Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GodOfWar
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GodOfWar Originally Bloodied

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Heretic LINK
Energy 9/10
Heretic finally opened his eyes at the sound of his name. The sun pierced his retinas, and caused the young operative to try and adjust after resting his eyes for such a long period of time. Painstakingly sitting up, Heretic gave a tired glare at Brick, who had seemed to be the one who wanted a word with him.
"Y-yeah? What?", Heretic murmured, his physical tremors starting to settle down to no more than prominent shakes and shivers. He wasn't really in the mood to have a serious talk after the trials he'd been through, but he'd rather just get it over with than have to talk about it with Nickelback at the base.
Another light caught the young man's gaze, that of a distant military transport plane descending overhead. Heretic, limping over to where the majority of his teammates were standing, called back to Brick. "We can talk about it in the lift!", his shouting was hard to hear over the roar of the transport's engines, so Heretic wished Brick atleast got the main idea.
Lifting himself into his seat, Heretic groaned as he fell into a daze, looking out to seemingly nowhere inside the huge transport. He had busted his ass on this mission, went pyschoatic, and was going to get a talking-to either way. He just wanted to end the day so he could sleep in his apartment at A.E.G.I.S., away from the thoughts of burning cheerleaders and forehead scars.
Heretic didn't even notice they were in the air when the New Assignment Options appeared. His mind was not currently cognitive enough to discern the English language at the moment, so Heretic absent-mindedly selected the Greek countryside operation. All he got was that is was a rural setting, like Mongolia. He didn't really care to continue reading the remaining information.
At the same time, Heretic focused his attention on Brick, whom he had not even notice enter the plane. Finally acknowledging the Texan with a nod, Heretic gave him an accepting wave then added, "So what did you want to talk about, quarterback?"
+1 Energy
  • Heretic boarded the transport
  • Heretic Voted for; Mutated humans stalking the Greek countryside; source unknown
  • Heretic continued his conversation with Brick

Acquired Equipment
  • Gas Mask (Immunity to Disoriented status effect)
  • AEGIS Body Armour (+4 Defence)
  • Energy Cell (One time Energy boost of 5 on a single target when used, may be used on yourself or another character)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rocksmith - [LINK]
Energy: 5/10
40 / 10 / 12
Fans: 0

Upon seeing the approaching aircraft, Rocksmith knew they would be heading back to base where Nickelback was most likely going to give him an earful for bringing down a helicopter. However, upon boarding the plane, 3 new missions made themselves known. Rocksmith voted for the London mission. Steam powered robots were a lot safer than an angry Nickelback. After voting for a mission, Rocksmith grabbed a comm link, a med kit, an energy cell, and a stun baton. Once everything was safely stashed in his hammer space chord, Rocksmith settled in for the flight.

+1 Energy
No status effects are currently affecting Rocksmith.
Board the plane, vote for the London mission, and grab some gear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Psy-Warp [Link]
Energy: 7/10

Violet saw the approaching transport and dimmed down rather quickly thinking that she was heading straight back to her quarters after such a short outing. It had looked like that while she got herself into a seat at least until the new missions showed themselves which returned her to a more positive mood knowing she could do more instead of sitting in the base waiting. She really hated waiting with nothing besides training or otherwise to fill the time because it left her bored and where she was bored nothing good could come of it. She flipped through the missions reading a little realizing there were some questions she was going to need help filling in the blanks on but the mission in London was pretty crystal clear even for her. Her reaction to the mutants in Greece was not particularly good bring back bad memories and making her want to choose either of the other options except it which she did because the robot attack seemed more pressing. And as for the villages...

"Where's Siberia?" Violet asked clearly having no idea at all where it was on the map.

Gear: Commlink(10% extra Teamwork xp), 2xEnergy cell(+5 Energy on use once), Medkit(One time healing equal to the user's Defence on a single target, may be used on yourself for 1/2 effect)

No status effects present.

Action: Vote for the London mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deimos link
Energy 2/10
15 / 5 / 13

Deimos was glad to be in the jet, chopper, place thing. Gods she was still tired. Maybe next time, if she ever saw that Demon Queen girl woman thing again, she could warn her to be more careful with mortal bodies. But, chances where slim, since she didn't know anything about the woman to be fair. Then, the new opperations available appeared, and she quickly passed off Siberia. They could send the Yeti Squad to that frozen tundra. And Greece was way to far right now. Which, led to home. And Cybermen, apparently.

