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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia listened to Morthos speak and her brows furrowed slightly at the mention of him being friends with Jax until otherwise told. She knew that Morthos could get Jax to come around though. "Well, you could always try being more up front with her. She likes a guy who's confident. Get up close to her, take charge. It's probably why she kissed you back to be perfectly honest." Ophelia smiled a little and shifted her body so that she sat with one leg folded beneath the other. She listened then for a short while, while Morthos spoke briefly of his family before asking her about her own.

"Well. Jax and I are twins. We were born human and luckily Jax took to being a magic user. Our father, Edgar began to train her at a young age, but my mother Mina was always strict with me because I never took to anything, and I was human. And she hated that about me. She made plans to change me as soon as I was matured enough, which happened to be 16. But up until then, she was harsh and kind of forced me to do things exactly as she wanted me to. I loved the arts, but she wanted me to be strong, a fighter like she was. I became timid and reserved instead. I'm sure she just wanted the best for me, but she went about it the wrong ways. Constantly lecturing, trying to teach me to be lie her when I didn't want to be. I try not to lecture Jax, or anyone if I can help it." She pursed her lips for a moment and then smiled gently.

"We grew up in the slums of a small village. We didn't have a lot, and still don't. There's not much to know I guess on this end either. Sorry to disappoint."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After a few minutes of Jax' help, Roxas started to feel better. He looked over at her while she had her head in her lap. "Thank you." He gasped as he crawled over to her. The whole store was staring at the two of them at this point. One of the employees walked over to them and acted all annoyed at them. "I'm sorry, but if you two can't keep it down we're going to have to ask you to leave." Roxas looked up at the man and glared at him. "If you look at us wrong again, next time I'll let the king of hell out and take your soul." The man stumbled as Roxas spoke then quickly walked the other way. Roxas continued to crawl over to Jax. "Are you okay?" He looked at her gently trying not to pass out now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax kept her eyes on the tile, rubbing at her eyes when she heard Roxas' threat. She smiled trying to hold in a laugh. She paused for a few seconds before she was full on laughing. She sat up slowly her head coming to lean back on some 'Monstero's' Ice-cream cone packs, which of course knocked them over. She started laughing again, holding her stomach as tears fell down her cheeks. She looked over at Roxas and covered her mouth trying to relax for a few moments before she nodded,"Yeah..yeah. I'm okay. It looks worse than it is. How about you? I basically just blended your brain."

She looked at him, her breathing sharp. She then looked at the customers surrounding them and waved giving them a sour look. She moved her eyes back to Roxas,"Can you walk? I can carry you if you need it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas started to stand up and smiled. “Yeah I’ll be fine. Nothing new on my end anyway. How about you? That seemed to do a number on you too.” Roxas held out his hand to Jax to help her up. He looked around and saw ice cream everywhere. “Hmm. Guess we’re going to have to pick this up.” He laughed a little. “Or we could just leave it for that asshole to clean.” He smirked.

Jax stood up slowly grabbing Roxas’ hand, she picked up her scythe as well trying not to groan as the kinks in her body began to whine at her. After she stood up she let go of his hand, looking down at the ice cream, "I say we leave it for the asshole.” She walked forward opening the freezer and taking out a new tub. She looked it over and chucked it over her shoulder before grabbing the one behind it, "That one too.” She smiled then moved closer to Roxas, sighing, "You like pumpkin pie?”

Roxas smiled then took the ice cream from Jax. “Yeah, but not this one.” He tossed it behind them then grabbed two more. “Wanna see something funny?” He smiled and brought the Ice cream to the check out. “Hi yes I’m only buying this one.” He handed over the one ice cream, “And this I’m taking as compensation for your shitty service.” He took in and put it in the bag. Roxas looked over at Jax and smiled. “Come on, I think we deserve this.” He found two plastic spoons and handed her one then opened up the ice cream in front of the whole store.

Jax watched as Roxas spurned the employee and tried to repress a laugh. She covered her mouth trying not to ruin it as the employee’s face went from red to redder. She took the spoon then dug in taking a scoop from the tub. Jax smiled, "Oh shit. Yeah that’s good!” She nodded towards the door, "Come on demon brain..let’s go back home. There’s pie and for the moment I don’t mind your existence.” She stuck out his tongue took another scoop and then headed out the door into the night, enjoying the cool breeze on her cheeks. She noted that he followed her and she turned, "I’m sorry about your friend by the way...I would have loved to meet her. She probably could have taught me alot.”

Roxas took a bite of the ice cream and followed behind Jax. “It’s okay… There’s nothing I can do about it now. I’m doing everything I can right now. It’s a bit late, but it’s something…” He stopped and whispered. “Even if it is killing me.” He paused for a second then had some more ice cream. “Shitty thing is I used to be content with that, but now I can’t die.” He walked over to the fountain and sat down with the tub in his lap. “You really would have liked Celti. She was a lot like you. It’s kinda scary how you two are alike.” He laughed to himself. “Hey we really got off on the wrong foot the other day. I hope we can start again sometime. I also greatly appreciate the help. Don’t know what would have happened if we didn’t perform that in time. Each day gets worse and worse. The only time I feel like nothing’s going to happen is when I have my mask on.”

