Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The dream is always the same. He's running. Always running, whether to it or from it, the direction doesn't matter. He ALWAYS ends up here, to this moment. To Robern's bedside. His tears always stream down his face as the 25th Century doctors, with all their knowledge, with all their technology, fail his brother again, and again. He always sees his brother die, as the blood pours from his-

Eobard Thawne, better known to the world as the speed demon Reverse-Flash, woke with a jolt, a large gasp as he was suddenly and violently awoken by his recurring nightmare. Every time he woke, every time he gasped, he cursed the name of Barry Allen. Swearing like a sailor under his breath, he sighed and took note of his surroundings. At the speed of sound, he could take minute details in in a matter of seconds. He studied every crack on the ceiling, every word written on the walls. He moved at the speed of sound, creating a swirling tornado of red lightning as he circled the exercise yard, creating a sonic boom. If that didn't wake up the others, it would shortly. He had noticed Digger as one of the people laid out here.

Great. He had to deal with Captain Boomerang. But why were they laid out here, in Belle Reve's exercise yard? He glanced up at the cameras, and a thousand scenarios ran through his head at the speed of light, boiling down to a single word. Waller. Amanda Waller, to be exact. That answered the who, but why remained persistent. Why would Amanda Waller, head of a top secret ops group NO ONE knew about, put three of arguably the world's most dangerous men together in an exercise yard unsupervised? He especially, considering he was the Fastest Man Alive, despite what is said of the Flash? The Red and Black tornado kept swirling, he kept moving faster and faster, the Negative Speed Force Energy building. only to subside into his collar. It kept him from vibrating through it, and from reaching time travel speeds, but otherwise, was useless. Well, if one called a small bomb useless. It was Amanda Waller's dog collar she had given him, yet she remained vague on why she had bestowed this on him. He flicked a glance on the other two men, and kept the tornado going, electricity crackling around it. Boomer would hate it, but Eobard didn't care. He knew that for any listening ears or watchful eyes, that appearances were everything.

He heard groaning and glanced, though he didn't bring his speed to a stop, keeping the red and black vortex going. Captain Boomerang was awake. Perfect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Come on Cold! Where's yer' sense of loyalty mate?"

"That loyalty went straight of the window when you broke our rules, Digger."

Digger Harkness swore under his breath, kicking angrily at an upturned chair as he did so. He furrowed his brow before moving his phone slowly back up to his ear. "Come'on mate!" He pleaded, his eyes darting frantically at the laboratory around him. "We're the frickin' Rogues! We're family."

"Not anymore, mate." Snarled the reply. "You're on your own now." And with that the phone went dead.

Approximately 1 Month Later

Captain Boomerang awoke to a sort of pain emitting from his side. He groaned loudly, moving his hand to inspect what seemed to be the problem. He couldn't feel anything, although Digger knew in a heartbeat what it was. One of the guard's electric batons from the night before. Rolling on his back, he tried to put together what had happened. They had come to his cell last night. Commanded him to move. Beaten him when he had refused. Beaten him until he had blacked out.

"Bloody' pricks" he mumbled to himself slightly as he moved his hand up to wipe his brow. His gloved hand as he was confused to discover. Sitting up he shot his eyes down to discover that he was wearing his suit. Not one of the formal kind either. His business suit, the whole ensemble including his scarf and hat. The Australian furrowed his brow once more, scratching one of his sideburns. What the hell was going on? Why would the guards dress him? Perverts.

Glancing to his left he spotted something. Well someone to be exact! Laying there, fast asleep was none other than the legend assassin, Deathstroke. Rubbing his eyes, he stifled a yawn. Why on Earth would Deathstroke of all people be here with him. Why the hell were they both in costumes?

"Hey whut do yer' know?" He smiled, slapping the sleeping man's leg. "I've got a new roommate! Looks like today m' lucky..." That was when he finally noticed the red and black seemingly vortex of death which swirled around him. Digger's eyes widened as he released who this was. The god damn Reverse-Flash.

Instantly he darted to his feet, swearing as he did so. Sure Captain Boomerang was used to going toe to toe with the Flash but this guy was something else. From the few times the Rogues had faced him, he'd been ruthless. If there was one guy that the Rogues hated more than the Flash it was him. Every one of them dreamed of finishing with him, a dream Digger decided now would be a great time to fulfill. Reaching to his utility belt he whipped out his weapon of choice. A boomerang.

"You better bugger' off, mate!" He shouted loudly. "Or by god, I'll blind yer', you piece of filth!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reaching to his utility belt he whipped out his weapon of choice. A boomerang.

"You better bugger' off, mate!" He shouted loudly. "Or by god, I'll blind yer', you piece of filth!"

Eobard smirked. He didn't slow down, but rather snatched the Boomerang from Digger's hand, skidding to a halt and creating a second sonic boom as he rapidly decelrated. The Red and Black negative speed force energy that had become his skin and his eponymous suit gave him a sort of monstrous visage, to some, but all Digger probably saw was an Evil Flash, which, some would say, was true, but in reality he was ruthless, and determined to utterly destroy The Flash. He waved the boomerang almost tauntingly as the vortex didn't dissipate, rather it held its shape, almost like a tornado. Eobard sauntered over, keeping the boomerang ever waving in his hands.

"Hello, Digger. Fancy seeing you here. I take it Snart kicked you out, or you wouldn't be here. You know where I'm from, George? I'm from the future. And do you know what kind of mark you make, George?" Here, Reverse-Flash moved with the speed he was known for, appearing first behind him, then directly in his ear, then in front of him as he said his next speech. "You are-or were-a Rogue. That won't mean anything in my time. You're a cockroach, a nobody in the annals of time. The mark you make on history is nonexistent. By the 25th century, Captain Boomerang is as forgotten as today's weather report. When all is said and done, Harkness, You. Don't. Matter."

