Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: Floor 21 --> Practically Everywhere --> Floor 21 (Repeat Cycle)

For Tryke, the next few hours were an endless blur. She continued to go to maintenance , grabbing new supplies and new parts. Then, she would travel up and down the tower, fixing so many repairs that at the end of the day, she could have sworn she'd been sent to repair the wall Tristan broke twice. The exhaustion had begun to set in, but fortunately, she gained three more helper monkeys for the repairs, and managed to get them to work on installing the new crystal drive for Tristan's ship.

At one point, Tryke found herself slumped against the wall inside of the elevator, just watching it go up and down. Her face was covered in a thick coating of grease, and each time she was notified of a new issue, she wanted to pull her hair out. "I need a fucking break," Tryke whimpered to herself, as the onslaught of repair requests aggressively piled on. She hadn't yet been pushed to a complete meltdown, but one more request, and she'd lose it.

"Hey Tryke, we need a wall repair down in holding," a garbled voice stated, coming over the Comm. "Can you come down here?"

Tryke's eye twitched. Screw breathing exercises. She rose to her feet, punching in the elevator number for holding, a fiery rage burning within her. "If that fucking no-good asshole is responsible' for breaking another damned wall, I'm going to rip his fucking face in half and put in a repair request on his fucking behalf. And then we're too bloody overworked to deal with his shitty face, so he'll have to fucking deal with it, the bastard. I hope he rots in hell."

She paused, realizing that she hadn't turned the Comm off before her little rant.

"I'll be there in a minute," she replied curtly, switching her Comm off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Tristan's Quarters -> The Infirmary

As things began to settle down a bit, Tom finally allowed himself a little relaxation, he didn't interfere with anyone's work in the MOR, mostly just sticking around to keep an eye on Silvia as he stuck by the elevator, doing a whole lot of nothing. It might have been unexciting, and generally uninteresting, but the lack of anything to do was, in Tom's mind, far better than the drama and difficulties which he'd otherwise been facing throughout essentially the entire day.

The ship coming from Earth helped a great deal, the extra crew and supplies would make things a whole lot easier after the drama of the day. He took some time to introduce himself to the security specialist, but didn't keep him long before he let him go to speak with Silvia, he knew the man was mostly here for her, after all. Tom remained where he was, silent and merely watching most of the crew on the MOR as they worked, waiting for something to come up to pull him away on some other duty. It didn't take too long.

He was eventually called up and informed that Tristan was awake, letting out a sigh as he moved toward the elevator. He didn't exactly expect Silvia to do something drastic without him there to watch her, he was trying to avoid any bias, but he was already more on her side in the whole scenario. As he stood in the elevator, he took up his PDA and looked back through the camera feed of the incident between Tristan and Silvia, making a mental note of everything before he finally got down to the medical bay. He gave Crisna a nod and a roll of his eyes as he moved out of the elevator, heading toward Tristan's room and moving past his guards as he shifted inside, glancing over to the Empath and Tristan.

"How's your head, Debute?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Silvia Adenias

Location: The MOR

Silvia had never seen such a cluster fuck of records as she sat there going through the last years worth of so called paper work. It wasn't the Towers fault, Tristan had had so many things blacked out over the years it was hard to tell what had happened. She had seen similar tactics used in the past by other tower leads but not to this extent. Sure it was a Leads prerogative to run their tower as they saw fit and as long as the numbers were sent it the GTC didn't care what else was going on as long as it didn't cause a problem. Thing was, there was a problem, a lot of them. The people seemed to be miserable. She had seen some working in Prison Colony's having a better outlook on life. This place seemed to be set up as more of a punishment than a job.

Sighing she leaned back in her seat and rubbed her temples. She had heard the rumors about Tristan but she had figured at least some of them had been exaggerated, seemed they weren't. In fact it seemed that the rumors hadn't really even touched the surface. Something had to be done before this Tower got any worse but as long as Tristan was there she doubted much would change. Sure she could do what she thought was right when she was on shift but when it came own to it Tristan could undo it all soon as he stepped back into the MOR and make it even worse. She really didn't want to make matters worse for the people.

