Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One of the curved ears cupped in the direction of the noise that was the woman prattling on, but even then the battle-weary ranger kept about her business, being neither kind nor gentle with the aged wizard whose illusions and deceptions had been washed away by both the insight of those at hand and the rain water from above. Grasping one wrist, she bound it with the woman's cloth, being sure to intertwine it around and between a few fingers in addition to the wrist itself before setting it to the other; the sheer strength of the beast woman's grip could have reduced bone to splinters, but for all of the events that transpired, she took none of it out on the lady of the fallen manor. Willing the fingers of the sensationless hand, she manipulated their heavy digits, thickly padded as they were, to function in spite of the rest of the armored arm which remained most limp - what a strange sight it would be to behold, but it mattered little.

Concentration was one of her strengths, in fact, it emanated from her person like a bolstering presence. The sort that tempered weak wills and refined mighty ones to keen edges.

But she was not without lack of awareness, still tearing a strip away from another arm of the woman's robe.

"Because whether or not I like it, I've stuck with this war for 25 years, and wish to see it concluded before it consumes us all." The way the other woman's voice tapered off into harsher emphasis told Sakaala she was a target of much of the elaboration, but the leonine figure kept to her business, binding the maddened mage.

The Huntress was not about to play petty games with some human about the matters of what personal sacrifice meant, but the ordeal itself brought to her mind a saying she had heard among her company back in her more mercenary days; "The queen does not concern herself with the opinions of peasants." It was unfortunate that she found herself now relishing days of trading blood for coin, but at least there those foolish men respected and feared her because of what she was in and by itself. Now? Now she found herself tying up some crazed wizard with the shreds of her own clothes as if she were a trophy prize collected by barbarians.

The knots cinched into a vicious bond and the mithral breastplate heaved with a sigh; the woman was at last gagged and bound, just as unceremoniously as anything else the befell her this night. To which at this point, the keen ears listened in even closer then before;

"I am not asking you to come with me, but I will need that stone. Kill me now if you wish. Let the demons come and wipe out this world. While some of you may survive, you may even kill a few, it will be of no use. Their supply is endless and their power is great. And they will continue to come as long as the breach remains open."

She had no interest in replying from where she was at this distance, let alone to the speaker in question, but uttered instead with hushed breath her frustrations in native tongue, eyes shifting up to motion that drew near. Unsurprisingly, her one keen eye fell upon the small damp figure of Regina Hills, whose curiosity had been piqued for one reason or another. The tiny, by comparison of scale solely, woman looked to her with rich brown eyes, full of legitimate curiosity.

"What's going on up there? Found a survivor or something?"

The swordswoman's idle stare to the halfling before ticking to Sir Hepburnberg with the servants and back, Regina, as expected, had already set about approaching the debris, attempting to climb a few of the stones to get a better view of the rummaging that was undoubtedly continuing.

"Ajax trying to dig them out?" She carried on, seeming to hesitate briefly by looking back to the ranger and the quarry who she had been crouched by.

"Yes, someone else survived," The aged yet feminine voice began, "But no, neither they nor Diagorides require assistance."

Rising from her crouch, golden fur slicked with mud and grass about the knee and shin, she placed a hand on the woman's shoulder, giving a moment's pause. Now was not the time to deal with the tired psychic's lust of revenge or infinite curiosity; she did not want another reason to dabble with the "witchling" and her doings again tonight. There had been enough conflict as it was and all she wished for now was to be afforded the chance to sleep and muse on the events of this day.

"See if Sir Hepburberg has manacles; it seems we are taking the mad one alive." She misdirected, hoping her cunning would buy her time.

@ArenaSnow@Belwicket@IcePezz@Jon Y@vietmyke@Zero Hex
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Of course they could just kill Genevieve now, far be it from Ajax to not take part in the slaying of a wizard, but that would be rather foolish. She could still, perhaps, provide important information. It was worth a try at the very least. After that, he did not care what happened to her. He'd kill her himself if she proved an annoyance. Ajax's mind, however, was currently occupied with what Isabeau was telling him. She sounded sincere, he'd find a way to get even if she wasn't, and what to him were the important aspects seemed all but confirmed now. Powerful demons, an invasion to his world and a great quest to undertake against them. A challenge worthy of Ajax Diagorides indeed.

