Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: Flandre Scarlet
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Generally a cheerful, but somewhat rambly, girl with none of the pretensions of maturity that her older sister shows. Also, by appearances, more than happy enough to meet few people even if she does like to 'play' with people that come in. Yet... not the most stable girl, she tends to break her toys. And other things.
    Something of a failure of a vampire, since she doesn't actually know that she needs to drink blood, so she certainly understands the other ramifications.
  • Abilities: Super strength, speed, scary levels of regeneration, the ability to turn into a bat (or mist)... and on top of that Flan has the ability to destroy anything, as well as split into multiple 'clones' of herself (and the real one). Yet being a vampire comes with many downsides, like a vulnerability to sunlight, rain, roasted soybeans, holly branches, sardine heads...
    Like everyone else in Gensokyo, seemingly, she can fly. It's noted that her wings obviously aren't helpful for this.
  • Equipment: The rather... oddly shaped Laevateinn, which is also at the same time capable of being a giant flaming sword. She's also acquired an umbrella easily enough, which is of great benefit given that she is, of course, a vampire. And apparently she gained a teddy that has yet to be wrecked.
  • Brief Backstory: Born. Turned into a vampire. Voluntarily kept mostly in the basement for 495 years.
  • Universe of Origin: Touhou Project
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 2 days ago

  • Name: Aqua
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: The keyblade master, herself. ¦ Armoured form
  • Personality:
    A calm, kind, polite and stubborn young woman, Aqua can come across as strict and boring, although she is a great deal more relaxed than one would think. She is respectful to others, and protective of her friends (to the point of coming across as condescending, which is obviously not her intent), and seems to be extremely good with children.
    It is rare for Aqua to acknowledge her own strength, preferring to downplay her ability and praise the skill of her friends, despite her qualification as Keyblade Master. Her calm demeanour can also be easily cracked with the slightest hint of a romance-centred conversation, showing that, for all her modesty and attempts authority, Aqua can be just as silly as anyone else.
  • Abilities:
    As a Keyblade Master, Aqua can not only fight with the thing, but also manipulate it to some agree, such as turning it into a glider. For space-faring or racing purposes.
    Her true prowess lies in magic, however. Water, lightning, light, pretty much any element you can think of that isn't DARKNESS!, she's mastered it.
    Also she can double jump.
  • Equipment: Her Keyblade, Stormfall, stored in hammerspace, and can only be wielded by herself... or anyone else who happens to be compatible with keyblades.
    Her armour, activated by tapping on a small piece of it hanging from her arm.
  • Brief Backstory: Aqua, having been tasked with bringing her friends Terra and Ven back home, has been following the two from world to world, hearing some disconcerting rumours about the former possibly falling to the Darkness. Although she was able to find the two, a misunderstanding caused by her choice of words, and reason for following Terra in particular, had led the the to separate once more. The last even to happen before ending up in some strange location, was to visit a remote island, in which some totally-not-important kids were playing.
  • Universe of Origin: Kingdom Hearts
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 27 min ago

  • Name: Konpaku Youmu
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "For Yuyuko-sama, I won't fail!"
  • Personality: Calm, collected, serious. These are things Youmu tries to be at all times. To her credit, in a fight she is a dangerous and focused opponent, but outside of combat she is prone to being rather awkward. Her attempts to remain collected often fail, as Youmu is easily surprised and confused. She is not unintelligent, but it is simply quite easy to exasperate or perplex her. Youmu is easily frustrated by things that confuse her, and she is somewhat easy to mislead. However, she has been working on this, as to not fail Yuyuko. Youmu takes pride in her combat capabilities and her speed, as well as her katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken. In spite of her attempts to be a dutiful and serious warrior, Youmu retains a fear of ghost stories. In spite of being half ghost. And serving a ghost. However, when her opponent is not a ghost, Youmu can be a courageous fighter who refuses to give in. She also retains absolute loyalty to Saigyouji Yuyuko, even if the gluttonous ghost confuses and embarrasses her at times. Youmu is reluctant to kill other intelligent beings unless it is necessary to defend herself, Yuyuko, or others.
