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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo had continued to wander around the Seireitei and after a considerable amount of time he found the Squad 10 barracks "About damn time!...Shit...I'm going to need to keep a map on me from now on so I don't get lost. Anyway...now it's time to find where the Captain is" Shinzo stepped into the barracks and began wandering the halls of the Squad 10 barracks in search of the Captains office and after walking around this maze of a barracks for awhile he gave in and just decided to ask directions and it'd be just his luck that the damn office was around the corner. Shinzo took a deep breath and walked up to the Captains office then knocked on the door to see if he was in
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sotaro Takudo

Meditating upon a rock that was surrounded by rushing water in a river. Sotaro opened his one eye and stood up holding his zanpakuto. "Why won't you let me in? I know your name, yet you don't allow my presence within your home." Sotaro question his zanpkauto even though he knew he wouldn't answer back. "Maybe I need someone with more experience to tell me why." He advised himself as he then thought of the squad and remembered hearing the squad 13 captain was a helpful person. He decided they would be the best person to start with, that and he became a shinigami for a reason he might as well as join the squad while he was there. Shunpoing off towards his destination, he would arrive there in a few minutes with him standing outside the gates looking at the guard. "May I talk to the captain about being enlisted here?" Sotaro asked as he looked down at the female who literally had to look straight up at him. She nodded and led him to the captains office before going back to her post while Sotaro knocked on the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Captain it doesn't look well at all..." "I know..." "What can we do to help?" Sai tapped her chin, staring down at whatever was in the hands of her worried subordinate as they stood in front of her with a slight pout. "Perhaps Squad Four can do something? I'm sure it'll be fine so don't worry! Just go check with them Okay? It'll be as good as new in no time!" The member smiled softly as their Captain spoke, nodding their head in agreement and adding a quick "Ok!" before shunpoing.

Sighing, Sai ran a hand through her hair before flicking the bouncy lilac strands behind her back. 'Poor thing... I hope Hinen can get it some help...' Turning around, Sai started her ascend up the stairs of the Squad Thirteen barracks, walking towards her office. 'Ooo, a visitor! The members the Head Captain were talking about must be on their way already! Wow, that was fast' Sai gained a welcoming smile as she approached the tall, grey-ish haired male that knocked on her door.

"Greetings Shinigami! You appear to be looking for the Captain of this Squad right? If so, it's nice to meet you" Sai's smile grew a tiny bit more as she held a hand out to offer a hand-shake, her tone of voice her usual friendly tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Yuuki Hiwatari

"Okay, then lets go! However, I don't know where that is so someone going to have to lead." He said laughing to himself for him not knowing where such an obvious place would be. It seemed that the garden had eluded from his mind as he was worried about his previous concern, which must have been really distracting if it caused him to miss something so obvious. However, if the place was at all like they explained it then it would be a great place to rest his mind. A nice breath of air outside would be good for him to clear his mind for something better to talk about rather than all work. Besides, both Nishi and Nene were on board with the plan as Nishi didn't mind the idea and Nene was the one who suggested it so he didn't mind at all as well. Once, he learned where this garden was he wouldn't need to ask anymore and if the two wanted they could meet up there when they went to rest. So silently waiting, he looked at the other two to lead the group to where the garden was, paying more attention than last time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sataro stared at the woman with an innocent, but happy smile. He tilted his head at her as though he was examining her for something. "Well to be honest I was expecting someone bigger or more powerful looking. Not that I doubt your power, it's just you seem tiny and well harmless. But you are a captain so you must be stronger than you look." Sotaro told her shaking her hand with his own smile. "I am Sotaro Takudo, and I'm looking to enlist her and maybe get some help of my own." Sotaro told her as he released her hand, standing up straight as he awaited her response.
@Kurisa@Pie Flavor
Nene giggled slightly at his clueless expression on where locations were in the squad, but she smiled an nodded. "Well it so happens I know the spot off the back of my hand." Nene told him as he motioned for them to follow her, and went down the hall way then took a left at the end of the hallway, and at the end of this one was a door that led to a small little area that had many beautiful flowers with a pond for added effect. She walked out among the area and sat down as she looked at the two. "This was where I learned to use kido not just for healing but for other uses. Of course that took longer than forming the ball, but it goes to show that kido is a powerful thing if you give it time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima was peacefully working on his paperwork, his window open with a soft breeze coming. The sounds of birds chirping at the right volume not to bother Yakima. As he was about to finish a signature, a knock came from the door. The bird flew off at the knock, Yakima letting out a sigh as he placed his pen down "Come in" He picked up his papers and put them on a neat stack at the edge of his desk. He stuffed the rest of the papers inside his drawers before the shinigami came in. He waited, staring at the door with his arms crossed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


