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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Against This

Against This And That

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leon didn't even bat an eye when the light revealed Lyle's scars. Years of traveling with battered sailors made scars have very little impact on him. In fact, the inly thing that was reflected in his eyes was his growing curiosity for the antisocial individual in front of him.

Her question caused his expression to become a quizzical one, head tilted slightly to the side, as if the answer was obvious. "Well, because you didn't want anybody to," he replied simply. "I guess you can say I'm a nosy jack ass," he said with an all too proud of himself smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jason had turned from the window at the tap on his shoulder to face the faunus girl. And of course she asked him about the academy, of wich he knew embarrassingly little.

"Not much, I'm embarrassed to say. Just what is common knowledge, the headmaster is professor Ozpin. I don't even know enough to tell you whats different about it from the other academies." He managed to get his rambling under control, embarrassed.

"Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'm Jason." He said,offering his hand.

"Are you new to Vale?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madninja324


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Diana glanced up at the girl with long black hair who'd just sat down a couple seats away from her, she wore a sword at her waist and a large rectangular shield strapped to her back and she seemed to be paying close attention to the masked boy and the guy with the metal arm. Diana went back to her book, but she kept one eye on the dark haired girl. Diana never let her guard down when someone was that close by, she knew it was paranoid, but she kept a hand in her hoodie's left front pocket, fingering the lightning Dust crystal she kept there. The airship would be landing soon, Diana hoped that she wouldn't have to talk to the newcomer, or anyone else, if she could avoid it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“Nosy jackass, perfect. I'm sure we'll be just the best of friends.” She leaned back up against the wall of the airship, folding her hands in front of her chest and giving him a bit of a smirk for his trouble.

“I'm Lyle by the way. What's your name, sir amazing social skills?” She was clearly teasing at this point, the lack of any sort of reaction to her scars had certainly helped get her to open up, at least a little bit. As it turned out sometimes being a nosy jackass payed off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I don't even really know the 'common knowledge' as you put it," Tamn grinned, taking the offered hand. "I'm Tamnocrven, ……but you can call me Tamn." She knew her name was a mouthful, and so shortened it, but she really loved seeing that second of almost confusion as most people tried to work out what she had just said and whether they'd have to remember it. "And no, I'm not exceptionally new to Vale, but that doesn't mean I've been here long either." It was the sort of vague answer she was used to giving in response to where she came from, it wasn't that she didn't want others to know, she just didn't want them to judge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phantomlink959
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

As the students talk among themselves...

From atop the Beacon Tower, the man in silver watched the airships come in.
"The champions arrive."
he mutters, watching closely as the airships landed, hopeful student streaming from the shuttles. In the office below, an important discussion was taking place.

"I'm not sure this is the right thing to do." Glynda protests. "We can't-"
"We must." Ozpin cuts her off with a tone that indicates this isn't the first time they've had this argument. He heaves a sigh and stares into his mug for a moment before continuing. "If we don't, the world as we know it may be lost."
"It still isn't right. To throw them into such danger, when we're not even sure they're ready for it!" She protests again. Ozpin turns to her and the other male, a teacher younger than Glynda, rolls his eyes from his perch by the window.
"We already know that they are. My son and his team managed it just a few months ago."The brown haired man sighs audibly. "Worse, even."
"Last year we had an exceptional crop - the kind that only comes around once a generation." Glynda struggles to protest, knowing that ultimately it is futile.
"Glynda, they won't be alone. He will be watching them. WE will be watching them." Ozpin responds, taking a sip from his coffee
The enigmatic knight descends from the tip of the spire, entering the headmasters office. "You must have faith, child. A thousand years of preparation have already come to pass."
Taking a step closer to the blonde haired woman, he takes her hand surprisingly gently. Ozpin and the other teacher look away, realising that Glynda needs this moment of reassurance. "Your children shall live, as shall this world. However, now it is time for us to act."
Glynda draws a sharp breath and holds it for a moment before nodding. "You're right. You always are."
The man nods solemnly, holding her gaze for a moment before looking away.
"I sometimes wish I was wrong."
Releasing the teachers hand, he strolls towards the Headmaster's desk.
"Ozpin, the relics are in place, correct?"
The Headmaster shakes his head and sighs into his mug again.
"We've experienced a minor delay, I'm afraid."
The man clicks his tongue as he stares out the window, turning his back on the three people gathered in the office with him. He can just see the last of the students entering the main courtyard and the airships lifting off.
"No matter, I shall deal with them this year."