"Oh please. I didn't figure you had a flair for drama", he said with a grin as he tucked away the prize tightly in his waistband. It wasn't the safest place but honestly he was getting tired of clutching it around like a lunatic and he wondered just how incovenient carrying it around during a journey would be. "No, I won't kill you. You speak of war and adventure and powerful foes, and this I can work with", he said as he approached the rubble Isabeau was trying to clear. He took a deep breath, squatted down and his body tensed into iron as he dug his fingers around a large chunk of masonry blocking the way.

After a brief moment of preparation and making sure he had a good footing, a grunt escaped through clenched teeth and Ajax's body sprang up with a practiced motion, his arms swinging upwards. The remains of the manor were chucked clear into another, distant pile of refuse with a rumbling crash that could be heard even amidst the rain. "Let it never be said Ajax Diagorides ran from a fight".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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She smirked as Ajax boasted, allowing him through to help her. At least there was someone she could rely on. Someone who seemed to understand enough, who hasn't caused her grief or regret of her venture there, who wouldn't mindlessly pull a weapon on her, demanding answers.

"I wouldn't dare say such a thing, and anyone who does is a fool indeed." her smirk persisted as she crept into the space he had cleared for her, her hands fumbling through what was left of the wreckage.

She was too preoccupied with her search to notice the hin who had slipped into the rubble among them. Her curiosity for the amulet only fed her determination so much so, that she hadn't even realized how close Regina was getting.

"Found it!" she proclaimed, loud and clear, oblivious to the presence of anyone but Ajax. It's magic had pulled her, it's light had brightened the way. She reached her fingers beyond the planks of wood that hung beyond the ruins cleared. It dangled just beyond her reach, like a carrot on a stick. She pressed through, inching forward, just enough. Her calloused hands bounced around the cord before finally grasping it, and suddenly, she froze. She hadn't held it before, and just being in its presence was enough to make her feel something. The thrill of it all captured her, and she waited another moment longer before she would even dare move.

Movement of pebbles and debri echoed just behind her, finally stealing her attention away from her prize. Cautiously, she slowly planted a foot securely behind her, inching out of the tight space she had pressed herself into. With firm footing, she pivoted to see the new face that had joined them in the dank and murky ruin of what was once Genevieve's grand cottage.

@Zero Hex @Belwicket @ArenaSnow @Jon Y @The Harbinger of Ferocity @vietmyke
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

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Regina froze upon reaching a spot in the rubble where she could see Isabeau. She heard Sakaala say something about Ionathan but was too distracted by what she saw. Isabeau was reaching for something. She shook herself from her concentration as she heard something about the "mad one" being taken alive. "Mad one?" she asked, turning to see Ionathan tying Genevieve's wrists. "Looks like he's got a handle on things over there." she said, climbing higher, having to push Sakaala's hand from her shoulder. She said nothing as she watched Isabeau, staring into her eyes. She mumbled to herself as she looked at Genevieve again, wondering just what the artifact had done to her. She remembered the dragons, fighting beside Siegfried and Ionathan, among many others, and retrieving the item for the woman. She turned back to Isabeau, remembering her feelings for her before and after what the halfling considered the woman's betrayal. She looked down, deep in thought. Did she really betray me? she thought, glancing at her again, Or did I just feel betrayed and hurt because of my feelings for her? She turned back to Sakaala, shaking her head. "I need more sleep." she said simply. "As strong as you are, I'd probably weigh nothing to you. Got room in your pack to carry me?" She risked another glance at Isabeau, trying to think of what to say. With a sigh, she drew a longtooth to point at the... She didn't know what to consider Isabeau anymore. It seemed they were no longer enemies but not yet allies. "I have questions for you." she warned. "Don't stray too far or I will hunt you down." She sheathed the extended dagger before looking back at Sakaala, her arms open to see if Sakaala would help her down, if not help her on her back so she could sleep more.

