Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


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Height and Weight: 5,7ft 128lb
Alice Murray
Age: 26 Gender: Female
Black portal creation The user can create a black portal by drawing a any possible size and shape as long as the ends connect anywhere they want. It can be on a board on the wall or even in mid air. The portal looks like a flat black figure any shape on the outside but it leads to another portal that is also the same shape and size on the location the user desires. The portal can be anywhere in the entire universe but it takes a lot of energy in change of the range it is. The size of the portal also matters how much energy it takes to make the portal. White portal creation The user can create a white portal by drawing a any possible size and shape as long as the ends connect anywhere they want. It can be on a board on the wall or even in mid air. The portal looks like a flat white figure any shape on the outside but it leads to another portal that is also the same shape and size on the location the user desires. The portal can be made to travel to another dimension which the user desires. It takes about an hour to completely create the portal and it can't close till everything that went through the portal returns to its own dimension. It takes a great deal of energy to create a white portal and it can be only made once a day. Pink portal creation The user can create a pink portal by drawing a any possible size and shape as long as the ends connect anywhere they want. It can be on a board on the wall or even in mid air. The portal looks like a flat pink figure any shape on the outside but it leads to another portal that is also the same shape and size that is placed in a dimension she found herself. The dimension is a blank white room with nothing in it, everything you draw or think of will appear in that world. You can't die or get hurt in that universe and anybody can leave it at anytime by thinking of the pink portal. The time flows the same as in the real world so it doesn't give you a longer life or anything like that.
Teaching drawing Teaching english Teaching mathematics Drawing Making Tea Cooking Mountain Climbing
Reading Drawing Flower arranging Swimming Gardening Caving Traveling
Alice is a very calm person in general, she uses words instead of violence to solve problems when she can do so. If it gets out of hand she isn't afraid to fight anyone she confronts. Alice is seen as a helpful and caring person by a lot of others and thinks of herself being like that too. She can be very patient around others and doesn't show a sign of frustration, she is very soft of nature but can get mad from time to time when someone doesn't do what she tells them to do, but she is willing to give second chances to mostly any soul.
To be added
Clearly know that she is british when anyone speaks to her for the first time. Theme song: Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHmCEbOvyFI Resonance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_aK1QYZkNk Bury love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3PZimT9eTQ Dreams: Travel across the world and other worlds
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

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Joint Powers
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Appearance Human: (Ignore the basketball clothing, this is the closest I could get to the desired effect) About 6 feet and 6 inches in height in human form. Giant: Jack's height increases to about 10 feet, whilst his musculature expands greatly, usually destroying whatever he's wearing on his upper body, yet always leaving enough material to cover his legs from the waist to about mid thigh. Apart from this change, there is no real difference to his appearance - he just gets bigger and stronger. Name Jack Risastor Örninn Nickname Iceman Age 16 in Jotun years, so about 32 in human years. Gender Male Powers Jack's most useful and most commonly seen power is his ability to manipulate snow and ice, and to a lesser extent wind. His control over the wind is not absolute, and is indeed rather feeble, as he can just about summon a stiff breeze. However, his control over ice and snow IS absolute. He can manipulate it into any shape he wishes, and can create it from water (though he cannot cause snow or ice to boil, only to become water again, and he cannot make it from steam). He is also immune to any kind of weapon made from snow or ice, and cannot be affected by the cold, no matter how powerful it may be. His only other power is his Giant form. This form is part of his heritage, and is really just a massive surge in size and strength, though the strength is purely physical and not magically reinforced. This form can only be used every so often due to the massive physical strain it incurs, and it can also only work during times of danger or great emotional distress. Whilst in this form, he has a purely physical strength, speed, stamina and endurance boost, meaning he effectively becomes as tough as only a ten foot tall man built like Dwayne Johnson and Hulk Hogan's love child can be. His sense of pain is also dulled - not enough to ignore being stabbed, but enough to walk it off. Even when not in Giant form, he has a faster metabolism and therefore faster healing than an average human - nothing superhuman, but scratches and bruises vanish overnight and he can recover from more damage than a human can. Weakness Pathologically afraid of fire (another part of his heritage), physically weak to the fire - he burns easily in the sun, and will be physically hurt more than a human if he is burnt with hot metal or fire. Not invulnerable in the slightest, just tougher when he's in Giant