Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia after her fall was helped up. She looked around seeing some of her fellow New Breeds in the area. She only hoped that the would not give her away quite yet. Feon had a plan and she hoped that she could gain the trust of the rebels for at least a short while. Feon had gotten the message on her phone, though most people thought it quite odd for someone with no arms to even have a cell phone. Of course her powers limited her to not being able to use touch screen phones atleast. She could push buttons but she could only use them with small pebbles she kept in her other pocket.

Cia watched the conversation for now. Cinia and Linia meanwhile looked up at Cia staring rather intently. "Why don't you have arms?" Cinia asked followed quickly by Linia yelling at her sister. "Oh my Gosh! You don't just ask someone why they don't have arms! I am so sorry." Linia said apologizing to Cia. "Oh it's fine, I get that question alot, I was actually born with deformed arms that had to be amputated." Cia said giving a nervous smile to the two. Cia knew that she was starting to get their trust as she seemed like just a normal girl with no arms for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Michael Allpress

Michael walked through the square, scanning for anyone that might be suspicious while trying to remain undetected as well. For that reason, he wasn't wearing his usual uniform and was instead wearing a plain white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and black sneakers. He searched around and noticed that a crowd had gathered around a man. He walked closer and realized that the man was actually Swift who was posing as a magician and was showcasing his tricks. Nice cover thought Michael as he passed in front of the crowd to make his presence known to his teammate.

As he walked, Michael also noticed some familiar faces in the crowd, like Noriko and the sisters, Cinia and Linia, both of who were currently talking to another girl. A very special girl at that too as she had no arms! He couldn't imagine what she had been through, trying to live without arms all her life must have been a terrible experience.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Bravo Bravo!" Zero cheered walking towards 13. "You really know how to entertain your audience." He smiled looking around at the mayhem him and 13 were causing. Zero took a deep breath as if he was looking at a beautiful scenery. Well to him it was a work of art but to your average everyday person it was straight hell. The thought of raising more hell excited Zero signalling him to just go on a mindless rampage and kill civilians.

Before he could start his rain of horror he received a message from West a fellow and well trusted New Breed. Zero examined the text and images and closed his phone. "Ana! We have another mission and this time instead of finding money we have to actually kill someone to succeed in it. Follow me and we'll be on our way to the site to meet up with West." He stated retrieving his phone and responding to West's text. We're on our way.

He know he told 13 to follow him but he just always pocks her up and carries her so that's what he unconsciously did. Zero floated himself and her to the park and descended onto the ground so they wouldn't look too suspicious. Although him and 13 are well know for their chaos so its impossible to not recognize two shady characters. Plus 13 being painted in blood didn't help their cover so well. "West! We are here point out the targets from the photo and we'll get this party started!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 23 days ago

When Subject 115 saw Zero floating over the park hedges while carrying a girl, he scratched his head for a moment remembering it was probably one of them but as he saw Zero disappear behind the hedge of the park Subject 115 knew that he should follow Zero and that he did with a lot of caution using his phantasm-like abilities to turn himself almost incorporeal.

Subject 115 ran along the street to where he found a gate and he ran strait through it without dificulty.

He became focused on finding where Zero had went and where they were all going to meet so he surveyed the park and looked around for Zero and his other comrade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia could tell that other New Breeds were approaching her. She couldn't have them interfere in the way they were planning. She closer her eyes as a few sticks floated around the ground towards the New Breeds who were approaching them. It was low enough that no one would notice all that quickly. It spelled out a message on the ground. "I am a Pedestrian." Was all the message said. Cia only hoped that they would get the hint and treat her as a random citizen. One of the sticks knocked on the foot of West and any others trying to help her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 23 days ago

Subject 115 had seen the sticks falling into a specific formation it entranced him but he snapped out of it then looked up and saw that to the side a girl with no arms was standing there, he approached to take a look at the sticks and when he kneeled down it read.

I am a pedestrian.

Subject 115 was confused to what she meant about this but he didn't think it meant he should talk to her but he stood there now the two of them looking at each other Subject 115 felt bad for the girl not having arms and he wanted to talk to the girl he knew he could use his phantasms to send a message like smoke in the air he didn't really understand but he decided to heed her no ill attention and he kept surveying the park for the others and keeping watch for any unwanted guests.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anastasia hadn't been quite finished when the male walked over and spoke to her, the scene around them unfolding in a terribly wonderful display of pure destruction that only came with a certain amount of hate. Where he was the real perpetrator to the destruction, it was Project 13 that scarred the minds and souls of those she saw and made them question what it was to be mortal and human fore she looked just like them - but she never died. Her skin warmed as he wrapped his arms around her and she nearly looked at him as if he was a male again, though Anastasia was always one to focus first on the mission and second of the pleasure that another's touch could bring her - the feeling of life took top priority after so long of existing. It had been three hundred years at the very least, but they had lost count just as she has ceased to count though on a certain day every year they brought her a cake and a test to see if they could grow her powers more than they had the previous year. Even now she had an ability she had never shown to Zero, and didn't plan to unleash yet since she was sure the other experimental teenagers of one of the later batches of projects would be able to comprehend what kind of monster the lab coats had created.

