Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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"Introductions? Well, I suppose none of us have been properly introduced." Phantom says, setting his foot (which was propped up on the wall) down and walking forward. "I'm Phantom. You don't need to know my 'real name'. It means nothing to me." He looks around at the gathered people. "As for a leader, I'd say that whoever sent us those letters intends to be the leader. If they just leave it up to us, then I have no opinion. And I most definitely won't be the leader. Not that anyone would vote for me in the first place."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"So then we have four people in favor of the team. What about you, Reaper?" Agent asked. She ignored Zack for a moment, not wanting to share her information so soon. Yes, there were more than one occurences when she showed herself to be rather naive, but this wasn't going to be one of those times. "Thank you, Techno, but I don't think I'll be sharing my identity tonight." She then turned to Sound EFX and said, "We don't really have the team get, do we don't have a leader." Personally, Agent didn't want to take the responsibilty as leader. She wasn't very old and didn't have as much experience compared to the others. She wanted someone more qualified to lead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"You do know that I already have information about you right? Technology is pretty much everywhere. You can't hide who you are from me Agent." Zack pointed out. He figured she hadn't connected his name to his ability. Hw would be honest with them even if they weren't honest with him. He didnt see the point of hiding right now. Someone already knew how and what they were. He didnt know if it was one of the people here or someone else. Either way someone knew and that made hiding and lying pointless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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"Then you have my information," Agent said with a shrug. She never kept personal devices on her when she was doing hero work, but she guessed security cameras could be a clue. "I just don't feel comfortable with telling you who I am aloud. You know, that secret identity thing. Of we do make the team, though, I'll spill."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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"Yeah, I've heard enough" Reaper said as he stood "I've been around long enough to see how this is gonna go. The heroes unite, nothing can stop them now, but there's always something bigger lurking around the corner, something that teamwork and friendship can't overcome. Something that tears you apart and spits out the bones. I've seen enough kids die for no reason, so I'll leave you a piece of advice- stop this. Live a long, happy life in peace. Trying to make a difference will get you all killed. Seeing as our mysterious letter-sender hasn't seen fit to show up, I'm out. See ya around, remember what I said"

He ignored any calls of protest and walked out of the room. Back in the van, he turned over the engine and began the long drive back down to the "Devil's Corner" district. It was early yet, he could at least make the rest of the night useful to his cause.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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"We just lost a potential team member. Whoever sent the letters should come clean before I leave, too." Phantom says, standing up. "I could be cleaning up the streets right now, instead of sitting around and twiddling my goddamn thumbs." He then shouts, mainly to anyone who could possibly be hiding in the warehouse: "Whoever wrote those letters should stop wasting my fucking time and come out here!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"Does it matter if the letter sender comes clean or not?" Agent asked. "We can make a team on our own terms, not theirs. What do you guys say? I'm in, I think Zack is. We can put our hands in the center or something," Agent said and our her hand in the center of the table. Even though Reaper was gone, she was glad the others had stayed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Phantom pauses for a moment, thinking it over. 'These people seem soft,' he thinks. 'Probably never killed before. Are probably just normal people who wanted to make a difference, and have social lives and homes and families and no mental disorders. But not me. I have nothing to fight for. No social life, no home, no family, and mental disorders. Maybe they could be my... Friends? Give me something to fight for? Maybe.

'Guess I'll have to find out.'

"... I'm in." He says, putting his gloved hand in the center of the table. "But don't think this means I'll go soft on the scum."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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@Simple Unicycle@1Hawkeyes
"I am in. With some work I might be able to find the person that wrote those letters. But I think that Agent's right. I dont think it matters. Atleast not at the moment. If we are going to working together I think we need to set down a few rules. I don't know about the rest of you I have morals that I am not willing to change. There are things I will not do." Zack told them. He was curious to see what their limits were. That would tell him alot about them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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@KatherinWinter @Simple Unicycle @King Tai

When Phantom and Zack put their hands on hers, she waited to give Sound EFX the chance to choose. "I'm not a killer," Agent admitted, "but if that's the only option, I'll do it. Yeah, bad guys can come back if you don't kill them, but sometimes they really do change." She had seen it happen with a couple drug dealers and gang members when she was younger. This didn't mean they were bad people, many of them were actually nice to talk to, but they didn't do the best thing. "As a team, I don't think our goal should be killing villains, then we'll have cops on our tails. As individuals we can do what we want. What about you Phantom? Sound EFX?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Phantom was silent. She was talking about letting those vermin, those scum get away and crawl back into their holes with their heroin and booze. But that was as a team. When they're not working together, they can do what they want. Phantom paused for a moment, before sighing in defeat. "Fine. But it won't stop me from breaking their arms and fracturing their ribs." He said. "But don't expect me to be so merciful if we go up against Polybius... I need to take that bastard down."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@Simple Unicycle@KatherinWinter@1Hawkeyes@Crossfire

Listening to all that was going on even with his earplugs in, Solomon took in the pros and cons. They lost the rough guy, Reaper and he brought up a good point but then again...there's nothing wrong with having allies if one day you're dealing with more than you could handle. Every situation was not the same. And even if they were to be independent...with their skills and powers and the line of duty they are in, there's no such this as peace, quiet, and living a long life...

As the others talked about being a team and what they'll do as part of a team, Solomon sighed but smirked for the fact they were willing to give this a try. "Okay guy....we do need rules like what the other guy said. I agree with not killing and maybe we can do what it takes to bring the bad guy in but not neae death. But if this becomes too much for us....we call quits and lay low..." he thought. "But....aight....I'll join this group. We are not bullies and we are not the police. We will need to be organized about how we do things. If its something the police can handle or get to, we can spring in and do what we do best but we are here to save lives and stop crime. We are not taking over." He mentioned.

