Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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@Ojo chan 42@MrZerkon
A roar escaped Vladimir as he came to a river. The scent was faint. He walked through it and sniffed on the other side white ears rotating with every noise. Pale eyes filled with beastial wrath. He managed to find that vampires scent again and howled. The sound was loud haunting and bone chilling. He shook out his fur and started to run once more.

He reached the mine and came to a sudden halt. The gate was iron...thick iron. A snarl escaped him then an angry roar. He paced along the outside tail flicking. He needed to save her but the iron would burn. He heard her scream and he stood. Pawed hands grabbed the iron and started to pull. The sound of burning flesh echoed and sounds of pain escaped him. Along with burning flesh the spider like noises of him healing echoed as well. It was a strange and awful mix of sounds.

Soon everything went silent. Vladimir silently stalked the caverns his white pelt giving him a ghostly appearance. A faint amount of steam still came from his paw like hands from pulling at the iron gate. He inhaled and followed the scent. And then...he found them.

Seeing his beloved like that caused incredible anger. The wolf stood slowly and was behind Calis. Soon a soft growl filled the room. Pale grey eyes were filled with anger and the exposed fangs glistened with venomous saliva. The wolf wanted this vampire to see him. To smell the fear before attacking. The growl escalated into a snarl with his lips curled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rick Hoover

Rick was still in the room, fighting the urge to find the hearbeat beating near his ear. At least that is what it sounded like to the new vampire, he knew that a human was near but he kept himself in place. He would not atatck one of the servants who ahve Always welcomed him with open arms.
''Nora.....urg....I need you NORA!'' Rick yelled, ripping the sheets. The once calm human had been poisoned and was being devoured by the vampire he was about to become.

His tooth hurt so much and his fingers reached his sore mouth. He touched his fangs, who were longer and sharper than before. The night had taken him over and rick prayed he would still be the person he was once before he made the choise.

Rick hungerd, he hungerd so much for human blood, but he had to resist. In order for him not to murder someone Rick bit himself Drinking his not-a-full-vampire-yet blood, it sated him just a bit, but is was enough to let him keep his sanity.
@Wick @Dabombjk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Piper Lance

Piper texted Barkley and told them of Rick turning upstairs and told him to keep the blood going upstairs to him so he didn't kill him and Ophelia and the stable boy. Barkley ran several bags of blood up the stairs and put them outside the door then buzzed the bedroom com system. "Mr. Hoover, I have placed several servings of blood outside your bedroom door. I believe this should help during your blood lust. Please let me know when you need more."

@ojo chan 42
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Grant Holiday

Grant checked his phone and saw he had a voicemail unheard from an unknown number. He smiled to himself and pocketed his phone. He could only guess, and he would have to check later, but he was pretty sure it was either Rick with details concerning with his mission or Ben with his answer on if he was going to assist him or not. Grant seemed pretty sure Ben would say yes but he wasnt not one hundred percent sure. Grant looked at his master, but not in his eyes.

"Master, if I may be so bold, I would ask that you not take out your fury on my newly created. He has information regarding Miss Sasha, someone who you know we must eliminate in order for your plans to succeed."

Grant eyed Piper and was reluctant to look away. If Dracula does anything to her...........

@wick@ojo chan 42@mrzerkon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Your a bleeding hothead is what you are Rohar and you bloody well know it. There is stupidity in the heat of whatever the hell you get into and then there is you, the exceptional moron. I have seen house pets who were better trained then you, I sometimes wonder if I got a branding iron, that I could use it every time you decide to go ballistic just because someone hurts your little bitty puppy feelings.

Dantis walked briskly through the woods, his footsteps were completely silent and feint to even the most trained ear, well.. compared to the huge would be deadly Werewolf walking beside him in the silvery light of the moon he was completely silent, no one would hear him over big foot and his magical feet. Dantis was rather annoyed at that moment, hell he would have to say he more then that, he was at a very rare, severely agitated, mostly towards his brother who was completely incapable of being civilized for even the briefest of times, even for his own bloody brother. Dantis heard the resounding growl from his counter part Rohar, it was sort of a mix between angry and relenting at the same time.

"Thats not ruddy well fair Dantis, you know how I hate to go with you to those damn high end whore houses! All I wanted to do was go run around in the woods while you talked with the ladies of the night. But NO you had to drag me along, to try and force me to be sociable. Every time I go anywhere with you, you walk in there like you own the place and I am like your pet dog to those snobby underclassed assholes! Well you know what I taught that man a lesson her won't forget, he will think better about just insulting me because I am not wearing fancy shiny shoes like him!

Rohar spoke angrily towards his brother, it was always like this most times, in fact some would say that the twos favorite past time was walking through the woods arguing with each other. However Rohar knew his brother was rather angry with him this time around, if he got any redder in the face, and that was something in its own seeming he was dead, then Dantis's head looked as if it was just going to pop. Rohar stopped silently as Dantis stepped in front of him and held out his hand to keep him from moving further. Oh this was going to be a long ruddy night from the looks of it.

