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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Evvie didn't need the demon to tell her to participate other than the fact that the screaming broke her out of her stupor as she stood completely baffled in the face of the current events that included a random caveman fighting the cave (didn't cavemen like caves?), the cave somehow collapsing underneath his strikes, and the teleporting opponent. All in all this was turning out to be a very strange battle, which she actually enjoyed every once in a while to make things more interesting, only if it got too strange it would make her head hurt. Hopefully nothing else strange would happen to overload her poor brain.

She breathed fire into her right hand, which she quickly began to mold into the shape of a 4 foot long sword. She'd need a bit more time to finish the shape and solidify it so that it could deflect her opponent's own sword, but even though it wasn't finished yet it was still a deadly flame extending from her hand and could be used to perhaps fend the man off for the time it would take to complete it. On one hand she could wait until it was completed before charging in, but she didn't exactly have the patience right now, wanting to take him on before he moved on to someone else and did too much damage. Not that she didn't have faith in her team, but she wanted to try her luck at taking him on herself, especially when it was clear that they were counting on her to do something.

As she rushed forward she ignored the caveman, not sure exactly who's side he was on due to the confusing nature of his appearance and actions so far. She went straight for the other guy who had directly attacked her ally, obviously the more serious threat here. If she was able to get close enough without being interfered with she would swing horizontally from right to left that would strike through his upper torso if he didn't do anything about it. Due to not taking on a solid form it wouldn't cut through him, but he would suffer a horrible burn going across his body that certainly would be far from pleasant.

She couldn't solidify her sword while doing this, both if she couldn't concentrate on it and if the fire was interacting with physical mass such as his chest, so if this attack worked in fending him off for even a brief moment she would use that time to concentrate on giving it solid form rather than press the attack even further unless a clear opportunity presented itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ug'Nug watched the fight curiously, his mind twisting and turning it's cognative gears as he conjured his thoughts and opinions.

His mind's voice was that of Rod Serling as he thought, The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices - to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill...and suspicion can destroy...and a thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own - for the children...and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is...that these things cannot be confined.

With his decisive conclusion that didn't quite fit the situation he fell flat on his butt generating a poof of dust, and began knapping away at a few loose stones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Right, so the werewolf was prepping another fire attack, the demon prince was floating ominously in the air above the plateau, and the dragoness was conjuring a flaming sword and charging directly toward him. In Arthur's mind, it was easy to prioritize these various actions, and the list was currently topped by the flaming sword rushing at his chest. He brought his own lightning blade across to catch the flames of the girl, if his own elemental energy could solidify, then after all, why not hers too? It was due to this reasoning that his eyes widened in surprised then his jaw clenched in pain as the flaming blade simply passed through his own and burned a swath across his chest, igniting his vest and shirt and leaving angry red burns along the skin in its wake. The heat suffused the dermis that it touched, even going so far as to affect the muscle beneath, but the damage it caused would only be superficial in the long run, thanks in large part to the brevity of the contact.