Not giving it any thought, she just hit the London mission, and then leaned back to catch whatever sleep she could before the mission ahead took them to England, home of Tea and Crumpets. And more importantly, home to her.

+2 energy

Action: Vote for London Mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 15 days ago

Energy: 5/10
26 / 7(10) / 3(8)

Brick took a seat by heretic and tried to keep the fire out of his mind as he talked, slow and careful with his drawl a little thicker than usual. He worked the rock like clay in his hands to keep them occupied as well as focus his powers.
Lets skip on past the most obvious of 'what' happened up there, you did what you did and ain't nothing to do about it. What I gotta figure is 'when' is it going to happen again, can we rely on you to do that in every scrap? We got way too lucky too many times in this last dustup for my say-so, I'm just trying to get a feel for what going to happen next.

I'm willing to put my neck on the line and call a lot of heat off of you and on the music of hells bitches to make you not able to stop it. But, can you get your head around it from now on? Or, do we need to put you down if that happens again?

He really didn't want to start a conflict on a plane going mach 10, but he had to try and get things together to work with everyone. While heretic chewed on his answer for a second, he addressed everyone else.

"We got lucky folks and we were seriously caught with our pants down a few times. Even if you don't want to listen to me, at least listen to someone else on the team. Whichever mission we take next, I'd like to see two and three work together.

Now i don't feel like freezing my rocks off in Russia chasing after Baba Yaga and her chicken hut just yet. So that leaves mutants in the wild or robots in london. I say we go save some more lives against robots we know we can go nuts on, but if anyone wants to let loose and go crack some heads across the countryside, then off to Greece it is. With our luck, all those greek mutants will probably be like the stuff in books like minotaurs and harpies.

He selected London and waited for any responses from anyone. If the assistance option came up, he'd select Fan-dancer with a blush on his unmasked cheeks to help protect the people now that they had at least something resembling a second medic on the team. He also selected Ironside, if they were going to take on robots, her nanotech could be a keystone to victory, but if they are steam driven then the lack of higher tech might be unreachable to her techniques.

<+2 Energy| Armoured! +3 Defence
<Action: rest>
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Flare - LINK
Energy: 10/10
50 / 3(7) / 8

Flare climbed into the helicopter relieved that the mission was finally over, short lived relief however as they were greeted with three more hotspots that need attending. The London mission seemed the easiest of them, though he didn't know how well he could melt through metal. Assuming they would once again receive some sort of support. He would select Fandancer, Nightingale had helped them enough and she deserved some sort of rest. He listened to Brick's speech, he was right in some respects, though for the most part they had actually worked together rather well. Just a few deviations from the plan here and there.

Gear: AEGIS Body Armour(+4 defense), Power-Draining Handcuffs, Energy Cell(+5 energy on use), Comlink(10% teamwork EXP)
-Vote for London mission
-Vote for Fandancer
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod
Energy: 10/10
25 / 3(6) / 12(14)

Swooping up into the transport plane Bea reached up and unhooked her headgear. "Well, that seemed to go as smoothly as ever," she said to the rest of the party, a playful grin spreading over her lips as she unfastened her jetpack and clipped it into the recharging station set into the hull. "Perhaps next time we should try stopping the mind-controlled hostages before they steal all the loot?"

With chilly glares suddenly pinned her to the wall Bea sighed heavily as she took a seat and pulled out some bubblegum to chew on. "Geez guys, lighten up. It's not like this is the first time something unexpected has happened on a mission to throw a spanner in the works, and I doubt it'll be the last." Turning her own gaze down at her datapad the aviatrix quickly scanned the next intel coming in from base, and suddenly her face flushed.

"Goddamit! I thought I'd already taken care of that guy," she hollered quickly pulling up information on the 'steam-powered robots' stalking through London. "If it's tech he's after, I'll give him a show of some real tech!" Quickly tapping her pad Bumblebee sent an urgent comms request through to Ironside, the agency's resident technological marvel, before moving over to the equipment rack and helping herself to some new gear.