Jax listened quietly, blushing a bit when he mentioned the similarities between the two of them. She walked over to the fountain sitting beside him and taking another spoonful of ice cream as he talked about his affliction. Jax waited until he was finished before she turned serious, "Honestly Roxas, I have no idea how the hell you have kept..him..locked up for so long without being an exorcist yourself. As I said I work for an..unconventional god so my methods may be a bit off field from Celti’s..work, but if you need me to do that again I will. I also meant what I said. When you are ready I will help you destroy him.” She leaned forward, "You know what this means though. I think it means we have to become friends god damnit. I was just starting to hate you to.” She smiled over at him, "Plus I have to watch your ass if you’re going to be ‘dating’ my sister. Bonded to my sister.” She crinkled her nose a bit, “I really was being an ass earlier to. Honestly...it’s a good thing we met the way we did. I probably would have hit on you and pissed off the hell out of my sister.” She laughed taking another spoonful of ice cream, “By the way what are your intentions with my sister…”

Roxas laughed at her comment about hating him. “Yeah well I seem to give that impression to a lot of people. To answer your question though I’d have to show you.” He grimaced then stood up, turning around so his back was facing Jax. “You’re not going to like this.” He took his blazer off then unbuttoned his shirt. As he took it off, a large pentagram covered his whole back. “This is how I hold him in my head. My mask helps a bit, but it also doesn’t at the same time.” He took his shirt and buttoned it back up, then put his blazer back on. “Don’t tell Ophelia yet please. I haven’t had a chance to tell her and I want her to like me before I freak her out.” He smiled slightly at Jax. “As for my intentions, I just want to be there for her. I’ve never been needed by anyone my whole life so it’s kinda nice to have someone who needs me for a change.” He sat back down and had some more ice cream. “Well hey let’s meet up in the arena and take out all our frustrations with each other then start a new. I think we could be really good friends if we tried to be.” He laughed then smiled over at Jax.

Jax’s eyes widened as Roxas started to take off his shirt. She was about to comment on his inappropriate behavior when she saw the pentagram. She stood looking at the intricate work, noting how much it reminded her of the cross she bared on her own back. She kept that thought to herself though and listened patiently as he pleaded with her not to tell Ophelia about his current state. She spoke evenly, her tone slightly restrained, “I don’t like holding things back from her. I’m a terrible liar, and I blurt out things when I get angry so I will promise that I will ‘try’ to restrain myself from telling her.”

She paused, looking at him evenly, “However, tell her soon, and don’t worry..she won’t freak out. She is head over heels for you. Which is why I am freaking out. How people think that they can fall in love that fast is beyond me.” She thought about Morthos for a few minutes, feeling slightly hypocritical. She blushed looking at her hands for a few minutes before laughing at Roxas’ issue of a challenge, "Face each other in the ring eh? You are so on. Don’t think I’m gonna take it easy on you, because you’re dating my sister either.” She nudged him, beginning to feel more comfortable as she had another scoop of icecream, “Let me ask your opinion on something..Do you..no..nevermind. It’s a stupid question.”

Roxas laughed as Jax was talking smack. “You know I have the king of hell in my head right? A plus to that is I get to use his powers.” He laughed then ate more ice cream. He could definitely tell he was starting to feel closer to jax. He noticed Jax stumbling on her words though when she was about to ask him something. “Ask a way. I probably have an answer for you. I was once told there was no such thing as stupid questions. Then again that guy was killed in a hunt, but let’s not worry about that. So go ahead and ask.” He smiled at her and handed over the tub of ice cream. “Also on a side note. We’ve really hit this thing hard.”

Jax dug out a few more scoops, noting that she was close to hitting bottom, "Damn. You’re right..and okay. Here it goes. How long does it take...before someone gives up on liking you...romantically? For me it doesn’t take that long but as a guy..if you get rejected does it take you long to jump on the rebound…” She was blushing deep red now, "It’s just a question for another friend. Not me of course. I was just curious. Also you haven’t seen me go all out sir! I have a few friends up my sleeve.” She knew she shouldn’t be asking Roxas these questions after she literally just became his friend but she couldn’t shut down her thoughts, and she always found talking to someone about her problems made it easier. She suddenly looked over at him, "We should probably get back soon. Morthos and Ophelia are probably wondering where the hell I am.” She pulled out her phone and saw that Ophelia left a text. She sent one back saying, "Sorry. Met a...friend. Be home soon.” She looked over at Roxas handing him what’s left of the box.

Roxas immediately knew she was talking about her and Morthos, but didn’t say anything about it. “I would tell your friend that if the guy really likes her then he might keep trying. That’s just me though. Honestly Ophelia is the first and only girl I’ve ever been with so I can’t really say, but tell your friend she might have a bit of a hassle. Especially is she doesn’t like him back the same.” He smiled at her then got up with the tub. “Let’s get going then if they are waiting for you. We can make something us about me being there if you want. Because, you know, you hate me in all.” He laughed again then started towards Jax’s house. “Also we’ll see who’s the better fighter.” He turned around a winked at her.

