Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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It was still quite surprising, having someone who can just about keep up with her like this. Alex was a natural jungle girl. It just felt... so natural to be in the wild compared to the city. Even for a born islander, the people found it quite the odd factor of the little girl. Still, Naisha was quite doing well, even with off trailing. It made things a little more fun, and maybe something a bit more. She could hardly think of a way to explain it at the moment however. The red haired girl hummed a bit as she scrambled up another rock before grabbing a overhanging branch and pulling herself up. Slightly glancing down at her newly acquired friend at the question.

"Well.. I think there's bits and pieces of ruins in thwere. Bwut dunno... Prwetty run down. But it does have a pretty nifty place inside." Alex chirped before finally reaching the edge of the small gab and climbed up see the rustic door, covered in leaves and moss. Looking to Naisha to make sure she was alright, the red head grinned before going to the door and placed her hands on the large frame and pushed it open. Moving the heavy door out of the way before bounding inside the darkness of the cave.

It was dark, really dark, and soft sounds were worming their way into the air. The distance thrum of the falls outside, sounding like the wooshing of the wind, a soft almost drum like sound echoing gingerly off the rocky surface. It was almost a creepy atmosphere. At times, there seemed to be a few odd artifacts, carved into the stone, making dark faces that perhaps told a story from long ago. Alex paused however as she heard a soft faint steps and she looked to Naisha.

"Just a Doggy thing. It's okay, just hide behind here and stay qwuiet." Alex chirped, giving a confident grin before gently ushering her slightly smaller yet older friend behind a rock as a dingo padded its way around the corner. Alex stood in front of the rock, watching as the fiend moved closer. It looked at her, before seeming to lose interest as it sniffed around before continuing on the way.

With that, Alex watched it go before motioning Naisha to continue following before the red head continued on. Alex wasn't sure why, but fiends weren't really interested in her unless she messed with them or got too overly close. Didn't agro them quite as well as most people. Soon enough, a ginger bluish green glow start to softly emit ahead in the darkness before overhead were these glowing sparkling lights. There was a bit of water on the ground but Alex walked on the more dryer part.

Just around the corner was a small clearing, the walls surrounded by these lights while a opening was seen to clearly see the sunset, the sky darkening and starlight starting to decorate the sky. The darkness causing the cavern lights to glow more brightly. The red head hummed eagerly before she stood at the edge of the cliff before smirking as she turned to look at Naisha. The sun's glow behind her emitting her crimson hair like a blaze of flame. "So, whatcha think?" Alex chirped eagerly. Rocking on her heels a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Nai quickly listened to her friend and hide away as the fiend appeared. The black haired girl stiffened as she saw the creature pass by, but quickly relaxed and made a questioning look as it just walked away as if it didn’t care about them or Alex to be precise.” What did just happened?! Do these things always pass you like that?” Nai asked, not believing it. It was incredible blessing to have!

“It’s… beautiful…” Was all that Nai could say at the moment about the place her friend showed her. So stunned she was from the gorgeous view, that almost all her ability to talk was gone. Never before she had seen something even close to this, except what she once saw Lady Lulu to use on a fiend. Her magic back then created all colors of the rainbow and then some! This view here was even more stunning than that!

“Thank you for showing me this place!” Nai chirped when she came back to her senses.” You know, we should come here everyday!” The shorter girl said with a smile." Next time I will bring a sphere to capture the moment, let's take a picture everytime we come!" Ohhh how happy she felt that she chose to swim in that spot she met Alex today! If only she knew her future will soon be changed for good...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex grinned a little as Naisha seemed absolutely shocked at the display with the fiend, and the red head shrugged a little. "Yweah... The monsters always sweem to act that way. They don't seem to cware abwout me as long as I dwon't bother them." The red head answered with a grinned before rubbing her arm a little thoughtfully. "Well.. it's a thing that kwinda freaks the kweeper out. And the prwiests." she said as she overhead the keeper talking about a experience with a fiend when she was much smaller and wandering about. Alex had no memory about it, but supposedly she got too close to the forest and there was a fiend, and it had ignored her. Despite being vulnerable for attack. The Keeper had probably been cautious since.

The red head's smile grew even brighter at Naisha's awed reaction, glad the black haired girl seem to enjoy this place. Chuckling a little at the excitement. "Very welcome! And yweah! We should! It will be our special place we can come to every sunset after a day long of fun and to record our memories! Promise!" Alex chirped as she held out her right hand, extending her right pinky for a pinky swear. Eager for a future that was about to go unexpectedly without her knowledge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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It has been about 2 weeks since Nai met Alex at the beach. Days seemed to pass so quickly now that she had a friend by her side. It was strange how well the two girls got along, almost as if they were meant to meet. Nai learned a lot of interesting places around the jungle thanks to Alex and Nai showed places she found around the island to her friend too. Actually there was only one place that she hasn’t showed to Alex just yet and it was because Nai was not sure if it’s safe. It was the underwater cave that opened due that quake some time ago. Today she finally agreed to show it’s location to her friend, but she herself had not entered it before, thus Nai decided to check it out first. She wanted to know if there are fiends inside and if there were, she was going to run away as fast as she can before they can react to her presence.

