Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 2 days ago

Quote: "I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code"

Name: Alexander Quinn

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 155

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: 101001 (<-- Binary Code)

Occupation: Hacker/Runner

Ability: Technology Manipulation
can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with Technology, though its more Draining when used Directly.

Personality: slightly Anti-Social because of his power, he doesn't really "get" people, so somethings go over his head or he'll say something and put his foot in his mouth. Alex is highly intelligent, but scattered brained. if he's not focused (and sometimes even if he is) his mind wanders to a hundred different ideas and projects.

Background: Alexander was born in a out of the way hospital that didn't ask to many questions for the mother, which would come back to bite them in the ass, cause as soon as she was able, she'd left, leaving baby Alex an Orphan. giving his name by the Doctor that delivered him, Alexander was placed into Foster Care a week after being born.. it didn't take long though for a family to adopt him, the Quinn's. as he grew, the Quinn's took notice that Alexander didn't much care for being around other kids his age, he stood off to the side during the numerous play dates that had been set up for him. as he grew, his interests grew with it, til the age of Eight, when his ability took hold. his parents had come home, only to see their TV, Remotes, Vacuum, etc all taken apart in the middle of the living room, with Alexander sitting in the center, studying a piece of something, the true kicker was when they'd turned their back on him for a minute and turned back around, everything was reassembled again, sitting in its place on the floor where, a minute ago its parts had been. A year later men showed up at the house before Alexander arrived home from school, though when he did, his parents wasn't waiting for him like usual, strangers were. he was told that they were sending him to a special type of camp, where he could learn and build whatever he wanted, and sometimes build things that were asked for, and not understanding at the age of 9 he was pretty much going to be "Milked" by the Government for his Unique Ability.

paraphernalia: because of his Ability and that Direct mental Interface is taxing and draining, he creates devices and gadgets to take the place, so his mind is free to process and work out other things needed, as such he has what every tech geek has, a gadget bag.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Erin Marie Chase~

"You may wanna grab a coat... it's time for the seasons to change."
~ Erin Marie Chase.

~General Information~

Name: Erin Marie Chase.
Nick-Names: Mari, Chase, Persephone.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: College Student; Majoring in Ancient World History.
Place Of Origin: Victoria, Australia.
Age: Nineteen Years Old.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Religion: Though Erin doesn't actually believe in God, or put much stock into the religions of modern day society; she has both a fascination and a vast knowledge of the Gods of Ancient Greece.

Appearance - Nineteen Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Straight.
Partner: None.
Father: Damien Chase.
Mother: Claudia Jade Chase.
Siblings: Jaidyn Matthew Chase.
Pet/s: Erin both owns and adores her black pet cat, Skyler.
Other: None.

~Ability Information~

Power/ Ability: Season Manipulation.
Brief Description: Erin has the unique ability that allows her to help bring on the changing of the seasons; however the amount of power she puts behind the action determines how big/ far of an area the change effects.
Seasonal Descriptions:
Spring Solstice - When focusing upon the particular season of Spring, Erin is able to help both the seeds to take root and the vegetation to grow; she is also able to bring in the warmer and slightly wetter weather when she feels as though her garden is in need of a water. As a side effect of bringing along the Spring weather and climate, it tends to confuse some animals, forcing them to awaken or return due to the rise in temperature, oftentimes with newborns; it also can bring along with it increased rainfall, and may cause flooding within waterways close to where she uses her powers.

Summer Equinox - When focusing upon the particular season of Summer, Erin is able to increase the temperatures to their hottest settings, bringing on not only some of the most perfect days to hit the waves at the beach, but also some of the most scorching days of the year to those around her. However, bringing the hot Summer weather can lead to extremely dangerous side effects; if the temperatures spike too high, both heat waves and droughts may cause trouble for not only people, but also animals and vegetation as well; and while it might increase rainfall in some areas, others may receive less resulting in the increased likely-hood of wildfires.

Fall/ Autumn Solstice - When focusing upon the particular season of Autumn, also known as Fall, Erin is able to bring the temperatures back to a reasonable setting, allowing the cooler change to come through and make the days more comfortable for those around her; she is also able help her family and friends bring in bountiful harvests from their gardens. However, as a side effect of focusing upon the Autumn weather, some plants tend to grow dormant, and animals begin to prepare themselves for the cold and harsh winter weather by storing foods or traveling to warmer regions.

Winter Equinox - When focusing upon the particular season of Winter, Erin is able to decrease the temperature down to their lowest settings, not only bringing on the frosty Winter chill of the strong winds, but also some of the coldest days of the year to everyone around her; and while some areas could experience things such as snow and ice, others might only get as much as a cold Winter rainfall. As a side effect of focusing too much upon the Winter weather, animals tend to do whatever they can to warm themselves up, and tend to change their appearance in order to adapt to the colder weather.