(3 rounds until speech)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Against This

Against This And That

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I'm Leon Sarcelle, former sailor, current authority on invading a person's comfort zone," he said amiably. Talking had proven to a great distraction, as most of the normal color had managed to return his face. In fact, he hardly noticed the airship landed or the monotone voice informing the students to kindly buzz off. It goes without saying that the lad was all too eager to comply. He wanted to believe that his excitement came purely from seeing Beacon up close, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't way past ready to be off the airship.

Leon made a gesture towards the door, one eyebrow raised as if to ask if Lyle was coming with, before he started to make his way off the bucket of bolts that had no business swimming through the air. It seemed like a normal pace to him, but whether it actually was needed to be determined by those around him. Solid, gravity loving ground had been sorely missed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As the interactions between the masked fellow and the armored armed boy concluded, Cinis noted the tension in the person she had st next to. For what ever reason they seemed to be less focused on their book than they were when she had first made her way over here. She noted her stiff posture and the hand slipped in her pocket as if she was fingering some sort of weapon. With a frown Cinis said "We are all just students here, I seriously doubt anyone wants to cause trouble for any one. Lest of all I..." -unless someones is in my way I suppose but no sense in telling her that- she thought to herself. She rose from her seat and adjusted the shield on back. "Fair warning...I get that kind of paranoia will get you in trouble one day. At a minimum you'll have trouble finishing your book if your always looking over your shoulder." With that bit of unsolicited advice Cinis began making her way off the airship with all the others. No sense in lingering with people that either didn't need her help, or apparently, didn't want any company.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin quickly got off the ship and stretched in the cool breeze. Ah, after awhile on that thing the atmosphere get hot, cramped, and stifling. He thought. He wandered away until he was out of sight of everyone else. Now then, I have a little time until the ceremony, for now lets explore. He grinned as he pulled out an iron coin and dropped it. As soon as it left his hand, he activated his semblance transparent blue lines appeared in his vision, leading from the center of his chest to every source of iron around him. So much iron. This is why I love the cities! With no apparent gesture, he Pushed off the coin, sending him flying through the air, His duster flapping behind him. Well, not exactly flying, He thought, More like falling in the wrong direction. He Pulled hard on a rooftop, jerking him off course, sending him toward it. As he hit it, he took the impact on his claw and he flipped up so he was standing on it. As an afterthought he Pulled on the coin and effortlessly caught it, putting it back in the pouch. He shaded his eyes with his left hand and looked around. Not a bad view, His eyes fell on the tall central tower. But I bet I'll get a better one from up there. His grin returned in full force as he took a running leap and Pushed off the building. It was exhilarating, he loved the feeling of soaring, having thrown off gravity's chains. His semblance was the best, sure others could call and control fire or Control magnetism, but very few could fly and none could do even half the things his could. He angled his flight to a slightly higher rooftop and Pushed off of it without even landing. He went from rooftop to rooftop using a coin whenever he needed to, reclaiming it when he could.

Eventually he reached the base of the tower. He looked up, straight up. He realized he had never attempted to climb something that high before. But that wouldn't deter him and started his assent. He concentrated and Pushed off the roof he was standing on. He flew up, still Pushing until he just about was out of range. He Pulled himself to the side of the tower, about twenty-five stories up, and clung there, deciding his next move. He climbed to a window-sile with a darkened window. He looked up carefully judging trajectory and wind speed. He dropped a coin and launched himself up. He Pulled himself to a ledge, about five stories higher than he was before. He reclaimed the coin and repeated the maneuver until he reached the outward splayed part of the tower. Here comes the tricky part. Ferrin set the coin against the stone side of the tower, and located a rather large and close bit of iron, judging by the thickness and solidity of it's line. Probably some framework of the tower. He decided. Ferrin took a deep breath and Pushed on the coin, pinning it to the wall, and gently Pulling on the framework. The resulting trajectory was swung him in a circle, like a ball on a string. When he was parallel to his anchor, he pulled harder, Pulling himself to the wall. He bent his knees slightly to absorb the impact, and he stood there for a moment, his legs parallel to the ground. He looked up for another anchor point. Just a little higher. He thought. He found a decent anchor, so he Pushed straight out, then he Pulled himself into a diagonal, and landed on the side of the tower again. He heard a muffled grinding sound, and he winced, pretty sure he had just pulled someone's desk to the wall. Won't that be a head scratcher. He grinned, imagining some teacher coming in and seeing their desk pulled against the wall. Ferrin looked up again, Perfect, I am high enough. He Pulled against the conical eaves of the rooftop of the tower. On the way up, he passed a large window and he heard voices from inside. He didn't try to eavesdrop, (Budump ching) he thought with some amusement, he kept climbing. From the base of the eaves, he grabbed the outside edge, twisted, and swung himself over to land on the sloping side of the tower top. He carefully made his way up to the spire that rose stuck out from the top, and grabbed it. Ferrin turned and looked out. The view was absolutely amazing! He could see the entire campus and even part of the city, depending on which way he looked.