form. Skills Great at rock climbing, sculpting, making snowmen and many physical activities. He also has talents for mathematics and the sciences, traits which come from his mother. Hobbies Jack spends most of his time reading, learning more about the world whilst also reading fiction. He also spends a lot of time in the school's art facilities, making random sculptures. When he isn't doing either of these, he's probably exercising in the gym or outside. Personality A somewhat disconnected individual from the rest of the world, Jack tends to watch it spin around him while he only stays with it through his few friends. He doesn't make friends lightly, past experience making him treat everyone as a potential enemy until they prove him right or prove him wrong. When he does make friends, he stays with them no matter what happens, putting himself in harm's way to make sure they're safe, and always acting as a shoulder to lean on. Apart from that, he has a bottomless curiosity that becomes apparent in any conversation with him, and a sense of humor that displays itself at random times. However, there is another side to him. He has a genetic disposition toward depression, which he has been fighting for a long time, thanks to the circumstances of his birth, which led to his father's death. He also blames himself for the death of his mother, thinking he should have been there to protect her. He has a tendency to shoulder the weight of the world, trying to prove to himself that he deserves to live. He's always trying, always fighting himself, attempting to move on. But never quite making it. Background Jack was born to a world where everyone hated him. His first home was Jötunheimr - the extraplanary home of the Jotun, the Frost Giants. He was born there to a Jotun father and a human mother, stolen from Earth during a Jotun raid. She and his father hated each other to begin with, but gradually grew to love each other and have a son. However, the rest of the Frost Giants believed Jack was an abomination that must be killed. As such, Jack's father sacrificed himself holding back the other Jotun as Jack's mother returned to Earth through one of the many portals that litter the Jotun's world. She forged a new identity for herself and her son, but soon realised that he was barely aging. She worked out that he was growing about half as slowly as a normal human, and so Jack only became a physical teenager at the age of 26. He is now physically 16, but mentally much older than 32. His mother died in a mugging just after his sixteenth birthday, and he ended up working 3 jobs to maintain the inflow he needed to pay for his fourth year of school. He had planned to stop his education and find his own way in the world once it was over, till one day a letter appeared on his kitchen table, containing a brochure for a place called "Orean Cause" - a school which, it seemed, catered to his kind of people. He made the decision to go for it, as he had no better options, and applied for a scholarship, which he was able to attain. Soon after, he learned that he had been given control of a trust fund by an anonymous benefactor. There was more than enough money to pay his way through the rest of his time at school, Scholarship or no Scholarship. As such, Jack aims to discover who his mysterious helper is - and why they are helping him. Theme song Fire and Ice Clubs Being the self-imposed outsider that he is, Jack stays away from extracurricular activities unless he has a reason to be involved (like a desperate need for members for a club he likes, or perhaps a friend is attending who wants company) Dreams Jack dreams that one day he'll conquer his own self-hatred and depression, and finally become one with the world he has taken as his home, and be able to surround himself with true friends. But he only thinks of it as a dream - it'd take something (or someone) special to make him think of it as a possible reality...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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She is the one on the left! Name: Jinx Dawson Nickname: Crazy-J Age: 17 Gender: Female Powers: -Twin Telekinesis ~ Can speak to her twin from anywhere on this earth through brain waves, but only her twin and no one else. -Shadow Manipulation ~ Can turn shadows into creatures that are deadly as well as create shadow mists in order to escape or to attack without being seen. Creatures though take a lot of concentration to maintain, so only certain creatures can be created. ((Creatures like ogres, giants, fire demons, and just all around giant creatures cannot be created {except for her three headed hellhound} Picture her creating stuff like clawed shadow-human creatures, dark mermaids and dark pixies to help due her biding)) -Illusion Magic Weakness: Due to being a demon pure magic ((such as light and angelic magic)) weakens and hurts her to the point of dying if she is hit with too much of it and is left untreated. The pure magic will spread through her body and eventually suck all the dark, demonic energy out of her body till she dies. Skills: -High level of flexibility -High level of acrobatics -High level of dark magic knowledge -High level of trickster magic knowledge Hobbies: -Tricking people -Studying unknown magics -Acting crazy in order to make people uncomfortable and scared -Becoming her twin to trick people -Getting into fights Personality: Jinx is as crazy as crazy can get; She dances with dolls and mannequins, loves to scare people out of their wits, plans certain peoples demise who happen to piss her off, and enjoys playing with peoples minds in order to have fun herself. She's been expelled from too many schools to count, although she prides herself on having disturbed people enough to get