Taking a deep breath she jumped into the water and headed towards one of the cliffs at the edge of the island at it’s base where the hole underwater was stationed. Swimming fast towards it, she noticed the fishes and other creatures that lived in the water were not approaching it. It was a clearly bad sign, but she couldn’t stop herself now. The tunnel in the rocks turned out a lot longer than she anticipated at first, but she finally reached it’s end. Sure enough there was a pocket of air there, so she carefully surfaced in the underwater cave and looked around. The place was quite big, bigger than the outside of the temple back in town actually, it was quite strange. Not noticing any dangers or creatures, she quickly left the water to look around the cave in more detail. The whole place seemed mostly empty and lacked anything suggesting it was unnaturally created, but she know caves like this specifically were not something that appeared by nature’s forces. After she finally checked most of the cave, her eyes finally stopped on a big stone slab. It was no wonder she missed it earlier, the place was quite dark, she didn’t bring any light sources besides a small glowing ball with her. Using it she quickly discovered some writing on the tablet. It was old, and she barely understood any word from it, she had yet to learn to read, but she did recognize the symbols of Yevon in the writing.

The child was just about to return to the water and swim away, when a huge back shadow blocked her path. It appeared out of nowhere, but it was clearly a beast of canine variety. It was almost as tall as the cave and on it’s head were 4 glowing purple eyes. It’s jaws were partially opened, revealing a few rows of razor sharp fangs. In the darkness of the cave, Nai barely saw it, but the creature also bore humanoid traits though very few. It’s roar forced the girl to put her hands on her ears as she moved a few steps back in the opposite direction and then the beast jumped at her. In her few last moments, Nai realized how bad idea this was. Her life flashed in her eyes. She saw everything up to the day she met Alex. ”NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Nai screamed as her survival instincts cut in, something inside her pried open. Huge glowing circles appeared around the girl as all her power was torn away from her. Her body began feeling as heavy as metal and her mind became clouded with exhaustion… she lost consciousness as another figure appeared from the glowing circles. It was big… as tall as the giant beast and also glowed in both light blue and purple. As her last strengths were drained away from her, her mind felt to the darkness….

Without knowing it, Nai had summoned forth a creature that represented the apex of her strength. A limit break as most called it, but this one bore a heavy price. To summon a creature required a lot of magical energy, a thing she obviously did not have. Thus the magic energy was replaced by her life energy. Sapped away from everything that kept it alive, her body was slowly succumbing to death. In reality few things could even keep her alive at this point. Her summon was hovering on the place she summoned it. It looked like a huge woman, she had no physical body and looked as if she is but a mirage in the air as one could see through her. Her image was made from multiple of blue and purple layers, which collided and fused then defused, giving her a truly otherworldly image. She appeared to have no clothes, but aside her head, the rest of her body seemed to be almost unfinished as it lacked any details aside the general curves. Her eyes seemed like a pair of glowing blue crystals. The beast seemed to have felt danger from the glowing woman, tried to attack it first, but the woman only rose her left hand and a huge sphere appeared around the feral beast. It’s body collapsed from the intense gravity distortion the summon created. The more the beast struggled against it, the more it harmed itself. In the end the woman lowered her arm as the beast could no longer move and pointed the beast with her right hand this time. An explosion happened on the beast’s body, then followed by 2 more. It’s defenseless body was easily torn to pieces by the 3 explosions, then all of it started to vanish and turn into pyreflies. The summon, just hovered next to the vanishing beast and absorbed the pyreflies into it’s own body. Moving carefully over Nai’s lifeless looking body, the summon put her in some kind of fiend that repelled water and then proceeded to taking the girl out of the cave. Once near the place where Nai was going to meet Alex, the summon simply waved her hand as Nai’s body was moved to the beach and left to lay motionless in the sand. Then the summon’s body quickly burst into pyreflies that moved and sank into the body of the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Two weeks had passed since the two girls have met and they were the best two weeks Alex could ever recall in her life. They did just about everything together. Exploring the jungle, running along in the forest, training for fighting or the game called Blitzball. It was quite fun and she gotten a bit better at it now thanks to Naisha. Course it took a few tries since it did require a little more focus, but it was still fun. Alex could confidently say she was proud to be able to bounce the ball on her knees now. The two of them felt well together, the best of friends, like it was just destiny for them to be together. Rika had also been nice, though there were a few scoldings when they stayed out a bit late at their special place Alex had shown to Naisha their first day. Since they kept their word in going their every sunset and record their memorable day.

