Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

When to this sense of fear and evil the inevitable fascination of wonder and curiosity is superadded, there is born a composite body of keen emotion and imaginative provocation whose vitality must of necessity endure as long as the human race itself. Children will always be afraid of the dark, and men with minds sensitive to hereditary impulse will always tremble at the thought of the hidden and fathomless worlds of strange life which may pulsate in the gulfs beyond the stars, or press hideously upon our own globe in unholy dimensions which only the dead and the moonstruck can glimpse.
~ H.P Lovecraft

Act 1: Baby Steps

Zone 2
Coalition Research Center 2-1 aka Babel

Many denizens of Zone 2 can rightfully claim that they have seen Babel before but not many can claim that they had ever entered the building. Built atop the remnants of the old Ministry of Defense building destroyed during the Long War. It was rather stereotypical in appearance to the government buildings created in the aftermath of the War, it towered above the rest of the city, five towers crafted of deep black stone that seemed to absorb all light that hit it, and connected by large glass walkways the glass tinted so that the public could not view inside. And yet there was something undoubtedly strange about the building. Specifically it had no outward fortifications to separate itself from the rest of the city, their were no guard post or high walled fences, no security of any kind could be determinable anywhere about the campus; yet no souls dared to move across the invisible boundary that lay between the sidewalk and the finely cut grass that surrounded that single pathway that lead up to the entrance of the primary tower, each stone engraved with the names of those that died in defense of the Zone. People on their commute stayed as close to the curb as possible as they hurried by, some even stepping in the streets than dare stepping on the grass. No squirrels dared to run across the grass to try and grab at an acorn fallen from a tree and not even the birds dared to fly above the building just like the rare planes from central that dared the hordes of demons to bring in personal and supplies to their island fortress who were always routed far and away from the building's airspace. It was as if none dared corrupt the sanctity of the place with their presence.

Though early in the morning before the sun peaked above the skies their was discernible moment happening around the campus. It was a routine that had happened four times before and would likely happen again afterwards. Large APCs arrived on the scene, first one arrived and then a second, and a third and forth before more than dozen came. They were parked so that they formed a small wall and that any curious onlookers breaking curfew or peering out from their windows wouldn't be able to see within. What they would of seen was a scene of organized chaos. Men and women in clean cut uniforms marking them as Coalition military began ushering children out of the vehicles, most seemed disorientated and some still had tears in their eyes. They were the profits of a successful mission that took place all across the Zone. More or less abducted from their dwellings and shoved into the APCs without much of a word they were all ushered back to Tokyo 2 for the next stage in the operation. It was more dangerous in night and they risk more attacks then but it had to be done, it was better this way. Then row by row, group by group they were ushered into the main tower. As they did the APCs vanished into the night and a maintenance team got to work wiping away any remnants of them ever being there.

Almost immediately upon stepping inside the children were assaulted by an array of medical staff with strange instruments. Physical checkups began: eye sight was tested, reaction time was checked, blood samples were taken and some in the process were taken away by the scientist never to be seen again in the latter stages. After this they were all strapped of any personal belongings including clothing all of which were placed in plastic bags and filed away, they were showered and then given all uniform jumpsuits all slate gray in color and each inscribed with a ten digit number sequence upon the breast pocket, all of which started with the number five. After this the children were brought to a large open room filled with beds, each bed with a number corresponding to the one on their uniform. After the children found their beds, the adults stopped for awhile and drifted away leaving only a few guards around the edge of the room stern and impassive refusing to answer any question that were thrown their way. Some freaked out, some broke down, and others tired to talking to one another to try and get a better sense of what was going on to little success. But from what they could gather all of them had tested successfully as being 'limiters' whatever that meant. In the end they all did the only thing they could do wait.

Eventually some hours later the whole process began again as the children were rearranged into rows by number and marched through the cold and silent hall ways of the complex. They eventually arrived within a large room that appeared to be a lecture hall of some sort and one by one they were seated. Two large television screens dominated the far walls and they currently showed a camera image focused on a lone podium at the bottom which was currently unoccupied. Their was clearly going to be a presentation of some sort but at the current moment their was no activity below. So once again the children were more or less left to themselves beside the armed guards that stood at the end of each row and at the exits preventing the children from leaving. And slowly the conversations began again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


That was an uncommon situation, never once before had Yuuna been treated like this, fear and awe she was used to, but not to being treated as if she was a piece of weaponry. Furthermore, she had been literally stripped of not only her belongings, as well as Grisha. In fact, not knowing what happened with her one and only friend worried Yuuna to no end, but there was no use in dwelling on it now, knowing this world like she did, Yuuna was well aware that Grisha might be long dead. It wouldn't be unexpected, after all death was the only thing Yuuna's presence brought unto others, sooner or later, Grisha would end up sharing such a fate as well.

Nevertheless, Yuuna decided to concentrate on her current predicament, she could not afford to lose focus, like always, that was the only thing she must do. "Yet, I wish I had some music to listen to, this silence is... unsettling." The Saint of Winter wsaid under her breath, silently cursing her fate in a rare display of annoyance. After all, wihout her music the only thing you usually had to listen was the death lullaby of the artic winds that follow her wherever she goes.

But not here, not on this moments, for now she wasn't alone.

Yuuna walked the same cold corridors besides a number of other girls, noticing their faces and their reactions, but never ever speaking to anyone, unless she was approached first. When they gathered in the auditorium, the other girls would notice that the temperature, no matter what it was, began to slowly drop, by fractions of a degree every minute or so. Yuuna found a place near the last roll or so and sat there to wait to see why she had been brought here by the Coalition's military.

Sure it could not be anything good, but what does Fate have in store for all these girls, or as the facility's personnel called them, Limiters?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Senri Nazumi

Despite the dreary and gloomy atmosphere, Nazumi came here on purpose, having heard of the news about Limiters. She was optimistic that she could put her "gift" to prevent others suffering as she did. Nonetheless, the feeling in the air was heavy. Most were probably forced to come, in fact Nazumi was handled very roughly when she was taken, although she actually wanted to go. Nazumi had a tough time when they were giving her a medical checkup and were taking her possessions. They thought her hands and legs were weaponry/armor and wanted to take them. They were considering to "remove" her as she was limbless, but seeing what she had done, she had passed the medical checks and she was allowed to keep her limbs.

The clothes given to her did not fit very well, given that jumpsuits were fairly tight and awkward to get around her custom prosthetic limbs. She had to modify the clothes almost immediately, tearing off most of the pants portion making the bottom half look more like shorts. She couldn't really help it given her legs.

It was time to gather. An assembly was occurring. Walking along, she felt the temperature was cooling. Her arms had sensors, detecting an odd change in temperature. Something that wasn't coming from the weather, air-conditioning or lack of heating. Looking around, Nazumi thought that it might be common, that certain Limiter abilities are continuously active. It might have been a girl who could control the cold. Suddenly, she felt that one of the girls were passing by her, and for a moment, it was just a bit colder.

As they were gathered in the auditorium, they were seated. Judging from the arrangement, it was by the number they had been given on their jumpsuits. Nazumi found she was sitting behind the girl that had passed her. She had white hair and blue eyes and even a little doll-like. She was much prettier than Nazumi was. She decided to try to speak to her.

