Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

The foul villains had been routed, now was the time for celebration "Yayyyyyyyyyyy!" Mithril cheered as he sheathed himself. Suddenly, he was overcome with an abnormal-by-most-Pokemon's-standers-but-honestly-par-for-the-course-for-him urge "I must celebrate this momentous occasion...in song!" And then Mithril began to sing. Don't ask how dammit, that way lies madness.

Right in the middle of his little...whatever that was he was suddenly attacked by Mincinno. It hit him with some kind of Dark Type attack, which hurt him really bad thanks to his Ghost Typing. His single eye was now watering and threatening to overflow with tears "w-w-w-why did you hit me? Unless..." and that's when it hit him; using a type of logic that only made sense to internet bloggers, Southern Baptists, the people who like fruit cake, people suffering from a lobotomy, greeting card writers, and people who watch cat videos online, he deduced the only possible explanation "you're my destined partner!" Shaking in excitement, Mithril floated over to the Mincinno and fastened himself to the Normal Type's back with his hand sash "Oh I just knew I'd find you...I knew it! My name's Mithril, what's your new best friend for ever and ever?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skybreaker
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Skybreaker Sugar Rocker

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Though Gris felt a little bad that he had struck the other pokemon, the girls were in trouble! Who knew what creepy forest-dwellers would do a few defenseless children? Simply thinking about it made his fur stand on end. He could hear the clanking of metal, though it was growing fainter... and fainter... At any moment, the sound would be lost completely and his only hope of hm finding Rin and Haven with it. There was more riding on this rescue than just the well-being of a few pokemon, though. If he could pull this off, there was no doubt he would be able to finally start making some progress to building..!

Gris let out a squeak of surprise as the honedge spoke up. His eyes were wide, staring at the single optic of the ghost type. It was like staring into the face of a sword who had tarnished. How did he get himself into these messes? This morning no sooner had he stepped out of the inn had Lana rushed him with her problem, and now he was going to be cut in half by a steel type whose feelings were hurt! At the very least, he was going to get a few scratches.

The last thing he expected was for Mythril to proclaim their friendship and place himself around his waist. Did all honedge usually behave like swords or was this crimson red one just odd? Either way, Gris couldn't stop the confused smile that spread across his face. Medburn was full of eccentric pokemon, but this one was downright insane. Or maybe he was just happy? Gris realized he wasn't in danger, and the tension faded away. "Sorry about hitting you?" He awkwardly said before tapping at Mithril's metal body. Metals were fun to use in baths too, and steel type pokemon usually appreciated a nice polishing. Heat therapy was also a favorite, though too much would hurt the client. "I'm Gris, adventurer and future masseuse. And I don't really have time to talk right now," He said as he scampered toward the faint footsteps. "I need to hurry up if I'm going to save those two."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In her mind, she frowned. "If I was giving you treasure and money, why would I ask for some in return." The Bannete shook her head. "That's not what I want from you. I have a task for you. She stopped, waiting for a reaction, but there was none, so she continued. "A rather dangerous one, but, that is a small price to pay, for money, and power. With all of that, you could move out, of this iron filled wreck, and move somewhere, and live in, maybe, Dragons Altar. You can have anything."

It was true that she would give him money. Money that would make his pile look like nothing. But she had surplus of it, so why not give it away. She waited for a reply from the Gabite, who was obviously taking his time to think it out.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Yay!" Mithtil cheered "our first epic quest as weapon and wielder. I'm...so...excited!" he squeaked out that last part while shaking. However this time he was able to get his enthusiasm under control much quicker. Unwrapping himself from Gris (the name of his new best friend forever and ever), he quickly removed his sheathe again and moved himself over to Gris' right hand. Placing his handle in the paw of the Normal Type, he quickly re-wrapped himself around the arm of his new best friend forever and ever, while making sure to leave some of his sash arm to hold his sheathe. Then, using Automatize, he made himself weightless

