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Raijin's Vault that lacks a clever/cool name

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Whoops, my bad. Here you go.

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Silme Raana

“You keep staring and you're going to lose an eye."
-Silme Raana, Age 10


Silme Raana

|Birth Date|

Timber Wolf Faunus


reluctant Student, Secret Criminal

[color=Team Color]A P P E A R A N C E[/color]

|In Depth Appearance|
Silme is on the taller side, being around 6ft tall with room to grow, his silver hair cut short in a wild, unkempt style to keep it from getting in the way of his fighting. His eyes are a fierce amber color, closer in appearance to that of his animal lineage, especially when his instincts start to take over. He has a lean muscled figure covered with scars from his numerous criminal escapades, as well as a tattoo on his arm of a snarling wolf. As for his Faunus features, he has an easily noticeable pair of wolf ears on his head, as well as a tail, claws, and sharp canines that he's all to ready to use if needed.


|Likes & Dislikes|
✔ fighting, other Faunus, Scarlet Ravagers, taking humans down a pegor six,
✘ being alone, people in general, Faunus who try and 'fit in'Domesticated fuckwads, Humans, hyper people, being touched, being told what to do, authority, Carver, Carver's weird habits, Hunters

Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks.

He can also use them as a means of traversal by firing out the claws as a form of grappling hook attached to a good amount of strong, lightweight metal cable.

Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. To help with this style, he's actually augmented his Aura so that it gives more of a physical power boost at the cost of it's defensive capabilities, making him a good deal stronger and a great deal faster than most, but taking hits is something he tries to avoid.

Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armor so and items, making him very effective at damaging and even destroying the weapons of others to lessen their combat effciency.He can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective, it still allows him to do more damage then normal.


♦ Aggresive ♦ Rebellious ♦ Somewhat Clueless ♦ Short-Temper♦
Silme is a loner by trade, and while he'll deny it vehemently, he really wishes he wasn't. He wants to connect with people, have real friends and family again, but he's afraid that he'll just get left behind again, abandoned by those he loved the most. Outwardly and in public, however, he's very abrasive, blunt, and vulgar, ready to speak his mind and pounce on anyone who tries to stop him(sometimes literally). The surest way to get on his shit list is to tell him what to do, as he hates that more than anything, especially if it's a human.

As far as fighting goes, he'll use evey advantage to win and will fight to the ducking end with all the feral energy of a wild beast. Now a trained killer, he'll have no problem ending his foes of the need arises, though not a second before. He has some sense of honor in that he won't fight a helpless opponent or murder innocents, but other than that, he can head cold and heartless as Carver himself.

|Place of Origin|
Silme is the son of two well-respected hunters, who were also terrible parents. While they did love their son, they were always out on the job, protecting others from danger while neglecting the one who needed them most. Then, they simply never came back, having gone MIA in the line of duty. Silme spent a few weeks devesatated by the loss, but that sadness soon turned to anger, distrust, and deep seated hatred against Hunter society as a whole.

Silme has since then gotten involved with some unsavory types, getting himself stuck in the criminal underground and making a name for himself for his impressive fighting skills. When he was in trouble with some gangs looking to put him in his place, Carver showed up to save his hide and forcibly employ him into his service. Silme hates this arrangement, but he can't get out if it since Carber has him by the throat in more ways then one. His time as Carver's protege hasn't been all bad, however, as the former hunter has taught him many thinks in the time they've been together that, when combined with his own natural skill and garnered combat experience, makes him a force to be reckoned with in battle.
|Relations with other characters|

Hates to be mothered or otherwise taken care of

Tail and Ears give away his feelings, especially when he try's to hide them

Wolf blood gives him increased endurance, Stamina, strength, and senses, though the most enhanced are his stamina and senses. He also has a very strong bite, capable of breaking bones if he bites down hard enough.

He has a helmet styled in the fashion of a Beowulf mask that he wears for intimidation purpoaes and to hide his identity while doing criminal activity. The eyes glow silver and red, and his voice becomes heavily distorted, adding to the monstrous appearance

Has a tough time controlling his more animalistic side
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Age: 21

Bending ability if any: Firebending

Birthplace: Republic City


Backstory (Optional): Kavi has never known his parents, as he was for some reason abandoned on the outskirts of one of the spirit swamps that loiter the city, and was thankfully taken in by the spirts living there. It was here that he grew up, surrounded by a form of nature and with many odd friends, though he couldn't help but grow curious of the outside world. He eventually began to take on excursions into the city, finding himself fascinated with the technologic wonders it housed, even f he had no idea how they worked half the time. However, for every wonder he discovered, a horror lay just beyond the corner, as he was introduced to the poverty and criminal element very early on in his endeavors.