"Hello. Are you by any chance ... making the room colder? I don't mean you are trying to freeze us ... but I mean, is your ability always active? Oh, I'm being rude. I'm Senri Nazumi. I'm sorry for asking those questions so suddenly, it's just that I can't seem to turn my ability off either. May I know who you are?" Nazumi tapped Yuuna's shoulder as lightly as she could. As her arm approached, some of the parts were starting to see very slight frosting. After having asked her, she tweaked her arm, changing some of the settings so that the electricity she gave off passively that powered her arm would convert more of that energy to heat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DontCallMeZelda
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Before Jyne was given a slight moment of respite she endured the long and rather annoying onslaught of a few pompous medical personnel barraging her face and limbs with strange instruments. She complied with the tests and when she was given the green light or the thumbs up by a strange looking man she pushed her around them and continued on.
This place seemed familiar to her even though she knew for a fact that she had never been here before. The light fixtures shining on the ceiling above her head and the pale colors of the walls were enough to make a person think the staff didn't much care about the upkeep of this place.
She was sure that was true. She was also sure that these people had other things to worry about.
Be the Moonmen or the absurd amount of Limiters in this one place.

After a few hours or so the girls were rounded up and all taken to a large room which looked to be a lecture hall of sorts. The two large TVs which loomed over all of them would probably seem daunting to a girl who wasn't used to this kind of treatment. Jyne had to admit, it was a little daunting to her but she didn't let that bother her.
As they were moved along in the straight line any girl who deviated from the line slightly was put back in order until they were seated. Jyne found the seat she was instructed to sit in and she did so without question or fighting their word.
When she was in her seat she tugged and pulled at the uniform that they had given her. She did not like it one bit. But, that would prove to be the least of her concerns.

"Hello. Are you by any chance ... making the room colder? I don't mean you are trying to freeze us ... but I mean, is your ability always active? Oh, I'm being rude. I'm Senri Nazumi. I'm sorry for asking those questions so suddenly, it's just that I can't seem to turn my ability off either. May I know who you are?"

This bit of dialogue was overhead by Jyne and she turned her head to see who said this and why. Her rather extravagant hair moving with her head as well. With her long ponytails on each side of her head reaching down her thighs at least.
She noticed that a girl with light blonde hair was tapping a girl with a rather icy complexion on the shoulder to get her attention. At the mention of things being colder Jyne started to realize the temperature in the room was a little on the cool side as well. That could be for a number of reasons but she was just going to get those thoughts out of her head and just think that one of these girls must have the ability to control temperature. Or coolness. Or something.
Great, now she was thinking the temperature drop was for some perverse ill intent.

Not wanting to but in on the conversation, Jyne turned her head back around and focused on something else to take her mind off of things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Reika Kuroke~

Reika didn’t expect much when being brought to this research facility or whatever it really was. For the last few days her life was nothing more than going in and out of bunkers such as this one. It honestly baffled her how her ordinary life had been turned upside down in just a matter of a few short hours. She didn’t react much as the military personnel stripped her of all items but her clothes, but she did tense when they forcibly removed the tiny med-kit on her.

She had always carried that med-kit and it hadn’t become apparent why exactly until just a few days ago. Before being forced into the auditorium with the other girls, Reika gave a cold stare at one of the men, as if trying to gauge how confident they were in containing them. After all, the powers gifted by the eldritch were truly a horrifying spectacle to behold…

Locating a seat far off to the right, Reika kept to herself, not really one to engage in conversation. She did notice how the temperature began to lower with each passing second but that was met by a shrug. A quick wrap of her arms to her body later and she was just fine with it all. She then glanced around, picking up on snippets of conversation from two others girls, one of which was apparently the source of this freezing air.

Then she noticed a girl with a locket in hand, wondering briefly just how she had managed to sneak that in. She made brief eye contact with her before tearing her gaze away. Well then, there was really no need to do anything at the moment since it was inferred something big was to be announced to them. Furrowing her brow, Reika sunk deeper into her chair.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 hr ago


No one raised much of a fuss when Dizzy was taken, least of all Dizzy herself. The ones she was...fortunate...enough to have crossed the waters with had long since written her off as either a gloomy child or a child of ill fortune - as if luck had any factor these days. But when one is forced to watch their only loved ones snatched into the cold, murky depths with no warning...grief quickly turns into blaming anything other than fate. Dizzy would not have been surprised if people celebrated when she was taken. Amongst the small circle of survivors that she had, by virtue of having nowhere else to sleep, settled in with she was far and away the least liked. Perhaps, Dizzy thought, they didn't enjoy hearing how their struggle to survive was, as she so eloquently put it, 'throwing a cup of water on a raging wildfire'.

No one raised much of a fuss when Dizzy was taken, because for those that knew her this was a win-win. Either she failed and was most likely sent to her death...or she passed....and was most likely sent to her death. Either way, the aura of negativity was out of the picture and someone else's problem now.

Dizzy didn't speak through the car ride and the only sounds she made during the invasive and far too thorough exams was the wincing of pain whenever their needles pierced the skin or their tools became more than just a little too friendly for anyone's liking. At one point as they were shuffled along like livestock, a gaggle of girls near her whispered about 'the ghost girl' and, given Dizzy's eerily pale complexion and contrasting dark hair...she figured it was a remark aimed at her. Dizzy never saw them again and that was the first thing that made her smile, more of a soft grin really, in years. How lucky they were, shuffled off the mortal coil, cast out like stones...rejects.

Everyone would join them soon enough. Time had long since run out.

When Dizzy was shuffled along into a lecture hall, her first reaction was to blink. Was this it? There were far more when the testing was beginning...and there were far fewer now. For a flash she envied them. They now understood the truth as Dizzy saw it. Her second reaction wasn't to sit, but rather to turn, to walk, and to stand in front of one of the armed guards.

"My clip." Dizzy stated, her voice almost robotic in its tone. "Where is it?" During their testing Dizzy's hairclip was taken after a struggle that ended when the back of a hand made an impression on Dizzy's cheek (the red mark on her face being what led to the missing girls' comments about the 'ghost girl' to begin with). Her head throbbed when the hairclip was taken from her and it continued to throb even now. Annoying, to be sure, but what else could she do? "Give it bac-" Dizzy's demand was not met as she was shoved back to line, tumbling onto her rear.

Dizzy didn't approach the guards a second time, but she would remember the feeling of being ignored...it was all too familiar anyway. And with nothing else she could do at present, the conversation about temperature between two girls that would likely be dead within a week or so - if they were lucky - passed into her ears and out of it just as quickly. Dizzy merely made her way to an empty chair and sat down, head throbbing, rump stinging, and what little pride she still had slowly chipping away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everything was so unclear

The last that Satomi remembered, she was slightly late in getting home, the shuttles from the city she collected trash in to Poroto Resute were not there, time had slipped Satomi's mind and before she knew it, the sun was down, and the only way home was a foot path. Then came the police, who were all to happy to confront, and beat the sense of out Satomi on her way home between the city to the village.

For many of the children, the prospect of being abducted and taken from home would be a new, and somewhat unthinkable outcome, but for Satomi, it was always just a matter of time. She had been detained and beaten by the guards of Zone Two before, but this was the only time they had ever just outright abducted her for holding. Something was not right, but, at the time, Satomi was to focused on her injuries and the slow fading of her consciousness. The last thing she remembered was uttering out a weak prayer to Jesus to watch over her. When she came to once again, the girl found herself tossed out, put in line, and ushered into a structure she had only heard of.

Babel, the dark tower, like a cartilaginous cutout in space itself. Satomi felt a cold jolt race down her spine, as the guards shouted for her to keep moving forward.