Jax nodded, listening earnestly, "Hassle. So he might not give up..great.” She didn’t know how she was supposed to take that. She was a bif miffed that Morthos would keep trying, but she was also happy that he might try again. She blushed thinking about the kiss, eh wouldn’t be that bad...SHUT YOUR THOUGHTS DOWN! RED ALERT! RED ALERT! She stood up quickly, "YEAH! Let’s do that!” She laughed, "I could just tell them the truth. That like a beautiful princess you were in danger and I the fearless hero came to your rescue.” She stuck out her tongue at him as they walked home. She crossed her arms as he teased her and ran up behind him, so they were at an even pace. As they came up to their door she looked over at him for a few seconds, "By the way. Try not to threaten Hargul. He will literally shit in your shoes. I’ve seen it before.” She laughed opening the door, and walking in to see a slightly guilty looking Morthos and a smiling Ophelia, "I’m home. Also I hope you don’t mind. I brought home a stray."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 21 min ago

"No, it's not disappointing," Morthos told her, "I always like hearing about peoples families, not everyone can be the most interesting person." He paused a moment and realized something, "you know, I actually haven't told Jax I'm a noble yet, she just knows I'm rich....no wait, I kinda told her, I said all tieflings are from nobility. Didn't mention that I still have ties to that," Morthos laughed, "so you can tease her that her sugar daddy is gonna be a king one day if you'd like." His laughed petered out to a sigh, why was he so hung up on Jax anyways? He'd just met her, but there was just something about her that he couldn't let go of. Maybe it was fate? Any time he'd asked mom how she knew dad was the one, she just said that something in her just knew it. Morthos never liked that answer, but maybe that's what he was feeling Jax now?

At that moment Jax came through the door, with Roxas in tow no less. "Well, you have good timing, if you were any longer I would have eaten the pie on you." Whoa, phrasing Morhos, "anyways, glad you're back, nice to see you again Roxas." Morthos wasn't sure how to feel about Roxas, he clearly had some kind of demonic energy about him, but Morthos couldn't put his finger on what exactly his deal was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia's phone buzzed and she looked down to see a response finally from Jax. "Sorry, met a friend. Be home soon." Ophelia raised her eyebrows at the text, curious who Jax might had run into. "I'm not sure the fact you have money will sway her either way. I mean yes, it's not something we have readily available to us. But that just taught us to work harder for what we do have." She smiled softly, then her head turned to the door as it opened.

Jax's voice was lighthearted and she spoke while entering the house, "I’m home. Also I hope you don’t mind. I brought home a stray." Ophelia's attention shifted from Jax's face to the person standing behind her, realizing it was Roxas she was talking about. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she stood from the chair, moving toward them quickly. She looked at Jax and then to Roxas again before grabbing the bag from Roxas's hand, leaning up and kissing him, and bringing it to the kitchen. She placed it on the counter and grabbed four small plates, serving the pie to each them with the ice cream, glad it was still somewhat warm.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the question mostly to Roxas, though left it so Jax could answer as well. As far as she knew, Jax hated him. So why was she suddenly having him over to their house? This was just confusing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax lit up as she walked into the room. HARGUL ran up and jumped onto her shoulders. She walked up to Morthos after his teasing and shook one of his horns," Don't you EVEN think about it mister. Hargul is always on attack mode when food is involved!" She sat beside him after she saw Ophelia get ready to serve the food. Hargul spoke, Hargul wouldn't attack BROTHERKIN! Miss Jax don't need any pie anyway. Rump has been growing bigger." Jax's eyes narrowed,"You traitorous shit!" Hargul hopped onto Morthos shoulder,"Hargul loves Miss Jax's rump. Even if it's bigger."

Jax shifted in her seat slightly,"Moving away from the topic of ass sizes. I met Roxas at the grocery store. He needed help finding a good laxative brand. I said I could help him out, even though I've personally never used one before. Anyway we started talking, and I invited him home."

She eyed Roxas with a cheeky smile, wondering if he would follow up her story.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
Avatar of Narukami228

Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas kissed Ophelia back after she kisses him then nodded towards Morthos. He followed after Ophelia helping her set up the pie. He was caught off guard by Jax's comment, but realized she was trying to cover for the incident. "Yeah I wanted to stock up on my suplize, so I asked what she might think woukd be good." He smiled then quickly glanced over at Jax with a 'thank you' written on his face. Roxas wasn't sure hkw everyone woukd take their sudden friendship, but hey as long as Ophelia was happy. He was also pretty sure that he and Jax would have a great friendship too. His happy thoughts didn't last that long though. Roxas started to think about how long the chains would hold together this time. Once they broke it wouldn't be the same kind of pain he felt before. It could be worse. Enough of that though. He wanted to enjoy his time with everyone and would worry about that later.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 21 min ago

Morthos chuckled as Hargul jumped on him, and he tactfully decided to ignore the comment about Jax's rump. "Good pie," Morthos said, "but it's not a surprise. Pumpkin pie is the superior pie of choice, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise." Looking at the time he knew what he had to do, he rinsed off his plate in the sink and said to the group, "as much as I'd love to stay I actually have to go home tonight. But make sure you come see my fight tomorrow," he ruffled Jax's hair and waved at the other two as he left. He knew if he gave anyone else time to talk, especially Jax he'd just lose his conviction and stay.

He got home and grabbed all the materials he had gotten from the store, he didn't even know exactly what to do, but he'd figure it out. After getting that all done after several hours of work he realized he hadn't even officially challenged Honey to their fight. Luckily, you could do that online, and after a few minutes on the SPA website he got a message from Honey saying You're on, mystery man. "Well that's that then, now for the shoes," Morthos spoke to himself as he took out the pair of shoes he grabbed specifically for his fight. They were a bit like platform shoes, with a very large base, which was what he needed. After another hour or so he was as ready as he could be. He stripped down and lied in bed, he just had to beat Honey, so he could be on Jax's level. Then maybe she would....no, he couldn't think like that. This was so they could go on D tier missions together, so he could see if he was strong enough for her.

