@GingerBoi123@Sir Dragon@LadyRunic@Jo
"Wake up maggots! We're almost at the game grounds. You're gonna want to be in top condition when we land. Hehehehe..."
The eerie, sickly voice passed through a metal hallway littered with cells on each side labeled from 001 through 100, accompanied by an ear piercing ringing sound. Each cell had enough light from the thin rays of light seeping in through the vents or gaps between the poorly maintained doors and their arches. In each of the small, cold cells was one person with chains binding their hands and feet, as well as a fashionable, modified slave's collar around their necks. Everyone's connection to the Force had been severed, rendering any powers they had inaccessible. In front of them was a small tray with barely cooked meat and a thermos filled with warm water.
Orion | Cell 096
Orion's eyes opened up slowly as some unfamiliar voice went on an unintelligible rant somewhere distant. The groggy feeling set in as he bent forward and threw up. As his senses slowly grew clearer, he better heard the horrifying ringing just before it ended. His eyes and nose began to adjust, sensing the near-raw meat in front of him. He moved to lunge at it, but the shackles holding his hands back rang just before he could reach the tray. After trying to reach the meat again in futility, he leaned his body forward to bite into the meat and sit back upright. He ripped a part of it by pulling it away from his mouth. The young Mandalorian chewed on the ripped piece of meat in his mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it and calling out.
"Anyone else there?"