In retaliation, and to gain distance, he swept his own blade back across the abdomen of his opponent, moving from left to right as he backpedaled, jumping over the now seated primitive behind him. Even in the midst of the surprise and sudden pain caused by her attack, he at least managed to maintain that much presence of mind. When he landed, he gripped the right shoulder of his shirt with his left hand and tore the inflamed fabric free of his body, tossing it to the side where it fell to the snow and smoldered. Now shirtless, he was still as unaffected by the cold as he had been before. "Clever trick, young dragoness. Do not expect it to work a second time." He now stood with both hands on his sword, with the blade held out toward his nearest opponent and angled slightly upwards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Closing his eyes streams of black and red energy began to orbit Adrian as he reopened his eyes they quickly dispersed. Adrian extended one hand and four chains sprouted forth from his open hand. They shot towards Arthur at blinding speed and would attempt to wrap themselves around Arthur and pin his arms to his chest. As he did this he made spikes that were about four inches long and two inches thick sprout along the chain so they would stab into him when they wrapped further increasing their grip. As the chains arced at Arthur he screamed to the hellwolf "DO IT NOW"!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the speech was being spoken by the apparent owner of this arena and the interruption by the other god, Claws really couldn't care less about what happened to Salarus. He wasn't a WILLING competitor, and he decided to take a nap rather than sit through more of a boring speech.
When he woke up, it was much later and he could see battles happening around the humongous arena. He decided to climb the mountain, as the cold did not bother him, and he rather liked the feeling. As he climbed up the mountain a short ways, leaping and swinging utilizing his claws digging into the rocky crags, he saw the battle to his left and the only words that came to his mind to describe it were "hot mess". He climbed another direction, up and towards the battle, and landed on a ledge to watch the battle. It was something to do, and he wondered which side was winning, the three that seemed to be ganging up on the seemingly stronger other one, or Arthur.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The fireball inside Gregor's jaws was growing volatile, pulsing with concentrated fire that was growing hot even for him. The dragon girl and the caveman were in the crossfire, but he couldn't wait for them. Arthur would soon be distracted and possibly pinned by Adrian's ethereal chains, giving the perfect opportunity to strike. He cocked his head back briefly, before spewing out a basketball-sized orb of fire towards Arthur. The projectile looked like a tiny sun about to go supernova, and would, upon hitting either Arthur or the mountainside behind him, explode with the force of a concussion grenade and release flames in excess of 5600 °F. It would be harder to deflect than his flamethrower, but still possible, thus he could only hope Arthur wouldn't get the opportunity to use his wind powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Satisfied with the hit that she had made, she let her opponent make his escape for now, not pressing the attack so that she could finish the process of solidifying her fire sword. However, before she could get very far into that he made a quick retaliatory slash towards her own abdomen. Due to him retreating it didn't have much power or got very deep but she wasn't able to completely avoid it, causing a small horizontal cut to scratch through her armor and nip into her flesh inside, splattering some blood out of the opening as the sword finished it's arc but she wasn't wounded enough to cause any further blood to leak out. She gritted her teeth, realizing that she was careless to assume he would only be able to retreat after taking such damage. Not that she could have done much to get away unscathed anyways once she had committed to that attack.

A trick he said? Well, not really but she definitely wasn't going to contradict that statement. Might as well pretend she had intended to do whatever trick he might have been referring to. Her fire solidified as she put her focus back into it. Now he wouldn't be able to wound her so easily a second time. Just as she started to move in, her companions began to do something else, one trying to catch him in some sort of magical trap while the other unleashing a massive fireball. She jerked to a stop and watched what was to occur, not wanting to get in the way of something that she didn't know what was going on. However, if her opponent broke free of the chaos then she would jump in to attack him.


To a 23 foot tall woman like Vallayuel Naradeohs, a mountain such as this was but a hill, an easy morning trek before she'd have breakfast, which in this case would consist of crushing some hapless victim into submission; perfect sustenance to put her in a good mood. She didn't fight her way to become her people's representative in this tournament just to slack off and let others do all the fighting.

She originally made her way over here in response to a bizarre light at the top of the mountain, but that would come eventually. For now it appeared like an entirely different battle was about to erupt as she made her way up the mountain. Something of interest caught her eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The first of the chains to reach him met only the energy of his sword as he knocked it aside with the flat of the blade, and the second suffered a similar fate as it was split in half down its length. It was the third chain that finally managed to obtain a foothold, catching his right wrist and beginning to coil itself up along his arm. Any further chains were of little concern to Arthur as the demon wolf launched the flaming mass from its gaping maw and the lightning warrior drove himself airborne, both with his own muscles and a downward gust that helped divert the flaming ball downwards in addition to providing lift. It struck the ground beneath him and erupted, burning his shoes right off his feet and reducing his pant legs to tatters below the knee. He landed in the resultant layer of water that now covered most of the plateau, steam rising from around his singed feet, and swept his sword through the links of the remaining chain, severing it from the source and presumably forcing the now-spiked coils to dissipate. Blood seeped from several wounds along his arm, but he paid as little attention to them as he did to the burn across his chest.

"That was a two million dollar suit." He'd need to have Phillip send more clothes once this was over. Until then, though, he had some misfits to kill. With his feet now resting in the same coating of water that the wolf was standing in, it was a simple matter for Arthur to target the man with an electrical discharge aimed at his heart, a discharge whose sole purpose was to cause immediate and catastrophic cardiac arrest by forcing the heart itself to seize and become unable to function. The discharge would travel from Arthur's feet, through the layer of water covering the plateau, and directly into Gregor's body and toward his heart. It would do all this in less time than it would take to blink, and even should the wolf manage to leap free of the water it would arc several inches through the air before giving up on its quarry entirely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A heavenly chorus announced the arrival of a portal. A foot stepped through the*AAAAAAAaaaaAAAAHHHH DOOOREEEMIII*-...


..A foot stepped through the-..*aaAAAAHHHHH AAAHHHHHH!! SAVVIIOOOUUUURR*-.. eugh!