Gear: Energy Cell (+5 Energy on use), AEGIS Pistol (+2 Attack), Commlink (+10% Teamwork XP), Gas Mask (Disorientated immunity)

Vote for London mission
Vote for Ironside support
Bumblebee is now Armed! - +2 Attack to basic attacks
Bumblebee equips Gas Mask! - Immune to Disorientated status effect
Bumblebee equips Commlink! - +10% XP for combined attacks
Bumblebee equips Energy Cell! - +5 Energy on use
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: London, Greater London, UK
Terrain: Urban
Threat Level: Medium

  • Mechanical automata, seemingly powered by 'primitive' combustion engines

Additional Information:
  • Area has been quarantined and civilians evacuated, but property damage should be avoided if possible.

Operatives Available:
  • Fandancer
  • Nightbeast
  • Ironside
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deimos link
Energy 4/10
15 / 9 / 13

Deimos woke up as the plan was getting ready to touch down, and quickly scanned the equipment before she had to get off. She grabbed some body armour, a comlink, a gas mask - so if Brick got throw happy with the Flashbangs again, it wouldn't screw her over this time - and then, because weaponry really wasn't her, as many spare mags as she could. Being the pack-mule for ammo would probably pay off, eventually. She doubted anyone else would have the mind to grab some of them, merely expecting that the guns would have bottomless clips. Then she voted for the interesting 'Ironside' supporter, because it was the best name, in her opinion. Finally, kitted out like a champ, she turned to head off the ship, and batter some robots at in home sweet home.

+2 energy

Equipment taken:
Gas Mask! - Immune to Disorientated status effect
Commlink! - +10% XP for combined attacks
AEGIS Body Armour(+4 defense)
Extra Clips

Action: Vote for Ironside
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rocksmith - [LINK]
Energy: 10/10
40 / 10 / 12
Fans: 0

When the plane flew past Big Ben, Rocksmith knew he was back in the UK. It felt good to be home, but the fact that steampunk robots were tearing up the place cheesed him off to no end. Rocksmith gripped his guitar tightly as he awaited the coming battle.

+5 Energy
No status effects are currently affecting Rocksmith.
Get ready for the landing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genni
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Genni Mistress's Lil Plaything

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mission #2, Encounter #1 - Stock Market Crash

The sun was dipping below the horizon as the transport swung down low over Hyde Park, the site of the military Forward Operating Base set up to deal with the mass evacuation of the City of London. As the cargo ramp lowered Nightingale moved over to the cage containing their prisoners, who seemed to already be stirring from their drug-induced slumber. "I can't leave them unattended," she said to the rest of the team as she watched them disembark, all apart from Sigma who for some reason seemed to have completely frozen up. "I'll stay onboard and make sure they don't cause any trouble on the flight back. Ironside should be already on-site, if you can find her."

Dusting off the transport left the team standing in the middle of the makeshift army base as soldiers hurried around them. For a major disaster sight the place seemed awfully calm, but on the horizon plumes of smoke rising into the darkening sky spoke of danger not too far away. The team weren't waiting for long enough for it to weight on their mind though as the silver-skinned engineer apart among the crowd, waving over to the party.

"Glad you could make it," she said with a smile, "I heard they had to pull you guys off a bank job to help out with this little invasion." Ironside almost made the evacuation of a major city a trivial thing, but as the team watched several of her duplicates flew overhead carrying mechanical components. In seconds they reassembled a tank right there in the middle of the park before moving over to Ironside and flowing back into her like droplets of mercury melting together.

"We've got the main body of robots pinned down in Threadneedle Street, near the Bank of England and the Royal Stock Exchange." The cyborg reported as a hologram map of the area suddenly sprung to life in the air in front of her, projected from a lens set in her... umm, 'mid-right chest'. "The plan is to go in, smash them all to pieces and then recover the memory core from one of the scrap piles to see if we can work out where they're coming from. Should be a nice easy run."

It didn't take long for Ironside to rustle up a couple of transport trucks and load the party up, and with the soldiers saluting the brave heroes the party set off into the city, speeding down empty road until the finally ground to a halt just around the corner from their destination. The air was filled with the ominous clicking and whirring of clockwork mechanisms and no-one needed to be told that they were in the heart of the enemy held territory now and as the party disembarked from their vehicles a 15 foot tall mechanical monster suddenly appeared around the corner.

