Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Herleif Felman Brynjar
(Air-Lif Fell-men Brin-Jar)

Three winters after the Battle of Hafrsfjord, Herleif awoke in Kruxgard, what many call the "Cross-Realm." He believed himself to be Twenty Seven Winters of Age, though his slumber could have lasted milleniums.

Herleif was a warrior of enormous stature, a few heads taller than a horse, and his weight was that of boulders.

He was proficient with the weapons he carried on his back, but he had mastered the use of Hectgrad, a pair of battle axes he used in combat. These axes were capable of being thrown as well, providing him the ability to battle in both close-quarters and ranged settings.

Herleif was born twenty four winters before the great battle of Hafrsfjord, in a time of extreme tension as the great lands of Scandinavia began to inch closer and closer to unification under a single monarch. Unification was something he believed in with his heart and soul, and something he helped enforce with his axes. Born amongst Jarl's, the Brynjar clan was infamous for producing enormous, savage warriors, but he brought new fame to his clan's name through his own immense size and fortitude. Herleif followed after his Father, a stoic man of nobility, someone who didn't talk often, but when he did, even the king would fall silent. Being born into a wealthy class, Herleif was able to begin his own expeditions earlier than most, and due to his enormous size and savagery in battle he soon earned the title "The Giant of Norway." Despite his age, he lacked the sense of arrogance carried by many younger warriors, and instead sported a deep sense of Pride and Humility for his Clan's name. He would never boast of his own accomplishments, but saw to it that any who disrespected the name of his Forefathers would see a swift death.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Morty Rackham (pronounced RACKem)
Time Period: 1766
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200
Favourite Weapon: Diplomacy (his flintlock pistol)
Bio/Personality: Morty was born to a wealthy English family. His father owned a well off shipping company located in southern New Forest. While they might not have been a part of the nobility, they were still happy...and then the Seven Years War happened. The very year that prototype world war began, the Rackham home was ransacked, and his parents were killed. Morty himself was able to escape and hide out until the assailants left. With his entire life in shambles, there was only one thing left to keep him going; revenge. Due to his father owning a shipping company, he was quite familiar with boats, so he was able to get a job on one to support himself. However only a few days after it left port, it was attacked by pirates.

Before the war, pirates had been a sort of boogyman to young Morty; the greatest thorn in his father's side, and by extension, his as well. Now though; the lifestyle looked promising. He had doubts that a simple law abiding sailor could ever uncover the conspiracy that had taken the lives of his parents...but a pirate, that had potential. His mind made up, Morty quickly signed up with the pirate crew, much to their shock and amusement. Over the next six years, Morty worked his way up in the pirate world, learning everything he could. All the while, he managed to use his new connection to the underworld to find the people who killed his parents. On the final year of the war, Morty found the mastermind behind the attack; the Count of Hampshire. With his final target found, Morty led a raid on his ship when he was on holiday. When Morty came face to face with the man, the count was quick to beg for his life, Morty's response was this:

"Spare ye life? Ye clearly have no idea who I be. Me moniker be Morty Reckham, son 'o Jonathan Reckham. Th' man ye had killed fer his business. Killin' ye has be th' only thin' bin wanted since that day"

With that said; Morty ended his life.

After he had finally gotten his revenge, Morty found himself without a purpose. He had devoted so much of his time and energy into getting his revenge, that now that he had it, he had no idea where to go next. So for lack of anything else to do, he continued with his life of crime. Eventually however, he was caught and identified as the man who killed the Count of Hampshire. Deciding to go out with a bang, Marty escaped from his cell and reclaimed his trusty flintlock pistol, with then intent of causing as much hell as he could. However, he somehow found himself trapped in a strange world.

Marty is a rather easygoing guy for a pirate. All he really needs is good food, good drink, good company, and adrenaline pumping through his veins. He can put up with a lot (with a much greater level of tolerance for accidents), but his wrath only has 3 settings; off, turbo, and maximum overdrive. He won't harm innocents, or people who haven't done anything to him, but his morals become a lot looser when people he really doesn't like are concerned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 21 min ago

Name: Nakashima Minoru

Time Period: 1582

Age: 48

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 147lbs

Favourite Weapon: Katana

Born into the Samurai caste late into 1534, Nakashima Minoru was the first and only son of his lineage and, of course, would be raised and trained in the ways of Bushido, the intricacies of which were lost on many Western foreigners. Trained in the art of War as well as learning to read, write, engage in high level mathematics, he would find himself well prepared for whatever the future threw into his path. He showed an unnatural grace with the katana, a weapon that typified the Samurai and often was the first and last thing noticed by the outsider. Barely considered an adult, after spending his entire childhood training, his family was disgraced in scandal by rivals and his father, after his wife and daughter vanished, committed ritual suicide rather than suffer further disgrace and dishonor. This left the task of beheading his father to Nakashima, who carried out the task with grim necessity. Left without family or clan, Nakashima was forced into the role of the Ronin, something that would suit him very well as the years went on.

