Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Name: Melissa Bellum

Age: 19

Eccentric. Shattered. Possibly insane. All these and more are but the bare minimum of what can be described of Melissa Bellum. Of course, most people wouldn’t get the chance to learn that maybe this weird little girl is really just a big softie on the inside. That’s usually because most people would shriek and recoil in fear at her mismatched physical appearance.

Regardless, Melissa tries her hardest not to let the whispers of others decrease her happiness and worth in life. Always walking around with a smile, it’s obvious to anyone who knows her that she only puts on the emotions people want to see from her. Inside, she’s really just a girl who’s self-conscious of her ways but tries to overlook them with a laugh or two. Even if it does make her sad sometimes.

That being said, there are some moments in which Melissa can act genuinely….creepy. That is to say, she will speak of death and other methods to bring harm to her foes. Spending some time as a forced spy probably has something to do with that kind of jarred mentality.

Melissa hails from a small kingdom in the nation of Rexicorg. Thinking of times like those wrought in the past, the rouge knight can merrily say that times were indeed peaceful for a while. As a knight of the Sable Kingdom, she served her own princess in the line of honor and duty. And for that portion of her early life, she was happy.

A single night sought to tear that ideal lifestyle away from her forever.

A warlord titled only as Yggdrasil of the Ultimatum destroyed her kingdom in the span of a few hours. Her castle burned. Her family and friends slain. Her princess beheaded before her eyes. She was spared such fates, though now she was placed in a much crueler life. Captured and beaten, Melissa was tortured vigorously until her loyalty was swayed to that of the Ultimatum’s will, directly resulting in the loss of her right eye and the scars on her chest.

Her new purpose was clear. She was to be a spy, infiltrating kingdoms and assassinating their leaders from within, making way for her new master to ride unopposed. To go from a knight of nobility and to be reduced into a filthy killer….shameful. Melissa’s own mentality began to deteriorate at the horridness brought about by her own existence.

Her latest mission involved an attempt to assassinate the lone princess of Crescentia. Ultimately her luck ran out, and she was captured by Crescentian forces and brought before the very princess she had planned to kill.

Now she waits in one of the castle holding cells, awaiting execution. Or maybe…not?

Melissa carries with her a sheathed sword, much akin to a curved rapier of sorts. It serves as a reminder of her own fall from grace and the pathetic shell she now is today. As a former knight, she is trained expertly in the art of swordplay.

In terms of other powers and abilities, Melissa only knows some meager spells of the dark arts, though she’s always yearning to acquire some more. As of now, all she can do is hurl blasts of dark power as projectiles, erect shadowy shields, and invoke a certain amount of irrational fear in her enemies.

Carries with her a small rabbit doll given to her by her mother at some point in her childhood. Will sometimes be seen communicating with the doll, calling it “Miranda”.

RPs Featured In: Sworn By Their Swords, The Battle for Astrea
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Sable, the Red-Eyed Ghost

Age: 19

Sable generally has two expressions written on her face: neutral and frowning. Given her current situation, what with being forced to rot in a prison for god knows how long, it kinda makes sense on her part. Perhaps at one time she was more kind-hearted and generally less stoic. Maybe. Now though, she'd much rather just not talk to anyone at any time or anywhere.

As an assassin greatly feared throughout the different nations, Sable is a killer with a stone face. Often, the last thing her victims see before their passages into death are her cold visage and blank red eyes. Sable appears cold and apathetic, and to some extent she really is, only allowing her mind to focus on tasks at hand. She especially has a great hatred for nobility and Crescentia in general due to the nation’s role in the Great Wars.

Now say, perhaps she was kinder back in her past? If that were the case, one would think that maybe that more tolerable, maybe even sweeter, side of herself is just lying dormant somewhere deep inside. That makes sense, right? Maybe she's just shy. And maybe she really does feel something whenever she kills.

Sable hailed from a small kingdom in the nation of Rexicorg. Thinking of times like those wrought in the past, the assassin can vaguely say that life was indeed peaceful for a while. Starting out as a knight in service to the Hollot Kingdom, she served her own princess in the line of honor and duty. And for that portion of her early life, she was happy.

However, her story was fated to be riddled with tragedy upon tragedy.

At a young age, Sable’s best friend Adrian was promptly taken by the land of Crescentia as a war prisoner. Back then, the Great Wars-a series of religious crusades to determine which nation was the true voice of the Dytenziextity-were still in action, only being quenched in the last couple of years. As such, Adrian was reportedly tortured to death in those dark times, forever souring Sable’s view on the Crescentia kingdom.

More recently, an organization known only as the Imperium descended onto her homeland in the hopes of conquering it. At this time, Sable was already a trained knight under the kingdom of Hoton. During one of the night raids, Imperium soldiers dragged away her younger sister in the battle, beckoning her to seek them out. Once she did, she was offered a choice.

Betray her homeland or watch her sister be killed on the spot. The answer was obvious.

Sable disposed of her kingdom’s ruler with a quick blade and a heavy heart. That was all that was needed, as chaos soon engulfed the nation without its leader, making it ideal for the Imperium’s complete invasion. So began her downward spiral into a history of unneeded bloodshed.

Her new purpose was clear. She was to be a spy, infiltrating kingdoms and assassinating their leaders from within, making way for her new leader to ride unopposed. To go from a knight of nobility and to be reduced into a filthy killer….shameful. And so she locked away all traces of her humanity, choosing to end her victims under the visage of a emotionless killer.

The Red-Eyed Ghost was born and since then, she’s spread fear and paranoia across the lands.