For a moment its optics ground around as it scanned over the interlopers before finally with a cranking wheeze it sounded a bellowing cry and with its fists sparkling to life it began pounding down the road towards the party. "Take cover!" Ironside calls out as she quickly hardens her body to its maximum protective form, standing her ground in front of the oncoming metal giant.

The party are in the middle of an open plaza, with old-fashioned pillared buildings surrounding them. In the middle of the plaza a metal warrior is charging towards them, its fists sparkling with electrical energy.

Callsign: Mechtrooper
Role: Blitzer
Power Origin: Tech
Power Set: <UNKNOWN>

Mechtrooper 1
Stats: ? / ? / ?
Energy: ?

The street is abandoned with a few empty cars and vans parked at the roadside and the security shutters rolled down on the shop window fronts. Several cast iron statues gaze down unmoved by the presence of the automatons stalking by.

Angela 'Ironside' Spica - [LINK]
Energy: 8/10
25 / 1(21) / 1

Ironside is currently Metamorphed - +20 Defence
Ironside is currently Upgraded - All party members get +4 Attack for each equipped weapon and +4 Defence for each equipped piece of armour

Action: Metamorph - +20 Defence

@rush99999 Rocksmith
@SimplyJohn Bumblebee
@Eklispe Flare
@knighthawk Brick
@GodOfWar Heretic
@General Scales Psy-Warp
@KabenSaal Deimos
@Shadowman215 Void
@Leolycan Vex
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SimplyJohn
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SimplyJohn Static Generator

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Beatrice 'Bumblebee' McLeod
Energy: 9/10
25 / 3(14) / 12(18)

Not waiting to be told a second time Bumblebee slams her hand down on her jetpack controls, shooting up high into the air to remain as far from the mechanical monster as she can. It doesn't appear to be armed with any ranged weapons, but Bumblebee knows better than to take appearances for granted, the entire thing could be one giant rocket designed just to shoot her out of the air.

Gear: Energy Cell (+5 Energy on use), AEGIS Pistol (+2 Attack), Commlink (+10% Teamwork XP), Gas Mask (Disorientated immunity)

Bumblebee is currently Armoured! +3 Defence - Upgraded! - +4 Defence
Bumblebee is currently Armed! (AEGIS Pistol) +2 Attack - Upgraded! - +4 Attack

Action: Float Like A Butterfly - Energy -1, Bumblebee is now Levitating! - +4 Defence
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rocksmith - [LINK]
Energy: 4/10
40 / 10 / 12
Fans: 0

As he watched the mechanical monstrosity charge forward, a voice started speaking on Rocksmith's comm. "Road crew here" the roadie on the other end said "We're all set backstage, Rocksmith. You can start the show anytime you like".
"Alrighty then" Rocksmith said as he held his guitar by it's neck "LET'S ROCK!". With that said, Rocksmith charged the Mechtrooper head on. Rocksmith dragged his guitar along the ground, kicking up sparks and causing the guitar to heat up quickly. A few seconds before reaching the Mechtrooper, Rocksmith played the jump chord and leaped to the head height of the robot. As he passed the head, Rocksmith slammed his guitar into the Mechtrooper's face, knocking a few screws loose and leaving quite a dent. Rocksmith rolled to break his fall as he landed behind the robot. As he stood, Rocksmith turned to see what his team mates would do.

+0 Energy
No status effects are currently affecting Rocksmith.
Rocksmith is currently carrying a comm link, a med kit, a stun baton, and an energy cell.
Use Guitar Smash on the Mechtrooper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kyosuke 'Vex' Namada
Energy: 7/10
35 / 7 / 11

Having settled into the back of the group, Vex continued to keep his eyes open, hid hands idly fiddling over the pommels of his blades. Despite the mechanically inclined setting around him, he couldn't help but feel out of place in this foreign land. Still, he'd remain silent, keeping his thoughts to himself while idly trailing behind the others.

As the sounds of an approaching automaton rung throughout the streets, Vex would awaken from his day dream as his eyes settled upon the towering machine-giant. Curing under his breath as Ironside called out, Vex would duck away behind the nearest obstacle, glaring at the machination as he triggered his AI.

