is thus able to remove his tinted lenses, because the mutations in his eyes fully-develop during the transformation, although he still takes precautions not to look directly at a light source. His eyes, which are similar to those of a spook fish or barreleye, are incredibly unique, employing mirrors instead of lenses in order to see, and thus allowing sight via both refractive and reflective means. The superior capability of Atticus’ eyes to collect light allows him to see with even the faintest amount of light, and the design of his eyes additionally allows him to see a much wider range of vision, allowing him to see what is in front of him, above him, below him, or next to him, all at once. This greatly decreases the chance of being caught unaware, as it eliminates a large number of blind spots that are normally present in one’s vision. The third eyelids of his eyes, which are tinted yellow, can be closed to allow him to filter out unwanted light frequencies. This ability would be more useful in complete darkness, where it would have been used to detect the difference between real light and that produced by photophores, but on land, surrounded by meta-humans; it actually provides a unique benefit. Any creature that can camouflage, or refract/produce light to hide itself, becomes visible when these third eyelids are closed.

    Atticus has claimed that in his creature form, he also gains the ability to see a small amount of light on the infrared spectrum, which is an adaptation that relates to the red glowing patches on his face, which are organs containing bacteria that additionally direct the light in front of him, almost like beams, and can be masked at will by a layer of dark internally stored skin. There is a second layer of skin that can filter out visible light, leaving only infrared light that solely Atticus or specific people could see, although he has not learned how to use it, yet, or even acknowledge that it exists. Visible-light glows are not particularly useful among humans, who can see red light, but anything that is color-blind to the color red (like most regular animals) cannot detect his approach. Anything corresponding with the red spectrum of Atticus’ light will reflect back, giving him an invisible flashlight of sorts, similar to a black dragonfish, although the fish does not use bacteria to produce such light.

    Atticus’ blue bioluminescent lure and photophores do not have a proper purpose on land, aside from getting attention when it’s dark, and although Atticus suspects he might be able to breathe underwater, he’s never tried it, because he doesn’t have gills or any features that would suggest it. (You’d have to risk drowning, perhaps, and he didn’t come from a place where there was a large body of water to test the theory. You can’t blame someone for being cautious). In reality, Atticus possesses the ability to breathe in water through his skin, similar to an amphibious fish, and being similar to abyssal fish; he can likely tolerate extremely cold temperatures in the water, and an immense amount of pressure, making him capable of going to extremely deep depths. He’s never been able to test his limits, however, and testing to see if he really can breathe underwater is something that isn’t easy to coax him into.

    The spines on Atticus’ back and arms, while perhaps initially mistaken for ornamentation or protection, actually exist to serve a sensory purpose. In reality, they are not true spines, but stiff antennae of sorts, comparable to the fins of a hairy anglerfish. These antennae work in both air and water, and twitch with the slightest disturbances or changes in currents from either medium. This allows him to determine general information about the weather or tides (The terms are interchangeable), and also, on a finer-tuned level, determine the approach of moving objects. This in some ways is more accurate than if he were to possess a strong sense of smell, because although he cannot track things, he can tell what’s approaching, and how far away it is.

    Atticus’ claws and cavernous mouth are the final notable aspects of his creature form that grant him powers because of animal form. His nails become sharp claws, which, while not comparable to razors or anything truly fascinating, could still leave marks. His mouth and bite are what should truly be avoided, because Atticus’ mouth is enormous like a gulper eel’s, and his bite force is actually stronger than the eel. It should also be noted that multiple rows of ragged, needle-like teeth, faintly pointing inward, line his mouth, perfect for snagging tissues and causing severe injury. While a regular gulper eel couldn’t do anything harmful to a human aside from leaving small scratches (It’s very tiny, too) Atticus could realistically wound someone and kill them through blood loss. He couldn’t take someone’s arm, but he could still cause severe injury.

    Powers unrelated to Atticus’ status as an animal meta-human are extremely obvious, when used, as he appears to have super-system traits along with his animal characteristics. Atticus, while not strong in the sense of an ant lifting ten-times its weight, is still stronger than what should be expected of his creature form, which has almost the same build as his regular human form. A single punch or strike that’s well-aimed can snap the bones of a regular human being, and he could also potentially send them skidding a good distance away. His punches could dent metal or crack stone. This in mind, though, Atticus wouldn’t punch metal or stone so hard unless he needed to, because hard materials would badly injure his hands. Also, while he can deliver devastating blows with considerable force, he can’t really exert force long-term. He couldn’t genuinely lift or toss an elephant, he’s not that strong. He’s strong in an aerobic sense, and anaerobic activity is extremely taxing.

    Atticus’ true super-system abilities lay in his capability to use powerful attacks with a swift enough speed to overwhelm opponents, and then safely maneuver away to avoid any sort of counter-strike. Atticus’ skin isn’t tough or armored, and is still virtually as vulnerable—if not weaker—than a regular human’s, because of its sleek qualities. His speed, agility, and natural flexibility make it possible for him to elude most attacks, and although he could never be considered to have super-speed, he could easily rival a galloping horse if he wanted to (A galloping horse runs an average speed between 40-48 miles per hour).

    Atticus’ final, and overall weakest ability, is his small, limited set of energy powers, which may or may not be part of his animal mutations...it’s really unclear, when he has fish mutations. Atticus has a certain degree of power, in that he can discharge electricity. This electricity can travel short distances in water (Because that’s just how electricity is), but is limited exclusively to physical contact when Atticus is on land. The confusion over Atticus’ electric abilities comes from the fact that his maximum voltage is around 470 volts, a power that could be akin to that of a small electric eel. One should not be deceived, however, by thinking that this voltage is small. The voltage Atticus discharges is easily enough to be fatal to a regular human being and it’s even worse if someone is crazy enough to touch his tail or his nose when he decides to zap something, considering he has a positive and negative end to his body, just like a magnet.

    Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: The first great weakness Atticus has is that in his human form, he loses virtually all of his powers, and additionally gains an extreme case of photophobia that forces him to wear dark tinted lenses at all times. It’s not really difficult to see how if he were caught off-guard as a human, Atticus would be in trouble. It can badly hinder him if he loses his protective lenses, so he is easy to defeat in his human form.
    In his creature form, Atticus’ strengths are generally offset by equally notable weaknesses. The first is that while capable of delivering extremely powerful blows, he can still injure himself in the process. The concept is not very different than a person bruising their knuckles if they punch a wall. He also cannot lift and throw things, whatever misconception that his strength might give people. If he is asked to lift something, he will probably get hurt. His skin is additionally just as sensitive in his creature form as it is in his human form, and as a result, any attack can hurt him. He has no defenses against elemental or energy attacks save for electric shocks, which his body is naturally designed to handle, and only up to a certain voltage.

    Atticus also has a unique kind of ‘block’ period between his transformations, during which he is unable to change forms for a certain period of time after transforming. This means if he turns into a human, he must remain a human for roughly an hour before he can turn back into a creature. The same rule applies to his creature form, and he must remain a creature for an hour before becoming human again. If he is attacked in human form, it is an instinctive, almost automatic response for Atticus to attempt to transform, which, in the context of the situation, can break the rule of the block period, if he genuinely perceives that his life is in danger and his body perceives it in such a fashion, also, although this puts great stress on him physically, and he may grow weak or ill after the danger has passed. He also cannot transform if he receives too many serious injuries, in which case the energy used for transforming will transfer to the task of healing the wounds, trapping him in his current form, which more often than not, is his creature form, which is naturally better at self-defense. The disadvantage of being trapped in his creature form when injured is that it is difficult to administer medical treatment to someone with an alien kind of biology. He also can’t have antibiotics that are taken internally; for fear that it would harm the bioluminescent bacteria in his body.

    Other: Couldn’t find anything to put in this section…I think I broke my record on how long a character sheet can be, though.
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    Basic Information

    Name: Codi Bailey
    Nickname/Alias/Etc: N/A
    Age: 17
    Height: 5’6”
    Weight: 649lbs. (Human body 250lbs, Parasite body 399lbs estimates)
    Status: New Student


    Hair Color: Dark Copper
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Physical Appearance: Standing at a slightly taller-than-average 5’6”, Codi Bailey possesses a mostly thin figure with long limbs, which would normally make her seem pretty or beautiful, if her powers didn’t force her to have a persisting, hunched posture. The pronounced slouch makes her seem as though she were constantly tired, depressed, or perhaps ailing from some sort of pain. Most of the time, however, Codi is actually quite comfortable, and generally has a positive mood, so her appearance can be extremely deceiving to people who don’t know her well. She has a smooth, peaches-and-cream skin tone, being pale, but not exactly white or porcelain, because of a faint pink tinge. Her face is round in shape, and she possesses gentle, delicate features, with small dimples that appear on her cheeks when she smiles. Her eyes are a hazel color that shifts between brown and green depending on the light, and her eyelashes are long and dark. Her eyebrows lack a feminine arch, but are regardless, well-shaped in appearance. Her thick, wavy dark hair is worn short in a bob cut parted down the right side, long enough to reach the bottom of her chin. The middle segments of her fingers and at the base of her thumbs have pouches that conceal long, hollow, syringe-like claws that can be extended, the tips sprouting from beneath the normal-looking nails. The fashion of these needles’ concealment is similar to the retractable claws of a cat, and when not in use, cannot be detected.