Eobard snapped the boomerang in half, and tossed the pieces at Digger's feet. Despite being known for being as fast as the Flash, people rarely recognized his other talent: Psychological warfare. He loved to get inside his adversary's head, see what makes them tick, and then show them their weaknesses. Digger was, in his estimation, a vain man, unable to see much past money, power, and legacy. Few realized he was a profiler in the 25th century before his obsession with time and saving Robern.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

65 hours from now…

The situation was this; Jason Woodrue, a private detective, was employed by Sunderland Corporations to discover the perpetrator behind a series of kidnappings of Sunderland’s top scientists. His expertise and cunning skills left Sunderland Corps CEO Avery Carlton Sunderland impressed enough to give him a rewarding yet odd task; creating a fictional monster. The kidnappers were common criminals, thugs, people working under the mantle of larger criminal organizations, so all it took for Woodrue to end his contract was to spread word around about Plant-Master, a beast that escaped from SunderCo’s non-existing secret lab and who currently guards their perimeters. The story is far more elaborate than that, but the details don’t really matter. What does matter is that a certain prominent crime lord paid Deathstroke a large sum of cash to assassinate Plant Master. Upon discovering that Plant Master is nothing but a myth, he set out to kill his creator, Jason Woodrue himself.

Slade was pursuing a yellow cab on foot, leaping rooftops with such great agility that he made them seem like LEGO bricks. His quest led him to a barely populated area in Bludhaven, situated in the Avalon district to be more precise. Although he had access to a plethora of vehicles, he chose to remain on foot so as to avert suspicion. For a greedy bastard, Woodrue was pretty clever and would back away the moment he sensed his life was in danger. The car stopped in front of a motel, the kind of motel where you’d be lucky to get a room with a working shower. Jason, a lanky, scruffy middle-aged man, got out of the car and had a brief chat with the chauffeur before he drove off. The man was obviously paranoid, as he looked both ways before finally entering the motel.

Slade stood by for approximately five minutes, the time it would take for Woodrue to get a room, before deciding to act. He chose to abandon all his stealth prowess and expertise by simply accessing the motel through the front door. Undoubtedly, the receptionist was alerted by a man in an iron exosuit and a mask, evident when he tried to pull out a mobile phone out of his pocket. His attempts at taking measure were cut short when the One-Eyed Merc landed a swift punch on his gut, instantly rendering him unconscious. The receptionist’s excitement definitely did warn Woodrue, which meant Slade had to push his timetable and act quicker. A rapid ascension over a flight of stairs led the merc to a wide hall, with rooms to both sides. The occupants, consisting of hookers and pimps, were spread around the hall, curious as to what caused the noise downstairs. He didn’t know which room Woodrue resided in, but he assumed it was the one with the closed door. He approached the door with precaution, doing his utmost to filter the hall’s noise in favor of hearing what’s happening inside. Five seconds later, three gunshots were heard, three holes took shape on the door. Slade came to the definite conclusion Woodrue was using a Desert Eagle, so depending on the cartridge he was carrying he either had six, five or at the very least four rounds spared.

Turns out he was using .44 Magnum cartridge, as there was a relative pause after the detective added five more holes to the door. That's when Deathstroke decided to act, quickly breaking through the door and landing a horizontal attack on Woodrue's right shoulder. In reaction to Slade's attack, Jason dropped the gun down and scampered near the planked window, a horrified look on his face. He seemingly had trouble moving his right arm. "What have you done to me?!", he exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

"Paresthesia. I temporarily severed your circulatory system, causing your arm to go numb. It won't last long, and from where I stand, neither will you.", Slade responded in a matter-of-fact manner, typical of him, while moving with confident steps to his petrified target. Suspiciously, instead of pissing his pants like all his usual victims do, Jason let out a raucous stream of laughter which admittedly took the legendary merc aback. "So it is true what they say; nobody suspects the cab driver.", Woodrue paused to wipe the saliva out of his mouth before moving further "Care to remove these wood planks out of the window? My arm's too messed up for me to do it." Slade was muddled by the scenario. There were a lot of concerns being processed in his mind; could this all be an ambush? What was it that Jason was so smug about? He violently punched the planks, pulling them in, carelessly scattering them around the room. His fears were confirmed. Four black APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers) were parked in front, with a number of soldiers coming out. Going by the blacker-than-black uniforms and the fact that the vehicles were equipped with noise suppressors, it wasn't too far-fetched to assume they weren't SWAT but rather a clandestine unit, C.I.A or whatever crooked agency was running Gotham and it's neighboring cities.

His contemplation was interrupted when a stock-still Jason pulled out a weird, black, round device (with his left arm, mind you) which emitted a blue light in the middle. He pressed a button on the top of the device before greeting the merc goodbye. Slade winced, before jumping through the window and down into the streets. The device, which was thought to be a grenade, didn't explode but instead released a blue shock wave, partially enveloping Slade while on his way down. The exosuit helped the one-eyed merc to somewhat subvert the ankle pain falling from a two-story building caused, but nothing could help him deal with the mobilized units on the ground. Deathstroke made a last ditch effort to escape alive, but after twenty minutes of cat and mouse, he finally succumbed to his injuries. That's when it hit him. The black device was a modified EMP grenade, altered to only target specific parts of a running mechanism; in Slade's case, the suit's ability to deflect the malignant cells. There were rumors about Cobblepot using his Russian connections to smuggle a shipment of those in Gotham, but nobody expected them to be true.

With only eight to ten minutes left to live, The One-Eyed Merc. crawled down the street as three soldiers approached him, clapping their boots down on the rough asphalt. One of them pointed his gun at him and pressed the trigger. From then on, it was total blackout for poor Wilson.

