Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 25 min ago

Name: Lewis Blake
Identification/Serial Number: CN-2002
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Role: Squad Leader
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Nickname: Blues

Psychological Analysis:
A straight-laced and by the books man, Blake has a no-nonsense demeanor and is a highly competent stormtrooper. Calm, collected, and tough as nails, Blake is able to maintain his cool under fire, and is capable of operating at peak efficiency in high stress situations, Blake is very strong willed, if a bit stubborn. Blake has no patience for incompetence, and won't hesitate to call out troops under his command.

Military Record:
Born and raised in Anaxes, the second son of a Naval officer and a civilian mother, Blake Lewis was always living in the shadow of his older brother. Both sons were highly competent in school, but the Lewis family could only afford to send one son to the Imperial Academy for officer training. As such, the older son was sent to the Imperial Naval Academy. Instead, Blake signed up for the Stormtrooper corps.

At the training center on Anaxes, Blake endured several brutal years of training, and was noted as having knack for making up more unorthodox, but effective techniques on the fly. With such high promise, Blake graduated near the top of his class, with high levels of mastery for marksmanship as well as infantry tactics. Blake was deployed to the 24th Battalion.

During his short year tour with the 24th Battalion, Blake showed his potential as a capable infantryman over the course of multiple small campaigns against pirate factions and mercenary raiders. With a recommendation from his commanders, Blake was slotted for promotion.

After a short leave period, Blake was reassigned to the 121st Assault Battalion. Put in the position of squad corporal, second in command of an infantry squad. While with the 121st, Blake took part in the Raksesh Campaign. This was a battle which took place as the 121st, as well as two Battalions of Imperial Army troopers attempted to destroy a coalition of pirates known as the Raksesh, who had entrenched themselves on Utapau. Cut off from reinforcements and facing the destruction of battlegroup, the beleaguered Imperial forces were forced into employing a risky plan. Using a diversionary tactic, the Imperial Army forces rushed the enemy lines, while the 121st deployed its troopers to destroy enemy command units and key structures.

During the attack, Blake assumed control of his squad as their leader was shot and killed. The success of the 121st resulted in the destruction of the the pirate command structure as well as several other important munitions stockpiles and vehicle bays. Without the leadership keeping the pirate factions in line, the resulting infighting and disarray allowed the remaining Imperial forces to hold out long enough for a relief fleet to reinforce them.

Following this victory, Blake was assigned Squad leader of the 2nd squad in Bravo Company's 1st Platoon.

- DLT-20A
- SE-14r
- Stormtrooper Armor - Blue Pauldron
- Thermal Detonators
- Electrobinoculars
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Name: N/A
Identification/Serial Number: CT-225999
Rank: Sergeant
Role: Drill Sergeant, train rookies. Increase squad effectiveness.
Age: Technically 28.
Gender: Male
Nickname: Bossman or just Boss by those lower than him, others call him Triple Nine, and those that don't know him call him CT-225999

Psychological Analysis: Boss has the standard characteristics of a Fett Clone, loyal to the Empire without a fault. Disciplined, well trained. Can be independent or work well in a team. Though years off fighting, like with most clones, has changed him from the generic template. Having worked in the Outer Rim sieges quite often seeing plenty of "Shiny" clones coming through he soon got fed up of dealing with new recruits.

That being said, they were his brothers and he didn't want to see them die. So in his role as Sergeant he took to training them to make them the best he could, combat ready. That didn't mean he went easy on them, in fact his bossy and controlling nature got him his nickname for those of higher ranks would often, sarcastically, retort with a "Yes Boss."

He's still fiercely loyal to the Empire, however thinks the idea of taking on general Human recruits into the Army let alone the Stormtrooper corps is a mistake. A once great war machine becoming sloppy and undisciplined, he wants to do the best he can to make it great again.

That doesn't mean he'll go easy on anybody though.

Military Record: Began training ten years before the outbreak off the Clone wars on Kamino, underwent much the same Clone Cadet program as everyone else. Later moving on to be trained by Mandalorian Mercenaries and then fight in the battle of Geonosis, where his bossy nature was first recorded. From Geonosis he moved throughout the outer rim in the 121st Mobile Infantry, quite often being deployed with tanks and other heavy equipment.

Assigned to Padawan Koren Omi-Ren and his master Tareal Roanda he began to shine with a more direct control. Taking a liking to the Jedi in the same way he would to many of the clones under his command. Feeling that he could help shape the boy into a better soldier. Something Tareal did not approve off however she could not stop it, having no real reason for having CT-225999 reassigned, or not a good one in a time of war at least. This continued for the suspiciously few years that the war raged, until Order 66 game into effect. Most of the clones had an inbuilt inhibitor chip inbuilt into them, CT-225999 was no exception. However, truth be told. He wouldn't have needed his to fulfill the order. Order 66 was more programming than an actual order, a phrase when uttered bringing forth commands that couldn't really be rejected easily (Especially with an inhibitor chip). Though under the belief that the Chancellor could do no wrong, nor could the republic he trained his weapon on the traitor and fired. The Jedi master wasn't so easily taken down, he lost part of his left forearm in the process.