"First off you untrained floor wetter, it was not a damn a whore house, it was a bloody ell tea party in which I was invited to by a rather lovely couple I meant in that small town. Second if I had know you were going to accompany me in your usual black piss smelling rags I would dressed you myself. I was foolish to believe that for once you could actually get something to wear and jump in a lake with a good bar of soap. Third, the man did not insult you, you bloody dumb oaf, all he tried to do was give you some tips on better grooming and fourth and finally... a little culture could only do well to improve upon your animal like tendencies!"

Dantis started to walk again, his head was steaming and he was one step from putting his brother under the knife or rather the sword. Perhaps if he had neutered him all those years ago he would be easier to control. You can take the wolf our of the wild but not the wild out of the bleeding wolf. Rohar ruined everything he is invited to with his bad hygiene, ragged cloths, bad smell and even more horrid attitude, Dantis just wanted one night where his brother didn't make him look bad in front of people, just one night! It was almost tempting to pray to God, that was how desperate he truly felt for a little culture. This time it was Rohar who stepped in front of Dantis stopping him from moving with a large growl Rohar bared his large fangs, oh this was going to be a long ass night.

"You always do this Dantis, you always drag me to those boring parties, I try to spare you my company but you insist upon dragging me too them. I'm not going to subject myself to your pansy ass way of life just because you want me to. If I ever saw myself dressed like you I would tear my own throat out. An for the record while you were off gallivanting with your rich "I can't eat a small sandwich because it will make me fat" whores, I was stuck with the King of stuffiness who found it prudent to inform me that he would be happy to get his butler Gerard to take me to the personal sweet and clean me up. Don't give me your crap about me overacting again, he is lucky I didn't tear his heart out! Also seeming your so dead set on ruining my night I was going to keep this to myself but what the hell we both might as well have a crap night. Your new "friends" were talking about you every time you were out of ear shot, and they were not very nice about what they said.

Rohar put his hand down and turned his back on Dantis walking forward, the missiles were now in the water and were about to hit home. Dantis was a high society type no matter how anyone sliced it, and even the slightest mention that someone was talking ill of him when he was in a bad mood was enough to get him fighting. Rohar did not care though if he got angry, at least the old wrinkly vampire would be more fun instead of stuffy and boring.

"What do you mean they were talking about me!? What the hell were those money grubbing Albanian stink worms saying about me Rohar!? I should have known they were talking behind my back, I just never imagined they would be talking about me and you! After all you are the one who draws all the attention, makes life easier."

Dantis fired shots of his own at Rohar whom between remembering bit of conversation from the party and trying to piece together that insult was rather silent for a moment. When Dantis heard the loud growl, Rohar stepped in front of him again and put a huge hand on his chest pushing him back, Dantis felt the push and glided back with a rather mischievous grin on his face.

"You ruddy no good, pasty skinned, I need a new hair do since 1890 ass hole! You take me to those parties so that everyone's attention will be on me instead of you! You stick me in the middle of the floor knowing full well that those high society types will try to eat me alive, you run off with some floozy who is probably married while they are distracted, get your kicks while you can and wait for me to explode at someone, then you criticize me for it later to make it look like I did something wrong! Well you know what I don't feel sorry at to tell you this but Count Stuffy back at the party, after insulting me he was telling his wife about how he had invited you to his party because he felt sorry for you. He saw you in town and thought you a homeless beggar down on his luck and wanted to throw you an old milk bone to sooth the hunger! How does it feel to get a worse reputation then your smelly, untrained puppy of a brother!? Huh!?

Rohar bared a grin of great happiness as Dantis's eye's turned a deadly shade of what the hell did you just say to me and the Werewolf was loving every second of that all knowing glare. He had his brother on the ropes now and it was delicious to say the very least. Dantis launched for and put his hand out, wrapping his nimble long fingers around Rohar's neck the werewolf grinned a fangy toothy grin as his brother wanted to squeeze his steel like neck.

"Take it back you flea ridden mongoloid! You better take it back you chase my own tail because Im a dumb dog asshole!"

Dantis was up to enraged as his eye's were filled with fire and more fire, seeing his brothers sneer only enraged him more, how dare this mutt muddy his good name with filth, dragging him down to his level!

"Make me you pasty skinned version of a leper, talking to me about being dirty, at least my hair didn't go out of style back in the 1600's you wannabe snob!

"You miserable chase your own tail like a moronic buffoon!

"Stuff it you off the rack clothing jerk!"

"Ill make you eat those words you butt sniffing mutt!"

Dantis screamed as Rohar roared a bellowing roar as Dantis pushed forward and tackled him to the ground, both of the two men rolled sideways down a hill shouting insults at each other the whole way down.

"Ugly cousin!"

"Mangy cur!"

"cheap wine drinker!"

"Allergic to soap mutt!"