After shunpoing in the opposite direction for the past minute and only realizing this when she saw district one. She made a u turn and went back to where she last was when she sat on grouchy pants, and asked someone for directions. They pointed at a building which made Aya stand there silently before jumping in place. "Stupid meanie face, I would have remembered if you didn't go 'Ohh noooo a girl fell on meeeee.'" Aya mumbled to herself before shunpoing off. Not waiting for no guard to lead her, she burst right into the barracks and seeing the man from earlier she looked at herself in mid shunpo and shrug. "Well looks like I'm sitting again." She said as she crashed into him yet again bursting through the door where she looked at the captain and waved as she was sitting on Shinzo. "Heyyyyyy captain, I want to join this big ass squad so I can go opn big missions and do big things and! And! I'm Aya Oda, this is meanie pants." Aya said poking Shinzo head as she stood up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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"Right, it was... This way? No, this way! Uuuuu... Whoever drew this map is horrible!"

The small figure exclaimed as her pony tail waved back and forth, causing some of the other shinigami to chuckle as they saw the small girl struggling to read a crudely drawn map, but soon enough she had enough of it and just chucked it to the side. She scowled at it for a moment, but soon sighed and started looking around for some kind of sign to tell her where she was. At least she was in the location of the barracks, all she had to do was wait and-, "ah-hah!" spot a shinigami with the squad 13 mark on their armband!

Shi tried her best to pretend like she was not following the guy but was sadly failing, but at least she saw the barracks! Dashing past the one she was following and making her way inside Shi almost stopped dead in her tracks as she looked around in awe hardly able to believe that she was finally in such a place. It was then that she saw part of a white coat vanish around a corner, this was the perfect chance. Straightening her uniform and hair she made her way towards where she had seen the captain go. She did stop at the door for a moment when she heard talking but soon discovered it was her chance to introduce herself as well! Though she waited until the other shinigami answered first "E-Excuse me? My name is Koyo-Shi, I have been directed to join sqaud 13 and....Wow" Shi was looking towards Sai with a little blush on her face, a real captain amazing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Pie Flavor@Oblivion666

Nishi Matsuro

Nishi nodded at Nene who had decided to lead the way, which was likely the best thing as Nishi would likely end up getting them lost somehow. Yet the garden area wasn't far and after a small walk they arrived, Nishi stood there smiling as she looked at the beautiful flowers "It's all so beautiful~ And it really is relaxing...I really don't come here as often as I should~" Nishi walked into the garden area, then she walked up to the pond and crouched down, leaning forward slightly to see what there was...however she had failed to realise that she was still edging closer and closer, getting to the point that she'd soon fall in...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

As Shinzo was about to enter the room he was knocked down, yet again! and oh who would have guessed!? BY THE SAME BITCH FROM EARLIER! A vein in Shinzo's face popped up as he then pushed Aya off him and then stood up and began pointing at her "THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!!! CAN'T YOU JUST WALK NORMALLY OR SOMETHING!? I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING CRASH MAT BITCH!!! AND I'M ONLY MEAN BECAUSE YOU KEEP LANDING ON ME!!!" at this point Shinzo was nearly breathing fire! his hands were clenched and his breathing deep, he had completely forgotten that he was stood before a Captain but he just couldn't hold in his anger anymore! His uniform was completely trashed, this bitch landed on him for the second time and she was still acting like it was such a normal damn thing to happen! being caught up in all this Shinzo had actually forgotten to even give his name but he was just way to angry right now!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sai chuckled at the tall Shinigami's judgement, shaking his hand until he released before allowing her hand to drop gently by her side. "Hmhm, well I'm glad that I don't look harmful to you atleast. Not all Captains appear menacing but be warned, we are Captains for a reason. None of us were given this role, we earned it" Sai held her smile before another voice slipped into the conversation. 'Another member already! I wonder if the other two Captains are having such luck!' Internally Sai was bouncing with excitement, but externally she controlled herself since she wanted to get to know the two of them first before they found out what she was really like.

"Why hello Koyo-shi! It's nice to meet you, hello and welcome to Squad Thirteen" As she did with Sataro, Sai held out her right hand to offer the girl a hand shake. "My name is Sai Yoshimasuto, feel free to shorten my last name when referring to me, many people do hence why I'm often called Captain Yoshi" Letting go of Koyo-shi's hand Sai positioned her body to face her two new recruits, but first before they could become official members a certain task needed to be completed. "Now that we've all introduced ourselves, I'm going to need the two of you to fulfil a minor task in order for me to see what level the two of you are at, combat-wise. I'm sure you'll both do very well so there's no need to worry. The task is as follows; I'd like to watch the two of you spar against one another. I'll lead you to an open area and provide you each with a Bokken to fight with, however to insure that neither of you two use your Zanpakuto's, I'd like to keep a hold of them" After informing the two, Sai only gave them a few seconds before taking off. "Right let's start!" Marching towards the stairs in an enthusiastic manner, Sai hummed happily to herself as she lead the two Shinigami, expecting them to follow her, to a clear, open space within one of the grassy areas of the barracks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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@AbigailTenshi @Oblivion666