Equipment: Comlink, Energy Cell x1, Gasmask, Power-draining Handcuffs x1


Action: Vex activates RETINA targeting Mechtrooper -3 Energy
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Psy-Warp [Link]
Energy: 10/10

Violet looked at the rather large mechanical thing charging them, she didn't have the words to fully describe it, and watched at several of her teammates sprung into action though only one engaged the hostile directly. If the mission had not stated to not cause property damage if possible she probably would have already thrown a car or truck at it but she decided against it because she really wanted to stay outside of the base for as long as possible and doing the opposite of that would probably be bad. So lacking other options she decided on throwing up a barrier around the machine to keep it in place so they could pound on it a bit easier.

Gear: Commlink(10% extra Teamwork xp), 2xEnergy cell(+5 Energy on use once), Medkit(One time healing equal to the user's Defence on a single target, may be used on yourself for 1/2 effect)

No effects present.

Action: Use TK Barrier to contain the robot and protect allies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Deimos link
Energy 6/10
15 / 13 / 13

Deimos was, quite amazed by the giant monster, after the briefing she had been given, She wasn't expecting anything more than robots that where nowhere near that size. But, their assitant, Ironside, seemed very well prepared to stand and defend, which was not good. Invincibility lay within defence, the chance of victory lay within attack. So, when Ironside seemed to do some sort of, defense mode, Deimos picked her up, and threw her at the robot. Her super defence form would work to make her the perfect projectile, hitting hard like a woman shaped bullet, and not getting hurt by the impact.

Gas Mask! - Immune to Disorientated status effect
Commlink! - +10% XP for combined attacks
AEGIS Body Armour(+4 defense) (Upgraded +4)
Extra Clips

Action: Use Prototype Projectile System with Ironside against Mechtrooper
1x Like Like 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
Avatar of Eklispe

Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Flare - LINK
Energy: 10/10
50 / 3(11) / 8(14)

Flare looked in amazement at the massive size of the robot, for some reason he had been expecting something a little more human sized. Ironside's advice seemed sound so he moved to the side. He was surprised when Demios suddenly thrown Ironside into the robot. Considering how the robot was held in a TK barrier that be unwise. However it would also be convenient for this- Flare caused the area around the robot but inside the sphere to explode in heat. The barrier should cause the explosion to be condensed dealing more damage to the robot than usuall. Hopefully Ironside was amoured enough she wouldn't be hurt.

Gear: AEGIS Body Armour(+4(8) defense), Power-Draining Handcuffs, Energy Cell(+5 energy on use), Comlink(10% teamwork EXP), Pistol(+2(6) atk)

Flare is currently

-Cause area around robot to spontaneously combust creating an explosion inside TK sphere
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GodOfWar
Avatar of GodOfWar

GodOfWar Originally Bloodied

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Heretic LINK
Energy 10/10
Heretic did in-fact chew on his answer to Brick, and it apparently chewed back. The answer was inevitable, he couldn't control Kharn consciously, but to confess was to enroll himself in death row. So he stayed quiet the whole way back, staring into the distant like the lunatic he was. Heretic didn't even notice the large figure of Big Ben as the plane rounded itself to the army base.
Now, sitting within the cramped space of the military truck, Heretic positioned his AEGIS body armor to sit more comfortably over his common clothing. A Gas-mask accompanied the vest, concealing Heretic's blood-shot eyes, and an energy cell hung from his belt. He had acquired all this equipment from the Flying Fortress the party had currently departed from, and while looking over it all, Heretic almost missed the prominent sight of the charging auto-maton. "Well, what a nice welcome...", Yuki hissed, climbing out of the truck and crudely facing the enemy.
A large psychic dome engulfed the charging steampunk, and with members dashing left and right, Heretic complied with the only thought that seemed reasonable.
'Lift your hand...', the idea traveled from Heretic's consciousness to his muscles, and bringing his palm to extend away from himself, the stoic operative conjured an oversized longsword into his now clenched fist. God, was it heavy, he was so used to being 9' 6" and wielding this weapon like a petite baton. Now, the murdering blade towered over the young man, seemingly taunting him with it's presence. Resolving his commands upon the legendary tool, Heretic brought it's warping edge to face the raging robotic terrorist. Another opponent, another sin.
+1 Energy
  • Heretic departed from the military transport
  • Heretic used Hell-Forged Blade