    Codi Bailey might look completely normal, if it weren’t for the nature of what was on her back, which is ultimately responsible for her slouch. At the age of sixteen, having been bitten squarely on the back by an ectoparasite, which she strongly suspects may have been a bed bug, due to the incident of the bite having likely occurred while her family was staying at a hotel while traveling, Codi developed into symbiosis with it. The insect, influenced by the unique nature of Codi’s then-developing powers, began to dramatically alter in order to work as a beneficial parasite to its host, shedding most of its insect traits in favor of those belonging to echinoderms, spiny-skinned creatures typically found in water. The bed bug, which was identified by Codi as male in the future, was so greatly altered that it had almost no semblance to the extremely small creature it began as. Codi later gave this creature a name, calling it ‘Reef’ because of its appearance.

    With its mouthparts fusing into the center of Codi’s back just beneath the end of the ribcage on the spine, Reef has established a well-anchored, yet narrow area through which it and its host share a matching blood supply, and it has grown to an incredible size that is considered to be larger than Codi herself. Reef’s original six legs are now large, powerful grippers that dig into shallow hidden pockets in its host’s skin that developed to allow a better grip for the creature, without forcing more fusion of bodily tissues. The central point of Reef’s weight has been shifted up to Codi’s upper back, the reason for her hunched posture, despite the fusion of tissues being at a lower point, and Reef’s entire body transformed from something insect-like into a kind of shell. This shell Reef forms strongly resembles the body of a sea urchin, being dome-shaped in appearance, and covering much of Codi’s back, so much that the human part of her isn’t visible when viewed from behind, save for perhaps the bottom of her legs. The urchin that Reef primarily resembles at the base level is the shingle or ‘cliff-clinging’ urchin. The general appearance is a smooth, mosaic pattern formed out of polygonal plates with a faint radial pattern, starting small in the center, with the plates growing larger as they move outward. The outer edge of this body also basely has plates with a polygon shape, however, these plates are more elongated, and have a shape similar to roof-shingles (Hence the creature the appearance is compared to), splayed out in a relaxed manner, and molding to contours of the host’s body, as needed. In addition to polygon-shaped plates, Reef is covered with a large array of spikes that form clusters in alternating length in a radial pattern (Long spikes, then short, then long again heading towards the center).

    Just before the outer shingle-like edges of Reef’s shell, Reef sprouts six arms, also in a radial pattern, which make him resemble a brittle star, in addition to a sea urchin. These arms are more like armored tentacles, being segmented with two bony spikes on each side of a segment, and therefore, they look vaguely like bones, namely a spine. Each arm is roughly eight feet in length, further emphasizing Reef’s incredible size compared to its host. Three arms are on Codi’s left, and another three are on her right.

    Reef’s brilliant coloration hints at the creature’s dangerous nature. The base plates of the body being alternating colors of extremely pale, bright yellow and orange, they strongly resemble glowing lava. The sharp spines on Reef’s body are banded in appearance. One color on the bands, which always starts at the very base of each spine, begins as a yellow shade matching the color of the base plates, before becoming a darker shade of orange, almost like offshoots of flame. After the first band, these colors brighten to an intense yellow again that seems to glow in the bands. On the long spines, these bands are thinner, and quickly fade to a solid color, but are prevalent the entire length of the short spines. The other color on these bands is a dark, reddish-wine/mahogany color that continually darkens until it reaches the tips. On any one of these spines, although most often found at their very tips, a band may instead of these two colors be a bright shade of blue-purple, like hot flames. Overall, this bright coloration does not merely mimic fire, but appears to glow, and is most like the appearance of a Rainbow Fire Urchin. A similar color pattern is found in each of the six arms on Reef’s body. The only parts of Reef that deviate from this pattern are radial white spots, one per segment/portion of its body. These spots are considered to serve some sort of purpose regarding vision, although Reef’s entire body almost functions as an eye.

    Attire: Codi’s choice of attire is greatly limited by the presence of Reef, who is fused to her back, and therefore, cannot be removed. Most often, Codi wears halter-neck clothing that is held onto the body via a ring of fabric around the neck, leaving her shoulders bare, and generally, these tops reveal much more on the back than typical clothing does, often being custom-made. Nothing is seen as bad about this, however, because Reef completely covers her back. Aside from her clothing, Codi wears jeans and good running shoes that can handle a great deal of weight. The colors Codi generally prefers often blend with that of Reef, because strange or not, the parasite’s colors are quite beautiful to the eye. She generally wears scarves made of a light or silky fabric.
    She may also at times wear unusual clothing relating to safety. She may wear safety goggles, masks, or even a respirator like one might wear when working with spray paint or other such tools.


    Outward & Innate Personality: Codi is a person who is generally considered to be kind and sweet, yet with much more stubbornness and backbone than what people expect from that description. She has what would be considered a heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others, and therefore, she is easily distressed by the problems of other people, even if it would be considered ridiculous to worry, either because she doesn’t know someone, or she has no control over the situation. She is easily bothered by the concept of having people that dislike her, and generally afraid to have enemies, even though she logically accepts that most people will wind up having them. She generally has a strong emotional desire to be accepted by her peers, and often hates being alone, even though she may have to be alone at times, because being in the presence of others can be emotionally or mentally exhausting and she needs to rest. She tends to alternate in her behavior, sometimes being a social butterfly, and other times, a loner who is probably seldom-seen. It often depends on the current situation.

    Codi can be extremely quirky at times, with a witty sense of humor and an extremely blunt, open personality. She generally tends to be cheerful, and would much rather be in a Zen or peaceful state than one that is disturbed—she prefers to avoid stress as little as possible, even though she might unknowingly attract such situations. As a result, she often says what she is thinking aloud, or what her opinion is on a matter. She generally gives an honest answer when asked a question, unless she has promised to keep a secret, in which she will clearly tell the person that she isn’t allowed to tell. She isn’t reckless, though, and she won’t ever actively attempt to offend people. If her claims offend a person, it is likely because they asked her a question, and she gave them a response that, while honest, was one they didn’t want to hear. Codi strongly hates lying, and would be greatly crushed by guilt to the point that it is easy to get any confession from her.

    Codi does not do a good job of hiding her emotions. If she is stressed or worried, it shows very easily on her face. She makes strange or strained expressions, and she might nervously play with a scarf she is wearing. Her behavior might change, too, and she might be unusually moody under a lot of pressure. She could display bizarre flashes of temper that aren’t associated with her, and possibly break down and cry directly afterwards. Most often, however, she never remains in an angry state for long, because an aspect of Codi’s personality is that she cannot remain angry for extended periods. As mentioned before, she would much rather be in Zen (No, she is not Buddhist, for reference) than stressed all the time.

    Codi at times may be somewhat indulgent in nature, and generally enjoys comfort and security (Not that this isn’t true for most people). She likes soft, comfortable things, and might pile her bed with tons of cozy blankets to swaddle herself in when she’s resting, although this is also something she does to reduce the weight on her back from carrying Reef around all day. When she’s stressed, (like most girls would) she likes sweets, especially chocolate, and perhaps a good book or soothing/cheerful music. Since the parasite on her back doesn’t eat anymore (All its nourishment comes from their shared blood supply) she may also strongly crave fish if she’s stressed, since sea urchins may eat fish (since there’s little Reef has in common with insects anymore). She can generally eat far more than what her appearance suggests (or maybe it isn’t).

    Indulgent nature set aside, Codi works very hard, so most people can easily forgive the luxuries that she allows herself. Anything she takes upon herself, she tries to do the best she can, and generally, may do more than what is minimum or expected. She is also quite generous, and will gladly share things she has with friends, often perhaps taking note of things they want that aren’t directly voiced, and giving gifts accordingly. She may at times be stubborn when she sets a goal, and refuse to stop pursuing it in perhaps the most frustrating of ways, but she has relatively simple desires, and often, works harder than anyone else to reach her ultimate goal, which she generally will try to finish. Simple desires set aside, Codi actually sets very high goals, and although a process may be slow, she may wind up ahead in it, and succeed long before she expected to do so. She is also very creative and smart, but this is covered more by her hobbies.

    Hobbies/Interests: Codi is an extremely smart and creative person, and almost always has some sort of project that she needs to complete on her list, if she doesn’t have multiple things in progress at once. An artist with a good eye, she is excellent at drawing things free-hand, and this results in her living space typically winding up cluttered to a certain small extent with binders filled with hole-punched paper, or completed drawings. Drawing kits and special markers are also not an uncommon sight. A computer is almost always set up, where Codi messes with some obscure 3-D sculpting or image manipulation program. She may also have lying in some corner a project being made with duct tape, since the material can create almost anything. Aside from this, there may also be a potted plant somewhere, since Codi loves greenery.

    These home hobbies aside, Codi’s artistic capability is incorporated into something artistry isn’t known for—she’s extremely good with technology and construction, overall. It’s not strange for her to talk about ‘Cortexes’, ‘Gearboxes’, ‘Motors’, ‘Servos’, or any other sort of jargon that a regular person couldn’t understand at all. She likes building little robots and programming them, when she can obtain parts, and secondly, she wants to give them names, and decorate them to look appealing to the eye. She can draw an excellent 3-D blueprint, after all, and wants to do something relating to Mechanical Engineering. This hobby is generally why she has so much safety equipment; since power tools require safety precautions (What did you expect? She’s drilling holes in wood and metal).

