Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Vivii -

Sterling eyes lingered on Vince's lips while he spoke, her attention drawn to the movement before darting back up to his hazel eyes. Even in her slight panic Vivii caught his slight of tongue, she chuckled softly at how honest he seemed to be. He covered it up quickly, clearing his throat and trying to redirect the conversation. Laila was at her feet as she spoke, looking curiously at the other dragon, her iridescent scales gleaming softly even in the low light of the apartment. Just a couple dim lights in the kitchenette were on, the brightest of them over the stove. With a cant of her head she peered at him, as she reached for the small finches at the base of her throat. They awoke easily as they shuffled about for a moment making barely audible noises before jumping to her hand that was an inch or so away from where they already sat.

Once the birds were on her hand she nodded at him, obviously to his eyes drifting across her body. "Yeah, let me put my birds up so they don't hassle my roommate since he already doesn't seem very fond of me." She had to take a couple steps back to secure the small but brightly colored birds in their small cage. She would have to set them up an aviary in her own room later on but this would work for now. They seemed to be quite tired right now and ready to sleep anyways. She made sure the clasp was secure before standing back up to face Vince.

Just as she had before Vivii took a series of easy steps towards him until she was only a few inches away, her slender frame more than close enough to touch. She looked up carefully at him, expecting him to move within a few moments. What she hadn't expected was for Laila to get the better of her and head butt the backs of her knees, knocking her towards Vince's broad chest. The little dragon preened as she looked at Vince's own dragon proud of herself for literally pushing Vivii and Vince together. She considered that she and Lotan could at the very least help some.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


@Aurliena Nova

"Y-Yeah, tell me about it," Emma panted, rubbing the marks on her arms. Her head drooped slightly. Between all the running and the excessive use of magic she had no idea yet how to control, her usually abundant reserves of energy had burned out.

Maia craned her neck, doing puppy-dog eyes at Emma. "Sorry," she whimpered.

"It's alright," Emma reassured the dragon, reaching down and patting her. "You didn't know." Maia took a clumsy step forward, looking almost as tired as Darthun. "Come on," Emma said, picking up the dragon. It was like holding a heavy bundle of sticks. "We should get some rest."

She headed back towards the castle alongside Eun-mi, her pace considerably slower than before. So that was magic. That was what it could do. She thought of nature's two sides, the nurturing side that gave and sustained life, and the brutal, chaotic side that took it. A shudder ran through her. She spoke the word that opened the doors, making absolutely sure to say it properly, and plodded inside. Apart from the very simplest of spells such as that one, she decided, no more magic until Dr Nidhogg had taught her how to use it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

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@Aspen Wren


His eyes trailed up to watch the birds perch lovingly on her hand. It was curious to him to see such birds as calm and well trained as they were. Most birds wouldn't just perch on your shoulder without trying to fly off, especially in the presence of strangers or predators such as the dragons. The finches didn't seem the least bit concerned, however. The gentle way Vivii moved with them back to their cage made him even more aware of the type of person she was. It made his attraction for her grow tremendously.

It still seemed rather odd, her mentioning how the room mate wasn't very fond of her. The man must be crazy or rooting for a different team to not take interest in her. Then again, the hulking man waiting by the door didn't seem as though he were waiting for Vivii, either. The thought made him think of his twin sister. Ronnie would definitely be having a field day with this arrangement. Then again, she'd probably be all over the tattooed muscle. Girl was all about impulses, while Vince tended to take time to think before he did anything. Then again, he already was rather impulsive when it came to the french girl. He'd have to work on that to not seem like a blubbering idiot.

Lotan was patiently waiting at his master's side, his eyes watching the other dragon in the room. Vince swore he could hear his pet humming to himself. Even though he was only bonded for a mere hour or so with the creature, it was as though they'd known each other for their entire lives. He could feel the excitement coming off his dragon when the idea of going outside was mentioned. He'd have to go outside a lot more often for some playtime.

Vince's thoughts were refocused when Vivii made her way back to them. He was about to turn towards the door when his eyes caught side of her dragon nudging her. Quickly reaching his arms out, he wrapped them around Vivii to steady her. He held her against his chest and rose a brow down at her, a small chuckle escaping his throat. Lotan was snickering away at the plan. "Well...I didn't expect you to fall for me so soon after meeting, Vivii."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Vivii -

Vivii found herself flush against Vince's broad chest, looking up at him with a surprised expression on her face. When he gave her a bit of a cheesy line her chest and throat along with her face flushed brightly but she didn't make any attempts to move away from him. She did however lean further against him as she made sure her feet were underneath her, so when she did make the move to stand she wouldn't end up tumbling to the floor. She had been about to say something but she'd forgotten what it was, so now she stood leaning against his chest with her soft pink lips slightly parted looking up at him. Her blush had somewhat calmed but her cheeks were still colored pink.