Finally, today was the day Naisha was willing to show that another place they haven't been. Alex did not know Naisha hadn't checked it out or knew much about it, otherwise she probably would of volunteered to go and explore it first. But that wasn't the case as she happily bounded through the jungle to the meeting point. By the little cove to the left of the beach from the path to the village. It was pretty shallow, so she wadded through the water with ease before her blue eyes widened at the sight of a motionless body. Curiousity soon turning into utter horror as she recognized the figure as her friend.

"Naisha?!" Alex shouted loudly, voice booming before she moved faster until she was at the side of her friend. Kneeling down to look her over. The girl didn't appear to be physically injured, but she was almost as still as someone in a unwakeable sleep. "Nai?! Nai?!?! Wake up! Please! Are you okay?!" Alex shouted, panic wrecking its way through her child body as it trembled. Her blue eyes looking over her friend before darting around, as if to try to find something to help. She didn't know what to do?!

Shaking her head, Alex tried to pick up her friend in a bridal position. It was a little awkward but Alex didn't care as she waded through the water, lifting Naisha little in a attempt to keep her from getting wet. Reaching the beach, Alex bolted toward the village, hoping there weren't any fiends around. Deciding to take the path to make it a less bumpy ride, Alex gasped a little as she ran before finally reaching the village. Immidietly she went to the one place that crossed her mind. Naisha's home.

"Mrs. Riiiiikaaaa!" Alex screamed, her loud voice causing fellow villagers to whip their head around to look at her as she reached Naisha's home and bashed through the door and had it swing wide open with a bang.

"Mrs. Rika! Help! Please! Something's wrong with Nai!" Alex said through gasped breaths.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“I wonder what those two daredevils will be doing today~ I’d better prepare a healthy lunch for when they return at noon.” Rika happily whistled as she was cooking in her kitchen. It’s been a while since her Nai met Alex and both of them seemed to be born to be together judging by how well the two girls got along. The woman was happy about that, but a matter connected to this, irked her a lot. Even before Nai and Alex met, Rika had tried to start procedures to adopt the redhead, but she was denied. Now she tried again, but the priests from the temple who ran the orphanage denied yet again. This was getting annoying, she even tried talking with lady Yuna, but even the former summoner couldn’t convince those old bastards to accept. Sadly she had nowhere else to turn to, still she was going to look after Alex as well. For the 2 weeks she had the child come over with Naisha everyday, she had concluded Alex was indeed a good kid. She deserved a family and Rika was going to give her the closest thing to one.

As she was about to start the final preparations of the ingredients for the dish she was making, she heard the front door being flung open violently and hearing Alex call her out panic. The moment, she heard what Alex said, Rika dropped the knife she was holding and dashed to the front door where Alex held Naisha. Rika quickly took hold of her child and realized in horror that she was cold… and barely breathing.” What happened?! What’s this… no wounds… no symptoms for poison…” Rika herself began panicking as she couldn’t find out what was causing this. Nai’s mother quickly jumped at the nearby cabinet and pulled a few potions from there, both healing and phoenix downs, but none of them had any real effect.” Alex, quickly run to Lady Yuna! Call her! If any of those priest bastards try to stop you, do whatever you must to get to her! I will deal with them later!!!!” Rika shouted, wrapping her arms around her little Naisha. It’s been long time since the woman had panicked liked this for a last time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The loud clank of what Alex assumed was a utensil Rika was using sounded so loud, and so ominous. Like the world around them seemed to just freeze just to hear that one sound that seemed to just echo. Then thundering steps came in a flash as Rika bolted from the kitchen and over to the two children. Naisha's mother quickly scooped the cold little girl in her arms, panic quickly taking over the adult's face as she questioned what happened, and tried to make sense of Naisha's condition. "I... I dunno... She was like this when I found her..." she said softly, her blue eyes staring at Rika and Naisha, following a little as Rika went to the cabinet and tried using potions and phoenix downs on Naisha but to no avail.

Alex wanted to believe everything would be alright now, that Naisha would wake up just fine as say she just got a chill or something and drifted to sleep. Or that maybe she ate a plant that put her to sleep. But despite the mental comfort Alex was trying to convince herself with, she felt utter dread sinking in her stomach, especially when she witnessed Rika so panicked and distressed. Never had the red head seen the mother in such a panic, she was usually so calm and kind. But now she was just as worried as Alex, or even more so. She even used a bad word.

Nodding quickly at the order, Alex slightly stumbled back, giving a quick glance to Naisha before squeezing her blue eyes shut. Turning and bolting out the door. Running as fast as she ever could, Alex bolted for the temple as she weaved around the crowd, panicked breathes heaving her chest as she just about flew up the temple steps before coming to a halt as two priests in front of the temple door stepped in front of her. Eyes narrowing at the sight of the little girl.