expelled from one school let alone over 15. She can't wait to mess with people at Ocrean, as this is a school that also has magical students, and she just LOVES to pick fights! Background: As a young child Jinx's parents knew there was something truly wrong with her daughter; She was refusing to eat meat unless it was raw, loved creating voodoo dolls ((that actually worked!)), drawing and painting gory and grotesque things with precise accuracy, and chopped off her dolls limbs with a butcher knife. As she grew up it all just got worse, as she was constantly hearing "why can't you behave well like Angel" and "Angel is just the best child ever". It drove her crazier each day till one day something snapped inside her, and she summoned a giant three headed hell hound for her sister to fight. That day she found her true form; her demonic form. That day, her sister Angel found her true form as well; She was truly an angel. Due to her sisters power of light and that they were angelic powers as well, her sister defeated her sisters monster, but at the cost of hurting her sister as the beast was linked to her. After that day, for some reason, they became best friends and started to practice destroying each other only to better themselves though. They hung out every day, and became as close as close can be. Jinx protects her sister to this day because of how naive and innocent she is, knowing exactly how humans and magical creatures can be. Optionals:
Theme Song: Get Jinxed Clubs: N/A Dreams: To rule the world with an iron fist, making everyone crazy just like her! Appreance:
She is the one on the right! Name: Angel Dawson Nickname: Any nickname someone gives her Age: 17 Gender: Female Powers: -Twin Telekinesis ~ Can speak to her twin from anywhere on this earth through brain waves, but only her twin and no one else. -Light Manipulation ~ Can create creatures of light that are deadly as well as creating white mist to escape or to attack without being seen. She can also create rainbows too. ((Creatures like unicorns, angelic warriors, and just all around ultimately powerful pure creatures cannot be created {except for her angelic dragon} Picture her creating stuff like happy pretty mermaids and pretty sparkly pixies to play with her while her dragon is used for attacking stuff)) Weakness: Due to being a angel, dark magic ((such as shadow or demonic magic)) weakens and hurts her to the point of dying if she is hit with too much of it and is left untreated. The dark magic will spread through her body and eventually suck all the pure, angelic energy out of her body till she dies. Skills: -High level of flexibility -High level of acrobatics -High level of knowledge of light magic -High level of knowledge of angelic magic Hobbies: -Being kind to others -Doing what she can to help others -Volunteers at food drives -Builds houses for habitat for humanity -Donates new clothes to clothes drives -Goes to church every Sunday Personality: Angel is sweet, kind, caring, passionate, naive, innocent, everything that an angel should be! She does everything she can for those in need during her spare time, though her sister does have to save her a lot of the time due to her getting scammed so much as well as getting taken advantage of ((though Jinx has punched those perverts so hard after they've flirted with her and even tried to rape her {long story behind that})). She gives her all each day and loves life to the fullest, having fun no matter where she is and just enjoying everything she possibly can. Background: As a child, Angel was the polar opposite of her sister; she was well behaved, sewed together beautiful dolls, drew pictures of a gorgeous place as most thought was heaven, and put her sisters dolls back together with super glue. She loved her sister dearly and never thought anything of the praise she got on a daily basis. She did well in school and never got into any fights like her sister did, never thinking that she was her parents favorites. But the day her sister learned of her true form and summoned that terrifying beast was one she has never forgotten. Hurting anything, including her sister, seemed so far away from her until that day. But she learned that day that she too had a true form, finding out she was an angel and her sister was a demon. She defeated her sister and apologized to her many times for hurting her, becoming good friends after that and even closer sisters. Her sister is usually by her side, which she doesn't mind at all, and actually quite enjoys. But to this day, that memory haunts her and she can't seem to get rid of it. Optionals:
Theme Song: ((I'll update this when I have one!)) Clubs: N/A Dreams: That one day there will be world peace and everyone will truly be happy!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Appearance: About five foot seven and slenderly built. With wavy blonde hair and cold, calculating, icy, blue eyes. He has long lashes, long graceful limbs and fingers, and pointed elbows. He's always seen wearing more formal attire, even when painting. Name: Gilbert Bonnefoy Nickname: Gil, Dick, Mr. Smirk, Sassy Pants, French Asshole. Age: 18 Powers: Think of Gilbert's powers like the Triforce, each piece is a tattoo like birthmark somewhere on his body that gives him a certain ability. Rose of Sass: A black rose located on his left shoulder blade. It gives him the sharp wit and sharp tongue of somebody who fights back against authority figures, or just anybody in general. But it has to be activated with a smirk. So if you see him smirking your way, prepare yourself. Butterfly of Attitude: Located on the back of his right knee, this Crimson butterfly gives him the bravery and toughness to stand up to just about anybody, no matter the trouble he may face. Unfortunately