Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

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Sessamaru wandered around the new scenery, curious as to how he arrived. He was once wandering through a forest, before a witch fog had consumed him. Now, he arrived upon a hilly plain with two lakes and a singular cave off in the distance. He saw a fight happening from such a far distance, but not enough to make out who the people were. Intrigued, and worried about the potential death of the combatants, he made his way urgently through the hills, his snow white hand upon the hilt of his sword. It didn't take long for him to arrive, but he stood there silently, only catching the words: "Listen kids I've had much worse than this so show me more of a fight or I might think this was just a waste of time." It was the young man with a scythe. Before him were a monk, a male fighter, and two females, one of which was unconscious. Sighing, he sat upon the ground and continued to watch, legs crossed and both hands cupping one another in a meditative pose. Perhaps it is wise not to interfere unless absolutely necessary... he thought, silently watching them with a friendly smile upon his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Maosu] "But this is a waste of time! Why are we even fighting? We need to figure out what's going here, and put our heads together, not go at each other's throats!" Maosu yelled as she came up to Naoto laying on the ground after having been sent back after his attack. She helped him up quickly, but held him from charging in again. "We don't need to be fighting like this! You don't have to fight us, you can just go about your business and we won't interfere." Maosu continued her speech. She wanted to avoid this fighting if possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Udyr watched as the two women protected their brother, one of which was pleading for mercy. Udyr felt rested enough to fight again but he would still be on the defensive. The enemy demon did not look to pleased by the wish for them all to stop fighting. This was not going to happen anytime soon. Udyr ran and dashed in front of the women and her fallen brother, arms to his side, as if barring the way. "It's too late for that!" Udyr said to Maosu. "Now stay behind me!" Udyr commanded, not to be leader but for their own sake. Udyr faced his opponent and adopted a fighting stance (below) "Just me and you now!" Udyr said, asking for a fair one on one fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riku smirked at what the monk had said "You're weak from earlier, so what makes you think that you can best me in a one on one fight?" He told the monk before smirking yet again "well then again it's your funeral." he added. Riku lifted his scythe up, and shortly after the scythe turned into his demonic flame before disappearing "since I'm an honorable person I won't use my scythe it will be a battle of true strength." He told the monk before taking his own fighting stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

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Sessamaru watched the exchange with serious eyes, realizing that the monk was indeed drained compared to the half-demon. Though attempting to be honorable, Sess knew quite well that the half-demon had an edge. Even Maosu's voice held some level of reason. Slowly, but surely, Sessamaru rose to his feet and took a simple step forward. In a single stride, he appeared between Udyr and Riku as if by magic; and indeed, it was magic that allowed him to move swiftly between the two. "Enough," Sessamaru spoke aloud, his melodic voice a casual tenor. "There's no need for bloodshed." After a small delay from his "instantaneous movement," a strong gust of wind fell in between the three, trying to fill the vacuum that allowed the swordsman to move so swiftly. His long white hair danced like white flames, his emerald eyes shining brightly. "Perhaps we should think of a way to escape this place?" He asked, hopefully, though he knew deep down that reason would no longer apply to the two warriors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Udyr was about to strike, throwing a right punch but was stopped abruptly as a peaceful warrior interrupted and stood between them. Udyr listened as this man tried to make reason between the two people. Udyr still did not trust Riku and kept his stance, staring straight at Riku. "There's no need for bloodshed." Sessamaru said, a gust of wind brushing between the three. "Perhaps we should think of a way to escape this place?" Sessamaru suggested. Udyr simply grunted and kept looking at Riku, awaiting movement, even if it started to involve Sessamaru.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riku watched Udyr waiting for him to attack but out of nowhere a new fighter appeared. This fighter was peaceful though and his name was Sessamaru he said that they should try and end this bloodshed, but Riku had already made up his mind. When Sessamaru was done speaking Riku leaped up into the air so quickly it looked like he'd vanished from where he was standing. He positioned him self right above Udyr and began a great air decent. Riku once again came down at a quick speed just like before but with out his scythe, but it would still take quick timing to block this attack and without such a big thing to block it might be harder to block this time around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Udyr blinked and Riku was gone, Udyr immediately looked up and widened his eyes as Riku came down upon him again. Udyr spun left, dodging the attack and allowing Riku to slam into the ground. Udyr was close enough to strike and knee'd Riku in the stomach, then taking his arm and spinning him once before throwimg him. He didn't throw Riku far but created distance to see if he could counter him again, meaning Udyr had to go into Bear Stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