    : Codi is extremely skilled at drawing, and there is little room for a person to argue. The majority of her drawings (Save for those done in a primarily geometric style, which needs a protractor/ruler) are done freehand, without the use of aides or tools. She can do a large number of styles, ranging from pictures formed from swirling lines to those akin to sketches of anatomy, many becoming a superior quality that looks professionally done. Codi’s drawing talent aides her other hobby of building robots, as she can draw very detailed blueprints, just with the knowledge of the parts at her disposal. Codi is, however, no professional in 3-D programs on computers unless they are designed for engineering purposes, or consist of a coordinate plane or cubes; she’s not a master at everything, and to do a good 3-D sculpture, it requires a lot of time. She is good at her hobby of making things with duct-tape, though, because of its physical nature. Codi has unremarkable skills in regards to plants. Although she is an excellent cook with almost any kind of fruit or vegetable (even odd, obscure ones like jicama or yucca), and she can name a wide variety of herbs from memory, she is terrible at plant care. The only plants that flourish under her care are easy to manage, or require no attention at all to thrive.

    Codi is shockingly good with robots, an aspect of Mechanical Engineering, and something nobody would expect from looking at her. She knows how to design grippers and claws, and how to properly wire small motors to a robot’s ‘brain’, or program proper commands into a remote for the movements of a servo. She likes to build little robots just for fun, ones that can be remote-controlled that can be played with like toys. She also greatly enjoys decorating these robots, and on occasion, designing ones with extremely difficult controls, just because it is more fun to try to learn how to control them, and amusing to watch them repeatedly crash into walls or other obstacles.

    Prized Possession: Codi’s most prized possession is probably her drawing kit. She doesn’t seem to have a precious possession she would be lost without, but she does have a particular item that happens to be very difficult to obtain, just because of its cost.
    Quote(s): “It’s funny how people react when I tell them I like to build robots, but they’re really not that fancy or impressive to look at. They usually have a pretty basic function, and they’re made out of whatever scraps I can find. I guess being able to build any robot with limitations, though, is kind of cool. The instant I start talking about the finer details, though, half the people listening to me will get bored and walk away.”

    History/Bio: Codi grew up in the same Georgia hometown as Atticus Fowler, and although her mutations did not become apparent until the age of sixteen, it is suspected that she actually began mutating at the age of fifteen. With a previous nervous habit of picking at the fingernails, Codi would occasionally get small infections when skin was torn by accident, a painful, irritating problem. Most of these infections weren’t noticed, even though there was a notable increase at one point, for how severe the infections were. There was a point when all her fingernails, including her thumbs, became so heavily infected that red blotches spread down the finger, by the very end of a day, almost as though she were suffering from blood poisoning. Because Codi was often asleep in bed before these infections looked severe enough to prompt a visit to the hospital, she didn’t find it unusual when the infections were completely gone the next morning. She only ever visited the hospital once for an infection, and the doctors could not find anything wrong with her. It wasn’t until later, when her powers manifested in retractable hidden syringe-like claws under the fingernails that any significance was given to these infections. Each syringe-like claw internally is connected to a kind of pouch or cavity of sorts supposedly hidden in the arms, where there is more space. Each pouch has its own claw, and each pouch is filled with a different strain of (Lethal) symbiotic bacteria.

    After the manifestation of these syringes, Codi was forced to avoid the hospital at all costs, and additionally, she could not spill her blood around people who weren’t meant to know about her abilities. Her blood itself appears to be to a certain extent, toxic. It wasn’t acid, or lethal, but physical contact with it could cause any patch of skin on another creature to break out in a rash on the affected area with a small degree of swelling, and an itching, burning, or stinging sensation.

    When her family traveled somewhere to attend a family reunion, Codi and her parents stayed at a hotel, and afterwards, had to (literally) burn their clothing, in exchange for new ones, and check the new stuff, too. The hotel had been infested with bedbugs, and the only reason Codi’s own home didn’t get infected was that her father had suffered an allergic reaction to the bites. Because it seemed that a lot of bedbugs had died from ingesting her blood (it was probably toxic to small things), she did not recognize that one had become attached to her back, and that its cells were fusing with her own. She did not notice until long after the incident, and this bedbug later identified as male, would grow into the urchin-like monster Reef that sits on Codi’s back, sharing her blood supply. Reef would also be responsible for Codi’s homeschooling, and later, almost complete social isolation.

    When Reef’s size had stopped increasing, and it had reached a size where she could not go anywhere, Codi ran into Atticus and discovered his powers by accident. She sometimes wandered around the private property she and her parents lived on, and Atticus had not seen the signs indicating the boundaries, because it was a wooded area where the incident occurred. Atticus had experienced an uncharacteristic panic when, stumbling upon Reef (Codi was facing the other direction) he was nearly swatted by Reef’s stinging arms, having been mistaken for a threat. He was immediately forced into a transformation, having never encountered another mutant before. This misunderstanding was quickly cleared up, however, and their parents also established a stable friendship.

    Over the course of the next year, before deciding to go to the island school, Codi and Atticus became very close friends, largely because Atticus was the only other person in their town with powers, and they were permitted to spend time around each other.


    Mother- Codi’s mother is a rather creative woman, in the sense that she often buys old, beat-up furniture and tries to restore it into pieces that can decorate the home. Because of this experience, Codi has an innate sense of style regarding decorating, as well as how to work with furniture, or pick gloss. She learned many different kinds of things to cook from her mother, and her mom is also responsible for teaching Codi how to identify herbs from memory. Codi deeply loves her mother.

    Father- Codi’s father is in many ways like a big kid. In his spare time, he likes to play with RC helicopters (Where she gained her interest in remote-control robots), and mess with vehicles. He also works as a gear assembler, working with gears that could be as tall as the ceiling in a room, and what could weigh well over a thousand pounds. Codi often has concern for her father because he can be injured by all of the dangerous equipment, but shares his passion for machines, and also loves him very much.



    Atticus Fowler| Good | Best Friend/ Possible Crush| “Atticus usually looks calm, but in reality, he’s actually a very moody person who is just good at hiding his emotions. I know he looks like your stereotypical ‘cool guy’ and he might act like one, too, but he’s not really that shallow. He likes almost any kind of person, in general, and he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. If you want to learn more about him, you just have to be patient, and eventually, he’ll tell you. Just don’t pry and try to get answers by force, because that never works.”


    Power Class:
    Animal- 6
    Super-System- 3
    Chemical- 7

    Power: Codi’s powers are often obvious to most of the people to look at her. She has an enormous urchin/brittle star fused to her back, which acts as a very powerful defensive armor. It takes a considerable amount of force from blunt blows to cause a bad injury to Reef, and most sharp edges like teeth, claws, or bladed weapons won’t have any effect at all. Overall, it’s just very hard to damage Reef by attacking its main body, and in truth, it’s dangerous to attack the urchin, anyway. Reef’s long, sharp spines, which grow back quite rapidly if damaged or lost, can easily pierce thick hides (it’s already comparable to being impaled by a lance or sword), and almost immediately after, inflict an excruciatingly painful sting that can last several hours in the affected area, though it is non-lethal. One cannot get past these spines easily, either, as Reef has been known to follow threats with its spines, having a rudimentary sight capability. The six long arms, eight feet in length each, capable of re-growing over a period of time and similar to a gigantic version of a brittle star’s, are another dangerous line of defense, and serve a strong offensive purpose, as well. Being tough and armored, and edged with blunt spikes along their lengths, the arms can swing in a wide range around Codi, striking foes with great force if they get too close. Thankfully, these arms do not contain venom like Reef’s spines, though they could send a person flying, having enough strength to lift Codi and the urchin’s weight combined. When not directed by Codi’s thoughts, however, they lack accuracy, and seem to merely flail about, though it is still very hazardous. Reef can also use its arms to move Codi and itself around a location, granted that it can grip something, making their movement much swifter than one would expect.

    Codi’s super-system attributes are linked to her skeleton and body having developed the power to bear incredible weight on her back, extending far past that of the parasite. There is no offensive purpose to this ability, but it prevents Codi from becoming tired or weakened by being forced to carry a load she cannot ever remove from her back.

    Codi’s second ability, regarding the human component of the symbiotic duo, is that she has concealed syringe-like claws stored under her fingernails in each hand. Each claw is connected to hidden pouches in the forearms, each finger having its own unique pouch. Just as each claw has its own unique pouch, each pouch has its own unique bacterial culture, which has developed into symbiosis with Codi as a defensive or offensive mechanism. Because the body of a host provides a rich environment, these bacteria have lost much of their ability to survive outside of it, although they can easily grow inside a living thing, particularly when injected into a wound. What should be noted is that nine of these strains can be easily treated with medications (Though cheap topical creams or sprays are still too weak), or overwhelmed by a foe’s immune system. They do, however, produce powerful toxins in the right environment (Inside a wound). These toxins have effects that can be treated, and have a generally delayed effect (it’s not immediate like Reef’s venom), but it can quickly sicken most things. Depending on what fingers struck a person in an attack, a victim may experience weakness, nausea, dizziness, involuntary shuddering, nerve pain, or an unnaturally fast heart rate that can’t slow down until the bacterial toxin runs its course (Toxins do not leave the body because the immune system killed the bacteria). The effects of nausea are caused by the small finger and middle finger of the left hand. Weakness is caused by the index finger and ring finger of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand and the small finger of the right hand cause severe dizziness and vertigo. Involuntary shuddering is caused by the index finger of the right hand, and the middle finger of the right hand causes nerve pain.