If Sakaala were to set her on the ground, she would walk to Emil, looking at him. "Give a lady a lift?" she'd ask with a tired smile.

If Sakaala slid the halfling to her back, she would slip into a place she would not fall and try to sleep, listening to the beast-woman's heartbeat through her back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ignored as she was by the halfling who found herself pulling away to investigate further, the predatory woman looked away with a subtle sigh, rounded feline ears firm to her sleek but broad skull; there was no will in her to mediate whatever was about to happen between the two, so she instead put herself back to work. Grasping the fallen sage by the back of her robe at the collar, the other powerful arm looping under a shoulder, she hefted the limp, greyed figure to her feet then up into her complete grasp with surprising ease. Gritting her fearsome jaws, she started away from the ruin behind her, intending to see if Sir Erran would be willing to lay the woman upon his lap and let his steed do the work for the rest of them by carrying her to...

Wherever they were off to next - the wordy "assassin" had yet to provide them anything of use in their hunt for the demon Zargon, and for all of the frustration that welled up within the Huntress' breast, she accepted that the others had a different mindset. They were mortals and their peoples had different custom and expectation; not that it was an excuse, but this was not a surprise. They wanted to discuss about this matter at hand rather than set off on the hunt itself without further delay.

"As strong as you are, I'd probably weigh nothing to you. Got room in your pack to carry me?"

Regina's voice carried to Sakaala who stopped mid stride, her amalgamation of armor clinking to a halt. From over her sizable shoulder, the blinded warrior's dulled expression at first suggested she would not even entertain the thought, but she did soften; the brow over her milky eye relaxing its intensity.

Like a mother to a child, she silently eased the tiny woman down the slick stone and wood debris, holding Lady Genevieve in one arm to do so; tonight was a test of her limits, in every sense one could imagine. Her patience had been worn so thin that she could do nothing but accept the fate at hand, so by the time she assisted Regina into her pack, she was as calm as she could be once more. A myriad of reasons spawned this outcome, but mostly that she needed to keep her mind off and away that a potential enemy was readily in her midst...

"We should probably cease our idleness; we have no further business being here."

She announced, her voice loud enough to be heard by those in the company, again walking toward Sir Erran with the intent to saddle the lady in bonds upon the horse provided the knight in question was confident he could keep her out of harm. Not that the warrior-mage needed her hands to fight - her body was a living weapon - but moreover that she would prefer to be able to draw the sword that found itself now between Regina's pack and the beastly woman's breastplate.

@ArenaSnow@Belwicket@IcePezz@Jon Y@vietmyke@Zero Hex
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

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The servant who talked confirmed Genevieve’s corruption, he spoke of crimes that sounded more like the actions of a psychopath rather than the Genevieve Ionathan thought he knew. Thanking the man with a few coins for his trouble the guardsman now tried to get the servants to go home. While some moved off in different directions, others just stood in the same spot staring into the distance, their eyes glazed other. He had experience of this before during his army days and sometimes he himself suffer from this when remembering some of his brutal past.

Deciding it was best for them to recover of their own accord rather than attempt to get them to snap out of their trance. Ionathan now slung the pack onto his back and carried his helmet under his arm, water dripping of its visor. Walking over, Ionathan joined the group and listened to the various group members that were talking. Always the reserved type he preferred to listen and observe rather than butting into a convocation.

“I’ve been stuck with this war for 25 years”

That single sentence sent feelings of guilt into his thoughts, After the Happening at Waeldeshore Ionathan went from a rank and file guardsman to a folk hero while some of the others who had had a larger role were side-lined. While he was always uncomfortable with the popularity he never tried to pull away from it. He decided to go with the crowed because the people of Waeldeshore needed a hero that they could relate to, not one with super human abilities or from a distant land, but one of their own, who they could look at and see themselves. Because of this he accepted this title of Sir, he accepted the honours and popularity that was given, and while the nobles were toasting his name and calling him “Waeldeshores finest” Isabeau was out fighting the real threat, facing unknown amount of horrors.