Present Time

The violent sound of whirling, accompanied by a load of swearing in a thick Australian accent woke Slade up. He looked both ways to see Reverse Flash and Cap. Boomer having an argument, a broken boomerang lying a few feet away from where Boomer was standing. The sedative they had Slade injected with was a pretty strong one, considering it took a bloody while for him to realize that he was in an exercise yard of what seemed to be a prison. Certainly not what he expected. He was assuming he'd be thrown into a tight 2x2 hole with a little breathing apparatus nearby. He was also shocked to find out he was still wearing his suit. If Slade didn't know any better, he'd think they couldn't remove it from his body, since the suit was calibrated to only recognize the specific genes of the Wintergreen lineage, but these guys had enough firepower and enough knowledge to easily strip that away from him. Plus, why let him keep his weapons? Why let him keep his mask? And most importantly, why was he given a collar? Something fishy was going on, and Slade was positive that he would be enlightened soon.

After further inspection, the Legendary Merc. darted his gaze towards Reverse Flash, who was trying to intimidate a weaponless Boomer. "We got your message yellow guy. You can stop your little tornado now and explain us why we're here.", Slade spoke, eagerly awaiting a response from the anti-Flash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thomas was wondering how he could have let himself be ganged up upon by Batman and his pathetic family of vigilantes. He held his own for a bit and used his intelligence to herd his enemies to give himself an advantage, but Batman was an incredible strategist and he corned and taken down. Now he was in Belle Reve prison and had a collar on his neck, very ironic for someone with his criminal identity. He was a cat in a pound and he was locked up with other rapid animals. Thomas eventually was allowed to go to the training field where he saw some of the other villains and he was dressed in his costume.

He was surprised to see Reverse Flash in Belle Reve, he had heard stories about the evil counterpart of the Flash and he had thought the speedster was impossible to catch, but that had turned out to be untrue. Captain Boomerang came as no surprise, most of the Flash's rogues were easy to take down. Then he saw Deathstroke and chuckled, so the great and deadly mercenary had gotten himself caught, maybe Deadshot was the better gun for hire than Slade. He saw that Reverse Flash and Captain Boomerang were fighting and he decided to step just as Deathstroke had done. He walked up to the two Flash villains and gave them a glare.

"How about you two Goofballs get your heads out of your asses and focus on getting better to kick the ass of your enemy, no wonder the Flash kicks both of your asses on a regular basis, you two make me laugh" Catman said with insulting tone as he folded his arms waiting for these C-listers to respond. He was glad that he would never have to work with these tools, and he was ready to start training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Her body was screaming, and yet she couldn’t let out a single sound. Bound, constricted, drugged and completely vulnerable, Rose continued slipping in and out of consciousness as her body’s natural instinct was to shut down to null the pain. She wasn’t sure how long she was there, wherever there was she didn’t have an inkling of a clue; her mind a jumbled mess of flashes between dreams and reality, though which one was which she couldn’t tell.

For a few moments she was aware of the lights overhead, streaming down onto her face and piercing through her heavy eyelids that she was only able to open half a fraction of an inch before losing the battle and let them slam back shut. Wrestling with Killer Croc would have been an easier task than trying to get her body to cooperate right now. Once her body was forced back into relaxing, an annoying buzz around her ears made her vaguely aware that she wasn’t alone. The buzz, the longer she concentrated, turned into soft murmuring voices around her.

For a moment, her mind was able to focus long enough on a few key words spoken by her captors. Blonde. Incarceration. Surprise. Scrawny. They were talking about her, that much was clear, but what more her captors were saying escaped her mind as she slipped back into unconsciousness for what very well could have been the thirtieth time within an hour, welcoming the light that brought her screaming nerve endings to a tolerable throb.

The doors of the courtyard were thrown wide open, a loud bang coming from the door as it hit the cement wall once it opened as far as it could go. Two security officers made their way inside, both dressed in expensive five-piece suits with a pair of shades over their eyes and a Bluetooth headset nestled snugly in their right ear to keep them from looking too human. The taller security guard had a young woman thrown over his shoulder like she were a sack of potatoes. She certainly couldn’t have weighed more than a sack of potatoes anyway.

Catching the eye of Slade Wilson, the security guard chuckled as he reached his opposite arm around to heave the small blonde off his shoulder and dropped her at Slade’s feet.

“You got mail, Slade.” The security officer said with a wide grin and used his foot to roll the young girl over so that she was lying on her back.

It didn’t take too much to gather that the girl had something for the Mercenary. She wore his colors and her suit (though made from Kevlar rather than armored metal) took on the same style as his, right down to the split mask that covered up the top half of her face, leaving her lips, chin, and the bottom half of her cheeks exposed.

Aside from the fact that she resembled almost an exact replica of Deathstroke (though female), the only other oddity was the fact that the girl didn’t even so much as move. Still heavily sedated, lost in the world of her dreams, she didn’t even so much as stir with her abrupt contact with the ground.