    People must be wary of the thumb on the right hand. Although the thumb is the least-likely part of the hand to affect someone via a scratch due to its position and length, the bacteria connected to this digit is typically far worse than the others. The bacteria of this finger can cause a combination of multiple symptoms, often worse than the nine toxins previously mentioned. It is the bacteria Codi went to the hospital for, though it was only because of swelling in the thumb. Extreme aching pain over the entire body, nausea that could easily lead to vomiting along with painful stomach cramps, and dizziness can all be caused by a scratch from this thumb. It should also be noted that the bacteria from this digit last much longer than the others, and continue to produce toxin, so it could easily hospitalize people. The only thing that is good about this strain of bacteria is that it cannot spread, and it can be treated by antibiotics, and the symptoms suppressed by drugs. It also takes much more time than the other bacteria to spread, so someone who gets medical attention quickly may not have to suffer at all. It is when an injury is ignored, in this case, that someone will suffer.

    Another mild defense Codi has is that her blood (Shared with Reef), contains a somewhat irritating compound in it. It is not at all lethal, but most creatures will experience itching and redness and perhaps a layer of skin might peel off, if the individual who touches it is more sensitive. Some people aren’t affected at all, making the effects of the substance in Codi’s blood more like an allergic reaction.

    Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Codi’s first limitation is that her human body—the part of her that really matters, is actually quite vulnerable. Though she possesses the power to carry an incredible amount of weight on her back, despite her extremely thin appearance, the strength does not extend to her arms or legs, and she cannot deliver strong blows. In fact, she is actually rather weak, often only going unharmed because she has a gigantic, powerful urchin sitting on her back. It should be noted that she can be easily injured, except on the level of breaking bones, as much of her strength comes from incredible bone-density. She also does not have the healing factor of Reef, and cannot rapidly recover from her injuries, only possessing powerful resistance to illness, disease, or toxins.

    The strains of bacteria in Codi’s hands are not easy to use as offensive weapons, because they require physically piercing a foe’s skin, and getting closer, while revealing the most sensitive part of her body, which is her entire human-self. Also, while the syringe-nails are very sharp, and often not expected by foes, they cannot pierce heavily-armored skin, unless she was able to muster up incredible force, which she does not have. The use of her nails requires that her foe have human-like or equally sensitive/weaker skin that will break. Nine bacterial strains in Codi’s hands are rapidly killed by a threat’s immune system, leaving only the toxins, which has effects that could last a maximum of two hours, quickly taking effect once introduced, although the average amount of time it lasts is one hour. These toxins are seldom lethal, and can symptoms can be treated by drugs. The most powerful strain contained in Codi’s thumb can be treated with somewhat stronger antibiotics commonly found in clinics or hospitals, and the symptoms also treated, but most often, it takes too long to affect a foe in a dangerous situation, so it’s usually useless. It should be noted that while she cannot be harmed by her own bacteria, if one of these syringes is torn, Codi must wait for a new nail-claw to grow back before she can use the bacterial strain again.

    Reef’s weaknesses lie in the fact that unlike Codi, it does not possess bacterial strains in its spines, only venom. The venom, which causes excruciating pain in the affected area once administered, can badly hinder most foes for several hours, but it is non-lethal, and the venom alone from a sting could not kill someone (Unless it was administered in an enormous dose, but it would take a ridiculous number of stings for that to happen, even though Reef is enormous and administers a lot to begin with). Reef’s venom, while very painful, can be treated by the same substances used to treat bee or jellyfish stings (In essence, vinegar, baking soda paste, etc.). Reef’s ability to heal, while quite rapid, does have limits, as while spines can rapidly re-grow, a lost arm takes an extended period of time, and Reef only has six (This in mind, it’s still not easy to cut through those thick, bony plates).

    Bleeding cannot severely affect the urchin, as blood loss rapidly stops because of the nature of the creature’s anatomy, but it should be noted that blood loss still affects both Codi and Reef. Because of their shared blood supply, if one loses blood, so does the other. Reef’s attacks also lack accuracy when it flails its arms, unless directed by Codi’s thoughts.

    Couldn’t think of anything to put in here.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Basic Information

    Name: Mark Heaton
    Nickname/Alias/Etc: N/A
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Height: 6 ft 2
    Weight: Around 70kg
    Status: New student


    Hair Color: Brown
    Eye Color: Light Brown
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Physical Appearance: His hair is short and unkempt, and although he looks relatively skinny, his muscles are well toned. Other than that, he is incredibly ordinary: he has not tattoos, and no apparent outstanding features other than a birthmark on his shoulder. His eyes are shallow, and can change from warm to harsh with a single idiotic comment. His eyebrows are thin, and are rarely furrowed, unless to show disapproval. He is clean-shaven, and smooth faced, if not for the odd spot. By no means is he a lady killer, but is far from ugly; his smile can light up a room. When he does smile of course; his lips are only etched into a grin when he feels they need to be, and rarely from reflex. He has an ample amount of body hair on his legs, and a small amount on his arms, but only a small line of it down his stomache on his torso. If there is anything outstanding about his appearance, it is that his posture is perfect.
    Attire: Mark does not care too much about their attire, and tends to wear whatever is clean and matches. But he does always wears a watch.


    Outward & Innate Personality: He is quite stubborn, competitive, and has a logical thought process. And he suffers from apathy, which he desperately wants to overcome. These personality traits have made him into a person that will strive to solve problems that are given to him, and usually end with him finding the right answers. However, any problem that he himself wishes to find an answer to, or any activity that he wishes to do for himself, almost always end with him giving up. This is the source of his frustration with himself.

    With others, he is friendly and caring. But again, he will rarely initiate interactions; he simply puts his all into what is placed in front of him. So when he is with people, he will give them his full attention. However, he tends to keep himself closed off. He knows he is terrible with keeping in contact with people, and any relationships he makes will be unfairly one-sided. This has caused his friendships to drift apart, one after another. It has made him feel guilt, and even more guilt for feeling self pity when it was his own fault for watching them fade away. But he is immune to depression: he will not die before doing something worthwhile. That is a promise that he made to himself, and it has kept his darkest of thoughts from taking over his demeanor.

    Speaking of his demeanor, he is quite abrasive. If he thinks something is wrong, he will say so, but not to the point of being an ass. He takes into account the emotions of the people he is speaking to before he says anything. He is tolerant, and considerate, but not exceptionally patient. Not unless he really needs to be. When he gets made angry, which is hard, he gets can be motivated to do great or terrible things. But anger isn't something that he wants to use as a weapon against lethargy. He wants to overcome it in a positive way. He wants to find something that will make him want to do things; maybe even someone. So, he does not hold grudges, and he does not let his temper get the best of him.

    He stresses over his mistakes, and mistakes that are yet to come. He takes full responsibility for them, but they still eat him up inside. But strangely, he is more than willing to forgive the mistakes of others if he feels they deserve it: he does not like to judge people. Only himself.

    Hobbies/Interests: His only real interest is going for long runs. It gives him time to think, and thinking and making up ideas is the only thing that he seems to enjoy. Putting them into practice is something that he fails at, because he ends up giving up. This one hobby has kept him fit.

    Skills/Talents: Anything that grabs his attention for long enough can quickly become one of his talents. Of course, not many things do this. And those that have, he has quickly grown bored of. As a result, he is quite good with magic tricks, electronics and computer hardware, and even knitting needles.

    Prized Possession: He has a pet scorpion. Taking care of it is one of the things that keeps him afloat. And an expensive metal watch.

    Quote(s): "No."

    History/Bio: He was just an average child, that grew up loving games. He had a close relationship with his parents, and had a promising future: he was eager to learn, loved to solve problems, and was very competitive. That changed when at the age of 13, his power developed. All of a sudden, everything he did, he did quicker. He would finish schoolwork before the teacher could finish explaining it to the rest of the class; he could finish a book by flicking through its pages; and he couldn't play his games anymore: they were no longer any challenge. The blessing quickly turned into a curse, where nothing was a challenge now, and no one really wanted to be around him anymore unless they wanted something. But what hurt the most was when at 17, he decided to do some research on his powers. It wasn't well documented, and it was rare. It never got passed on, and it never let it's owners live past 40: they all turned to ash. He lost interest in everything after that. He had one desire: to do something worth being remembered for, but he had already developed a pretty strong apathy. Despite this, he did what he could to get himself known for having a power; before he kept it a secret, as his power was quite subtle. At the age of 18, he got a letter to inform him that he was invited to join the Academy. He immediately accepted.
    Family: He has a mother and a father, and is an only child. They are both unpowered, and very supportive of their son.


    Relationships: (Basically a section where you put your character's thoughts on the other ones they've encountered. You can also talk to other people and decide what your characters relations will be.)