Other: Perhaps the most notable and interesting aspect however of Erin’s ability is its dependence upon her emotional state at the time- whenever she is exceedingly calm, happy, or feels a sense of love within herself and those surrounding her, she seems to have a complete control over her abilities, and is capable of producing feats of beautiful magic; however, whenever she is feeling exceptionally nervous, sad, agitated or feels a sense of fear, her powers grow considerably unstable, and in turn can become extremely dangerous to those who are around her. Despite her instability; Erin’s ability is especially potent whenever she feels fear, causing her to act and use her powers almost on pure survival instinct- her abilities seeming to rage so far out of control that, even when restrained, she has the capability of not only changing the season within the area around her, but also effecting that of a much larger area; however, when calmed down, and once more feeling the love that those who care about her give her, she is strong enough to completely reverse the effects of her outburst, bringing back the proper seasonal weather in mere moments alone.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Seen by all those who know her to be a very sweet, charming and exceedingly graceful young woman; Erin is shown to be a quietly confident, kind-hearted and well-presented young woman, able to speak eloquently and pleasantly with all those who wish to hold a conversation with her or who wish to get to know her- helping her to create strong bonds with people that she cares about, that are tremendously hard to break. The beautiful young lady demonstrating great grace and poise when handling potentially awkward situations, doing her best to avoid ways in which might embarrass those she cares about; the girl able to hold herself in a way in which she is able to hide both her nerves and uncomfortableness, especially when in difficult circumstances that may impact both her, or anyone else that she holds dear to her heart.

Trying her very best and doing all it is that she can to make her family proud of her; Erin is often seen to be within the company of her excessively protective older brother, the two of them seeming to share such a strong sibling bond with one another that it oftentimes leaves others questioning the secrets to their parent’s success in creating a harmonious family environment. Nowhere near a stereotypical quiet, retiring girl; the young woman is more times than not found out on the beach behind her family's home with her brother and friends- or sitting upon the stairs of the porch, seeming to lose herself in her thoughts as she takes her time watching the beautiful flowers and other plants in her garden grow.

On occasion showing an absolute sweet sense of sensitivity when in social situations, Erin does all that she can to include everyone around her, trying her best to make sure that they are all at ease in situations that may arise around them; the young woman unafraid to show her disapproval to those who treat others unkindly, showing that she is both reasonable and fair, and that she believes that everyone should be treated equal, no matter what their title might be. Also known to demonstrate an intensely fierce intelligence, and a high degree of personal insight; she is able to recognize when another person’s opinions and thoughts are valued more than anyone else’s, even when the person themselves is unwilling to admit it- her own apparent wish to find someone to truly love her kept locked within her heart as she put everyone else that she cared about first, and before herself.

Known on the rare occasion to show a more timid and cautious side whenever her nerves seem to get the better of her, Erin does seem to become quite frightened and upset at times, causing for her emotions to boil over and slip out from her control, leaving her quite vulnerable and finding it hard, and sometimes almost impossible for her to express any of her true feelings to those she would normally seek out for comfort. However, an extremely resourceful and brave young woman, Erin continuously shows that she is both quick-witted and clever, able to gain a laugh from those she holds dear to her heart while still managing to maintain the warm glow that seems to surround her very being; the young lady's strong sense of compassion and thoughtfulness towards others shown clear within her actions, exceedingly so when it seems that her own guilt towards a situation has taken over her mind- the teenager appearing to have grown to be both a kind and gracious young woman, making her older brother and parents proud of who she has become.

Brief Biography: Bringing their one and only baby girl into the world; Damien and Claudia Chase both worked hard to raise their son and daughter as best as they possibly could, while also being sure to provide them with not only a comfortable lifestyle, but also with the best things that they could afford to buy them. Growing up in Australia with her older brother and his friends surrounding her, Erin learnt from a young age how to both look after and defend herself; her habit of hanging out with the guys in her life helping her to grow into not only a beautiful, but also a confident young lady. Wanting to do her very best and to out help her family in anyway that she possibly could; Erin threw herself deep into her studies, raising her grades as much as she could, and eventually managing to graduate high school with the highest marks of her year level. Managing to get herself accepted into the exact course that she wanted at one of the best universities in Melbourne, Erin continues to push herself as far as she can in hopes of making her family proud of her.

~Other Information~

Other: Erin owns a beautiful and seasonal necklace with switchable pendants which she is rarely ever seen without it hanging around her neck; this necklace was given to her by her brother on the day that she finally graduated from high school- the necklace itself a representation of her abilities, and the bond in which she and her brother share with one another.

Note: Erin always wears the pendant of the season that is supposed to be around her at that point of the year, and only ever switches them out on the date of each Solstice or Equinox.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Quote: Yummy meat.
Name: Micheal
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8''
Weight: Fluctuates around 200
Ethnicity: White
Sexuality: Bi
Religion: Huitzilopochtli
Occupation: N/A
Ability: Cannibalism

Micheal has a vary strong digestive tract. His jaw muscles are strong and so are his teeth. He can store a large amount of calories which cause him to increase in size depending on how much he has eaten recently. He can use those calories to bolster his physical abilities.

- Increased strength
- Increased speed
- Faster Healing

Personality: Because of how he was treated at school he has grown up to be a violent person. He doesn't care about what happens to most people. He once thought that eating stray animals was gross but in time grew to like it. He even enjoys the occasional human.

Background: Micheal grew up in a average household and went to school just like any other kid. But for some reason he was targeted by other kids and bullied often though out his time at school and had to fight the urge to constantly eat things. The only person that help keep him sane was his best friend Gavin. In 8th grade, during a fight with with a bully, Micheal lost control of himself and almost killed the bully. For fear of what would happen he ran away from home. It was rough the first few months but with his best friend by his side he felt he could face anything.
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