"You have that look in your eyes," Marc said as he chuckled a bit. Silvia didn't say anything in retort, just letting a smirk crawl across her lips. Marc shook his head and excused himself, wanting to head down to the commissary to get a bite to eat. Time on Altenia was vastly different than back on Earth. He was going to bring Silvia something back but she wasn't wanting to eat until she was off shift and with Tristan being in the infirmary still she had no idea when they would be. Granted she figured once he was out her and he would be having several choice words for the other.

At least the repairs were going well and nothing else was getting damaged at that time. Silvia went to work on getting a few things together for the repair crew, as a sign of gratitude once everything was complete. Some things would still take days to finish up but at least the biggest problems had been dealt with; the tower wasn't compromised structurally and Silvia's crystal was in working order now.

The Infirmary

Down in the infirmary Tristan was groggy but it didn't stop him from being livid, all it did was keep him from lashing out fully physically, telepathically, or verbally. In fact most of what he said came out as drunken gibberish at first. He thought he was speaking clear as crystal but in the end no one around him could make out a single thing he was saying. Which in turn made him even more furious because he thought people were ignoring what he was saying. Didn't matter they kept telling him that he wasn't making sense or that he needed to wait until he woke up more fully, his blood pressure kept rising.

Looking over towards Fisher as he came in he narrowed his eyes and managed to get out the first coherent thing he had said since Crisna had knocked him out in the first place.

"I want her put in chains!" he hissed as he lay there. Crisna coming in as she heard him finally making sense. Sitting up the bed he was laying on a bit so he wasn't still flat on his back even though she thought it was better that way. "And off world, now!" he added as he flung his hands in the air, trying to get Crisna away from him, he didn't want to be examined right then. Crisna just rolled her eyes and walked back out of the room. He obviously was feeling well enough that he wasn't going to keel over dead in the next five minutes. Mores the pity.

The Brax'Na Village

Dawn had broken hours before in the village of the Brax’Na. The village of the Brax’Na was unlike all other settlements on Altenia. It wasn’t an advanced society, having pushed aside modern ways to hold tight to their heritage. One that was mostly unknown to the GTC due to the isolation the Brax’Na preferred to keep. They had some modern items and knew how to run GTC machinery to help find and dig out the crystals so the Singers could do their job. It was a good living, providing well for them. Well, it would have been if Tristan didn’t find every possible loophole in the system to keep the Brax’Na from receiving their payment and goods of trade in exchange for the work they did.

Due to the Brax’Na having no known talents they were not much of a threat in the eyes of the GTC and there for their complaints usually went to deaf ears. What the GTC and the Brax’Na did not know was that Tristan intercepted most communications and weeded out anything that would cause him anything more than a mild inconvenience. He enjoyed keeping the Brax’Na under his thumb, they were beneath him as far as he was concerned and if they were ever to rise up he felt confident that he could snub them out without issue; including their precious Jun’Krama.

The council came together early for the talks of the day. The talks as usual revolved around two things; Crystal Harvesting and the local Tower Lead Tristan. In the council room was filled with all the members including the Jun’Krama, the chief of the Brax’Na. The various leaders of the village were in an uproar. Another payment and another shipment of supplies was being held up by Tristan. Nothing had been left at the designated drop point that morning and their food supplies were running short.

“I have had it with that loathsome creature in his pristine tower,” one of the council members, Kre’lin bellowed as he rose from his seat and slammed his fist into the table. “We must take action! We are warriors! Not slaves!”

“And what would that do? Cause the annihilation of our kind? We do not possess the needed resources to take on a Tower, much less the GTC when they decide to retaliate if we for some reason were able to take the Tower,” an older Brax’Na member of the council growled from his seat.

“You are weak Ty’jin! Age has caused you to be fearful instead of fearless,” Kre’lin snapped towards the older man. Within a split second Ty’jin has risen from his chair and his sword was at the throat of Kre’lin.

“Do not doubt my skill young one. Age has not made me weak, it has made me cautious,” he said as he removed the sword from the mans throat and placed it back in its sheath before sitting back down in his seat. “Jun’Krama, we must speak with GNC once again and let them know what it going on.”

“That has done nothing in the past!” Kre’lin said as he rubbed his throat, a small trickle of blood coming from a razor slice. The rest of the council yelled and knocked the table in agreement.

“Perhaps, but we have to try. There is word of a new T-1 on the planet. Perhaps a changing of the guard is happening,” Ty’jin retorted quickly.