    [Nikki Biyung] | [Impression : Good] | [Relationship : Distant, yet friendly] | [Character's thoughts : Nikki is moderately subdued, but seems to have a good heart. Likes bugs]

    [Shannon Balore] | [Impression : Neutral] | [Relationship : Distant] | [Character's thoughts : Shannon is hostile, but isn't a bad person. Accidentally left him to drown that one time]

    [Deborah Termellio] | [Impression : Neutral] | [Relationship : Recognises her] | [Character's thoughts : Seems to be a leader and pretty curious, but not much else is known. Accidentally left him to drown that one time]

    [Red Winston] | [Impression : Neutral/Good] | [Relationship : Recognises him] | [Character's thoughts : Has a checkered past, is an extrovert and a somewhat positive person. Accidentally left him to drown that one time]


    Power Class: Super System - Level 6

    Power: His has partial control over his perception of time. Partial, because half of it is handled by reflex: if he focuses on a task or object, then he can control how "quickly his world spins", but if something is detected by his senses that requires immediate reaction, it happens beyond his control to whatever speed seems to be optimal. He also has the ability to "slow his world" to a point where it has almost stopped: where bullets hover in mid air. He can do this whenever he wishes. It makes it possible to condense hours into milliseconds, and is incredibly useful for memorising things, and solving problems.

    He also has some resistance to telepathy: if reading thoughts is like drinking from the tap, he can turn that tap into a firehose. He can effectively speed up his thoughts to the point where it is painful to attempt to read them.

    Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Although his reactions are technically as fast as is physically possible, his body is that of a normal human: it can only move at a set speed without ripping muscle to shreds. This means, that unless he exerts good control on his muscles, and listens well to the pain that they generate when he strains them, he could easily give himself serious injury. However, this also means that it is incredibly easy for him to exercise, as simply walking at "half-speed" puts pressure on his muscles. It has given him a strong physique. When he almost stops time, all he can do is look at what is in front of him.

    He struggles when dealing with computer screens, as it doesn't take much for them to flicker for him: he can see the refresh rates if he absentmindedly focuses too hard on it.

    As it is only used within very short bursts, it is very difficult to strain this power. As to why it shortens lifespans to such an extent is unknown to Mark, as no one has fully documented it.

    Other: He has passed his power off as being Cerebral: enhanced learning. As his power has no outward effects, other than giving him some skill in almost all areas, this was easy to do. His enhanced reflexes are not something that he shows off, and can easily be attributed to ability rather than anything superhuman.
    If I need to expand on anything, feel free to say so :]
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    :: Basic Information ::

    Name: Daniel Filson
    Nicknames: Danny, Hoarder, Trove, Stockpile, Lightfingers...
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17

    Height: 5'10.
    Weight: 140lbs.
    Status: New Student.

    :: Appearance ::

    Hair Color: Chocolate Brown.
    Eye Colour: Chocolate Brown.
    Ethnicity: Caucasian.

    Physical Appearance: While he most certainly isn't a movie star by any means, Danny Filson could very easily be considered a rather handsome young man. Brown haired, dark eyed and well shaven, the ex-foster kid cleans up remarkably nicely, if he does say so himself. Doing his best to maintain a well groomed appearance at all times, the boy always seems to keep an easy smile and a mischievous glint in eyes, never needing much of an excuse for a good laugh. His chocolate brown hair is kept short and carefully dishevelled, a meticulously maintained cross between youthful wholesomeness and slight hints of rebellious attitude. His skin is smooth and almost completely free of blemishes and imperfection, kept clear with nightly application of skin cream. He usually has a thick aroma of strong, luxuriously scented cologne about him.

    His body, while not extraordinarily athletic, is reasonably fit, honed through years of living alone, fending for himself in the streets. Notably, he is known for being particularly effective at running through busy city roads, and can navigate through crowds and lose pursuers ridiculously easily. He has broad bony shoulders, and a thin, but relatively well muscled frame, more reminiscent of a runner than a bodybuilder. While closer inspection might reveal him to be slightly malnourished for a young man his age, he overall comes across as having a healthy, striking figure. His facial features could be deemed to be quite attractive as well, mostly because of the open, friendly expression permanently painted onto them. He has a thin, sculpted nose, full lips, and a pair of large, playful brown eyes. He has thick, bushy black eyebrows, and a strong, pointed bony chin.

    Although he does his best not to drawn too much attention to it, his left hand appears to be entirely missing his little finger down to the wrist, instead being remplaced by a gruesome, recent looking wound. It is thickly wrapped in white medical bandages, and he will usually try to change the subject whenever it is brought up. He also has an old, whitened scar on the right side of his head, not too far from the temple, which he usually tries to hide when arranging his hair. Some of the fingers on his right hand show signs of having once been broken, and he will periodically be seen subtly massaging them whenever he thinks noone is looking.

    Attire: In accordance with the rest of his appearance, Danny will generally try to look at his best with his choice of clothing. Shirts, jackets, clean jeans and slacks will make up the bulk of his typical day-to-day attires. He doesn't usually seem to restrict himself to any one particular style, simply dressing with whatever he feels looks good, although he will generally shy away from less "sophisticated" types of clothing. The one thing all his clothes have in common, however, regardless of their style, is pockets. In order to use his powers to the full extend of their abilities, his choice of clothing will always have as many pockets sown into them as is humanly possible while still remaining tasteful. Wide sleeves and loose sections are also something all his outfits will inevitably share. Most of the time, he will tend to wear a custom made wide sleeved long black trench coat as well, with innumerable hidden pockets hidden on the inside, which he will usually leave open for ease of access.

    :: Personality ::

    Outward & Innate Personality: Regardless of the circumstances, Daniel always comes across as an extremely carefree and cheerful young man. Smart assed and irreverent to the extreme, he is a shameless flirt who is constantly getting himself in trouble or joking with the ladies. Never one to know when to keep his mouth shut, he always seems to know exactly what to say to make any situation worse, and frequently finds himself having to talk or fight his way out of completely ridiculous and outlandish scenarios. Very confident and sure of himself, he absolutely loves to use his powers to show off and impress other people. He can come across as a little shifty or untrustworthy at times, and although he never really seems to do anything, people who have known him for any lengths of time quickly get into the habit of checking their pockets whenever he is around. He is rather vain about his appearance as well, spending a significant amount of time into his supposedly "effortless" good looks, often earning him the monicker "pretty boy" among his friends.

    He is cocky, arrogant, impulsive and reckless, but his heart is nonetheless still in the right place, and he draws a very clear and definitive line on what he is and isn't willing to do for his own self-interest. He prides himself on never having taken any heavy drugs, gotten involved in organized crime or willingly hurt an innocent. His money might sometimes have been stolen, but he never got any blood on his hand to obtain it. He makes a point of honor of never snitching on anyone he has done work with, and will only cooperate with authority figures under very extreme circumstances, and even then only reluctantly. He is very contemptuous of muggers and people who use force to obtain what they want in general, and never uses guns or knifes other than for self defence.

    Hobbies/Interests: Danny will usually spend most of his free time flirting or getting into crazy, ridiculous situations with his friends. He likes to talk, joke around, try things just because he can and generally get in trouble just for the heck of it. One of his greatest joys in life is to mess with the people around him, and he loves to play mind games with others. He is very good at making up crazy improvised stories on the spot, and can actually smooth talk his way out of things surprisingly well, provided he can refrain from poking whatever metaphorical hornet's nest he can find for a few seconds. Life around him is like a neverending string of strange noodle incidents: one moment you are just sitting in the cafeteria together, the next you're somehow on the rooftop of a weird building, dressed in clown costumes and fetish gear, trying to escape from a local gang of bikers by hijacking a helicopter... Okay, so that last part may or may not have been made up, but seriously, crazy shit never stops happening around him. It's like the normal laws of causality just go "fuck it" every now and then, and things around him suddenly stop making rational sense.

    Skills/Talents: Danny is extremely dexterous and very skilled at sleight of hands, skills made all the more impressive with the addition of his meta-human abilities. He is a master at redirecting and manipulating a target's attention, can can easily confuse and distract people with both words and gestures alike. He is highly talented at social engineering as well, and is able to spin bullshit stories with remarkable speed and consistency. He has an almost unparalleled talent for getting himself and others into trouble, as well as for fast-talking others into following him into it. He knows a number of ways quickly open cheap locks, although nothing quite as elaborate as lock picking; just things like using a makeshift shim or jamming a cheap pen part down the cylinder. Even without the use of his ability, he is an expert at smuggling various items and making sure things don't get found. This allows him to use his powers with extreme efficiency; if Daniel Filson wants to hide something, not even the flying spaghetti monster itself will be able to make it reappear unless he allows it!

    Prized Possession: As one might imagine, quite a few. He will usually carry several unimportant trinkets of personal value on his person.

    Quote: "Come on... What's the worst that could happen?"

    Family: None he that he would ever care to meet again. His father was a violent drunk and his mother was almost criminally negligent of him, both always reminding him that he was just an unhappy accident. He was taken away from their custody at the age of 10 and hasn't seen them once since.

    History/Bio: Daniel typically tends to be very sparse when it comes to giving information about his past, but from what he's hinted at so far, it is pretty clear that he has been involved in some fairly shady and disreputable activities before coming here. Although he tries his best to hide it, he was born in a fairly underprivileged area. Taken away from his home at the age of 10 by the child protective services, he soon took to shoplifting and pickpocketing to supplement his income. He discovered his powers a few years later, and began to escalate his illicit activities, making quite a bit of cash in the process. He used this newfound wealth to buy new clothes and expensive items. At some point, this must have attracted the attention of some very dangerous people, and he ended up being kidnapped and taken for a little "chat". It isn't entirely clear what was said, but when he left he was missing a finger. He received an invitation from the academy not too long afterwards, and got the hell out of town as soon as possible.