Laila was flapping her dual sets of wings excitedly as she moved around behind Vivii, exceptionally happy with herself as she watched the humans. She was more than pleased with the results of her handiwork. Vivii wasn't quite sure what to say but she offered a slow luxurious smile before she gathered herself enough to speak, "Well, I guess today is your day then huh?" She placed her hands softly on his chest, her fingertips just brushing where she imagined his collarbone to be. She danced her french tip manicured nails across the front of his shirt, smiling up at him. It was a rather spectacular turn around from the panicked mess she had been just minutes before. It was the difference in the company, she supposed when the thought came to mind.

Her sterling eyes were half closed when she looked up through her lashes carefully at Vince while he held her, looking directly towards his hazel eyes. They skittered back and forth between his eyes and his lips, she even with the amount of restraint she normally kept it was near impossible for her to keep her eyes from drifting downwards given the situation. Laila was just behind watching Lotan curiously as she moved to stand a little closer to him, batting her golden eyelashes at the other dragon as she fluffed the feathers of her wings.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 42 min ago

Once everyone had seemingly left to do whatever they were doing, Apollyon continued her little misadventure though nothing of excitement happened. She had gone for a swim briefly but got bored rather fast with that activity and found it best to return to her human and see if he was up to do something more then look at dusty old books. Unfortunately it seemed not the case as she re-entered the room after a few failed attempts of trying to open the door, he was still looking over the book, why she could not understand. They had found what they had been looking for all ready why continue to look at it? She swiftly made her way to where he was, her claws clicking on the floor, though if Graeden noticed he did not seem to care.

Graeden's lack of attention irritated the young drake, shouting between their connection."Stop!"

This seemingly got Graeden's attention as he nearly jumped so high to hit the ceiling from the sudden noise."Oh there you are," he said noticing Apollyon finally who merely gave an agitated hiss to him ",I guess I might of gotten to interested in the book." He said trying to pat her head. Apollyon dodge his hand not wanting to accept the attention at the moment."Oh come on I didn't mean to forget about you," he tried but she merely looked away ",Come on, we might only have met a few hours ago but you don't think I would of forgotten about you all together."

This was true, they were stuck together though part of Apollyon's mind wondered if she could somehow trade her human with another. She also couldn't see herself with anyone else either, she let out what sounded to be a sigh to Graeden giving him an eye before jumping off the sofa to head toward their room.

"Right rest probably would be a good idea," Graeden said following after the young drake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

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@Aspen Wren


The blush that spread across her nose and cheeks made something in his gut flip. How could one girl, who he knew literally almost nothing about, affect him so? And then that grin. That grin of hers made the noise of their dragons completely fade to where the only sounds Vince heard was the sound of his blood pulsing in his ears. Her comment didn't help the situation as it fed directly into whatever it was that the young man was feeling. Only stirred the pot, if you will.

Vince couldn't help a small, hoarse laugh at her words. Girl had no idea what she was doing to him. His thoughts started to drift once more until his body registered her nails against his shirt. Clearing his throat, his gaze caught hers and he felt a smirk erupt on his face. She was definitely looking at his mouth. In any other situation, with any other girl, he would have probably went for the kill and kissed her. Madly, deeply, passionately. The apartment would have gotten quite the break in. But something told him that she wasn't that type of girl. That the panicky girl from earlier would quickly emerge if he even remotely hinted at trying anything. It was time to be the perfect gentleman.

With another clearing of his throat, his hands came up to rest against hers. He grinned and intertwined his fingers through hers before moving them away from his chest. Vince nodded his head slightly and rose a brow at her, keeping his attention away from those pink lips of hers. Man, she smelled good. "I could really use that fresh air right about now. How about you?"

Lotan stood back and watched his master turn down the lovely girl. The man was an idiot to pass up this type of opportunity. The human was obviously showing her attraction to him. Shaking his head, he noticed the human's dragon preening herself towards him. Huffing, a puff of smoke escaped his nostrils as he watched her. There had to be something else they could do to make sure their humans ended up together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Viviana -

Vivii pursed her lips together briefly, turning them into a full pout without much effort before she relinquished the tension on them. Her silver eyes caressed across his facial features before settling on his hazel eyes that were a bit tight. Perhaps she was being too forward, she pressed her weight against her hands, using the leverage from his grasp on her own hands to stand up fully again. "Bien sûr," She spoke softly and released his hands to smooth her shirt. When she did so she realized that the bottom buttons were not fastened, "Merde," she swore softly when she discovered it wasn't that the buttons weren't fastened it was that they no longer existed. Somehow or another they had gotten ripped off during the craziness of the day before.