“A woman, what good would she be? We have no need of help from that kind. Talent or Woman!” Kre’lin bellowed.

Ignoring what Kre’lin said Ty’jin leaned closer to the Jun’Krama. “Perhaps it is time you made a personal appearance at the tower; a show of force that we will not stand for it anymore but not a show of war. Woman or not, anything would be better than that demon in the tower now. Even the Goddess of Chaos of herself,” Ty’jin said, referring to the very woman in their lore that had killed their strongest so long ago. The very reason Brax’Na hated woman and talents. “And being a woman, perhaps weak enough to not stand against you?” he said as he perked a brow and awaited word from the one they called their God Warrior.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Infirmary

Tryke finished repairing the wall, eyeing Tristan the entire time. Every moment that she'd look away to continue her repair work, she expected something to collide with her head. He seemed to be a bit groggy, as far as she could tell, though she didn't trust herself much more. Two walls, practically in the same location, had to be repaired that day. It was all becoming a blur. As she put the finishing touches on, she glanced over at Tristan.

"Planning to break anything else today, Your Highness?" Tryke commented without thinking. She blinked a bit, realizing what she said, and gulped. Now's a good day to die...right?

And then, Tom appeared like a Knight in Shining Armor. Considering herself saved, Tryke mouthed a thank you over at him, figuring that if Tristan was going to get angry at anyone, it'd be Fisher. The two of them were constantly arguing and yelling. If she was lucky enough, perhaps Tristan would forget her careless comment entirely. Crisna appeared next with a trademark eye roll, before leaving. Seeing her chance, Tryke practically leaped in front of Crisna, her short stature causing her to practically vanish, she hoped, in Tristan's eyes.

As soon as she made it out of the room, she ran over to the elevator, frantically pressing in her access code in order to get somewhere, anywhere, anyplace that was away from Tristan Debute.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: The Infirmary

as he heard Tryke's comment, Tom raised an eyebrow toward her, an impressed - almost proud look on his face as he saw her mouth the thank you. He figured she assumed Tristan would be more focused on yelling at him, she was probably right, they were never not at eachother's throats. He watched her for a moment as she moved out along with Crisna, turning his gaze back over to Tristan as he listened to the man for a moment.

He cleared his throat for a moment, clasping his hands behind his back then as he listened to Tristan, speaking up in a clear and calm voice. "I'm afraid that's not going to happen, Debute." He let the words sink in for a moment, it was refreshing to be able to say something and put Debute in his place. "Silvia is fairly confident that you were attempting to consciously invade her mind, and as a result - assault her, and the evidence i've seen on the cameras points to that as well." He explained, plainly. "As a result, your rank and privilege has been temporarily suspended while you are under investigation."

It was a struggle for Tom not to smile as he said the words, he hadn't exactly gotten rid of Tristan, but he'd taken him down a peg. In equal parts, Silvia's arrival had seemed to be both a blessing and a curse, she only hoped whatever luck they'd gotten from it continued.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Infirmary

If looks could kill the one that Tristan shot Tryke would have rendered her a corpse, granted with T1's it wasn't unheard of for a look to come over them before they lashed out mentally towards someone but Tristan was having issues focusing. Must have been something in the drugs that Crisna had slipped into the Tower Leads Iv that was causing him to be a bit slower n the mental draw than normal. If asked though she would have completely denied it, a medical professional would never have added an unneeded medication into a T1's IV's. It was unthinkable.

"I did no such thing! I was simply checking to make sure she was alright!" Tristan snapped as he sat up in bed and pulled the IV's out of his arm. Rubbing his temples he groaned a bit and shoot his head. "I might be an ass but damn it Fisher, why the fuck would I attack a T1 that was here to make my job easier?" he half asked, half stated before turning and placing his feet on the ground.

"Now, get the fuck out of my way," he said as he stood up, a bit wobbly on his feet at first but the look on his features was a very common one, one that meant he was on a mission - what they mission was it was as guess to anyone but chances were he wanted to have a little talk with the petite little addition to the tower. Taking a step the look in his eyes was nearly warning as he looked at Tom, nearly daring him to try to stop him from moving past.