By the age of 13, he had been impressed into one of the numerous gangs as a pickpocket, as well as one of their benders, as his ability to firebend was immediately made apparent. They trained him on how to use, so as to get more use out of him, but he was always hesitant to do so, as he hated cause others pain and by extension, hated his bending because it seemed to do nothing but that, which caused him to weaken in it's use. However, one day, the gang had him try and pick pocket and elderly air nomad passing down the street, only for him to be quite literally swept off his feet in the attempt. The members who had been standing by were quick to interfere, but they were quickly overwhelmed and scared off as the airbender flowed around their attacks with easy and struck back with powerful, but controlled blast of air.

Kavi, awed by his skill and power, immediately begged him to train him in how to do what he did. The old airbender, after listening to the boy's story, decided to give it a shot. While the boy might not be able to airbend, he felt that Kavi would have much to benefit spiritually from learning the ways of the air nomads. And so he left with the air nomad to one of the air temples, training the boy in their ancient ways. It was difficult at first, for many reasons, but as time went on, he quickly acclimated to the Air Nomad way of life. He even took some airbending training as far as how they move, becoming much more agile and evasive with his ability. But more than that, he found an acceptance of his bending style, as his teacher taught him how everything in the world could be used for evil, and fire was not just destruction. The airbending master had no knowledge on how to firebend, of course, and recomeneded that his young people find himself a teacher, but the boy instead focused on mixing the firebending techniques he learned while apart of the gang with those of the air nomads, forming a more mobile and evasion based form of fire bending form all his own, and though his fighting skills aren't great, it generally surprises people enough to see a firebender move like an airbender that he can get away from most fights easily enough.

Now a days, Kavi is at a bit of a crossroads, unsure of how he wants to live his life. While he finds the Air Nomad life agreeable, he not sure if he wants to devote himself to it entirely yet, as he doesn't like the idea of completely separating himself from the world. He feels too much of a connection with it, in both his friends in the spirit swamps that he still goes to see every so often and in all of the wonder it has to offer. He's very conflicted on this choice, as he knows that whatever he chooses will define his life from then onward. Not to mention that he still has gang troubles, as members of the gang come around and try to force him back in . . . or worse.

Items/weapons on person:
A pair of roller skates that he had made for him by a friend, he can use his fire bending to propel him forward on them, making him very fast and maneuverable both in and out of combat. The rolller wheels can be attached and detached rather quickly, so if he's given sometime to breathe in a fight, he can change up battle styles on the fly.

Carries a modified version of an Airbender's staff, with the flaps that come out the sides being used to make it into more of a hoverboard, expanding the size and helping to channel the flames. It's made of a special metal that isn't very conductive, so as to help control the heat and keep from burning himself. Also makes for decent improvised cover from other bending techniques in mid-battle, though it can only take so much punishment, so it's best used in a fight against other fire-benders.

Physical Attributes and Abilities:
Firebending(III): He's a decently powerful firebender on his own, and that only becomes more apparent as he adds his own unique spin on it. He focuses on low heat, non-lethal uses, having gained enough control to use heat-based shockwaves to knock his opponents around, though he'll go to straight fire if sufficiently cornered.
Air Nomad Fighting style(II): His training at the temple make him very agile and evasive, and while he'll never be as skilled as an actually airbender, he's still very slippery, especially when using his
Spiritual Meditation and Breathing(I): Another thing that has helped his firebending as well as his general temperament is his meditation ability. His control over his breathing helps control the intensity of his flames, and since it takes more to anger him, he can keep that more consistently.
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Character’s Name

“Insert a character quote here.”


|Birth Date|


[color=Team Color]A P P E A R A N C E[/color]

|In Depth Appearance|

|Scars, Tattoos, Other Markings|


|Likes & Dislikes|
✔ Poking fun at Silme, Singing, Playing Guitar
✘ People who don't know how to have a little fun, People who diss her Music, and Silme when he's going full Alpha dick

|Semblance: Siren's Serenade|

Keppel's semblance at it's basic level allows her to connect with the Aura of both her friends and foes by singing, and then apply either a buff or a debuff, depending on what kind of dust capsule she attaches to her voice amplifier. She can also just blast people with sound waves just by focusing her aura into her voice, making for a particularly powerful concussive blast with the chance of deafening and confusing the target, but it's murder on her throat, and since that's her main weapon/instrument, she safe that attack for extreme emergencies.


|Voice Amplifier|
Attached and held in place by a black choker, this little piece of subtle machinery allows Keppel to easily project her voice at nearly any distance and varying frequencies as well, though going to extremes will put a lot of strain on her voice, so she tries to avoid that. Dust capsules can also be inserted into the amplifier to alter the effect of her voice on those who hear, the type of effect depending on whether she considers the person friend or foe in her head.

|Concussion Fists|
A pair of gauntlets that seemed to be composed of hi-tech machinery that flows smoothly into each other in a seamless white shell that goes over the fingers. However, while good for defensive fighting, they also have a quite excellent offensive capability, as the shell can break apart to show a strange sort of speaker-type apparatus. This durable machinery can launch fast pulses of concussive sound at a foe, being effective in both mid and close range. If the shockwaves make contact with the head, then the person will feel themselves get quite shaken and disoriented for about 2 posts or so due to the intense vibration their brain was just subjected to.

