Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Tokoshie no Ansoku


I've seen pictures of the world that came before. Old photographs that the adults post to the walls with thumbtacks and tape. The figures and shapes appeared foreign to my eyes: smiles, laughter, crowding over birth cakes, green grass and a shining sun. My teachers say that the world always use to look like this, that the ash fall and the scorched lifeless plains outside of the cities are a result of the war. They have to be lying to us though don't they? Our world is far flung from the vibrant place that the pictures and the books say it is. How could we lose it all? How could we loose so much in only twenty years? But I guess that answer is the simple one isn't it? It was the Moonmen, the abominations that fell from the sky. The creatures that the walls and the guards outside the city watch out for day in and day out. They fell from the heavens on Contact Day and after that it all fell apart.

They ignored the signs that now seem obvious, pushing them into the background. Oblivious. I guess I can't blame them really can I? Who could think of such unimaginable horrors while they lived in a world that looked so nice. By the time they got around to noticing though? The infestation had already begun. Thus began the Long War, a war not between man and man, brother on brother but between human and abomination. They fought with bullet and flame against an undying hunger that seek nothing more than to devour them all. Millions would die in the fighting, countries would fall as entire countryside sides were stripped of life. Nothing was spread from the hunger from the smallest rabbit to the newborn babe. The world slowly grew accustomed to a new kind of silence, the cutthroat silence of death on an unprecedented scale. And yet they fought on, they fought on. The remnants of humanity unified under a common goal of survival. They held the line where they could and they bunred down all they could not and in the most extreme cases they rained down nuclear fire from above.

These days no creature has broken the walls of a Coalition City for five years time. Five years of relative peace where the fighting was only relegated to the troops outside the wall trying to reclaim what had been lost and keeping the abominations back. Their sacrifice ever present as the trucks return from the outside each day, smelling of rot and death filled to the brim with body bags. But the peace is good, it's good for everybody the adults look more relaxed and well maybe my younger siblings will get to have real dreams instead of the nightmares that plague me. Like many others I still can't sleep as whenever I close my eyes, they are chasing me. I can hear them in the back of my head, I hear they outside my room scratching on the door.

But the government says that things are going to change soon. The talk about the Limiters, children born with special abilities that make them different. Apparently it has something to do with the Moonmen. Something about how when your exposed to free floating particles of biomatter at a young enough age, there is a slim chance that the particles will fuse with the body or something. Give you powers and abilities. Sometime ago we may have protested about sending kids off to fight our battles for us. But these days? We need something, a glimmer of hope, anything. And maybe these Limiters will be just that. If not? Well I don't know how much longer we will be able to hold out.

A world once verdant and filled with colors blue and green. This sanctity long ago destroyed by the calamity of the war. Bombardments both conventional and nuclear in origin have pounded against the earth relentlessly. The Long War is one wage with the concept of total war in mind. Cities and towns are leveled completely to stop the spread of the abomination as once they have rotted in if not properly dealt with they will come back again and again. The sun is a rare sight indeed, a lost object where some young children have never seen it once crest the great horizon unable to pierce the clouds of ashen death. Most of the trees are dead and those that remain strong are old and withered things sternly rooted to the ground with pale bark accenting the landscape. These combined factors allowed the polar ices to begin their slow process southward as global cooling sets in for the long haul. The seas are no better as great beasts lurk below the waves attacking any boats that dare try and cross the waves once more. The skies are no better haunted by great flying demons that lurk in the gray waiting for more pray to come and meet their doom.

The Coalition itself is split into three major areas of control known as Central, Zone 1, Zone 2. Central is the major area of human control and the seat of the Coalition where forests still dwell and small isolated towns and villages scatter the landscape outside of the more heavily fortified cities. It composes of most of Scandinavian where the harsh cold weather slows down the abomination assaults. The captail of the coalition stands in Oslo using the old Akershus Fortress as there headquarters. In central large walls were created surronding the borders of areas around their control circling about the border between Finland and Russia, and the border between Denmark and Germany while heavily armored boats patrol the North Sea keeping the leviathans out out it's water at least for now.

