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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[i]The last time I saw her she was walking through a trail of red battenlillies, her long blonde hair tied into a braid of sorts. Something a servant had to have done because I wasn’t able to create such beauty. Everything I touch died before my eyes. She was no different. The hot winds of summer blew all around us and the days lasted forever as if we didn’t have anything but time on our hands. I reached out and pulled softly at her hair, a smile my prize.

The fourth sun of Darium began to set, the sky birthing crimson and burnt orange bliss as it displayed the glory of the gods for all to witness. Just below my shadow sat a lonely yellow flower, its wings spread out as if crying for attention in the sea of red. A smile touched my pale pink lips as I bent over to rescue the beauty from being lost. I plucked it as the sun pulled off the horizon, the last one left moving quickly to join its brethren. I jogged to catch up to her, pulling ahead and maneuvering my smaller body in front of her to reach up and slip the yellow flower into her golden locks. She laughed and ran ahead, slowing only upon noticing my refusal to move forward.

Something caught my eye and I stopped for only a moment to watch the clouds part. Darkness tugged at the edge of our world in way that I’d never seen. I looked up to watch her walk toward it, a picture of beauty and elegance. I screamed for her to stop and yet I could move not a muscle within my petite frame to stop the impending doom. She never once turned around as I unraveled with horror at the picturesque sight before me.

And then she was gone – forever.

“Aryn, come child.”

Aryn looked up from a book she had been poring over for weeks, a history of the Fae and their ancestors. She was deep into the history of their lands and the mysteries that lie all around them when her Uncle’s voice interrupted her thoughts, her small body tensing at the interruption. She stood without question and closed the book, following after the large male Fae. His shoulders were so broad that he barely fit through the opening in the door, his height impressive by Fae standards as he stood almost a foot above her.

He spoke not as they moved through the belly of the castle, her brother the only other male Fae outside of her father the king, to live in the behemoth stone structure. Jareth was off fighting a war in Westorm against the dark elves or drow as some would refer to them. The empty alcoves called to her as she moved languidly behind her Uncle, the silence almost defeating.

The stopped just outside the king’s thrown room, her Uncle moving to the side as a two dwarf guards opened the door and nodded stonily toward her. She breathed in deeply and slowly let the air from her tight lungs escape, her fear of what was to come almost paralyzing her. Her uncle touched her shoulder briefly, a sign of support as she moved past him and the door closed behind her.

She stopped just in front of her father, the king a beautiful man, strong and brave, handsome and rugged – and yet he was a shell of he once was. She stood before him, the only light in the room the large candles that burned behind him, an eerie glow being pressed upon him from all angles. She said nothing but watched the fire burn just to the left off his angular face.

“Have you left the castle in the last few weeks, Aryn?” His voice was gravely and so deep she could barely pick up the timbre of it anymore. She thought for a moment before speaking, wanting to be truthful and yet needing to stand firm against him. She was no longer a child, but a full grown woman and had her mother still been around her father would’ve recognized that.

“I have father.” She looked straight at him, unflinching.

He laughed, but the sound fell flat all around both of them. She remained stiff and unchanging in her demeanor. His eyes moved across her, his wisdom unsurpassed within the kingdom. He knew where she was and yet he couldn’t move past his grief to allow her to be anywhere but where he felt that she would be completely protected.

“And I will go out again. We’ve had this conversation. It would be easier if you would just..” She tried to keep her composure, but like most times, it started to break when she felt as if she needed something to cling to in order to prove her point.

“Hush. I asked you a question and you answered it.” He moved his large hands to rest upon the claw carved hand rests, pulling himself up with a loud grunt. “Your brother has not checked in within the last week. I am unsure if he is alive and I am running out of people I can trust.”

He walked past her, his arm brushing hers, the warmth of his frame causing her to break out in chill bumps. Gold dust scattered across the air where he was, the emotional turmoil of his plait tangibly visible to the small Fae. She turned her body slowly, trying to remain quiet and attentive to allow him freedom to express himself – something he did so very rarely anymore.