  • Abilities: Youmu is somewhat more durable than a regular human being, and has a somewhat more capable healing ability, but this is nothing as extreme as most youkai. As a half-ghost, a portion of her soul is embodied as a non-sentient floating phantom referred to as Myon. This can be used to observe distant areas, fire danmaku, or even temporarily become a duplicate of Youmu for double team attacks. Youmu also feels everything Myon feels, though she cannot be damaged in this way(something painful to Myon will be painful to Youmu, though). Youmu is an incredibly skilled swordswoman, capable of wielding her blades both one and two-handed. Her strength is above human level, allowing her to wield the incredibly long Roukanken one-handed. Youmu's attacking speed allows her to slash many times in an instant, to the point where it appears as a single attack. She can also move very quickly, in both air and on land, her speed making her the second fastest person in Gensokyo. This allows her to pull off her family technique, Two-Hundred Yojana in One Slash, covering an enormous amount of distance and come back in the time it takes to unsheath Roukanken and cut with it, allowing her to cut foes even quite a distance away. She also carries spellcards and is fully capable of flight. Her most powerful technique, both in spellcard form and as a true attack, is Reflecting Satellite Slash. This attack is simultaneously the cutting of her blade and a wave of blades reflected by the light of the moon, assaulting her opponent in a flash of light as she moves to cut through them. Even in nonlethal danmaku form it is a highly dangerous attack. However, it requires Youmu to hold still and gather power to properly perform it. In spite of all her advantages, Youmu is still partially human and can be injured as a human can, and while attacks to Myon do not cause physical harm, the pain caused by them can immobilize her.
  • Equipment: Youmu carries two katana, Roukanken and Hakuroken.
    • Roukanken: An incredibly long katana, a nodachi that measures longer than the short girl is tall. Roukanken's blade was forged by youkai, allowing it to be nearly unbreakable. This is not the most notable feature of Roukanken, however. The katana's incredibly sharp blade transcends physicality, allowing it to cut apart even existences such as formless ghosts. Rocks, trees, flesh, steel, little can stand up to the unrestrained Roukanken. However, Youmu utilizes danmaku rules to avoid killing unless her life or the lives of others are in danger. Supernatural protection, or heavily augmented technology, may also defend against Roukanken.
    • Hakuroken: A wakizashi, Hakuroken possesses no ability to kill a living thing. Indeed, it is almost entirely harmless, causing some pain and discomfort but otherwise nothing else. Its capabilities lie in another area. It can be used to parry and it can incapacitate with enough blows, but the true nature of Hakuroken is its ability to divide things such as confusion. Certainly, cutting confusion is a valuable asset to the easily-confused Youmu. However, this is merely a side effect of its intended function. Hakuroken instantly causes the state of Nirvana in spirits it strikes, causing them to vanish utterly.
  • Brief Backstory: Youmu was born into the Konpaku family, half-ghosts in service of the ruler of the Netherworld, Saigyouji Yuyuko. She was trained intensely in swordplay, and in how to garden in order to cultivate the gardens around Yuyuko's home. Soon enough, Youmu became Yuyuko's servant, dedicated to her service even when she was to cause an incident that nearly(unintentionally) caused the awakening of a malevolent entity in the form of a soul-eating cherry tree. Since then, Youmu has actively assisted in the resolution of several incidents.
  • Universe of Origin: Touhou Project
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: Gilgamesh
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: The first word that anyone would think of to describe Gilgamesh is 'egotistic'. As far as he's concerned, the world and everything in it should still belong to him, and everyone else is inherently beneath him. This extends to morality, too: good and evil are irrelevant; right and wrong are concepts that apply to other people. Fortunately, without large negative influences on his already-alarming personality, his actions tend towards the self-indulgent rather than malevolent.
    Perhaps the saving grace for anyone that annoys him is that, despite being the alarmingly powerful King of Heroes, Gilgamesh's consideration of them as unworthy extends to putting effort into defeating them. Even powerful, respectable heroic figures barely merit any attention on his part, so normal people get even less. It's possible, but unlikely, to push him into fighting back properly despite this... but generally that's of the 'it's too late' variety.
    Despite all this, it would be a poor idea to underestimate him. As much as his colossal ego clouds Gilgamesh's judgement, he's far from an idiot--and far more knowledgeable and perceptive than you'd expect. On top of that, his self control--despite tending to openly display his emotions--is impeccable; he's never going to do something simply because his emotions got the better of him.