Solomon put his hand in the middle with the others "Im in....and even though we lost a potential member...we treat him no different than we treat each other. So...since we are doing this....who is willing to lead the group and what will we call ourselves?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"This is great!" Agent said once Sound EFX confirmed his membership. As far as his question about leadership, she shook her head. "I've been doing this crime fighting thing for about two years, I don't think I'm qualified to be a leader, but I will if I have to." Then she began to think on a name. It couldn't be something cheesy, but then again it couldn't be too enforcing, like the "Justice Lords" or "Super Hero Police." They needed a name that would get the point across and inspire hope in people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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At this, Phantom raised an eyebrow. Then, he spoke to Agent: "You've only been doing this for two years? Try nine years. I've seen people like you pick up this line of work. Always hopeful and naive and just wanting to make the world a better place. I was like that, once. But something will happen. You'll become bitter. Cynical. Brutal. That's what happened to me," He said. After a bit of silence, he sighed and continued: "I'm not volunteering to be the leader or saying I'm going to leave. I'm just warning you. You're not going to stay optimistic for long."

Then, there was the topic of a name. "... The Minutemen could work. Though I think that's been used before... Perhaps the Brigade?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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Agent listened to Phantom carefully. As heroes, their emotional balance was similar to those of police and detectives. Look at the world with a bright, innocent eye, but once you see it how it truly is, you can easily give up hope. "Thanks, Phantom, but that won't be me," she vowed. Agent then listened to Phantom's name suggestions and nodded, "Brigade sounds cool. Anyone else?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@1Hawkeyes@Simple Unicycle@KatherinWinter

Listening to his newly 'heroic friends', Solomon smirked and looked at Agent "Do you feel comfortable being leader? If you want, we can share the leadership role? Either way is fine with me. And for the name...Brigade sounds cool cool...maybe we could be...The Watchers? The Protectors? Urban Squad? The Connection? Just trying names..." Solomon said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"The Brigade sounds like a bunch of fire fighters. Not a bunch of superheroes. We aren't fiRe fighters. Nor are we ordinary everyday heroes. We are superheroes. We need a name that reflex that. No villian is going to be afraid of a group named after people who put out fires with buckets." Zack informed them. They needed something impressive. Something that told the world who and what they were. It had to be simple We need something like the Justice League. Of course that one's taken. The Protectors could work although it's a little generic it's accorate."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crossfire
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Crossfire That Hockey Guy

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October 15th
10:28 P.M.
Archeron Inc.
42 San Quentin Blvd.

"I must thank you again for taking this late meeting Mr. Kaplan" Zachariah Kreiger said as he walked down the length of the boardroom table. The wizened, stout man spoke with a deep English accent and moved gingerly, as if the slightest breeze would shatter his bones. At 65, his fragility seemed alarming to most who met the CEO and Founder of the Vigilance Security Group, but the business giant held in his possession a power deeper than any amount of money could bring. A power of control.

"I can assure you that your investment with my corporation is a sound decision. At our current rate of growth, your shares would triple in growth by the end of the new year's first quarter. Of course, with a larger investment, you would guarantee a larger return"
"Yes, it seems like quite a package" Kaplan said "And Vigilance would provide a full security detail for any public events we host?"
"That and a top of the line alarm system for all of your locations"
"That is excellent. I feel I'd be amiss not to mention my concerns about..... recent events"
"Are you referring to the murder at the hotel last night? Or another incident?"
"I suppose it is all very concerning. Makes me worry about how secure my money would be"
If Kaplan had been looking directly at him, he would have noticed Kreiger's eyes flash grey, just for a split second.
"I can assure you Mr. Kaplan, this "Reaper" is nothing but a minor inconvenience. The setbacks his attacks have caused are insignificant in the long run. I've already commissioned my best man to deal with him. You will forget about him and write a cheque for double your initial investment. And we will speak no more of the matter"
"Yes sir" Kaplan droned, zombie-like "I will forget about the vigilante and write a cheque. Let's go to my office right now"
Kreiger smiled cunningly, more to himself than anything "So glad to be in business with you Mr. Kaplan"


Reaper arrived home to find a folder lying in the mail basket. One of his informants must have come by the warehouse earlier to drop it through the door slot. Inside he found detailed photos and a breakdown of a production facility owned by Vigilance Security. A post-it note stuck to it read 'Floor 1/2- Equipment production. Seems legit. Storage and assembly area for weapons in the basement. 30-40 employees. Lancer sec. team on-site at all times. Next shipment expected October 16th, after hours. Bring something heavy'

He checked the time, he had less than 24 hours to prepare. But then again, he always loved a challenge. He sat and began to draw up a plan of attack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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"Well, brigade can also be a squad of soldiers," Agent pointed our, but thought about the names. "As much as I look up to Wonder Woman, Justice League is out. I do agree on something like The Protectors. Maybe The Defenders? It sounds a little stronger than Protectors but gets the point across the same." She then listened carefully to Sound EFX's offer on leadership. "I do feel comfortable being leader if no one else does. If age isn't a problem, I will lead the team, if there are no objections." As far as the idea about two leaders, Agent was wary. If too many people stirred the pot the team could get confused and even angry. "If I prove to be unfit for leader, perhaps you can take the role?" Agent suggested to Sound EFX. "What do you guys think?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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@KatherinWinter@1Hawkeyes@Simple Unicycle

Nodding to Agent, "yeah Defenders sounds good but thats already taken as well. So is Shield...hell might as well be called Street Guardians or something....hnmm The Enforcers? Or New Enforcers?" Solomon mentions. Listening to the last part of what Agebt said, Solomon made up his mind "Nah...Im fine...feel free to lead..." willing to give the young lady a chance.
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