Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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name= Lorenzo armadas
age (if your human, or the hybrid of one)= pure blooded devil so unimportant
personality=the hard thinking strategist able to think two steps ahead of the enemy during a fight. Even out the fight Lorenzo is always thinking so its no surprises he is an A student at the school and as such is in the running for school valedictorian. Lorenzo tends to overthink things sometimes and sometimes he needs his queen to snap him out of his self induced brainstorm so he could get back to the situation at hand seeing as how Lorenzo will rarely go for the simple option and opt for one that wont fail or has a plan b c d and e. Lorenzo is also a nice guy once people get to know him and he cares about those in his service but he doesn't go easy on them if they happen to disobey an order he issued.
history=ever since he was found after the great war Lorenzo was trained mercilessly from the other devils that would bother to help him. Lorenzo didn't bother saying who he was knowing better then to think that they wouldn't kill him outright just for being of a house blood so he simply trained and once he was old enough he announced who he really was and it came as a shock to most devils except for the other pure devil houses, apparently they knew and didn't want to risk Lorenzo getting hurt by the others while he trained. As such he was given his family title again but that didn't mean he was able to relax he needed to make a name for himself and restore his families honor so afterward he went to the human world and went to find those that would join his house...
your evil piece (the pawn, the rook, etc.)= the king
your weapon (i.e sacred gear, special sword, etc)= the chains of Amadeus. his magic passed down from his ancestors allows him to summons chains and chain like weapons from magic circles and sometimes summon snakes to battle. He can also summon his familiar which happens to be a flying serpent
how you became my evil piece (I had to have found you dying in some way before I gave you the offer to join me)=N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

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I did not change anything from the previous accepted char

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Tsuruko Mori "Ranmaru Mori"

Age: 16

Gender: Female

race: Reincarnated Devil , Hero Descendant


F cup, 5'2, 120

personality: Usually a calm individual, she can become highly agitated by some things such as threats to her family. She hides her pain fearing that she will become a burden to others which causes her to push people away at times. Beyond that she is a serious individual that often prefers things to remain calm and orderly. Despite everything she is caring individual one that would go out of harms way to aid someone should they need it.

History: Tsuruko was born into a well off family one that upheld the traditional ways. Tsuruko as she likes to be called Rather than her true name tried to distance herself from her forced destiny as a hero descendant a lot of pressure was placed on her. Live up to her ancestors great name a loyal samurai that once served under the demon king. It was in her blood her skill honed through past experience and and practice. Dreams coming and going of her past life though little did she know that this would be a beacon for a few people. At the age of 14 she was offered a spot on the Hero Faction. Tsuruko accepted they were like her after all they were hero descendants understanding what trouble it was to try and become her own person and not just a clone of her ancestor. A year later though she found herself distancing away from them their methods became dark and she could not agree with some of the "allies" they made. Seeing no other choice she left though she was hunted and pursued.

How You Became My Evil Piece: While on the run from the Hero faction she was eventually found and killed. It was than that she mirrored her ancestor with her supposed final words beings "I do not wish to die. If given the chance I would gladly follow the devil himself and serve faithfully and loyally like no other." It was her desire and partially her wish that summoned her King and Lord to her reincarnated as his queen piece she serves faithfully and loyally by his side.

Evil piece: Queen

Category: Technique Fighter

normal powers: She has a enhanced strength and speed. Beyond that she is very skilled with her sword.

Hakurouken "White tower sword" - A youkai forged katana that is said that there is nothing it can not cut."Five feet in length."

Sacred Gear: Fubuki "Snowstorm" - Her sacred gear comes in the form of a pure white chokuto four feet in length. Fubuki can create and manipulate snow to create illusions and freeze the enemy.

Balance Breaker: Absolute Zero - Winters First Snow
Cold mist rises up into the air from where she stands and covers a wide area in her vicinity. Anything within the area of influence of the mist is gradually frozen. With the mist she is able to summon and control "mist" phantoms to attack and or bomb a area freezing it due to the sheer cold caused from the balance breaker it starts snowing which further aids her. unachieved
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Shinichi Masamune
Age: Formerly a normal 17-year-old human, now a reincarnated devil
Look: Standing at about 5’9” Shinichi is a rather well built young man who is rather sturdy and practically created to be athletic. Or… Whatever he is now.