Status Effects
  • Heretic is Armed (+4 Damage)
  • Heretic is Armored

  • Gas Mask (Immunity to Disoriented status effect)
  • AEGIS Body Armour (+4 Defence)
  • Energy Cell (One time Energy boost of 5 on a single target when used, may be used on yourself or another character)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
Avatar of knighthawk

knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 15 days ago

Energy: 10/10
26 / 7(15) / 3(8)

Rick clapped his hand on Heretic's shoulder reassuringly before rising up and stepping away. He took the flight time to raid the locker, tossing the tattered rags away for a stand-in suit and replacing the SWAT vest for AEGIS Armor. He was so glad his request was finally being fulfilled for proper equipment, any of this would have made things much easier an hour ago. He set an earbud in before replacing the gasmask with a grenade to need such protection from then setting a medkit on the small of his back since there would be no nightingale to keep them standing and watched as a stun baton magnetically clung to his thigh.
He disembarked with the rest of the crew with a bit more warriors mentality than before now that he had a real weapon and armor over on-site acquisition. He looked around and was struck with a sense of wonder for being in London, not in California mere hours ago. The utterly curvaceous look of Ironhides several selves literally pouring herself into one was mesmerizing no matter how often he saw it.
"So, do we get to take the tank?"
Apparently not as they were put onto a truck heading in while all others were escorted out, he tried to make efforts to sit close by to the AI if possible to the sitting arrangements. With limited information, he tried to think of plans to combine abilities and powers for the fight ahead.

Coming into the empty square struck him with a wave of Kenopsia that this place should be thundering with life, not screaming silence.

That feeling soon vanished with the heavy thud of an automoton nearly three times his size. Before he could call off any commands, everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, but they were at least doing it well.

Ironside made herself into the closest target, only to be thrown at the robot as a special fastball of some kind. That left him to become the new defensive line as he took a three point pose and drew up the pavement under his feet. Now he had a few ideas.

"Good start everyone! Bumblebee, we need eyes up high if you can put anyone on a roof. Ironside, throw a monkeywrench in the gears! Flare, nice start now keep it even and lets see if we can blow its radiator! Ass kickers, lets pin-cusion this thing in its joints to give Bumblebee a target or two for a lightning rod. I'm going to try and trap it in place in a few seconds, Keep that shield up!

<+1 Energy>
<No status effects are currently affecting Rocksmith.>
EQUIPMENT Gas Mask (Disorientated immunity), AEGIS Armor (Armored, +4 Defense), Stun grenade (2 direct damage and Disoriented), AEGIS Stun baton (Energy-based Attack of 4, Stuns target if Defence exceeded), Power-Draining Handcuffs (Applies Exhausted status effect), Commlink (+10% Teamwork XP), Medkit (One time healing equal to the user's Defence on a single target, may be used on self for 1/2 effect),

Brick is currently Armoured! +4 Defence - Upgraded! - +4 Defence
Brick is currently Armed! (AEGIS Stun baton) 4 Attack - Upgraded! - +4 Attack
<Action: Stoneskin (+5 Attack)>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
Avatar of Shadowman215

Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vaerin "Void" Ulerrad

Void sat next to Psy-Warp in silence as the airborne transport flew them to London, he was loading up on supplies to ensure a safe trip, two energy cells, and a medkit along with a comm-link. The battles were getting crazy already and hardly anyone has been detained. Whatever was going on, it caused global pandemonium, and before he noticed. they were off to London, he hadn't even voted, a note to self was to focus more often. As the craft landed he dismounted and followed Psy-Warp into the land vehicle and made sure she wasn't launched as it sped off. When they reached the deployment area and saw the giant mech, he chuckled as he stepped from the vehicle, armor pieces locking in as his suit reformed. "Beatrice, do you know who made these? And advice to all: Aim for the joints, a common weakspot." he said as he started to displace the machines position in Reality with a vortex. Whilst he stood guard near Psy-Warp. "Alright everyone, keep it frosty let's do this!"


Action: Use Distortion Vortex on Mechtrooper 1. Mechtrooper 1 is now Distorted (-25% atk and def) and Marked (Vaerin can now teleport to the marked target within three turns.)

No effects are on this unit.
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