Both of the men yelled as they hit the bottom of the hill and rolled apart in opposite directions, Rohar hit his feet quickly as Dantis did the exact same. Rohar roared again as his bodily suddenly began to sprout black long fur from head to toe, his hands a feet took on a black hew, razor sharp claws grew in on all digits as Rohar's face turned in a ferocious snout filled with razor sharp fangs and teeth. Rohar gave a chilling ear shattering howl that seemed to shake the trees as his glistening yellow eye's set on Dantis who removed both of the swords from his back and took an old fighting stance.

"Oh bring it on you unbroken house mutt, I have been wanting to take some length off that tail, would make me a fine whip to beat you with when you ruin my fun."

"Should go well with you new hair cut brother!"

Rohar spoke in a deep wolf like voice however the words were still human enough to understand as he raised his hand up, the claws glistened ominously. It was sudden that the air was filled with what sounded like another howl from off in the distance, Rohar turned silently hearing the call, the howl was terribly angry and filled with rage. Rohar lowered his hands as he looked off in the distance sniffing the air. Dantis made his way beside his brother Rohar looking of in the distance well trying to spot something, anything that might have made the howl.

"Can you smell anything Rohar? I have heard that kind of howl before from you, whoever made it is quite enraged. I can not see anything ahead."

"The smells are feint, muddled, but there is a smell of blood lingering softly in the air. We should check it out, one of my kin might be in danger. Do we have time before our next contract?"

"Say no more my brother, you know blood and kin are thicker then money, even if it is there is always more work for the likes of us. Lets move with a purpose and see if we can't find out what is going on."

Rohar raised his large clawed hand as Dantis did the same, both of the brothers smacked their hands together and squeezed hard before letting go, turning they both speed off into the woods towards the noise.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrZerkon
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MrZerkon Birds are important.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Calis Everglad

He grinned as he watched how Miss O’Neill was sitting there, helplessly. Calis had forgotten how much he liked torture and screaming of pain. Especially from a women, since all of them deserved that. They had to pay for what they’ve done to him in the past. Never..never again would he be humiliated and bossed around by them. All women were like that. While men worked their ass off, women just sat inside homes. It was like that for centuries, and it will always be that way. Women are good for nothing. Only for bossing around and just be a pain in the ass. and He really had difficulty with not going too far. He had to make sure she died a slow painful death. Maybe he can just let her rot in here, since this mine was deep, and he had made sure that no one could enter it.

Then he heard a noise behind him. He also smell a familiar smell. This was…the hybrid? But his smell was a lot more animal like now. All of a sudden his attitude was not that relaxed anymore. He was cautious. The hybrid was inside…but how? The barricades were from iron..how could he have broken through them? He then heard a soft growl from behind him. The smell of wet dog and burnt flesh filled the room. The hybrid was behind him. Calis knew he was fucked. Pretty damn fucked. No..he could still fight off the hybrid. He was a Vampire after all. He was immortal unless the hybrid got some garlic or holy water with him or something. He grinned. “Congratulations you found me..” He was bluffing of course. He was really cautious. Not really afraid. He had a last resort. Just for cases such as these. He then disappeared, and reappeared behind the hybrid. Then he took in a fast movement the gun he had in his pockets out. There was one bullet in it. A silver one. He had that for cases such as these. He pulled the trigger. A loud bang filled the room. However, before seeing if his bullet had hit, he already was running to the exit of the cave.
@blackpanther @ojo chan 42
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@MrZerkon@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir snarled again. He reached forward onyx claws barely noticeable in the dark. But contact was not made. A frusterated noise escaped him and he turned, but not before getting shot. A yelp escaped him and he crumpled. The shock of the shot and pain causing him to shift to human. He tried to get up and couldn't. "Son of a bitch. My fucking spine really." a snarl erupted from him as his hand went to his back. The wound was oozing dark black fluid and his fingers dug in and pulled out the bullet. "Ow owowowow fuck" spider like noises filled the cavern as his spine and skin healed themselves.

He laid there looking up at Sasha with a mix of emotions. He stared at the iron cuffs holding her and started to crawl to her. He made his way to the wal and worked on standing. Wincing and muttering the whole time. He braced himself on the wall and studied the cuffs. "Iron...damn" he looked at her multiple wounds and inhaled. They looked so painful. He gently bit her wrist and injected his own venom. He was very careful not to taste her blood...the venom would numb her.

He felt his back where the wound was now healed and stood fully. He inhaled and grabbed the first cuff. Burning flesh sounds combine with spider noises and steam shot from him. He pulled at it tears starting to stream from sheer pain. Flesh starting to fall away as he pulled. Eventually he couldn't pull anymore and let go his hands healing at a slower pace. Frusterated he let out another howl. He paced as his hands healed.

He shifted to wolf once more and went to the cuffs pulling at them once more. When his hands were too burnt to pull he would switch to his mouth. When his mouth was too burned he would switch back to his hands. It seemed futile. His one weakness was here...the one thing he couldn't overcome. But he would rather be a burnt mess then let Sasha stay like this. The vampire probably escaped by now...but he did not care.