Satomi struggled, her face throbbing, caked in blood, swollen and brusied, as with other parts of her body. She shambled down the pathway into the imposing structure. The pain would pass, as she was passed off to a team of medical personnel, who, while running their tests and physicals, were thoughtful enough to give the mangled Satomi what she wanted most, a nice shot of Morphine

All seemed to phase into a narcotic blur as the blood and grit of the Dekasegi girl's encounter with the long time adversery of Law Enforcement was cleansed from her body, a blood soaked tank top and shorts replaced with a steely colored jumpsuit. Not fully cognizant of what was going on, she found herself shuffled away once more, into a solitary bedroom. Satomi was not resisting or complaining, just drifting along, the morphine in her veins making this trip end in a nice snooze, before the girl woke up not an hour later, in horrid pain and realizing the gravity of what had just happened.

Oh god...Am I in prision?

She stayed in bed, suddenly grasped with fear. She knew what might happen, she vaguely recalled some of the other girls being rejected, never to be seen again. They were to be executed, were they not? Her crimes had finally caught up to her, and yet, she was not being disposed of?

Odd, she was sure that the government would jump at the chance to get rid of another Dekasegi truant, but here she was.

Think Satomi, Think! Did they say anything unusual?

Not much was clearly distinct from dreams, but she recalled an unusal term, "Limiter"

But what the hell is a Limiter?

But thoughts had not time to coalesce into a conclusion, as the guards returned, marching the girls into another room. A strange, empty room. Satomi was still sore, and on edge, thinking about what was going to happen to her. The Dekasegi girl wandered about, looking at the other faces around her. She went to reach for her Rosary, only to make a horrifying conclusion

"It's....it's...not there..."

As if in that instance, Anxiety began to overcome Satomi, as her eyes went wide and she froze in place, mumbling something over and over to herself, as if in a bid to gain some composure

Pai-Nosso que estais no Céu; santificado seja o Vosso Nome; venha a nós o Vosso reino; seja feita a Vosso vontade assim na Terra como no Céu. O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje; perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas, assim como nós perdoamos a quem nos tem ofendido; e não nos deixeis cair em tentação; mas livrai-nos do mal. Amen

Over and Over again, each repeat more trance like than the other.

Was this really the end? A state sponsored death for being out to late collecting metal for extra food?

Maybe it was the morphine hangover, but anxiety and panic was starting to get to Satomi. She just wanted to go home; the usually optimistic girl trying desperately to cling to something to give her hope in this situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Look! Something is happening down there."

Slowly the conversations within the lecture hall began to subside as it became evident that something was occurring below on the raised dais. Slowly in groups of twos and threes adults began to fill in the section of empty chairs behind the podium. They were quiet and reserved whispering softly to themselves seemingly unaware of the several dozen eyes looking down at them with a deep curiosity. One by one starting by the row furthest back the seats were filled with those dressed in various attire some in clean white lab coats, others in fine pressed suits and some even still dressed in standard military scrubs. The front row consisted of a woman of Southeast Asian descent dressed in a simple lab coat, a simple dark green shirt and a beige colored skirt that ended below the knees, next to her was a man dressed in a finely tailored suit faced framed by dirty blonde hair slightly on the longer side with tanned skin and brown eyes framed beneath a simple pair of spectacles. He was clean cut and the certain nondescript handsome that had been found in old fashion magazines. To their immediate right two more figures sat one was another woman this one scowling as she sat in the standard dark gray Coalition Dress Uniform, her hair a dark auburn in color and dark eyes framed on a face who's defining feature was a large claw mark that ran across the left cheek deep and gaunt, she sat statuesque eyes ahead flickering ever so slightly as they examined the crowd before her. Next to her was a thin and wiry man of darker complexion maybe Indian or Pakistan in appearance whose head of gray hair shot out at erratic angles, he was almost constantly readjusting the glasses upon his face which seemed continually content to try and slip off. Finally their was an elder man not sitting in a chair but in a highbacked wheelchair wearing a high black turtleneck and a thick blanket over his legs, he seemed the most intent of them towards the children looking up and around at them scribbling at a notebook with hands that twitched and trembled in their old age. They and thus behind them all seemed to be waiting for somebody as they sat in silence. The lights in the lecture hall began to dim and a single spotlight turned on and focused on the podium which sat in silence. As this occurred, a side door on the ground level opened and several more armed guards came out forming a pathway out to the stage. From the darkness beyond the door a lone figure stepped out and made his way to the podium.

He appeared tall even to those sitting far away as camera's slowly tracked his movement displaying them on the two large screens. His hair was black and thickly matted in rough and coarse curls that fell to about his shoulders in length and was matched by an equally long beard still kept shaped but dominating the majority of his mouth dotted with tufts of gray. His chest was broad and muscular and his wide frame suggested immense strength rather than any sort of lacing psychical attributes. He wore simple clothes of a shirt and khaki pants with a long white lab coat over it stained with the techno colored blood of the abominations that he had spent his life fighting. The coat swished back and forth behind him with each well defined moment of the foot as if each moment was a well thought out plan and statement. As he passed the guards lining his procession forward each one saluted one after another and as he ascended the platform those already sitting stood as he made his way to podium. As this was happening the guards at the end of each of the children's row prodded them until they all stood as well, each and every person focusing on the man now in front of the podium, the projector screens projecting his face so that all could see his deep set eyes ringed with circles of dark. He grabbed the podium with large hands and cleared his throat before he rose a hand and simply lowered it. Taking their cue this around him began to seat themselves and while it took the children a moment to catch on they soon followed. Peering out into the faces now barely illuminated in the dimmed lights of the lecture hall, the man began to speak, his voice was deep each concentrated to one another with a silk smoothness that was befitting of his intimidating frame.

"Hello perspective children. You may call me the Director, I'm in charge of day to day operations here. Many of you are probably still experiencing confusion over the erupt circumstances of your arrival here today. I hope to relive you of some of that confusion." The Director explained as the children murmured to themselves waiting a moment he cleared his throat into the mic to get their attention before continuing. "Let me be the first to welcome you to Research Center 2-1 or as many refer to it simply as Babel. You are currently standing within the heart and soul of Zone 2, the industrial heart of human ingenuity and persistence that has kept us afloat. You are of a select few chosen to see within the walls of the compound considered it a privilege and a honor not to be taken lightly.

The Director paused to let the emphasis of the statement hang on the children before he spoke once more significantly less solemn in this occasion. "You have all been brought here as you have tested positive for the potential to become what are known as Limiters." The voices of the children rose again at the mention of it, it was that word again, the word that seemed to connect them all together. "To be brief you represent the next stage in human evolution something not entirely human a fusion of DNA both Human and of the abominations that haunt our lands. Some of you may have seen the particular effects already your faster and stronger than your fellows and some of you even have become epicenters of strange events that seem to stem outward without your control." The voices rose up again, some of the children even nodding in conformation. "The Coalition believes that we can harness this power, that you can become the light to which we can use to beat back the darkness that plagues us. In fact you all will be of the fifth class of Limiters to be trained and sent out into the field."

The voices rose once again in a clamor of mixed indictment and worry crescendoed as it spread across the lecture hall as more and more students fought over one another to have their voices heard. The Director raised his hand to bringing the voices back down to silence before he spoke again. "I understand that many of you have questions and they will all be answered in due time. But for now I wish to present you with an opportunity to see what this training produces, to see what you could become and what new heights of power you could achieve. And so I ask sit back and remain in your seats, this is a controlled environment and nothing... harmful will be able to happen to you. Nozomi if you would please."