  • Abilities: Gilgamesh's abilities, per se, aren't terribly intimidating for a mythological figure of his status. He's strong, fast, tough... all pretty standard things, even if a normal person doesn't really compare, though he's definitely more well-rounded than many heroes. Charisma that's more of a curse (and his problems with Ishtar would suggest it is) is one of his few defining abilities... though then there the useful ability to acquire money more or less entirely by accident and constantly be fabulously rich.
  • Equipment: All of it. Gilgamesh, as the oldest hero, has a treasury whose value is beyond compare. Almost every legendary item or trinket can be found within, along with a vast host of less notable magical items--such as his armour, or the sheer amount of magic-resistant jewellery he owns (plus the armour itself is effectively immune). He even has some of the best wine to ever exist in there, probably with the cornucopia.
    So what does he do with all these treasures? Shoot them at people. He basically uses peerless artefacts as ammo for a mystical sword machinegun. It's understandable when you aren't as skilled with the weapons as their original wielders, but it's a bit of an underwhelming use.
    Two of the Noble Phantasms inside the Gate of Babylon are, however, significantly more noteworthy. The chain Enkidu is capable of lengthening almost infinitely... and passing through the treasury and thus creating a rather entangling mess. It's far more than a mere chain against divine targets, binding them far more strongly the closer the target is to a god. The other is Ea, Sword of Rupture. More of a drill than a sword, its power being only slightly used is a wave motion gun. At full power, it would destroy the world.
  • Brief Backstory: The very same as the legendary figure from the Epic of Gilgamesh, that literary tale more or less sums up Gilgamesh's life--clearly a bit inaccurate on appearances, but it's more or less the same thing. What the Epic doesn't cover is his gathering all of the world's treasures before his death and inevitable ascension to being a Heroic Spirit. Then he got summoned for the Holy Grail War, hung around after getting doused in all the world's evil, and ended up getting killed in the end.
  • Universe of Origin: Nasuverse

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 27 min ago

  • Name: Arturia Pendragon, goes by class name Saber
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Ex...
  • Personality: Saber is strong-willed and stubborn, as well as very brave and utterly determined. She suppresses her emotions in most situations, though social situations often bring out her insecurities. She considers herself as a warrior first, before anything else. Saber holds little mercy towards opponents. As the king of knights, she has a strong sense of honor. In spite of this strong personality, Saber can become shy and withdrawn in regular social situations due to the previously mentioned insecurities, and it is not too difficult to fluster her. She has a deep sense of justice, fitting the legendary King of Knights, and acts respectful to honorable and just opponents. Saber has a deep adoration of good food, very eager to eat any that is given to her.
  • Abilities: Saber is a Servant, a Heroic Spirit constrained to one of the Seven Servant Classes. Obviously, her class is Saber. She is extremely fast and strong, though not the fastest or strongest of Servants. She wears magic armor, which easily deflects mundane weaponry. Purely mundane weapons are incapable of harming her. It will take extremely high-power weapons, or magical weapons, to do damage. Saber is durable, and capable of recovering from grievous injury. She has two out of her three Noble Phantasms, though one is technically magecraft. The first is Invisible Air, which is capable of becoming a sheath that renders her second Noble Phantasm invisible. It can also be used as a projectile. Saber is also immune to most magic(magical weapons, however, are still dangerous). While this is a defense, it also makes it difficult, if not impossible, to buff or heal her using magic.
  • Equipment:
    • Excalibur - Sword of Promised Victory: An incredibly powerful and holy weapon, a sword that is impossible to break(though this is because it's a Noble Phantasm as well as... being Excalibur). Its most powerful ability is to unleash an immense blast of prana which is capable of killing an immense amount of targets or destroying an entire fortress. She cannot simply repeatedly fire off this this ability, as she lacks Avalon, which gives her a vast amount of prana with which to use for Excalibur. She is also unlikely to use it if there's a risk of collateral damage or killing allies. At most, she could manage one shot per day if there's no risk of collateral damage or killing allies.
  • Brief Backstory: This gives a rundown of the canon side of things, once again post-UBW Good End.