Over at the elevator the doors open and Marx glanced around, seeing Tryke and giving her a broad smile. "Hey, can you help me out? I'm totally lost, where the hell is the food in his place?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Infirmary

Tryke's eyes narrowed a bit, taking in the newcomer. For a moment, she could've sworn it was another T-1, but she quickly realized it was just security backup. Letting out a sigh of relief, she still didn't entirely enjoy Marx being there. Newcomers to the tower always set her on edge, as they would inevitably present change, messing with the systems that had already been long established. Silvia had practically just arrived at the tower and she already destroyed it.

What would this guy do? Would he attempt to top it?

Tryke forced a grin, seeing spending time with this person as the lesser evil. She didn't want to sit around for Tristan to find her and get even for her comment. And for once in her life, Tryke was sick of fixing things. If another thing had to be repaired, Tryke's own fuse would blow. "Commissary's on level 19," Tryke said curtly, punching in the code on the elevator. "Come on."

She crossed her arms, standing a bit aloof as she waited for Marx to join her. He seemed to be fairly harmless, but don't they always?

"I'm Tryke, Senior Repair Specialist," she offered, as soon as Marx joined her in the elevator, the doors shutting with mechanical grace. Cocking an eyebrow at Marx, she waited for his reply, her grease stained hand extended towards him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: The Infirmary

Watching as Tristan began to work on removing his IV's and sitting up, Tom let out a quiet sigh. He figured the man was going to be intent on leaving the infirmary, after all he wasn't the kind to stick around, especially when he was under some kind of charge. Tom didn't see this whole scenario going well, between the man's arrogance, and possibly his fear of being found out for what he may have done, he could have been liable to make a rather terrible decision.

Tom kept his eyes on Tristan as their gaze met, he could see the challenge in Tristan's eyes, almost daring him to try and stop him. He almost felt sorry for Crisna, he didn't want to make a mess of the infirmary, but he had a feeling Tristan would be deadset on it. Reaching up as Tristan took a step closer, Tom set his hand firmly on the man's shoulder, watching him closely as he cleared his throat, eyes focused on the man with an intent look.

"I'm sure that's exactly what you were doing, Debute, but right now the evidence doesn't help that." He began, a serious tone to his voice, almost warning, as he watched the smaller man. "That's why it's best if you just stay here until the investigation turns up nothing, it'll only make it go faster, sir." Tom never referred to Tristan as 'sir' - perhaps he thought using the title would lull Tristan into some odd sense of security, or perhaps it was some kind of threat. Either way, it was likely he wasn't giving the man such a title out of respect, that just wasn't his way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Infirmary

"Like hell I am staying in this cesspit of germs while you take your time to figure out what happened," Tristan spat as he looked at Fisher, his large eyes narrowing a bit as his thick lips thinned. He wasn't about to stay in the infirmary one second more than he had to and if he had to start throwing things, or people, to get out of there he would. The place was beneath him as far as he was concerned and there was no reason he should be in there right now anyways, if he was ever ill he was taken care of in his quarters.

Granted that was not only because that was how he wanted it, Crisna didn't want the man anywhere near her Infirmary or her staff. That was made perfectly clear by Crisna as her head popped out from around a corner behind Tristan and she eyed Tom, a please for the love of god get this asshole out of my infirmary before I end up having to spend one more moment listening to his bitching look.

Tristan crossed his arms over his chest for a moment, rolling his neck around as he took another step forward and stared Fisher down as if he was trying to be imposing. With the look on is face, it came off more comical than anything. Like a child trying to be threatening to an adult. "Are you going to move or will I have to move you myself?"

The Commissary

Marx smiled brightly towards Tryke and nodded as he followed her. "Thank you, jumps always make me hungry as hell," he said in an appreciative tone as he stepped over to her. It was true, for some reason it didn't matter if the man ate a full meal right before a jump, once it was done he was starving again. It didn't help any that since he got to Altenia that he had been at Silvia's side to make sure she was okay and getting filled in one what little she knew about the tower and the people within it after everything happened. His boss wasn't exactly happy that Silvia had only landed a within the last day and already so much was going on but he was sent anyways and he wasn't about to complain about it. It wasn't often he got to get off world from Earth.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Marx; Security Lead of Earth, but basically just Silvia's bouncer right now I think," he said laughing a bit as he stuck out his hand and and shook Tryke's hand enthusiastically. He didn't even seem to notice or care about the grease on her hand, he shook it nonetheless and then just shoved his hands in his pocket as he rocked back and forth on the heels of his shoes as he waited for the elevator to get to the proper floor.