She decided that she would make due with what she had and grasped the front tails of the shirt and undid a couple more buttons quickly until only the ones covering her breasts were fastened. Then she tied the front tails into a knot so that the shirt now displayed the entire breadth of her tanned soft stomach along with the sterling silver bar through her belly button. She nodded at it in satisfaction before adjusting it a moment and smoothing the rest of the shirt back down. "Let's go then. Come on Laila." She looked briefly at the dragon who already seemed to be getting bigger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Falling from the sky nah cast out from the heaven's light!"

The song blared out the truck windows as he rolled down the dirt road to the other side of the farm, tapping the steering wheel to the drums of the song, dirt kicked up by the tires left a trail of floating particles in the air. His father needed him to fix up the south side fencing. Broken by the storm two days ago, it had lead to a few problems, one of which the horses kept getting out of the contained area. He looked into his rearview mirror. The trailer attached to the truck still had about 9 or so logs on it that were needed to replace the final parts of the fence. Nearly 35 logs were originally on the trailer and it had taken him about two and a half days to put those up and away. Those days he started at 5am and ending those days around 8pm. His friends always wondered how he managed to do all of that and still have time for school and friends but he would simply shrug and smile.


"Take him to Astaroth Inanna's temple of Uruuuuuuk!"

The road was a bit bumpy but that was only because the he hadn't fully filled in the holes in the road. Craters where trees once stood now needed to be filled in but that would be next on the list to do. It didn't take too long to get to where he needed to be. When the truck slowed down his karaoke moment had ceased and he simply frowned at the mess. 'Damn storm took down-' He sighed in defeat. Complaining about the mess would do nothing in solving the problem. Best to just get started. Opening the door he hopped out, only leaning back into the cab to hit the next on the CD player. The song cut out. The next started up with a well known set of chords which was soon followed by a rough and smooth voice.

"A compannyyyyyy, al-ways on..the ruuuunn-"

He began to hum to himself as he started working, one log at a time. The logs were heavy and the work was hard but it was worth the satisfied look he gave to a job well done. It took him into most of the day to finish and it wasn't until 5:07pm did he finish and it was completed with a victory lean on the new fence and a bottle of water as his reward. He turned to face the rolling hills, unknown to him that something behind him had opened a rift of sorts. With a final sigh he spun around and made his wa-

He tripped over something large, hard and curved. A tree root? No, the trees on this road were taken out down to the root. Then what was that? He had managed to catch himself, his hands hitting the gravel first. Gravel? The road was dirt though. He was confused and tired so maybe he had fallen asleep and was imagining this. Anyway he stood up and brushed himself off before he started to walk again but stopped short when his head ran into something hard and bumpy. He looked up and caught sight of a giant gold and red slit eye that blinked at him.

"Welcome Samuel. I am Sul-" pain was met with a fierce roar as the slit-eyed creature's welcome was cut short by a fist aimed for its ocular organ. After Sam cocked back and released his fist he took off running...Roughly 15 feet before a massive set of claws came down in front of him blocking his path. As Sam continued to freak out the dragon roared again but this time it when it roared it stopped Sam's spas attack right then and there.


'And it can talk!?'

"Nope, no this is definitely a nightmare." A plume of smoke engulfed Sam.

"A nightmare? You should have known what was going to come when you accepted the invitation." He looked confused.

"Invi- What invitation?" A long snort was let out, possibly a form of a draconic sigh.

"The invitation to attend Doctor Nathaniel Nidhogg's Academy of Dragonology? It came in a tannish brown looking envelope with a special and clearly marked seal on it? Did you not read it?" Now he remembers...

"Yeah I read like the first line before assuming it was just some college trying a fancy new way to recruit new students. That or a clever way to sell a timeshare." A simple shrug followed. It's head reeled back in disbelief.

"What is a time- Never mind. I came here to wel- Forget it...I not taking the chance of getting hit in the eye again. Just follow me. Welcome to the Academy." The dragon rolled its eyes and turned away before leading Sam down the path, but not before getting Sam with the end of his tail.

"Ow!" He squinted hard in his one eye as he held it. A low rumble from up front came about before it spoke again.