“Take good care of her yeah? Make sure to feed her once a day, take her out for walks, clean up after her messes and issue plenty of play time.” The security guard winked, chuckling to himself as he looked to the second security guard for backup support to his joke. When the second security guard only shrugged in response, the first scowled. “Oh c’mon, that was funny!” The second security guard just shook his head and began heading back to the doors they came in. “Fucking prick.” The first security guard growled as he followed his companion, not even so much as giving the others a passing glance as the doors shut behind them, leaving just as quickly as they came.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Bold words for a cat in a collar", Slade spoke, a wide, sly smile forming under his mask. In his opinion, Catman was nothing more but a ordinary thug. He had more in common with a kid who just hit puberty and suddenly felt the urge to be edgy, than with a proper criminal, or rather villain as the media labeled people like Slade and the rest of the courtyard quartet. Not to say Slade was growing protective for the rest of the inmates, but it was a fact that facing The Flash was a lot harder than dealing with The Bat, the latter who was the sole instigator behind Fluffy's imprisonment. If he couldn't handle The Dark Knight, then all he could do at the moment was pray the evil Flash didn't feel compelled to drag his ass down the basketball court all out of a sudden. Boomer, in the other hand; Slade was not a fan of his work, but for a man with no superpowers, he surely held his ground well against the 'Crimson Comet'. While even the Legendary Mercenary admitted to feeling slightly unsettled when Zoom was nearby, considering his powers were way beyond the usual norm. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't going to put a bullet in his head, should his behavior pose a threat.

Shortly after Slade got acquainted with the three musketeers, the doors to the exercise yard opened audibly, causing an uproar in the room. Two guards came in, uttering a bunch of non-sense and bickering over their 'jokes'. Slade didn't have the richest sense of humor, but their jokes were far from funny. What caught his attention was the girl that one of them was carrying. He couldn't see her face, but she was wearing a colorful uniform, much like Wilson's. One of the guards dropped her in front of his feet, before both of them went back from where they came, swearing under their breath as they did - it was then that the Mercenary finally realized who the girl was; The Ravager. He was given a lot of heat in the underground community because of her actions, some even going as far as throwing rumors about her being his illegitimate daughter. Another persisting rumor was that she was Slade's pupil. Either way, Slade had to take responsibility for a lot of her actions, even though he never got to meet her face-to-face, or rather mask-to-mask.

The One-Eyed Merc. knelt down then pulled his sword, freeing her off the shackles that were binding her. Then, he rolled her over, now both facing each other. The girl was heavily sedated, and Slade couldn't wait for her to wake up on her own. While neither of the villains on the courtyard were charged of rape or anything close, there was always a first time. Slade carefully removed her mask before doing the same with his. He didn't know where he was kept before, but it sure was a cold place, considering you could get your tongue stuck if you tried to lick the iron mask he carried. Slade brushed the mask against her face, expecting it to give her a shiver and eventually wake her up from her beauty sleep, but to no avail. She was doing some subtle movements around, but no budge. The sedative probably had a greater effect on her due to her weight - she barely got to 90 pounds, according to Slade's deduction. He placed his mask back where it was before pulling his FN Five-Seven. Whispering softly was not an option, so the only way to get her back on her feet was to shoot a gun near her ear, which is what Slade did. If that wouldn't wake her up, he had no idea what would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Captain Boomerang silently bit his tongue out of fear when with a burst of red light his boomerang disappeared from his hand, only to fall to the ground in pieces in front of him. "Hello, Digger. Fancy seeing you here. I take it Snart kicked you out, or you wouldn't be here. You know where I'm from, George? I'm from the future. And do you know what kind of mark you make, George? You are-or were-a Rogue. That won't mean anything in my time. You're a cockroach, a nobody in the annals of time. The mark you make on history is nonexistent. By the 25th century, Captain Boomerang is as forgotten as today's weather report. When all is said and done, Harkness, You. Don't. Matter."

Throughout his speech, the speedster rocketed about, moving around him, trying to get the Australian criminal to shit himself, so to speak. Thought Ol' Boomer wouldn't be scared that easy! Hell, Digger wasn't dreaming of much. He by far didn't expect a Captain Boomerang museum or the such, he wasn't some delusional psycho like the living streak here. He wasn't in it for the fame, it was just a small bonus if he got any! Digger stepped forward, about to raise this point when a voice came from his right. Deathstroke.

The assassin's voice was older than he had expected. Gruffer too. That being said, Digger couldn't shun him, the guy was currently defending his honor. "Yeah, whut m' bud ere' said!" Digger chimed in, pointing his finger accusingly at the Reverse-Flash. That was when yet another voice interrupted them. Boomerang had to hold back a laugh when he saw him approaching. Catman of all the super-villains in the world was berating him for getting his ass kicked? From what he heard, the guy was basically a Bat-freak rip-off, except while the caped crusader hung out in a cave, this guy hung out in a litter box, Apparently he even had a Cat-mobile! The thought put a smile across his face, which he removed a second later after remembering that he was supposed to be a professional!

"Oh, go cough up a fur-ball" He jeered before turning back to the speedster, intent on speaking his mind, only for the doors to burst open. Guards marched in, a young girl between them, obviously sedated. What struck Digger was what she was wearing. It appeared to be a makeshift version of Deathstroke's own costume. He smirked. Did the legendary one-eyed jerk have some secret ninja daughter? Or better yet, a secret ninja fan? While Deathstroke moved to interact with the girl, Harkness approached the guards. "Oi, do y' mind tellin' us why the 'ell we're here?" He shouted, breaking into a run, only for the door to slam shut behind them. Captain Boomerang cursed angrily and kicked the door. When did prison get so god damn confusing?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After being rolled over a few times, Rose was vaguely aware of the soft patch of grass her body rested on only after breathing in the heavy scent of dirt and a freshly mowed lawn. Her other senses were doing little to help her take on her surroundings, as her eyelids still insisted that they remain glued shut and most of her nerve endings had gone numb for touch. For a moment, she felt her body being maneuvered a bit when there was suddenly a great relief from a constraint she didn't even know was there washed over her wrists, or was it her ankles? Hell she didn't know, she couldn't tell and her frustration came out in a pathetic groan of a whimper as she struggled to gain consciousness, only for her mind to slip back into her drug induced sleep.