He spent quite awhile up there, just soaking up the view, feeling a little melancholy, and reflecting on his life these past few years. He sat, (with considerable caution) and studied his arm as if he had never seen it before. Rough and angular, it wouldn't be winning any beauty contests, but what it lacked in aesthetics, it more than made up in function. He made a fist, admiring how his arm caught the light. He glanced at his watch on his left wrist. He really should be going soon, that climb took longer than he thought it would, but he was reluctant to. Oh well, He thought, I can always come back. He got up, and in a burst of excitement, he ran to the edge of the high tower and Pushed off sideways. The rush of adrenaline was indescribable. He laughed out loud, with the wind rushing past the his face, streamlining his duster and whistling in his ears. He angled into a dive, picking up speed heading straight into the courtyard. Now, to make my entrance! He thought, his teeth bared in what could only loosely be described as a smile. At the last possible second, he flipped a coin he had been palming in front of himself, and Pushed against it, to slow his momentum. The coin hit like a meteor and made a crash that grabbed every student's attention. Ferrin leaned backwards, his duster ribbons billowing out in a satisfactory fashion. He sill landed hard, making sure he took most of the impact on his robotic foot and arm. As soon as the dust settled he straitened up to his impressive height, and nonchalantly brushed the dirt off his duster. The courtyard was absolutely silent. "Just...dropping in." Ferrin said casually but loud enough for the whole court yard to hear him. Then he strode confidently through the open double doors.
Damn, there ain't nothing like a good entrance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And now she has an impossible to pronounce name, It's like she was sent here to make me feel like an idiot. Jason almost sighed with relief when she gave a nickname he could use. He nodded at the vaguely cryptic answer to her being new to Vale, figuring it normal that someone didn't feel like sharing their life story with a stranger.

Since he'd turned from looking out the side window Jason was able to see that their airship was approaching the landing pad at Beacon. "Well, looks like you'll be able to find someone who knows what their talking about." He said, pointing out the front of the ship to the landing pad.

As they landed and a voice asked them to disembark, he gestured to the now open doors. "Ladies first."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fox Without
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The Fox Without A Cause

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Nor let out a content sigh as the sun hit his face, glad to be free of the stifling interior of the airship, marvelous devious that it was. He watched the craft float off after the last of the students disembarked, breifly wondering if he could get a look at such crafts during maintenance, eager to learn how their engines worked. The pale faunus's smile quickly disappeared as his attention was brought to a group of boys pointing his way, the ringleader motioning to his own face as the group erupted into a malicious laughter.

Nor knew the sight of trouble when it was in abundant supply, and decided it best to beat a hasty retreat, trying to weave his way through the crowds as he left the group behind. He soon split off from the crowd, looking for somewhere secluded to get his thoughts in order, wanting to get used to Beacon a bit before they were supposed to gather for the orientation.


Nor nodded with a satisfied smirk as he replaced the final bolt on Jet Stream, finishing maintenance on the hefty weapon. It had dull shine and a smell of oil as the completed weapon lay on the mat on the ground, his tools lair neatly in a row in front of it. Nor had set himself up under a small tree in the school courtyards, the area the first spot he had found free of onlookers.

"See, I told you I saw the freak head this way," a rather malicious voice sounded through the silence.

Nor gave an exasperated sigh as he heard the sound of a group headed his way, rather hoping he wasn't the scheduled entertainment for the time. His hopes were quickly squashed as the group of future hunters gathered around him. One of the boy squatted down beside Nor on the ground and threw one arm around his shoulders, toying with a small screwdriver. "That's a nice weapon you got," his voice taking a friendly manner with an unmistakable veneer of malice, "makes me think Jaden here had to be mistaken, " he continued on as he pointed the screwdriver at the one who'd been gesturing to his face earlier, a mock look of hurt on his face.