"Hey! You know you're not allowed here." one priest said, pointing his iron staff at her and pushing it against her chest to make her back up. Like she was some filthy rag he did not wish to touch himself.

Alex's panicked gaze now turned to rage as she gave a feral sounding snarl. "I don't care! I need Lady Yuna! She needs to help! Something... Something's wrong with Nai! Let me through!" Alex shouted loudly, chest heaving as her body shook with anger and panic.

"Naisha? What did you do?" The priest pressed but Alex gave a annoyed huff as she grabbed the iron staff and used all her strength to swing it to her right. Catching the priest by surprised as he was suddenly flung along with the staff and ended up falling. Alex wasted no time in bolting passed them and into the temple.

As expected, Lady Yuna was there and looked toward the red head with utter surprise, blinking a little as the young girl made a bee line to the former summoner and grabbed her hands. "Alex? What's wrong? What's..." Yuna started before she was interrupted as Alex started practically dragging the former summoner as quickly as she could.

"N-Nai! Something is wrong with Nai! Please! Help! Even.. Mrs. Rika doesn't know what to do!" Alex shouted through panicked breaths as she continued pulling. Ignoring the chatter of priests behind, most complaining.

"Okay okay... calm down Alex." Yuna tried to assure but when the got to Naisha's home, things really didn't look that optimistic. Qucikly she went over to Rika and Naisha, seeming to try and help.

Alex stood at the doorway, letting the former summoner do her best while the red head started pacing. Unsure what to do now, because there was nothing she could do. She didn't have healing abilities or anything.... Pretty soon, Lady Lulu also entered the home, most likely hearing the commotion and had followed after Lady Lulu. The child kept pacing, eyes trained on her friend as best as she could see Naisha through the larger figures in the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Lady Yuna… my Nai… she’s dying…” Rika barely managed to cry out when the former summoner appeared on the doorway. As Yuna approached the mother and daughter, it was possible to see many empty bottles of potions scattered around the two.” I tried everything I can think of! No potion works!” Rika was trying to explain what she tried to this point so the summoner could grasp the situation quickly.” It’s not poison, not a wound, not a status affliction…” Nai’s mother said, still holding her child’s hand as Lady Yuna was trying to heal the girl with her magic.

Soon Lady Lulu came as well, trying to help also. She said she heard the commotion and quickly ran over. Both the heroes couldn’t grasp how such thing could happen to a child’s body. Lady Yuna stated that it was as if the body has lost it’s will to live, like all life force was sapped away from it and it wasn’t restoring at all.” I’ve heard about something similar… when one tries to use magic, but doesn’t have the energy to do. Sometimes spells still activate, sapping the user’s strength in return, but never have I heard about something this severe.” The mage stated as she was trying to assist the summoner.” But she has never learned any magic!” Rika quickly said, her panic only worsening as Nai’s condition turned more and more severe. At this point she was barely breathing now and her body was so cold on touch. Yuna looked at Lulu, who immediately casted a haste spell on her. Things seemed nearly impossible for the surviving of the child.

Nai herself was barely feeling anything at this point. Her mind was floating in a dark empty void as she lost more and more sense of reality. She was slowly giving up as everything was eaten away by darkness. She had nearly gave in to the darkness as she suddenly felt a sensation. Something was pulling her back! It was distant, but she could see a light in the darkness. Desperately pulling herself at the only ray of hope, she soon began hearing voices. It was her family… She could her mother, her father and Alex… And then finally she opened her eyes…

“*Cough, cough, cough*” Nai began coughing as soon as her eyes opened. Her body was hurting and she couldn’t really move. Even breathing was painful.” NAISHA!” Her mother cried out, tears falling down her face. Her father was also next to Rikka. Slightly moving her sight to the other side, she could see Lady Yuna and Lady Lulu, who were sitting there. They looked incredibly tired… What had happened?! Why couldn’t she remember anything about why she was like this… Wait! If she was like this how was Alex?! The two barely moved around separately since they met.” Mother…what happened? I don’t remember… is Alex okey… we were going to meet on the beach, but I don't remember...” Nai somehow managed to whisper out of concern for her friend.