He sighed and rolled over, "you know, life was a lot simpler before I met Jax." He paused a moment, mulling over the thought, "simpler, but a lot less empty. I think I'd let her bump in to me again if I could redo that," he got himself comfy in bed and went to sleep, knowing he needed rest for his first ever public fight the next day.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
Avatar of KiraVanhelsing

KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax had her mouth full of pie when Morthos had got up to leave. She stood up going to argue him leaving, wanting him to stay longer, but her mouth was stuffed. She tried to finish in enough time but he was already roughing up her hair and out the door before she gulped. She shouted after him,"I will be there!"

After the door shut she turned back to her pie and shoveled more in, her mood simmering a bit. She eyed Roxas and Ophelia and gulped,"I think I may hit the hay too. My injuries are still pretty sore and I've really been pushing myself today plus, I have to shower and change my bandages."

She took one last bite then put her plate in the sink as well,"Leave these. I will do them before I go to bed. I mean it, Ophelia. You cooked, I will clean. If you do them...I am going to be pissed. Also, Roxas, I'm going to church tomorrow at seven. Might do you some good to cleanse that...colon of yours. Night guys."

She smirked then headed towards her bathroom, shutting the door and turning to look at the mirror. She winced noting the black eye and the bruised lip. The swelling was gone but she looked messy. She looked down at her bruised and scraped hands the exposed wet pink flesh slightly tingly. She sighed, turning to lock the door before she pulled off her clothes. Once she was in the buff she turned on the hot water and headed inside, wincing as the heat hit her scraps washing away the dirt. She looked over her shoulder seeing that the deep purple and red bruise was still very apparent. She groaned, then reached up to touch her lips, her expression turning pensive. She hadn't been kissed since three weeks ago by this punk singer named Remington. She didn't know why but kissing Morthos felt different. She felt..warm around him. She took her sponge and began to scrub, wincing as she tried to get her back and upper arms. Once she was clean she placed her hands on the walls letting the suds run down her back. She shut her eyes,"You can't Jax. You'll hurt him. You'll break his heart and you'll lose him."

She took a breath in then pulled open the curtain, grabbing a towel. She dried herself off then took out the cloth bandages. She cleaned and bandaged what she could, before brushing her teeth and heading to her room. She shoved her dirty clothes into a hamper and the floor and then grabbed out an oversized band shirt from a random guy she banged three years ago and some short shorts. She stopped, awkward for some reason in another guy's shirt. It never bothered her before, so she didn't really understand why she was peeling this one off to put on a tank top of her favorite show, "Robo-Goblin!" She immediately felt better. She headed towards the kitchen happy to see Ophelia had listened to her and cleaned the dishes. She called Hargul away from his Glamour magazines, and both of them worked on the dishes. She washed he dried and put them away. When they finished, he jumped on her shoulder and she kissed him on the head,"It's you and I till we die. Right Hargul?"

Hargul snuggled into Jax's shoulder after tweaking her nose,"You, and I, Eat all the pie! Time for sleep Miss Jax."

Jax nodded, bringing her scaly creature into the bedroom for a long slumber.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia watched as the group ate, smiling at the comments on the pie. She was happy they were enjoying it. She chewed gently on her bottom lip, Roxas standing near her. Finally though Morthos got up and mentioned he had to get going, and to come see him at his fight tomorrow. Ophelia's eyebrows raised and she grinned, feeling excited. "We will be there!" she said, meaning herself and Jax for sure. She figured Roxas would probably come too, but couldn't be sure. Jax got up shortly after Morthos left and threatened Ophelia out of doing the dishes. She smirked and nodded, knowing that Jax was serious. "Yeah yeah, don't worry."

Ophelia turned to Roxas and slid her hand into his lightly, looking up at him. She tugged him gently towards her bedroom. She wanted to ask some questions, but also wasn't sure if it was her place to ask. She shut the bedroom door behind them and moved to sit quietly on her made up bed. She loved her room, it was a safe space for her. "What was Jax talking about when you first got here? You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, but I'd like to know."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
Avatar of Narukami228

Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas complemented Ophelia on the pie then waved at Morthos as he left. "Guess I'll be there too." He said as Morthos left. Once Jax left the room, Roxas turned to Ophelia and kissed her gently. He then took the plates to the sink and started to wash them. "She can't get mad if you're not the one who did them." He smirked. Ophelia asked him about what Jax was talking about abd he remembered what she had said earlier. "She's head over heals for you." Kept running through his brain and he couldn't help but blurt it out. "I'm a walking prison for the king if hell...." He stopped washing and turned around to look at her. "I was running into the store to find some asprin to stop my headache when I ran into Jax and almost died. She helpped me lock him away again, but I don't know for how long."

Roxas started to bite on his lip a little worried what Ophelia might be thinking. He didn't want to lose her, but he couldn't keep this a secret any more. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't know how to tell you or what you would think. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me any more. I'm dangerous and I could go off any time. I don't want to hurt you. I.." He paused, still not used to the words. "I love you." He closed his eyes, waiting for her response. Not sure what to expect he went and sat down.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
Avatar of Camille Endora

Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Roxas spoke to Ophelia, but only two things registered in her mind right away. "I'm a walking prison for the king of hell...." and "I love you." She waited until he was done the dishes before making him sit on her bed. She stared at him intensely, her eyes shifting to a dark grey. She felt sick to her stomach, something that she hadn’t felt for a long time. Granted she’d been anxious and nervous before, but this was different.

“What do you mean you’re a prison for the King of Hell?” she asked, her brow furrowing and she stayed a foot or two away. “What does that mean, exactly?”