  • Universe of Origin: The Nasuverse - Unlimited Blade Works(Good End)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

  • Name: Negi Springfield
  • Gender: Male
  • Personality: Negi is cheerful and a bit of a pushover on the surface, usually going on with the flow of shenanigans with the minimum of token resistance. An English gentleman of the highest degree, he is constantly polite and mild to any he meets. At least until people push certain buttons. However, deep within his psyche lies a darker side that constantly berates himself for anything less than perfect as well as a rather strong sense of camaraderie that often times segue into overprotectiveness that is also surprisingly overly violent. For a young boy his age, Negi is rather pessimistic and has rather low self-esteem despite his many accomplishments, something that regularly gets him into trouble.
  • Abilities: Negi Springfield boasts a strong mastery of both the Wind and Lightning schools of magic along with an above average Mana resevoir that makes him a powerful mage in his own right, capable of having natural disasters in the shape of localized storms attack people with gale force winds, small tornadoes, forks of lightning, and elemental arrows along with defensive barriers and bodily reinforcement for himself. Along with these natural gifts due to bloodline, Negi is a certified child genius- having graduated from a magical university when 9 and becoming an English teacher at a Japanese campus with full teaching certificates at age ten. Well educated, erudite, and keen of mind, his way of thinking is on a higher level than the majority of most people and as such he can instantly comprehend difficult subjects or develop ingenious magical theories much faster than regular people as well as having a learning curve that is almost inhuman such as the time he crammed the basics of Chinese kung fu into himself in a scant few weeks.

    Finally, Negi holds in reserve a forbidden spell called Magia Erebea, which is a magic that allows him to absorb and temporarily fuse with enemy offensive magic to empower himself. The side effect is that it feeds off the soul and darkness of the user, which often times helps amp up his darker urges. And it made him quasi-immortal and too at one point. He uses the lightning variant of Magia Erebea the most and the one he is most attuned to, turning himself into something akin to a "spirit" to make himself literally strike as fast as lightning, though other elements can be used as well such as darkness for additional toughness or fire for sheer offensive ability.
  • Equipment: Negi carries around his iconic wooden staff that he uses to fly about on and cast spells, though nowadays he has a ring which he uses as a focusing agent. Also on him are his Pactio card holder, one perverted fairy ermine, a cool looking cloak, his battle clothes, multiple pairs of glasses, a bottle of magical pills that can temporarily age him ten years older, and a cloaking spell that disguises his telltale glowing Magia Erebea tattoos.
  • Brief Backstory: A bright young man with a rather dark past that had been nominated to become an English teacher at an all girl private campus. After various amounts of wacky hijinks, young Negi embarked on a quest to find out abou his origins while having merciless fights with various super powered anomalies along the way while causing his students to fall in love with him. As of the current point in time, he's set into motion a plan that would save a special grafted on alternate reality of Mars from complete obliteration by calling for a construction of a magitech space elevator.
  • Universe of Origin: Mahou Sensei Negima
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Green Rhapsody
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Green Rhapsody Green Is A Creative Color

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 38 min ago

  • Name: Beowulf
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: 287 pounds of folded steel and sex appeal!
  • Personality: A hotblooded champion who loves his sport and his fans; the quintessential "face" wrestler, really. He doesn't really think things through most of the time and can be a bit boastful about his abilities, though, but aside from his bumbling he's a staunchly good person and has the skills to live up to his own hype. He cares deeply for his fans, and really for most other people, and will go above and beyond the call of duty for them if the need arises (as his promise to defeat the Skullgirl shows).
  • Abilities: Beowulf is... Just a wrestler. A really, really good wrestler strong enough to wrestle giants, but a wrestler none the less. Like all wrestlers, however, Beowulf is powered by hype, and by playing to the crowd (even if said crowd only exists in his head) he can come back from seemingly unwinnable situations and turn them to his favour (he's a face, after all!); as long as he believes his millions of fans are watching him, he feels he can never lose. As his hype builds up, his finishers grow in power, meaning that the longer a fight lasts the more damage he can do.
  • Equipment:
    • Hurting: A steel chair. Despite being seemingly indestructable, other than that it's just a regular folding steel chair. It hurts to get hit with, though.
