Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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Orias approached the inspection area, he was looked over, before being a given orange overalls and made to change in front of everyone. "No chance of a private booth?" He asked the guard with the stun-stock. He simply stated back through his white helmet. As he changed, they would get a chance to see his arm, it had been cut off just at the elbow and was a very simple, skeletal-like build. As he stood in nothing but his underwear, he stared at the guard. "See something you like?" Moments later, Orias hit the floor after the stun-stock was jammed in his abdomen. He didn't scream or anything, he merely grunted as he waited for his body to allow him control again as his nerves composed themselves.

"Tough bastards." The guard grunted, picking him up. "Honestly, surprised you didn't piss your pants"

"I aim to impress." He then got dressed and walked out into the courtyard and was approached by a human that seemed to know more than he should. I may need to eliminate him was the first thought to cross his mind. "I didn't trip anyone, asshole was clumsy." His formerly jokey attitude seemed fine as he closed up a little.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Sure and I am the emperor,You have the same powers as I do" Sirga said slamming the pickaxe into the rock. "I have a plan and I will need someone like you to help me, I am searching for others that can help" Sirga said showing Orias what he could do.

Looking around and quickly throwing a small stone at a guards at without touching it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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As soon as Sirga said that he had the same powers, his immediate response was to grab the man and push him around a corner to where nobody could see him, he was going to make this look like a regular "first day prison dominance" thing, but in truth, he wanted to man to stop. He slammed the man against a wall. "Alright, shut up. Unless you want to be found out and for us BOTH to be spaced, I suggest you quit it with the force powers and get your head down, because I swear, i will kill you before i let you kill us both." He then took his hands off the man. "I'll help you on one circumstance. A bunch of Nelvaanans were brought here a short time ago, I'm here to rescue them. Point me to them and we can help all of us escape when the time comes." he said.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Trix rotated the pick-ax in her hand. She hadn't minded changing in front of others but the pick-ax was odd in her hands. She wished for her blaster to she could kill every guard then get off of this rock. Her eyes flickered around, trying to find the Rodian. She was interested in teaming up since it meant getting off the this forsaken rock.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wadesauce
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As trix was glancing around, Kogo appeared next to her, smashing a large chunk of stone into several Ricks with a single swing.

if you don't want the guards to come.. I think young twi'lek should atleast pretend to work... i never got you name.

Kogo smashed another rock. Thus seems a trivial task for him.

as soon as we can.. we meet up with trandoshans and brown haired friend.. form a group.. form a plan..
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Sirga was pushed onto the wall looking the other man in the eye. 'I am glad i have your attention, and the ones you are looking for is over there" He said pointing to the Nelvaanians. They were slamming their pickaxes against the rock most of them being hit by the guards. "I have a idea but i am open to other options" Sirga said stone face looking down at Orias. His eyes looking around seeing that they were somewhat hidden form the guards.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Peering down at the newly arrived group swinging their pickaxes Arla decided these were the ones. They were chomping at their bridles, eager to escape, to run, to fight their way free. In the past there were the occasional warriors but each was surrounded by farmers and servants.
This was the most concentrated selection of fighters she'd yet seen. She was going to have to make contact with them at the end of their work day. Then, sometime in the night she would return with the keys to their cells.

All in all, the green skinned twi'lek saw it as a good plan. She just hoped none of the prisoners would do anything stupid and get themselves beaten to death first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Magister
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Brax and Rishnot had cut themselves as a single archetype when they had moved to speak; earnest. This is what piqued his interest in what they had say. The first one who spoke, Brax, held a steady, unblinking gaze. There was a steadiness to his words, and face, that in conjunction with the somewhat artificial quality to his person, pointed to one thing. Android. The other one, who more versed in the subtleties of negotiation, had also held this earnest quality. He looked experienced, if his lack of fear was anything to go by.

Roan nodded in agreement, but did not speak, as to avoid calling anymore attention to the three of them. It was important to make allies while captured. It was an extra set of eyes to watch your back, and an extra pair of hands if things got tense.

When they were called into line, he moved in front of them, a gesture of trust, as he was willing to expose his back to them.

He changed without complaint, dropping his clothes in a casual manner. His body was lined with hard, functional muscle, built through a martial training regiment, and hard living.

The pickaxe felt familiar in his hands, as did striking the rocks, destroying the rocks, and redepositing them. He glanced up at the other groups, noting the conversations, and the growing familiarity.

No brawls had broken out yet. This was good.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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@Eviledd1984 Orias watched his people working whilst being watched over closely. Nelvaanan were a proud race of warriors, they weren't going to be given much room by the guards. Especially several of the larger ones. During the Clone Wars, a large number of Nelvaanans had been captured by Seperatist Scientists and were used in an experimental Super-Soldier program. The program grotesquely mutated their bodies to hulking monstrosities. When they were rescued by the Holt Khazed, they were returned to their families. Even after 2 generations, the males still carried certain mutations. Of all of the males here, only one was still a hulking brute, obviously rather old, but still immensely strong.

"Alright, what's your plan?" He asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Trix glanced at Kogo in surprise at his sudden appearance but took his advice and shattered a rock. "Trix...my name's Trix." She muttered, glancing around at all the other inmates.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"The plan is that we mind trick the guards and prisoners to start a riot, That would be a distraction for us to steal a ship. I can pilot the ship so if you mind me flying i can transport you" Sirga said looking around seeing something moving from the corner of his eye. "When we are up in the air i will be flying us out to Edrik II so i can contact the person that can help us out further" Sirga said now looking at the other human with a blank look on his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Orias continued to look at his brothers, one of which was a warrior by the name of Kalra. Kalra had been his villages most powerful warrior, he worked away at the rockface with his pick, he was covered in scars, his right eye-socket was badly wounded and he had a muzzle on. Obviously, he hadn't gone down without a fight and obviously he had continued to fight ever since. He watched as Kalra eyed a passing guard before suddenly lunging at him, grabbing him and pulling him down into the dirt before punching his helmet several times, he was about to go in for more when a hail of stun-rounds took him down. The rest of the guards laughed. "Damn, I can't believe the overseer lets that one live." one commented.

"He's a good worker. And he's got spirit, you know how the overseer loves to crush that." said another one. He fired another stun round into Kalda's unconcious body and laughed more, before hauling him off their comrade who went to shoot him with a lethal round before being stopped by the guards. "You know the rules, he doesn't die till his spirit's crushed. The attacked guard gave the body a kick. Orias's hand shot out in anger and the guard started to grasp around his neck, before Orias stopped himself. "Hey, you alright?" asked the guard.

"Yeah... Yeah, I think I got a little... Stupid alien..." the attacked guard grunted. Orias turned around and grunted, looking around to make sure he wasn't spotted by anyone.

"I apologize... Alright, we can cause a riot, but not now. We'll need time to get a lay of the complex, find out when ships are coming in and out, find out guard patterns. Once a ship is here, 10 minutes after it lands. They'll have just started refueling it, it'll take time for them to lift off again." he said. He then stared at his new "Friend" with a cold stare "And if you double-cross me, then trust me, we will share our fate. Kept here or dead."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Sirga was smashing the rockface with the pickax looking over at the guards bullying the other prisoners. He was going to make a mental note of these guards for when the riot happens he was going to enjoy killing them. Looking over at his friend listening to what he was saying with a keen ear. "Sounds like a plan...i can help you figure the layout of this place" He said finding he was use to the part of new friends wanting him dead.

There was another part of his plan he wanted to tell but that would have to wait. "While we were talking i didn't get your name, Mine is Sirga what is yours?" He asked Orlas.
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