    :: Relationships ::

    Cormack Leclaire | Good | Roommate|
    "My roommate, he's some sort of tech-genius who's really good with electronics. We got pretty drunk on the first night and we got talking about death rays and laser guided penguins. I don't really remember what happened next (something about something going critical I think?), but apparently we ended up knocking out half the school's power grid for almost an hour, and we had to go to the principal's office completely hung over the next morning. Pretty cool for a tech-geek actually, although I really have no bloody clue what he's talking about most of the time. I think he does it just to screw with me to be honest..."

    Adam Blackmore| Annoying | Stuck up teacher|
    "I have to admit, I'm seriously worried about this guy's health. I really hope he's scheduled for surgery soon, it definitely can't be good for someone to be walking around with such a massive stick up their arse. I swear, some people have no appreciation of good showmanship these days..."

    :: Abilities ::

    Power Class: Spatial 4.

    Hyperspace Pockets: Using his power, Daniel is able to anchor hyperspace pockets of folded space onto physical frameworks. What this means in plain English is that he can essentially make boxes which can hold much more volume on the inside than their size should permit on the outside, provided he has a normal box to work with in the first place. The dimensional matrix of these pockets is extremely fragile, and will collapse quickly if the physical object containing it is damaged. So far, Daniel has only been able to stabilize a single one at a time, any additional ones collapsing immediately whenever he went away or got distracted. If a pocket collapses while objects are still within, all of them end up getting vigorously expelled back into the normal world. So far, the largest pocket he has been able to make was about 60 cubic centimeters, which translated to about a large closet's worth of storage space. Once items are inside, Daniel can also somehow instinctively reach in and take whatever he wants immediately without fumbling, regardless of how crowded it is.

    Hyperspace portals: This is where the fun part comes in. Once Daniel has created a stable hyperspace pocket, he can anchor small hyper-spatial portals onto physical openings like pockets or sleeves, which allow him to remotely access its content. Much like with the actual box, he can pull out any item he wants instantly and without fumbling, provided it fits through the opening. He also appears to be able to make some small items eject automatically, allowing him to throw rose petals, playing cards or tied ribbons from his sleeve. So far, he has proven capable of making several of these portals at a time fairly easily, although they tend to be fairly unstable and disappear shortly after use. The largest one he can manage at the moment is about fifteen centimeters in diameter. He requires physical contact, or at the very least extremely close proximity in order to make those portals appear.

    Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Well first and foremost, Daniel's hyperspace storage space isn't just some abstract concept he can magically pull things from, but rather an actual physical object which exists in the real world. If anyone were to somehow find the container it is anchored to, they would have complete access to everything it contains, and would be able to completely disarm him. Secondly, space constraints. Both his pockets and portals can only be made up to a certain size, which limits both the size and quantity of items he can store. Even if he were to somehow manage to put a guitar into his chamber, he still would be completely unable to pull it out through his smaller pockets. Thirdly, creating and anchoring a new pocket is a long and difficult process, and he is currently unable to have more than one active at a time. Lastly, both the portals and storage space are very fragile, and will collapse immediately if the physical framework they are anchored to is damaged. Items inside the collapsing pocket or passing through the collapsing portal will be expelled pretty vigorously should that happen, potentially resulting in injuries should he happen to be pulling anything out of it at the time. Naturally, the pocket space is completely unsuited for life forms, lacking any form of proper ventilation, and putting any plant or animal into it for extended periods of time is a bad idea™.

    Other: Among other things, his pocket space currently contains:

  • Two baseball bats.
  • A cricket bat.
  • A few steel swords.
  • An oak spear with a steel tip.
  • Some plastic roses.
  • A few sets of playing cards.
  • First aid supplies.
  • Some cleaning supplies.
  • An umbrella or two.
  • Some spare sets of clothing.
  • Several coils of rope.
  • A string of colourful tied ribbons.
  • Several bottles of alcohol and packs of cigarettes.
  • A complete toolset.
  • Miscellaneous knives and machetes.
  • Some non-perishable cans of food.

  • (PS: The swords, spear and other weapons are more for sword swallowing than actual combat, despite being fully functional.)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    [Entry Deleted]
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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    Obscene Symphony sea wench

    Member Seen 9 hrs ago

    Name: Évangéline Rose DeRonde
    Nickname/Alias/Etc: Prefers the name ‘Evan’ to ‘Évangéline’ (male pronunciation of Evan.)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 110lbs
    Status: New Student

    Hair Colour: White (natural, explained below). This includes eyebrows and lashes.
    Eye Colour: Muted lilac, brightens to glowing neon purple. They glow in the dark, even in their neutral colour. (explained in Power).
    Ethnicity: French Canadian.
    Physical Appearance: Evan is a short-ish, thin girl with long legs and a generally small appearance. Her skin is a milky white, her eyes a steely lilac and her hair a silvery white, all due to albinism. Also due to albinism is a severe sensitivity to light, to the point where she can’t go outside without sunglasses and sometimes even wears them inside if lighting is harsh. Because of sensitivity to light, she can see a bit better in the dark than normal, but nothing amazing.
    Evan has the smooth facial features typical of the French, as well as large eyes and a mouth made for smirking. Moderately endowed. Underfed. Her silvery hair is wavy and soft, below the shoulders in length. Identifying marks include a scar above her left eyebrow, a few very small scars all over from a variety of causes, and her eyes. That being said, her entire albino appearance makes her pretty much unmistakeable. She also has a series of small tattoos that show themselves only when she uses her power, glowing the same colour as her eyes. These are runic in design and are placed around the outside corners of her eyes, on her forehead going down her nose, her forearms, lower legs, ankles, palms, backs of her hands, collarbones, hips/waist, and shoulder blades. These are invisible until she strongly uses her power. She also has a few streaks of hair that share the same colour changing properties as the tattoos. When not coloured, these streaks seem more silver than the rest of her hair, noticeably so.
    Attire: Evan has never been wealthy, so her style is basically anything cheap and comfortable. She also has a soft spot for alternative jewellery, such as cuff bracelets and jewellery made from scrap materials. She normally wears v-neck t-shirts, comfortable pants, hoodies, and worn shoes resembling Converse. Her hair is normally down, but when she gets into the thick of things, she puts her hair up in a ponytail.

    Outward & Innate Personality: Outwardly, Evan can be stand-offish. She’s very blunt and will not hesitate to tell people exactly what she thinks. Sarcasm and wit are her sense of humour, often offensive to more sensitive people. She doesn’t tolerate anything she doesn’t like, so if you mess with the bull you WILL get the horns. (Get it? She’s a taurus.) If you aren’t a total dick then Evan can be a fun and loyal friend, and a valuable ally. She’s an open book, willing to put all of her cards on the table if she trusts you. She loves to gamble and party, but she IS smart enough to know when to walk away.
    Like everyone, she has insecurities as well. She despises being made to feel inferior, and hates those who put themselves above others. Isn’t a fan of rich people either, due to the uppity attitude they so often maintain. Hates being controlled, hates pity. Evan can be a force to be reckoned with when she's angry or feels threatened. Her morals are somewhat mixed on what she will and will not do, and sometimes her morals contradict each other. And finally, she never thinks that anyone is ever thinking about her, or truly cares enough to want to know her, so she’s honestly shocked and honoured whenever people make an active effort to seek her out. Tends to subconsciously rub her scar when anxious or troubled.

    Hobbies/Interests: Evan loves working with her power, and it still amazes her what she can do. So, she’ll often be found practicing or just plain playing around with her power, testing her limits and thrill-seeking. This can encompass a variety of activities, basically whatever she wants to experiment with next. Again, she’s a gambler and a party-er, so if she can, she’ll probably be betting with someone or crashing a party.

    Skills/Talents: Evan has built up a near mastery of her power, although she still thinks that there may be parts she hasn’t yet dissevered. Outside of that, she’s also decent enough in hand-to-hand that she could generally survive a fight without her power (if she ever needed to) and is practiced in parkour, a hobby she had at home. English is her second language, and though she speaks it near-perfectly (as she was brought up in a dual language household) she still speaks with a light accent.

    Prized Possession: A small utility knife. Though not very much of a weapon, it holds immense sentimental value.

    Quote(s): “Fuck you, fuck me.” “Qu’est-ce que sup, bitches?" "FEAR has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. The definition you follow is your choice."