Roxas looked up at Ophelia and he knew he freaked her out. “I mean I'm literally the prison for the king of hell. You remember when I was having a problem after my fight? Yeah that was him trying to get out.” He looked down at his hands. He couldn't lose her. “I know this is scary and I know I'm a freak now. I'm sorry I should have told you before.”

“The King of Hell… Like, the Devil?” she asked again, looking at him wide eyed. She felt though like this made a lot of sense. She remembered how he smelled to her that first time she encountered him, and she knew something was different. “But why…”

“Because I wanted to protect everyone from dying. This is how Celti died. Because of me. We were trying to imprison him differently, but everything went wrong and I had to finish the ritual.” Roxas stood up and took his shirt off. He turned around to show her the pentagram on his back. “I took things into my own hands and forced Ifrit into my head. Since then I've had him in my head. It's been tough, but I make it work. There's only one problem though. The side effect.” He paused then looked back at Ophelia. “If I keep him for too long… I will die..”

“So what can be done?” Ophelia whispered after listening to his explanation. Her head was starting to hurt and she brought a hand up to rub the side of her jaw slightly. Her eyes shifted to the ground, and she chewed her lip causing her fangs to break the skin a little. “Does that mean you’ll need an exorcism?”

“No, but we'd need something similar. I hope I haven't scared you off.” Roxas brought his hands to his head and felt scared. Something he hasn't felt in a very long time. “Are you scared of me?” He looks up at her.

Ophelia brought her gaze from the floor to his face, taking in his features quietly while she debated his question in her mind. She did feel scared. But she wasn’t sure if she was scared of him, or scared of the fact he sometimes couldn’t control it. She decided on the fact that she was scared that he couldn’t control it, and cleared her throat finally before speaking up again. “I’m just afraid that you’ll lose control and hurt someone, whether that person is me or somebody else.” She thought for a moment again, then took one step towards him. “But I’m not going anywhere.”

Roxas looked up at her and took her hand. “I really don't want to be alone again.” He says softly and looks with glossy eyes up at her. “If anyone gets hurt it'll be me. It only seems to affect me.” He closes his eyes and breaths in deeply.

She let Roxas take her hand and felt his warmth against her skin. She shifted closer to him, moving to sit on his knee quietly for a moment. “Then you won’t be. I’ll be here. Stay the night with me, and go to Church tomorrow with Jax. It might make you feel better.”

“Okay.” He whispered then leaned his head against her. “I love you.” He says then leans up and kisses Ophelia gently. “I'll go with her and we’ll see what I can do.” Roxas goes and lays down on her bed and pulls Ophelia to him. He closes his eyes and almost instantly falls asleep.

"I love you too..." Ophelia was pulled to lay down against her bed in Roxas’s arms. He fell asleep quickly and she slipped from his arms for a few moments, changing into some pjs before moving to brush her teeth and hair out. She checked quickly on Jax to see her and Hargul both sound asleep, and she locked the door before moving back into Roxas’s arms. She rested her head down and closed her eyes until early, rising before the other three to make them breakfast before heading out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 21 min ago

Morthos was up bright and early that day, ready for his fight with Mitsukini. He put on one of the new outfits he got yesterday and wore his cloak on top of it all before grabbing his staff and heading out the door. As he got to the arena he figured word must have spread fast because there was a fair number of people there. Immediately he knew why, inside the arena on the big screen there was a graphic advertising the fight. Honey was a pretty popular guy, and there was a nice picture of him. The picture for Morthos was just a big question mark, everyone was wondering who was this mystery man? Well, he supposed this was his last chance to stay anonymous, but he wasn't going to take it. He only needed to be anonymous when he was scared of how he would be judged, but he didn't care about that anymore. Jax liked him, and that was good enough.

He didn't try to look for Jax and the others, they said they'd be there, they'd show up when they could. He walked to the middle of the ring the same time Honey did. Morthos threw his cloak to the side, revealing his demonic nature. He didn't listen to see if the crowd gasped or anything, but Honey looked mildly surprised before composing himself. "So you're my opponent? I look forward to seeing how you fight, good luck." Morthos just gave him a nod, he was not a man of many words, at least not when he was nervous the way he was now.

The match began and Honey was quick to action. Morthos tried throwing a simple fireball but Honey was too quick, dodging out of the way with ease and closing the distance on Morthos. He barely had time to cast a shield spell before Honey made impact and sent him flying backwards. He stayed upright but it was still a powerful blow, he had to start enacting his plan or else all of this would fall apart. He cast another spell and launched a blanket of flames in front of him, forcing Honey to jump back. Morthos began running around the arena, careful observers may notice a strange liquid coming out of his shoes, which immediately seemed to absorb in to the ground and disappear. "Har-Har Rasas," Morthos cast the spell and created a dozen smaller fireballs which would follow Honey, keeping him distracted as Morthos closed in.

Unfortunately, Honey was faster than he thought and got behind Morthos, kicking him towards the oncoming fireballs. Strangely to onlookers he seemed to be protecting his shoes rather than himself from the flames. He landed hard on the ground, no shield this time to protect him from the impact of Honeys technique. He followed up quickly, using another powerful kick to launch Morthos up in the air before jumping and landing several more blows before sending Morthos back to the ground. He managed another shield before he landed but it was rough, and he was using his staff to support himself now. Things were looking rough for the underdog mystery man.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KiraVanhelsing
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KiraVanhelsing Legends never die.