The war over, and re-assigned (With a new "robotic" arm) CT-225999 spent most of his time as a drill Sergeant, first in pacifying operations as the New Order gained it's footing and then later ensuring that these new Standard recruits were upto par. An impossible task, Clones were the way to do things. These New Guys would never be a fully functional fighting force, especially with the occasional traitor running off on some fools errand.

He's served with the 121st since it's inception, his lack of a real right hand making him unacceptable to be transferred to one of the full clone divisions still in existence, so he has to deal with the regular recruits.

The ones who take the name Stormtroopers and then disgrace the armour...


- Stormtrooper armour: Regular variation, in down time wears old Clone Offduty attire.
- DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle: Primary weapon off choice.
- DC-17 Blaster Pistol: Relic of a time long past, probably one of the few still in service. If lost it's gone.
- 2x Thermal Grenades, 1x Ion "Droid Popper": Droids still cause problem, it's better to be prepared.
- 1x Standard Field Medic Equipment: In several patches throughout his belt.
- Trained to use, but does not carry unless necessary a PLX-2M launcher.
- He sometimes mentions his old clone armour, though as he's always been in the military not much stock is put in this as he has never had much shore leave to put it anywhere else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Harold, Norman D.
Identification/Serial Number: FB- 2758
Rank: Corporal
Role: Riflemen
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Nickname: "Stormin' Norman" D.

Psychological Analysis: Apon leaving the academy Norman could be described as eager and disciplined, ready to serve the galactic empire. However, his stationing on Felucia during the final reclamation of the the planet which began with end of the clone wars turned him into a less disciplined trooper but much more resilient and effective one. His relatively short time of eight months saw Norman passed between seven different squads and put together with greener and greener recruits being thrown into the maw that was that brutal planet. While still intensely loyal to the empire Norman will not hesitate to break regulations if it means him surviving a little bit longer. While he was reprimanded several times and given a psych evaluation it was determined he no longer cares for indigenous people nor new recruits. He was deemed fit for service and rotated off world but kept in the outer rim as his attitude is one that imperial commanders like to have in the corps. He severely distrusts droids, recruits, and any of those not within the imperial hierarchy due to his time on Felucia.

Military Record: Norman was born on Coruscant during the Republic just before the on-set of the the Clone wars. As a child most of his time was spent at a boarding school near the senate building. For most of the time he can remember the Clone wars were in full swing and he was fed propaganda relating to the war. He was actually visitng the senate building as part of a school trip when chancellor Palpetine was given full emergency powers by the senate and later watched from his dorm as the jedi temple began smoking. In the time following these events Norman began to aquire an extreme distaste for the jedi and what they stood for. He also gained a fascination for the clone troopers and their distinction in combat.

When he was of age and the stormtrooper corps were opened up to non-clones Norman was the first person he knew to sign up. He was sent to the Academy of Carida for four years and endure brutal training as part of his induction into the corps. While he didn't graduate at the top of his class he was in the upper percentiles. For his early years of duty he saw little combat as he was station aboard a star destroyer in the core worlds. While this time is relatively of little note in comparison to his service on Felucia the star destroyer he was serving aboard was disabled by a explosion of unknown origin. It is speculated that the pacification of the ship was actually sabotage but no one in his platoon ever actually found out.

After the relatively uneventful stationing on the star destroyer his platoon was redeployed to Felucia to assist in a campaign against a reactivated series droid factories. It turned out that the factories could not be remotely deactivated due to the signal blocking properties of the indigenous mushrooms. The droids were the same that were fought during the clone wars and were thus reading all stormtroopers and those nearing the facility as the clone troopers they were made to fight. While all the troops were equipped with modern weapons and armor the equipment and vehicles were all surplus left over from the original clone siege of the planet. The most notable equipment was the now obsolete AT-TE's which their platoon was given several of as well as a plethora of "droid popper" EMP grenades. The initial attack which was supposed to take a week and knock out the B2 droid production was quickly stretched into a month long endevour which resulted in nearly half the platoon being wiped out by constant droid attacks. After being given fresh troops and an attachment of clones the next three months would play out relatively the same. The biggest change was however apon the second deployment against the droids when the indigenous peoples began participating in raids on the at this point several company sized assault.