“I have not heard from any of my men or your brother, Aryn.” He sighed heavily.

“Where did you send Jarith, Father?”

“To the hills of Thornfall.” He said nothing else, but she knew that he would have to send someone to check on his men, on his son.

“If I work hard over the next few weeks on my magic, weapons and fighting lessons and I have a proper guide or guard, would you let me go and check on my brother? I am much stronger than you give me credit for, Father.” She spoke quickly and chastised herself internally at the expedience of her words, a show of immaturity for sure.

He turned to look upon her, taking a few long steps to reach her before slipping his fingers through her long crimson locks. “Do your best and we will talk at the end of the week.”

He moved past her and resumed his initial position within the large ornate chair that sat at the front of the room, his eyes closing. She moved slowly toward the door, a smile touching her lovely full mouth as she walked from the room and jogged back to the library.

“The last time I saw her she was walking through a trail of red battenlilies…” she felt her eyes fill with tears, “a trail of red battenlilies in Thornfall.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frenetic Raptor

Frenetic Raptor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Emerald eyes followed along with her agile aerial display as she courageously circled around the sky; the sun soon to descend below the horizon, beckoning nightfall to reclaim its rightful place in time. Orin remained transfixed amongst the surreal, his curious posture leaning heavily over the aged railing of the balcony, catching sight of her familiar restlessness. There was no doubt; this was the same Peregrine Falcon from each and every night before, wandering over for another passing glance. Her presence never remained for long, soaring beyond the walls of human civility once more; reality returning just as swiftly as if fled.

Orin lifted himself off the rail and headed inside, the stillness of the air returning upon his arrival. Quickening steps passed the upper bedrooms and descended down a flight of stairs, seeking the expected, darkening living quarters below. But alas, that was not entirely the case, compliments of a certain friend of his; a half-elf to be exact. Arklen hovered near a newly burning fire, its warming light flickering about. As was normal routine, Orin returned to his desk and lit up several candles along the way, and around his desk. It was here, a daunting reminder awaited.

What exactly was it that made Orin want to return to such a disorienting state of disarray? Dismayed at the sights of worn parchment, earmarked books, and illegible revisions, feelings of defeat arose. Leaning back in his chair with a heavy sigh, Orin wondered if it was even possible to accomplish such an impossible feat. Not willing to give up just yet he looked down upon the last open page and focused on the image alone, hoping to discover something previously overlooked.

“Hey Orin. You at it again?” Arklen spoke aloud, attempting to grab his attention. “If I were you, I would just take a nice long break, in the meantime.” Hoping to catch Orin unaware, Arklen approached quietly, and quickly snatched the book from his sights.

Orin attempted to reach for the book, to no avail. Speed not on his side, there was little use in getting it back. Let Arklen see for himself and make up those imaginative little stories.

An opinion formed with a single flip of the page. “Orin, you may find it easier if you just gave up all of this reading and just tried for yourself.” No one would ever know what they were capable of without trying for themselves. “Have you ever once attempted to take a chance?” Arklen couldn’t understand what was preventing him from doing so.

“What is wrong with remaining human?” Orin kept in his seat and his eyes on the materials upon his desk.

“What if it isn’t that you are incapable of transforming, but you aren’t comfortable with the idea of being anything other than yourself?” What else could the reason have been? Druids had a natural gift of being able to do so without issue. Or maybe Arklen was entirely wrong and there was more to what a druid was than what he realized. He was only a half-elf after all.

“What if I said I was?” Desiring to place doubt in his friend’s mind for the time being, he played along. To lose one's senses was fear enough to keep one from trying. “So, you would risk taking the chance that I am able to change into a wolf. To turn myself into one of those savagecarnivorousflesh-eating beasts of the wild.” Orin spoke with a forceful gruff, foreboding nature’s unpredictability. “Do be careful, me changing into a wolf is the last thing you want me to do.” Tension amongst his words subsided. “I just don’t think it is wise to mess around with nature without knowing the consequences.”