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Sessamaru kept his composure when the two ignored his plea, expecting the outcome. Warriors fight for the sanctity of their honor, to prove themselves better; a lesson he learned from the monastery. Sighing, he looked at the two and quickly formulated a plan. First, he thought. I just need to separate them. After that, I'll have to think of a way for all of us to survive. Shaking his head, Sess waited until there was enough distance between Udyr and Riku. When Udyr countered, throwing the half-demon, Sessamaru saw his opening and took it. With a sweep of his hand, a gust of wind slowly began to rise around the monk, spinning rapidly into a whirlwind. In a fluid motion, he grasped his katana and entered a iaijutsu stance. He waited, focusing his senses on both of the combatants.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Naoto] Maosu held Naoto back for most of the fighting. Naoto lessened up after the two decided to fight more honorably. "Maosu, we can't let this foul beast live any longer. He hurt our sister, Josia, and he must pay for it!" Naoto clenched a fist. He was now waiting for his chance to jump in. After the new monk stepped in, and targeted both the demon and the Monk, Naoto frowned. Naoto released himself from his sister's grasp, as she had loosened up when Naoto calmed. Naoto sent himself towards Sessamaru, seeing him as an enemy after having attacked the beast-man who had risked his own life to save his sisters. "Let go of him you fiend!" Naoto screamed, leaping at the man, charging up his fist with flames!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

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Sessamaru's eyes widened in surprise as Naoto leaped forward, rage and anxiety in his voice. The white haired swordsman kicked away as the man got close, a last second reflex caused by the danger of Naoto's flaming fist. Landing and sliding backwards, the swordsman returned to his iaijutsu stance, this time causing a whirlwind to surround him in a protective barrier. "Calm yourself!" Sess pleaded, his eyes gentle and calm. "I'm not trying to hurt anyone!" Despite this, Sess continued to formulate a plan to end the fighting; however, Naoto's involvement made it difficult to focus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

While in the air was thinking of a plan that would bring his opponent to their knees. When Riku hit the ground and was tumbling a little before gaining his footing that was when he saw Sessamaru started intfear with his fight with Udyr, but to his surprise Riku didn't need to fight Sessamaru because Naoto jumped in. Which was very foolish because he got beat in one hit. Riku came to the fact that to continue this battle he would need to go through Sessamaru. "You!" Riku shouted at Sessamaru "you are making me break my gentlemens word by only fighting that monk, but now I see what I must do." Riku got closer to Sessamaru with every word. "Now put down the monk or things are about to get a lot more painful for you. Your choice either way I get to fight someone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sessamaru turned to Riku, eyes shining brightly. "Unfortunately, I cannot let you fight him. It is meaningless to fight now. However, if you persist, I will show you the error of your ways." The half-breed strengthened his iaijutsu stance, gripping the hilt of his katana with his left hand and the saya with his right. The powerful gusts of wind emanating from his person grew fierce, as if taunting the half-demon before him. Sessamaru was already at the point of no return, and thus he held his ground, prepared for an attack of his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riku saw that Sessamaru does not wish to heave his warning "Very well then I guess we will need to settle this like gentlemen." Riku said before turning to Udyr, "I guess our fight will continue later." After finishing that sentence Riku once again disappeared and this time reappeared right next to Sessamaru and was ready to block an attack before beginning his attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Before Udyr was attacked again, he found himself entrapped in a whirlwind, he felt like he was fighting Yasuo in the Fields of Justice. But this was different, and not the League he's enrolled in. Udyr went to Phoenix Stance when Sessemaru was distracted by Riku and punched the whirlwind, surrounding himself in a spiral of flame, which spread all across the whirlwind before snuffing both the flames and wind attack. Red wings made of energy erupted from Udyr's arms. Udyr assailed toward Riku, ready to pound the ground with flame encasing his fist, however Riku teleported and made him hit the ground, sending flame forward by accident, straight for Naoto, Maosu and Josia!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[Naoto] In Naoto's enraged state, he was not ready enough to dodge the fire. Maosu had run up to him in an attempt to stop his fighting once again, but she was now in range of the attack. Naoto had enough time to shove Maosu away from the attack, but he was still hit. Even though he's immune to fire, the pure blast of it was enough to send him a distance away, flipping him into the air and barrel rolling into the air. He crashed into the ground, but the blast wasn't strong enough to damage him too bad, just daze him.
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