Ionathan would return home from his duties to a loving wife and a warm fire, oblivious and arrogant to the idea that the Happening had not ended the threat of chaos.

He felt the need to finish what he had waded into 25 years ago, but first, he wanted to go to bed.
"We should probably cease our idleness; we have no further business being here."

With a nod Ionathan agreed with the Sakaala who was now carrying Regina in her pack which he found to be a mixture of confusing, unexpected and cute.

“I agree. My friends I have both coin and the urge for a bed, how about we find a nice tavern to rest in. We can argue and insult each other tomorrow morning over a nice bowl of porridge but now we rest.”

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Conversation had sprouted between a few, though it was brief. The beast woman had eased away from Isabeau, though her mood and demeanor seemed just as sour, and condescending, despising even, as it was when she held the sword out to her throat. Her gaze drifted around to those gathered as their words passed through her. All except for Regina's. "I have questions for you. Don't stray too far or I will hunt you down." Her eyes lingered on the hin a bit longer than they did on the others.

Ionathan had mentioned something of resting up in a tavern, incidentally there was one not far from their location, the very one that had accommodated several of their party members before they entered into this crazed debacle.

"I suppose then that I will join in your respite at this tavern. But come dawn, I travel to the stronghold of The Jarjestys Magi, located north of here, perhaps a days travel at least. To my knowledge, they have also been monitoring demon activity so we'll have a better idea of what's going on with them."

With the amulet in hand, she nodded to Ajax in appreciation for the help and started her ascent out of the ruins. Their trip to the mages cottage hadn't been a complete failure. Genevieve was now out of the way, she had acquired the artifact, and no blood was shed ... That she knew of anyway. Yes, there were questions, and explanations that she would have to go over several times. People were angry, hurt, betrayed. But people were always angry, hurt and betrayed. She was just happy she made it out of there alive. Part of her had hoped that half the group would disband, but honestly, if they had any hope in defeating Zargon, she would need their help. All of their help.

Her hands braced whatever rubble that hadn't been uprooted by her new ally. She wasn't an expert climber by any means and it seemed to have taken a bit of effort to rise out of the ruin. Stealing one more glance in the direction of the cottage that had once stood so tall, she looses a breath, quietly muttering something under her breath. "I'm sorry.". For whatever it was worth, to the ghosts of the house, the magic that lay buried beneath the soot and stone, the person she once considered friend. To the tavern she travelled, expecting the others to follow.

@ArenaSnow @Belwicket @The Harbinger of Ferocity @Jon Y @vietmyke @Zero Hex
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Ajax grinned quite obviously as the confrontation between Regina and Isabeau finally came to pass, leaning against one of the few piles of refuse tall enough for him to comfortably rest his elbow upon. Had he had some popcorn it would have completed a very common modern image, but alas there was no food to be found. If he was dissapointed by the peaceful resolution it didn't show, instead he shrugged at Isabeau. "That went pretty well didn't it", he said without expecting an answer back. And besides, something else had already taken his attention. He would forever remember the image of the beastwoman helping the halfling up into her backpack.

He did, however, roll his eyes at the talk of more wizards. It was funny to him how the root of the problem was magic and now they were resorting to magic to try and fix it. No wonder they'd been trying unsuccesfully for so long. These thoughts occupied his mind as they made their way to the inn, which was obviously closed and barred. Strangers in town, a storm, chaos on the hill and inhuman noises culminating with the collapse of the house. It would have been truly bizarre for it to be open and operating as though nothing had happened. Starting to get tired of all the nonsense, Ajax simply pulled the door apart while the owner screamed in terror.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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The tavern wasn't nearly as full when several of the group had visited last. Though there were a small number of tables occupied, most of the chairs leaned on the hard wood, rounded surface that occupied the space they surrounded.