The director spoke his last line towards a girl sitting in the front row of the children appearing about fourteen or fifteen years of age, her hair an unnatural tint of green and mirrored by deep green eyes the color of a slumbering forest. She seemed almost bored as she stepped forward out of the seats and into the center area near the bottom of the lecture hall. Then almost suddenly two large transparent barriers descended from the ceiling one separating the students and the other around the podium leaving the girl alone on the floor space as she approached a table already waiting of her. Upon the table was a vast assortment of weapons and objects of war, some large and some small, bladed, guns and others. But curiously enough Nozomi took only a small bundle of coin shaped objects of metal that could easily fit in the palm of her hand and methodically placed four between the spaces in between the fingers of her left hand. She then stepped away form the table and approached the center of the room where a circle was marked on the floor. Stepping with the circle she looked across the way at another circle which slowly.

As the circle opened the room was filled with the sounds a hypnotized screaming noise that seemed to sneak its way into the school, a terrible noise that made one want to punctured their own eardrums to not have to deal with the noise. Slowly a cage was brought up from the depths and what was locked within was a terrible sight to behold. It was a moon men that much was obvious, a terrible abomination who caused many of the children just watching to scream out in terror. It was in similar structure to a gorilla of sorts made of protruding flesh and bone and open closer examination one could see several hands and faces jutting out form the flayed and restructured flesh. The girl that Director had called Nozomi did not move standing within her circle, her face an emotionless mask as she regarded the creature in front of her. Though thus paying attention could notice the muscles in her body beginning to tense like a coil about to spring. A second later a warning klaxon sounded and the cage door collapsed, the creature charged and the fight was on.

It moved with a surprising amount of speed charging forward at Nozomi who watched and waited as it came straight at her. At the last moment she moved to the left but she was a moment too slow and the best managed to clip her and even with this minimal impact had enough force to send her tumbling to the ground. The beast was already attacking before she had a chance to recover one of it's massive forearms suddenly snapping forward like a tendril as the flesh changed shape to a sharpened tendril. Nozomi going on reaction lone rolled her body like a log to the left as the tentacle barley missed her spearing the ground where she once was denting the reinforced metal that lay beneath the faux-tile. Nozomi rose to her feet as the creature withdraw it's tentacle and their was a slight change about her the eyes one a dark peaceful green had a small twinkle in them, something a spark of joy maybe? But how could one feel joy in a situation such as hers?

The beast but this time Nozomi responded. She raised a hand towards the creature and focused in on it as she waited for it to close the distance. As she did the fingers keeping the coin shape object lodged between her thumb and pointer finger released and she pulled with her mind. As if the two objects were suddenly tethered together by a great force, the small free-floating coin soared with immense speed before crashing headlong into the creature as it charge directly in the skull. But it wasn't enough as the creature kept on charging. Nozomi dropped into a defensive stance bracing her arms in front of her as the best made impact with her. Even with her enhanced she was knock off of her feet and hard soaring across the open space and crashing into the far wall at one end of the floor. She grunted in pain as she landed feeling the wind get knocked out of her lungs. The beast launched out with it's tendril arm and released two more coins one between her pinkie and ring finger and the other between the ringer and the middle finger. The coins launched forward and slammed into the tentacle while impacting with less overall force as the singular coin they served their purpose shearing the tentacle down the middle before it could spear her spattering dark sickly blood everywhere as the creature let out another inhuman scream. Pressing the advantage the girl released the final coin from her hand sending it flying across the open space and slamming it into the creature hard finding home in the center of mass. There was a large splash of blood as the coin pushed through the other side splattering blood and biomass about in a shower of blood. The creature took two more staggering steps forward before collapsing.

As soon as the creature collapsed the barriers were retrieved and the guards moved into action burning away the biomass and wiping clean any remnants as medical team on standby rushed over to the girl. She seemed somewhat worse for wear, her skin a little appear and single trickle of blood coming out of her noise not to mention the bruising she must of had from the creatures impact. But still most of the children couldn't help but look down upon this girl in a sort of amazment. I. What had apparently cost her a few bruised ribs and a nosebleed would of taken at least two squadrons of highly trained soldiers to do. Once again the whispers began again aa all eyes focused on the girl as she limped back to her seat.

"I believe you all now truely understand the hidden potential you have within yourselves, a potential which we here at Babel could help unlock. But I worn you the road is not easy, and many of you will not make it to the end. This path is one of great power and destiny but of great hardship and terror" The Director paused as he let them comprehend what he was saying. "This is why I'm presenting you all with a choice to decide your fit. If you do not wish to walk the path ahead od you, you can turn back now. Exit through the main doors above and after a simple memory wipe you will be free to go. But for those of you willing to risk life and limb, to dive deeper down the rabbit hole and find thier potential to save the world, I invite you to stay. You have three minutes to make a decision and I need to remind you all decesions fron this point foward are permanent."

Silence hung over the children like a thick wool blanket on a warm summer's night. Opressive and increasingly uncomfortable. Slowly one chils rose and then another as they made their way towards thr exit. They either not wanting to face deathml, wrought with fear or just wanting to go home. Those that stayed looked to one another as groups of two and three left them. The seconds tixking down as the most important decision in thier life weither theu knew it or not was displayed ahead of them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Algorhythm
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Algorhythm The Whatchamacallit of Thingamabobs

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The purple-haired girl's brow remained furrowed throughout the entire process. She sported a shiner in one eye for resisting arrest. Leeloo would've complied without any objection had the officer been nicer, but after the stunts she pulled at the police station, he was in no mood for pleasantries. Despite a few murmurings under the deputy’s breath, it was an uneventful car ride. She contemplated escape several times over. A stick of polymer clay, or heck, even a marker would do the trick. She reached for a random art tool in her pocket. Then the consequences began floating over her head like weighted phantoms.

She thought about her parents and her two little brothers, and then she thought about her sister out there in the front lines. What would the government do to them if she ran away? And where could she possibly run off to? Leeloo knew enough about Japan’s intense policing and border checking. It was meant to serve as precaution from the moonmen, but it felt more like it was intended to keep close tabs on people. She overheard the stories about families disappearing overnight for unknown reasons. Her father once told her they were just being relocated, but never explained why. Her mother never commented on the matter. In any case, Leeloo wanted everyone safe from harm, and a selfish attempt to run from her problems just wasn’t in the cards for her. She knew she was in the wrong for causing the police department’s infrastructure to implode, and she was willing to atone for her mistake. But at what cost?

Leeloo observed the odd spectacle before her. It was a live demonstration between some broccoli haired coin thrower and a real moonman. She’s seen photos and videos before, but never was she so up close and personal. This is what Ruby is up against? Leeloo’s concern for her sister grew exponentially as the powered girl fended off the monster. Her seat was much further back, but she was afraid it might go crazy and start attacking the audience. Without her art tools handy, she never felt so vulnerable in her life. To Leeloo’s amazement, the girl singlehandedly defeated the monster.

The show was over, and with it, came the director’s proposal. There really wasn’t much of a choice. Leave and have your memory wiped, or stay and become a fighter like broccoli hair. How much of our memories will be wiped clean? What guarantees did they have that we won’t end up with permanent brain damage? And if we stay and fight, will we ever see our families again? A swirl of doubt, confusion, and frustration filled the auditorium air as children were forced to make life altering decisions within the span of three minutes. Her big brown eyes scanned the exits as several kids were getting up to leave. She felt the temptation gnawing at her bones to follow suit. Just as she was about to stand up, she stopped in her tracks. she thought about the fight between the moonman and the girl. How her sister Ruby was out there with no superpowers, fighting these monsters day in and day out. Could Leeloo turn away from all of this knowing she could help in this war? That maybe she could turn the tide and bring her sister back home safe in the process?

