Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

Smells Like Krunk

Lord Krunk's slow forward momentum didn't slow down at all, but several feet before crushing the two flaming fire-blowers, his feet pushed him up, and his short stubby arms popped out of the armors side sockets. The tiny slit that revealed his eyes glowed dimly as he glared down at the flames hitting his armor. "Stop dat! It's boilin' in dis here fortress!" Krunk complained, looking relatively unfazed by the dual fire attacks. "fine den!"

Something unthinkable happened after those two words. Lord Krunk, the fattest Krunk of them all, actually managed to life himself off the ground with a small hop. Granted, it wasn't very far, but the resulting quake shook the bricks below them, and cracked a few into several shards of stone. "Fortetude!" Krunk blared wildly with poor pronunciation. Regardless, the ring on his right hand began to glow. He reeled it back, not paying very much attention to the uncomfortable temperature inside of his suit, and waited for a split second.

And then his arm grew. It grew and grew, until it was comparable to a tree trunk in width. It took less than a second, and he took full advantage of the effect with a massive sweeping hook, aimed to knock both Jenso and Drake off of their feet. "HIYAAAA!"

Meanwhile, General spike found his landed less than ideal. His spiked helmet struck the ground, wedged between to bricks, which held him in place for a few seconds. More than enough time for Zeraph to strike at his face. But after the first thrust missed a lethal blow, barely slashing at his cheek, the second thrust was caught by something in the darkness of his helmet. Did he had a thicker skull than Zeraph imagined? The wind whipped and rustled Spike's half-torn cape, but Spike didn't fall to the ground. Instead, he twisted his body away from Zeraph, trying to tear the Rapier from his hands despite how little traction he'd actually gotten. That bloody ball man had caught Zeraphs blade between his teeth!

Regardless of whether or not he could have disarmed the redmage, Spike would return to his feet, several yards away. "You will not interfere, peasant!" He roared commendably. Truely a Krunk Elite! Or just a really stubborn asshole in a suit of armor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters


Jenso's eyes narrowed at the ring on Krunk's hand as it began to glow and the giant's arm moved at him and Drake. 'Heh...no point holding back now..!' He thought. He found it difficult to regain his balance, but he had to move quickly. He stomped his foot on the floor as flames erupted from under both his feet, which launched him upward to try to avoid Krunk's arm and move towards his head. Flames bursted violently out of his left arm as they took the shape of a dragon's head around his fist. He punched at Krunk's head with the force of a charging dragon. 'Flame Dragon Punch..!'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

The power of surrender

Zerraf's eyes rarely showed interest, but for his blade to be caught, that was interesting. His pupils dilated momentarily, but they constricted all the same once again. The wind mage released the handle of the blade as the rolling ball man stood and shook it loose. The rapier was now ten feet high, in the clenched teeth of the robotic militant. Zerraf scratched his cheek, adjusting the brim of his face cloth as the general adjusted his own position. He hunched once again, posture being annoying to maintain.

When the first word was spoken by Spike, Zerraf raised a limp, left hand and began to sway his wrist back and forth. It was a pathetic wave, but a wave nonetheless. A powerful roar had a powerful mouth. A powerful, now open mouth. Zerraf's rapier would pierce its way into the maw of the beast, wreaking havoc from the inside.

"Oy-yo. Sleep easy."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 7 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard
Not bad at all

I smirked back at Jenso, "not bad yourself!" I returned a compliment before wings sprouted from my back and i took up into the air, feet turning into talon-like reptilian claws as I dove and struck my feet claws at lord krunk's helmet, though trying to keep some aerial distance as to be ready to avoid a counter attack. Mostly trying to distract him for my allies to deliver a stronger blow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

The Ring's Power

Lord Krunk pulled his arm back and let it shrink, but was unable to dodge Drake's attacks. Not that he needed to, the claws merely clinked against his helmet leaving vivid scratch marks. "BEH-HEH-HEH! NUTHIN'S GUNNA HURT ME THROUGH DIS AR-"


Jenso's first struck hard against his helmet, pushing it into his armor and forcing Krunk's armor feet into the bricks below him. What kind of strength was that?! "Bwuhhh!" Krunk staggered back, a small seared dent in his helmet from where Jenso had struck him. Did it really hurt him? Krunk shook off the dizzyness and faced Jenso and Drake head on again, looking twice as peeved. "Da hell are you!? You little-"
"Garhgh!" Spike garbled as the rapier torn through the back of his throat and disconnected his spinal cord from his brain. The General fell forwards and rolled harmlessly onto his side, stopping several feet before Zeraph, dead in an instant. Krunk creaked towards Zeraph and witnessed the Death of his head general.