"Weeeee!!!!" Mithril squeed "this is going to be so much fun! Our first epic quest together" he repeated himself, having forgotten that he had already said that in his excitement. "Storming evil lairs, preventing the end of the world, thwarting evil cults, stopping jaywalkers. This is the start of something beautiful, new best friend forever and ever Gris. I can just feel it in my body parts. It feels like gas...victorious gas!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, Celina was surely quick to forgive, as she introduced herself rather than spitting at me, or attacking me... unlike a certain rock. She also told me that she was from the Stargate, as well, and started talking about missing her family, and the tournament, as well as gen 5, so I end up saying "Well... you apparently missed a lot, Celina. There's a whole new type that you probably aren't aware of... the reason I flew off like I did... the... FAIRY type," I then add "Oh, and, the name's Trevor, and as weird as it sounds, yes, I'm afraid of fairies, now more than ever given that they can mess things up in reality... just like that one time... my first memory..." I then shudder, and afterwards start to wonder why we were summoned here, and, from the same world no less. Heck, for all I knew, we even came from the exact same time. I remained silent, thinking about what I could use as a sort of test to see if she got here from the exact same time that I did, moving towards the only strange-looking building in the town as I think about the question. I eventually come up with "Hey... when you got here, were the third gen remakes just about to come out?" of course, I didn't expect her to know, but if she did, and she said 'yes', then that Stargate had to have plucked us from the same time, and the same world. Finally making it to the strange building, several pokemon seemed to be coming in and out from it with various bags, and maps, and things. I then read the sign 'Exploration Guild'... Maybe if I sign up here, I'll find out more about why this happened... as in, why me? Why from my world... and more importantly, why at all? I think as I check to make sure Celina was still following me. She was the only pokemon I actually knew in this place, so, obviously I didn't want to lose her immediately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina listened to what that bat called Trevor said, telling her he was afraid of fairies... She stared a bit. It seemed a bit ridiculous but... maybe something happened before that made him be really afraid of them. At least there weren't any fairies around, she though. She fallowed him, seeing the sign about the exploration guild. She looked at him and then though a bit.
"I... think so. I didn't really fallow on that part, heard about it like a month ago but was too busy with my others games." she says calmly, before looking forwards.
"Fairy type... I kinda... heard about it a bit from some people, but didn't really look into it and all." she says, looking down a bit. She breath deeply. At least she found someone that lived the same situation as her for this... although afraid of fairies, that was a first for her. She was wondering what actually caused this though. And from everyone in her world, why her and Trevor.
"Think this place might be able to help us?" she then asks in a low tone, unsure
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mizu nodded with confidence and a small amount of arrogance. "No task is too dangerous as long as money is involved. I'll do it." Mizu thought about what she said about the Bloody Beaches. This place truly was a wasteland of Iron and weaklings. Going to the Dragon Altar would allow him to test his power out on much stronger Pokemon. He would prove his worth and defeat any Pokemon who stood in his way.

"What's the task? Do I need to destroy some weaklings? That's an easy task for one as rich and powerful as I." Mizu bragged as he settled down on an ornate chair in front of the pile of treasure. His smile was one of hunger, a hunger for battle now. This task not only gave him more treasure than he had ever seen but it was to be difficult and it would test his worth. Mizu loved a challenge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Bannete had a mischievous grin on her face. He took the bait, now to reel him in. "Weaklings? You can say that. I need you to stop them from entering the Mystery Dungeons. That is all I need from you as of now. Are you up for it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mizu laughed as he heard her task. "Is that it? I've been doing that for years so that nobody steals my power! An easy task! Who do I need to keep out?" He asked with a predatory grin. This was going to be too easy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Near the back of the exploration guild's grand lobby, a bespectacled Smeargle leafed through a stack of color-coded papers, handed out a few guild badges, signed some forms with the lavender-colored liquid at the end of her tail, took a hasty sip of Pechai tea, and sheepishly called an exploration team back to her desk so she could give them the right guild badges... all in the span of ninety seconds. Finally, the wave of Pokemon needing assistance ebbed, and Mildred had her first moment to relax in over half an hour. Normally, the assistant secretary's work wasn't nearly this stressful. She spent most of her time filing and sorting through papers in the bowels of the massive building, far from the throng of hurried strangers. However, one of her superiors was out sick today, while another said he would be gone for a couple hours doing... some kind of secret guild errand he couldn't tell her about. That left Mildred to handle everything necessary for new and potential exploration teams.

