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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Viciousmarrow @lovely complex Awesome character all around! But I do have one, tiny problem with it. I remember Hushed saying that this was still a school. And publicly walking around with a weapon is not really a thing I suppose. So maybe he could just keep his saber in his room or something? I don't think most teachers would like it if he just walked around with it. Still, Lovely Complex already accepted you so I'll leave final judgement on that to her.

But still, awesome character and I'm looking forward to both of my characters meeting up with him!

Just to play devil's advocate...Almost every student as the school is already a walking weapon. I mean, what's a saber compared to someone who can tear a car apart with their bare hands? I'm sure some of the teachers would make a fuss about it but there's an argument to Charade being allowed his blade simply for self defense.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 19 days ago

The sword is really just an aesthetic thing since I doubt it really poses a threat to most people in the school. I don't imagine him actually knowing how to fight with a sword either. xD He could just carry a dull or wooden sword around if need be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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Looks like a detail I overlooked last night. I do know there is one character, I believe it's one of Beast's who has a physical weapon hidden. Regardless, both Legion and FacePunch do strike up interesting points.

Charade's powers are completely on the defense side so he wouldn't be able to protect himself if someone were to actually catch him. However, his powers are still strong enough to use someone's attack against them. Full counter, basically.

Since it's 6:30 in the morning, this may or may not make sense...

I would like to believe Charade did not have the sword until he went through the major personality change before the fire, after "the party". I doubt a punk rock skater called Blink Dog would carry a fence like weapon around.

I however do respect Hushed's wishes and although she supports whatever decision I make, no matter the decision, I do agree with Legion that the teachers would address this. I don't think getting rid of the idea is necessary but the teachers during his forced therapy sessions would have replaced it with an alternative of some sort.

Granted, like most kids, things can be hidden. And he still very much can have the sword hiding somewhere. Like how all our students have something hiding in the walls or ceilings.

I do think to avoid people from feeling like they will get stabbed suddenly, I'd like you to think of an alternative, Viciousmarrow. You don't need to delete the concept but I do think you can have an almost real sword. Cosplayers make the damndest things nowadays.

This brings up another matter. I do hope you guys know this roleplay has a high chance of getting dark where people will get wounded and potentially killed. Don't worry, your character won't die unless you will it to be so (give permission). The entire school is no longer in a prank war. The walking weapons aim to destroy one another. Of course none of that will happen anytime soon, since I think death and despair is a story element better saved for later when things get truly real, but I don't see this roleplay being a safe haven for any of our cast members. It's a board game of Risk, you have the white side, the black side, the potential uprising side, and those who have their own agenda or just want pure chaos.

If any of you are concerned with the direction this roleplay may go, feel free to PM me and I'll let you in on some things in my head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 2 days ago

Oh yea, Hugo carries around his katana, like usually in his hand, story wise it's been addressed, he just constantly forgets, and the teachers know him well enough to just leave it be at this point. Though i think Mrs Lovelace still scolds him when she sees him with it, albeit he has a confused expression when she does address it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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To the General Public:

There are a few plot holes I will be addressing more as the story goes on - giving explanations and such. I do think in terms of blades, since some powers can have bladed based abilities, will be dealt with accordingly. People who require items for their powers, can't get them confiscated, now can they? Tris is obviously insane. SO. He will not be allowed a weapon. But I do think I can create something that allows a select few. Bare with me. I have a lot of threading to do in terms of the story.


Legion helped me think of a better way to deal with weapons! Most of this is in his words: Powers are only supposed to be actively used within the control room. Mrs. Lovelace has an armory, inside a locker for each student who owns a weapon and is required to hand it over at the end of class. He/She gets it for training but then must return it. Seniors who've shown exceptional maturity and responsibility can keep theirs in their room or conceal in public (depending if they have a concealed-carry permit and such).

Hugo would be the exception that he just forgets to hand it over and just teleports out of the control room before Mrs. Lovelace can grab it from him. Considering he's already a Senior Mrs. Lovelace will have given up on trying to hunt him down because he never seemed to have used it in public and he doesn't go into the city (but that would be Beast's decision) where the katana could be seen.