Arklen wasn’t sure whether to be afraid or respectful, but for whatever reason, he found his hand wavering in the direction of Orin, desiring to return the book safely to its original position. Not without incident of course, for Orin snarled and growled the entire time, daring him to come closer. Ready to give up the topic of conversation, Arklen dropped the book and backed away. “Okay, I give up. You win. Can we talk about something else like that falcon of yours?”

“Mine? What do you mean mine?” Orin remained surprised that his friend still thought he had anything to do with the reappearances. “No matter what you wish to believe, I have done nothing to persuade her to return time and time again.” He stood up and stretched before facing Arklen, who chose to sit down near the fire.

Understanding that Orin was unwilling to budge on anything this evening, he spoke of other interests. “Have you heard anything else from the princess since the last time?”

“Not really. That’s just how things are when you are a member of royalty.” Orin lingered upon those words a bit more than all of the others, curious as to what was going on in the castle, even now. “And before you ask, I am still going to go through with it.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aryn's small finger rapped lightly along the cover of a thick leather book, her feet not reaching the ground from the large ornate wooden chair that she sat upon in the great library. The day was fading into night and she'd spend several hours pouring over various spells and incantations in hopes of moving toward her dream of going in search of her mother. Her father was unable to leave because the kingdom would be put in danger if word dispersed that the king had moved from this thrown, plenty of surrounding kingdoms in hope of that occurring so that they might usurp power in his absence. Aryn knew that is would be her journey, no her adventure that would allow her father to have peace of mind and perhaps reignite his hope that not all was lost.

He would not allow her to go alone, of that she was assured. She needed a companion of worthy standing. Worry clouded her thoughts as she twirled her long golden hair around her fingers, the silky strands not willing to comply, but slipping away as if holding their own intent and purpose. To have someone beside her for a journey that could put her life in danger and would seemingly take several months meant that she needed someone she could trust. Her father would assign his best soldiers and although they would treat her with respect, they would not engage her in conversation nor keep her company. All decisions would be hers and that had proven less effective in the past seeing that she moved and breathed according to emotion most days instead of sound logic.

She knew without a doubt that she wanted Orin to attend with her, but how to get word to him? Her fingers moved from the book to her small lips, her body slumping back in the chair as the soft lantern light above her bathed her in its illumination. He would be quite perfect a companion, namely due to the fact that they'd grown up together in the streets of the city and he knew her better than any other. He could call her to the table of logic and would be willing to remove her title and treat her as an equal, which is what she needed. To be a princess on a journey such as this left her no advantage. She needed to be a Fae and to be paired with a druid would be most wise. She felt a nervous jolt in the pit of her stomach, realizing that it had been quite a long time since she'd seen him.

Would he even consider going with her? Had he thought she'd gotten high and mighty and left thought of him in her past where childish friendship belonged? She closed her eyes and tried to imagine him, her soft blonde hair fanning out about her as she huffed a few times.

"Child, what are you doing?" Selma, her handmaiden spoke softly and yet Aryn yelped and jumped a good inch off the chair, her eyes opening with fright before a small giggle bubbled up at the silliness of her reaction.

"Do forgive me. I was lost in thought," Aryn spoke softly as well, respect for the history around them contained in old books kept her in proper form.

"No, forgive me." Selma reached out and touched the younger girls hair. "What were you thinking of that allowed you not to hear my approach?"

"Father is considering allowing me to go in search of mother and I will need a companion. I was just trying to decide who knew me well enough to keep me straight, talk with me and protect me while I go."

Selma didn't miss a beat in the conversation, but blurted out quickly, "I believe Master Orin would be perfect. That you've not seen him in a while means nothing when you grew up together, young miss, and had so many experiences along the way."

Aryn nodded, moving to stand before her chair, her feet bare as they touched to the cold stone ground beneath her. "Yes. I do believe you are correct. Would you ask Jameson to send word to him. I'd have Orin meet me tomorrow at the Vespa fountain on the edge of town near the forest."