"SPIKE!" Krunk cried out, stomping his right foot hard against the ground. His arms quivered and his glowing yellow eyes grew in intensity. "All you dumb- Argh! Tiny! Tiny!!! You're all so tiny!!! So how???" Krunk stomped again and again, putting more force into each motion until he stopped, silent. "Dat's it! You aint small enough! I just gotta-" Krunk paused and rose his ring as high as he could manage, "-Get biggah!"

In a flash of yellow light, the large lord of rolling ball men suddenly started to pulsate. His body bulged and his limbs grew, as did his armor, and head, and.. Well, all of him! He grew and grew until he was overlooking all 3 of the intruders as a giant, over 40 feet tall! But he didn't stop growing...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters


After Jenso's strike against Lord Krunk, he was still airborne. He smiled as his attack was succesful. His grin quickly vanished however, as the giant rose the hand with the ring into the air and he grew in size. Jenso aimed the palm of his left hand upwards, as flames were launched from his palm at one of the windows near the roof. The flames solidified into a flame whip as it's end wrapped around the bars of the window. Pulling the whip twice, it quickly pulled Jenso towards it at great speed. Upon landing on the windowsill, he turned to Lord Krunk.

"Wow! You're even fatter now!" He commented, hoping to distract Lord Krunk for the others. He launched a few fireballs from his right hand at the eye slit in Krunk's helmet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

The pen is mightier

Zerraf's rapier shrieked from within Spike before bursting forth from his carcass. The blade flipped as it sailed forth through the air. The wind mage caught it before it collided with the ground, palm open and ready to receive the sword. He sheathed it back into its holster. Zerraf lightly treaded as he turned, seeing the false lord now greater than double his original form in size. He wiped his gloved hand within itself, attempting to erase the smudges of dirt.

"He-eh. When did surrendering become so complicated?" Zerraf muttered.

Zerraf's noted the acrobatic Jenso leaping to a window sill and firing a showy assault on the giant before them. He took this distraction for its opportunity. Continuing to tread lightly, the wind mage reached for his hat. Upon it was a monochromatic feather, white in its sheen and beauty. It had merely flayed to the wind's power until this point. Many would find it aesthetic. Zerraf found it useful. He cupped the delicate feather in his gloved hand and closed it entirely. Bringing it to his masked face, he whispered words unheard into his hand. Upon the opening of his palm, he made a great gesture upward toward Lord Krunk. The feather was deviously dextrous, and stunningly quick. It floated as a leaf may upward, hidden by distraction and minute size, seeking a position between the fat finger of Lord Krunk and the ring upon it.

If successful, the feather would attempt to spin the ring off of the Lord's finger and carry it away.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 7 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard

Thats big.

I would fly back as Krunk grew in massive size, watching my two allies prepare their actions. I would soar to the otherside of the room and blast him with two jets of fire. "Oi!" I yelled to the gargantuan enemy, trying to get his attention away from the other two and to me. I'd fire a third volley of fire, this time the flames converged into a massive explosive sphere instead of a continuous stream, which would go for Krunk's back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

Smells Like About 20-50x The Krunk

Lord Krunk's size grew and grew. 50 feet... 60 feet, his head continued to near the ceiling until it was just 10 feet away from it. He practically took up the entire room at this point, leaving spaces in is rounded figure for the three intruders to linger and attack from. "What did you call me!?" Krunk roared as Jenso mentioned the word 'fat' aloud. How dare he! Lord Krunk had been on seven diets before, and all of them had failed! He couldn't help it! Granted 6/7 of those diets consisted of fried spider limbs and soft drinks, but that didn't matter! Lord Krunk rose a foot, which was now wider and longer than an 18-wheeler, and brought it down hard, shaking the entire foundation. He rose both of his hands and pushed on the roof of his tower, grunting all-the while. This did of course pull his hand farther away from Zerraph's darting little feather, but he hadn't actually noticed it yet. "Graaahhh!"

In his rage, he didn't notice Drake's 'Oi' as he focused all his power on something new, nor did he acknowledge the relatively tiny explosion that made his armor ring loudly. His defense was totally solid.. With a single strong push, Lord krunk began to upset the bricks that held his plain roof in place. "I'm not fat! I'm Krunk! Lord Krunk!!-" He was cut off as the fireballs struck his face behind his armored helmet, jostling his head a little and making him take a tiny step back. But then..


Well, it was more like a cascade of cracking stone and falling bricks, but the entire roof of Lord Krunk's chamber popped right off of the top! The window that Jenso was clinging to fell right out of the wall that held it in place, and a series of stones fell towards Drake. Zerraf however, was now somewhat protected by Krunk's massive underbelly, making it particularly hard to commune with his allies, or see much aside from Lord Krunks titanic posterior.