“Why is it so cold…” She added moments later. She felt a chill down to the very center of her body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex gasped a bit as Rika stated to Lady Yuna of Naisha's condition. "No! She can't be!" Alex wailed before moving closer to Naisha, but enough to be out of the way of the two heroes of Spira and gingerly gripped Naisha's hands. "She's going to be okay... she has to be... She can't leave... I don't wanna be alone... Nai. Please. Wake up." Alex pleaded, her blue eyes trembling, threatening to spill tears as realization finally hit her. She was so scared, so terrified of Naisha not waking up again. Just as she made a friend, her very first and bestest friend... would she lose her? Were the Keeper and priests right? Was she bad luck? Did she unintentionally cause this by just being around Naisha?\

Utter panic and distress made wild thoughts cross her mind, but everything froze and Naisha suddenly started coughing. The red headed girl gripped her friend's hands a little tighter. "Oh... Nai?! You woke up!" Alex chirped with a relieved smile. "I'm okay.... but... I don't know what happened to you. I was meeting you by the cove by the beach so we can go explore that place you found, but when I found you, you were unconscious.... you.. didn't have any injuries from what I saw but... you wouldn't wake up... and you were cold...." Alex tried to explain, wanting to know what happened to her friend. Gingerly leaning closer to provide some body heat.

"ALEX!!!" A familiar voice shouted from outside, causing the red head to stiffen, hands tightening a little more as if for comfort but quickly let go. Not wishing to further damage her friend in her current state.

Still though, Alex didn't move away, hesitant and unwilling to leave her friend's side. That was until a familiar figure came into the room. A older woman, perhaps in her 40's and wore a black robe with white trimming. Looking a bit like a nun almost. With chocolate brown hair pulled into a neat and professional bun. Instinctively Alex slightly lowered herself from behind someone, trying to keep out of sight but the woman seemed to have easily spotted her. Keeper Loka was always a bit strict and as superstitious as the priests.

"Alex, I heard the inappropriate commotion you caused. You about broke Priest Oko's back with your rough barging. And I hear you caused Rika's little girl to be in trouble? I knew this would happen but neither you, Naisha, or Rika listened." The Keeper scolded.

"I-I didn't do it! I wouldn't hurt her!" Alex snapped back, stepping closer now, feeling the hair's on the back of her neck bristling with agitation.

"On purpose. Come, best to get back to the orphanage." Keeper Loka said.

"But I don't want to!" Alex growled, stomping her foot childishly.

Lady Yuna stepped foreword, tired and exhausted but still bore a gentle expression. "Miss Loka, Alex didn't do anything wrong. She was just scared and panicked. She's far too young to know what to do in this situation. Even we don't really know what to do. You can't expect her to be calm about it." Yuna said softly.

"Even so, she is being too loud and is more than likely to cause harm then good for a child that is ill. It is better for Rika and Naisha if Alex returns to the orphanage for the day. So proper constentration can be worked on for Naisha and so she can get proper rest and recovery... from whatever ill fortune has befallen her." Lady Loka said, glaring to Alex who glared back but gave no reply this time. The keeper then grabbed the red head by the arm and started pulling her out. Alex growled a bit, almost tempted to bite but refrained only because she was unsure if the Keeper was correct or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Place… what place… I can’t remember anything… it hurts to try…” Nai was talking in confusion, she had barely just regained consciousness and what’s more the extreme exhaustion was making her be barely able to think straight.” Nai, calm down. It’s fine now, it doesn’t matter!” Rika said to her sick child, gently caressing Nai’s hair.” I see… I… I…” Nai’s eyes closed again, but this time she just felt asleep. A thing that Lady Yuna and Lady Lulu, made sure to calm Nai’s parents about, that it wasn’t her just getting worse again. They had managed to stabilize the child and she was out of immediate danger, but no one really knew what the side effects of Nai’s body dying like that were going to be.

Rika had finally calmed a little when the keeper of the orphanage appeared. She was loud and trying to drag Alex away. Rika’s eye twitched at the scene, the way the older woman was harassing the child, making it sound like she was responsible for Nai’s condition. She knew deep in herself that Alex wound never do something to Naisha. The mother couldn’t explain it, it was just a parent’s feeling she guessed. Even Lady Yuna was not capable of stopping Loka. Rike didn’t like the woman, she was one of those who were keeping her from adopting Alex.

“You will unhand Alex right now…” Rika stated, still caressing Nai’s head, but her eyes were locked on the keeper, locked like those of a predator on it’s pray. The coldness in her voice surprised even her.” Alex is needed here. As for that thing with the priests, I will take full responsibility for it… After all none of this was probably going to happen if all of you didn’t cling to your damned superstitions...” Rika’s voice crept low and cold like a mist.” Now release her and leave my home, before I come over there and separate that arm from your body…” The woman already saw Alex as her own child and Loka now wanted to separate Alex and Naisha, that was not going to happen. Beside for Nai, there was a room she can rest in peace and quiet if the need arose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Keeper Loka looked toward Rika, giving a deep sigh before releasing her grip on Alex whom backed up away from the older woman. Walking closer, the older woman kept her voice low but clear. her voice a bit raspy. "Rika, do listen. I know you have a good heart but the fact of the manner is I'm just worried over both your safety and your child. I'm sure by now you've seen some of what Alex is capable of, and she is far too young and undisciplined to not be a hazard. Even without the superstition of... She's ill forturned. But the truth is she is dangerous. One ill placed mistake could lead to serious damage to your little Nai. And to be no offense to you or your husband, but Nai is your first child and is already a bit of a handful. Look at her now and whatever happened. You can't handle another rambunctious child who also has.. Issues. And as cruel as it sounds, as a parent, your child comes first over one who isn't yours." she said in a curt yet professional manner,

Alex rolled her eyes a little before sneaking around to return to Naisha's side, watching her sleep with a worried expression, but now did keep her hands a bit to herself. A bit wary now after Keeper Loka's words.