Managing to make it out of all of these assaults by the skin of his teeth and the subsequent quelling of an uprising by Felcuians Norman was rotated off the planet but not before gaining his nick name. When the now near full recruit platoon was nearing the end of it's deployment they were sent into a set of villages to seize any weapons the aliens might have. Norman was always the first stormtrooper into the town and the first one into a building clearing it out. He was reprimanded for "storming" off ahead of the main force. The nickname stuck for the remainder of the deployment and he was then given a prompt psychological evaluation after his service there. It was decided that while still fit for duty he should be moved away from his current platoon given his disdain for the new guys that now filled the platoon.

Equipment: Stormtrooper Armor - Orange left shoulder Pauldron
DLT-20A blaster rifle (given to him during time on Felcuia out of necessity.)
SE-14r Sidearm
"Droid poppers" Electro Magnetic Pulse grenade
Occasionally a backpack with extra ammo for the squad.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Austronaut
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Name: Rayne, Myrinda
Identification/Serial Number: SO-8746924
Rank: Specialist
Role: Demolitions/Communications
Gender: Female
Nickname: Pips

Psychological Analysis:

Myrinda is an outgoing woman with an acerbic wit and a sardonic attitude. She enjoys the military life and the comradery which she finds in her units. Most especially she enjoys working with competent and professional people who are as good at their job as she is at hers. A veteran of several tours, Myrinda is often a little reserved with newcomers, but this frequently passes quickly as they demonstrate they have what it takes.

Myrinda has the artists ability to focus on a goal to the exclusion of all else, as a result she can be very intense. As a woman in the Imperial army she pushes herself twice as hard to demonstrate she is as tough as the men and can be a little sensitive about her gender. She is also famous for her transient interests, she becomes obsessed with something one week only to forget it the next in favor of some new fascination.

Myrinda’s critics point out that she seems to enjoy danger a little too much and the label adrenaline junkie has been bandied around. Her counter argument would be that she simply thrives in dangerous situations.

Military Record:

Myrinda comes from an old Alderanian military family. Although she grew to adulthood during the pacifist period, her father and grandfather would sometimes tell her stories of the battles they had fought and the worlds they had visited. Inspired and excited by these stories Myrinda enlisted in the Imperial Military at age 18.

Although her aptitude scores justified officer training, Myrinda, a woman and a ‘pacifist from a dissenting world’, was instead shuffled off to the infantry. Despite the brutal discipline and the punishing physical regime Myrinda loved infantry school. Here at last was an opportunity to prove what she could do. She pushed herself to excel in every field she could, from combat medicine to communications, studying long hours and eschewing the small social life available to Imperial recruits. Somewhat unwelcome in the regular infantry she was instead sent to specialist training. The trainers in the specialist schools were more interested in results than gender and Myrinda showed a flair for demolitions and communications both of which were in high demand due to the mortality rates in those professions.

After graduating second in her class she was assigned to a string of counter insurgency operations along the fringe of the Empire. Here she operated both with her unit and on detached service with Imperial Intelligence. She earned her reputation as a clever and resourceful trooper who was steady under fire.

Attrition during counter-insurgency was constant and after nearly two years of service Myrinda’s unit was depleted beyond its combat effective strength. Rather than being reinforced at the end of the campaign, it was instead broken up to provide specialist personnel for other units.

Stormtrooper Armor
E-11 Blaster Rifle
SE-14r Sidearm
Thermal Detonators
Demolitions Kit
Enhanced Commo Suite
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Jaya Vermill
Identification/Serial Number: ET-4920
Rank: Corporal
Role: Marksman, also the veteran presence amongst the squad.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Nickname: Smiles

Psychological Analysis: Jaya is distant in her demeanor, she is normally very quiet, though won't hesitate to lash out at someone if they are doing something wrong, especially the new recruits. Years of war have affected her emotionally and mentally, she tends not to create any connections with those that are in her squad as they more often than not end up dead, especially the new ones. Her demeanor towards them is already pessimistic, they'll more than likely end up in body bags, no reason to create more grief for herself.

She is what the Empire looks for in their soldiers, loyal to the cause and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. When in mission she puts it above everything else and lets nothing stand in the way from accomplishing a task. Jaya also has a high regard for the chain of command, she'll listen tirelessly to those that rank above her and will follow their orders to a precise point. Respect however, is something else for her, she values courage, but not to a suicidal degree. Intelligence is what she respects the most, a smart soldier is worth one hundred stupid ones.

Military Record:
Jaya was born on the core world of Corulag to two wealthy parents. Her childhood was nothing out of the ordinary, schooling, classes, the best that her family could afford for her. She never was that interested in academics, but her father was a wealthy banker and he pushed for her to be more of the same, or even a politician. She was always a feisty girl, one that never took nonsense from anyone else. It was a foregone conclusion that she would end up in combat somewhere, it just happened to be the Empire when they rose.