Krunk threw the roof of his castle into the courtyards a few seconds after, leaving the brick walls to circle around his chest-area like a make-shift rampart. "KRRRRRUUUUUNNNNK!"

Right now, Lord Krunk wasn't paying much attention to anything. Then again, when was he ever? The guy was practically a mentally deficient child in a suit of armor that liked to play with shiny things...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

Holy crap!

Jenso's eyes widened as Lord Krunk's size increased even more and he popped the roof right off. 'Crap..!' Jenso thought, as the window fell out of the wall. Another burst of flames erupted from his feet as he landed on one of the remaining brick walls. It seemed as if the giant was more preoccupied with himself rather then anything else. He looked down below, hoping Drake and Zerraf were okay. He glared at Lord Krunk, dashing to the back of his head in an attempt to avoid being noticed.

Another burst of flames erupted from Jenso's feet, launching him high above Krunk. His breathing had gotten heavier, and some sweatdrops were visible on his forehead. 'Don't have much energy left...this is going to drain a lot of it...I hope the others will keep him busy. I won't be able to dodge when I do this...' He thought as he rose higher into the sky and his hammer materialised in his hands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

The ol' razzle dazzle

Zerraf's little feather miraculously weaved its way past all of the falling bricks, still making its way upward to Lord Kunk's hand. His growth only made its mission all the more important. Zerraf's position made it difficult to see anything going on with the battlefield. He didn't see either of his allies. But he didn't have to move, either. It turned out to be a decent situation. He considered taking a nap underneath the cover of ass, but the false lord might take a misstep and that'd just be a bother. The wind mage didn't know what his allies were doing, but he knew his own attack, and that's what he'd support. Zerraf was blind in this situation, but controlling air currents gave rough ideas as to wear tangible objects, and people, were. He'd snap, expanding air roughly on either side of Lord Krunk's head. It was the same tactic he'd employed with Lord Funk. Despite not being as effective, it would likely buy them some time. And with all of this armor, he figured his sword wouldn't do much. Why waste the effort? A nap sounded really nice right about now. Maybe in a minute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 7 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard

Are you kidding me?!

To my surprise i couldn't even catch his attention, but my shock escalated when he broke the ceiling with his height and debris began to fall my way. I'd maneuver away from the falling stones and would blast a few stranger boulders with gauges of fire that would have other wised crushed me. How the hell were we going to stop such a behemoth? An idea suddenly sprang in my head. Krunk was too clumsy for his own good, his own room proved that. I'd begin to exhale breathes of flames beneath the monstrous feet of the gargantuan foe. Hot sprays of fire slowly melting and breaking the floor and ground beneath him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters


As Drake made his way down the length of Lord Krunk's body, Jenso ran around the make-shift ramparts, and Zerraf guided his feather, Lord Krunk had only one idea in mind. Krush. He turned to Jenso with a single step, not ignoring the little yellow-clad man for a second. Krunk was totally focused on smashing him first. How dare he call the lord of krunks fat?! How dare he insult the mighty leader of the Krunk legion!? He would pay! Lord Krunk rose his un-ringed left hand, and attempted to punch Jenso right out of the air as he jumped up. But a loud pair of snapping sounds upset his concentration. Although they didn't quite affect his aim, the sonic booms irritated him and made him shift his weight slightly more to the right. Just then, his balance was suddenly upset by something, forcing him to barely miss Jenso as he soared over his arm. "Waahhh!?" He screamed, as the his right foot slid through murky make-shift magma towards the eastern wall of his tower. Cracks ran up the wall when his foot struck it, causing bricks to fall in chunks, down towards Zerraf.

Lord Krunk tried to regain his composure, but he thought of a better idea. Instead of standing back up, he began retracting his feet into his armor, in an attempt to outright crush Zerraf and Drake below his might arse of power.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@dragonmancer @Whimsley

Lord Krunk's Quarters

This battle is epic holy SHIT

Jenso's eyes widened as the giant barely missed him with his fist. He frowned as Lord Krunk's feet retracted into his armour and he attempted to crush both Drake and Zerraf. He hoped they would be able to handle themselves, as he wasn't exactly in a position to help. They succeeded in knocking Lord Krunk off-balance and distracting him, and he certainly didn't intend to let their efforts go to waste. He continued to move upward until he was a considerable height above Lord Krunk's head. He spun around and stretched his legs upwards into the sky as a massive flame erupted from his feet, far bigger then the one that emerged from his feet earlier. "Meteor..." He muttered.