"Oh Keeper Loka, I'm sure just this once would be alright. Naisha needs all the comfort she can give and Rika can watch. I'm sure Alex won't do anything to cause worry. They've both been so lively and friendly whenever I saw them together. It's healthy for them to be together in time of need." Lady Yuna said, trying to play the more calmer approach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“What do you mean dangerous!? She has never expressed any signs of losing control or acting dangerous around us. She and Naisha has been basically together for the last two weeks as if they were born to be side by side, without any incident happening!” Rika growled at the keeper.” I’d advise you to think through what you see very careful before uttering nonsense… Nai may be a daredevil, but she is fine as she is. Kids should be that way…” Rika was indeed getting very angry with the older woman, when a hand was placed on her shoulder.” Honey, calm down, the keeper is just trying to do the best thing she can.” Nai’s father said, but quickly moved back a step when Rika threw him a very angry glare.” I’m sorry…” He replied by instinct.

“Alex was already going to be my child also, if you old bas… if you old fools hadn’t stopped the procedures! I may not have given birth to her or be ‘legally’ in charge of her, but I already think of her as child of mine.” Rika stated and glared once more at Loka.

“Even Lady Yuna has seen that these two are better together, so I will say it once more… Loka, leave my home, before I’m forced to throw you out of here.” Rika said, she was just about ready to jump on the older woman, most likely the others present realized she was not nowhere near calm enough or in control of her own self, because Lady Lulu, quickly interfered.” Sleep…” She said a single word as Rika’s body quickly relaxed and her husband immediately stepped in to catch her before she falls.” Keeper, I suggest you leave this place for the moment. She is already in more than enough stress and its clear your presence isn’t making things any better.” Lulu stated as she went and took the now sleeping Naisha and took her to her room, as Rika was being carried to her bed by her husband.

“Stay by her side and give her a healing potion if she starts coughing again.” Lulu said to Alex before leaving with Yuna.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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"And it's only been two weeks. Children always get into some sort of spat eventually and you'll regret it when it happens. And like it or not, she isn't your child and you are not her caretaker. I would prefer not to force legal action. For the good of everyone's safety. Your temper isn't help proving your case as a good caretaker as well and if I didn't know better, I could say you aren't a good influence on your own daughter and have her removed from your care." Keeper Loka said sharply in a more calm icy tone. Watching Rika bristle with anger before Lady Lulu stepped in and faster a sleep spell before speaking to the Keeper.

At the heroine's words, the older woman gave a sigh and grunt. "Very well. If anything happens though, do not blame me." she said before turning her gaze to the red head. "Do try to return to the orphanage around dusk." Keeper Loka spoke before turning and leaving to return back to the orphanage.

Ed watched as the Keeper left before following after Lulu and Naisha, nodding a little at the instructions as she took the potion. Sitting down at the edge of the bed beside Naisha, gingerly gripping her friend's hand. Trembling a little as she felt a worrying terror run through her body. Unsure.. What she could do to fix her friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Naisha felt cold... so very cold... She was not awake, but even in her dreams the feeling of frost creeping in her body did not leave her. She had no idea what had transpired in that cave, her mind locked those memories as a defense reaction to protect itself from the fear and horror. Now she was just floating in the empty void of her dreams... cold... alone and in pain.

She had no idea how long she was out of it, but at some point she felt a gentle warm sensation and followed it. Soon after she was awake, feeling a warm hand, holding her own. It was Alex... Nai tried to tell something, but instead she began coughing like mad, to the point she even coughed up blood. She felt so much pain all across her body and also felt so weak, she had not the strength to even sit. As her coughing began, Alex quickly gave her a potion, and Nai's conditioned relaxed a little.” What happened...?” Nai asked, her voice so weak, it was almost impossible to hear it.” Alex... I hurts... my whole body hurts.” Nai said, trying to hold her tears.” I don't remember... I … think I went to check the cave, but I... can't remember what happened after I got to the beach...” She cried weakly, trying to grab to Alex's hand, but she couldn't move her fingers.