Her planet was fiercely loyal to the Emperor, and as such she was the same. She had heard amazing tales of Imperial Soldiers, how they fought fearlessly for justice throughout the galaxy. When the Empire began to openly accept enlisted soldiers she joined up right away. Neither of her parents exactly wanted her to end up as a soldier, but she was of age and they were happy she decided to fight for the Empire.

One of the few woman in her recruitment class, in part due to the entry required training the same as the male's. She still managed to power through enough to be accepted for training as an eventual Stormtrooper. From the moment she was handed a rifle she showed skill with it. She also exhibited talents outside of combat, a knack for survival and stealth. Once she was able to she began down the path to become a Scout trooper.

She saw combat right out of training, she also avoided death at the hands of a thermal detonator which she noticed a few moments before it went off, killing some of her fellow soldiers. After a couple of battles she was reassigned to the 121st right after enlisted stormtroopers were allowed into it. She's been with it ever since then, and has seen a high amount of combat. Deaths of her fellow soldiers and the brutalities of war have hit her hard, but she continues to fight.

Stormtrooper Armor (Of the scout trooper variety)
E-11s Sniper Rifle
SE-14r Sidearm
Thermal Detonators
R-4 Recon droid (Essential for scouting)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sloth
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Sloth The Potato Salad of People

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Winoda, Rian
Identification/Serial Number: WZ-9672
Rank: Private
Role: Grunt work
Age: 22 (Born on the 21st day of Month 4, 26 BBY)
Gender: Male
Nickname: Affectionately referred to as "Farm Boy" during his time in the Academy. As he has only just been assigned to the 121st, his new brothers in arms have yet to christen him with a new alias.

Physical Description: Standing at a slightly above average height of 5'11" with a pair of hazel eyes, Private Winoda still looks (and sounds) like he's fresh off of the farm. He wears a thin light brown beard on his face that he seems far too proud of that matches his short cut hairstyle and weathered skin. As can be expected from any graduate of Carida, Winoda retains a toned physique to go with his boyish good looks and eager smile that will surely be beaten off of his face after a few weeks of active service in the Outer Rim.

Winoda's only physical alteration is a tattoo of the Carida Academy's logo on his left forearm.

Psychological Analysis: Winoda is a classic example of a green horned idiot who thinks he's ready to take on a Rancor just because he managed to earn a helmet. Whether it be showing up to graduation incredibly hung over to gambling away almost all of the money he managed to make in Pazaak games, Winoda is a man set out to succeed, and fail, on a spectacular scale.

Though Winoda has a reputation as a bit of a hotshot with a drinking problem coming out of basic, even his instructors admit that the kid retains a fairly analytical mind when it comes to actual combat tactics and seems to genuinely want to help the citizens of the Empire. Such things can only be gauged so well in drills and courses however, and Winoda has yet to see any live fire in his short time of enlistment.

Military Record: Private Rian Winoda was born and raised on an agriworld in the Mid Rim where he spent his youth and adolescence working the fields and bringing produce to his local spaceport. Even as a teenager Brian garnered a bit of a reputation for trailblazing, most notably leading his own swwop gang after constructing his own bike out of spare parts he earned working at a junkyard, though he doesnt have any record of such. Winoda claims that he was hopelessly bored on his home world and due to his family's low standing, enlisted in order to see the galaxy rather than spend his entire life in one place. Though one would expect a mixed reaction from his parents, Winoda often told his fellow trainees about his father's enthusiastic response to the news, saying "Lord knows you'll at least make more money shooting a rifle than you ever will reaping a field." and so at the age of eighteen, Winoda was put through his initial screening and approved for Stormtrooper training at the Academy of Cardia.

Once there, Winoda was a fairly average Stormtrooper recruit, garnering middle of the line grades on most testing drills and written examanations. He fell in with a bit of a manipulative crowd during his first year of training that soured his overall experience as he quickly became the scapegoat of his class. Winoda admits that it was because of this that he began to focus himself more on his training, sacrificing what little social standing he had for improved performance. He showed a marked improvement over the course of his second and third years, jumping from middle of the road averages to the top 10% of his class. It was during his final year at Carida that Winoda began to systematically self-destruct. No one quite knows why, but Winoda went from a dedicated student to an overzealous partier in no time flat. Perhaps the kid felt he had his graduation in the bag or something. His instructors subsequently began to kick his ass every time he showed up to drills with a hang over, but nobody seemed to get through to him. The kid was almost discharged from the academy for his antics before someone on the chain of command recommended him to the 121st. Though he was permitted to graduate, (even celebrating with a tattoo on his left arm) Winoda is ignorant as to just who recommended him to the company, but he hardly has time to think about it, seeing as he's set to deploy as the 121st's newest member any day now.

Equipment: As a brand new member of the Stormtrooper corps, Windoa has all the standard equipment for the job, none of it weathered by overuse or burned by blaster fire. Notably, Windoa has received no specialized training, and thus his armor plates remain all white.
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