    Nowadays, she's plagued by nightmares and occasional pangs of guilt from her attack. She keeps herself sane by convincing herself that they deserved what they got, and reminding herself that she couldn't control what happened, and she'd be dead if she hadn't done it. However, this does nothing to stop the nightmares, fuelled by fear and guilt. She's also now extremely sensitive to reminders of the attack, and gets very defensive when this happens.
    [Rosalind DeRonde/Mother/Abandoned]
    [Johann Huere/Father/Deceased]
    [Aaron Deckh/Brother/Never Met]

    Relationships: N/A ATM

    Power Class: Cerebral/Energy 8

    Power: Psychokinesis. Evan can harness and control energy in the form of psychokinesis. She draws energy from the earth as well as the life energy that flows through every living thing and uses it to fuel herself, however she does need to ‘jump’ her power with her own personal energy.
    This manifests in a form of powerful telekinesis and an ability to generate force fields. These abilities, while both are very powerful, cannot be used simultaneously, For example, if she is levitating something, and has to make a shield, then the levitating object will fall. This applies to her own body as well. Using her power on her body normally means that she's augmenting the force of melee attacks by 'pushing' with them. For example, her punches would be stronger when she does this. She also uses her power to 'fly' by propelling herself through the air, and sometimes levitates. She has had a bad record of accidentally hurting herself using these methods.
    As far as the telekinetic aspect of her power goes, she is able to lift the weight of an average car, and also delicate enough for small tasks, such as threading a needle. She can also create a shockwave that radiates out from herself.
    Her force fields are impenetrable by matter, though not temperature as they are a manifestation of energy. They are invisible until touched, when they ripple with white-purple light. If touched, they have the texture of glass and repel whatever is touching them, except for Evan herself. They are tricky, as they take up a lot more energy than her telekinetic side. The largest one she’s ever made was a ten foot diameter dome, held for one minute, and that had her coughing up blood for two days afterward. She’s very sparing with these, making only small ones and for short periods. The most common way she uses them is by making a flexible shield around her body, fitting to her like spandex, but just as durable as her other shields.
    When Evan uses her power, or gets especially energized (through excitement, anger, or extended use of her power) her eyes saturate from a pale, watery lilac colour to a bright, glowing purple. The brightest they’ve ever gone was to the point of looking like purple neon lights. Her eyes can act as a sort of power meter; the brighter they are, the more energized she is. The same goes for her ‘tattoos’.

    Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: To use her power, Evan must use her body as well as her mind. For example, if she wants something to rise off the ground, she will make an upward motion with one arm (or two, depending on how heavy the object is). The effort that goes into using her power also translates physically. For example, if she is lifting something very heavy, her muscles will be tensed as if she is actually lifting something. Why does this go into drawbacks, you ask? Because she NEEDS to be able to move to use her power. If she’s constricted, then her power is limited.
    Also, since her power is so entirely based on energy, it means that a lot of energy is required to use it (go figure). When she overuses her power, not only does she run the risk of ashing, but she also can exhaust herself to the point of unconsciousness. You can see how this could be a problem in the thick of a fight. She’s also overused her power to the point of causing serious damage to herself. In this case, it was a miracle that she wasn’t ashing (although she may have been to a minimal extent, she really doesn’t know).
    There’s also the aspect of her bioluminescence, which makes her visible in the dark (even when not using her powers, her eyes still faintly glow). She is also incredibly sensitive to light, to the point where a flashlight to the eyes will temporarily blind her and cause a lot of pain. She’s also quite small and not incredibly physically strong, so without her power she’s vulnerable. Yes, she will fight, but she’s grown so accustomed to using her power that she’s pretty much lost without it.
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Basic Information

    Name: Benjamin David Voss
    Nickname/Alias/Etc: Behemoth, Colossus, Titan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22 years of age.
    Height: 6'10
    Weight: 344lbs
    Status: New student.

    Hair Color: Dark brown.
    Eye Color: Green
    Ethnicity: Caucasian American.
    Physical Appearance:
    For a man, Ben is big.

    Standing at an enormous 6’10, most people never meet a man his size in their lives. He looks like what you would think for a man of his stature. His body is extremely muscular and riddled with various small scars, ranging in size and shape. His forearms tend to have a few SpongeBob Band-Aids on them at all times. His hair is mid length and curly and is slicked back to be kept out of his eyes. Similarly to in this image. Ben has a square face with a relatively small forehead, and a very strong chin. He has almond shaped eyes separated by an average sized noes that stare straight ahead in neutral position that can almost be defined as glaring. ALMOST. Along his chin, jaw line, and lip there is a Tony Stark-esque goatee. His face has several tiny scars, a prominent one cuts through his right eyebrow. None of these are fight related, just due to a fairly labor intensive life. Subtle worry and laugh lines are also permanently etched into his face, as facial expressions are one of his main ways of communicating.

    Attire: Ben tends to have an interesting attire choice for the weather. He wears a white tank top, blue jeans, old and worn steel toed work boots. Over his tank top he wears an old and worn brown leather jacket. He also tends to wear a pair of reading eyeglasses because he has trouble reading small print. He carried around a dry erase marker, a white board, a handkerchief and a copy of one of the many volumes of “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”.


    Outward & Innate Personality:
    Ben is the opposite of what you would think he would be for his age and stature. He is in fact the polar opposite. Being mute, Ben doesn’t have the option of being loud and boastful. He’s naturally a pacifist and he will more often than not he will be found with a cupcake in his hand over an sort of weapon. If you gave him a sword he will look at you oddly and then motion over to the grill he happens to have running in a silent question of if you want him to cut your steak with a katana. He can fight, but more often than not he will avoid it by any means necessary. He is a warm and friendly individual, the kind of person who just attracts people to him and listens to their problem. He gives off the aura of someone you can trust and he’ll hold true to that. It’s not like he can tell anyone. He’s the kind of person who will listen to the fact that your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up to you, and then spend six days carving out a wooden necklace that’s shaped like a turtle, because let’s face it: Who doesn’t like turtles?

    Ben lives by the ideology that a friendly smile, and simply listening to someone can solve more problems than the sword or the pen.

    Hobbies/Interests: Reading, listening, having a cup of tea or coffee. He also enjoys working on various projects, whether it is building a car or a small house. He also likes to plant trees or volunteer in nature restoration efforts.
    Skills/Talents: Ben is good at reading body language, and he is very adept at hard labor. He’s a handy man. He knows how to work power tools or tear down a wall.
    Prized Possession: His wedding ring, which is a standard gold ring.


    Ben was born on March twenty seventh, in 1992, and right from the start, he was different.

    Maybe it was the fact that he was a fourteen pound baby, maybe it was the fact that he didn't reach the common first word checkpoint that most children reach, maybe it was the fact that the sheer temperature in the room raised just by him being present. Maybe it was due to a lot of things.

    Ben was born with his power, it manifesting itself on the fifth day he was alive in the form of a flower growing out of the palm of his hand. He always had an affinity with the land that most would never see or have, and he considers himself lucky to have the background that he had. Ben was born in Texas, in a hospital, but was raised on the family farm with his mother, father, and immediate or close family such as his father's grandparents, one of which was a doctor who had proclaimed the boy as mute after about a year and a half of his existence, and recommended a few things to help with his aliment. He never lived an especially wealthy life, and so his parents couldn't afford to get lessons in sign language, and so compensated with a dry erase board, a marker, and a handkerchief. Ben attended a public school a little ways away from where he lived up until he graduated high school. He got a mid level education, nothing super special, but kept straight A's. Not through especially high intelligence, but through good work ethic. Ben was a hard worker. Ben was never bullied in school, in fact quite the opposite. Most people liked him, and girls tended to enjoy his presence because "He actually cared about them" in their eyes. He was big and strong, something that most males want, and a big teddy bear who would buy you a chocolate bar if he heard you say you wanted one to your friend. The kind of person girls want. True to the meaning of his name, Ben was his father's right hand son, and probably would've been his right hand son even if he had a sibling. As soon as he could walk Ben was watching his father closely, and helping out whenever he could. His size and strength came in handy in doing things his father couldn't do well anymore due to his age. At the age of twelve Ben brought home two chickens and a rooster that he had written names out. The birds were special to him, but his father proclaimed that he couldn't keep them unless he built him a chicken coupe. And so he built two chicken pens. One for his birds, and one for the egg laying birds. His father, true to his word, allowed Ben to keep the birds.

    His forms were discovered in some fairly unorthodox ways. He was helping his father push a tractor that had run out of gas when his tree golem form manifested itself, and his Beast form came to be in an even less useful way. It was random, and it began in 2002. He woke up feeling strangely, and tried to work through it. It got more and more powerful over the next hour, and Ben retired to his room for the day to rest thinking he had caught something especially resilient, as he was not a sickly boy. When he awoke, he was a twenty foot long, five ton creature, who had smashed his bed, and was damaging the floorboards with his weight just by being there. Unfortunately, he was stuck in that form for a while, unable to do anything, or leave the house, and when it eventually went away on it's own, he and his father had to repair the damage done to his room. His two forms became useful after that, Ben taking many years to learn to use them when he wants to over random times. His Golem form for doing things no human ever could alone, and his beast mode for performing raw physical feats that would require thousands of dollars and a lot of man power to do (remember that tractor from earlier? Well it was carried the next time it ran out of gas).

    In the summer of 2010, Ben was eighteen, and had ascended to the most able bodied man there not even due to his power, although that helped a lot. One night he heard the chickens being loud and screaming. Thinking it was a Coyote, or a bobcat or wolf, he grabbed his father's shotgun and his coat and set off into the night to check up on the creatures. When he arrived he found himself pointing his Remington at a shark like girl who had a chicken in her hands that she was about to eat. He motioned for her to put it down, and she did, but she was screaming threats at him by then. He could tell that she was a meta human, like him. His family knew a pretty good amount on them. It was probably one of the only things they researched with their limited internet connection. After his family stepped in, verbal communication becoming more relevant to the situation as the seconds passed, they brought the girl in, and let her eat her fill. They talked a little while, and eventually learned that the girl's power was very similar to his own. Ben had traits very similar to that of the Behemoth's, and with his family being Catholic, linked the two together as the incarnations as the holy beasts of the land and sea- Counterparts. The girl, Pink as he learned her name was, eventually left, Ben having driven her home in his truck, thinking that was the end of it.