Thoughts continued to snap at her, pulling and pushing her around until she forcefully stood up and walked out into the aisle. Just as it looked like she was about to head toward the exit, she swung around and marched toward the stage. A tall girl that was much older than Leeloo got up and bolted toward the main entrance sobbing in frustration. Leeloo took her seat in the front row, furrowed brow still intact, and crossed her arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Like a crash to a pipe dream, the situation that Satomi had been flung into was only becoming more grotesque by the minute. The demonstration before her, was this real? This was the face of a true Moonman? The same creatures that were responsible for the deaths of uncountable people? Cold sweat and a bit of panic broke out as the thing was released, not nearly as severe as the attack she had been locked into before the announcement caught her attention. And here, she was terrified.

What were they thinking? Releasing this eldrichian horror into a room of children; Satomi was compelled to scream in horror, but the noise was lost in her throat, as she got a good look into the battle before her, this girl, not much older than herself, dispatching of the moonman with seemingly little effort. Satomi could only blink in confusion as the monster fell dead to the ground, soon to be charred and disposed of; killed with...coins?

And like another dream, the show was over almost as soon as it started. As a voice echoed out

"This is why I'm presenting you all with a choice to decide your fit. If you do not wish to walk the path ahead od you, you can turn back now. Exit through the main doors above and after a simple memory wipe you will be free to go. But for those of you willing to risk life and limb, to dive deeper down the rabbit hole and find thier potential to save the world, I invite you to stay. You have three minutes to make a decision and I need to remind you all decesions fron this point foward are permanent."

So, she was free to go? No, it was never that easy. She knew that if she left, it was likely that she'd just be disposed of on the spot. What good would she be, as a Dekasegi, left to run wild. It would be like releasing a rat or other vermin back into the world, as far as the Officials of Zone Two were concerned. To die a criminal, or to die as some kind of super soldier. Neither choice was safe, but, it was obvious the way she had to go.

"I'm probaly never going to see Mamãe and Papai again..." She uttered to herself, semi-inaudiably, as Satomi raised her head, focusing her eyes upon the door ahead. "But, maybe, maybe I can still do something for them. I can still help them, even if from this far away."

Satomi closed her eyes, "One less mouth to feed at home, one less fine and demerit against them with the law." Her body tensed, as the decision came out, and she murmured the ultimatum to herself

"I'm more good to them here"

As these words rang out, Satomi went to take here seat, and embrace this life, a new role of a Limiter. It was a better fate than whatever awaited a Dekasegi girl out there. A chance to rise above society's expectations, and make something of herself and help not just her family, but to help everyone. Her heart as filled with fear, but somewhere in that stew of horror, there was hope; and a kind of assurance that this was the right decision.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Reika Kuroke~

It wasn’t long before the rest of the seats began to fill up with numerous other children, most of them girls, Reika observed. Which was interesting seeing as if they were to become super soldiers she would expect these effects to take hold of males more so than females. At least, that was what the Director was implying they would become; super soldiers for the government.

So that was what a Limiter was? Reika tilted her head as the sound of the crowd began to overflow, many of the children wanting to either protest this course of action or have their voice be known. Reika had to refrain from rolling her eyes at the sheer childish display before her. But then again, the majority of these kids still had a family to go back to.

That’s when the lights dimmed down and a green-haired girl named Nozomi stepped up to the command of the Director. Funny. The vibrant shade of her hair reminded Reika of broccoli for some strange reason. But whatever amusement could be found from that thought was pushed back as the guards enclosed Nozomi on the stage, trapping her with a creature of nightmares.

Reika did not shriek, cry, or yelp but she did instinctively back up further into her seat as they were all shown a real Moonmen up close. That’s when Nozomi revealed her fighting prowess, leaping about with those coins of hers and battling with the creature. Reika couldn’t help but feel small twinges of admiration for this girl, though her expression would not reveal that fact.

After a long and bloody struggle, Broccoli Head eventually came out on top, though worst for wear if her injuries were to be taken in account. Reika’s frown deepened as the Director explained the point of this show and tell, her eyes flicking over to her left arm. She had no doubt in her mind that, with a power like hers, she could have easily destroyed that type of Moonmen…but the cost was perhaps too great on her to consider it…

Soon enough she was snapped back to reality, torn out of her thoughts by the sound of boots marching. Blinking, Reika turned to see a child, one by one, get up to leave the auditorium. They were denying the offer for power, to lay their lives down on the line for their country and for the world. And honestly, who could blame them?

They still had family, friends who still loved them. Why risk dying in what was perhaps a losing, senseless war just some super soldier mock-off said you could? But Reika didn’t have that option. In fact, given her power, it was perhaps in her best interests to stay among these people under constant watch.

Perhaps that was why she remained seated in her seat, staring at the stage blankly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


As the auditorium, lecture hall, or whatever this structure truly was, began to get more and more crowded, Yuuna noticed the commentaries about the room's air conditioner system being broken, or how some of the other girls talked about each other's appearances, including a few that referred to Yuuna as 'doll-like' or 'pretty'. This didn't fazed Yuuna, though; she was not one to fall victim of hubris, yet it remembered her of how some of the soldiers she lived with used to call her before she learned to speak a bit of Russian.

Soon enough, Yuuna's mind would be once more be taken away from the frozen wastelands of her memories to the current reality, as a girl sat beside her and asked if she was the source of the temperature drop, "Привет*..." Yuuna replied at first, before noticing that she had spoken in Russian out of habit, "Sorry, I'm not used to talk in anything but Russian on a daily basis. Hi, anyway. To answer your question, it's not like I want to, like you said there's nothing that I can do to avoid this."

Their conversation would be cut short when a large group took the stage before them, culminating with the appearance of a man calling himself 'The Director'. After a short explanation that served no purpose other than confusing some of the girls even more, the Director called forth a bizarre demonstration of what a Limiter's skills truly are. Yuuna knew some of that already, but watching the green-haired girl, Nozomi (who looked like a walking broccoli from this far away) fight, brought a few mixed feelings to Yuuna. If this puppet-like girl, who seemed to have no will of her own (otherwise why would she behave like that?), was the best they had and this training taught them how to fight at such a poor level, then humanity was really condemned.

When given the choice of staying or not, Yuuna did something unusual of her and got up from her seat, walking all the way to the empty seats in the first row and spoke to the waiting Director, "I understand that we are to fight as an unit, right? Otherwise there would be no reason to force all of us in this room, as you could scout everyone individually. I for once don't have anything against neither of these proposals, but if we are to fight for the sake of the world I have to ask. This Broccoli Head is really your best? If so you have to seriously reconsider your CQC training. Or, is she really someone that was chosen just because she's expendable, like all of us, so her potential death on the stage could weed those who don't have the guts to face what's to come?"

After stating her questions, Yuuna fell silent, showing to traces of rebellion or aggression, it was just a fair questioning for the one who was asking them to effectively throw away whatever was left of their lives. Yuuna at least expected the Director to understand that. Plus, she really didn't liked the puppet-like nature of Nozomi, that was for sure, as the glare she sent to the broccoli-haired girl demonstrated.