She was sixteen, sprawled out on the back lawn of the Teen Titans headquarters wearing nothing but a sports bra and sports shorts. A bead a sweat trickled down from her face and splashed down onto her collarbone but she paid it no mind, too engrossed in the cigarette perched between her naturally pouted lips as she took the final drag before it had burnt down to the filter.

"You know you can't do that here."

Rose looked up from her spot to see Nightwing headed in her direction, a reprimanding scowl intensified by the blue mask he wore over his eyes. Rose just shook her head and flicked the useless filter over to a small gravel pit where the remaining smolder wouldn't catch fire to anything before hoisting herself up to meet Nightwing halfway. She fell into his arms immediately, his lips on her neck and hands on her waist as she took in a moment to breathe in his scent. He was sweaty and the muscles on his arms were tense, confirming her fleeting thought that he had been training not just a few moments ago.

"Go to hell Dick." She replied, letting her hands knead the muscles of his shoulders to help loosen them up. He only chuckled in reply before lifting his lips from her neck to plant a soft kiss on her lips, capturing her there for a moment or two before pulling away.

"There's something I need to talk to you about." He said letting his hands drop back to his sides from her waist. "Some of the other Titan's are a bit concerned with the way you treated the last mission..."

Something cold touched her face and Rose let her head turn to the side away from the unfamiliar feeling. She did not like the cold, not one bit and she felt her body wriggling around on it's own accord trying to escape whatever it was that made gooseflesh crawl over her entire body. Then there was a sound- more of a pulse that her body was aware of than a sound she could hear with her ears before a dull ringing in her ears triggered a sensor in her mind, alerting her that a gun had been fired.

Blue eyes snapping open wide, her body instinctively hit the fight or flight response and with the blink of an eye, her right hand had grabbed onto a small shiv kept strapped to her right calf and with a fluid movement, her right leg hooked around the person that she had just managed to register was hovering over her and rolled herself up, pinning the man down onto his back with her on his chest with shiv in hand and at where his throat would be. It was all reflex, her eyes did nothing to help her in the effort as she was still only seeing blurred outlines and muddled colors of whomever was stupid enough to try to take her by surprise.

"I'ma bail you up you filthy bludger!" Her accent came out thick (even so that the 'normal American' wouldn't have a clue as to what she just said), her natural brogue taking over in her still discombobulated state. Her teeth bared, she pressed the shiv up closer to his neck, finding that there was an barrier of cold metal keeping the weapon from reaching any skin. Perplexed, Rose closed her eyes hard only to open them again, trying to shake the blurred image below her until finally, shapes and colors were starting to separate from one another until she finally had a clear image.

She blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. A single eye was staring back at her from behind a split colored mask, a mask she had become all too familiar with over the last year. She felt the blood starting to drain from her face as she swallowed a lump in her throat, still trying to comprehend the obscurity of the situation.

"Well... just... shit..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thomas turned to face Deathstroke when he refereed to him as a cat with a collar, so they were going to go with puns. He knew that the one eyed mercenary was going to a dick, luckily Thomas could match Deathstroke's dick attitude with his own.

"Careful Deathstroke, I'm the cat and I could make you the mouse. If you got a problem then you can shove it in your eye socket. I can see now who has better class and it's Deadshot," Thomas said with smile. His attention was then taken back to Captain Boomerang and he expected some type of insult from the Flash villain, and of course it was going to be some type of cat pun.

"Watch your mouth Boomer, you wouldn't want to step on a lion's tail and become its next meal now would you?" he replied to the Australian. He stretched a bit to loosen up his muscles and prepared himself for some hard physical training. Being in prison made him want to train more since there wasn't much else to do and this would give him some time to figure his next attempt to take out the Bat and his family of Bat-freaks. He then saw the guards bring in another prison, this time it was a woman and she wore a suit that looked similar to Deathstroke's, probably an imitator. He noticed Captain Boomerang going over to ask the guards why they were here and Thomas shook his head.

"It's pretty obvious that they won't give us any answers until their boss decides to tell us Captain" he said with a slight chuckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

All Slade did was blink, before he felt a mighty strength pushing down his ribs, somewhat diminished by the thick armor he was wearing but still enough to pin him down on his back. The gun shot obviously had her startled, provoking a physiological response by her side. Although a professional, Slade did get irate when someone he tries to help rolls him down and pins a blade to his neck, even if his neck is protected by a state-of-the-art shield. What made it even worse is that certain somebody was a teenager girl who weighed less than a coffin. But, he did understand that the reaction was entirely based on instinct, made even more apparent by the girls 'oh shit' reaction after she gained awareness, and he wasn't going to drag the case any longer. Having said that, the Mercenary was in a room full of other misfits much like him, people who were willing to tear him a new asshole the moment he made a slight mistake. He was left with no option but to shove the girl away.

"Damn right!", was his response to Ravager's falter as he slowly hauled himself up, grabbing onto her neck with his cold, metallic gauntlets. Upon inspecting her up close, it was obvious that she was athletic and pretty strong but she also had to be onto some kind of drug to be able to roll a metahuman legend among the underground community like he was some common thug. No mere human besides The Bat was able to so much as land a hit on Slade, let alone pin him down to the ground. As he was preparing to ram the wannabee's ass down to the concrete, Slade's ears picked up a sound, another hostile response by Catman. The guy was getting into his nerves. He decided to deliver him a message, throwing the light-headed Ravager at his direction. The Cat would probably dodge something like that effortlessly, and the girl would probably regain balance mid-air, figuring she was agile enough, but nonetheless he had a reputation to maintain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just then, as Reverse Flash was about to speak, he heard the speaker crackle to life as Amanda Waller's dulcet tones filtered through. "Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER."