"Getting hit in the eye doesn't feel good does it. Consider that my greeting to you, human."

@Sailorsadie@Aspen Wren
It didn't take long for Samuel to find his way to the incubation room. He was definitely nervous and unprepared for what was to come. He never would have thought that a place like this even existed let alone dragons, real dragons. Sentient ones as well. Sentient ones that think they're smartasses by sending new recruits into the woman's locker room. He was going to get back at- Sulker? Sulleyker? Whatever. He would get even with that so-called greeter in due time. He looked ahead and saw some people ahead. He decided to wave to them as he approached, hopefully they could help clarify some information for him.

There was a gentleman standing in the hall who was slightly taller than him and held a similar posture to him as well. Maybe they were from the same state? Laid back, calm and down-to-earth. He held a full beard as well and sported a few tattoos from what he could see. Then there was a bit of blonde hair in the doorway with another gentleman wearing jeans and a t-shirt. As he approached he held out his hand and offered a proper greeting to the three of them.

"Hey'all! Do any of you understand what exactly is going on here? I'm on my farm one minute and the next I have a 50ft scaly asshole leading me to this school? I think that's what he said it was. Any y'all know what's going on here? Oh yeah my apologies, name's Sam. Sam Winchester."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Brook had arrived late, as she normally did to most things, and this she was pushed through everything a little faster than the others. Before she realized what was going on she was ushered into the incubation room. She stared at it for a moment before deciding to walk around. After a while of wondering she stopped in front of a rather unimpressive egg. It was a reddish brown color with no distinguishing markings. She reached out to touch it and almost immediately pulled her hand back as it began to crack.

She took a step back and watched as a reptilian leg popped out of the egg before the whole thing shattered revealing an equally unimpressive looking dragon. It was the same reddish brown color as the egg. The creature stumbled around for a bit before it's attention focused on her. The small reptilian creature opened it's hood and let out something between a hiss and growl. She stuck her hand out the the creature tentatively and after a couple seconds it talked toward her and put it's face her hand. "There you go Ith." She muttered at the creature who now seemed content to be with her. Brook had no clue where the name came from, it just came to her. She was told what kind of dragon he was and she smiled as she stood. After a brief explanation she was sent on her way to explore the area as she pleased.

She decided the first place she would go would be her apartment, which she would unfortunately have to share with another person. Walking at a slow pace with Ith following behind her and scribbled in her music book a few lyrics that had come to mind. She needed up at the door to her living space quicker than she realized and opened the door. It seemed her roommate, whoever they may be, had already arrived and she had chosen to ignore the person and headed to her room where she began to unpacking her stuff and watched as Ith curled up on her pillow. He was small now but she was sure he wouldn't be like that for long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago



Emma hadn't thought she'd be heading off to bed this early, but recent events, along with the subsiding of excitement and shock, had taken it out of her. As much as she still wanted to explore and spend time with Maia, tiredness weighed her down. Maybe she'd have a nap for a few hours, then take a look around. It also depended on what Maia wanted to do. The dragon yawned, making Emma yawn too.

"I know the feeling," Emma laughed as she carried the hatchling, walking along the hallways, trying to remember the way to the dorm rooms. She hoped she'd be able to find the sign for hers this time. She'd probably been so overwhelmed with everything earlier that she just hadn't noticed it.

Turning a corner, she saw somebody walking a short distance ahead. Although he faced away from her, she recognised Graeden by the lightning-patterned dragon he followed. Apollyon's steps were certainly graceful for a recently hatched dragon... She really did fit Graeden's description, elegant and beautiful, even if she did seem to know it well. "Hey," Emma said to both of them as she approached.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadie
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Sadie Unknown

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@FallenTrinity@Aspen Wren


He watched her face and caught the moment she had realized his hesitation. Vince was not a prude guy by any means, but he didn't want to chance pushing things out of perspective for the woman. She had nearly been in a full on panic attack when he showed up at the apartment door; now was no time to make a rush of things when emotions were already overly elevated. He couldn't help a laugh at her curse, but then his eyes once more became distracted. His gaze automatically watched her hands as she tied the shirt under her rib cage. The silver bar caught his attention against her tanned skin.

"Sainte mère de.." His breathless oath was cut short by a newcomer. Vince had almost forgotten that they were practically standing out in the hallway. With a clearing of his throat, he placed a hand atop his dragon's head and nodded to the man. He seemed pretty harmless. A bit late to the game, but harmless nonetheless. As a hand was outstretched in greeting, he turned to face the newcomer and took his hand in his, shaking it slightly. "Uh, hey. Welcome. Yeah, I guess it's a bit like a school. Apparently we're the last known generation who are able to speak the dragon language or something like that..Sorry. I'm Vince. This is Vivii, and our dragons Lotan and Laila. Have you been by the cave yet?"