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jax woke up with her thoughts dipped in red. She stood up trying not to disturb Hargul with her movements. The little creature remained still, his thoughts probably of dresses and glitter. She moved to her closet, grabbing out some black underwear, a green blouse, jeans, and a long black jacket that fell mid-thigh. She dressed up leaving the top buttons of her shirt just open enough so that her cross necklace fell across the tops of her breasts. She then popped on her favorite boots and headed towards the bathroom. She brushed out her hair, then finished off with her teeth. She would have attempted makeup but her face was still to sore. When she walked into the living room, she noted the smell of bacon and eggs, noting that Ophelia had made breakfast. She made herself a plate, looking out the window as she gobbled up the remains of morning meal. A few moments later she saw Ophelia's door open and Roxas walked out. She raised an eyebrow,"You better have been just sleeping in there Sparky. I may be okay with you dating Ophelia..but I am not going to be okay with you two banging under this roof, and before you say a word. I go to my...partner's home."

She finished her plate and put it in the sink, her heels clicked against the shoddy hardwood as she walked over to her scythe,"Eat and let's go. Douglas get's pissed if I am late too often."

Roxas woke up and noticed he was in the same clothes as he past out in. He walked over to the mirror and brushed his hair out. He placed his glasses on then walked out to the kitchen to see Jax sitting there. He made up his plate and sat across from her. "Don't worry nothing happened." He paused for a second then looked up from his plate. "I told Ophelia everything.." He leaned back and placed his fork on the table

Jax stopped mid step turning to look at him. She paused shutting her eyes and then grabbed her scythe pulling it over her coat,"I assume she didn't change her mind about you then. I didn't think she would. She likes you. " Jax turned back to look at him, her thoughts hidden behind a smirk,"Come on, we can talk about it as we walk. I will not miss Morthos' fight, and in all honesty...we have some things to talk about before we get there.." She tightened the scythe on her back, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door,"For starters. Do you have a god?"

Roxas followed Jax, keeping up with her. "Regardless I probably scared her. And to answer your questions no I do not have a god." He held his bag close to him. "But I don't know how they would feel about this mask.." He tried to not make a big deal out of it. "Anything else you'd like to ask?"

Jax headed out, Roxas moving beside her. She shoved her fists in her jacket pockets, curiosity leaking into her voice,"Hmmm...okay. No god. How did you both trap Ilfrit then? Celti must have had a god behind her. You can't fight darkness without light. There must be something behind the spells." She moved her green eyes over to look over at him,"Was it just the two of you? If it was that's a lot to put on her shoulders, even if she was S level.."

Roxas laughed at Jax's comment about the "No god." thing. "Yeah Celti had a god, I don't remember who it was. It might have been sheiva. But there's more to me than you think. Just because I don't hsve a god doesnt mean that I'm useless." He smiled and patted his bag. He wondered what else Jax had to ask. Telling her everything now wouldn't be the best idea in the world. There was power behind his mask that even he didn't understand, but saying that seemed really stupid at the moment so he kept his mouth shut.

Jax nodded, her expression turning slightly rigid, knowing he was hiding things. She eyed the bag, thinking about his mask. Something to do with it perhaps or something else. She was unsure. She knew she wasn't being fair. She hid her own secrets, so she didn't press any further,"I know you aren't telling me everything which is fine, but if you want help getting rid of him. I am going to need to know more about his prison. and how he was captured..." Finally they arrived at the church and she touched the stone, turning to look at him, her expression serious," Before we go in, I am going to tell you why I brought you here. Celti may have told you quite a bit about exorcism, but every god has their own rules, their own demons, their own deadlights. My god is different. He is older than that. He doesn't follow the rules of other gods. It's part of the foundation. " She opened her mouth to continue but stopped, "Look, I don't talk about him often, and I sure as hell don't like sharing my secrets either, but I am giving you this information in the hopes that you can trust me a little. When you head inside, I have to go with Douglas. I reccomend you head down the corridor opposite of us. You aren't allowed down there but I am sure you can find a way in. I will keep Douglas busy for 15 minutes. When I walk back to wait for me behind the door. Don't ask what's down there or what we are doing because I am not going to tell you."

Roxas nodded and listened. "You helpped me out a lot yesterday so I think I can trust you." He smiled as he was already excited to be able to sneak in. "Before we go in though I need to change. This'll be for our own good." He pulled out his fighting clothes and mask and quickly put them on. He didn't put his mask on yet though, he wanted to wait until the doors opened for that. "I hope it's dark in there because this'll really help." He pointed at his dark clothes. "Also once we are down there I'll tell you more about his prison."

Jax nodded turning around as he changed. When he was ready she turned back and then opened the doors,"Okay. I will meet you back here when my...when I'm done. Okay." She headed inside walking over to Douglas thinking of the one thing she knew he would shy away from. Naked boys. She forced naughty angry images of half-naked goblins, elves, mages, and sexy devil boys in her brain. "Douglas baby! I'm here! I don't have time to talk today. So let's get this shin-dig on the road so that I can get to my new friends fight at SPA! Got it?" He just shook his head,"JESUS! You come into his home with those thoughts. Jax...please try to be mindful of god..." Jax stuck out her tongue, walking down a corridor, her heels hitting the stone hard,"I just admire his work. If he didn't want me to look then he shouldn't have provided such beautiful examples. Anyway, I hope you don't mind if my friend hangs out in the pews while we do this." She didn't give him a chance to respond heading towards the familiar room of angels and devils. When they reached the right corridor she stopped stretching, towards the opposite corridor, showing Roxas the way he should go before her and the priest disappeared in their own room.