Finally after such torture he was able to get her down. Back in human form he held her. Cradling her to him but not yet able to move from the sheer amount of pain he put himself through. Steam flower off of his hands and face both which were healing. His hands being in worse shape then his face. He trembled somewhat as he healed. Spider like noises filling the small space.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Sasha O'Neill

Sasha wimperd as she felt blood slide down her skin from her wrists. The iron cuffs were old and sharp edged, the rust was digging into her skin. She hated the fact that the only point of ligth seemed to be Calis in this place filled with darkness. Sasha was forced to focuss on him as he did as he pleased with her.

At this point she was begging every god she had ever heard of to make him stop. Begging them that he would not violate her, but so far it seemed like he would stick to torture. Sasha's feet barely reached the floor and she was forced to stand on her tiptoes, all the while Calis was cutting in her skin. She was unable to speak, her voice hoarse and soar from her futile screams.

Why.....why did he torture her? Why did he wished to install so much pain upon her being. It was almost a blessing, seeing as she was still alive thanks to his sadistic strike. She had to live, Sasha just refused to give up. Vladimir was waiting for her.

She was about to slip away again but a low and dangerous snarl pulled her back. Sasha opened her eye's and saw what looked like a ghost entering the room. Remembering the white fur of Vladimir she smiled, he had found her. He towerd above Calis and the vampire realized how screwed he was at this point. Then a loud bang resounded through the cave as a bullet was fired. Sasha did not see if it had hit Vladimir but the shouted non the less.
''Vladimir!..Vladimir, say something'' She spoke desperate as she heard a yelp before his voice cursed
''Vlad.. are you alright?'' Sasha cried as she looked at her lover. Her green eye’s gazed to his grey ones, they still held a hint of wrath and rage within them.
''I am sorry, I am so sorry'' Sasha wisperd as Vlad came closer to her, trying to get her out of the iron cuffs that held her. The young girl winched as she felt Vlad’s fangs enter her wrist. The bite was ten times more gentle than that of Calis and soon her pain dissapeared. Sasha rememberd that Vlad had told her his venom, wich was supposed to turn you, could only numb the pain one would feel.

In horror she watched as Vlad tried to free her from her iron restraints. She also rememberd how he ahd once burned himself with iron in order to control his bloodlust. Silent tears rolled of her cheek as she saw how much he was hurting for her.
''Stop it, please. Don’t harm yourself''She wisperd but Vlad continued his struggle, until finaly the iron broke and Sasha fell to the ground. Vlad pulled her closer and held her as his body healed.
The noises penetrated her body and sent a shiver up her spine as she managed to move her hand to touch Vlad’s damaged cheek.
''Mister……I wish to strike a deal with you'' She spoke slow. ''I need information and in return I will let you drink my blood until we can have a proper conversation'' Sasha joked, repeating the first words she had ever spoken to him, as she coffed, her entire body was aching. ’’Thank you for ….coming to my rescue’’ Slowly her eye’s closed as her body became like a ragdoll. Her breathing stopped for a second longer than usually before she inhaled again. Sasha felt tired.. so tired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir leaned slightly to the touch. His eyes closing for a brief moment. He chuckled as she said the same things she said when they first met. He opened his eyes and looked at her. Those wounds. He had to get up he had to move. Her cough sounded painful. He kissed her forehead as his lips went from charred back to healthy.

He felt her go limp and panic went through his body. He struggled up still holding her with hands that were still healing. A hiss escaped him as he held her. He inhaled and lightly shook her. "Sasha my dyvol....don't. I can't....I refuse to lose you." he inhaled and made his way out of the cave. The doors that had been closed had large holes or ripped off the hinges. Once outside he looked at her again. She did not look good. He let out a loud howl. Frustration along with sorrow laced the sound.

He then looked at his hands. He flexed them and nodded. They were nearly fully healed. His face felt healed also. He held his love close before sprinting. He ran and hope this would be enough. He hoped he could save her since he couldn't turn her. He found what he was looking for.

A hospital...human run. He made his way in and people took Sasha from him he went to follow but was stopped. "Let me in she needs me" he was then informed that only family was allowed in. They then asked what happened. "We were attacked. The guy was a vampire. I was barely able to get him off of her." the lie was smooth and they believed it.

He paced the lobby waiting to be allowed in. Silver hoop glinting with every turn. So many emotions were held in those grey eyes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Piper Lance

When the car pulled up to Nora's house the sun was still up and the others appeared to be resting. Piper carefully climbed over Grant and slipped out the door. She ran into the house and yelled. "Rick! Ben! Barkley! Ophelia?" She ran into the kitchen and found all things running smoothly. Ophelia jumped from her screaming. Barkley looked up and scolded her. "Miss Piper....whatever are you screaming about?" "Where is Rick? Hurry up Dracula is here and I need to talk to Rick!" Barkley pointed upstairs. He pushed Ophelia into the secret passageway and told her to wait there. Piper took the stairs in one leap and barged into Rick's room. He was laying across Nora's bed on his stomach. "Rick! Dracula is here. He wants to kill you so you have to go right now!" Piper said shaking Rick and grabbing his shoes. "Come on! I don't want to see you killed or Nora for that matter."