Once the doors opened he looked out and smiled over to her. "Want to join me? Be nice to sit and gab a bit, well more like me listening to you while I shove food into my mouth; at least that is how Silvia describes having a meal with me," he said rolling his eyes a bit and bending out his elbow for her if she should care to take it. He was certainly friendly that was for sure and seemed pretty laid back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Commissary

Despite all of the kindness of Marx's offer, to Tryke, it was as if asked her if she wanted to go put screws in her eyes and see how long it took for them to cause an incurable infection. Grimacing a bit, she weighed her options meticulously. She could go back to fix the thousandth problem of the tower. However, from how the day was going, she'd likely be asked to fix another wall that Tristan trashed.

But then again, she loathed newcomers and sitting around. Both were her own special version of hell. The question, then, became which was worst -- the devil or hell? Huffing a bit, Tryke eyed Marx again.

Hell it is.

"Sure," she said curtly, holding back her tongue. She joined him in the commissary, refusing to take his elbow. She didn't need anyone's help with just walking. While other girls, perhaps forensic techs thousands of years ago, might have been giddy over receiving the arm of a man, it only irritated Tryke.

"What did you want to gab about?" Tryke asked, a bit stiffly. She couldn't deny that she herself was hungry, and Marx didn't seem to be an entirely awful person. Her wariness of him ebbed slowly, the longer she interacted with him without having to stop him from blowing something up. That was always a plus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: The Infirmary -> Tristan's Quarters

Watching Tristan closely as he spat back at him, Fisher felt every urge to sock the man across the jaw. He'd essentially dreamed about it since day one, he doubted anyone else had ever had the guts to do something, and if it wouldn't be such a sure-fire way to lose his job, he'd likely have done it by now. The other part of him wanted to insist he stay there simply out of spite, Tom had never particularly appreciated being ordered about or undermined by Tristan, he didn't respect the man, felt no need or desire to follow his orders, he'd take any chance he could to subvert them.

It was, however, Crisna, who convinced him otherwise. His eyes settling on her as she poked her head around the corner. He saw the look in her eyes, it was one he got from time to time when people wanted Tristan elsewhere and Tom had the ability to do it, something which happened more often than not, surprisingly. He sighed as he looked down at Tristan, pausing with a blank expression at the smaller man's failure to seem imposing. Tom was - as his friends in the security team tended to refer to him - a slab of muscle, looking down at Tristan's attempt to intimidate him was worth a laugh more than anything.

Sighing in an exasperated manner, Tom nodded. "Alright, Debute, you can leave. I'll have my officers and I make sure you get comfortably settled up in your room." The tone to his voice made it clear that any attempt to seem imposing had drastically failed, and as he led Tristan out of his room, the pair of officers outside met him. Sending out a brief message, when they got to the elevator, his Second-in-command Jackson was waiting, arms crossed, as they all flanked Tristan in the elevator, heading up to his floor and leading him into his room. Tom had deliberately picked his largest officers, and with the men surrounding Tristan, he figured the man would feel at least somewhat inadequate, mission accomplished.

As Tristan moved into his room, Tom cleared his throat. "The investigation shouldn't take too long, Debute, but until then i'll make sure you've got everything you need up here." He said with a smile, reaching over to the console by the door and inputting his override, closing and locking it as he left both of his guards outside along with Jackson, a satisfied smirk on his face as he moved back to the elevator.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

The Infirmary --> Tristan's Quarters

Tristan scoffed slightly but he made his way towards the elevator nonetheless. He wanted to put Fisher into his place, right through a wall, but he was thinking better on the entire idea right then. He had plans in the works and he wasn't about to let this little security man or anyone else get in his way. He had things to do, as long as he was in his quarters he knew he would be fine for the time being.

It was odd that Tristan remained quiet through out the entire ride up to his room and even as Fisher locked the door and over ride the code, still there was no yelling. Tristan might be a T1 but it was clear the man had no idea how to cover up that he was up to something. The dramatic shift in personality would have been clear to a blind person. To Fisher it would have sent off red flag after red flag with alarms blaring in his head.