this one is always active, getting him into some pretty tight spots. Shield of Apathy: A tiny, violet shield on the inside of his right wrist. This is the only one that has any combat usefulness. Given two meanings, the Shield of Apathy can either allow him to block out, and thus not care about, lectures and scoldings and fights. Or, the version he uses much, much less often, he can create a shield of magical energy that he can use to protect himself or others. It's activated by saying the word shield in his mind or out loud. Weakness: Due to the Butterfly of Attitude being activated at all times, it is very, very difficult for him to make and keep friends. As an art prodigy, people expect things of him that he doesn't always have. They want him to create a new masterpiece every time he finishes one. Inspiration doesn't always come, thus his paintings have recently taken a much darker turn. Skills: Painting and drawing, pissing people off, getting into trouble, working under stress and pressure. Hobbies: Painting and drawing, being alone, dancing (Secretly), pissing people off, getting into trouble. Personality: Above all Gilbert has a sharp tongue and a quick wit. He's full of attitude and sass, and not just because of his powers. He's almost always wearing either a blank look or a smirk. He's intelligent and has an amazing eye for detail. He has a calm, calculating mind that can function even under heavy stress and pressure. But of course, like everybody, he has his limits and needs his me time every once in a while. He hates authority and rules over anything else and will go out of his way to defy then. He hates people in general too as they always look at him differently. He keeps his origins to himself and really doesn't give any details out about any of life really. Background: Born an art prodigy to a prestigious French family, Gilbert has had greatness and expectations forced on him since he was very young. It made him grow to hate people, rules, and authority. Though he did love to paint, he hated it that people expected him to, and to be good at it. So as he grew older, he became more and more defiant and full of spice. Thus the development of his powers. He was allowed to go to proper school, but also had tutors for various subjects that they didn't teach in regular school. The people in said school always treated him differently, for the fact that he was an art prodigy and from a well off family. His skill in painting got to the point that he could start faking mistakes in things, making it seem like he was losing his skill. Until one day he forced himself to paint something that only a child could. His father shipped him off to Orean Cause in a heartbeat, finally having enough of his son's attitude. Gilbert for one, is glad to finally be free. Theme song: Just Like You - Falling In Reverse Clubs: Dancing Club Dreams: To be one day known for something other than painting and reduce that to just a hobby and not a way of life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He is about 5'7 and weigh 113lb. He barely eats because of his work. Has light brown hair and blue eyes. A slightly pale complexion with freckles on his face. Always wear his clover slip and necklace. Name: Penn Waiwen Nickname: Penn Age: 18 Gender: Male Powers: Just a regular being… or is he? Yes he is. Weakness: Has a great fear of men from any age to any size he fears them. Deadlines would kill him because he hates time pressure. Skills: Drawing, Sketching, Creating storyboards Hobbies: Drawing, Sketching, Watching BL Personality: Penn is really unsure about himself. He is clumsy yet reflexive, smart yet clueless, creative yet unsure… he is just a mixed of things. One feature about him that gives off mixed signals that he is indeed afraid of men. From children to adults to old people, anyone who is a guy he is totally afraid of. He is not afraid of himself but it is more on socially talking to them that freaks him out. He had lots of bad experience being near them so that probably the reasons he fears men. He blushes and stutters when near them because he doesn’t know what to do, he is afraid to mess things up so that why he gets really flustered. If he is not with guys then he is pretty calm until when it comes to his manga… he gets really work up on it. One thing though about him is that he is dedicated with his work. His pen name Mico Mico is for hiding his true identity in the manga world. Penn is actually a mangaka, his most of life he is been a manga artist. Creating only one type of genre for the fans and that is...Yaoi or Boy’s love. He likes to draw that a lot, it’s more of a hobby really and he grew with skills on it. He hates dead lines though and panics if he is reminded by it. Penn has no backbone, he is quite okay for a casual guy but is a bit spazzy and shy but has good intentions most of the time. Background: Penn had an okay life; he was very close with his two cousins and lived in a farmhouse. He was pretty much a happy kid until one day, which changed his perspective of things. After nearly being a part of a child sex slave act he was saved by a detective who was handling the case. He started to fear men, maybe becuase it was his father leading the illegal trade act pr he was barely raped by them. The detective, Vow took a liking to the young child. He took care of thekid who continued to fear men. Penn moved of the country lands and into the city with Vow. he lived a partially okay life, just kept on avoiding men. His school life was a mess that he had to become home schooled after nearly falling of the bleachers from a guy asking for asking help in homework. As he grew a bit bored at 14 he began to draw, it started with one comic after a few months later he made his very