Once the door opened Roxas placed his mask on and waited for Jax by the door she pointed out. He didn't really like the feel of the church, but that being said he didn't like most churches. He never really believed in a god. Didn't really work out for him to much in the past. After a few minutes, he picked the lock on the door and entered. No one saw him or if they did they didn't care. He closed the door behind him and waited for Jax to arrive.

After about ten minutes Jax came out, her expression exhausted but refreshed. Douglas followed a few minutes later then she stopped whispering something to him. He nodded and headed down the corridor. When the coast was clear she moved to the other room, opening the door and walking in. She nodded to Roxas putting a finger in front of her lips. She smiled, moving over to another door and walking through it. After a few turns and moving up a few stairs they came to a room with a large white line on the door. She paused, her heart rate going up as she stepped forward opening it. She looked over at Roxas urging him to enter first. After he did she entered in after him. She shut the door behind him taking in the room. It would be a startling picture. The walls were covered in latin scripture, written so small from ceiling to floor in a deep reddish brown liquid. Billions of thin red words seared against the candlelight. She looked over at Roxas and spoke very softly,"Do you feel any different in here?"

Roxas walked into the room and immediately felt rigged. 'The fuck are you doing here?' Ifrit growled. Roxas ignored him then turned to Jax. "What is this place?" He looked a little off but you wouldn't be able to tell since his mask is on. "His prison is literally all of me. He is bound to me and my soul. My heart is strong enough to hold him in, but over time it can change. He grows stronger every day and if I can't hold him in I could die while he works his way out of me. Right now we have reached an agreement that he can have a bit more freedom in me, as long as I can use some of his powers." He explained and hoped that she could understand it all.

Jax watched him intensely eyeing his movements. It was hard to tell a change with the mask on. She listened patiently, her thoughts turning inward when he was finished,"I understand. Thankyou...for trusting me with this....we have to go. Ophelia should have already arrived at SPA and Morthos is waiting as well." She walked over to the wall touching the words and shivering, "This place is where my parents took me after I had my accident. I wouldn't speak and all I wanted to do was write this crap at home and I wouldn't talk so they decided to bring me to this church. The priests brought me in here and gave me a quill and just let me go at it. It took me three days but I wrote this." She looked over at him,"Yes I am aware how disgusting this place looks but I am proud of it." She laughed,"It's um a blood contract I made with my god. My declaration so to speak against evil. All exorcists have one. I have a theory that bonding with Ophelia may have brought about the pain. You say your heart is strong enough to hold him, but now you have to share part of it with someone else. I would suggest performing an action or an act of faith in something. You have to compensate somehow to increase your strength." She opened the door and stepped out,"Oh and by the way, Ophelia doesn't know about this..and I would like to keep it that way. You don't have to choose my god but keep what I said in mind. It may help you in the future." She gave him a tight smile, trying not to show her actual thoughts. She headed out then moved back the way they came remaining silent as they exited the church and headed to SPA.

Roxas just nodded and listend as Jax was talking. "I'm sorry that happened to you." He said to her. "You might be right though. I have felt a little different after what happened with Ophelia. But lets get to the fight. We can talk about this later." He started his way to SPA. He just wanted to see Ophelia.

Jax gave a short smile as they made their way to SPA,"Don't be sorry..it was meant to happen I think. I'm a tough girl. A little bit of blood doesn't scare me." As they made it to SPA she headed in finding Ophelia by the stands. She stopped looking over at Roxas,"I didn't show you that room to be a show-off. I showed you that room because you need to know that a certain amount of sacrifice is needed to keep your faith and your heart strong. The best advice I can offer at the moment." She waved to Ophelia then headed up,"Gah..so serious. HEY GIRL! Sorry church ran so long!" She called down to the arena seeing Morthos walking in,"KICK HIS ASS MORTHOS!!!!" She sat on the opposite side of her sister and watched the fight. Her hands started to glow as Morthos was hit. He was strong though, the fireballs exciting as they entered the fight. When he was sent to the ground she gripped the edge of her seat her nails digging into the wood,"Come on...you can do this!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia had left by the time that Roxas and Jax got up. She had made bacon and eggs for them, and left both in pans on the stove with lids to keep the food hot. She headed out after changing into a new outfit, for once wearing shoes to go with it. She never considered the fact that she rarely wore footwear odd, but was beginning to realize that maybe it was because it felt more natural. Maybe she had a likeness for the Earth like her father, but never developed the affinity for it. She shrugged a little, her bow moving against her back with the motion. Her hair flowed around her shoulders and down her back, the braid kept in tact only by a thin black hair tie.

She chewed her lip, wishing she could break the habit of doing so, but couldn't quite seem to get herself to stop. Morthos was fighting today and she was going to be there to witness it, whether anyone else cared or not. She really liked Morthos. She knew that he could be good for Jax, and secretly she was rooting for them. She snickered to herself slightly, shaking her head a moment before finding her way to the arena and heading up into the stands. Morthos had began his fight, and a little bit after, Jax and Roxas appeared, one on either side of her. She slid her hand into Roxas' and then turned her attention to Jax once she spoke. "Gah..so serious. HEY GIRL! Sorry church ran so long!"

"It's okay. Everything go alright?" She asked, her head facing Jax, but her eyes on Morthos.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 21 min ago

Honey was looking pleased with himself, "I have to say, you've put up a good fight, but you can't beat me with that slow magic of yours." Morthos of course knew he was right, that's why he had his plan made beforehand.