Mildred nervously fidgeted with the end of her tail at the thought of messing up a team registration, or worse, sending an inexperienced team on a mission too dangerous for them! Then the Smeargle forced herself to take a few deep breaths and slowly sipped her tea.

I've done all this before, Mildred mused to calm herself. She closed her eyes for a moment and finally felt her tense muscles relax. There's nothing too hard for me to figure out here.

Besides, it's only a couple hours. Nothing really important could happen in that time, right?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I tried entering the building labeled as an 'exploration guild', but froze up more than once, just from all the various pokemon entering and leaving... even including that Sylveon again. Oddly enough, the Sylveon didn't glare at me, or even notice me this time Thank goodness that thing didn't see me... I thought as I watched that evil fairy just pass right by me as if I wasn't there. Well, okay, the thing waved those weird ribbon things at me, as if it could control them, which freaked me out, but it didn't seem as though it wanted to kill me. Ignoring that, I tried again, freezing up yet again Come on, Trevor... get yourself together, man! If there's any way for you to figure out why this happened to you, it's exploration. That's LITERALLY what they do, figure out mysteries and explore this world. You're not doing this because you WANT to, you HAVE to if you ever want to figure this whole scenario out! I think as I convince myself to finally enter the guild. I was immediately blocked by a couple of pokemon, one of which was a Dragonite, a pokemon that was very familiar to me, the other... was some sort of weird ghost attached to a rock. "Who are you, and what team are you with?" the Dragonite asked me in a very direct tone of voice. I answered, quietly, as they surprised me "...I'm new... um... I don't have a team yet..." they look behind me, and the odd ghost asks "And her?" I answer "She's... um... with me..." the two let me in, and I start asking around about how to register, and all these other things that the various teams were talking about. It seemed that all of my questions led me to the same place, or, rather, to the same pokemon, Mildred. I eventually figured out where this 'Mildred' was, and with a bit of frustration, I locate her, and finally say "I'm new here, and I'd like to register myself, and my friend as an official exploration team!" I then notice the sheer number of papers on her desk, and with how loud my voice was, I probably surprised her, especially due to the fact that she may or may not have been more focused on those papers rather than the guild itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina fallowed Trevor inside the guild, unsure what to say right now, feeling a bit awkward with how those large pokemons were blocking their way before. She stayed silent a bit, staying near Trevor. He was probably the best bet to find out what was going on here anyway, with him and her having ended up in the same world. She looked at all the papers at the desk, with the pokemon at the desk that was working. Well... with how Trevor was so loud there, that smeargle probably be surprised if she was too much in her work.
"Sorry about my friend if he was too loud..." she then says, looking at Trevor.
"We do want to go and make a exploration team and help out as much we can." she says, altough this might be a bit of a lie... it was more to find out what was going on, but if they can make allies in this town by working, then it might end up better for them... and with how they arrived in this world like that... people might think of them badly or something... So it was best to try to get a good impression here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Trevor's abrupt announcement did, in fact, startle Mildred. The normal type jumped in just the wrong direction, toppling her mug and sending a spreading puddle of Pechai tea all over her desk. Mildred stared in shock for just a moment. Then she let out a yelp and shoved her papers to the side with speed to rival a Jolteon, saving all but a few corners from certain doom. The secretary then soaked up some of the mess with the first semi-absorbent material she could find...her own tail.