The barkeep was startled when remnants of the door splintered in every which direction. Being a barkeep, nothing seemed to startle him all that much. Terror flooded his features as he ducked behind the bar. Typically tavern owners don't want much trouble, it's bad for business. So they're up for defending the ale stained, rotting floor boards and rickety tables and chairs, right up until their last breath. But so much was going on in this town, right under their noses. They weren't used to magic, not of this caliber of destruction anyway. The storm was enough to make them close up shop for the evening, but he couldn't shut out those seeking refuge from its havoc. But with the house atop the hill collapsing and so many new faces in town over the last two days, it was more trouble than he cared for. Rightfully so, he wasn't expecting them to bulldoze the door down either.

The barkeep was an older man, typically jolly with his customers. But to those who knew him, he was the cautious type, the business type. So it wouldn't have surprised them that he hand an ax hidden within the shelves behind the bar. Small enough to stow away without his customers noticing, but dangerous enough to do damage to trouble makers who couldn't take a hint. It was out of terror that he grabbed his ax. After the surprise over the shattered door had melted away, he jolted upright, ax in hand. "Whadda ya want! We got nuttin here fer ya trouble makers" His pupils were dilated, his palms sweated heavily around the shaft of his weapon. He might have been holding it backwards, his nerves were quite on edge, and his attention solely on those who had busted down his door.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The inhuman silhouette that was the old ranger in her darkened, tattered robe with hood pulled over her leonine head, set her soaking self into the breach the strongman wedged open with the same ease one would wring a hen's neck. She had, wisely so, set the halfling down once again before making such an entrance with Diagorides; better to risk one's well being than that of them both by going through at the same time. The small wooden awning that existed over the door shielded the small woman and the pack she sat in from the water, but for the Huntress, she was forced to mind her head as she entered.

It was then she stood to her full height as ominous and monstrous as she ever could seem to be, "Not trouble, that much I can assure you."

Hooking the edge of her cowl with a finger, she revealed her sundered face in the dim firelight of the tavern, blinking calmly. It was now she looked over the aged man in complete, noting the axe he wielded in both hands shaking with adrenaline. The head was backward and none of the other few patrons seemed to move an inch; Diagorides had once again proven his ability to make an entrance.

"We are here for the warmth of the fire." Sakaala said, glancing to the faintly crackling flames.

"As for the door..." She shook her head ever so slightly, "It resisted."

The lioness' demeanor was intimidating to say the least; she towered over men and bore great claws and fangs, not to mention the armor of a soldier of fortune and the weapon of one too. The presence of her companions only further solidified that they were not to be trifled with, for while she had no quarrel with these people, she certainly was not about to befriend them without good reason. This entire town she avoided understandably so and that being was the fact she was not welcome. A "monster" seldom could keep company, let alone townsfolk, for the obvious fact that they were... frightening.

@ArenaSnow@Belwicket@IcePezz@Jon Y@vietmyke@Zero Hex
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Having the allegedly insane sage slumped in his saddle with him was, unnerving, to say the least. Sakaala had approached Emil with with the unconscious sage, her gestures implicating that the lady was to be placed with him. As it was, Emil was in no real place to argue with the lioness. The group finished their business with the remains of the lady's old house, and they made the short trek to the village, where they approached the tavern in order to rest, as Ionathan had suggested.

Excusing himself from the group to take his horse to the stables, a stablehand who recognized the young knight from earlier that night and even offered to help him carry in Lady Genevieve. Turning the stablehand down, Emil was in the process of carrying Lady Genevieve to the front door of the tavern, when Ajax ripped the door off its hinges with little more than a grunt. The response was, as Emil guessed, not very positive, the owner grabbing at an axe and yelling at them to leave. To be fair, Ajax had never claimed subtlety to be a strong suit of his. Following this, Sakaala spoke to the tavern owner, her voice quiet, yet threatening.