@ojo chan 42@mrzerkon@blackpanther@dabombjk
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rick Hoover

With great pleasure Rick drank the bloodbags Barley had laid at his door. He made a mental note to thank the old man, now he did not needed to fear killing anyone. The young vampire found the taste of blood weird. Before it had always tasted metal like and disgusting to him, but now.... the sweet ambrosia soothed his hunger and quenched his thirst.

He laid down on Nora's bed again, burying his face in her pillow. Ricks muscular body seemed even more muscular, but his tanned skin was gone. He had become as pale as a corps, but some color returned to his face as the blood he had drank got taken into his system.

His body still tingled from his painfull transformation and he wiped the remains of his sweat away.

He had died for love, and had come back for his wife.

His peacefull moping got interrupted by hasted footsteps that took a whike to reach him. Rick realized that they took a while cuz he had heard them earlier. His hearing got enchanted as wel. Piper came rushing into the room shouting something about Dracula being here.

Rick looked at Piper, his once green eye's were a deep crimson. " Dracula?!, is Nora here as well?" Rick said as he jumped
@Wick @Dabombjk
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Piper Lance

"Yes but that's not the point. He wants to kill you! You have to make him think that you and Nora don't have feelings for each other! Rick! I'm serious, he will kill you both!" She grabbed his arm. "He will kill Nora if you show that you have feelings for her other than just sex. If she shows you anything remotely close to love he will kill her." Piper looked him in the eye. "I'm serious Rick. He is over 700 years old there is no way you could beat him. They'll be in here as soon as the sun goes down in about 15 minutes. So get yourself together, get dressed and downstairs. Ben! we have company!"

Piper went downstairs and waited. She told Barkley to bring in 6 glasses of blood. She took one and started to sip it. She was sitting in the parlor in the rocking chair when Dracula, Nora and Grant appeared in the doorway. "Glad to see you all awoke from your slumber. I let Barkley know you were coming in shortly so he could prepare drinks." Piper smiled innocently as she sipped her drink. Piper gave Grant a don't fuck with me look.

@mrzerkon@dabombjk@ojo chan 42@blackpanther
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrZerkon
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MrZerkon Birds are important.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ben Winters

He sighed. He was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with a rather bored look. Yet another boring evening..however, he did it for the kid. He liked him and it was a shame when death came to him. Also, he rather liked this bed. When he was out, he sometimes had to go days without sleep, and when he slept, it was on a branch or underneath a tree. One time he even slept in the cabbin of a ferriswheel. Still this bed was nice and soft. He wondered reason was the most important. Prehaps the bed...Yea definitely. He smilled.

He then heard a voice he vaguely reconised. It was that Piper girl. What she said, made him sit right up in the bed. Wait..Dracula is coming? Did he get a hold of the plan, and he was now on his way to kill him and Rick? This wasn't good...This wasn't good at all. He already felt te dark presence near him. He looked outside. Crap, the sun was shining. So he was basicly trapped in the mansion. He sighed. This was very troublesome. Trapped inside a manor with the oldest and most powerful Vampire around. He then looked around. The only thing he could hide in, was a closet. That wouldn't do at all..still he was out of options here. He could turn invisible, but would that be enough? He walked to the closet, and opened it. Than an unusual idea came in his mind. He could turn invisible inside the closet, when they came into the room. It was a foolish idea, but he had nothing better right now. He climbed inside the closet, hide behind some old robes that were hanging there. He then wanted to call Grant, then he realised they were probably with Dracula right now, so the safest thing to do is text them. He now only wanted to get away now that Dracula actually was coming. He got out his phone, and sought te text option. He made some faults in writing because he wasn't used to texting since he dind't do it that often. Grnt what thehell/? Is thsi part of your plan or somethsin? Ifso, then yuo couldve at least todl methat. I don't want anybing to do with that old geezer jst yet ubnless I knw what us excpted of me. Ben.
He then waited in the closet. He decided that his next movement was decided on the answer he would get from Grant.
@dabombjk @wick @ojo chan 42
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryker Rohrer
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Ryker Rohrer Keeper of the Paranormal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Collab Between Calis and Dantis and Rohar

Calis was fast as he soared down the narrow passage of the mine, he grinned to himself knowing that if the bullet hit or not, that the hybrid would be more interested in helping Miss O’Neill then chasing him. An if the bullet did hit then it was all the better, he hoped the hybrid was in agony. The entrance was close another couple feet and he completely free back in the night, soaring through the entrance however came with its own set of consequences however when the tunnel became distant and two luminous figured stood near the door. Both of them were cloaked in the moonlight, however Calis did not need the moonlight if anything to notice the rather large black Werewolf that stood nearby. Calis was silent, his demeanor was cool and collected as he took in the sight, for the figure that stood next to the Werewolf was a Vampire. That was not a sight one saw everyday if at all, a Werewolf and a Vampire side by side.