"Pie." Anastasia said the word once while they were in the air, her body held flesh against his while his arms wrapped around her body and carried her. The cold of the air froze the blood to her body and with the little clothing she wore and the hole in her dress, she did grow cold though she ignored it the best as she could. Of every other that had come to pass, Zero was the only one who dared to touch her, the others fearing if she would tear them limb from limb in a murderous rampage in response to the feeling of their touch. Even the scientists could not escape her when she really was determined. "I want pie when we're done." She said again when they landed, arms around one another for the steady landing. Her feet gently touched the grass of the park and she looked down at herself carefully, wondering if she should have stolen someone's clothes before they'd moved on. With the crowd watching the magician not too far away it was clear to see that she would be spotted easily, all covered in blood that wasn't entirely her own. "Find me something to wear." She whispered to Zero, moving away from him to hid in a small grove of trees where no one would see her for a time.

She needed to change if she was going to get close enough to them to be able to do damage before causing a real panic. The other side of the city was teaming with rescue missions though it was far enough from here that no one had noticed what it was that had happened and no one bothered to go looking for them. Anastasia was an albino from birth, therefore easily recognizable in a crowd because of her lack of pigmentation and the startlingly bright red eyes that made it look as if she was looking at others through two globes of frozen blood. There had been a man waiting for them not too far away as well and it was something she wanted to avoid for now, even if many of them were really just other agents sent by the laboratory. Zero and 13 were the primary strike team, the best fighters and most offensive of the entire program; the rest of them were just backup for them. Anastasia scoffed. As if they would need it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 23 days ago

As Subject 115 walked away from the girl without arms he saw Zero and the other girl who slid into a bush he casually walked over to area Zero and the girl were in and he stood there for a second thinking about what to say to themand how he could help because he could sense the blood that was rushing out from a bullet wound he though he might be able use the phantasm to absorb some of the blood it would be very unpleasant for Subject 115 to do this task because the blood has to go somewhere.

So he stood there for a minute or to thinking then he looked around his body he had a few wrapping around his arms because of some cuts that now were scars so he unwrapped some of the cloth around his wrist bit then put it back on because he realized Zero was gone so Subject 115 stood in front of the bush as Zero had been and waited for him but he decided he would hand the girl some of the cloth.


"Take some of this it will slow the bleeding"

He pushed some cloth under the bush as he kneeled pretending to tie his shoe, he stood back up and stepped away from the bush a bit to admire or as he thought of it survey the area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zero nodded at 13's request for clothing. It wouldn't be to hard to find a woman somewhere around the park. As he walked around searching for a suitable candidate a couple of sticks came in contact with his shoes. He stopped and read them. "Pedestrian...." He knew of only one person who was physical challenged and it would be easy to spot her out amongst a crowd. Zero stepped on the sticks getting rid of the message. Can't have no one reading it.

Zero wasn't having any luck and that angered him. Without a second thought he just walked up to a woman that looked to be in her middle twenties and picked her up putting his hand over her mouth. "He he you can't get away from me that easily honey!" Zero shouted as if he was the young woman's husband. He had to get rid of any suspicion. When he arrived back to the trees he hurdled the young woman against the tree.

"Take your clothes off." Zero stated in his normally cold voice. He didn't care if it seemed odd or crazy as hell 13 asked for clothes and she was gonna get what she wanted. By now the woman would be screaming her head off if she could only open her mouth. This was obviously Zero's doing. She tried to run but was forced up against the tree by an unknown pressure.

If she wasn't gonna take her clothes off then Zero will. Seeing her naked didn't bother him or peeked his interest the slightest. He was only focusing on getting 13 clothes to wear. "You can come out know." Zero said raising his palm to the young woman and closing it choking her slowly. She already played her part and now she is useless to the both of them.