Her latest mission involved an attempt to assassinate the lone princess of Crescentia. Only time will tell how that particular encounter will play out…

Sable carries with her a sheathed sword, much akin to a sword of Eastern descent. It serves as a reminder of her own fall from grace and the pathetic shell she now is today. As a former knight turned assassin, she is trained expertly in the art of swordplay.

The weapon, nicknamed “Loveless”, is actually a specialty made from her homeland of Rexicorg. It was the first of many prototypes in developing weapons which could counter the forces of magic. As such, “Loveless” is essentially a sword that feeds on magic; using magic against Sable in a fight will not bring her enemies an advantage.

In terms of other powers and abilities, Sable can only rely on her physical prowess and skill with the blade. Having both an official knight’s training as well as adapting more unorthodox methods from being an assassin at her calling aid, she is a deadly foe to fear indeed.

Sable is most adept in striking down opponents from the shadows, using camouflage and secrecy to kill her targets quickly and efficiently. Finally, Sable is a master of the sword, having honed her skills to the point where she can cut down oncoming projectiles such as arrows.

Obviously, Sable is not her real name. Rather, it was one chosen by her shortly after the slaughter of her kingdom and her early days serving the Imperium.

RPs Featured In: Bonds of Gilded Steel, Fantasy's Shattering, Deep Ground, Planning and More Planning
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Name: Shana
Gender: Female

School: Gessen Gracious Academy
Morality: Neutral leaning towards Good
Year: Third

Guardian Spirit: Bat
Weapon: Twin Ninjatō along with several throwing knives.
Ninja Arts:
-Nightspeed Arc: With a burst of lightning, Shana dashes across enemy lines with blades in hand slashing away with deadly accuracy. She’s seen as a flicker of blue light during this attack.

-Fluttering Flash Step: A chain combo starting with a barrage of her knives. Once the enemy is disorientated, she closes in with two slashes from her blades before launching the enemy with a lightning charged pinwheel kick.

Ultimate Hidden Attack: Not unlocked yet.

A silent girl that usually keeps to herself but can be found regularly at the various training centers of Gessen Gracious Academy. Unfortunately, her cool and sophisticated nature has made her quite the student favorite to the underclassmen much to her chagrin. She doesn’t mind too much though she still prefers the peace of solitude.

Even in combat, Shana is never one to make brash remarks and treats all missions as a true Shinobi should. Her favorite hobbies include secretly marveling at cute animals as well as finding new places to balance on. It’s not uncommon to find her standing gracefully atop the school flag pole at three in the morning.

A prestiged member of the Sakai Clan, noted for their inherent usage of lightning magic. Shana was trained to be a Shinobi as early as seven years old. In that ten year time frame, she’s become quite an adversary to both enemy and ally alike. Sometime ago she was accepted into Gessen Gracious Academy.

Since then, she’s excelled at the top of her classes in both the mind and the body. She’s even rumored to be the fastest Shinobi in the school thanks in part to her natural affinity to lightning. Of course, with great achievement comes great loneliness. She’s too prideful to admit it, but she lacks friends, often remaining aloof from peers. Maybe she’ll bond with someone this school year?

RPs Featured In: Senran Kagura Zodiac Spirit
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Fire Emblem: Light's End, The Battle for Astrea II, Fire Emblem: Binding Light, Akame Ga Kill - A New Salvation, Let our voices be heard!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: 永花城学園 - Nakkashiro Gakuen/Castle of the Eternal Flowers Academy, ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ: _ɢᴇɴᴇsɪs
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Chasers: Boundary of the Crimson Sky, Chasers: Third Act
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: The Truth Behind the Project
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Chasers Reboot, Akatsuki no Kyoukai: Boundary of the Crimson Moon
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: The Guardians of Sa'Renak
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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"A raging, ancient beast."

Name: Ruxen
Age: 319
Gender: Female
Race: Beastkin
Alignment: Neutral Good
Aliases/Titles: Mad Dog

Personality: How does one describe Ruxen? To the people around her, she’s known as a constant delinquent that causes nothing but trouble. To those who may know her, she can either be an avenger against bullies and a protector of the weak, or your worst nightmare.

It usually doesn’t take much to piss off Ruxen anyway, and those who do end up with a fist to the face and several other parts of the human body. More often than not, she lets her fists do the talking for her and can appear naïve at times, making her vulnerable in diplomatic situations and unable to compromise anything without losing her cool and punching something. Her violent exterior however conceals a soul who only seeks to live in the moment and enjoy life.

Ruxen is also known for her foul mouth and nature for delivering stinging insults to those who challenge her. She hates the idea of anything controlling her without consent, and will not hesitate to teach them a lesson if need be.

Background: An ancient Beastkin sealed in the rift between worlds. Every few years she escapes her eternal bonds and roams free, only to be hunted down like an animal and chained up once more. No one knows why she has been given this eternal punishment, and those who did are all but memories now.

Powers: Ruxen displays no natural affinity for magic. What she does have though, is a very high tolerance to pain and killing in general. As a Beastkin, she has increased strength, speed, and agility as opposed to the normal human. Furthermore, she has a slight regenerative factor to her body that can be utilized to repair wounds rapidly.

Weapons: The only weapons Ruxen needs are her bare fists and her natural instinct.

Equipment: Nothing but the fur on her back.


RPs Featured In: Fantasy's Genesis
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Houkago Arcana, Tokoshie no Ansoku
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: ~Gakuen Kill: Academy of Assassins~
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Onikisu
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Angel Beats: Unending Beat!
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Nakkashiro The Castle of Eternal Flowers
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Genesis: Land of the Gods
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Akatsuki Academy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Fourth Chasers, Shakugan no Shana -Fragments of Crimson-, The Last Chasers
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Magical Notes - A Tale of Songs and Knights
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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RPs Featured In: Warriors - New Beginnings
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