Dantis was silent as a Vampire burst from the mine in front of them, he did seem rather in a rush and that made him quite suspicious. Rohar was silent beside him, his heavy breathing was all too obvious as he sniffed the air, giving a subtle growl, he took a step towards the Vampire who exited the mine. Dantis stuck his hand out taking hold of Rohar's shoulder.

“Relax Rohar, is this the one who has the smell of blood on him? If it isn't then you know my policy towards being violent to every Vampire that we encounter. Yes?”

Rohar growled his lips parsing apart revealing the glistening large white fangs, his eye's were trained on the Vampire who seemed to be still taking them in.

“Its him Dantis, he reeks of blood, and wolf...burning flesh.”

Calis stood his ground even though he did not have time to just be standing around. Even a complete idiot could see that this Werewolf had heard the others call and came to its aid. Wasn't it the Wolf way, if one cried then five more come to its rescue. But what confused Calis was the Vampire next to the Werewolf, why would a Vampire be working with a Wolf? Were they friends? Who cared he had to leave before the Wolf back inside the mine decided to give more chase.

“Listen while I enjoy company I have not the faintest clue what this... Wolf... is going on about. I must be going.”

Calis would turn to leave but the loud howl that preceded the shaking ground beneath his feet forced him to turn back, the black wolf was charging him. Calis stood defiant, he was not afraid of some big black Wolf.

“Rohar! Stop!”

Rohar came to a halting stop, Calis was just over five feet away, Rohar snarled as he turned to face his brother Dantis. His snout was parsed up the anger clear in his yellow eye's, furious rage inside needing to release on the Vampire in front of him.

“Let him go, attend to the ones in the mine, I can sense more then one presence within.”

Rohar breathed heavily as he turned to face the Vampire again. With a grin the Vampire disappeared in a black mist and was gone from the spot. Rohar turned back towards Dantis who crossed his arms, Rohar returned back to his brother.

“Why? He was the one, I know it. I should have torn his heart out! You let him get away!”

“Calm yourself Rohar I have a feeling.. that killing him would have had severe consequences. We came for one of your kin, let us not forget that.”

As if speaking made actions happen a Werewolf burst from the mines, he carried a woman in his arms, before either of them could even make their presence known both were gone. Dantis crossed his arms again sighing to himself. This all had turned out rather anticlimactic, at least no one ended up a blood puddle on the ground this time. Looking at his brother Dantis saw the look in his eye's and rolled his own eye's putting his hands in the air as if in defeat.

“You don't have to say it, even though the Werewolf looked perfectly fine you want to follow them and be sure am I right? Lets get going, but I swear by all that is evil in this world if I miss my meeting with our contractor, I am taking it out of your Werewolf tail.”

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Sasha O'Neill&Jean Belair

Jean had followed the tracks Vlad had left him and ran through the forest. He stopped occasionaly to catch his breath and to look around for more tracks. He continued to do so until he found a old mine entrance. The iron door was scratched and judging from the marks it was no spinning kitten who did that. Looking inside, Jean saw nothing but darkness, and some tracks leading in and out the entrance.

''Vladimir!'' Jean shouted, if vlad had heard him he should have gotten some awnser. With a sigh he grabbed his Phone and dialed Vlads number.
''Vlad, where in heavens name are you right now? I am standing infront of an abondoned mine entrance, but your tracks are leadng in and out and then they dissapear''Jean spoke hasted as he looked up at the sky. He had walked all day and the sun was setting.

As Vladimir paced through the lobby two persons came rushing in afther they had gotten the worst call of their life a few houres ago. The pair had inmediatly jumped into a plane and rushed to Anne-Mary's hospital. The woman had brown hair, the same color as Sasha's and thier faces looked the same as well, hers being sligtly older. The man had green eye's, fierce red hair a muscular build and he rushed to the front desk.
The nurse who had jsut begon her nigth shift greeted him with a smile.
''Good evening sir, how can I help you''
''Yea, well. We were called by Dr, Hortus that our daughter is hospilatized her rigth now''

The nurse pushed a button and not so long after the doctor who had taken Sasha from Vlad appeared, streching his arm while leading the two of them inside a hallway.
''This way please Mr and Mrs O'Neill'' The doctor said as they dissapeared behind closed doors.

Sasha's mother started to cry the moment she saw her precious daughter laying unconcious on the bed. ''No, my little girl'' She sniffed into the jacked of her husband. Sasha laid on a white bed, a oxegen mask on her face and the bleeping of machines could be heard in her room.
''Her situation was critical seeing as he had lost a lot of her blood. She got a few transfers as well as stitches for the deeper cuts she recieved, though we are unable to stich the more shallow ones. Right now we are keeping her drugged and asleep so she won't feel the pain'' he doctor said.
''How...did this happen?'' Sasha's father, Simon asked. ''We do not know the details, a man brought her in saying she was attacked by a vampire. The bitewounds confirmed his story''
''Is that man still here?''
''Yes, he was still in the lobby when I recieved you''
''Vladimir, where...you..'' Sasha murmled underneath her mask and her father rushed to her side. ''Sasha?'' He asked, but no reaction.
''it was not Jean that brought her here, perhaps that man's name is Vladimir'' Her mother, Joanna said as she sat down on a chair holding her daughters hand. Simon walked outside the room and towards the lobby. He saw the man from before and approached him.
''Are you Vladimir, I thank you for saving my daughter'' Simon said as he offerd his hand to Vlad. ''My name is Simon O'Neill, I am her father''