Selma nodded, her soft grey locks bouncing a little as a smile touched her aged face. "I would be happy to miss."

She skirted off and Aryn stood before the table, her eyes scanning another book of spells, but her mind already lost to the adventures that were to come beside one of her best friends - truly her only friend if she were being honest with herself. "Please let him say yes... please."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frenetic Raptor

Frenetic Raptor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

While the unwavering moon illuminated the tranquil night sky from outside, inside closed quarters, the persevering fire inside tantalized with its mischievous aromas. Arklen, determined as ever, kept watch over the entire cooking process, not wanting to spoil another prideful recipe.

On the other hand, Orin remained seated further behind, fully amused. Arklen always found a way to absorb himself to the fullest extent, every single time. Orin could only wonder where his friend had acquired all of that enthusiasm. His thoughts quickly dispersed at the sounds of several sudden knocks upon the door, beckoning for a response from within. Quick to his feet, Orin opened the door; his eyes immediately widened, surprised by a formally dressed member of royalty standing at his own doorway.

“You must be Orin, am I correct?” Jameson quickly inquired.

“Yes, that I am. May I ask what brings a royal messenger to my door at this hour?” Orin respectfully questioned the man, knowing absolutely nothing of what matters concerned him.

“I have been sent to relay a message from the princess. She wishes for your presence at the Vespa fountain. You must appear promptly, just before the noon hour. Once you have arrived, you will be briefed by the princess regarding her desired companionship during her future travels.” Jameson’s words were kept needlessly short and concise.

Orin remained in a moment’s silence, feeling awkward, not by the request of his presence, but Aryn’s intention to travel. “If I may, what are these future travels supposed to entail?” He didn’t have a clue as to where she might be heading, let alone for how long.

“It is the princess’ desire to find her mother no matter where it takes her, though it is unclear as to how long the journey will be or the destinations involved.” There was little else in the way of details other than Princess Aryn’s wishes.

Orin was split between troubled feelings and a sense of intrigue. “Don’t get me wrong, I am willing to be of full assistance to accompany the princess, but there is something I am confused about.” Orin hesitated, pondering over his carefully chosen words. “Why would the princess desire an inexperienced druid like me over the numerous highly skilled guards that protect the castle every day?” There had to be something crucial he was missing.

Jameson’s eyes wandered about in disbelief before recovering a straight face. “If you must know, the princess has pretty much refused the assistance from any of our qualified guards, for reasons all her own. You sir, are the first and only one she has ever considered.” In anyone’s right mind that was an honor in itself. “Even so, the decision to accept her wishes is entirely up to you. Just know, Princess Aryn speaks highly of you quite frequently.” With restlessness taking hold, Jameson spoke once more, attempting to move along to other priorities. “Do think this over for the night, and be sure to let the princess know of your decision at the Vespa fountain. Until then, I bid you goodnight.”

Orin said his goodbye, closed the door, and took a seat, all while his thoughts processed the peculiar proposition. There was no reason not to accept the offer. His only lingering concern was his ability to safely protect her. What the king would do to him otherwise, if anything unfortunate were to happen to his own daughter. Orin snapped himself out of his worried strand of thought, focusing his attention to the food placed upon the table.

“I’m impressed. The princess wishes to see you again, after all this time. In person, no less.” Arklen positioned himself at the other side of the table and took to eating, while Orin followed suit, attempting to downplay his own building excitement.