"As long as I can stand, you haven't won," Morthos growled out to him, "Har-Har Rasas." The small fireballs once more followed Honey, this time they were faster though, he was unable to dodge them all and was caught in a couple explosions. Morthos made sure the fire stayed off the ground, it wasn't time for that yet. Morthos continued casting and walking around the arena, trying to cover as much of it on foot as he could.

But Honey got away from the fireballs and knocked Morthos back again with a powerful punch. "It's over Morthos, concede before I have to really hurt you."

Morthos didn't need to concede though, he knew it, Honey had fallen right in his trap. Morthos was on one knee, one hand on the ground the other holding his staff. He just laughed and Honey looked very confused, then he said the magic words, "Ignis." An incredibly fast moving wave of flames moved along the ground, faster than Honey could react to move away. It didn't cause much damage, but it left the arena incredibly warm. Morthos stood and said, "fine Honey, if you can get over here, I'll concede." Honey tried to move but he was stuck to the ground, and try as he might he wasn't moving.

"What's the matter? Found yourself in a sticky situation?" Morthos was panting, but he had all the time he wanted now. "I knew my magic was slow and telegraphed. But slow magic doesn't matter against an immobile target, that's why I was moving around so much, not just to avoid you." He stomped his shoe to let out some of the liquid, "it's something I cooked up, combination of potion ingredients and an incantation. Does nothing on its own, you could even drink it, but when it's heated, it creates an incredibly sticky substance."

Something occurred to Honey, "but...you must be out of mana, there's no way you can take me now." Morthos chuckled, aimed to the side of Honey and said "Har-Har Infigar" A large explosion occurred right next to him, "I have a large mana reserve, next one's coming at you, admit it, I won."

Honey let out a large sigh, "okay, you win," he looked at the ref, "I concede." With those two words the match was over, Morthos released the magic so Honey could move as he heard the crowd cheering. He went with the medical examiner to the med bay to get patched up. He'd won, he was now the same level as Jax.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Narukami228
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Narukami228 A Phantom Thief saving society one heart at a time

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When they got back to SPA, Ophelia was standing there waiting. She came up to Roxas and slid her hand into his. He smiled down at her and kissed her cheek. "Everything's okay." He flashed his charming smile at her. "Don't you two have a fight to go to?" You could hear the crowd at the arena from the gates. It sounded like there was going to be a huge fight. "I have something I need to do. I'll try to make it to the fight."

Roxas kissed Ophelia then nodded at Jax. There was something he needed to talk to the guild leader with. Making his way through the crowd, Roxas worked up to guild master Rays. Ray was a nice man, but incrediblely powerful. He also ended up being the only friend Roxas had left. Aside from Ophelia and Jax that is. He still didn't know how to feel about Morthos yet but was willing to give him a chance. If Jax could become his friend then probably anyone could.

Once he made it past everyone, Roxas finally made it to Rays. he knocked on the door and then entered. "Hey Ray how's it going?" Ray looked up from his desk and smiled. "Long time no see Roxas. How have you been. Haven't seen you since.... Well you know." Roxas smiled and took the chair in front of Ray. "I'm doing okay Ray. Don't worry about it I met a few people who might be able to help me." He told him everything that had happened in the last few days. He even told him about what happened with Ophelia.

Ray listened to Roxas. "I think you should go for it. Now that you have a woman in your life you shouldn't waste your life keeping in the king of hell. You need to get rid of him and kill him." Roxas crossed his arms. "How do you propose I do that? We have you and me. We can't do this alone."

"Roxas you just said that you have two new friends. Ask them." Roxas didn't want to get Ophelia involved. "I'll think about it." Ray sighed then leaned over his desk. "Okay. Well you better get going. Your friends are probably waiting for you at that fight." Ray and Roxas got up and shook hands. Roxas walked back out and made his way to find Ophelia and Jax.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ophelia stood up from her seat and grabbed Jax's shoulders in her hands, shaking her slightly in excitement at Morthos's win. "Oh my gosh!" she said excitedly. "Let's go!" Ophelia grabbed Jax's wrist and tugged her down the steps towards the medics, her eyes focused. As they began to approach Morthos, two twin vampire women approached him as well, their arms outstretching instantly to grab at his biceps. "That was an amaziiiing fight. Morthos, right? Tell us how you did it!" the women giggled, their short hair spikey around their faces. Their eyes grazed his body and they bit at their lips, stepping up close to him.

Ophelia looked at Jax and read her face, which was one of almost anger. Her eyebrows were furrowed together and the smile on her face was tight and forced. Ophelia hid a smirk and approached Morthos, noticing Roxas coming up to them as well. She moved to stand at Roxas's side, sliding her hand right back into his and stood to wait for Morthos to speak while the medics tended to him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Camille Endora
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Camille Endora A simple roleplayer! With vampire tendancies.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jax squealed with Ophelia at Morthos' win. She ran along with Ophelia, hopping over into the arena and heading towards Morthos preparing to give him a large hug. She stopped short when she noticed two...WHORES...locking eyes on her..no. Morthos. Her friend. She put a smile on trying to disguise her disgust of the two vampires bitches, and walked up more slowly, shoving her hands into her pockets,"Are we interrupting?"

She looked down at the ladies, enjoying the fact that she was taller than them. Look she was hot. She knew she was hot, hell if she wanted she could have most guys begging on their knees for a night with her. So why the hell was she so threatened of these hoe-bats? One of the girls looked up at her and gave her the stink eye before turning back to Morthos waiting for a response. Jax pulled back, shoving her hands into her pockets as she tried to hide her seething jealousy.
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