At Nai's parent's bedroom, Rika was just getting up from the sleep spell she was put under. At the first few moment's she felt confused, but then remembered what happened and jumped from the bed, reaching for the cabinet in the room, where she kept a very special family treasure. It was a long sleek sword that was passed down in their family. The woman grabbed the sword and was about to storm off away, when her husband hugged her from behind, trying to stop and calm her.” Don't... there is no need..” He told her, but Rika was furious.” I'm going to deal with that woman right now! Who is she to tell me how I teaching and lecturing my own child!? What does she thinks she know!? After everything we went through to so Nai can be born...” Rika was struggling, but in reality her body felt weak as well. She was a parent who almost lost her child... she had no strength left from worrying. The sword fell on the ground as her grip weakened.” She doesn't understand...” The woman cried as she also hugged her husband.” Bounds like this between Nai and Alex... What I've seen from the two, the way they react to each other. They remind me so much of... … I don't care what my family, that keeper or the blasted temple will say, I will look after Alex as well! They may drag her away every night back to that orphanage, but during the day, here I will teach her everything... I will make sure both Naisha and Alex are able to forge their own destinies. Even if that takes them to the end of the world!” She said softly.” After Nai get's better... let's leave Besaid, we will take Alex too...” She said, imagining that future, though she never could have guessed that would never happen. Nai would never really get better. Her child's condition was going to get a lot worse...


“I feel cold...” Nai said, trying to reach to grab a blanket, but her body refused to listen to her.” Why can't I move...” She said in pain, forcing herself to try to sit and get the blanket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex perked up a little as she managed to hear Naisha weakly say something, the red head soon frowning as she saw the weakened girl start to speak with tears brimming in her eyes before coughing up blood.. Gingerly, Alex intertwined her fingers with Naisha's as her friend attempted to weakly reach for her hand. "I dunno Nai..." Alex answered softly as she helped Naisha take a potion to ease the pain before watching as Naisha tried to grab the blanket, struggling so much. It hurt to see her like this. Not even knowing why it happened. She'd be okay right? This was just temporary... Nai would be alright and well again in time. The red head kept thinking those thoughts to herself, even if her instincts told her that her hopes wouldn't be finalized.

Grabbing the blanket, Alex draped it over her friend and tucked Naisha in and forced her to remain lying down. "Y-Your just sick.... And need rest. It'll be okay... I'm here for you..." Alex said softly, trying to comfort the both of them in this time of dread. Alex gingerly lied down beside her friend, continuing to hold her hand a little tightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

“Okey… I feel a little better with you around…” Nai said quietly when Alex laid next to her after tugging the blankets of the sick girl. The redhead was holding Nai’s arm tightly and that made the sick girl feel very secure. She felt quite at easy now, that Alex was next to her.

“Hey, we will miss our visit to our place today.” The older girl said painfully.” We will have to make up for the missed visit someday.” She said, trying to smile, but her body was so tired… she was barely awake, struggling to keep conscious so she can talk with Alex.

“Yes… I will rest for the day. Tomorrow I will be better… a lot better… z..zz.zz.z..ZZzz.zzz…” Nai began saying as she drifted into the expenses of the dreams, now that she felt secure with Alex being with her. Her dreams were scary, twisted and terrifying, but she didn’t wake as she felt Alex’s warm hand even in the dream.


Nai was suddenly torn from he dreams as she felt terror. Alex’s presence was missing and she couldn’t take the dreams anymore. She looked around, noticing everything was dark. Even the outside, it must have been night already. Rika was just entering the room as Nai awoke.” Nai! It’s fine, don’t stress yourself!” Her mother said, rushing to her child’s bed and tried to calm the sick girl. Nai looked around and her mother quickly understood who she was searching for.” Alex is fine, she had to return to the orphanage, I walked her to there, while your father looked over you. We just switched.” Rika explained and took Nai’s hand.” It’s going to be fine… everything is going to be fine…” Rika was repeating, her hand was so big and warm. Nai soon drifted into sleep once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yet, everything wasn't fine. Naisha never got better. Days soon became weeks... which became months. Each day, Alex went over to visit and each day she had to witness Naisha being so... ill. Her body so frail and weak. Like a magic spell had made her once strong physical form, turn to a fragile figurine made of glass. And eventually, Naisha stopped all interaction. Never wanting to come out of her room, always staying in there and not even wishing for interaction with her own family. Each time, it felt like Alex was turned away. The red head felt betrayed, abandoned, lonely and she loathed it. She was sad, depressed, angry.... for a time she stopped coming for a month. Just... being on her own. Staying in the orphanage. She didn't feel like leaving. Didn't feel like exploring any longer, or playing outside. She couldn't play with Naisha, so playing felt... empty.

Although, eventually, she knew that none of this was Naisha's fault, and she was just being a brat. So she started visiting againg, only to be disappointed once more. Rika was happy to see her, but Naisha still secluded herself. She must have felt just as bitter just.. in a different way.