Nakashima would sell his services to the Takeda Clan as well as the Oda Clan, the former usually during the various battles of Kawanakajima, the fourth of which left him with the battle scars he now bears under his armor and giving him the focus and calm that carried his survival and success through other battles, and to the Oda clan when not in the employ of the Takeda. This free wheeling fortune would often carry him from battle to battle, leaving the employ of Takeda to join the Oda Clan in their battles, only to turn back to Takeda Clan to join in their battle. Nakashima's loyalty seemed to be to whomever between the two could pay him, in the blood of enemies as readily as in coin, throwing himself into the fray of the thickest parts of a battle with the rage and strength of the legendary Oni, something that would earn him a grim reputation amongst allies and enemies alike, and something that would lead to his downfall.

Nakashima was in the employ of Oda Clan in the year 1582, at Honnō-ji temple to aid in the guard of Oda Nobunaga alongside the garrison within Kyoto itself. Of course, history does not allow such idle legends, so the betrayal by Akechi Mitsuhide, Samurai general of Nobunaga, would strike as Nakashima found himself standing alongside the garrison of Kyoto. Seeing an impossible situation, with no escape, Nakashima chose to throw himself into the fray as always, with only his lightweight armor and masterfully forged Katana, bearing Kanji worn beyond the ability to read, slaughtering as many of the traitors as he could reach. The burning temple of Honnō-ji signalled the death of Oda Nobunaga, his employer, but with his back to a literal wall, there was little place to go. As the house he was holding out in was put to the torch, he threw himself out the window of the structure, tumbling from the wall of Kyoto, awaking instead in a strange land with stranger people. But, Nakashima noted, he was indeed alive and armed still, and that meant a chance to continue making his path through the world, his own way.

As a warrior, Nakashima Minoru is a very well spoken, intelligent man who's grasp of higher learning and reading is often a surprising thing to others. His tone, outside of a fight, is often quiet and respectful, but carries its own weight that would, to many a jest, outweigh the man himself. His loyalty to coin, and a good fight, creates a rather free spirited approach to life, living day by day, concerned not with the long term or where he is going in life. He lives for the journey, life on the edge of a blade, dancing its razor edge in contest with other warriors who cross his path. The chance to fight a new foe, to spill new blood, is something he lives for, coming truly alive when blades are drawn and the drums of war are sounded. Needless to say, for those who are not as intently focused on war as Nakashima, it can be a bit off putting. For those who fight as fiercely, for the sake of fighting, well, they'll find a fast friend in the Ronin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Moonman
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Moonman Ancient Aelings

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vas Khaleen
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Vas Khaleen Gold fangs on, pocket full of coin.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Name: Ixtli

Time Period: 1,260 BC




Favourite Weapon:Wooden ball club

Bio/Personality:Ixtli was born on the remote and infamous Amazonian Islands at the height of their civilization, however she wasn't born on the main Isle but instead on a smaller spit of land forty miles away; the terrain changing from the slightly flat open plains and large fields to a dense and savage jungle. Hers was the largest and most dominant tribe on the Isle and like the mainlanders it was comprised of all women save for a few captives for reproductive purposes. The only other inhabitants were a small offshoot tribe of around twenty no threat to Ixtli's group of a hundred and twenty, they were trained from birth to hunt and stalk the forests, and disputes were often settled with blood; this made each woman a formidable fighter.

A surprise came to the tribe in the form of Greek explorers, a small band of warriors seeking a way to sneak around the more powerful mainland for Greek armies; the group numbered only fifty including the crew of the ship. The welcoming was less than hospitable as both groups had no trust for one another, the Greeks were massacred and their ship ripped apart; bringing iron weapons and tools to the tribe. However one of the sailors had survived the battle and managed to get back to his homeland to tell of the slaughter, a full year later a half dozen ships arrived around the small isle. This time bringing soldiers numbering twice that of the tribe, so Ixtli and all the warriors of the tribe awaited the men; ambushing them as the jungle confused and separated the usually well formed army. However they eventually pushed the tribe back to their village, leading to the near extinction of her people in a final battle; including Ixtli herself who chose to stay and die with honor. The Greeks leaving with only a hundred men including those wounded, their extra ships looted again by the survivors allowing them to rebuild the nearly destroyed wiped out tribe.
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