*Привет (read: Privét); Russian informal greeting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Eyes were center, on the adults, surely, since anyone who introduced themselves with a title rather than a name was bound to either be someone important or someone with an inflated ego. Often it was both, as Dizzy suspected upon hearing him talk. That belief didn't extend just to him, Dizzy thought that all of the adults, guards included, had to have an inflated sense of ego given that they still believed they had a snowball's chance in hell of making any sort of legitimate difference in the world as it presently existed. But then, what did that make her for listening to the lecture, for looking around at the other girls who would jump at the chance to call themselves Limiters. The Director's words were just that. Words. And words were always hiding something. Lies. Truths. Deceptions.

Dizzy was ready to simply tune the speech out but that became difficult as the ear piercing shriek and the gasps of terror rang out even louder than the flowery introduction had. But it wasn't until that blaring klaxon sounded that Dizzy reacted. Seeing one of the monstrosities gave Dizzy nothing. No reaction. She had seen bigger. She had heard death wails. She would keep hearing them. But the klaxon caused her head to slam down onto the desktop in front of her. The pain was instant, and it was stinging, and it lingered even as she lifted it in time to watch the little demonstration.

"The size differential is crucial. She's taking it lightly, the armspan alone...that's going to hit her," she mumbled out as the Moonman clipped the green haired girl. "Two point seven seconds earlier and it would have been a clean dodge," Dizzy continued mumbling quietly to herself, sounding almost as if she was speaking in tongues. "Size differential is too great. Defense not suggested. Its charging speed is faster than its swinging speed by a factor of-" As the beast let out a shriek of what could be pain as easily as it was anything else, Dizzy's side commentary came to an end as again her head was drawn in sharp pain downward, hitting the desk with a thump.

When she awoke it was to lingering throbbing and to the sounds of some shuffling out of the lecture hall.

"I can't do that," Dizzy remarked plainly, in response to the demonstration given. "Fighting. Not in my skill set." Dizzy stood up, quickly running her palm over her forehead, and stood in the line of the ones choosing to leave rather than to stay.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DontCallMeZelda
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Before long a man who came to call himself the Director showed his face to all of the girls in the Auditorium. Jyne knew not his agenda but she was torn between wanting to immediately trust him or rip his throat out. And he had only said one sentence. The latter option would not look that great in front of many of the girls she was sure and the military would not much like that. Plus, she wasn't that edgy to do that anyways so she sat quietly and listened to the man speak to them.
After a while a girl with green hair was brought up and the crowd started to murmur and whisper as they were all unsure of what was about to happen to her.

Encased in a small arena a malformed and disgusting creature was sent in with a one on one match underway between the girl and the beast. Jyne felt like she had witnessed one of those beasts before first hand but her memories were scattered and broken so trying to remember was only causing her to develop a headache.
Before long girls were standing up and gasping as the two started their battle. Jyne stood up to get a better view of the fight and right off the bat it didn't look good.
The girl was clipped by the beast and yet sent back a good ways but she was able to recoil herself and get back in the fight. She cheered for her inside as she kept quiet on the outside.

After what felt like an eternity the beast was defeated and the girl was left with bruises, scrapes and a bloody nose. She sat back down and the Director then gave the girls two options: They could either stay and use their powers to fight the ever growing threat. Or they could leave and have their memories wiped.
Jyne did not give the options a moments thought as she had already decided on what she wanted to do. She had nothing on the outside so why leave a place that would provide for her? Or that was her train of thought.
Girls of all kinds stood up and made their way to the exit to leave the room but a few were staying behind and moving to the front or staying in their seats.

Jyne stood up but did not make her way to the exit. She pushed her way through a mob of girls and found a seat closer to the front. Just in time to hear a girl speaking her mind and asking questions to the Director. She stayed silent and sat down a row behind them. She knew the Director was right in that they could not avoid this. She felt like she had experienced this change for a reason. She knew it was deadly but she enjoyed it.
She wanted to learn to control it. So, she would stay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

'Broccoli Head'

As the rest of the Children were busy making a decision which would define the rest of their lives, the girl whose decision was made for her long ago stood to the side, her head continued to throb. Trying to focus on the far wall across the room she dug her fingers into her palms trying to clear her hand and make the shaking her hands seems less apparent. As she breathed she dug her fingers deeper into the palms feeling blood begin to come forth but she remained focused on the sport on the wall breathing in and out. For some the pain as if her skull was being ripped open slowly made them double over by this point, but Nozomi remained tall and seemingly unaffected in outward appearances. She was all too aware of the many pairs of eyes that were starring at her after her performance against the golem, judging her and examining her. She couldn't appear weak in front of them, that would not serve the purpose of the mission, that wouldn't do. So she remained stoic and impassive taking a deep breath in and letting another one out managing the pain.

As she stood there the women in the lab coat quickly rushed over to her, a small black bag that she had placed next to her seat in her hand. Nozomi fought her own desire to recede and flee away from the woman, she did'nt want the attention, she did'nt need to be watched over like some fragile little doll. But in her current environment their was no way to escape. As the woman stopped in front of her and produced a flashlight from her bag and shined it into one of the girls deep green eyes before switching over to the other after a few moments making a sound of disapproval under her breath. The doctor did'nt need to speak, Nozomi and her seemed to be following a well rehearsed procedure that they both could walk through without even thinking about. The doctor proceeded to check her pulse, temperature and took a blood sample over the next couple of moments seemingly concerned with every result that she received. She sighed as she looked at the green haired girl looking up at her with her stereotypical bored expression seemingly unconcerned about anything.

"You can't continue to push yourself like this Nozomi. We could of gotten somebody else to do the demonstration." She whispered to the girl as she continued her examination. As she spoke she could feel Nozomi tensed up and wonder if the girl would run away again, refuse to have this worn old conversation again and again. But she wouldn't at least not know in front of all these eyes starring back at her.

"Why? Is it because I'm a liability now doctor? Because your favorite experiment isn't living up to your expectations anymore?" Nozomi replied her voice curt and bitter eyes a dark and stormy green in color. She could feel the doctor visibly flinch back from the remarks. She knew she was being unfair, she knew that she actually cared about her and her well being. But she needed something, anything to vent her frustrations outwards against. It didn't matter who it was or if they actually deserved it or not. She was mad at herself, if it was two years ago she could of finished that Golem with much more ease, it was so easy back then. Now? Now every fight felt like she was pushing herself to the limit.

"Nozomi, I know your frustrated but you need to take your health into account. The degradation is already occurring at triple the normal rate for the rest of the girls and your not helping us control it by throwing yourself at every challenge you meet head on. You need to wait until we can find a solution." The woman replied with a warm tone as she rested a hand on the green haired girl shoulder who quickly pulled away from it.

"Find a solution? What solution? Another round of drug tests that don't work? Another failed experiment that makes me sick for the next month? I can't be wasting my time with experiments that might work. Every minute I waste more people die and they die because I'm not doing my job." Nozomi replied sternly her voice rising into a louder whisper. The Doctor sighed pulling her away into a corner around the edge of the dais and away from the others in the room.

"And what exactly going to happen to you? Are you just going to run yourself into the ground because you refuse to stop fighting?" The doctor asked her voice tired and almost resigned as she already knew where the conversation was going by this point.