    • Grendel's Arm: The undead arm of the Gigan warrior Grendel, who Beowulf defeated in the ring several years ago. Beowulf tends to use it as a bludgeon, or to grabble opponents with.
  • Brief Backstory: The undefeated champion of the Canopy Kingdom's professional wrestling league, Beowulf became a legend for defeating the Gigan warrior Grendel (and afterwards, Grendel's enraged mother) in the ring, proving that the giants could be defeated by regular humans. Unbeknownst to him, however, the match was rigged and Grendel was drugged to make him easier to beat, something that he never found out until years later when the power of the Skullgirl caused Grendel's severed arm to twitch into undeath. Wishing to be a hero to the Canopians once more, he set out with Grendel's arm and the Hurting, his favourite steel chair, in an attempt to defeat the Skullgirl himself.
  • Universe of Origin: Skullgirls
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: The Courier
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Due to a rather... apathetic approach towards her own appearance (with enough sense retained to do basic hygiene), the Courier's hair has ended up as dreadlocks. Otherwise, she seems pretty unremarkable on her own: somewhat tanned, and rather generic and sleepy looking for the post-apocalyptic wasteland. Most people, however, are more likely to take notice of her intimidating physique, or failing that the combat armour worn under a sleeveless duster. Except for those used to living under rocks, the 21 on the back of the coat means it can be only one person.
  • Personality: Despite self-admittedly being as dumb as a sack of bricks and having more vices than a workshop, the Courier retains that raw commodity in the wasteland: morals. Keep your word, don't hop to violence as the first port of call (no matter how easy it is), and don't fall back on strong-arming everyone into compliance. The general relaxed attitude, though... that's probably the chems. Or maybe just having been so through enough implausible deadly scenarios that being killed and eaten by deathclaws has stopped being particularly scary.
  • Abilities: The Courier's abilities are, self-admittedly, rather limited. If she wanted to single out what she could do beyond 'survive the wasteland', it would come down to three things: taking people on with nothing more than a strong punch, some ability to talk things out of fighting... and advanced scientific ability that really shouldn't be in the hands of someone that has to stop and think to do basic maths.
    Other than that, the Courier has the rather obvious advantage that she is, having survived many, many problems along the way, a cyborg. Whilst the general enhancements to durability and physical ability are welcome, the most useful addition is a ridiculously accelerated rate of healing, closing injuries that should take weeks whilst actually watching them. Though she would dispute that it's the best--the pseudo-Jet might not be as good as the real thing, but it's always there to use.
  • Equipment: Aside from her own body (modified as it is) and her outfit, the Courier's equipment is straightforward to list: a ceramic powerfist heated to disturbing degrees, her pet cyberdog, a wrist-mounted computer that she can't work out how to remove one-handed, and enough chems hidden throughout her attire that most people would expect some sort of drug-dealing operation. There's also a pistol from her past, kept in case someone thought that punching was her only ability... and as a trophy.
  • Brief Backstory: Born to parents no less actively travelled than she was, albeit as merchants, the Courier's decision to take up the rather hazardous mission of delivering parcels around the hell that is the world on her own isn't that surprising. Getting a settlement nuked, in retrospect, definitely was. Her most notable delivery, however, was one to get a certain chip to New Vegas... which lead to getting shot in the head. Surviving also gave a great excuse to pretend she couldn't remember the name that she rather disliked.
    The rather stubborn process of trying to complete the delivery (getting paid was important... especially when you enjoyed the more expensive parts of the wastelands) somehow expanded into negotiating a hellhole resort to help a guy rob a vault (and he died), watching some tribes try and wipe each other out, and becoming the curator of some of the world's most advanced tech... not that she's much better than the brains that work on it in the common sense department. The most notable thing outside of the Mojave was finding out what she'd done to the Mojave.
    So the Courier had the bright idea to avoid that sort of mess repeating by installing herself in charge. Unlike House, she could actually go out and solve problems herself and unlike the rest, she had an idea how bad it could get. Hijack a robot army, keep doing her job for a while until the fighting broke out... and now the de facto ruler-cum-guardian of the Mojave, with one of the best places to stay in the world.
    And now abducted from it along with Rex. Something of a pain, that.
  • Universe of Origin: Fallout
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