Zone 1 once consisted of most of North America but over the past ten years they were continually pushed back and suffered heavy losses and now consists primarily of North Western North America as far south as Vancouver and as far north as Barrow up in Alaska. Unlike in Central here civilization is restricted to large and heavily defended cities with the area surrounding them being largely uninhabited ash land burned to the ground so that the defends could have clear sight lines for miles without stopping. To this degree only three areas of population remain loosely connected through communication and carefully watched over supply lines Vancouver, Edmonton and Juneau and even as they hold fast against the ever hoards rumors have it that soon enough they will crumble unless support is given and given quickly.

Zone 2 is the zone that the story of Tokoshie no Ansoku will primarily be focusing on. Zone 2 once was made up of most of the former nations in the Pacific, but as the years progressed one after another fall. The last to fall was about six years ago when Australia finally went dark. As a result this left Japan as they only remaining Coalition controlled lands in Zone 2. Zone 2 is somewhere between Zone 1 and Central as most of its populace lives in heavily fortified cities but other still live outside the walls, but unlike in Central there are no barriers set up to defend the borders but rather these isolated villages connected to the larger ciites through lines of communication serve as a sort of crude intrusion mechanism as if they start to go dark than the cities know that they need to be ready for an attack. The zone is generally self sufficient but still keeps tight contacts with Central as it has the second largest military presence and the largest outside of the walls protecting Central.


aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one. Words taken from times of antiquity spoken by Hannibal himself. These are the words that are emblazoned on the seal of the Coalition. A reminder of it's purpose and the values that it will follow until the days come where they can not follow anymore. The Coalition is accredited as one of the only reasons humanity is still standing and made it through the Long War. It arouse five years into the conflict as remaining free states of the world joined together under one banner to more effectively mobilize and defend themselves. And to that degree it worked and give humanity a combined front to unify underneath. But some would argue the costs of such victories.

Long gone are the old ideals of democracy and governments run by the people. The Coalition is an authoritarian police state governed by the Directorate, a council of ten members who held the fate of the entire world within their hands. The government controls almost every aspect of day to day life: when you wake up, what you eat, how much food you and your family is allotted, which job you will do, what time curfew begins and when you get have your breaks. It's a regimented and industrial procession but most people do not seem to mind all that much. They were more than willing to make a few sacrifices to preserve humanity. Crime rates are down and most of the populace is well educated do to compulsory education projects to prevent the world from regressing and forgetting our past where we had dreams to rival the gods. But still not having a choice in what you do with your life still bothers some and angers others to points of calling for reforms of the government and the disbanding of the Directorate in favor of a more democrat system of representative government. But these revolts and qualms are easily silenced by the Directorate's superior forces.

The Coalition is primarily focused on it's military and capabilities to keep it supplied and in fighting shape as it is the only thing standing between them and certain death. Most citizens who either too frail, too old, yoo young or for another reasons excused from compulsory service work in the large factories that produce weapons and ammunition or the big farmsteads constructed within large greenhouses with artificial sunlight to grow food and providing grazing room for animals. Everybody has a job and everyone is seen as a small cog working in a much larger machine. Those unable to work are swiftly taken 'care of' as one less mouth to feed helps take pressure off of the whole and keep food stocks at a manageable rate.


But among the darkness there is always a small glimmer of light. For humanity that would be the peculiar case of those known as Limiters. From what the scientists and doctors can figure out Limiters are a special case never seen before in the world and for good reason. Biomass particles produced by the abominations drift into the air and water, generally they cause little in the form of complications or other problems and our body is able to easily process them away before they can do any harm. But to those children who in their formative years are exposed to these stimuli there is a rare chance of something very strange happening. The biomass clings to the body and begins to fuse with it making Limiters hybrids of a strange sort. This biomass effects cells within the body increasing muscle mass and density, speed, reaction time and overall physical ability taking a small child to levels seen only by Olympic Athletes and other individuals who have spent their entire lives training for one purpose.

But strangely enough it also produces another oddity. These children are each granted a special ability of sorts something singular to themes that they can only do. These abilities border on the fantastic with ideas from something a simple as being able to see through walls and something as complex as holding dominion over fire. But it power in itself is unique to the user and its use causes great physical and mental strain upon the limiter as it forces the body to go above and beyond what it is meant to do. Those that can not control their abilities threaten to lapse into insanity or have their bodies slowly disintegrate before their very eyes.