Eobard knew he was the one that last word was directed at. The red and black clad speedster sighed, and started for the door of the yard when he was stopped by beeping from his collar. "I didn't say Go, yet, Eobard. Now, Suicide Squad, GO." At Amanda Waller's word, and with a sonic boom, he moved so fast he was barely more than a Red and Black blur of lightning. He snapped the neck of the overwatch guard, and moved back down towards the now open yard. An alarm sounded, and behind his steak of lightning, came guards. Great. "I come back for you, and we get a massacre on our hands. I hate mondays."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Catman laughed when Deathstroke tried to throw Ravager at him, and Catman easily avoided the human projectile. He was about to make a snide remark when the voice of Amanda Waller came over the speakers. So they were are gathered to be a part of a team and if they didn't comply then they would have their heads blown off. Great, that's just what he needed, to be a part of group of arrogant losers and become the government's lapdog, sometimes he really hated his bad luck and this was one of those times.

"I hate this" he said to himself, and then watched the Reverse Flash move at supersonic speed and snap the neck of a guard. They now needed to break out of the prison, it certainly was an interesting first mission and he wondered why the government couldn't have just had them released instead of having crack some skulls in an attempt to escape. No matter, he was glad to get some real practice with his fighting skills.

"You heard the lady, let's get the hell out of this shithole!" he said to the others and charged towards several guards. Two of them had guns but Catman smiled as he threw two of his very sharp caterangs at them with incredible speed and hit them right on the head killing them. He then took on the other three with his superb hand to hand combat skills and utilized his the razors on his gauntlets to hack and slash wildly at his opponents causing blood to fly in several directions. The three guards barely got a chance to do anything before he tore into them like a wild cat.

"If you ladies just want to stand there and wait to be rescued by Batman or Superman then by all means stay and get your head blown off, but I'm getting out of here" he said to Deathstroke, Captain Boomerang and Ravager.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Natty
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"Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER."

That was the second worse thing Captain Boomerang had heard in the while. The first being that Catman was stuck in this place with him. That guy could sure use a good hit on the noggin' with a boomerang, that was for sure. Speaking of hitting people with boomerangs, Digger eyed down the guards around him. One unfortunate sod just had the pleasure of having his necked snapped at a 100 mph. He wasn't getting up anytime soon. Digger continued to stand and watch as the crazy-cat guy ran forward also, slicing his way through numerous coppers. Groaning, he decided to follow, slowly removing several projectiles from his satchel. Strolling forward, he launched one forward with a quick flick of his arm. The boomerang glimmered as it flew through the air, it's razor sharp blades spinning as it curved around Catman ahead of his him and in the general direction a group of incoming security guards. A scream of pain told him that he'd hit his mark and with a small cheer, Digger punched the air in joy, before throwing several more around the room.

"Did that Waller bird actually specify where this plane actually is?" Captain Boomerang questioned as he watched the carnage before him. "As I don't mean t' be a stick in the mud but i thought that would be important information." Before he could go on with his complaining, the villain threw himself to the floor against a wall, narrowly avoiding fire from ahead. This was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Sure Boomer was slightly honored at having been picked by Waller, but he would have preferred a facebook message or something first. The thought of the explosives made him slightly unnerved although he figured now probably wasn't the best time to raise these issues. Deciding it was either move or die, he sprang forward, his hands darting through his satchel once more, before finally settling on a certain boomerang partially covered in orange plastic unlike the others. Waving the explosive-boomerang in the air, he shouted again to his new "teammates".

"I'm guessing we need a door out of here anyway, so where should I open the bloody thing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A spike of adrenaline shot though Rose as she felt Slade's hand around her throat. The gauntlet was cold, probably the very thing she felt on her cheek before she was startled awake. Her back couldn't help but arch as she eased into his grip, the adrenaline now pumping through her blood making her focus less on the danger she was in, and more on the excitement coursing through her at the thought of what his raw power was capable of.

He was sizing her up; he had every right to be. She was no doubt nothing but a child in his eyes who had managed to catch him in a very rare moment of surprise and had taken him down... so to speak. She wasn't sure what his knowledge was on her, if any at all, but she doubted he knew that there was a whole lot more to her than what he was able to just see.

She just stared back at the one eye that was looking at her, a flickering smile playing at her lips, wishing that for just that moment, she could trade in her powers to read minds. There was absolutely nothing she could gain from the way he was staring her, the mask made it impossible to get a good read off of him. What she wasn't expecting, however, was being tossed into the air like a football a pretty fair distance. What she wouldn't give to have her bones be made of metal right then.

Tucking her legs in underneath her for stability, Rose did a sort of back twist before landing on both feet, stumbling a small bit as her head was still in the works of clearing up and her body still wasn't as responsive as she would have liked. The very moment her boots touched the ground, the intercom had gone off.

"Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER."

Rose couldn't help but to reach her hand back to feel at the dull throbbing coming from the back of her neck. Upon her fingers making contact, she was able to make out a raw scar in the shape of an 'X'. Well, that explained how the woman figured she could blow their heads off.

"Oh fuck me!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air in annoyance. She had just spent a full year of her life breaking ties with the Teen Titans. Not wanting to be bound down to any 'team' but here she was, back to square one. Except this time, it seemed that there was more at stake than just a few pissed off people if she attempted to leave.

It was then that for the first time Rose was able to get a very brief look at the people that, like her, now made up this 'Task Force X'. Oh... cute, she just got the meaning behind the shape of the scar on her neck. Very cute.

The men around her were all figures she had heard of, but never seen before (with the exception of Slade of course). The Reverse Flash was easy enough to pinpoint, his colors and the way he moved was a dead giveaway, but the other two gave her a bit of a pause. A man that reminded her a lot of batman, but a bit more... feline? Well, she knew a kid with green skin that could turn himself into anything from a beanbag chair to a flying dinosaur if he so wanted, so she wasn't about to start judging.

