Still today EST, so there's still time. Didn't know there where so many time-travelers in this OOC.
@Simple Unicycle: That's your choice. One of the crime lords would tie him into things easier, though.
@NarcissisticPotato: Your choice, though the New Republic team is mostly on the Corvette.
<Snipped quote by VitaVitaAR>
Obviously the New Republic team wouldn't get close to the meeting given its apparent security so maybe having the Republic pay a bounty hunter to smuggle Lyra in would be the logical decision then get her back out and to the New Republic team? Unless we intended for the team to go to the meeting?
Anyways, would any bounty-hunters/mercs like to adopt Lyra? :P
<Snipped quote by NarcissisticPotato>
I'm up for this job. I was just writing about Alastro and how he's bored out of his mind. He could use a reason to stay at the meeting too.
@Simple Unicycle: The ship's getting ready to land, it's not landing yet. ^^;