Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Claire Terrane (Groudon) - Rune Alchemist
Ell Knotheart (Morph) - McHaggis
John Flares (Axew) - Rajinslayer

Sophia Skyheart (Articuno) - Aphelion
Korrigan Umbraisis (Yvetal) - Rajinslayer
Calvin Sykes (Sawsbuck) - Foxx

Zaegar (morph) - Eklipse
Levinia Faust (Morph) - Rune Alchemist
Aledia (Vaporeon) - Liriia
Seth (Pidgeot) - McHaggis
Fang (Morph) - Rajinslayer
Sabastian Liastine (Rayquaza) - Rajinslayer
Charak Lyre (Morph) - 1Charak2
here's ya a list, Aphelion. I'll make it pretty later. Gotta go do some stuff, but I thought I'd put it up to help you.
Lugere and Ayero are actually even. huh, cool.

....I think we need less people in the 'other' faction xD

I've also been playing around with the idea of making a character for Lugere, but I dunno if I should or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DimCarcosa


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Thanks for beating me to the punch, Rune. I was just about to go do that
...Yeah, we're running into the same problem as before. Except Ayero/Lugere is actually pretty balanced now. Then again, Morphs are sort of stuck as outcasts, so if we discount them...

Ayero: 2
Lugere: 3
Other: 4

There is an imbalance, not as big but it's still there. Might put a temporary ban on unaffiliated non-Morph characters until we get some more loyalists.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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sorry, but I was bored so I figured I might try to get everything nice neat and organized xP

And the morphs are just outcasts for now...
Who knows. Maybe they'll make their own little country through the course of the RP~ :P
Fun little something to think about, anyways, if we ever get that far~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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Jesus we have a a lot of characters already, and yeah, a bit too many in the other fraction. I could always change Aleida's ideals, making her root for Ayero cause that's the only nation she really knows anything about, but it may take away from her neutral approach to everything.

I could also make another character if needed, but I'm feeling sorta uninspired. Curse these holiday woes.

Also what about you, Dim? Are you gonna make a character? 0:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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@Aphelion, Amazing Character sheet. Inspired me to change mine soon, make it more detail. Also, can I make it so that Korrigan is friends with her. It makes sense because A)They are both from a Lugerian house and B)Since Korrigan travels a lot, he could tell her all about them.

Also, is the immunity to cold thing permanent or just something you added in to make that awesome scene more awesome. Either way, it made me think that all legendaries should give a little something like that, nothing to over the top though. For example, Sebastian wouldn't suffer from high alltitude flight, and Korrigan having enhanced offensive fighting skills. That is, if Dim's okay with the idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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You know i would love the thought of a group of morphs teaming up and kicking a$$, but my character wouldn't be the one to make it D:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Fang would, hell, she's already part of the way there since she's the head of a clan. If she was given proper motivation, shencould move towatda making a nation for Morphs. That would be an awesome development.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Levi would join, if you could convince her to stop acting like more of a wild pokemon than a human, probably. Might take a bit of work, since she's been on her own for awhile and while she does like morphs, she still doesn't like most others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Also i've never had a Rp last long for any real sort of story progession so... hope this one is different
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

We shall make it different, The fate of the United Morph Nation of Morphius depends on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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...if you're going to name it that, levi is out xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Yeah, I suck at naming things. I'll leave the name to someone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Raijinslayer said
@Aphelion, Amazing Character sheet. Inspired me to change mine soon, make it more detail. Also, can I make it so that Korrigan is friends with her. It makes sense because A)They are both from a Lugerian house and B)Since Korrigan travels a lot, he could tell her all about them. Also, is the immunity to cold thing permanent or just something you added in to make that awesome scene more awesome. Either way, it made me think that all legendaries should give a little something like that, nothing to over the top though. For example, Sebastian wouldn't suffer from high alltitude flight, and Korrigan having enhanced offensive fighting skills. That is, if Dim's okay with the idea.

=w= Thank youuuuu, haha, I really felt like I didn't do a good job writing her but I'm glad that people like it ^___^

As for the friends thing, she's incredibly shy around boys in her age group (and 21 isn't too far from 17, really), but I could -definitely- see them becoming friends through the RP. Maybe they could be acquaintances at first, or have a budding friendship before the roleplay begins from social functions they both attend. The fact that Korrigan doesn't really want romance would make Sophia feel more at ease around him, when she realizes he likes to travel as well.