With a small sigh, Emil had decided he had had enough of this nonsense. Pausing at the door to carefully carry in Lady Genevieve without slamming her head or legs against the doorframe, Emil approached the tavern owner with a small nod. While unremembering of his name, the owner seemed to recognize the young knight from earlier that afternoon- few men strode into town wearing the blued steel of Edessan.

"Good evening sir," Emil spoke to the man, his voice soft and level, almost soothing in quality. "As my companion states, we do not seek to bring you trouble. We just desire a place to rest and eat, the events of the past few hours have been exhausting to say the least."

"Please disarm yourself sir, and we shall make our presence minimal." Emil said, having no wish to bring even more violence upon the small village.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

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While walking to the tavern Ionathan realised how much he missed his wife. It had been years since his last such adventure, not since his family. He was beginning to miss them greatly, he could still recall his wife’s smile, the sound of her laughter. He had only to close his eyes to see her, with her long dark hair and those misty brown eyes. He stared into dirt just ahead of his feet, lost in thoughts.

Until Ajax ripped the door open, apparently unaware of how doors work. Inside, the tension was as thick as expected. Ionathan now started to regret wearing the tabard, its bright colours and rampant lion were turning heads, men whispering to each other while gazing at him like they would look at some pompous noble.

"As for the door...It resisted."

‘That’s not how to decrease tensions after breaking into the man’s establishment’ Ionathan thought to himself, making his way towards the front of the group.

Emil made a much better attempt to calm the man much to Ionathan’s relief and after seeing the owner hesitate by slightly lowering his weapon, Ionathan now decided to go in and seal the deal.

Going into his belt pouch he brought out a freshly minted coin putting it on the bar in front of his so he could inspect it. He had no doubt that the promise of coin would help de-escalate any tensions.

“I will compensate you for the door. We are only here for a night’s sleep, nothing more”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Ajax took a step forward, carefully setting the door down within the establishment. He was still stripped down to his loincloth and both partially covered in mud and still dripping rainwater. The eyes of the locals darted primarily between the beastwoman and the tall man, heavy with muscle that looked as though it had been carved from stone and the skin tough and coarse as battle-worn armor. In a way, the second was more unsettling to look at. Sakaala was at least further removed from what they were, the other was proof that their own kind could become terrifying beings. Ajax took one look at the man with the axe and smirked. "Would you have opened if we'd just asked? I just saved us both some time. I put your door down nicely, you do the same with the axe".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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The man stammered and staggered with his words. It was very unlike an owner of such an establishment. It was very unlike him. Though considering their new patrons, he was lucky he didn't soil his pants. For they were not brown, and that would've made the embarrassment much more public.

Her very quietly and cautiously placed the weapon on the bar counter, glancing with an o so weary eye between Ajax, the beast woman and the Knights who had seemed to at least try and be nice. The humans were a common enough sight. Even the hin, who was noticed to be asleep through this whole ordeal. But 'twas the beast woman who frightened him most. You didn't see many of them round these parts. Perhaps it would have been best to not lock the door that evening. But it couldn't be helped now.

"10 coin fer the night, then. Each room. I ain't got enough, so I'm guessing you be sharing with each otha. there be only 4 tha havn' been reserved yet, up the stairs and to the left. I can warm ya up sum suppa and send it up."

He had mustered up whatever courage he had left just to speak. But his words came out plainly, covered in fear and dripping in angst. He found himself just wishing for the day to be over, and had hoped the Knights were kind enough to keep their beasts in check for their stay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The scent of fear struck a primal chord within the heart of the bestial woman that was Sakaala, but not in the manner one might have expected based upon outward appearance alone. Rather than taking pride in the man's fright as he carefully set down the axe, looking between her, the knights and the other mercenary, she recalled there was good reason to fear creatures like her. She said nothing more for the moment, not pausing either to recall why she and others were rightfully feared. Instead, she drew up her leather sack by the straps, the same that bore the dozing halfling not too many steps outside the door, taking them both to near the fire's side.