..A.. foot.. stepped.. through the.. portal..? Sweet!.. A foot stepped through the- *AAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHH!!! COME TO SAVEEEEE UUUUSSS!*-..

..You know what? Fuck it.


"Salutations, Mr. Greystoke. I have arrived to assist you, as agreed." Killstreak von Leetus said, mockingly, as if the very notion of asking for assistance had made Arthur a lesser man. He brushed off his forearms, and took a moment to take in his surroundings. There was a faint fog, and the smell of vaporized water. His white royal uniform with golden lining and red belt was glistening in the ample light provided by sun stretching over the nearby hilltop. Everything felt different.. -he- felt different. First of all, his stats had changed. There was no health bar, no dice modifier, no nothing. Instead, there was a list of his capabilities, a 'tier' (Whatever that was, he assumed it was some sort of moronic level system, which by he was held at the number 5. How high could it go? Was there a limit?) - He took a deep breath. The air was no different from his own world, but seemed to hold a peculiar smell of.. moisture. The remnants of snow hiding away between pools of newly formed water told the story all too well of what had taken place mere moments before his arrival. A peak over at Arthur's wounds and torn up clothing confirmed it.

Someone had been flaming, but without a single baiter in sight. Odd. None of the other people present seemed to hold any such power, and if they did, they were doing a hell of a job of hiding it. Regardless, they didn't seem like much of a challenge. Killstreak could.. sense it, somehow. These people, with the exception of Arthur Greystoke, were inferior.

He turned to address them, and spoke with vanity fueling his every word. "Lol, n00bz trying 2 gank?", before turning back to Arthur, who seemed somewhat distracted. "Cakewalk. Gief call when rekt noobz plx!" He walked off. "We have things to discuss, you and I."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A heavenly chorus announced the arrival of a portal. A foot stepped through the*AAAAAAAaaaaAAAAHHHH DOOOREEEMIII*-...


..A foot stepped through the-..*aaAAAAHHHHH AAAHHHHHH!! SAVVIIOOOUUUURR*-.. eugh!

..A.. foot.. stepped.. through the.. portal..? Sweet!.. A foot stepped through the- *AAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHH!!! COME TO SAVEEEEE UUUUSSS!*-..

..You know what? Fuck it.


"Salutations, Mr. Greystoke. I have arrived to assist you, as agreed." Killstreak von Leetus said, mockingly, as if the very notion of asking for assistance had made Arthur a lesser man. He brushed off his forearms, and took a moment to take in his surroundings. There was a faint fog, and the smell of vaporized water. His white royal uniform with golden lining and red belt was glistening in the ample light provided by sun stretching over the nearby hilltop. Everything felt different.. -he- felt different. First of all, his stats had changed. There was no health bar, no dice modifier, no nothing. Instead, there was a list of his name, some basic information, his capabilities, a 'tier' (Whatever that was, he assumed it was some sort of moronic level system, which by he was held at the number 5. How high could it go? Was there a limit?) - He took a deep breath. The air was no different from his own world, but seemed to hold a peculiar smell of.. moisture. The remnants of snow hiding away between pools of newly formed water told the story all too well of what had taken place mere moments before his arrival. A peak over at Arthur's wounds and torn up clothing confirmed it.

Someone had been flaming, but without a single baiter in sight. Odd. None of the other people present seemed to hold any such power, and if they did, they were doing a hell of a job of hiding it. Regardless, they didn't seem like much of a challenge. Killstreak could.. sense it, somehow. These people, with the exception of Arthur Greystoke, were inferior.

He turned to address them, and spoke with vanity fueling his every word. "Lol, you n00bz trying to gank?", before turning back to Arthur, who seemed somewhat distracted. "Can you believe these scrubs? I'm off. Gief call when they're rekt plx!" He walked off. "We have things to discuss, you and I."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Green


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Their assault had failed, and now Arthur was going to counterattack. Adrian knew this because he knew the man. Adrian could already see what his plan was as the snow was turned to water having previous knowledge of Arthur's electric powers. The remnants of the chains instantly fixed themselves and the spikes along them vanished as they wrapped around the hellwolf. Adrian used these chains and his wings to drive himself at the Hellwolf as fast as he could. Upon hitting him Adrian would send them both over the edge of the cliff and use his wings to glide down. It was a strenuous task and when they reached a part lower where there was no water Adrian was exhausted and sweating, but at least they had disengaged from combat for a minute and the hellwolf was alive. "Let no one ever say that I care not for my subjects" Adrian said extending his hand to the demonic wolf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The fireball exploded violently, causing smoke and flame to blot out his sight of the dragon girl and the caveman, but Arthur could clearly be seen escaping the blast by taking to the air. Another failed attack, this Arthur was no easy target, far from it. With his flame attacks proven ineffective, Gregor had little choice left but to get in close and- Woah! Before the flames were even cleared, the chains were suddenly coming for him. Caught off-guard, he found himself briefly constricted, before being lifted off his feet and sent gliding down the cliff with Adrian. He briefly thrashed in panic, but calmed down upon realizing it was indeed Andrian's doing.