Personality: Shinichi is a good guy. He's kind, even if to a fault, and loyal. He is strong willed, if not a bit reckless. He isn't much of a loud mouth, unless the situation calls for a loud voice. and generally tries to talk in a calm or more reserved manner. Furthermore, he He isn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but he isn't an idiot like many think. He's a hard worker and is constantly doing his best to keep passing grades. Though he is just barely keeping a c average with a b or two thrown in there.

History: Shinichi has lived alone in an apartment for the better part of two years. The reason isn't something tragic like his parents died or anything like that. They're simply away on business often and even like to travel. It's rare that they're home. However, they keep him well financed to a point. He gets a monthly allowance. He doesn't live at his real home. As they preferred he go to a good school as opposed to the school in his hometown. It's tough. Especially when one looks at his grade point average but for the most part he had been making it. He wasn't especially popular, but he was well liked. He didn't really join any clubs, but he hopped around for the fun of it before he would go home. It was a simple life. That is until one night when he was going home.

On this particular day, he'd been invited to Karaoke and decided to go. Leaving the shop and going his separate way from the group he received a flyer. It was pretty interesting so he kept it in his pocket. It seemed like he'd be getting home without much trouble. But of course, he was fairly wrong on that point. He was confronted by a strange man. He was spouting some nonsense about Shinichi being born with bad luck and some burden that was causing his death. It wasn't until much later that he'd learned about what it was.

This man was a fallen angel. Tasked with killing Shinichi. Well... he may have just been blowing off some steam. Shinichi couldn't tell. But he ended up with some strange, bright spear piecing his chest. He was sure he would be dead. He didn't want to die. Thoughts like those crossed his mind. There was a lot he hadn't done. He cursed himself in not doing more. He was angry. He wanted to live goddammit! Just as that thought crossed his mind, he was saved. He might have recognized his savior if not for his blurred vision. They were in the same grade. Not the same class, but the same grade all the same. This man would become his new master and he would become a devil. He's come a long way learning about his role, his gear, and much more. But he still has a ways to go. And well... The rest is history.

Your Evil Piece: Pawn (5/8 of them to be exact) - The traits of Pawns is the ability to promote into a Queen, Rook, Knight, or Bishop in enemy territory or with the permission of their King.

Your Weapon: Shinichi's weapon is his Sacred Gear. It is known as the Obsidian Armor. It takes the form of a chest plate covering his torso to his waist, while leaving his shoulders, arms, legs and head unprotected. Were he to reach the level of a balance breaker it would look like this. Being said to house a dragon, though with no proof, this sacred gear grants the following abilities:

  • Camouflage - The armor's primary skill, this ability conceals the user. Blending in with their surroundings, almost as though they were invisible. It masks power, scent, among other things to near perfection.
  • Enhance - This abilitiy increases the user's overall abilities (physical abilities, senses, demonic power, etc.) by a factor of 2 for the duration of one hour, starting the moment it is activated. This ability, of course, greatly depends on the base abilities of the user.
  • Copy Cat - This ability truly makes the Sacred Gear special. It allows the user to copy any ability they have seen and understands. However, the user is limited to copying three abilities at one time. For example, if they have already copied fire, ice, and lightning abilities from three different individuals and wish to copy another ability they come across, they must forgot one of the three they already know. Furthermore, said copied abilities would only be about half as effective. For example, if a copied ability allows the user to multiply their power by 2 every ten seconds, he would only be able to multiple his power by two every 30 seconds. Thus, while the real holder of the ability could possibly boost about 6 times, he could only boost twice.

How You Became My Evil Piece: Long story short. Shinichi was attacked one day while going home. He ended up dying and called for help. Having had a seal in his pocket in the form of a flyer he accidentally summoned his new lord and master. That’s about it.

Added Things

Skills: Shinichi is skilled in the following areas:

  • Martial arts - Skilled in Karate, Jujutsu, Chinese Kenpo, Boxing, and Muay Thai, Shinichi is a force to be reckoned with as far as simple close quarters combat is concerned. However, it should be noted that due to his ever changing interests and habit or getting distracted with new things he has only ever really gone as far as the basic level in each discipline. He is simply adept and has much room to grow.
  • Sports - Shinichi was always one for extracurriculars, though never formally joined a club. He moved around practicing and trying different things while making friends. However, despite his great athletic skill he never really went too far in any one sport. Still his skill is considerably good for a high schooler.
  • Video Games - Shinichi is considered an avid gamer, though it doesn't consume his life. Still, give him some time and he can nearly master a game. So long as he enjoys it anyway.
  • Housework - Shinichi spends much of his time alone. Thus, he had to learn to cook, clean, do laundry. He is capable of completing most household chores, simply because he has too. Even so, he takes it seriously and may scold someone for not properly tending to the work.
  • Others - While Shinichi is capable of doing other things that most humans can do, it would simply take far too much time to list it all.