After dinner, sleep carried onward into the late hours. Sunlight soon filtered through the darkness of the night sky, dawn arising once more, lifting further towards a midday peak. Orin carried himself with great interest as he walked along, passing by the many townsfolk in vast array. Nearing the edge of town, sounds of flowing water pleased his ears; his eager eyes soon to catch sight of not only the vibrantly flowing Vespa fountain, but the beautiful princess herself. Had it really been over a year since the last time?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The sting of the mid-morning sun pulled Aryn from her rest, the soft hum of Selma causing her waking to be more pleasant then she assessed as the light first pressed against her lids. She grabbed a small pink pillow and covered her head with it anyway, grunting and causing a fuss of sorts, namely just to gather attention. Her long blonde hair streamed out across the bed, soft curls and little tangles entwined in what must have been a great night of sleep. She laughed when Selma grabbed the pillow and launched it, tickling the small fae across her belly that was exposed due to her nocturnal movements. She swatted at her and Selma laughed too, the sound of it motherly and filling up the room with love and kindness.

Aryn twisted away, jumping onto her feet and turning to face her handmaid, a look of challenge on her face as her brows moved up and down in a mischievous manner. Selma straightened up and placed her hands on her portly hips, her eye brow lifting with a very motherly warning. Aryn had to fear, but only the hope of winning the match that morning as she backed up a little and whispered, "I'm gonna get you..."

Selma soon lost her composure, figuring the child was serious and turned to run for the door, a loud squeal leaving her as Aryn laughed with joy and pounced on top of the bed, running to catch up and launching herself in the air. She made it to the open door Selma had escaped from and plowed into her Uncle Jefferson, the large man wrapping her in a hug and trying to regain his balance before they both feel to the ground. The handmaiden was nowhere to be seen, but that was most usual seeing that Selma was a grand witch and there not by chance, but by design to protect the next Queen of Darium.

"What are you up to, child? You're going to give us old folks a heart attack with your vigor alone." He hugged her with a bit of a grunt and moved back to look down at her. "Now, get yourself dressed and I shall go with you to the Vespa fountains and wait just inside the small cafe on the edge of the square for you to meet Orin."

She released him and stepped back, her head tilting a little to the right as she pouted slightly. "How can I ever sneak out of here if you all share my devious plans? No one was supposed to know about me going and yet I'm sure everyone, including father knows!"

"That he does. Get dressed and I shall meet you outside in an hour with the carriage ready. Selma has breakfast cooking, I just spotted her in the kitchen." He turned to go and Aryn almost objected seeing that the woman was with her, but that was a mystery best left untouched.

"Fine," she huffed and slipped into a soft white cotton dress, sandals and pulled her long hair into a messy braid of gold. She ate a quick breakfast, no words spoken with Selma, but quick smiles and glances that spoke of humorous retribution to be made apparent sooner than later. Not having a mother for quite sometime left a chasm in Aryn that was unable to find words and yet Selma helped to bring her grief and fear in check most days with her loving kindness.

She finished her breakfast and walked into the noonday sun, the air still a little chilly as winter approached, but most refreshing. The ride to the fountain took longer than expected due to most of the people in the village stopped to smile and wave as the princess moved through the small cobblestone streets. They arrived a few minutes before expected, so Aryn promised she would remain in the spot she'd chosen and her uncle disappeared back down the path they'd come on. She tugged at her braid a little after finding a comfortable spot on the edge of the fountain, the lovely sounds accompanied by moving water tried to calm her excitement.

She almost felt as though she might burst as she looked up and spotted Orin, his long dark hair framing his face perfectly and stealing her breath for a moment. How grateful she was that he was a little ways off and couldn't possibly see the effect him growing up would have on her. She quickly forgot things of a lustful nature and slipped from the rock, a quick walk, jog to meet him and offer him a warm hug.

"It has been far too long, my friend," she moved back and let herself take him in. "You look wonderful..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frenetic Raptor

Frenetic Raptor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“As do you.” Orin expressed similar feelings, holding onto this moment for a little while longer. There were far too many occasions where he wondered if she was ever going to step forth from the confines of the castle walls once more. “I am really glad to see you are doing well.” Even so, in the back of his mind, he understood the heavy heart she adorned. That alone was reason enough to do everything he could possibly do to help relieve the burden placed upon her.