It wasn't until landing that he, looking at the soaked fur on his paws, realized why he might have done this. Everyone knows that water is conductive, but Gregor surely wouldn't have realized the hazard until it was too late. "Thank you. He might have killed me." he growled in his wolfish voice, unsuited for speaking human language. He looked up along the cliff. It wasn't too high but would take some extra time to get back up. "The girl, she alone now." he growled, before rapidly beginning his ascend again, though this time making sure to avoid any molten snow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Evvie's poor brain had enough with the appearance of yet another strange person who was accompanied by strange and seemingly random singing. She couldn't get any more confused by this battle at this point so just decided to go with it without question. Whatever that whole plot point was about was none of her business because the man left as soon as he came after speaking pure gibberish, at least to her ears. What was more important to focus on was their opponent who was still not out of the fight despite sustaining two powerful fire based attacks. Now that her fire was in solid form she would try to see how cutting and stabbing at his body would work.

She was alone now with the man, the other two rocketing off for some reason. Looks like it was up to her. She charged at him, feet splashing through the thin layer of water, as she quickly closed the gap between them. As she got closer she would try to joust at him through his heart with the tip of her fire sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The flaming sword seemed to solidify a good deal more than it had been previously, the flames that composed it becoming thicker and more condensed, but Arthur still didn't trust it to behave in the same manner as a normal sword. It was that mistrust that settled his choice on avoidance rather than counters, and he stepped to his right and turned ninety degrees to let the blade pass in front of him as he brought his own sword up to stab at the dragoness' heart, mimicking her attack with the exception of his overall body positioning, which was now lined up squarely with the stab and his extended right arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrian spread his wings and hot skyward following the werewolf in his ascent up the cliff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gregor scrambled up the edge of the cliff to find Evvie and Arthur engaged in an elemental sword fight. There was still some distance between him and them, so Arthur would surely see him coming if he charged in to join the battle. So instead he stayed put for now, filled his jaws with fire and immediately spat out the fireball once it was formed, aiming for it to fly past Evvie and towards Arthur. He was hoping it'd distract Arthur by forcing him to dodge, allowing Evvie to attack, or vice versa. Due to the distance, he might end up hitting Evvie depending on her movement, a risk he was willing to take due to her nature as fire creature. Even when uncharged, the fireball would explode with considerable, though non-lethal, force upon impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seeing the stab coming, she was in no position to dodge it completely but she tried her best to get the blade's point as far from her heart as possible in the little time that she had available to her. She ducked down and to the right, bracing herself for the pain the erupted into her left shoulder as it made contact with her skin, jousting effortlessly through her armor and body. Luckily with her high level of pain tolerance, durability, and flowing adrenaline it wasn't a debilitating blow, but it certainly would mess up the ability to use her left arm, which fell limply at her side. However, her right arm was still completely functional and ready to retaliate, fighting through the pain with a slash towards the left side of his body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

With the blade still embedded in her shoulder, he pulled it downward as he dropped below the sweep of her blade, letting it pass harmlessly above his head. At the least, the downward motion of his blade would likely sever nearly every tendon in the shoulder, leaving only those above the original wound, and make the arm a bonafide liability, rather than simply useless.

This motion also had the beneficial effect of allowing the incoming fireball to pass harmlessly overhead and detonate somewhere on the mountainside behind him and too far away to make a difference. Planting his left hand in the water surrounding both himself and the young dragoness, Arthur released a second torrent of electrical current and sent it straight to the young woman's heart. The attack held enough current to paralyze the muscle outright, though he also spared some power for the rest of her body in an attempt to render her entirely immobile while she died. There was no telling what kind of damage she might be able to do by flailing about in her final moments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Adrian came over the top of the cliff and hovered around 20 feet above and in front of Arthur. Forming flaming black spears of hell matter he launched them at Arthur one after another. Adrian would keep up his assault not allowing Arthur to rest.
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