For the immunity to cold, I was going to ask if it was alright (when RPGuild decided to work so I could post lol) if she had it permanently. It isn't complete immunity, just enough sturdiness to survive travel. It dulls the sensation rather than getting rid of the effects, so she can still get frostbite and hypothermia if she isn't careful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Hm... So this happened...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Aphelion said
=w= Thank youuuuu, haha, I really felt like I didn't do a good job writing her but I'm glad that people like it ^___^As for the friends thing, she's incredibly shy around boys in her age group (and 21 isn't too far from 17, really), but I could -definitely- see them becoming friends through the RP. Maybe they could be acquaintances at first, or have a budding friendship before the roleplay begins from social functions they both attend. The fact that Korrigan doesn't really want romance would make Sophia feel more at ease around him, when she realizes he likes to travel as well. For the immunity to cold, I was going to ask if it was alright (when RPGuild decided to work so I could post lol) if she had it permanently. It isn't complete immunity, just enough sturdiness to survive travel. It dulls the sensation rather than getting rid of the effects, so she can still get frostbite and hypothermia if she isn't careful.

@AphelionSounds good, I can't wait for this to start. Hope we get some more characters for Ayero and Lugere. As for the powers, I'll stick with what I got for Sebastian(so he doesn't faint/pass out when ever he flies with Quazar), but I'll change Korrigans from improved fighting ability to being able to make him self look more menacing, like a god of death. Think smokey outline, mouth full of sharp teeth, and whatever other demonic rhetoric one can think up. This is all happening inside of the mind of whoever he's fighting however, as well as it being something he can control. That is if all this abilities nonsense is okay with are benevolent GM, Dim, and our Co-GM,Lirlia.

On another note, I've decided on giving Korrigan a sorta split personality. In times when he gets extremely stressed and pushed to his limit, like in battle, he connects to Shades unconscious. This makes him a much more bloodthirsty and ruthless fighter, as well as makes his fighting style more eratic and unpredictable. His skill levels are the same, but they are being shifted from 'manuvering around the enemy and striking at the weak points' to 'cut down anything in my path'. This other side also makes him a tad sadistic in his style, tending to draw out some deaths so as to enjoy them more. This has earned him a monkier among the Ayerians, "The Knight of Armageddon", as when ever he steps on to the battlefield, destruction and death is sure to follow him.
Also, can it be possible for Yveltal to drain souls, but only from those who are about to die. It would only temporarily strengthen his abilities, like one of those battle items that I don't think anyone uses in a battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DimCarcosa


Member Offline since relaunch

Liriia said
Also what about you, Dim? Are you gonna make a character? 0:

I was planning on waiting a bit to make actual characters (already got some NPCs drafted up in case they're needed), mainly so that I could fill any holes that needed to be filled. Right now I'm probably going to make two characters from Ayero and Lugere, a traveling blacksmith and a legend hunter, respectively. Maybe bring back my old character. Though now that I'm apparently unable to go back to sleep I'll get right on them.

Raijinslayer said
That is if all this abilities nonsense is okay

As much as I don't want to copy The Blessed and the Damned even more, I'd be fine with giving legendaries the ability to grant minor boons. Things like giving disciples of Xerneas an aura of healing while they rest, legendary beasts/birds grant resistance to their element, friends of Celebi are able to sense impending catastrophe, small things like that.

Pudding said
Weapon: Servants

Hah. Felt that we needed a proper aristocratic noble. Accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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DimCarcosa said
Hah. Felt that we needed a proper aristocratic noble. Accepted.

Quite. I'm happy to help ^_^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hahaha I love the "Servants as weapons". Fantastic XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay, I may have went a bit overboard on re-doing Claire and Levi's CS's....that was a lot of writing xD
But once I get started, I have so much trouble stopping sometimes xP

Also, thanks for showing me that HDSoundI guy or whatever on youtube Aphelion. I've been looking for a place to find songs to use with my characters for awhile now, and I think I just found it xD

Time to make my guy for Lugere!~
...after a bit of resting xD
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