“Now that we are both here, I have something important I wish to say.” Orin put on a more serious face and paused, attempting to build the suspense. “It is about your request…” He continued to play up the part, his voice softening, trailing off into uncertainty. “I am not sure you are going to believe this... but what if I said I was actually going to accept your offer, right now.” Orin’s smile widened as his words alluded to his approval; his ambitious eyes focused entirely on her own reaction to the exciting news.

“I don’t know where this journey of ours will take us in the end, though I do know I will always be by your side.” This went beyond simple companionship, but a strong relationship between friends. “I will do what is required of me to see to it that you find your mother.” Orin spoke with a growing confidence. “I know not how my inferior skills trump that of your royal guards, though I will not question the princess in her final decision.” Wasn’t like he would ever question the princess anyway, especially when he finally realized not one of the guards could actually handle her exuberant personality.

“Who knows, maybe I could learn a thing or two along the way.” Orin found himself chuckling at the groundbreaking revelation, not having to spend endless days staring at intimidating texts and drawing undesirable personal conclusions. Relieved at the notion, Orin spoke aloud, wishing to hear Aryn’s own thoughts about what was to happen for the both of them. “What do you say? You think the both of us can handle this together?” An encouraging smile followed his questioning words of interest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aryn moved back a little to give herself the opportunity to study him while he spoke and reintroduced himself to her as if it were needed at all. She was almost certain that he would turn down her request and not only that, but truly berate her for being so senseless and wanting to go on a journey that most grown males would not attend because of the danger ahead and the risk of not returning. She was the future of their kingdom and as such was giving even more carelessness to the situation by leaving the castle and inviting danger from every angle to come and wisp her into the night. When he accepted her small chin dropped a bit, her recovered delayed from trying to process his yes was truly a yes and not a figment of her imagination.

She clasped her hands in front of her as her smile grew and grew until she laughed softly at his own confidence, willingness and lack of admonition. "Oh, Orin. You have no idea of the sweet relief I feel now knowing that you will go with me. I have wanted to leave and journey to Thornfall since my mother disappeared, but it has taken this long to prove myself capable, study and prepare and gain acceptance from the royal house to travel this distance. I wanted you to come with me because I cannot imagine a better suited companion. We might not have the strength of giants or the brilliance of scholars between us, but we have magic."

She lifted her hand and the wind blew in, warm and soft, swirled around them and caused small dandelions to dance in the air around them. "There are so many things we will learn and battles we will fight, but like any great journey, we will be victorious in better understanding the unknown." She turned from him, her long blonde locks moving in the wind she'd called to her. Looking out on the large expanse of land that belonged to her father she understood clearly the danger that lie just beyond the caspian hills and the sea of Elpha.

"I will not lie that I'm not a bit concerned or perhaps frightened, but I've missed her for far too long and my brother has yet to be heard from in three moons," she turned to face him again, her face solace as concern painted its way across her lovely features. "I cannot image sitting here one more minute when they need me. I feel it deep in my spirit that something is not right and yet I just pray you and I are the answer they are looking for." She moved closer and reached for his hand, a smile on her face.

"Thank you for this... we will handle it and bring home honor, glory and my family, together."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frenetic Raptor

Frenetic Raptor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The princess’ heartfelt feelings were the first to resonate through Orin’s enlightened ears, speaking of the personal sacrifices already provided and those that waited ahead. Even so, for no uncertainty in the world could he ever doubt her courageousness; her passionate words and foretelling eyes begging to differ at the possibility of defeat. Not until his gentle hand met with the eager touch of hers did he fully understand how deep her sense of longing truly was, and the everlasting yearning for a fleeting answer that accompanied.

“Yes, that we most certainly will…” Orin freed his mind from even his deepest of worries, letting the emotional winds of change carry him along. “With or without magic.” A quick addition followed, Orin knowing magic wasn’t always going to be the solution to every problem. Sometimes, all that was really required was a little teamwork from two connected, strong minded individuals. “No matter what, I don’t see either of us giving in until the very end.” Maybe this was finally the calling he had always desired to find one day.