He looked around him, trying to find Jean. ''Where is Jean, do you know the ladd?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ojo chan 42
Vladimir was still pacing. When the two newcomers mentioned Sasha he focused on them. He discreetly inhaled and tilted his head. They had similar scents. He watched them go back to see Sasha and let out a frusterated noise. He huffed and went back to pacing. Thoughts raced through his head as the smell of the hospital filled his nostrils. It was too clean...made his mood worse.

He stopped pacing when he saw the man once more. He was saying something. He forced himself to focus and shook the hand making sure not to use too much pressure. "I am he. And I do know Jean...Is Sasha okay? Are they treating her well?" worry and fear slicked through his grey eyes.

Then his phone rang and he grabbed his phone out of his boot. He was still on leather pants, shirtless, and still had those swords. He flipped it open and answered. "Jean...she...she got hurt bad. I am now at a hospital...Anne-Mary's I believe. Sorry I took off on you." he inhaled. Sasha's father was right there...he ran his free hand through his black and white hair and tried to stay calm. "They won't let me see her yet" the tone was pained. He then hung up to make sure he didn't say anything else with the father here.

"Jean should be on his way."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora Baker

Nora was very subdued and calm. She knew if she allowed the tiniest flicker of emotion show through at any point that Vladimir would kill Rick and possibly her as well. She couldn't allow that. It was the entire reason that she had gone back to him in the first place. If Vlad had shown up on his own and seen Rick he would have killed him instantly and Nora would never have gotten over it. Now she had to test her acting skills and right now she didn't feel anything but nauseated. Nora looked immediately to Piper. Piper raised a glass of blood as Barkley handed them out to those who were thirsty.

@ojo chan 42
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rick Hoover

Rick quickly did as he was told and pulled on cloathes. A pair of simple jeans and his blaxk,red and yellow flannel. He followed piper and Sat down on the couch looking around himself. No one but them were here at the moment and it made Rick nervous. He wanted to meet this Dracula, but he had to play it carefully. One misstep and he would die. He had to convince Dracula that he had only shared a bed with Nora for the pleasure, that there was no love between them.

But most of all Rick would be able to see Nora again, and he longed to see her gorgeos features again
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Piper Lance

Piper gave a second glass to Rick. She figured as a new vampire his blood lust might be higher and would account for the 6th glass of blood. Piper introduced Rick as the gardener and really wished she had noticed his abs of steel kinda sexiness that would piss off a 700yr old vampire who in his own right was as she would hear kids say totally bangworthy.

Nora was careful to have a very indifferent expression. She decided to ask the question Vlad wanted to know. "Rick...Vladimir would like to know what our relationship is. Please tell him ours is one of convenience and that there are no ties that bind us. The King of all vampires would also demand to know why you chose to turn vampire." Nora's tone was very matter of fact and void of all emotions. Piper pulled Grant over and crawled onto his lap and proceeded to kiss him deeply in front of the other three. She figured if Grant was busy with her then he might not figure out a way to get Nora and Rick killed.

Dracula stared at Rick and watched intently the back and forth between Nora and Rick. He was also interested in Piper...if he could control her he might be able to control the werewolves. This was something for him to consider. He knew Grant would give him trouble but that was small in comparison to what he might get. He watched Piper and Nora looked at Vladimir. "Darling?" She said demanding his attention. "Would you like another glass?" She nodded to Barkley and moved into Vladimir's sight line blocking Piper and Grant. Piper stood up and pulled Grant up with her. "I don't know if Rick would put it so bluntly with a lady in the room but he told me that he wanted to be a vampire because he wants to fuck everyone he can. It sounded like a goal to me." Piper smirked. "Grant, shall we?"

Dracula smiled a cruel and taunting expression designed to trap them in their own lies. "Nora, let's go to your room. Rick....you may come in ....and watch." Piper tripped on a stair and hit her head in shock. His head turned and he included Piper. "I think you should come in too Piper, Grant would love to watch you and Rick. We'll have a throw down, a free for all if you will."

Piper stood up holding her head as it healed. "I'm not interested in sleeping with others. I only want Grant. So as gracious as the invitation is I must decline." Vladimir did not like this and his fangs dropped and he rose up somehow taller and he stepped towards Piper. "It wasn't a request Piper It's a command but now I think I'll watch Nora and Rick and I'll have you for myself instead....I'll put you in your place." Piper growled deep in her throat and when he grabbed her arm...