Rock & Roll Cannon
A large cannon that is attached to her back in the form of a rather bulky looking object, this is her long-range weapon made to deliver the finishing blows to tough foes. It takes about 2 posts to fully construct, but once it's made, then the enemy better watch out. The Rock & Roll cannon is a large cannon that weights quite a bit and takes two hands to weild effective;y. This hi-tech cannon highly amplifies the power of


♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦ Trait ♦

|Place of Origin|

At least two paragraphs detailing your character’s past.

|Relations with other characters|

Anything extra we need to know
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Picture Storage


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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Jackson McCarthy
Fire or Lightning/Electricity
Lancer or Heart (Not the element.)

Jackson's is a 6'2 red-haired stick of a man, his lanky frame having very little in the way of defined muscle or meat present on them. He has pale skin and a multitude of freckles on his shoulders, chest and face, though the ones on his face are rather light, nearly blending in with his skin in certain light. His eyes are heterochromatic, with one being a dark emerald green and the other being a golden hazel, giving him a rather strange and , to some people, discomforting gaze. As previously stated, his hair is red, well, more of a deep auburn to be honest, but he's also dyed in green and gold highlights through out to match his eyes. His hair is rather wavy, and he usually lets it hang free to his shoulders, but sometimes he also ties it up into a ponytail, if he feels likely he needs to be a bit classy. As a young male, he's got a burgeoning beard growing upon his lips. And by burgeoning, I mean he's got some stubble that's somewhat thick, but you can't really call it a beard yet.

As for clothes, he's pretty much all casual, all the time, usually leaving his abode with some form of graphic tee, baggy blue jeans, sneakers or boots(depends on weather and what he plans to do), and one of his many precious jackets, usually ones with a bazillion pockets hidden throughout them. At the start of this RP(AKA, his time of death), he'll be wearing one of his favorites, a black leather jacket with a picture of a dragon skull on the back, a banner between it's teeth reading "Here be Dragons"

As for his face, I guess you could say he's off the good looking sort. He's not model quality or anything, but his friends tell him he's above average in this department. He switches between glasses and contacts for style purposes, though he does need them to see, and it's been said he looks better wearing glasses then not, so he does tend to wear them a lot.

Riley is a rather nice guy for the most part, the type who minds his manners, gets good grades, respects his elders, so on and so forth. However, he's about as stubborn and bull-headed as they come in terms of what he thinks is right and how he thinks things should be done. Confronting him on these kinds of things often leads to igniting his temper, which is usually rather hard to do. His somewhat self-righteous behavior also leads to him to be somewhat preachy at times when he notices other people doing things he knows to be bad for them, and while he tries his best not to do this cause he knows it's going to get people pissed at him, it's usually unsuccessful.

Riley also has a bit of a hero complex, always eager to help people out, sometimes to a bit of a disturbing degree. He's got a couple of scars from times when he's gotten into very dangerous situations in order to help people, including complete strangers.

1-3 Paragraphs of description. Try to be different from the existing planeteers, from your continent of origin to background and lifestyle. Keep in mind, Gaia doesn't choose the ringbearers based on how environmentally conscious they are, so don't feel pressured into writing an eco-warrior (Unless, like, you want to write that, man.)

4-5 Things. As little or as much detail as you want.
See above.
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"Epic quote goes here"

Name: Dian

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Height & Weight:6'3, 184lbs

Sexuality: Straight

CCG Ranking: First Class Investigator

CCG Title: The Burning Hand of the CCG

Quinque: Dian's Quinque is a more experimental type function from the fusion of a Chimera's dual kagune into a single weapon with the ability to alter it's RC type and shape in conjunction with those of either type, or to that of both at the same time. While inactive, it looks like this(except the coloration is black, not white.) In it's inactive form, the


Quinque Type: Rinkaku

Special Quirk: [What makes you special? Perhaps you have two types of Kagunes? Are you a One Eyed Ghoul? Perhaps have a Kakuja? Write down here what makes you special and WHY you have this]


Backstory: [Now, this. This is where you have to go nuts and write as much as you see fit. You are an orphan who met with other kids and then a kind old ghoul who taught you the ways of being a ghoul, or at least proper manners if you were a human before. After his murder and downfall, you four went your separate ways. What happened to make you what you are today? What were the experiences you went through during this 8 years and how would it change your good hearted nature if you take a single bad step?]

Other: [Anything else that doesn't fit in the other categories]
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