Orin briefly glanced off into the distance, letting his imaginative mind roam the mysterious land beyond, before focusing his entire attention back towards Aryn. “Please tell me when you wish to start our journey as I too realize time is very precious to the spirit.” The unrelenting weight of time always seemed to hold little concern for the fragility of an individual life. “And if you need any assistance with anything before we go, let me know and I may be able to be of some use.” Of course, that all depended on what the princess had in mind; some tasks were better left up to the members of royalty. “Just as long as it is something reasonable.” Orin's words further teased, surrounding his own skill.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katelyn


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Her small thumb brushed his knuckles before she let his hand slip from hers, a sigh leaving her lips as the weight of indecision removed itself from her narrow shoulders, the world seemingly more bright after his acceptance. He spoke again and she pulled herself from the fairy tale of what could be and of course the resolution of finding both her mother and brother, fully in health and bringing them back. The royal house would once again be complete and unbroken, the fragility of what had occurred this far would be removed and her father could once again stand before his people and his opponents and dare them to do anything but love and obey him. He was once a man of great stature, but much like removing the wings from a beautiful falcon, without her mother he could fly no more.

"We will leave just after daybreak. I'll meet you at the castle entrance if that suits you well." She touched the soft curve of her chin and pondered his request. "I honestly believe that you gathering your books on herbs and spells would assist us greatly. Oh.. and doesn't your companion, was his name Arklen? I rarely remember details anymore with the strain of castle life and such."

She chewed on her lips before remembering her hanging request. "Yes, Arklen. Doesn't he have a map of the surrounding countries that would give us a better description of where we are going and the landscapes that we might be faced to endure? My father's maps are detailed for military strategy, but I'd love to actually see a map that was more created for leisure or the very purposes to which our journey beckons us upon."

She paused and thought though the other items they might need, namely food, blankets, a tent and various medical supplies. "My servants can gather the remaining items that we will need. Don't bother yourself with those. I am almost excited. Is that childish of me?"

A look of innocent wonder crossed her flawless features, her large eyes scribed with the wonder of hope that had resurrected itself simply in his agreement to go and the peace that followed. Fear had seemingly found another home beside her for the moment and she was grateful for the chance to look toward tomorrow with optimism and promise. The idea of getting to know her childhood companion again sent a thrill of wonder wrapped in worry up her nerves and a soft giggle left her lips. "Tomorrow then, Orin?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frenetic Raptor

Frenetic Raptor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Yes, tomorrow shall be the day we set off on our journey.” Enthusiastic words followed Princess Aryn's continued lightheartedness. “And you can be sure I will have brought my finest books along with a proper map, suited just for our travels.” While his words remained confident, his thoughts were beginning to scatter off, already in a hurry to prepare. “Even though I must say farewell for a single night, morning will be here soon enough to wish us along.” Orin followed with a hug before starting on his way, urgency beckoning him back to his residence. “Oh, and do try to get a restful night’s sleep, if you can.” A quick glance back in Aryn’s direction revealed a wink from Orin and a cheerful smile, knowing there could be a little less sleep to be had on this eager night.

With the sun lowering its dominating presence in the dimming sky, afternoon transitioned into evening, all while Orin kept to his desk once more, seeking out only the best of the best to carry along. Covers were opened, pages were flipped, and selections were made. Everything appeared to be going smoothly, though one might wonder just how many books were really required. Even now, the oversized stack of books continued to taunt his discouraged eyes, wishing only to look away. Wasn’t there a single book detailed enough to cover everything he could possibly ever need? That would be just way too easy.

As time moved steadily along, Arklen stepped inside, having concluded another day’s work. “So, um... Orin… you having some kind of trouble over there again?” His eyes immediately locked onto all of those teetering stacks of books upon Orin’s desk. “If you need a little help organizing things, I might be able to be of help.” Arklen’s tone softened as he closed in on Orin, still unsure of what was going on at a closer glance. “Or as long as you don’t go all wolf crazy on me, of course.”