first manga. Vow watched him grow, his fear continued to stay but he could see the kid growing up well. Penn grew every close to Vow and was the only male he can ever trust. He may admit head a crush on him a couple of times but they were just childish crushes. After spending years on his mangas at the age of 16 he became quite known or his pen name. Mico Mico his pen name was away to find from people his true identity. He only left his dorm for food and to meet with Vow who now became his director and manger for his manga. Penn truly only trusted him, without him he could be be in an act to far terrible for him to even live for. School though is a bit hard on him as Vow asked him to move to Orean to help with his fear. He did for him and entered the school. He just hope that his school life would be better at least…if he stop freaking out when guys talk to him. Now working on a 12 volume series he is at 6 and with school life its not handling well. Optionals: Theme song: Donut Hole Clubs: Mangaka Club Dreams: To finish his newest BL manga series and maybe get over his fear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"A weapon shows no fear, it lacks in hesitation. It only serves as a tool to harm, and it does it without empathy. When you have no need for such a tool.....throw me away..." "Why are you helping me? There is nothing to gain by saving me. You will only bring about a calamity. So please....allow me my wish...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Appearance: Zac stands at about 5'9" and is fairly thin, with only a small amount of muscle, mostly on his arms and torso. His light brown hair is straight and falls just below his ears. He has bright green eyes that are often bright and full of life, unless of course he is having one of his bad days, in which case his eyes are quite a dull, dark green. Name: Zachary Ainsworth Nickname: Zac Age: 18 Gender: Male Powers: Sound Manipulation: Can manipulate sound waves, changing volume, frequency and how far the sound travels. He can create 'bubbles' where no sound can leave/enter. Mostly personal, and 'bubbles'are only small. Enhanced Senses: Zac's five senses are all heightened to highly advanced levels. He can hear, see and smell things clearer and from further away, has very sensitive taste buds and is good at picking out specific ingredients in food, and is more sensitive to touch all over his body Weakness: Extremely loud noises (until he can turn them down.) Low pain threshold. Mild ongoing depression. Skills: Multi-musicianship. (Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drums, Violin, Cello and vocals.) Good with computers. (Includes basic programming and many different forms of recording software and samplers.) Hobbies: Music (Both listening and playing. His favourite genres are Metal, Rock and most sub-genres thereof, but he has a very varied and diverse music taste and will try to listen to almost anything. He tries to keep an open mind and keep his opinions to himself, but can be quite a snob when it comes to music. He despises most pop, and dislikes most rap, hip-hop and techno.) Video Games (His favourites are puzzle-platformers, but dabbles in all genres. He isn't very good though.) Personality: Zac is a very chilled and laid back guy. He can come across as fairly introverted but once he feels comfortable with someone he is very outgoing. He is always happy to meet new people and talk about music or video games, or almost anything. He enjoys listening even more than he does talking. He likes to feel helpful and useful, and is always there for his friends, or almost anyone really. He always try's to be on everyone's good side and is trusting to a fault. As all creative people are, he is prone to unexpected bouts of near crippling depression that can last anywhere from an hour to a week. This can often leave him bedridden for days on end. He also often puts other people's happiness and well being above his own. There are also short times where he will keep to himself due to thinking that he is just a bother to everyone around him. He often gets over it quickly, but it is always there at the back of his mind. He try's to be calm and collected, but it often quick to over react and over think most things. Even the tiniest issue can turn into a horrible world altering disaster in his mind if he lets it. Zac is very opinionated, and often struggles to find the line between assertive and and aggressive when it comes to arguments, especially when it's something he's passionate about. Secretly, he is a hopeless romantic. He often keeps it hidden to avoid getting hurt, but it's there, and he can't wait to find someone to finally share that side of him with. Background: Not much to say about Zac's childhood. He grew up in a family musicians and always fit in fairly well. Until he ended up bursting his father's ear drums when discovering his powers. His father has never forgiven him since and home life had started to get strenuous. Since age 14 his parents started getting distant and his father often verbally abused him. He retreated into music and that's the only thing that kept him sane. It didn't help that he also continued trying to fix his relationship with his parents by doing almost all the housework, as well as homework and a part-time job. It was all too much, so he left for Orean Cause. He hopes that in his new life he will be able to relax more and find people he can be comfrotable around. Theme songs: In Due Time - Killswitch Engage Self-Destruct and Die - Dead Poetic There, There - The Wonder Years Clubs: Music Club, Gaming Club. Dreams: To change people's lives and inspire people through his music, and to find someone who inspires him.
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