Crisis averted, Mildred suddenly remembered its cause and blushed red. She peeked up at the potential recruits, one a Noibat and the other... a Togepi? Yes, it fit the description she read, though she had never seen one in the flesh before. And now they had both seen her freak out like an idiot. Mildred took a calming breath. Time to be professional. And, in the flustered pokemon's attempt at logic, that meant acting like nothing happened. Mildred cleared her throat and plastered on a polite smile.

"Welcome to the Medburn Exploration Guild." Mildred began her standard spiel while slowly sliding her tea-stained tail behind her back. "Thank you for your interest in helping us protect the people, places, and culture of our region. My name is Mildred, and I will register you and begin your orientation today. But before we can begin, there are just a few forms I'll need you to read fully and fill out."

With that, Mildred quickly leafed through the slightly disheveled stack of colored papers. As she did so, she quickly summarized each form by memory.

"...percent of your earnings will go to the guild..."

"...will be lodged in separate..."

"...may only sing in the shower on Fridays..."

"...will not be held responsible for any injury or death caused by..."

Finally, Mildred picked up a stack of forms that looked like it belonged to a bureaucracy run by unicorns and handed it to the Togepi, since she figured the Noibat might need his arms free to fly.

"Again, I ask you to please read these thoroughly before signing anything," the Smeargle concluded, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "And feel free to ask me any questions you may have." She really hoped they wouldn't have any questions, though. She had already had enough embarrassing social situations for one day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


She sighed at the Gabite's response. "Dungeons. Plural. The Exploration Guild in Medburn has become a bit to curious about the Mystery Dungeons. We have a team ready for you, and an operative inside the guild, giving us info on where they're going next. Are you up for it?"

The Bannete raised a brow in question. Even if he didn't accept, he would find him again, and destroy him, so his best choice would be to, accept. Her mind was racing. What if the operative was found out. What if their plan failed. She cleared her ming before shestarted sweating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mizu shrugged and nodded. "As long as I get payed. Where am I heading off to?" Mizu got out of his chair and rolled his shoulders. "And what is the team made of? Who're the members in this weakling team I'm taking down?" Mizu clenched and unclenched his fists as he said this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbysmalDemon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Her grin became bigger, and more evil. "Your first mission is in Quake Path. The exploration team is small, 7 at the max. We already have others waiting there. It'd be best to leave now." She then floated out of his, 'Treasure Room', and out of the dungeon without another word.

Exploration Team A1: Quake Path

Yere | Iya | Throh (NPC),| Sawk (NPC)

Iya walked aside Yere. She took another gulp of water. Her throat was parched, it was hot, Why Today? was her only thought. "Why today, Yere? We couldn't have chosen a cooler day?" Yere sighed. "Iya, there are large quantities of energy here, and strange activity, we need to stop anything that might happen." They kept walking, without another word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celina stared as the smeargle named Mildred proceeded to suddenly spill her tea all over the table, surprised cause she was too much into her work, as she then moved quickly and moved the papers away, getting them away from the tea spill and saving her work... well... most of it. She then stared at her as she explained the rules of the place. She looked and started to read the papers bit by bit, signing paper after paper, making sure nothing would cause them trouble. Then she saw the injuries and such clause.
"Well... ugh... I guess that's how being in a exploration team is." she says, signing the paper until... she got to the one where they had to enter a team name. She looked at Trevor, and thinked a bit.
"Trevor... any idea for a team name... Cause... we kinda need one to be able to take jobs here." she then says calmly, thinking a bit more and more.
"Lets see... Maybe... maybe... Team Solar Eclipse?" She then says to Trevor, having a bit of trouble thinking about another at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Mizu cackled with greed as the mysterious Pokemon disappeared from the dungeon. Next stop, Quake Path.