Sad thing was though, as much as Tristan sucked at not letting on that he was up to something or wanted something he was very good at covering his tracks. Maybe what people said was true, when one sense is dulled the others sharpen. Maybe that was why in this case. Either way, Tristan was now in his room and things were quiet, too quiet. Like when suddenly a pair of toddlers you hear playing in the next room go silent. One of those "fuck..." moments. Do you poke your head in or not?

The Commissary

Marx shrugged his shoulders lightly as Tryke didn't take his arm, some girls liked it and some didn't. He was just glad that she didn't deck him, more than once had Silvia sent him flying across the floor for even attempting to be a gentleman with her. Granted Silvia was a special case, she just wasn't like most people but that was obvious to anyone that had been around the silver streaked woman for more than five minutes.

Stepping into the place he looked around and grabbed a tray, piling it up high before taking a seat and looking over towards Tryke, smiling a bit as he did. "Anything really. I might be a here a while, so like to get to know people that I will be working around. And to put it bluntly, anyone in this tower perks my interest because of Silvia. I want to know who could be of help to her and who could hurt her. Big brother syndrome as it were," he stated rather bluntly.

Leaning back he rolled his shoulders, before slipping off his gloves and then taking off his jacket. Beneath it lay a rather interesting sight. His right arm was completely replaced from the shoulder down as well as part of his chest. It showed clearly thanks to the tank top he wore beneath the coat. It was obvious that the replacement(1st one) arm was nothing of the GTC, it looked customed made. It was rougher looking than those given out by GTC in the infirmaries but it was clearly well made. Marx shoved his gloves into the coat pocket before laying the coat down over his lap and smiling over towards Tryke.

"So, how do you like the work here? I mean, besides dealing with Tristan; I hear he can be a real ass," he said as he picked up his fork and started chowing down on the food in front of him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Commissary

Tryke blinked, her eyes wide. The world went into slow motion as she stared at the masterpiece of machinery. Managing to stop herself from drooling, Tryke blinked again, perhaps letting silence fall longer than was socially acceptable. But she couldn't help herself. It was like seeing Adonis, the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her life. Taking a breath, it hitched in her throat slightly, but she was too transfixed to mutter an apology.

Was this love at first sight?

Nearly forgetting her own food that she'd nabbed, Tryke sat down across from Marx, her large amber eyes continuing to look at the arm. She'd never seen anything like it before, and had it not been entirely weird, she would have asked his permission to remove it from him in order to properly examine it. Almost not hearing his question, Tryke laughed awkwardly, a bit too slow, a bit too soft, and a bit too mechanic.

"...He breaks a lot of shit," Tryke explained bluntly, forcibly tearing her gaze from his fine piece of machinery and up to his face. "It's a miracle this bloody tower is still standing...And I'm not joking there. I wouldn't shed a tear if the prick was impaled one day because of one of his messes...."

Trailing off, Tryke allowed herself to peak at the arm again. Flirting and all that sort of thing didn't come naturally to her. There wasn't any sort of scientific relationship to explain it. "....I like your arm," Tryke said bluntly. "It's a custom job, isn't it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Tristan's Quarters

As much as he hated to admit it, Tom knew Tristan. He had worked with the man long enough to know that he never shut up, especially when his own authority was being questioned as it was in that instance. it didn't take a T1 to figure that out, and as Tom glanced back at Tristan in their short trip up to his quarters, and as quiet as the man remained as Tom sealed up his quarter, he couldn't help but feel like there was something majorly wrong with what was going on.

A small part of Tom told him just to turn away and go back to work, Tristan was probably just playing mind games with Tom, trying to get into his head and distract him, make him rethink his strategy and possibly just worry that something was up. Another, much larger part of Tom didn't give Tristan that much credit, the man was clearly up to something and trying in a spectacularly awful fashion to hide it. And as he walked back toward the elevator, he stopped for a moment and looked back toward the door. The other guards and even Jackson didn't seem to think much was wrong, or at the least they weren't vocalising it, Jackson was always particularly the quiet type.