Limiters are generally classified into three types based upon where their specialization and skills have them most suited. First is Attack, Attack type Limiters are generally going to be the ones taking the brunt of the damage and tearing in ahead. They posses the most skill in straight physical combat and their special ability either supplements their strength or another means or heavy hitting damage. Next are Speed types. Speed types generally act as harassment and the 'inbetweenrs' going from close to far range and their stabilizes compliments this. Finally there are Support types, support types are hard hitters but prefer to stay at a range and out of the brunt of combat as they also tend to be comparatively frail to their fellows.

These children are as you would imagine of special interest to the Coalition as if harnessed and used correctly they could very well help turn the tide of everything. Of course there is always some reservation in this as sending more or less children to fight dark entities beyond human comprehension is generally not the most ethical things to do not to mention the effects it has on the children's mental state. Even so every year schools throughout the Zones perform tests looking for signs of aptitude within Students. If tested positive they are sent to special research centers (one in each Zone) where they are then trained and their abilities tested before they are sent out into the field proper.


The Moonmen, the abominations, the creatures, the hellspawn. They have as many names as they do horrific shapes. These celestial entities fell from the sky twenty years ago and have caused havoc where ever they go. Some of them dwell in the oceans, some on the land and others in the sky above but it is hard to mistke them for anything less then they are monsters. They are distorted masses of flesh and bone cast in odd angles and proportion that should not work with any living creature. They are characterized by their extreme regenerative abilities only counteracted by liberal use of fire or any other implement which would attract the biomass in a quick enough time that it does not regenerate, extreme strength and speed. As more creatures are encountered and you learn about the threat they will be listed below.

R u l e s

01: I'm not the biggest fan of rules because I like to assume everybody is sane human being so I'll keep this short. If you have to abide by any rules be it these two. Common decency and common sense is something that everybody should strive for. Treat your fellow humans like they are just that your fellow humans and with all the respect that implies. Disputes between players should not be long blown out affairs in the OCC, hell disputes should not happen at all if we are doing this right. If you want to argue have your characters dispute about something mundane like the importance of starch or something.
02: In regards to any roleplay involving the dark depravity of mankind and giant space monsters there are mature themes within this story. This is not a very nice world and terrible things happen to good people for no good reason. In that regard I heavily suggest you treat these matters with the weight that they would actually entitle. Romance falls into the same thing, sure it can happen just don't be stupid about it
03: Quality matters people, show me that you care. And remember I'm asking for your best not the best of Shakespeare or the like. I've been doing this shit for about a decade now and I'm still learning things everyday. Just remember Quality over Quantity and always remember Fail Faster.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


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I'm here too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DontCallMeZelda
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Atlas
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King Atlas

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Present. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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I am very interested. I will go ahead and start making a CS or two. (Probably just one.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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I'm here too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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Checking in. Reporting in. Whatever the term.

Also, have a WIP character sheet, if you will.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Just feeling something out here, so be honest with me. Is this going to be one of those RPs with the premise of "your character has superpowers," but is then basically made irrelevant with the addendum of "they have to be shitty, and you can basically never use them?"

Because I'm planning a character that would have a substantial and useful ability, and I plan to have him use it fairly consistently, as it makes up a major part of his history and personality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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Ursa Paine
16| 5'4"| AB

Physical Description:
Ursa is a rather fragile looking girl with pale skin and blond hair that, when let down reaches to her mid calves. She is, in all actuality, well muscled however for how she looks. Her eyes usually have a kind or distant look to them even when she is intensely focused on something.

She was born with a twin brother and she was the younger of the two, however when they were 5 he got very sick and passed shortly after. She is now convinced that he wasn't sick, but instead his body shut down due to the abilities that surfaced long before hers did. Her parents proceeded with their lives as they had to but in order to quickly get over the grief of losing a child they disposed of anything that reminded them of him and for the longest time kept their distance from Ursa. It wasn't until Ursa was 11 that her abilities began to surface and her parents started paying more attention to her than they had been for the past several years. A year later her father who was a guard for Zone 2 was sent out to fight the moonmen. He didn't return alive.