The drawl of the other man caught her attention, spotting the boomerang he held in his hand it was now clear as to who he was.

"Did that Waller bird actually specify where this plane actually is? "As I don't mean t' be a stick in the mud but i thought that would be important information."

Taking a moment to stomp over to Slade, noticing that he had her mask, she snatched it from him and slipped it back over her face. Not that it mattered much anymore since they had all seen what she looked like, but hey, she had to complete the outfit.

"Cap'n Kangaroo is right, it's stupid to just head off in a random direction twenty miles to find that we were wrong." She said to those left in the room before turning her attention back to Captain Boomerang. "If you wanna hail your roadrunner buddy down and have him do a quick sweep of a twenty mile radius while I find a place to get a drink, I'm sure there's a way I could repay you."

Although she said it to the fellow Australian, she was looking back at Slade and passed him a quick wink before moving on her way towards where Feline-Man and Speedy Gonzolas had disappeared in, taking care to step over the bodies of those who had already fallen prey to their attack. They had certainly been quick to kill, and no one seemed to mind...

Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

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"Good Morning, Convicts. I assume you all wonder why you're here. Well, you're now a team. A team under my control. A team called Task Force X. You will all do black ops missions for me, and in exchange, I will reduce your prison sentences, so you can all get out and terrorize your enemies, and land right. Back. Here. You're under my thumb, convicts. And what I say goes, or so help me I will blow your heads off with enough explosive to level Metropolis. Now, your first assignment is to break out of Belle Reve, and get to a plane twenty miles from here. TOGETHER." Few seconds after Waller gave her speech, Slade felt something being swept from his hand, shifting his gaze to see Ravager putting on her mask. *"Who is she?"*, is all he could think at the moment. It wasn't the fact that she was a female rip off of his alias that concerned him; he was more interested to know the reason that drove her to idolize him. He couldn't shake off her facial expression while he was lifting her up. It wasn't the face of a girl in danger. It was the face of an over excited child who just heard an Ice Cream truck pass by. Reverse Flash and Catman moved by, while Boomerang and the girl were having a little chit chat. Slade himself decided to linger around for a couple of seconds, attempting to make sense of his parasocial relationship with his female equivalent. He felt a shiver down his spine at the thought that she could be a product of his past flings. She surely met the age requirements, though for a man accustomed to delivering blows, Wilson always made sure to use protection. Nonetheless, the idea wasn't far-fetched, taking into account metahumans have failed to measure their true strength in more than one occasion. Slade visibly shook his head, and consequently, his perturbing thoughts, just in time to catch a sly wink from the girl. That surely discounted the likelihood of her being his daughter. No mentally stable girl would salute her father like that. She was probably simply a groupie, someone who'd developed an unhealthy obsession over him. He couldn't comprehend why one would be interested in him, but that required some deep insight into the human psyche, and he didn't have enough time for that. The Mercenary threw a glance at the door, his ears picking up muffled screams in the distance. The Speed Demon and The Cat were doing a good job slitting throats, but it was a long time since Slade witnessed someone missing the point so hard. Waller had enough influence to get them out of the prison unscathed, yet she chose to have them work for it, which led Slade to the conclusion that she was trying to see if they were willing to operate collectively, as a team. Of course, thanks to the duos eagerness, that notion went out of the window. Only thing Deathstroke could do at that moment was convince the remainder of the "team" to co-operate. He had a hunch that Ravager was going to settle for it, no questions asked, while Boomerang would probably give in after he'd be done spewing a stream of his usual bullshit. "I think Waller wants us to work our breakout together. Our two contestants gave in to the temptation and broke out to savor the battle, but I'm still positive we can do this on our own. Are you in?", Slade uttered calmly, waiting for the their responses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eobard, contrary to public opinion, was actually a levelheaded man. He was NOT a bloodthirsty speed demon. Barry Allen MADE him into that. But he was not fighting Barry Allen. He was fighting guards of Belle Reve, the World's foremost prison for supervillains. Even as he snapped necks, and vibrated his hands through chest cavities, he thought, mostly at the speed of sound. _Waller wanted us to break out,but she's clearly with the government.She has the leverage to get us out of here, but left the GPS coordinates to the plane out..._ Eobard paused, and punched a guard in the throat, before running back to Slade Wilson. "I know what you're thinking,Slade. You're thinking Waller wanted us to work together,and by leaving the GPS She knew you'd have to rely on me somehow. See if you can't make a distraction while I vibrate through the walls. I'll see if I can locate our bird." With that, not even bothering to listen to Slade, he moved so fast he was little more than a red-black blur. Vibrating through the walls, past rioting inmates and guards trying to restore order, everything looked like it'd snapped into place. As a speedster, one as powerful as him, anyway, he innately knew how fast not only he, but objects around him were moving. It was something He knew only Barry Allen and himself could do, and that pleased him greatly. Currently, he was somewhere around 900MPH, and climbing. It was in the swamps of Louisiana, that he kicked up in speed, searching everywhere for the UH-60 they would commandeer. Bird was an outdated term, and he knew by Waller's tone that it was either a helicopter or a cargo plane. He was banking on the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. _There._ It was sitting in a cornfield, unprotected 20 miles from the team's position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Captain Kangaroo. Captain fucking Kangaroo. If there was one thing Australian super-villains never got, it was respect. Digger held his tongue as he turned to face the young woman, explosive boomerang still in his hand. He turned his attention to the broad, who had finally recovered and gotten to her feet. She was pretty to say the least although seemed far too young to be in Belle Reve. Her presence confused Digger, especially due to her costume matching that of this place's very own Mad-Eye Moody. He decided to question that later, once they weren't being shot at of course and they were safely off on their adventure aboard Waller's helicopter of fun. "That a-hole ain't m' buddy, dollface!" He said with a grunt, ducking slightly as gunfire flew over his head. After swearing several times he glanced back at the wannabe Deathstroke. "Though I'll gladly take y' up on tha' offer darlin' if y' daddy over there is okay with it!" He chuckled to himself slightly and gave the girl a smile, only to quickly wipe it from his face as the man himself approached. He listened to plan out of politeness and scoffed. "Who the 'ell put you in charge, mate?" He questioned angrily, waving his boomerang at him angrily. He was about to continue before being interrupted by a flash of red and black. Oh great, Mr Ego was back. Before he could muster up an insult, the villain set to work and quickly disappeared through a wall. Surprisingly that guy was taking order's from Deathstroke. Digger sighed. If even the Reverse-Flash was going to follow him, he may as well too. "Fine, I'm in although I wanna' be second in..." Gunfire cut in off. Swearing loudly once more, Captain Boomerang swung his arm forward over his head, sending the orange boomerang flying. Only when it left his hand did he realize what kind of boomerang he had thrown. The projectile soar through the air, impaling itself into the arm of a security guard in the midst of an incoming squad. Harkness managed the word "Shit" as the guard screamed in pain, only for his cry to be cut out by the roar of the explosion, with it taking several of the other guards with it. The gunfire cease momentarily as many heads turned to see the commotion, which now remained a smoking pile of guard body parts. "That was..." Captain Boomerang stammered. "Completely on purpose, yeah."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