Nor knew this game, and sat in silence as it played out, hoping they'd grow bored. "See he said you had to be one of those Faunus charity cases the school takes on every year, despite the humans slaughtered by the White Fang," the faunus could feel the arm around him tense at this, and fought the urge to grab for his weapon in front of him, " Now I said that's too nice a piece there for any faunus to have...," he paused a moment seeming to think for a moment before continuing, "Unless he was a thief, but Beacon would never let a thief come here, so Jaden must be wrong," his voice now dropping all pretenses as he quickly stood up, hooking he meaty hands into Nor's mask as he stood, the Faunus grunting as he was jerked up by what looked to be a mountain if a man, his ice blue eyes gazing motionlessly at the orange pair now in front of him, the sound the others snickering around him coming from out of sight.

"But I can't say that to him with out any proof can I," Nor could feel the other two grab his arms to hold him in place as their leader grabbed a hold of the front of the mask and began to pull on it, rubber stretching and straining as he did, " so lets get a good look at what's behind door number one," he said with a nasty chuckle as the mask tore from Nor's face, stumbling back a bit from the sudden release. He looked up after he recovered, seeing the now revealed visage. A mouth set in a thin line that stretched farther than any humans should, a small tremble tremble in his lips the only sign of the rage Nor was feeling at the moment. He was fighting back the urge tear loose from the two holding him and sink his teeth into the meatball in front of him. The image of his sister held him back though, stemming the tide of red slowly creeping into his vision. If he did anything, he could already see the accusations of another wild Faunus attacking an innocent, upstanding human, and then Jaquline would be left to fend for herself, the burden of their father hers alone. And so he stood in silence.

" Holy shit, you found a real freak this time Jaden, " he said with a chuckle as he came forward, poking at Nor's mouth with the screw driver, revealing row upon row of serrated teeth, "dudes got more teeth than a saw blade, you don't think he'd mind us taking a few do ya boys," he said with a wicked grin, his arm going back for the wind up as Nor closed his eyes, waiting for the strike to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madninja324


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Diana stepped off the airship after retrieving her luggage, a briefcase full of Dust vials, most of it stolen from that bastard Laburnum, and a rolling suitcase full of her other belongings, she walked off to the side of the landing area and checked that their contents hadn't been disturbed, it always paid to be sure. Once Diana had reassured herself that nothing had been disturbed she walked a ways, the sounds of a scuffle, Diana pulled her lightning crystal out of her pocket and moved to see what the sounds were. The masked boy from the airship, now unmasked and with an inhumanly wide and toothy mouth was surrounded by a group of other teens, who all screamed thug to her, Diana didn't much care about the Faunus boy, but she despised cowards, bullies, and bigots, and the group attacking him hit all three of her biggest hate-triggers, she was about to activate her Semblance in conjunction with the Dust in her hand when she saw someone coming who looked just as mad as Diana herself, the Dust witch ducked behind a tree, if things went badly she would step in, but for now it was a good chance to get information on her future classmates, she would watch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Little Mx Inferno
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Little Mx Inferno Insanities Handmaiden

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lyle made a noncommittal wave as Leon suggested they leave the airship together. “I think I'll find my own way for now. I'm sure I'll see you around though, sailorboy.” She waited for a few other people to exit the airship before she started to make her way to the off ramp, trying to break off from the crowd as quickly as she possibly could.

Of course her little adventure put her on the path to find the group of racists harassing a shark-faunus, fate it seemed was insisting she interact with more people. She didn't particularly care what he was, the sight of two people holding him down while a third prepared to attack triggered memories she tried her best to repress and frankly she wasn't going to let that happen. She didn't even bother drawing her weapon as she flipped her hood up, seeing the punch about to hit the faunus square in the jaw and charging.

As it turned out the kid was too much of a showoff to hit his victim right away, holding back for a second, maybe in the hope that his target would open his eyes or something, who knows, but that little bit of hesitation resulted in a fist slamming directly into his cheekbone. Lyle had no intent of holding back, and so the unexpected punch landed with a sound that implied the kids cheekbone was gonna end with a minor fracture, not to mention knocking him square off his feet onto the floor, where Lyle didn't even hesitate or take the time to gloat, a heavy boot curb stomping him straight in the groin.

“You shitstains had better shove off before I get really pissed.” Her voice was as cold as ice, full of suppressed hatred and rage that she was clearly about to take out on the boys if they didn't clear out right now.
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