Shi shook Captain Yoshi's hand with a big smile on her face, glad that she was being so eagerly welcomed into the squad like that. "It is nice to meet you as well captain!" After letting go of the captains hand Shi adjusted her scarf and listened to what she had planed for them, and as expected it would not be as easy as Shi was hoping to join squad 13. "Umm..." She could not help but mutter in a soft toned voice, her head turning and then trailing up the much larger man beside her. However with the captain already on her way Shi had no choice but to start following, if this was really going to happen then she had to know if she would have any kind of advantage in the fight. "Captain Yoshi, I was wondering. Are we going to be able to use Kido? Or is it swords only?" She looked towards Sataro, really unsure if she could take him in a straight up fight, well if one was going by looks alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sotaro looked down at the much smaller female and when the captain brought up them sparring he looked at her a little shockingly. yet this one was a shingami which meant she had to have had some skill, so he couldn't judge her by appearance and height. He would treat her like he would anyone in a fight. So upon Sai and Koyo-shi shunpoing, he followed behind when Koyo-shi brought up kido. "I sadly have no skill in the area, but if you want then I wouldn't mind her using it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Once Sai had led the two to the destination she had in mind, she only then decided to answer the question raised by Koyo-shi. "Hmmmm" Sai tapped her chin, thinking over the subject for a moment after hearing that Sotaro wasn't skilled in the Kido area. 'Sotaro needs Kido practice then' "Wooden swords and Kido should be fine, but only Kido skills that you know you're good at using. I don't want any accidental explosions destorying half of my barracks because otherwise those poor Squad Four members would have to come all the way here and clean everything up and I'd feel bad for causing them inconvenience Okay?" Sai turned to face Koyo-shi as she spoke, still smiling but keeping it soft before shunpo-ing. She was away for literally a second before re-appearing back in the same position, grasping two wooden swords.

After passing the two weapons onto both Sotaro and Koyo-shi, Sai held out both of her hands, palms facing upwards, in front of the two Shinigami. "Pass me your sealed Zanpakutos please, then the two of you can begin whenever you're both ready. I'll be watching and will let you know when to stop; unless you two feel the need to stop before I end the spar. Also please don't push yourselves to the point of harming your health, I just want to see what you two are capable of without your Zanpakutos, 'Kay?" Sai ended with a small, sharp flick of her head towards the right, causing strands of her hair to jolt as her smile kept stapled to her face. "Oooo, I'm just so excited to see what you two can do!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima raised an eyebrow as another female shinigami came barging in on top of the male shinigami who was knocking on the door before. A shiver went down his spine as the female shinigami spoke loudly. For some reason, he had a feeling things wouldn't be as peaceful anymore. Before he could say anything, the male shinigami gotnup and began to scream at Aya.

Yakima watched in silence for the beginning half, not wanting to interfere. However, one thung annoyed him. The fact that the male called Aya a bitch. He stood up and shunpoed between the two, placing a firm grip on Shinzo's shoulder "I don't care what has gone on between the two of you but theres no reason to call a woman a bitch. Now I'm guessing you two want to join my squad. Thats good, but we treat everyone with respect here. If you two are gonns join my swuad, youre gonna have ti get along got it? Now if you want to join, follow me" He walked out the door, whether they decided to join or not. He could see the potential in them but it was up to them whether they wished to join or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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@AbigailTenshi @Oblivion666

Shi resisted pumping her fist when she was told that she would be allowed to use Kido, though she was unsure about how fair it would be given what the other shinigami had said. She would have to make sure to make sure to use just the right amount and not just blast him from a distance, after all she wanted to look good for Captain Yoshi! It was at this point that sai had vanished and within a moment returned with the wooden swords and Shi was taken aback to say the least, she had never seen anyone move that fast! "Understood Captain Yoshi" Reaching out with one hand to take the wooden sword she handed off her Zanpakuto to the captain before looking around to find a good place to stand and face her opponent. "I am sure we wont disappoint." She commented as she moved to her place, lowering the blade to her side she held it with both hands and seemingly leaving her defenseless. "By the way" She gestured with a nod towards the other shinigami she was facing. "My name is Koyoshi."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Zento Ray


Zento stumbled around the Seireitei, hoping to find a Captain, or at least Squad 13's barracks. Unfortunately, he wasn't having much luck finding his away around. "Who could have organized this place, it is so illogical, it would take me years to find my way around this conflagration of buildings." He mumbled to himself in annoyance. His first day on the job and he was already having problems, he could tell things weren't gonna go to well for him here. His Zanpakuto was strapped to the right side of his hip, since he was obviously a left handed man. He wore his mask/glasses which not only made him look cooler, but also helped him with his eyesight. A win, win situation in his book.