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Catman sliced open the throat of guard when he heard the others talking about him and reverse flash not staying together with the others. Thomas scowled, they were the idiots who were wasting their time standing around when they could be escaping. Catman hurried back over to them. "Come let's get going, The Flash impersonator is already way ahead of us" he said to them and began to head off in the direction of a place to escape from the prison. "And Deathstroke, if you ever leave me or Reverse Flash behind then Waller will blow your head off, don't forget that" he growled to Deathsroke. "Follow me" he called to them as he began to make his way to an emergency exit that would lead to their escape and find the helicopter or plane waiting for them. Several guarded aimed their guns at them and began to fire. Catman hit the deck and while in the motion of his dive, he threw several catarangs at them and the projectiles found their targets and two of them exploded against their target's faces making blood splatter on the ground. "I hope you three are ready to get out of here" he said to them as he headed for the emergency exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

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"I think Waller wants us to work our breakout together. Our two contestants gave in to the temptation and broke out to savor the battle, but I'm still positive we can do this on our own. Are you in?" Slade's voice had Rose stopping in her tracks, turning her head to look at him from over her shoulder. Her soft pink lips pursed together slightly, as if in thought before she just shrugged her narrow shoulders and stepped away from the exit she had been intending to cross through after The Reverse Flash and Catman. Not that she was planning on following them blindly... no she meant what she said to Captain Boomerang earlier, she wanted a drink. "That a-hole ain't m' buddy, dollface! Though I'll gladly take y' up on tha' offer darlin' if y' daddy over there is okay with it!" Rose heard Captain Boomerang call back to her and she smiled, unable to resist walking with a bit more sway to her hips to give the fellow Australian something to look at. Opening her mouth to reply to him, Rose felt her jaw close back shut as a sudden blur of red and black crossed her path just in front of her body. The speed blur stabilized for half a second for Rose to turn back around and see that it was The Reverse Flash that had come back to speak with Slade. "I know what you're thinking,Slade. You're thinking Waller wanted us to work together,and by leaving the GPS She knew you'd have to rely on me somehow. See if you can't make a distraction while I vibrate through the walls. I'll see if I can locate our bird." Rose couldn't help but to vocally scoff from her position ten feet away from the two of them, throwing up her hands in defeat as she turned her back to them in annoyance for half a second. "Bloody good thing no one ever listens to a fucking word *I* have to say!" She expressed out loud to herself, her tone laced heavily with sarcasm. Was that not just exactly what she had been talking to Captain Boomerang about? So why not talk to *her* about it? Why Slade? She knew why, and it got her blood pumping a little hot. No one here took her seriously, she was nothing more than a child thrown into the big dogs cage as a chew toy and nothing more. Well... most of the time she didn't mind being another man's chew toy, but when it came to her capabilities, both body and mind alike, she knew she had more to offer than just a good time. The problem was, how to prove it to this lot? Captain Boomerang was talking to Slade now, but her thoughts had taken away her care to listen in. All she knew was that one moment things were relatively fine, and the next they was open fire, Reverse Flash was gone again, and Captain Boomerang had let go an explosive boomerang that painted the walls red with the security guards' blood. "Come let's get going, The Flash impersonator is already way ahead of us" Rose blinked, bringing her attention back to Catman. Just when the hell did he decide to pop back into the mix of things? The lack of organization was *really* starting to get to her so without even so much as waiting on who was going to say what next, Rose stomped over to the far wall and removing her twin blades from their sheathes on her back, started hacking at the metal until she made a tear. Putting her swords back where they belonged, she put her gloved hands between the new seam and with her amplified strength began to pry the metal apart until a hole big enough for her to squeeze through was made. "Look... I just want a fucking drink." She said bitterly to those behind her before slipping through the hole that landed her directly outside. The question was, where were they to go from here? The most logical choice was to stay put until The Reverse Flash came back with a direction as to where this plane would be. The next question was how they were going to get there. Twenty miles may not seem much to a man who could run at the speed of sound, but to all the others it would take a great deal of time, and if the point was for them to stay together... "They have to have some sort of military crate around here in storage somewhere. We need wheels while we wait for Roadrunner to get back to us." She voiced out loud, though was looking back at Slade as if his opinion was the only one that mattered; and truly... it was.
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