The feeling just kept nagging at Tom, until the man let out a long sigh. "Ah, fuck it." He turned back toward the door, at the very least if nothing was going on, he wanted a man inside, he wanted to know what was going on inside. Reaching up, he accessed the console, overriding his own override, he unlocked it and opened it, taking a few steps inside with his officers in tow, gaze peering about, half expecting his feeling to have been nothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Tristan's Quarters

Tristan looked up from his couch as Fisher entered his chambers. The man was sitting there with his data pad, flicking through files. It seemed he was up to nothing? "The investigation over with that quickly?" he asked in a snarky voice with a smirk playing on his oversized lips before he looked back down at the data pad and kept flipping through the files he had pulled up. Most were personnel files, Silvia's being one of them.

Over Fishers com Craig pipped in to Fisher. "Tom, dude, we have a bit of an issue down at the main entrance to the Tower. Seems the Brax'Na are back and they ain't happy. Silvia went down but I am getting a bad feeling in the bottom of my gut. Think you could head down there and make sure they haven't done anything? The camera's for that area are down currently because of the damages from the mistossed ship earlier."

Things were indeed heated down at the entrance. A rather large and rotund Brax'Na was standing there barking and yelling about supplies not having gotten to the village. Silvia was standing on a set of crates to be eye to eye with the man yelling right back at him. Things were definitely getting heated. The Brax'a hated talents, they hated women for other than breeding purposes. And right then there was a high ranking female talent standing toe to tow with a man that was nearly twice her height and triple her weight. She wasn't even flinching though as he kept getting closer to her and threatening to put her in her place.

The Commissary

Marx Snorted a bit as he heard Tryke's assement of Tristan, taking a moment before he went back to taking a drink of his water. Setting the glass down he chuckled. "Oh he sounds like an absolute dream to work for. Sorry, just a bit odd to me to have a crew despise their T1 so much. They are a trying bunch to say the least, I know ours is but she is damn good and gets the job done. Now, Silvia on the other hand, that is a woman in a league of her own. Would think she a Miner the way she acts, not T1," he said as he went back to eating.

Glancing over at Tryke as she mentioned his arm he beamed brightly and put his fork down. Holding it out a bit he moved it and grinned from ear to ear. "You like that? You have good taste and a good eye. Indeed it is a custom job. It's a prototype we are testing back on Earth. GTC doesn't keep us as updated out there as they do towers like yours so we have to make due. This usually pushes us to come up with shall I say, unique inventions. This little baby is actually a mini version of a crystal generator like the ones T1's use to power Black Crystals but it powers a shard. Orange in this case," he explained as he turned in his seat so that his arm was away from the table.

"Go ahead, you can have a closer to look. Touch it is you want. I don't mind" he said offering out his arm as he held it up for her. "Sorry, rather proud of this little baby." He chuckled a bit as he went back to eating as he held his arm there for Tryke to do as she wished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Commissary

Tryke paused for a moment, mulling over Marx's words. His amazingly crafted arm had endeared him to her already, to the extent that she wasn't irritated by the newcomer. But Silvia? She continued to go back and forth about whether or not she was the best thing to happen to the Tower or the worst thing. Picking at her food, Tryke mulled it over. "How often does Silvia make life a living hell for repair crews?" she asked bluntly. She figured it was possible that Silvia had had a monstrously awful day, and that she usually wasn't this brash and violent.

But on the other hand, and Tryke prayed to whatever gods were in the universe this wasn't true, it could have only been the beginning. Still, she couldn't help but find her endorphins rush to her head as she saw the arm. Blushing slightly at Marx's comment, her eyes widened in amazement at his explanation. "That's incredible!" Tryke gushed. Like an art collector getting a chance to touch an ancient statue thought to be missing, Tryke delicately placed her fingertips on the arm. She flipped her scanner glasses on, going through each setting as she examined the masterpiece.

"No, this arm is to die for," Tryke agreed, nodding enthusiastically, her eyes still huge. "It almost makes you wish you had an accident to require this. You got anything else like this?"

She swooned slightly, continuing to look over the piece of pure customizable beauty. It wasn't so often she ran into someone who understood the greatness that could be achieved by machines. Too often, they were used, abused, and tossed aside. Marx seemed to understand the elegance to them, the perfection that could be achieved! Perhaps Silvia's arrival at the tower wasn't that bad, as it brought this amazing person there.
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