Ursa has a simple outlook on life. It's not fair, and the people closest to you die. Despite this she has been able keep a rather kind personality. She speaks softly and isn't easy to anger unless her friends or family are threatened. She is loyal to a fault to those she loves and would do almost anything to make sure they were safe and comfortable.

Either speed or Attack (I will let the GM decide

Special Ability:
Ursa has the ability to teleport short distances ranging from 10 to 20 feet. A rather simple ability that when coupled with good combat skills can be a dangerous thing. The teleportation and combat tends to exhaust her easily so she has to have a lot of endurance when it comes to her fighting.

Ursa isn't useless. She is actually rather mechanically inclined. She can fix almost anything, and she can learn almost anything quickly. She is a very smart girl who likes to learn things and won't stop wanting to learn more on a subject until she feels she has extracted all the could from it.

Ursa always has her cross necklace, though it is usually in her pocket and not around her neck. She also carries a small pocket knife with her for emergency uses.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Algorhythm
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Algorhythm The Whatchamacallit of Thingamabobs

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Working on my character right now... will try to have her up either by tonight or tomorrow evening.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

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Satomi Dosantosu
15| 5'2"| O

Physical Description:
As with most Dekasegi people, Satomi shows a significant level of physical heterogeneity not found in most pureblooded Japanese people. Her hair is a light chesnut brown, left long and to hang all the way down to her mid-back. She is a tall, spindly figure, with strong legs from her passion in playing football. Her eyes are dark brown, and her skin is slightly tanned. Her facial features show her Portuguese-Brazilian origins, as well as the recent integration of Japanese into her family line.

Brazilians had established a presence in Japan even before the Moonmen were ever known to exist. In those bygone days, most of the so-called "Dekasegi" (meaning "working away from home" in Japanese) were people of Japanese ethnicity who's ancestors had moved to South America looking for work, and who returned seeking the same opportunities in the land of their ancestors. As the troubles of the Moonmen came upon the world, the usually xenophobic Japan relaxed its immigration policies towards places like Brazil and Latin America among those of the Japanese Diaspora looking to return, only for the restrictions to ethnicity to fall, and finally with large numbers of Brazilians of any ethnicity comming following the rise of the Coalition and the fall of South America.

These People were also known as Dekasegi, a word meaning roughly "Brazilian/South American" in these times. Over time, the Dekasegi lost touch with their old homeland of Brazil, and crafted a new ethnic identity, as things like the Portuguese and Spanish Language slowly gave way in their communities in favor of Japanese, (although Portuguese survives as a sacred language used in Church services or prayers, and the Dekasegi have their own sociolect of Japanese, called Dekasegigo, written in the Latin Alphabet, and containing much vocabulary and lexical structures borrowed from Portuguese) as they also took on Japanese given names, and integrated more Japanese culture into their lives. Dekasegi people are one of the oldest of the Refugee ethnic groups established, however they are among the most discriminated against. Dekasegi were seen as outcasts, the descendants of social failures who could not make it in Japanese society, and would only continue their ancestors' legacies of failure, never making any significant contributions to Japanese society. Dekasegi are seen as expendables who can do the so-called "three K" jobs: Kitsui, Kitanai and Kiken – hard, dirty and dangerous, jobs like cleaning sewage lines and septic tanks, slaughtering animals, processing meats, executions, mortician work, grave diggers; with adults unsurprisingly dying very often in their work, and children often skipping school and falsifying their age for work, and as such, attracting penelties and punishments from the authorities of the Collation when they are figured out; they have gained the reputation of vagrants, hereditary failures, social dropouts, truants, and untrustworthy individuals. Social dissidents who simply refuse to do what they are supposed to, and who run a strain of how often they need to be put down.

Satomi's family originated from a wealthy white Portuguese-Brazilian family from Fortaleza, Brazil. Her ancestors came to Zone Two and settled near Tokyo. At this time, they were known as the Dos Santos family, but over time they became more Japanized, and took on the Japanized Surname Dosantosu.