Zento eventually found himself standing in front of Squad 13's office, he could already here voices inside, faintly. In his mind he contemplated, should he wait and listen, or walk in, he still was not sure that they were still in the area. No, no that would be disrespectful, but, it would be disrespectful to just barge in. Zento really just wanted to get an idea of who the Captain was, before walking in. His arm was suddenly shocked and he jerked his arm away, furry etched into his face. "Ya, ya I understand." He said despondently. That was his Zanpakuto's way of telling him he was wrong. Zento took a deep breath and knocked on the door, maybe they would still be in the area to hear it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Yuuki Hiwatari

Wondering if it was just him, Yuuki rubbed his eyes before looking again. Yup, Nishi was leaning dangerously forward and looked quite oblivious to the fact that she was starting to lean forward more and more. Estimating it wouldn't be quite long before she fell in Yuuki, quickly sprang into action and reached his hand out to try and grab her shoulder, but nope! He was too late, as he watched her fall into the pond before he seconds behind her, fell over into the pond as well. Creating a splash of water as he landed before sinking underneath the surface. It took him several seconds to register that he had fallen into the pool of water, but where was Nishi? He thought to himself silently, before he resurfaced before he spotted the girl, who was now in the water as well with him.

"Hey silly, don't just keep leaning unless you want to go swimming like right now. Besides that, sorry for not getting there fast enoguh it looks like I was too slow!" He said laughing to himself as he got out of the pool with water dripping off him and his wet clothes clinging onto his skin. It would take a while to dry of completely however, the cool damp clothes were refreshing on his sweaty skin which had been cooled off. But, in his current condition, leaving a trail of water wherever you went wasn't going to be advisable for someone like him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Clad in Shinigami attire, a woman with brown locks tied up into a neat bun strolled through the Squad Thirteen barracks towards her Captain's office, planning to walk passed it in order to get to her room. Little did she know she'd find an unrecognisable Shinigami stood outside the Captain's quarters. Tilting her head slightly, she tried to place the male's face to a name, however she had never seen him around before so she assumed that he must be new.

"U-um hello?" The female spoke up in a slightly shy tone, trying to catch the guy's attention. "If you're looking for the Captain, I can take you to her if you want? She's at the other side of the barracks in a grassy area, I just saw her a couple of minutes ago." The young woman offered as she waited for his reply. If he requested for her to take him to the Captain, the woman would walk passed him and lead him to his destination. She wasn't much of a talkative person in general so the journey would most likely be silent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@AbigailTenshi@Kitsune@Phobos@Kurisa@Pie Flavor

Sotaro Takudo

As they came to their destination, he glanced around at the area to see what his surroundings would be like. He also paid attention to the captain allowing kido, which would mean he would have to be extra careful now. So upon being asked to hand over their zanpakuto while being handed a bokken which she got at an inhumane rate, he glanced at his with a smile despite the troublesome event earlier and handed him off. "Take care of him please." He asked her before turning his attention towards Koyo-shi who introduced herself while leaving her guard down. Was that meant to be a trick, to make him strike her un-guarded side? "..... I am Sotaro Takudo, now prepare yourself." He told her holding this bokken with both hands holding it straight in front of him. He would then shunpo a little bit to her side swinging his bokken not at any un-guarded areas but at her own bokken itself. He would also watch her facial expression to see if she would be shocked by a move or happy about it. He was also taught to watch their expression as it says it all.
Aya Oda

Aya whistled a whistle that showed something impressed her when Shinzo cursed her out. "Wow, them some dirty words you be saying. Kind of makes me want to rip your tongue out." Aya said with a grin before the captain intervened, before they likely ended up killing one another. Although it was mostly to yell at Shinzo for calling her a bitch, which made her giggle as he instructed them to follow if they truly wanted to join. Aya looked at Shinzo and grinned a diabolical smile as she followed behind the captain while humming to herself.
Nene Sanada

Nene watched Nishi lean just a tad too close, yet when Yuuki went to her rescue they both ended up crashing into the pond. This made her smirk as she watched from the sideline as they resurfaced. "Nishi you hold true to being clumsy, its practically adorable. At least Yuuki attempted to get you, I would have, but if I fell in then I would need the saving. I can't use kido to see under water just yet. So seeing nothing would probably throw me into shock or something. But good job for trying." Nene said with a little clap, while in truth she did find it amusing how they plummeted into the water.
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