To Newcomers and people that need to catch up:

For the two newcomers joining the reigns @Altered Tundra @Viciousmarrow, I do encourage you to read when you have the free time. Not everything, but some collabs and posts yes. I will be giving a overview in my timeskip post, but there is some collabs like Reputation, Down the Rabbit Hole, Vincent, Delineation, and The Red Level that addresses important things that pertain to the story. Their a long read, I'll give you that, but they're important, even if your character was not physically there. Reputation is the climax of the party, that changed the pace of the roleplay. Down the Rabbit Hole, at least the first and second scene, brings to light why the schools are even permitted to exist. Vincent is not the most important collab but it still holds value in terms of the story. The fire still very much lives in my villain. And I do believe this collab should not be overlooked. Vincent will not be a name left in the dark. Delineation shows the audience my villain's view of the feud. Honestly, if you want to know a general overview of the war, that is the collab you read. The Red Level, the second half, shows what a stimulation room can do (to a degree). But there's a kicker. If you pay attention to the scene, something went terribly wrong - hinting at something else. I won't specify because I want you guys to entertain the possibilities.

To Everyone:

A writer did get me thinking so I thought I'd tell everyone this:

I want people to make their story arcs more prevalent. I want you guys all to take control of the direction of the story. Just because I have things planned, doesn't mean things will continue to go in that direction. You all have just as much power of the story as I do. You just need to test yourself as a writer. One of the best things about this roleplay, for me at least, is how real it is. It doesn't stray away from the darkness of human nature. But when there's darkness, there's also light. And I want you all to help me create a beautiful story.

I can promise you, things will not be easy. Things will surely get intense. But together, we can create something great. I love you all and I've never been this invested in a roleplay before. Now it's time to make your story arc shine. Meanwhile, I will lead everyone to answers :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Instead of a sword, I'll give Tris a parasol.
Very spooky scary. Very intimidating.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Viciousmarrow Could you also have him whistling a cheerful tune? All the best evil needs a happy, cheerful whistle XD
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippocamp
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Hippocamp the Steel Whirlwind

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@lovely complex Sorry for my absence, so much life in my life lately it's making me tired when I have the chance to write Benny's next action. I know what he'll do I just haven't typed it out since I thought of it several days ago. Once again sorry, and sorry to @smarty0114 since it's Will who has to wait around while I don't feel right to write it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Hippocamp No worries. Why don't you PM smarty and talk about how their interaction went down instead? So after the timeskip it can be more in 'summary' form.

I'm currently writing the timeskip post so I don't want you to stress if you don't need to :)
take as much time you need.

I hope your life brightens up :(
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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@Hippocamp No worries :D Like LoCo said, feel free to just PM me and we can work out how it went down :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'll give the two new ppl a recap eventually. For now. The timeskip post is up xD

Also Legion and I are working on a collab that happens before the timeskip so I put a placeholder before it :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@lovely complex Hmm, what to do, since Minako always tries to arrive at least twenty minutes early to wherever she needs to be when physically possible...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Thundercrash You can put in your post that it was a little before the timeskip :P but she didn't know where the arena was? Or she opened it and saw a scary ass teacher and wanted to wait out in the main room until some student came along xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@lovely complex How long is the timeskip again?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Thundercrash Sunday, October 2nd - Tuesday, Oct. 11th (I'm farrrr too tired to count the days right now)

I didn't think it would make sense to start classes on Columbus day, which is the 10th.

School started September. Vacation was the first week of the second month: October. The roleplay started Saturday Oct. 1st.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thundercrash
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Thundercrash The Dimensional Drifter

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@lovely complex Yeah, even despite Minako having a poor sense of direction, after nine days she'll know her way around the campus. Clearly it is time for a self-trance! And possibly peeving Cecilia a little when one student walks in early, sits down on the floor, and maybe-possibly from her perspective goes to sleep :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Once me and Hippo figure out what happened with Will and Benny, I'll get a post up for my three characters :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 day ago

@smarty0114 as Hushed would say, take your time :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@lovely complex What are the chances that Jessica participated in previous tournaments?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LovelyComplex
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LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 1 day ago

@FacePunch Random. I'm pretty lenient. She's a junior, there could have been a chance she was in the tourni her first year. Or none completely. Or due to some higher power, she was pulled every year.

If you go the all years one, I prob would only want Jess to be that forever unlucky (lucky?) person.
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