Today was another day Alex had come over, gingerly knocking on the door. Awaiting for a answer, her face a little tired and downtrodden. This passed almost year had been. Her thoughts had gotten... a bit darker... and nightmares had started haunting her. Plaguing her. She was hearing voices and all sorts of things... she locked away.

So right now... she just really wanted her friend. Just for a moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

This year was a very hard one for Naisha... things never got better. Her body was just constantly so weak, she felt so very tired from everything, even getting up in the morning. She slowly began closing up to everyone as everything seemed to pass in a haze, with her being unable to do anything. For weeks she was tried to stand up, but she never could do it. She tried to throw a ball or hold a sword, but her arms refused to hold anything that heavy. Eventually she completely closed up, she stopped talking to her mother and refused to open the door even to Alex, not wanting her friend to see her in her sad state, they had promised to visit that place Alex showed her everyday, but now she couldn't even get close to that climbing place now, let alone climb it. So she just locked her room, slowly withering away even more. She didn't even have the desire to leave the bed now, she just laid there, feeling as if the whole world was not mattering anymore.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door... today she had not the strength and desire to even get up to lock it... She guessed who it was, so Naisha just laid there in her bed, in the dark room with the windows closed and the light blocked by covers. Nai felt the desire to see and hear Alex again, but didn't want her friend to see her like this. Now with the room almost as dark as night, that couldn't happen...

“Enter...” Nai managed to weakly say, not sure if the redhead will hear her. In reality because she locked herself away, she even ate almost nothing anymore, her body was already as weak as it can be.


“This cannot continue anymore...” Rika said quietly to her husband, watching Alex waiting by Nai's door. She too was caught by terror as it became clear Nai isn't recovering. It hurt so much when her daughter began distancing herself from everyone, even Alex. Today though, something happened that caught Rika by surprise and gave her some hope. While looking at Alex, who was waiting by Nai's door, the woman heard a very low frail whisper. It was almost like the wind was playing tricks on her, but it was indeed her daughter!” I will be leaving for the moment, look after the two of them. I need to see someone.” Rika said to Nai's father and quickly stormed out their home. She needed to give Naisha something to get herself focused on. Nai always loved blitzball and fighting, now that she couldn't do any of that, it only added to her self-destructive behavior. That's why her mother just thought up a plan that just may work.

Marching with long steps, even running actually, she finally was by the home of Wakka and Lulu... She knocked on the door and the man appeared on the doorway. Rika greeted him quickly and asked a single question.” Is Lady Lulu home at the moment? I need to ask her something...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shuffling a little as she stood there, Alex rested her hand against the door. Not feeling all that hopeful of this day changing. Until, by her surprise, a soft quiet voice spoke out. Blinking a bit, the red head perked up a little, feeling her heart well up in hope. She heard Rika leave but Alex decided to enter the door. It was so dark in here.. it wasn't always like this right? It felt like it had been some time... and back then it felt more bright. Alex slowly entered, allowing the light from slither in before she closed it slightly to only allow a crack of light. Walking closer, feeling her way through and going by memory toward the bed. Alex gingerly knelt down beside it. Already she had grown a few inches over the year.

"...Hey Nai... It's me..." Alex said softly. Her speech had gotten better now thanks to Rika with some assistance in education. Probably a way to distract herself from Naisha current condition. Alex couldn't see her... but she felt the atmosphere. It was just full of... hopelessness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

“Hey...” Naisha weakly replied to her friend. The sick girl currently felt like there really wasn't much left on the way of life in her. She felt as a candle that was finally on it's end.” Alex... How have you been?” She asked, in fear of asking anything else. She locked herself away for so long that now she couldn't bring herself to even ask for a forgiveness.

“You sound better now... I think my mother said something about helping you with studying and stuff.” Nai managed to say with a smile. She was glad that Rika was seeing Alex as a child of her own too. Maybe that way her mother wasn't going to feel as alone and hurt when Nai's flame finally extinguished. In fact at this point, the sick girl was almost waiting for the end. She no more had the strength to even sit on the bed.

“Alex... I'm...I'm sorry...” Naisha cried, trying to reach her hand to her friend, but the weak and thin arm barely moved from the bed.” I wanted to play together again, but I screwed up everything!” She said with grim voice as tears rolled down her face.


Rika was finally returning home, but she was not alone this time. With her was a certain person that may be able to safe her daughter's spirit. Lulu walked right beside Nai's mother, the woman had reached out to her with a request. She knew the state Naisha was for a good while now and was also trying to find a solution to the girl's health, but nothing was possible to be done anymore. She was never going to be able to move like before, but maybe she didn't have to. Now that Rika had approached her with her request, maybe she was going to at least stop the child from that completely self destructive way of acting... if it wasn't too late already.
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