    Quite the opposite actually. He had graduated, but he learned that after their encounter Pink had began to attend school again, from none other than Pin herself. After their encounter it because semi common for her to visit, maybe once a week. Twice if they were lucky. Ben greatly appreciated Pink's presence as she was one of his best friends. They even trained together from time to time. Although those occasions were rare. When Ben turned nineteen he met an incredible semi-country girl by the name of Claire. The two hit it off from there and began dating soon after. She learned he was a meta human, and about his counterpart, and was shown all of the amazing things he could do. He made a habit of giving her a flower every time they met. Due to the black fall effect, Ben had turned most of his family into meta humans. His grandmother healed a little faster, and his grandfather learned to understand many different languages. His dad became stronger, and his mother could kiss any boo-boo away. Most of these powers were level two or below. She stuck with him when his grandparents passed away of old age. His grandfather then his grandmother a few months after. They had lived a full life, and were in their mid eighties. Their funerals, which were a few months apart, weren't filled with tears as if they had died young. In fact, it was melancholy. Sad that they were gone, but joyous at their lives well lived. It was then that Ben learned that death was a part of life. Due to his heavy interaction with Claire, he changed her into a meta human as well. A telepath, to be exact. He had been planning on proposing to her soon when he heard her in his own mind, and she said 'I can hear you.'

    It was the first time anyone had ever heard his voice, well, not heard, but could understand what it would've sounded like. He proposed to her on the spot by grabbing the first thing he could, which happened to be an old and unused "Learn ASL!" video that they had been planning to watch together. They never did, but it was unorthodox, and different, and so him. At the age of twenty one he and Claire had gotten married, and had moved into his house. They, with the guidance of his parents, became the heads of the household. However, tragedy struck. Ben met Pink again, late at night, for the second time. She had explained that her family had been criminals without her knowledge, and that her whole family had been arrested, and she had no where to go. Ben immediately stuck up for her, Claire (who was willing to follow him to hell and back, and he for her) trusted his judgement and translated his thoughts to his parents, who required more convincing. After an hour long debate, his parents caved, and Pink lived with them for a long while, until the whole incident blew over.

    When Pink discovered her other form, much like he had a few times, Ben was extremely happy it had happened outside. What he wasn't happy about however, was that she had been attacked. He heard the roars in the distance where the lake was, and knew Pink was out (he had a rule where she always had to tell him when she left), and knew this must've been bad. Grabbing his Remington (which he had inherited from his father), he set out into the woods and discovered her having been attacked by what she described as a black bear. Ben, being a big man, was able to carry her with one arm and keep the gun ready if he needed to use it against the bear. Later on, when he had turned twenty two, Pink announced at dinner that that she had been invited to attend Academy 218. Due to some damages to the house on Ben's part, he agreed to accompany Pink in her endeavor, with Claire passive aggressively yelling at him to go and learn how to properly control his beast form's abilities, as to not risk smashing the house on accident.

    And so, here he is, at Academy 218.


    Claire | Awesome | Wife | "She made my watch Fullmetal Alchemist with her. The exchange between Ed and Winry when Edward proposes summarizes my thoughts perfectly."

    Jago | Great! | Friend | "The guy needs to chill out! Stop beating your chest and drink some soda! Damnit man you rejected the soda I gave you and now you're drinking it later?"

    Shannon | Good | Friend | "She will have a giant mech cotton warrior suit that will ride my landmass dinosaur form into battle. It's canon and it's happening. Deal with it."

    Deborah | Good | Friend | "There aren't many people who I've had to carry out of a collapsing ship. I consider that a bonding experience."


    He considers Pink his family. He has a mother and father, and reveres them greatly for bringing him up so well. He also has Claire, his wife, whom he loves and respects greatly, and would go to the ends of the earth for.


    Power Rating:
    Animal: 8
    Plant: 8
    Elemental: 8
    Super System: 8

    Power Class General: Animal/Elemental/Super System

    Human Form:
    Ben is the Behemoth, the deity of the land. He has had his power all his life, and for most of it he has put it to good use. He retains control of the world around him, Xylokinesis or better known as Plant and wood manipulation. His ability can range from the control and generation of woo. He has had a lot of time to learn how to control this gift of power he has been given, and he tries to use it for minimal offensive purposes. Because of this, his power is used mainly for defensive purposes, creating a protective barrier of wooden skin, or shooting the a vine beneath his opponent and wrapping it around his opponents feet to trip them up. He tries to attain a hands off fighting style and will try not to lay a hand on his offender. Because he dislikes fighting so much, he has created a unique style of maneuvers he has dubbed Bu-Da after using Google translate to name his art of not fighting.

    Demon Form:
    In this state, Ben covers himself in his hard wooden exterior, and becomes a twelve foot tall tree golem. This golem has the ability to warp it's limbs into weapons or shields, and has incredible regeneration when in a healthy environment in the sun. While it cannot manipulate plant life or wood like his normal form can, it is extremely defensive and incredibly strong. A juggernaut of sorts. This forest golem is capable of generating various defense mechanisms plants are capable of creating. Whether it be coating his body in Poison Ivy Vines if he doesn't want to be touched, or emitting various wafting odors to attract insects and other bugs such as spiders, bees, and wasps to defend him in nonlethal ways. If he is forced to be physical, he has various ways of fighting, using whip like vines to either tie up or trip his opponents up, wooden constructed weapons, or simply punching them out, which is usually pretty easy in this form. It looks similarly to this.

    Beast Form
    In his beast form, his ability to control the earth in finely tuned ways is lessened in exchange for a new set of abilities. In his beast form, Behemoth grows to become a twenty-foot tall, fifty-foot long, ten-ton giant of a creature. This creature is theropod in build and is very much like a mountain and a dinosaur. He is, in essence, a walking land mass. His beast form has incredibly thick and defensive hide, being ten inches thick in some areas, with bone like armor covering his chest and back going all the way down to the length of the creature’s tail, which makes up about sixty percent of it’s over all body length. This form has six small triangular eyes; all of which grow yellow, and down the length of the creature’s body small holes emit bright yellow light, as if the creature’s body is a furnace. These yellow lights actually emit smoke for when he's very active, as burning coal is one way he retains energy in beast form rather than continually sucking energy from the world around him. In essence, it looks vaguely like this. In beast form he is extremely tanky, heavily defensive and offensive. He is able to create fewer but larger wooden structures such as a wall or a barrier, or other constructs to defend allies. He also gains the ability to summon earthquakes that range up to category five in severity (a category five can cause damage to poorly constructed buildings and usually causes no deaths unless said building collapse with people inside). But his quakes normally range from 2-4. These earthquakes extend in a fifteen-meter radius all around the source (which is usually his foot). He is able to absorb energy from the ground around him to accelerate his healing, and can photosynthesize, but he wont be bouncing back from big wounds without proper help. His sight and sense of smell are very well developed. In both forms he is resistant to thermal based effects such as over heating, and is able to operate in higher temperatures with very few if any side effects. His appearance tends to vary from place to place, as his whole saurian body's construction and composition is affected by what the environment around him is. This will be described more IC side, as it's very situational. It's usually vines and rocks, and threes and bone and flesh and other organic and inorganic substances all in one super predator.

    Ben’s biggest weakness is that he is just as susceptible to his earthquakes and fissures as everyone else, and cant control the severity of the earthquake he produces. Meaning he can just as easily knock himself over. This can have side effects much worse on him than anyone else. For people, they have arms to catch themselves. For him in beast mode, while he does have arms that are strong, he is 20,000lbs hitting the ground hard. He will break things if he falls badly. In beast mode he is limited by his size as well. He can’t fit into small spaces, isn’t flexible, and can take a few seconds to turn around fully. Dense foliage is also his weakness in the fact that it inhibits his movement even more. In order to go from 300lbs to ten tons Ben has to absorb a lot of energy from the world around him. In places as healthy as Academy 218 this is not much trouble, but the forest restricts him to clearings in order for him to use his size to it’s maximum potential. His transformation also take a lot of time and build up, taking up to thirty to forty minutes for him to absorb enough energy to achieve his fully size. The surroundings can also affect his ability. In places like a metal box in the arena he is incapable of shifting to beast form because he in unable to absorb energy from the ground. In areas where the ground is unhealthy he is unable to achieve his full size and power. He is also extremely slow in his beast form, only being able to move fast in a head on charge. Because of his pacifist mentality, he plays more of a support role over an offensive one and will very rarely engage anyone outright. His mentality remains this way in both forms, and despite he weaponry he is just too nice to bring himself to be dangerous. Like Pink, he is weakened when taken outside of his element. His Demon form has very similar weaknesses to his Demon form in the fact that it's not very range centered, slow, and is very heavy and bulky. It also lacks hearing in this form. Unrelated to powers, Ben is farsighted, and tends to have trouble seeing things up close. So if the enemy is a shape shifter or something, or moves very quickly, he will have trouble keeping up with them if they are close to him.

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