"After this mission we can get pie and go one on of those dates that I've been hearing about." He said waiting on Anastasia to finish changing. The clothes he brought her might be a bit big but he hopes she'll by pass that and wear them. After all he did kidnap someone instead of killing them on the spot which was not his style of work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Anastasia hid in the grove of trees, the bushes and shadows, trucks and leaves hiding her from view of the majority of the human population that passed by her while Zero was gone looking for something for her to wear now that she was already covered in blood belonging to both herself and the victims she had claimed back at the intersection. She paced quietly, long legs striding forward while bare feet tested the ground that she walked on and made sure that little was wrong with her body. Today she had moved the most that she had in the last two months, the previous days having been spent in recovery following weeks of test and experiments as they tried her limits and still found none to speak of. White hair spilled in waves over her shoulders though the voice of a man caught her attention and she strode over to where she thought she heard it come from.

He was offering her bandages, as if she was really hurt, and sliding them through the brush to her even if she didn't need them. "I'm not bleeding." She stated flatly, looking at him through a space in the branches, red finding dark eyes with little amusement and clearly no pain as she handed him back the bandages. Blood cakes her arm, and she would need water to clean off with before she mingled with the crowd though it wasn't too hard to brush off blood. It was a lot easier than mud or dust, that's for sure.

Zero returned after she had gone back to her pacing, a woman in his arms though she could see how dispassionate he was as he forced her to undress and tossed her clothes to 13 before choaking the life out of the human woman. "Perhaps next time you can find a nice dress." Anastasia said with a bemused smirk as she turned her back to the male and pulled the bloody dress off over her head. She was aware that he was attracted to her, though so were half of the other projects and plenty of the scientists though few of them ever dared to try to touch her outside of training or testing. It was a simple pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt, both dark colours that would easily hide smaller blood stains though they made her pale skin ghostly white and her hair flash without pigment of any kind. "Sure, why not. We haven't gone in a while." Anastasia turned back to the male, dressed and ready to continue their mission, though she figured she would need another change of clothes again soon with her tendency to get covered in blood.

Maybe if she sang she wouldn't get covered all the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 20 days ago

West's clones had been setting up around the park. He was able to have 3 clones a good enough distance from the crowd that they could shoot reliably, but not be seen. West had seen the others arrive, and was ready to fuck up some assholes. He walked away from the crowd, trying to keep as much attention off of himself as possible, and into a small convenience store nearby. The clones were aiming their guns at Shift, Noriko, and the shape-shifting Edelweiss twins. It was time to let all hell break lose. The clones fired in unison, getting off as many shots as they could, and then disappearing into thin air, except for one, which quickly ran to Zero and 13.

"Hello." He said, with his gun at his side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zero turned his attention towards the West clone. "Ahhh West its good to see you again. Now that we're all here we can deal with rebels in one blow." He states walking towards the clone. He was gonna inform him about Cia's little request but Zero was positive that they'd deal with the rebels without blowing her cover. "Lead the way old friend!" Zero happily shouted well his voice sound like he was bored but he was truly happy. The thrill of a promising fight was just around the corner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 23 days ago

((Ignore this))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Anastasia moved around them, having dressed and brushed off what she could of the blood and was about to go around them to the crowd not too far away from them in the park as if she was a normal citizen though as soon as the males spoke she turned toward them and reached over to touch Zero's shoulder. "Come. We have children to teach." Anastasia had never given many hints to how old she was, though even if she appeared simply a sixteen year old girl she was really several hundred. She'd existed since before any of them had been thought of, since the beginning of the experiments and even before that since they had taken her after she'd become already a monster.

The girl turned from them then, walking quietly toward the crowd as she arranged her face into a sweet smile full of wonder as she watched the magician. "Sir Magician? Where did you get your magical powers?" Anastasia recognized his face from the files she'd been shown and the boys she watched learning their powers. She never mingled with the others, only ever seeing Zero and West as they learned of the monsters powers and trained with her. They trusted her enough to work with her, but the scientists didn't trust her impulse control to allow her access to all of the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 23 days ago

Subject 115 was muttering angrily to himself when Anastasia decided to walk out and completely ignore his presence and now he was just ghosting them following along like a sheep following its shepherd.

"By all the god damn things I do..."

He began cursing quietly as he wrapped the cloth around his wrist again and followed them to where Anastasia decided to watch a magic show and she asked the magician what kind of powers he had.

"So this is how I get treated!"

He thought to himself as he crossed his arms in annoyance, this wasn't any way he should be treated he is a nightmare to all and a killer of men and women alike he consumed their souls and used them as phantasms and he had decided to follow these to on their romanticized walk he wanted no part of them as he tried to aid them he decided if they needed help they would have to deal with a problem themselves.

Subject 115 uncrossed his arms and blinked his cold dark eyes and turned the other way walking to where he wanted because Zero can fall in love with that wretch if he wanted to but of all the people him "Death" was not going to be the sheep he was the shepherd now he would lead himself.