Satomi was born in the Dekasegi shanty village of Poroto Resute, where she had carved out a living collecting scrap metal and other recyclables for money, and doing odd jobs in larger cities like Tokyo for money. However, few people will trust a Dekasegi to do serious work for them, and so Satomi's family must scrape a living out on a day to day income doing day labor and odd jobs. As well, Satomi falls under the label of Fushūgaku, a repeat truant, due to her need for constant work to support herself. As a result, Satomi is a social outcast, an untouchable on the periphery of society, as is to be expected of one in her position.

Satomi is a headstrong, iron-willed young woman. Life in constant poverty and discrimination has done nothing to kill her optimism. However, her stubbornness can get the best of her at times. She's quick to anger, and unafraid to speak her mind. Satomi will stand up to any threats in her way, even if the odds are against her.


Special Ability:
Satomi can take on an ethereal form for approximately 5 minutes, allowing her to phase through solid objects, and protecting her from physical attack. This can be used to reach an otherwise unacceptable area, or to escape from an otherwise dangerous situation. However, the strain on her body is great, and Satomi will usually be extremely exhausted after re-materializing, and must rest before she can go further, and must sleep before she can access her ethereal form again. Though it may be hypochondria, she seems to feel that every time she uses her ethereal state, she feels weaker, and seems to get sicker, and injured more often, as if her body is being torn apart with every use.

Satomi is very athletic, with great endurance and strength, though nothing superhuman. As well, she knows how to survive in wild locations, and craft useful items from scrap and junk. As well, Satomi is very agile, and capable of great feats of jumping, climbing and evasion. As well, Satomi is knowledgeable about the less savory parts of Japanese cities and towns.

Satomi wears a necklace with a Catholic Christian Charm, as well as a rosary that she tends to fiddle with when she's anxious or nervous. As well, she carries around a baseball bat for protection, as she is unable to carry a gun as a minor and a Dekasegi. It's usually strapped on her back.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Animus
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Animus I live in Singapore.

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I believe that these abilities have to come with consequences? Neither Ursa nor Dizzy has them. I guess Ursa gets exhausted but that wasn't what I was picturing when Hexa said these abilities could end up destroying their users. Jyne losing her sanity or Satomi having her body breakdown seems more like it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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I believe that these abilities have to come with consequences? Neither Ursa nor Dizzy has them. I guess Ursa gets exhausted but that wasn't what I was picturing when Hexa said these abilities could end up destroying their users. Jyne losing her sanity or Satomi having her body breakdown seems more like it.


There's a consequence for the ability, it just isn't written in the bio. I was operating under the assumption that the consequence wasn't immediately obvious; but I've already thought of the consequence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Oh look at all the people.

Anyway I have a couple of minutes to spare so I'll try and explain some things. To answer the question you guys seem to answer some questions about the powers. You power is not by any means insignificant. It's your ace in the hole that gives you a fighting chance against evil space monsters from the moon. Your powers are far from weak. But that being said you have to keep two things in mind. At the start of the RP you will have little training with how to use said power effectively and secondly you have to keep the consequence of using said power in mind. I'm not going to ask you to list it but I'm going to ask you to keep it in mind. I'm going to be trusting you guys to limit yourself, if your going to use your power extensively and especially many times in a short period of time, your character better be showing some adverse effects or else terrible things may happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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I'm here.

I believe that these abilities have to come with consequences? Neither Ursa nor Dizzy has them. I guess Ursa gets exhausted but that wasn't what I was picturing when Hexa said these abilities could end up destroying their users. Jyne losing her sanity or Satomi having her body breakdown seems more like it.


I was still working on a bigger consequence for Ursa's ability but I feel that a huge consequence could be the fact that without proper stamina, concentration, or practice her particles could just scatter and she could literally teleport herself out of existence.

Edit: Also seeing as the GM said that we can just keep it in mind instead of adding it into the CS so I shall keep it in mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Will get my CS up later today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 2 days ago

Same here, I'm already working on it, but actual work is getting in my way. Expect something in a few hours, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So just to clarify, the more powerful an ability is, the more severe the consequences are to the user, right? They can be either physical or mental drawbacks?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

So just to clarify, the more powerful an ability is, the more severe the consequences are to the user, right? They can be either physical or mental drawbacks?

That's right!

To everyone
I'm still at work right now, so I'll be able to answer any questions anyone throws my way but I won't be able to review any CSs till later when I get home proper.
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