Jenso launched downwards at his target at insanely high speeds by the giant flame that launched him downward. That, along with the gravity, made Jenso look like a high-speeding blur. He rose his flame hammer with both hands, gripping it tightly. He kept moving faster and faster as he approached Krunk's head from above. He swung his hammer down at Krunk's head with all his might, along with the massive momentum that he had gained. "...SMASH!!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

Stairs: the sequel

Zerraf noted the falling bricks, and his current position. Lord Krunk was attempting to crush him by sitting down. The wind mage admired the minute amount of effort put into a crushing blow, but only for a moment. The appreciation as draining, and the ass was fast approaching. With a zephyr at his feet, Zerraf burst into the air towards the first groups of bricks that had fallen. Left hand in pocket, he would continue this trend. Bouncing off each brick, he'd begin ascending the falling bricks as if they were platforms to climb from.

All the while, the feather still made its precarious way upward and towards the finger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 7 days ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

This thing is a tank

I began to pant as I cut off the streams of flames, I had exhausted so much energy and the bloody oaf was in no way damaged, only impaired. My associates seemed to be doing much more damage then me, I figured I should let them focus on damage. Meanwhile I planned to rid the hazards around us. Seeing bricks and debris falling I would take a long breathe before firing a much hotter flame, at this point it might as well be plasma, above at the obstacles falling overhear, with the intent to vaporize them to dust.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters


Lord Krunk's helmet tanked the full brunt of Jenso's attack, but as the bottom rim of his armor violently smashed against the ground, missing both Zerraf and Drake, his fate was sealed. With a loud thunk, and a massive reverberation of metal, Lord Krunk's helmet was bent forward and torn from its metal seams that reached all the way around his neck. The flattened helmet flew right off and towards Jenso like a reverse-domino, revealing Lord Krunk's bald, mishapen head. It didn't hurt at all, but without his helmet, the world could see him for what he truly was...

...An obese geek in a suit of armor

"ARRRGH! MY HELMET! NOT MY HELMET!" He shouted in a panic. Lord Krunk struggled to stand up, pulling the rim of his armor off the ground and grabbing the make-shift ramparts with both of his hands. Jenso, assuming he wasn't crushed by the debris of Lord Krunk's magnificent helmet, might have noticed a pair of bandages on lord Krunk's noggin, crossed in the form of an 'X marks the spot' over his shiny skin. "NO NO NO NO!" Krunk pulled himself up and prepared to slap Jenso with his un-ringed hand as soon as he could spot him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jenso stared after striking Krunk's head. 'Still...standing..?' He thought, taking deep breaths. The flame hammer in his hands dispersed. As the giant helmet fell towards him, he backflipped through the air to avoid being crushed. As Krunk swung his hand, Jenso placed his feet onto the helmet as it fell beside him and quickly pushed himself off, to move him out of the way of the giant hand. He spun around and landed onto the rampart which was in front of Krunk.

Even though the strike took most of Jenso's energy, he managed to expose Krunk's weak spot. At least it sure looked like it. 'I'll let the others finish this!' He thought, launching a flame ball at one of Krunk's eyes. "Wow, you sure look lame!" He commented, hoping for Krunk to focus on him. He suddenly made a quick movement with his left hand. The flame ball grew somewhat in size and increased in speed, as the flames changed into a circle- shaped saw. "Flame Saw!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

Notice my feather senpai

Zerraf would continue to leap from stone to falling stone. His glances lazily rotated from Krunk to Jenso to their new ally. His head swayed side to side, neck seemingly not supporting the mage's cranium. It leaned upon his right shoulder, eyes nearly closing, opening, fluttering, closing again. But the giant wouldn't let him sleep. The staircase was long and arduous. The red mage eventually made it to shoulder level with Krunk. He attempted to float as a feather, to take to the shoulder of the colossus lightly. He did not wish to ruin Jenso's distraction. Remaining silent, he would unsheathe his hand, and then his blade. Pointed first, raised, then invisible. Instead, there were many of the blade, all seemingly striking at once upon exposed flesh.

He hadn't had the perspective to spot the bandages, but if he ever gained it, Zerraf would immediately attempt to change location. For now, he struck the side of Krunk's neck with a multi-thrust.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 7 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard

Cool face reveal

I almost laughed at the oaf as his helmet fell off. However I darted back into the air as his massive body fell to the ground. Wings fully expanded as I flew towards the ceiling. While the rest of my allies made there attack, I did as well, swooped down with high velocity as one of my dragon cannons spewed a comet of flames down upon the exposed bead until I was in range for my talon-like feet to strike his head
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