So he walked himself over to the shade of a tall willow tree somewhere of the path but not far from it and he sat down and kicked his heels up so he could relax as he sat there in the shade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Espacole
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Espacole Deaths Pimp

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shift heard gun fire nearby and ignored it. This city being as bad as it was you often heard gunfire or see dead body's almost daily
Shift heard a new voice behind him asking, "Sir Magician? Where did you get your magical powers?"
He turned around seeing a young looking girl there. As Shift finished putting the last of his stuff in his bag he said, "They were given to me around three years ago. I have already used them for what I needed them for. Why do you want power too?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Michael Allpress

"Everything seems to be in order for the most part" Michael thought as he sat down on a nearby bench. "We are almost done patrolling this area I guess... Better move on to the ne-" sudden gunfire broke Michaels train of thought. He quickly ducked to cover himself, "What? They are here?" he thought while frantically searching for the source of the gunfire. He looked over at his fellow rebels to see if anyone had been wounded by the bullets, "Nori! Cinia! Linia! Watch out!" He shouted as he ran towards the crowd. "Hurry all, run! It isn't safe here!" he started yelling to the crowd, trying to disperse it.

Suddenly, another, different voice was heard. "Ahhh West its good to see you again. Now that we're all here we can deal with rebels in one blow. Lead the way old friend," a man shouted. Michael quickly turned to see to whom the voice belonged to, obviously a New Breed.

It didn't take much time for Michael to find the man as he and his friend seemed to not care much for concealing themselves. One was casually holding a gun in his hands while talking to his friend, who Michael assumed was a New Breed as well. "This is bad. It seems we are surrounded by them," he thought and searched for a way for them to get out of that mess. "I'll have to blind them somehow... I could use that!" "Guys, quickly fall back! Such an open gives them too many opportunities to strike us!" he said to his comrades.

Michael closed his eyes and concentrated on the the image of the construct and, as if commanded, light particles started gathering in his hands. After a few moments of gathering, "Blinding Light!" Michael would yell and the light particles gathered in his hand would burst forth, showering the immediate area with light, temporarily blinding for a few seconds whoever had their eyes directly on him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zero nodded following 13 but kept his distance. During their walk into the crowd he put his hoodie back over his head. He knows not many people know what he looks like but he had to keep the attention on him low. Plus he was walking with three other people that already looked a bit suspicious to some of the citizens amongst the crowd. When he looked back Subject was increasing the distance between them. "Subject don't go to far I don't plan on killing them just yet I want to have a little fun."

"Find a Rebel and choose your target out of them." Zero said as 13 already interacted with the rebel known as Shift. He noticed someone attempting to blow their cover. "Someone handle him I'll go search for my desired targets." It didn't take him anytime to find the twins Linia and Cinia. Killing one of them at a time seemed like a wonder full idea. "I'm gonna get in range of my targets you guys do he same." Zero stated walking in the twins direction."

As he got closer he noticed Cia conversating with them. She was being the perfect distraction for him. Zero walked up behind the twins and raised his palm lightly placing it on Linia's back. Cia would most likely recognize the hooded man was Zero. "Its nice to meet you two. Now you can watch each other die....." Zero closing his hand instantly destroying a couple of Linia's ribs. He was planning on killing the both of them slowly and painfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia and Cinia covered their eyes to block out the blinding light that was created by Micheal. Before Zero had a chance to break Linia's ribs she changed form into that of Big Foot. The attack had failed and Linia was rather angry looking at this point. "You don't just attack us." Linia said in a very manly sounding voice now. Cinia meanwhile also changed forms into a Velociraptor and quickly lunged at Zero in an attempt to bite his arm. Cinia's velociraptor form was very vicious in nature and wouldn't stop untill she subdued their enemey or found a chance for the two to run.

Cia meanwhile started to run as to keep her look as pedestrian up. However she was blinded by the light and tripped onto her face. "Help!" She yelled hoping that one of the rebels would help her escape with them. She was a defenseless citizen to the rebels, helping her would be required by them if they wanted to keep being seen as 'Good'. Cia had a plan to attack one of them when she got a chance but she didn't want to do so before knowing their plan first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riku was walking along the streets passing by magic show in the that just ended. He turned into the park to maybe see if there would be another show, but about half way to the show Riku heard gun shots and then was blinded by a light. He thought he had just died at first but when he could finally see again he looked around and saw a guy wearing a dark hooded coat being attacked by big foot and a velociraptor?

Riku was knew what was going on from that point the scientists sent their little pets to collect the strays. "Let's see how this play out shall we..." Riku said as he walks over to a bench and sits down ready to watch the fun.
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