Magic: Shinichi does not truly know any magic of his own. However, he would like to learn some.

  • Great Athletic abilities and Combat Sense - Meaning he's got a ton of potential.
  • Fast learner as far as physical abilities are involved - Meaning he isn't that good in academics, but he is great at picking up fighting and sports and the like.
  • Easy to get along with - He makes friends easily, and is just one of those guys you can get along with.


  • Recklessness - Where is temper is involve regarding his family and friend, Shinichi can get pretty reckless and do stupid things.
  • Mind - Shin isn't an idiot, but he is far from being a scholar. Truly his benefits lie in the athletic and physical world. He can be tricked, and is somewhat gullible.
  • Kindness - While it is good that he's a good guy, he is kind of naive and trusting to a fault. It isn't good.
  • Lack of Mastery - While he has many skills, he has never truly mastered anything. Which would be disadvantageous against specialists of certain arts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

One of Amadeus' unlikely allies.

Clothes - Calvin usually wears a black habit. In operations, he wears his special armor underneath a smaller habit.

Name: Father Calvin Martellus
Age: 24

Calvin is, despite his appearance, a really friendly person though he does not get to show it much when people run away from him in fear.

While he is generally forgiving, he will have no qualms taking others' lives when they clearly show no remorse in committing heavy foul deeds or have committed a deed that is unforgivable. He will also defend himself if need be but he will never throw the first punch.

One notable trait he has is his viewpoint of the Angels, Demons and Humans. Calvin treats them all equally and focuses on individualism rather than generalizing them. Another notable trait of his is his religious fervor. He is not afraid to blurt out his praises to God, the Heavenly Father. (Even if he is not exactly following His teachings.)

Calvin was raised in a Catholic orphanage but he showed incredible knowledge in the art of science. With no one looking, the local Church adopts him and sends him to formal schooling. As expected, Calvin aces his studies especially in Science class and after graduation from high school, the Church gave him the resources to make full use of his knowledge while educating him in theology. His potential was going to lead to breakthroughs under the local Church but then a wounded Demon came by one day.

Calvin was the first to see and took care of the Devil no questions asked. This did not fly with the local Church and they would have banished him had his knowledge not be grand. The Devil, on the other hand, was on its way to a better (or worse) world. This did not fly with Calvin and while no one was looking, escaped with the Devil who went back to its clan.

The runaway Calvin, now fully aware he is a heretic, thought about joining a science institute and start life anew from there. However, one day he is contacted by the Church though not the church where he came from but by the Vatican, instructing him to go to a meeting point. Calvin was not sure what to do but he did so anyway despite the unpleasant history with the religion. At the meeting point, he was warmly greeted by a group of people who then took him to Vatican City.

In the Holy See, Calvin is introduced to a secret sect in the Vatican with a loose set of rules and with the objective of keeping exorcists and Fallen Angels from going too far in their hunt besides taking down dangerous Devils.

Unfortunately he has never fought a Fallen Angel or a Devil in his life.

Your evil piece: N/A

Your Weapon Equipment:
Tecetorp Armor - the armor Calvin wears during combat. Powered by two battery cells, the armor projects an invisible shield that protects the user from damage but will disable if taken too much punishment. The armor itself is a protection but not a reliable one against the weapons of the supernatural. It is gray in color with gold outlines.

The armor also grants him increased physical strength.

Energy Shield - a small buckler that projects a round field of protective shield similar to the Tecetorp Armor but much more powerful and durable. The shield projects a light cerulean color.

Energy Sword - a thick broadsword that Calvin has upgraded for its blade to be coated by blue, superhot energy capable of slicing through normal metal. It is currently unknown how this energy affects the supernatural. Can be turned off or on.

Holy Sword - a sword infused with Holy power and are considered to be the ultimate weapon against Devils. As the name suggests, these swords have blades made from pure light.

Energy Spear - a long, silver-colored spear whose metal head can be coated by blue, superhot energy capable of slicing through normal metal. (Needs to be shipped to him.)

Thunder Hammer - a two-handed hammer whose head continuously sparks with electricity. (Needs to be shipped to him.)

How you became my evil piece:
"I would rather stay dead than become a devil.

Ah, please don't misunderstand! Just that... becoming a devil would make praying to God a little problematic.
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