"Fighting is all I know how to do doctor. I'm not like the rest of those kids out there. They had lives before all of us, they have families and friends to back to. All I know to do is fight. If I can't fight then... I don't have purpose anymore! So can we please just stop having this stupid conversation everyday and can you give me the shot already before my head explodes!" Her voice was bitter and anger filled with resentment. Though the doctor was unsure of where the anger was directed towards the infallibility of her condition, towards her and her colleagues which put her in her condition or at herself for her own 'weakness'. The doctor looked at the angry girl with pity in her eyes before she reached into the black bag and produced a small metal case. Opening the clasp the case opened to revel about ten syringes filled with a bright orange liquid. Reluctantly the doctor produced one of the syringes and handed it over to the green haired girl. Nozomi looked down at the object seemingly contemplating her actions for a moment before taking the syringe and slamming it into the base of her neck.

She felt the effects of the drug almost immediately her senses flared and the pain that plagued her became terribly intense as if she had been dunked in a bath of molten copper but then a moment later everything became very numb, the pain began to vanish and the tremors in her hands slowed before vanish altogether. Nozomi released a breath she hadn't even realized that she was holding as her head became clear and the world came back into sharp focus around her. She looked at the doctor whose disapproving face was still starring at her.

"You're trying to use a band aide to treat a bullet wound." She explained gesturing to the used syringe her voice still concerned but by this point Nozomi was already pushing her way past her back around the corner and back into the public. Her feet ,moving with a newfound strength as she moved back towards the director. As she did she noticed a girl with white hair talking to the Director while occasionally throwing the cold glance in her direction. At least mildly curious Nozomi approached the pair as she picked up the tail end of the conversation.

"This Broccoli Head is really your best? If so you have to seriously reconsider your CQC training. Or, is she really someone that was chosen just because she's expendable, like all of us, so her potential death on the stage could weed those who don't have the guts to face what's to come?"

"Well---" The Director began but was quickly interrupted as Nozomi herself stepped in and responded to the claims against her own state of being. At this distance it was more easy to make out some more of the details about the girl beside the unusual color of her hair. She was clothed in a similar grey jumpsuit to the rest of the girls but where they had a number sequence of ten digits tarting with five emblazoned on their right pocket as identification, Nozomi's was made up of only three numbers, 0-04. Beside that she looked normal maybe a little more on the thin side and her skin starkly pale but nothing that would draw immediate concern. She spoke Japaneses with little difficulty but from the way the words came forth it was obvious that it wasn't the language that she grew up with.

"I was politely asked to make a show out of it. If I actually went in with the intent to kill the fight would of been done in under a minute. That would cast.... untruthful messages about the danger involved in our circumstance. If I made it look too easy than more of the cowards and fools would stay thinking they could fight the monsters, thinking they had a chance. It would be a waste of all of our time. But that pardons the question. Which type are you I wonder? Coward, fool, or just plain arrogant?" Nozomi replied her voice was blunt but it held no apparent outward malice to it, it was still filled with its stereotypical outward tone of boredom as if the girl was just unsure of what to make of the girl with the white hair.

"Yes... well thanks for for clearing this little situation up. Now could you direct your new.... friend to her seat?"

"She's full of herself not blind Director. I think she can find her way to her own seat."

"I can't do that. Fighting. Not in my skill set."

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” A voice sounded out warm and rough in it's tone from behind Dizzy. Seemingly having appeared out of nowhere was the man in the wheelchair that had been at the bottom of the lecture hall only a few minutes ago. He peered at Dizzy from behind old and worn glasses covered by grit and finer pints, his face heavily wrinkled and his reaming tufts of white hair protruding from his skull at a random angles. At this close of a distance he seemed very old and very very tiny as if a strong wind could scatter him across the earth.

"Not all battles are fought with brute force girl." He explained as he peered up at her as if he was starring through her flesh and bone and into the very foundation of her soul. He seemed to like what he saw as he smiled and began to snort in an odd raspy tone his whole body and the wheelchair beneath him shaking. "You have a gift girl. I can see it in your eyes. It would be a shame if you wasted your potential because you let your own emotions get in the way of destiny. A life directed by fear is no life at all"

With that the old man give Dizzy a wink before he wheeled himself away at a slow but steady pace vanishing into the crowd that moved and swelled about him.

Slowly as the line of children that stepped out began to vanish the lecture hall became almost sparse in comparison to the numbers that once filled it. About half of the children that had entered the room remained. The Director himself was pleasantly surprised at the turnout it was actually a larger number than the other groups before, the first few groups they had barely even gotten a quarter f them to stay. Of course it truly did'nt really matter in the end as most of them wouldn't make it through the training but at least it showed something about the persistence in this new batch. Slowly the children that remained filter their way towards the front of the lecture hall taking their seats and looking upwards intently. Some faces were framed with determination and excitement, others with fear as if they were concerned about the seemingly suicidal decision they had just made.

"You who still stand before me have made a heroic decision. A decision to put the betterment of humanity before the concerns for yourself. For that I thank you. From this point onward you are the members of Limiter Class 5. Let me be the first and foremost to welcome you to your new home." The Director explained as the scientist behind him politely clapped in congratulations. "From this point forward we will be teaching you how to properly control your powers and train you to fight the moonmen. You are the first and last defense against the monsters that threaten to devour us all. You are the hope which we fling into the future. But I warn you the path ahead is dangerous and filled with potential horrors. Many of you will not make it to the end of the training and many more will die after the fact. But you will die for a cause worth fighting for." The Director explained his voice crescendo in passion. The man himself released this field of charisma about him that just drew you into his voice as if reality itself bent about him and he could make you believe anything he could say.

"From this point forward you are dead to world. Your history, your past, your friends and family are all things to be forgotten. We will make sure that your loved ones are properly compensated for any trauma of your "unfortunate demise" may have caused, and in time you too will forgot about them. Your life starts anew today and it's in your hands what you do to shape it" The Director spoke slamming a fist into the podium before continuing. "Tomorrow placement training begins as we gauge all of your prospective skills. As for tonight, I suggest you sleep well."

And just like that the Director walked away off the stage and through the door which he came in followed slowly by the silent procession of scientist and other staff that sat behind him. Once they all departed the soldiers rearranged the students into their lines and marched them out off of the auditorium. They sneaked back through the halls of the large Tower going up and down seemingly endless flights of stairs before they came into the small gymnasium that they had been deposited in before. Slowly the Children found their beds and began to sit down at them, some talked among themselves while others curled up on their beds trying to block away the world. The lights lowered to a dim as the conversations slowly filtered in and out as many of the children passed out from exhaustion of the whole affair.

Nozomi was among those still awake, she sat on the edge of her bed her feet dangling over the edge as she looked up at the ceiling whee above her beyond the roof she figured the night sky shined down above. She had one more chance to do it right, she had more chance to prove that she could still do it. She had to do it this time, she had to do it this time. She absently looked around at the other children scattered about her in the dim room and wondered absentmindedly how many of them would end up as corpses before to soon. Sighing she slumped backwards into the bed realizing very quickly that she was getting no sleep at all tonight.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Destiny. The old man spoke of destiny as easily as others speak of their own hobbies and habits. Dizzy was no believer in destiny. Some might have considered the perilous journey from her home to her present location a stroke of good fortune or, yes, destiny given that so many others came so far, so close to safety...only to meet their bitter end while the one who would've welcomed their own end not only lived on but stood in a lecture hall with others who were most likely eager and excited to run headlong into danger. And their own end. But to Dizzy that wasn't proof of destiny at all. That was sheer coincidence. She wasn't special. She wasn't like the person who made it colder, she wasn't like the coin twirler, and she wasn't eager to seek death out herself. She would welcome it when it came, and she was well aware it was coming, but seeking death wasn't in her plan.