Quake Path

Mizu strolled into Quake Path as he cracked his neck to loosen himself up. He couldn't wait to mess up these dungeon explorers. His mind wandered to his old clan but he stopped himself quickly. "So... I don't think she told me where exactly my back up was. Crap." He muttered to himself as he looked around. He began grabbing for his backpack, and his food, but decided to hold off on eating for now. If hoarding gold and treasure had taught him one thing, it was that it was important to only use resources when you have to. He needed to ration wisely or he could starve in a Mystery Dungeon.

Mizu continued walking when he saw a group of explorers. Most likely his targets. He decided to shadow them while he waited for the rest of his "team".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mildred accidentally spilled her drink all over her desk when I yelled at her by accident. "Um... sorry, miss..." I end up saying, trying not to get her angry at me. She then handed Celina the papers to form our team, and Celina came up with the team name of 'Team Solar Eclipse' and asked if that was okay. I answer her with "Of course it's okay, Celina," I then turn back towards Mildred, and ask "Say... all those other teams have bags, and stuff... do we get any of that for starting our team, or do we have to find our own bags somewhere?" I then remember that I don't have any money, or, indeed anything I could sell for money, and not having anything to carry around supplies in might be a huge detriment, especially if some of our explorations last too long, or even just a single day. I notice a single paper that was about to get wet, and land before picking it up with my left wing, and handing it back to Mildred, staying silent, and hoping that said paper was important enough to warrant me saving it. I overhear some random chatter from a nearby team about some hot-shot team called 'Team Charm', though, that didn't seem important, I didn't really have much else to do but listen in. Apparently, that team was planning on heading over to some place called 'Treasure Town' just to go see that exploration team. Were they really that big of a deal? I guess I just never understood why some people follow celebrities like that, but the team just went on and on about how the other team, the famous one, never lost a single treasure, and how they've supposedly never failed a mission. I was starting to question just how truthful that idle chatter was, given that it's probably pretty difficult to keep a 100% success rate at anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zanavy
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Zanavy slightly derpier than the setting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mildred had plenty of time to clean off her desk and wring out her tail while the duo worked through their forms, though apparently she missed a spot on the floor. The Smeargle gave a light nod of thanks to the Noibat for rescuing a blank 'please don't sue us' form before addressing his question.

"The guild provides basic supplies to each registered team," Mildred intoned in her best professional voice. "This includes a basic bag, one apple per member, and the team badge. If you wish to use a nicer bag, or one that can hold more than sixteen items, you will have to provide that yourself."

Done with her spiel, Mildred stared awkwardly at Trevor for a bit. She peered over her desk at the Togepi, who was still, unfortunately, finishing up the paperwork. Mildred's eyes wandered back to Trevor while she absentmindedly fiddled with the tip of her tail, trying to brainstorm ways to break the awkward silence. Then, she abruptly hustled to a cabinet and pulled out a small, oval-shaped object. The black device seemed to have a square screen and two round buttons.

"This is what your team badge will look like," Mildred explained, bringing it closer so Trevor could see it clearly. She pointed to each part of the badge as she described it, and she feebly attempted to maintain proper eye contact with her listener. "The screen will display your team name and the names and species of each member. If any member is knocked out in battle, the buttons will start flashing. These are very important, so please listen carefully.

If you think you are in a relatively safe situation, you can press the yellow button. It will send a distress call straight to the guild, and we will send out a team to rescue you as soon as possible. If you think you are in serious danger, press the red button. It will immediately teleport your team to a safe place. This will also happen if you don't press any buttons for one minute after they start flashing or if no rescue teams are able to reach you for two hours. The downside to this method is the teleportation technology hasn't been perfected yet. It's perfectly safe for Pokemon, but some or all of your cash and items may be lost in translation."

"The badge can only register team members within a certain distance," Mildred added, beginning to feel antsy from all this talking. "This is why it is extremely important for all team members to remain on the same floor of a dungeon. If anyone gets left behind, there may be no reliable way to locate them."
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