@dabombjk@ojo chan 42@mrzerkon@blackpanther
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nora, Piper, Grant, Rick and Dracula

collaboration with @dabombjk

Grant's hand shot out, grabbing his masters hand with force. He did not mean to do what he did, he simply reacted out of muscle memory. Grant refused to allow Dracula to touch Piper in the manner of which he spoke of. Grant looked Dracula in the eyes, his conviction never wavering. Dracula, more surprised than anything else, simply stared down Grant. Suddenly Dracula bared his fangs against Grant, who was thrown against the wall behind him. Grant landed against the wall with force, and in return Grant bit his lip drawing blood. He hardened his blood, and spat it at Dracula with incredible speed. His blood dart hit Dracula in the face, staggering him and allowing Grant to be released.

Nora stepped between Dracula and Piper. "Vladimir, I must ask you to leave. I need to get my house in order and the young ones need to be taught a lesson. That is my duty to teach them." She was so very submissive but firmly dominating the ancient one. Dracula nodded. "It most definitely is your duty Nora!" Rick had come up beside Piper and she grabbed his hand firmly in her own. Dracula hit Nora across the face so hard she went flying into the wall. Piper refused to let Rick move. She had a claw digging into his hand. Nora got back up and apologized and bowed to Dracula as he left the house and got into his car and it drove off.

The hardened and evil mask Nora portrayed for Vladimir dissolves the instant he left the property. She turned to look at Rick and she threw herself into his arms in relief. She kissed him deeply and said, "I'm truly sorry my love. I've been trying to spare you from him."

Grant walked over to Piper and held her hands in his own, feeling her tender touch. Grant brought Pipers hands up, and kissed them softly. He looked Piper in the eye.

"Are you alright mi amore? I am sorry, I should have done more to shield you from him. I simply reacted too late. And I do slightly regret my word choice now. You are right, if that makes you feel any better."

Grant managed a weak smile.

Piper pulled Grant to her. "I am fine....for the moment." Piper looked at Nora and nodded as Nora agreed. ".....but only for the moment." Nora sat next to Rick on the couch allowing him to hold her and touch her at will. "Vladimir has a new interest....Piper. What is worse about this is that if he finds a way to control her he might be able to control all of them by pack association. At least that is what he wants to do."

Grant shook his head.

"I cannot allow that. Dracula...he may be your lover and master, but I cannot abide something to that degree. I may be an assassin but even I have standards. Nora.....you cannot seriously believe Dracula is right in trying to do what he is trying to do?"

Nora looked at Grant and said, "For me, it's not always that simple. When it comes to Vladimir Dracula I have to be smart. My goal is to protect those that I love. Right and wrong don't always enter into it."

She looked at Rick. "Even if it means I have to hurt them to keep them alive." Nora got truly angry with Rick. She stood up and tears slipped down her face. "As long as you were human he couldn't track you until he was close enough. NOW he can track you half way around the world because you are vampire, and now he knows your scent." She looked away from him realizing what kind of danger he was in now. "How could you? I was trying to protect you."

Piper looked at Rick and Nora. "Whatever happened to Ben?" Piper went upstairs and into Ben's room. She opened the closet door and she thought she saw something move. "Ben, come out, he is gone."

Grant watched as Piper left, wishing she would return his side. But after she dissapeared from eye sight, Grant looked at Nora. He walked over to her.

"Miss Nora....I will admit I do not agree with your answer to my question.....but I would like to apologize. I was.....distraught over the things you said to me, about Piper, and I acted out of emotion. Please forgive me."

Nora smiled sadly. "You will see soon enough. What would you do if the right thing would get Piper killed but the wrong thing would get innocents killed?" She looked him in the eye and said. "You know as well as I do that most humans are disposable. We live so long that they can be switched out like clothing. I will save my family every time and I'll not apologize for it. I do forgive you Grant."

Piper entered the room and hugged Nora and kissed her on the cheek. "Ben is in his room."

Grant thought on this. He did not know if he had the capacity to be able to make a decision in the way Nora had described. He would assume he would save his love or family but.......something nagged at the back of his mind. While yes he was an assassin, and a creature of the night, Grant had a notion that maybe it was not as much of a black and white choice for him.

Grant looked at Piper and smiled. Then at Nora.

"Miss Nora......what would you said if, hypothetically speaking, I had a way to take down Dracula?"

"Hypothetically? I would love to hear it. You would not be the first nor the last to have thought up ways to kill him." Nora smiled as Rick's arms slid around her and she felt him against her behind her. He was letting her know he needed her in no uncertain terms and she chuckled. "It seems my love doesn't wish to continue this right now. Can we finish this later Grant?"

Piper couldn't tell who ran who up to their room but she smiled none the less. Piper looked at Grant. "You know you are going to have to use me as bait don't you?" She placed her hands on his hips. She cut him off before he could stop her. "I'm just glad we have this small reprieve from him...."

Piper looked up, something in the air got her attention. She walked over to the door and yanked it open..."Oh my god! He is still here. He's been listening....Tell Nora!"

Piper transformed into her lycan and howled at the moon. She took off chasing Vladimir Dracula.

@ojo chan 42@blackpanther@mrzerkon@Ryker Rohrer
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