And yet, the old man's words gave Dizzy pause. Perhaps that's all he had wanted to do. Perhaps he had seen in her something Dizzy had not seen in herself. Or perhaps he just enjoyed being cryptic and speaking in platitudes. Regardless of the intent, the moment's hesitation, that pause in Dizzy's movements was just enough to keep her inside the lecture hall as the time limit expired. One window closed, or a door in this instance, so surely another would be opened down the line. Whether she wanted to or not, Dizzy's lot was thrown in with the rest of the girls.

The words the Director spoke rang hollow to the raven haired girl. What great cause were they dying for? There was no noble purpose, no great deed, just clueless adults trying to bandage a gaping wound with a single slip of adhesive. Dizzy was silent as she, and the others in the class, were shuffled along back to the row of beds. "Destiny? Potential? Crazy old fool must be blind," Dizzy spoke to herself as she sat up in her bed, legs bent upwards and chin resting atop her knees. "We're all going to die anyway. What difference does it make if it's here or outside...." Dizzy spoke as if she was trying to convince the most important person of all, that being herself, that staying was the right choice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Reika Kuroke~

Before long the majority of girls left in the auditorium was less than ten not counting Broccoli Head. Reika’s eyes darted as she saw first Ice Breath and then another girl approach the Director. While the other girl sat down a few seats away, Ice Breath continued to speak her mind. Reika was intent on listening, eyes brimmed with apathy and curiosity.

So this was all just to demonstrate and maybe even get in a few scare tactics? Well that made sense, in a sort of way. Reika didn’t doubt Broccoli Head Had more potential than what was shown, though if her current care was to be expected the price of using such power was indeed dire…

A sudden flash of pain flitted across her features and she clenched her left arm. Her eyes remained the same but her teeth was gritted as she let the small spasm subside into nothingness yet again. Yeah…she knew firsthand the consequences of excessively using up their “gifts”.

This was about the time the Director had made to excuse himself and the only chance Reika had of getting anything answered had just slipped her grasp. Well wasn’t this lovely? The man had made some speech about heroics and whatnot…or something. Reika was only half-paying attention, eyes flicking back to Broccoli Head who was sitting in the corner, no doubt to recover.

Glancing at Broccoli Head’s sorry state and overhearing Ice Breath’s words…she couldn’t help but feel that maybe this Director was a little arrogant in his actions. Maybe he had earned that arrogance; Reika didn’t particularly care too much to elaborate it further. What interested her right now was the girl with the color of seaweed.

For the first time in what felt like hours, Reika stood up from her seat and made her way over to Nozomi. Noticing her laid out form, Reika stood over the other girl and waited for her to notice her. When it swiftly became apparent that Reika would have to make the first move, she coughed to get Nozomi’s attention before asking her a question.

“How much does it hurt? To use your powers and be treated with the drugs I mean…how much does it hurt?” she asked with a blank tone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Satomi lay, body sprawled out as her eyes gazed up into the ceiling, trying to find the point where the darkness obscured any further light. Her head was still throbbing, and dull aching prevented the girl from lulling herself away into the release of the dreamworld. Satomi grumbled to herself, pushing her body up, not without letting out a low moan from the pain in her head and arm, as a brief spell of dissorientation fell over, only to recede back as the clarity of the room returned.

A look of displeasure came over Satomi, her dark brown eyes narrowing and her mouth twisting into an expression of contempt and confusion as she mulled over exactly why she was here.

She was going to die, there was no doubt about that. Probably in a horrible fashion. It would have been just as easy to walk out that door and never look back. But...even if she would have done that that, the ultimate outcome was death, in a horrible fashion. At the very least, there was some kind of honor, even if it was superficial. She did feel some dignity in dying in war, over drowing in her own fluids after the Pneumonia she would certainly have contracted her from her future assignment of pumping septic tanks, embalming bodies or shoveling rotting animal parts in the abattoir would, or from being mauled by any one of the heavy machinery that was liable to catch her in the heat of work.

Did it really matter though? There was no real heroicism or glory in doing this? As far as the world outside her was concerned, she was already dead, not that anyone would have expected much more, or have any concerns that she was dying at this age. People in her village died all the time at her age, usually being shot or killed for stealing the wrong piece of trash, or getting on the wrong side of a guard in a bad mood.

Satomi groaned and grumbled, thoughts of whether or not what she was doing was worth it.

That was when her eyes caught sight of another one of the girls, another waking soul, her head rested on her knees. Satomi recognized her, she was one of the children originally looking to leave, though, something, or to be more specific, someone; had stalled her enough to keep her here. Maybe contact with another person would be what she needed to clear her mind of doubts. Satomi stood from her bed, and made her way over to the girl.

"Hi.." She murmered out quietly, hoping to catch the girl's attention. "I can't sleep, I'm a bit nervous about this all." Satomi tried her hardest too keep the air of optimism up, even if uncertainty was gnawing at her mind. "I'm Satomi by the way, Satomi Dosantosu. I couldn't help but notice that earlier, in the auditorium, you were going to leave. If you don't mind me asking...why did you stay?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


Yuuna observed as everything went by, not for one second had her gaze wavered off Nozomi, and as finally they were liberated from the presence of that shady Director, Yuuna sighed. Was it too much to even think they would get the chance to have a simple shower and food before going to be forced back on bed? It has been quite sometime since Yuuna has shown so much emotion at once and this was evident in the way things around her got colder with the passing of time while Yuuna's body was a full degree hotter than it should be generating some manner of discomfort to the white-haired girl.

Once they were set to rest, Yuuna found out that it was impossible to sleep without her music, or the sound of the cold winds blowing by her. The cacophony produced by the other girl's breaths and, worse yet, snores was enough to guarantee that she was going to be awake. Without much to do, Yuuna forced herself to a seating position and began humming some Russian songs in a low enough voice that only those with the best hearing or who were awake would notice her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 1 hr ago


The ghostly girl's mumbles and mutterings came to an end though she continued to gently rock; the motion, the soft movements, was as close to a comfort as she was likely to get for the foreseeable future. Comfort didn't seem to be in high demand, and that was understandable. Why waste precious resources on comfortable beds or comforting living conditions. For a moment, Dizzy wondered how many girls had used the bed she now called her own before her. How many rocked themselves to sleep. How many of them couldn't sleep. How many would use it after her own death? Would they at least have the decency to clean the sheets or was that a step over the line of too much effort?

As Dizzy rocked on her bed, the rhetorical questions serving as her own sort of inner monologue, she didn't notice the girl approach her until words had been spoken. Words from a voice that wasn't her own. Dizzy caught the name...Satomi...and the casual manner in which she spoke. Of course. There was always that handful that maintained an air of optimism or camaraderie even in the dark times and that Satomi had sought out Dizzy made Dizzy respond in a simple chuckle.

"Chae Da Hee," Dizzy responded, her voice small and her tone heavy, "Dizzy. Dizzy is my name now." She paused before continuing, both searching for the right phrasing to the question poised and to momentarily reflect on her new name. Old memories better left buried. "I hesitated. I had every intention of leaving...living in blissful ignorance and waiting for the end is a better life than most get. But I hesitated. I...I was thinking and missed my chance. I stayed because I had a moment of doubt."

To Dizzy, that was the truth as she saw it. That she stayed by pure accident. But the words she was told continued to linger even now.

"You weren't in the quitter's line, Satomi Dosantosu, were you? You believe that girls like you...Limiters...you believe you can make a difference?" Dizzy was curious. It was rare to hear anyone having any sort of positive thoughts when it came to fighting back. And she was oh so curious as to what made the optimists so damn...optimistic.

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