“Nah, you don’t have to worry about me going wolf on you,” Orin spoke with reassuring words. “I am way too focused on finding the right books about herbs and spells for my journey with the princess. Not to mention, I need a suitable map we can use, detailing our surrounding territories.”

“Is that all you were looking for?” Not quite the most efficient route of doing things, though Orin always had a certain way of his own, even if they weren’t always the best. “May I suggest going for this one here on herbs and maybe using this one covering spells. They won’t include every spell or herb imaginable, though we are really only going for something that will compliment both of your talents at the same time, and be of the most effective variety.” Both of the chosen texts were placed in front of Orin who had yet to form an opinion. “Let me know if these will work.”

Orin fingered through the pages, double checking the contents, finding some reassurance along the way. “I think these two will do just fine.” He wasn’t really certain what else to say as Arklen once more proved far more knowledgeable about his own texts than he was. “I do have to know. Have you read every one of these books as well?” Orin turned around in his chair, looking back at Arklen with a curious eye.

“Yes, pretty much. You never know when all that information will come in handy. Don’t forget, I am partly responsible, along with many others, for making these books available for everyone to read. But anyway, let’s go get you a map that will serve you and the princess well.” Arklen ventured up the flight of stairs, and headed into his room, all while Orin remained quietly amazed yet again. After digging around, Arklen returned to Orin with a map securely in hand. “This one should do. Take a look and see for yourself.”

Orin spread it across the desk and let his widening eyes trace along the lay of the land outlined in great detail. “I can understand the books, but where did you get this particular map from? I haven’t seen one of this fashion anywhere inside our village. Even the king, as far as I am aware, doesn’t use anything like this one.” Was Arklen really this resourceful? No matter how, he would sure give his half elf friend credit where it was do.

“Well, you are sort of right in that it doesn’t originate from inside our village. There are a few elves I keep in contact with nearby that provide some superior resources. The map you happen to have on your desk is the most recent revision obtainable. They’ve been doing such experienced chartings for as long as I’ve known them.” Feeling growingly reminiscent, Arklen quickly shifted back the conversation. “I am assuming by your sudden dedication to all of this that Princess Aryn desires to leave very soon.”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, she is planning for the both of us to leave in the morning, just after daybreak.” Orin wasn’t sure how prepared Arklen was going to be at the sudden mention. “I know it seems to be a bit more on the spur of the moment, though Aryn appears entirely ready to set forth to find her mother and brother.” There wasn’t any real reason Orin could think of as to why more time was needed to be wasted sitting around, doing nothing.

“I see, it is Princess Aryn's wishes to leave so soon. I do not blame her of course, though I do say this for the sake of the princess that you make absolutely sure you are prepared to do this. You may reach a point of no return where both of you may be tested to the very limits.” Arklen continued to contemplate the monumental significance of both success and failure. “As a friend, I do not say this to place your thoughts in doubt, but to remind you to remain diligent and respectful of the dangers along the way.” Arklen spoke with serious words of caution before venturing off to make Orin one last enjoyable dinner.

As the sharing of stories over dinner reached a late night ending and heavy eyes beckoned adventurous dreams throughout the night, guiding a sleeper’s courageous mind across time, a falcon’s flying silhouette passes by the luminescent glow of the moon, knowing no limits as it reaches out to touch heights once unimaginable. But alas, not even such fantastical imagery can go on forever without required pause, for dawn has arisen again to bring the importance of a meaningful reality back into focus.

Staring off into the awakening horizon beyond, Orin walked along towards the castle with a small bag containing a few important belongings. Along the way, a few other early risers could be seen getting ready for another typical day in the village. For Orin, this was not just any other day. This was a time of temporary farewells and the start of a new journey towards the future. Everything about this was going to be alright, for Orin would be by the princess’ side and Aryn by his. Orin's feet soon halted along the pathway just short of the castle walls, his eyes watchful of Princess Aryn’s arrival.
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