"I have no need for a room," Her strong arm gently set the satchel and other woman down beside the warm glow of the flames, "But I will pay you all the same as you have asked."

She looked to Diagorides and then the door, or what remained of it, then turned her attention back to the inn's keeper. It was not a hollow gesture, her words to come, but moreover a practical one; a door was better than none. If it took a burly man to rip it clean from its hinges, then it was sturdy enough to slow most potential threats some. This night had ample conflict as it was and the soaking fur of the lioness' worn hide spoke quiet volumes about how much she was displeased with having to face another enemy so quickly on short notice.

"... and I will mend your door."

The tone she spoke in just as commanding as anything else she said, keeping her attention back again to the rest of her group and wherever this would-be assassin had gone. She trusted none of them too deeply, the knightly men more by virtue of their sworn codes and Diagorides by his love of challenge and coin, but more so than her former enemy - her former quarry. It would be difficult to divide what she had set her mind to doing, but if she could meditate on these things this night and perhaps even sleep, there might be more clarity yet.

@ArenaSnow@Belwicket@IcePezz@Jon Y@vietmyke@Zero Hex
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Isabeau had not moved from her spot within the group. As each made attempt to address or calm the scared man behind the bar counter, she had only drifted towards the back, slowly and cautiously moving into the tavern, assessing each guest and their threat level. The conversation turned back to Sakaala. How overly gracious of the best woman to make such an offer. Not only would she not use a room and still part way with her coin, but she had also offered to fix the man's door. The barkeep stared at the large beast, whether it was out of awe or fear, curiosity or suspicion, it wasn't clear. But he slowly nodded to her and stuttered a single word. "Thanks".

Her nose wrinkled in thought, which had been split among too many variables to count. Dizzying to say the very least. Taking a moment to breathe, she shut them out long enough to gather enough coin for the barkeep. Enough for the room, dinner and enough gin to drown her pesky conscience and its thoughts.

"I will take the first room then, and gin along with my dinner please. Thank you." Her mouth seemed a bit dry, and her voice slightly hoarse with exhaustion. She glanced towards Ajax, though not at him persay, but more to spot the artifact on his person. She trusted him enough that he wouldn't kill her, either he had no reason to or she amused him somehow. But she couldn't yet make up her mind on whether or not she trusted him with the artifact. Everyone was at risk, but perhaps the question was Is he stupid enough to linger on it long enough to be corrupted? Is he stupid enough to keep it from me?. Creases formed around her lips as she pursed them. She hated not trusting people just as much as she hated having to trust people. Neither made her job any easier, and moreso it just gave headaches and heartache. But there seemed to be little choice in this matter, she have to trust him, as she imagined it wouldn't end well if she tried to take it from him. She loosed a soft sigh and turned her attention back to the barkeep.

"On second thought, I would like the strongest stuff you got, and I'll take that now, thank you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I don't think the inn is being robbed." Tarden muttered to himself, as if saying the words out loud would help him to believe them. He grabbed his pick and slowly headed downstairs. Foot after foot he creeped down the stairs and took a concealed look at the assembled group. Okay, the bar is being robbed was the only conclusion he could draw.

The various strangers that had entered the bar all towered around Jarkson as he cowered behind the bar. Well, except for one child who slept in the arms of a young man. The door lay across the floor in some pieces, and Tarden could only attribute that to the great hulking ball of muscle who stood stoically to the side. Jarkson was probably on his own, Tarden didn't think he take any one of them in a duel, let alone all of them. Except maybe the child he mused. Actually, I couldn't hit a child. I would lose that fight too. and his self esteem lowered just that little bit more

"On second thought, I would like the strongest stuff you got, and I'll take that now, thank you." It was one of the politest requests from a thief Tarden had heard, and she didn't look overly threatening to be honest. Eyes fool, minds don't! his father had once told him, and it was a much better idea to stay back before he jumped to any conclusions. He had an uneasy sense of danger when he looked at her. If it came to a fight he knew she'd be much faster than him, but he had every other advantage. But deep down, he still knew he'd lose, and he couldn't put his finger on why he felt that.