Lotan seemed to stir at the new man, stepping slightly in front of his master. He wasn't yet sure who was friend or foe, but his master was his responsibility. Nobody would get past him. Looking back at the female dragon and her master, Lotan stepped closer to them as well. Only natural for a male to protect the females.


Well. That didn't take much convincing. Once she arrived at the main office to demand a new placement, she was stunned to learn that the rooms had already been reassigned. So much for her having to put her foot down. Then again, she was stuck with yet another male. She huffed out a breath at the room list and folded her arms across her chest. "How hard is it to get roomed with a female around here? Men are horrible roommates." She glanced down at her two-headed dragon and bit back a grin. "No offense."

The dragon shook their heads before starting the trot back to the main hallway. Ronnie scanned the list once more before a scoff escaped her throat. "You have got to be kidding me. Vince is getting shacked up with the pet. Well, he'll love that. Did see him going gaga over frenchie earlier." She shrugged her shoulders before following Pyre and Jax out. "Let's go break the news to dear brother, shall we?"

Didn't take long for the dragon and it's master to return to the apartments. She made her way down the hall and raised a brow at the crowd standing in front of a particular door. Frenchie's door. Ronnie rolled her eyes and continued her stroll over. Of course the woman would have an entourage. However, as she approached the group, it wasn't the nearness that her brother displayed to the other woman that caught her attention. A southern accent diverted her focus and she couldn't help but to stop next to the new man. With a smirk, she not so subtly looked him over. Ronnie arrived in time to hear her brother's introductions.

"Dear brother, where are your manners?" Ronnie bit her lower lip and grinned at the guy. "I'm Ronnie." Feeling the double nudge at the back of her knees, she couldn't help a roll of her eyes as she sighed. "And this is Pyre and Jax. I'd be more than happy to show you to the incubation cave. Seems our teacher's pet has her hands occupied at the moment."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 42 min ago


Graeden Yourshaw

"Will you stop with the silent treatment," Graeden sighed as he walked with Apollyon ",Not even a day and you are all ready a hand full." He knew not why he was getting such a treatment from her, his best guess was she grew tired of him studying the book he had previously found.

He heard a voice behind him and saw that it was Emma with Maia ."Hey. Does your dragon treat you the same way, I think mine is broken," he joked but Apollyon gave him an annoyed glare and swatted at him with his tail ",Sorry, it was a joke. You know I moderately like you." Again she swatted him swearing he could feel a slight shock this time but ignored it."Love you too."

grumbled Apollyon.

"Busy day all ready I take it," he said noticing Emma's tired appearance while Apollyon sat herself down though facing away from them, once again ignoring Graeden.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Emma gave a strained laugh at Graeden's 'busy day' comment. "That's one way of putting it," she said. "Turns out magic isn't exactly easy to use." Holding Maia in one arm, she reached up with the other and swept leaves out of her hair.

She watched Apollyon sulk and face away. "So she's the one who acts like a cat," Emma commented. "Mine's more like a puppy." Maia chirruped and twisted round to give her a playful headbutt on the chin. As she did so, some of the twigs on her body poked against Emma's shoulder. "Ow! Careful there," Emma chuckled. "Yeah. I have the opposite problem."

These dragons were certainly interesting to observe, with their varying natures and behaviour. Even so, she hoped for Graeden's sake that Apollyon would grow out of the attitude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 42 min ago

Graeden Yourshaw

"Oh how I envy you," he joked looking over at Apollyon "The most affection I've gotten from her is a nod of agreement.". It was interesting to see how Maia treated Emma. It was far different from Apollyon, part of him was a bit envious of it, he wouldn't of minded for Apollyon to be a bit less aloof. Yet he wouldn't have it any other way only knowing the young dragon for such a short time. He knew that Apollyon had some form of love in her, she just showed it differently.

"All right Apollyon be grumpy at me all you want but at least say hello to our friends,, Graeden said which caused Apollyon to look at Emma and Maia briefly giving a brief nod to them before turning away again.

"So tell me what exactly did you do before diving down this deep rabbit hole we all find ourselves in?" he asked guinely curious. Besides that morning before meeting their dragons they had not really had a chance to get fully acquainted with everyone besides names and a few small facts about everyone "I was working through college, so I guess this is just switching majors. Only disappointment is now I won't get any money back on this classes."

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