He quickly moved himself back into a concealed position and thought about what he could do, singing a silent prayer that Jarkson had this under control.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ajax nodded at the man, offering a grin as the details of their stay were worked out. "Well there you go, this doesn't have to be terribly unpleasant for anyone" he said in an honestly merry tone as he picked the door back up as though it were a simple plank and carried it towards the hole it had once covered, setting it down in such a way that it at least partially blocked the entrance to the establishment. And then it kind of hit him. "Oh right. I lost what little I had fighting the demon summoner living in a cursed mansion right up the road" he casually uttered, making a little pause to let the words sink in.

Ajax was, indeed, quite literally stripped down to his undergarments. Unless he had some gold hidden there somewhere, he wasn't lying when he said he had absolutely nothing left to give whether the townsfolk bought into the talk of evil sorcerers or not. Of course, if those words were true then maybe these people could be seen as heroes and then they could get some free lodging. "Ajax Diagorides always pays his debts, however. Surely you have a problem that needs solving. Something to move, something to raze, a limb to break...", he said as he cocked an eyebrow at the man. "I won't judge. There's always something".
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With the tension between the group and the bar tender gone, Ionathan could see that most were returning to conversations that were previously interrupted by the groups entrance. After Isabeau finished her order Ionathan decided to pay for all four rooms. If he was to travel with this group on this adventure it would mean that they would be fighting alongside him and he would prefer it if he had their trust and respect before the inevitable battles that lies ahead. Besides if Sakaala is going to fix the door then the money offered would not be needed and can instead be used to rent the rooms.

Asking politely where the rooms were in the tavern the bar keep told anyone in the group who were listening where each room was with a hint of distrust and caution still in his eyes. Picking a door Ionathan made his way to the room, his eyelids feeling heavier with each step. The quarters that he got was of a typical tavern variety and Ionathan wasted no time, mechanically removing his armour as he had done hundreds of times before.

Laying on the bed Ionathan took a deep breath watching the scars on his body stretch with the inhale. In truth Ionathan hated the marks as it represented what his thoughts towards fighting had turned into. Before he had these wounds of war fighting was a mixture of excitement and horror, with each battle and each fight he slowly became numbed to these feelings. A few months before when he was attacking a bandit encampment with the guard a spearman came at him in a head on charge. Ionathan just did a simple parry, an instinctive thrust, without even thinking and without any emotion.

And that's what bothered him. He didn't feel anything, just another day of hard work. Killed a couple of criminals in a camp somewhere south of Waeldeshore. It was how clinical, and technical, and routine it all felt, and it made him feel monstrous. He might not even have remembered it, it was so normal and every day for him. He was surprised he remembered it so vividly right now.

Exhaling Ionathan stared up at the ceiling, and wondered if he would get a good night’s sleep.

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz @The Fated Fallen
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So much was going on all at once, the barkeep wasn't quite sure which direction to look, or even how to feel about it all, let alone react to it. They were obviously a dangerous bunch, not one to be trifled with. But he sensed sincerity from them all, which, all things considered, was odd.

He swiftly scooped up the coin that was placed on the table and nodded once to them all. "Alroight" he grumbled. Slowly trying to untwist his figurative panties from the tightly wound bunch they had become, he turned to get the pretty gal a drink.

"If the Knight is paying for the rooms, put the extra coin towards food and spirits." she nodded to the man behind the counter.

The bitterness started to melt within his features, but the barkeep was as ridged as ever. His movements were stiff and weary as he pulled a bottle of spirits from the shelf. It wasn't overly obvious, but something that any regular patrons might notice. Regular enough to know his name. He glanced behind him at the others, pausing a moment before he poured the dark liquid into a glass. "Anythin' else?" he spouted at the rest of them.
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